/- Checking 100334 declarations (plus 96066 automatically generated ones) in mathlib with 1 linters -/ /- The `explicit_vars_of_eq_iff` linter reports: -/ /- EXPLICIT VARIABLES ON BOTH SIDES OF EQUALITY OR IFF -/ -- algebra/add_torsor.lean #check @vsub_eq_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g2, g1 -/ #check @vsub_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p1 -/ #check @vadd_vsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @vadd_vsub_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p2, p1, g -/ #check @vsub_add_vsub_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p3, p1 -/ #check @neg_vsub_eq_vsub_rev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p2, p1 -/ #check @vsub_vadd_eq_vsub_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, p2, p1 -/ #check @vsub_sub_vsub_cancel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p2, p1 -/ #check @eq_vadd_iff_vsub_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p2, g, p1 -/ #check @set.singleton_vsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s -/ #check @set.vsub_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s -/ #check @set.mem_vsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @set.set_vadd_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s -/ #check @vadd_vsub_vadd_cancel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v₂, v₁ -/ #check @vsub_sub_vsub_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p2, p1 -/ #check @vadd_vsub_vadd_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p2, p1 -/ #check @vsub_vadd_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p3, p2, p1 -/ #check @vsub_sub_vsub_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₄, p₃, p₂, p₁ -/ #check @prod.fst_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, v -/ #check @prod.snd_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, v -/ #check @prod.mk_vadd_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p, v', v -/ #check @prod.fst_vsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂, p₁ -/ #check @prod.snd_vsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂, p₁ -/ #check @prod.mk_vsub_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂', p₁', p₂, p₁ -/ #check @equiv.coe_vadd_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @equiv.coe_vadd_const_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @equiv.coe_const_vsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @equiv.coe_const_vsub_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @equiv.coe_const_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, P -/ #check @equiv.const_vadd_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @equiv.const_vadd_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v₂, v₁, P -/ #check @equiv.point_reflection_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @equiv.point_reflection_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @equiv.point_reflection_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- algebra/algebra/basic.lean #check @ring_hom.algebra_map_to_algebra /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @algebra.smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ #check @algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @algebra.commutes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ #check @algebra.left_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, r, x -/ #check @algebra.right_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, r, x -/ #check @algebra.mul_smul_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, s -/ #check @algebra.smul_mul_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, r -/ #check @algebra.linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, A, R -/ #check @algebra.coe_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, R -/ #check @algebra.id.map_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @algebra.id.smul_eq_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @algebra.algebra_map_prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @algebra.algebra_map_of_subring /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @algebra.coe_algebra_map_of_subring /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @algebra.algebra_map_of_subring_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @algebra.mul_sub_algebra_map_commutes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x -/ #check @algebra.mul_sub_algebra_map_pow_commutes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, r, x -/ #check @mul_opposite.algebra_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @module.algebra_map_End_eq_smul_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, M, R -/ #check @module.algebra_map_End_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, a, M, R -/ #check @module.ker_algebra_map_End /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, K -/ #check @alg_hom.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alg_hom.to_ring_hom_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alg_hom.coe_to_ring_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alg_hom.coe_to_monoid_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alg_hom.coe_to_add_monoid_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alg_hom.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @alg_hom.congr_arg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @alg_hom.commutes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @alg_hom.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r, φ -/ #check @alg_hom.map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, φ -/ #check @alg_hom.map_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, φ -/ #check @alg_hom.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r, φ -/ #check @alg_hom.map_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, φ -/ #check @alg_hom.map_finsupp_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, φ -/ #check @alg_hom.map_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, φ -/ #check @alg_hom.map_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, φ -/ #check @alg_hom.coe_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alg_hom.coe_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @alg_hom.id_to_ring_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @alg_hom.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @alg_hom.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ₂, φ₁ -/ #check @alg_hom.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, φ₂, φ₁ -/ #check @alg_hom.comp_to_ring_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ₂, φ₁ -/ #check @alg_hom.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @alg_hom.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @alg_hom.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ₃, φ₂, φ₁ -/ #check @alg_hom.to_linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, φ -/ #check @alg_hom.comp_to_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @alg_hom.of_linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @alg_hom.of_linear_map_to_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @alg_hom.to_linear_map_of_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alg_hom.map_list_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, φ -/ #check @alg_hom.map_multiset_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, φ -/ #check @alg_hom.map_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, φ -/ #check @alg_hom.map_finsupp_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, φ -/ #check @alg_hom.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, φ -/ #check @alg_hom.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, φ -/ #check @alg_hom.map_int_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @alg_hom.map_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, φ -/ #check @alg_hom.map_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, φ -/ #check @alg_hom.injective_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @rat.smul_one_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @alg_equiv.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @alg_equiv.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @alg_equiv.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @alg_equiv.to_ring_equiv_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @alg_equiv.coe_ring_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @alg_equiv.coe_ring_equiv' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @alg_equiv.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, e -/ #check @alg_equiv.map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, e -/ #check @alg_equiv.commutes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @alg_equiv.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r, e -/ #check @alg_equiv.map_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, e -/ #check @alg_equiv.map_finsupp_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, e -/ #check @alg_equiv.to_alg_hom_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @alg_equiv.coe_alg_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @alg_equiv.coe_ring_hom_commutes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @alg_equiv.map_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, e -/ #check @alg_equiv.symm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @alg_equiv.mk_coe' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @alg_equiv.symm_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₅, h₄, h₃, h₂, h₁, f', f -/ #check @alg_equiv.apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @alg_equiv.symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @alg_equiv.symm_trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @alg_equiv.coe_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @alg_equiv.trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @alg_equiv.arrow_congr_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, e₃, e₁ -/ #check @alg_equiv.arrow_congr_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂', e₂, e₁', e₁ -/ #check @alg_equiv.arrow_congr_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @alg_equiv.coe_alg_hom_of_alg_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alg_equiv.of_alg_hom_coe_alg_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alg_equiv.of_alg_hom_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁, g, f -/ #check @alg_equiv.of_bijective_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @alg_equiv.to_linear_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, e -/ #check @alg_equiv.to_linear_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @alg_equiv.to_linear_equiv_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @alg_equiv.to_alg_hom_to_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @alg_equiv.to_linear_equiv_to_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @alg_equiv.to_linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e -/ #check @alg_equiv.trans_to_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @alg_equiv.of_linear_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, l -/ #check @alg_equiv.of_linear_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: commutes, map_mul, l -/ #check @alg_equiv.of_linear_equiv_to_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @alg_equiv.to_linear_equiv_of_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @alg_equiv.mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @alg_equiv.aut_congr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ψ, ϕ -/ #check @alg_equiv.aut_congr_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ϕ -/ #check @alg_equiv.aut_congr_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ψ, ϕ -/ #check @alg_equiv.smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @alg_equiv.map_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, e -/ #check @alg_equiv.map_finsupp_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, e -/ #check @alg_equiv.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e -/ #check @alg_equiv.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, e -/ #check @alg_equiv.map_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e -/ #check @alg_equiv.map_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, e -/ #check @mul_semiring_action.to_alg_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, m, A -/ #check @mul_semiring_action.to_alg_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g, A -/ #check @mul_semiring_action.to_alg_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g, A -/ #check @ring_hom.map_rat_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @algebra.of_id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, A -/ #check @algebra_map_int_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @pi.algebra_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, a, f -/ #check @pi.eval_alg_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, i -/ #check @pi.const_alg_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, a, B, A -/ #check @pi.const_ring_hom_eq_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, R -/ #check @pi.const_alg_hom_eq_algebra_of_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, R -/ #check @algebra_compatible_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, r -/ #check @algebra_map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, r -/ #check @smul_algebra_smul_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, a, r -/ #check @linear_map.coe_restrict_scalars_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.coe_coe_is_scalar_tower /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.ker_restrict_scalars /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, R -/ #check @submodule.span_eq_restrict_scalars /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, M, R -/ #check @alg_hom.comp_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, h, I, f -/ -- algebra/algebra/bilinear.lean #check @algebra.lmul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @algebra.lmul_left_to_add_monoid_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @algebra.lmul_right_to_add_monoid_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @algebra.lmul_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @algebra.lmul_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @algebra.lmul_left_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, vw -/ #check @algebra.lmul_left_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @algebra.lmul_right_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @algebra.lmul_left_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @algebra.lmul_right_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @algebra.pow_lmul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @algebra.pow_lmul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ -- algebra/algebra/operations.lean #check @submodule.span_mul_span /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S, R -/ #check @submodule.mul_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, N, M -/ #check @submodule.one_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @submodule.mul_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @submodule.mul_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, N, M -/ #check @submodule.sup_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, N, M -/ #check @submodule.map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, N, M -/ #check @submodule.mul_eq_span_mul_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @submodule.supr_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @submodule.mul_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, t -/ #check @submodule.mul_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M -/ #check @submodule.prod_span /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, s -/ #check @submodule.prod_span_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @submodule.smul_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, a -/ #check @submodule.map_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, J, I -/ -- algebra/algebra/restrict_scalars.lean #check @restrict_scalars_smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, M, S, R -/ #check @restrict_scalars.linear_equiv_map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, t, M, S, R -/ -- algebra/algebra/spectrum.lean #check @spectrum.unit_smul_eq_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, a -/ #check @spectrum.left_add_coset_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, a -/ #check @spectrum.scalar_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @spectrum.smul_eq_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, k -/ #check @spectrum.nonzero_mul_eq_swap_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @spectrum.map_polynomial_aeval_of_degree_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, a -/ #check @spectrum.map_polynomial_aeval_of_nonempty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, a -/ -- algebra/algebra/subalgebra.lean #check @subalgebra.coe_to_subsemiring /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subalgebra.coe_copy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subalgebra.copy_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subalgebra.coe_to_subring /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subalgebra.mem_to_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subalgebra.coe_to_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subalgebra.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, S -/ #check @subalgebra.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, S -/ #check @subalgebra.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @subalgebra.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @subalgebra.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r, S -/ #check @subalgebra.coe_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @subalgebra.coe_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, S -/ #check @subalgebra.coe_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subalgebra.coe_eq_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subalgebra.coe_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subalgebra.val_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @subalgebra.to_subsemiring_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subalgebra.to_subring_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subalgebra.mul_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subalgebra.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subalgebra.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, S -/ #check @subalgebra.coe_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, S -/ #check @subalgebra.mem_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, S -/ #check @subalgebra.coe_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, S -/ #check @alg_hom.mem_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @alg_hom.coe_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @alg_hom.range_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @alg_hom.val_comp_cod_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alg_hom.coe_cod_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @alg_hom.injective_cod_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alg_hom.mem_equalizer /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, ψ, ϕ -/ #check @alg_equiv.of_left_inverse_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @alg_equiv.of_left_inverse_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @alg_equiv.of_injective_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @algebra.map_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S, f -/ #check @algebra.coe_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @algebra.inf_to_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @algebra.inf_to_subsemiring /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @algebra.coe_Inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @algebra.Inf_to_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @algebra.Inf_to_subsemiring /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @algebra.infi_to_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @algebra.map_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @algebra.bot_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, R, F -/ #check @algebra.top_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @algebra.top_equiv_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @subalgebra.range_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subalgebra.inclusion_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @subalgebra.inclusion_inclusion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, htu, hst -/ #check @subalgebra.coe_inclusion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subalgebra.equiv_of_eq_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h, T, S -/ #check @subalgebra.equiv_of_eq_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, T, S -/ #check @subalgebra.equiv_of_eq_rfl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subalgebra.equiv_of_eq_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hTU, hST, U, T, S -/ #check @subalgebra.coe_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S₁, S -/ #check @subalgebra.prod_to_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S₁, S -/ #check @subalgebra.supr_lift_inclusion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @subalgebra.supr_lift_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @subalgebra.supr_lift_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @subalgebra.smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, g -/ #check @subalgebra.algebra_map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subalgebra.srange_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subalgebra.range_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subalgebra.coe_pointwise_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, m -/ #check @subalgebra.pointwise_smul_to_subsemiring /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, m -/ #check @subalgebra.pointwise_smul_to_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, m -/ #check @subalgebra.pointwise_smul_to_subring /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, m -/ #check @subalgebra.coe_center /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @subalgebra.center_to_subsemiring /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @subalgebra.center_to_subring /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @subalgebra.center_eq_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, R -/ -- algebra/algebra/tower.lean #check @algebra.lsmul_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, M -/ #check @algebra.lmul_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, R -/ #check @is_scalar_tower.algebra_map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ #check @is_scalar_tower.algebra_map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, R -/ #check @is_scalar_tower.algebra_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, A, R -/ #check @is_scalar_tower.to_alg_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, A, S -/ #check @is_scalar_tower.coe_to_alg_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, S -/ #check @is_scalar_tower.coe_to_alg_hom' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, S -/ #check @alg_hom.map_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @alg_hom.comp_algebra_map_of_tower /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @alg_hom.restrict_scalars_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @alg_hom.coe_restrict_scalars /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alg_hom.coe_restrict_scalars' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alg_equiv.restrict_scalars_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @alg_equiv.coe_restrict_scalars /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alg_equiv.coe_restrict_scalars' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @subalgebra.restrict_scalars_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @subalgebra.restrict_scalars_to_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @is_scalar_tower.adjoin_range_to_alg_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, A, S, R -/ #check @submodule.span_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ -- algebra/associated.lean #check @associated_zero_iff_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @associates.quotient_mk_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @associates.quot_mk_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @associates.mk_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @associates.mk_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @associates.is_unit_iff_eq_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @associates.prime_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @associates.irreducible_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- algebra/big_operators/associated.lean #check @prime.dvd_finset_prod_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ -- algebra/big_operators/basic.lean #check @finset.sum_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.prod_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.sum_eq_multiset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.prod_eq_multiset_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.sum_eq_fold /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.prod_eq_fold /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.sum_multiset_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, g -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, g -/ #check @mul_equiv.map_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, g -/ #check @add_equiv.map_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, g -/ #check @ring_hom.map_list_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @ring_hom.map_list_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @ring_hom.unop_map_list_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @ring_hom.map_multiset_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @ring_hom.map_multiset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @ring_hom.map_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, g -/ #check @ring_hom.map_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, g -/ #check @monoid_hom.coe_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.finset_prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, s, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.finset_sum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, s, f -/ #check @finset.prod_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e, s -/ #check @finset.sum_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e, s -/ #check @finset.prod_filter_mul_prod_filter_not /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.sum_filter_add_sum_filter_not /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.sum_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.prod_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @equiv.perm.prod_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @equiv.perm.sum_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @equiv.perm.prod_comp' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s, σ -/ #check @equiv.perm.sum_comp' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s, σ -/ #check @is_compl.prod_mul_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @is_compl.sum_add_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.prod_mul_prod_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sum_add_sum_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sum_compl_add_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.prod_compl_mul_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.prod_sum_elim /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, t, s -/ #check @finset.sum_sum_elim /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, t, s -/ #check @finset.sum_sigma /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @finset.prod_sigma /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @finset.prod_sigma' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @finset.sum_sigma' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @finset.sum_fiberwise_of_maps_to /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.prod_fiberwise_of_maps_to /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sum_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @finset.prod_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @finset.sum_subtype_eq_sum_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.prod_subtype_eq_prod_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sum_subtype_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.prod_subtype_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sum_finset_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @finset.prod_finset_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @finset.sum_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.prod_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sum_apply_dite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @finset.prod_apply_dite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @finset.sum_apply_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @finset.prod_apply_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @finset.prod_dite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finset.sum_dite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finset.sum_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finset.prod_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finset.sum_ite_of_false /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @finset.prod_ite_of_false /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @finset.sum_ite_of_true /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.prod_ite_of_true /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.prod_apply_ite_of_false /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, g -/ #check @finset.sum_apply_ite_of_false /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, g -/ #check @finset.prod_apply_ite_of_true /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, f -/ #check @finset.sum_apply_ite_of_true /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, f -/ #check @finset.prod_extend_by_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.sum_extend_by_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.prod_dite_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, s -/ #check @finset.sum_dite_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, s -/ #check @finset.sum_dite_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, s -/ #check @finset.prod_dite_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, s -/ #check @finset.sum_ite_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, s -/ #check @finset.prod_ite_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, s -/ #check @finset.prod_ite_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, s -/ #check @finset.sum_ite_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, s -/ #check @finset.prod_ite_index /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s, p -/ #check @finset.sum_ite_index /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s, p -/ #check @finset.prod_dite_irrel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s, p -/ #check @finset.sum_dite_irrel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s, p -/ #check @finset.sum_pi_single' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, x, i -/ #check @finset.sum_pi_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, i -/ #check @finset.prod_dite_of_false /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @finset.sum_dite_of_false /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @finset.prod_dite_of_true /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sum_dite_of_true /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sum_range_succ_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @finset.prod_range_succ_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @finset.sum_range_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @finset.prod_range_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @finset.sum_range_succ' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @finset.prod_range_succ' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @finset.sum_range_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n, f -/ #check @finset.prod_range_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n, f -/ #check @finset.prod_range_add_div_prod_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n, f -/ #check @finset.sum_range_add_sub_sum_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n, f -/ #check @finset.prod_range_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sum_range_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sum_multiset_map_count /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.prod_multiset_map_count /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.prod_multiset_count /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.sum_multiset_count /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.prod_mem_multiset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @finset.sum_mem_multiset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @finset.prod_range_induction /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @finset.sum_range_induction /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @finset.sum_range_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @finset.sum_range_sub' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @finset.prod_range_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @finset.prod_range_div' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @finset.sum_range_sub_of_monotone /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @finset.sum_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @finset.prod_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @finset.pow_eq_sum_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b -/ #check @finset.pow_eq_prod_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b -/ #check @finset.prod_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, n, s -/ #check @finset.sum_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, n, s -/ #check @finset.sum_flip /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.prod_flip /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.prod_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finset.prod_piecewise /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, t, s -/ #check @finset.sum_piecewise /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, t, s -/ #check @finset.sum_inter_add_sum_diff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.prod_inter_mul_prod_diff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.sum_eq_add_sum_diff_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.prod_eq_mul_prod_diff_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sum_eq_sum_diff_singleton_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.prod_eq_prod_diff_singleton_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fintype.sum_eq_add_sum_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fintype.prod_eq_mul_prod_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fintype.sum_eq_sum_compl_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fintype.prod_eq_prod_compl_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sum_update_of_not_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.prod_update_of_not_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sum_update_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f -/ #check @finset.prod_update_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f -/ #check @finset.mul_prod_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.add_sum_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.prod_erase_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.sum_erase_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.sum_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.prod_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.prod_pow_boole /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, s -/ #check @finset.card_eq_sum_ones /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.sum_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finset.eq_sum_range_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @finset.eq_sum_range_sub' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @finset.op_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.unop_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.prod_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s, f -/ #check @finset.zsmul_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s, f -/ #check @finset.card_sigma /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.card_eq_sum_card_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.sum_unique_nonempty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.prod_unique_nonempty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fintype.prod_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fintype.sum_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fintype.sum_subsingleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fintype.prod_subsingleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fintype.sum_subtype_add_sum_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fintype.prod_subtype_mul_prod_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @list.prod_to_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @list.sum_to_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @multiset.to_finset_sum_count_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.to_finset_sum_count_nsmul_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @nat.cast_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @int.cast_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @nat.cast_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @int.cast_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @units.coe_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ -- algebra/big_operators/enat.lean #check @finset.sum_nat_coe_enat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ -- algebra/big_operators/fin.lean #check @fin.sum_filter_succ_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, j -/ #check @fin.prod_filter_succ_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, j -/ -- algebra/big_operators/finprod.lean #check @finprod_eq_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsum_eq_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsum_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_true /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsum_true /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_eq_dif /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsum_eq_dif /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_finsum_plift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_finprod_plift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_finprod_Prop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_finsum_Prop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_finsum_of_preimage_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_finprod_of_preimage_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_finsum_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_finprod_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @add_equiv.map_finsum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @mul_equiv.map_finprod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @finsum_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @smul_finsum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @finsum_neg_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_inv_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_inv_distrib₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsum_eq_indicator_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, s -/ #check @finprod_eq_mul_indicator_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, s -/ #check @finsum_mem_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @finprod_mem_mul_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @finsum_mem_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finprod_mem_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finprod_eq_prod_of_mul_support_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsum_eq_sum_of_support_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_eq_prod_of_mul_support_to_finset_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsum_eq_sum_of_support_to_finset_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsum_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_eq_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsum_eq_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsum_eq_sum_of_fintype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_eq_prod_of_fintype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_cond_eq_prod_of_cond_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsum_cond_eq_sum_of_cond_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_cond_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @finsum_cond_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @finprod_mem_eq_prod_of_inter_mul_support_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsum_mem_eq_sum_of_inter_support_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_mem_eq_prod_of_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsum_mem_eq_sum_of_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_mem_eq_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsum_mem_eq_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_mem_eq_prod_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @finsum_mem_eq_sum_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @finsum_mem_eq_to_finset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @finprod_mem_eq_to_finset_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @finsum_mem_eq_finite_to_finset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_mem_eq_finite_to_finset_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsum_mem_finset_eq_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @finprod_mem_finset_eq_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @finsum_mem_coe_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @finprod_mem_coe_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @finsum_mem_inter_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @finprod_mem_inter_mul_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @finsum_mem_inter_support_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_mem_inter_mul_support_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsum_mem_inter_support_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_mem_inter_mul_support_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsum_mem_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_mem_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_finprod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_finsum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_finsum_mem' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_finprod_mem' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_finsum_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_finprod_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @add_equiv.map_finsum_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @mul_equiv.map_finprod_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @finsum_mem_neg_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_mem_inv_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_mem_inv_distrib₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsum_mem_sub_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finprod_mem_div_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finprod_mem_div_distrib₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finprod_mem_insert' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsum_mem_insert' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_mem_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsum_mem_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_set_coe_eq_finprod_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finsum_set_coe_eq_finsum_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finprod_subtype_eq_finprod_cond /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @finsum_subtype_eq_finsum_cond /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @finsum_mem_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_mem_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_prod_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finsum_sum_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @prod_finprod_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @sum_finsum_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @mul_finsum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, f -/ #check @finsum_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, f -/ #check @finprod_mem_finset_product' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finsum_mem_finset_product' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finprod_mem_finset_product /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finsum_mem_finset_product /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finsum_mem_finset_product₃ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finprod_mem_finset_product₃ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finsum_curry /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_curry /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_curry₃ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsum_curry₃ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsum_dmem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finprod_dmem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsum_emb_domain' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @finprod_emb_domain' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @finsum_emb_domain /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @finprod_emb_domain /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ -- algebra/big_operators/finsupp.lean #check @finset.sum_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @finsupp.sum_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, k, g -/ #check @finsupp.sum_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, b -/ #check @finsupp.mul_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, b -/ -- algebra/big_operators/intervals.lean #check @finset.sum_Ico_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a, f -/ #check @finset.prod_Ico_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a, f -/ #check @finset.sum_Ico_succ_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.prod_Ico_succ_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sum_eq_sum_Ico_succ_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.prod_eq_prod_Ico_succ_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.prod_Ico_consecutive /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sum_Ico_consecutive /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sum_range_add_sum_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.prod_range_mul_prod_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sum_Ico_eq_add_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.prod_Ico_eq_mul_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sum_Ico_eq_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sum_Ico_Ico_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, b, a -/ #check @finset.prod_Ico_eq_prod_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, f -/ #check @finset.sum_Ico_eq_sum_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, f -/ #check @finset.prod_Ico_reflect /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, f -/ #check @finset.sum_Ico_reflect /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, f -/ #check @finset.prod_range_reflect /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @finset.sum_range_reflect /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @finset.prod_Ico_id_eq_factorial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @finset.prod_range_add_one_eq_factorial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @finset.sum_range_id_mul_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @finset.sum_range_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- algebra/big_operators/multiset.lean #check @multiset.prod_eq_foldr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.sum_eq_foldr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.sum_eq_foldl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.prod_eq_foldl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.coe_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @multiset.coe_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @multiset.prod_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.sum_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.sum_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @multiset.prod_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @multiset.sum_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @multiset.prod_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @multiset.sum_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @multiset.prod_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @multiset.prod_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @multiset.sum_repeat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @multiset.prod_repeat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @multiset.nsmul_count /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @multiset.pow_count /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @multiset.prod_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @multiset.sum_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @multiset.prod_hom' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @multiset.sum_hom' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @multiset.sum_hom₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁, f, s -/ #check @multiset.prod_hom₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁, f, s -/ #check @multiset.sum_map_sum_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @multiset.prod_map_prod_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @multiset.prod_map_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @multiset.sum_map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @multiset.sum_map_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_multiset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_multiset_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ -- algebra/big_operators/nat_antidiagonal.lean #check @finset.nat.sum_antidiagonal_eq_sum_range_succ_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @finset.nat.prod_antidiagonal_eq_prod_range_succ_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @finset.nat.prod_antidiagonal_eq_prod_range_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @finset.nat.sum_antidiagonal_eq_sum_range_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ -- algebra/big_operators/option.lean #check @finset.sum_insert_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @finset.prod_insert_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @finset.sum_erase_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @finset.prod_erase_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ -- algebra/big_operators/order.lean #check @absolute_value.map_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, abv -/ #check @is_absolute_value.map_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, abv -/ -- algebra/big_operators/pi.lean #check @pi.list_prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @pi.list_sum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @pi.multiset_prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @pi.multiset_sum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @finset.prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, s, a -/ #check @finset.sum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, s, a -/ #check @finset.prod_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, s -/ #check @finset.sum_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, s -/ #check @fintype.prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, a -/ #check @fintype.sum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, a -/ #check @prod_mk_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @prod_mk_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @finset.univ_sum_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- algebra/big_operators/ring.lean #check @finset.sum_mul_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁, s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.sum_mul_boole /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, s -/ #check @finset.sum_boole_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, s -/ #check @finset.prod_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, g, f -/ #check @finset.prod_add_ordered /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @finset.prod_sub_ordered /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @finset.prod_one_sub_ordered /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.sum_pow_mul_eq_add_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, b, a -/ #check @finset.prod_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.prod_range_cast_nat_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n -/ #check @finset.prod_powerset_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sum_powerset_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.prod_powerset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.sum_powerset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ -- algebra/bounds.lean #check @csupr_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @csupr_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @csupr_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @csupr_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mul_csupr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_csupr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- algebra/category/Algebra/basic.lean #check @Algebra.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @Algebra.of_self_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @Algebra.of_self_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @Algebra.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @Algebra.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @Algebra.free_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, T, S, R -/ #check @Algebra.free_obj_is_ring /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, R -/ #check @Algebra.free_obj_carrier /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, R -/ #check @Algebra.free_obj_is_algebra /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, R -/ #check @alg_equiv.to_Algebra_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @alg_equiv.to_Algebra_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.iso.to_alg_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, i -/ #check @category_theory.iso.to_alg_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, i -/ #check @alg_equiv_iso_Algebra_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @alg_equiv_iso_Algebra_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ -- algebra/category/CommRing/basic.lean #check @SemiRing.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @Ring.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @CommSemiRing.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @CommRing.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @ring_equiv.to_Ring_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @ring_equiv.to_Ring_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @ring_equiv.to_CommRing_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @ring_equiv.to_CommRing_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ -- algebra/category/CommRing/colimits.lean #check @CommRing.colimits.quot_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @CommRing.colimits.quot_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @CommRing.colimits.quot_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @CommRing.colimits.quot_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, F -/ #check @CommRing.colimits.quot_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, F -/ #check @CommRing.colimits.cocone_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @CommRing.colimits.cocone_naturality_components /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, j, F -/ -- algebra/category/CommRing/constructions.lean #check @CommRing.pushout_cocone_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @CommRing.pushout_cocone_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @CommRing.pushout_cocone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @CommRing.prod_fan_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ -- algebra/category/FinVect.lean #check @FinVect.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, K -/ #check @FinVect.FinVect_coevaluation_apply_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, K -/ #check @FinVect.FinVect_evaluation_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, V, K -/ -- algebra/category/Group/adjunctions.lean #check @AddCommGroup.free_map_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- algebra/category/Group/basic.lean #check @Group.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @AddGroup.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @Group.one_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @AddGroup.zero_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @CommGroup.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @AddCommGroup.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @AddCommGroup.zero_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @CommGroup.one_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @AddCommGroup.as_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g -/ #check @mul_equiv.to_Group_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @mul_equiv.to_Group_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @add_equiv.to_AddGroup_iso_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @add_equiv.to_AddGroup_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @add_equiv.to_AddCommGroup_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @mul_equiv.to_CommGroup_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @mul_equiv.to_CommGroup_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @add_equiv.to_AddCommGroup_iso_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.iso.Group_iso_to_mul_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, i -/ #check @category_theory.iso.AddGroup_iso_to_add_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, i -/ #check @category_theory.iso.Group_iso_to_mul_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, i -/ #check @category_theory.iso.AddGroup_iso_to_add_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, i -/ #check @category_theory.iso.CommGroup_iso_to_mul_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, i -/ #check @category_theory.iso.AddCommGroup_iso_to_add_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, i -/ #check @category_theory.iso.CommGroup_iso_to_mul_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, i -/ #check @category_theory.iso.AddCommGroup_iso_to_add_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, i -/ -- algebra/category/Group/biproducts.lean #check @AddCommGroup.has_limit.lift_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, x, s, F -/ -- algebra/category/Group/colimits.lean #check @AddCommGroup.colimits.quot_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @AddCommGroup.colimits.quot_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @AddCommGroup.colimits.quot_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, F -/ #check @AddCommGroup.colimits.cocone_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @AddCommGroup.colimits.cocone_naturality_components /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, j, F -/ -- algebra/category/Group/filtered_colimits.lean #check @Group.filtered_colimits.G.mk_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @AddGroup.filtered_colimits.G.mk_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @Group.filtered_colimits.colimit_inv_aux_eq_of_rel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @AddGroup.filtered_colimits.colimit_neg_aux_eq_of_rel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @Group.filtered_colimits.colimit_inv_mk_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @AddGroup.filtered_colimits.colimit_neg_mk_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ -- algebra/category/Group/images.lean #check @AddCommGroup.image.fac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- algebra/category/Group/limits.lean #check @AddCommGroup.kernel_iso_ker_hom_comp_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @AddCommGroup.kernel_iso_ker_inv_comp_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @AddCommGroup.kernel_iso_ker_over_hom_left_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @AddCommGroup.kernel_iso_ker_over_inv_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- algebra/category/Module/abelian.lean #check @Module.exact_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ -- algebra/category/Module/adjunctions.lean #check @Module.free_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, R -/ #check @Module.free_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, R -/ #check @Module.free.μ_natural /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, R -/ #check @Module.free.left_unitality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, R -/ #check @Module.free.right_unitality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, R -/ #check @Module.free.associativity /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X, R -/ #check @category_theory.Free.single_comp_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r, g, f, C, R -/ #check @category_theory.Free.embedding_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, C, R -/ #check @category_theory.Free.embedding_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.Free.lift_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.Free.lift_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F, R -/ #check @category_theory.Free.lift_map_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, f, F, R -/ -- algebra/category/Module/basic.lean #check @Module.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @Module.of_self_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @Module.of_self_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @Module.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @Module.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @Module.comp_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_equiv.to_Module_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.to_Module_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.to_Module_iso'_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @linear_equiv.to_Module_iso'_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @linear_equiv.to_Module_iso'_left_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.to_Module_iso'_left_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.to_Module_iso'_right_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.to_Module_iso'_right_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.iso.to_linear_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, i -/ #check @category_theory.iso.to_linear_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, i -/ #check @linear_equiv_iso_Module_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv_iso_Module_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ -- algebra/category/Module/colimits.lean #check @Module.colimits.quot_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @Module.colimits.quot_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @Module.colimits.quot_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, F -/ #check @Module.colimits.quot_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s, F -/ #check @Module.colimits.cocone_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @Module.colimits.cocone_naturality_components /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, j, F -/ -- algebra/category/Module/epi_mono.lean #check @Module.mono_iff_ker_eq_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @Module.mono_iff_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @Module.epi_iff_range_eq_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @Module.epi_iff_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- algebra/category/Module/filtered_colimits.lean #check @Module.filtered_colimits.M.mk_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @Module.filtered_colimits.colimit_smul_aux_eq_of_rel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, F -/ #check @Module.filtered_colimits.colimit_smul_mk_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r, F -/ -- algebra/category/Module/kernels.lean #check @Module.kernel_iso_ker_inv_kernel_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @Module.kernel_iso_ker_inv_kernel_ι_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @Module.kernel_iso_ker_hom_ker_subtype_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @Module.kernel_iso_ker_hom_ker_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @Module.cokernel_π_cokernel_iso_range_quotient_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @Module.cokernel_π_cokernel_iso_range_quotient_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @Module.range_mkq_cokernel_iso_range_quotient_inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @Module.range_mkq_cokernel_iso_range_quotient_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- algebra/category/Module/limits.lean #check @Module.direct_limit_diagram_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hij, j, i, f -/ #check @Module.direct_limit_diagram_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, G -/ #check @Module.direct_limit_cocone_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, G -/ #check @Module.direct_limit_cocone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, G -/ #check @Module.direct_limit_is_colimit_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, G -/ -- algebra/category/Module/monoidal.lean #check @Module.monoidal_category.tensor_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M -/ #check @Module.monoidal_category.tensor_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₂, g₁, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @Module.monoidal_category.associator_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₃, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @Module.monoidal_category.pentagon /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X, W -/ #check @Module.monoidal_category.left_unitor_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @Module.monoidal_category.right_unitor_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @Module.monoidal_category.triangle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M -/ #check @Module.monoidal_category.hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, k, g, f -/ #check @Module.monoidal_category.left_unitor_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, r -/ #check @Module.monoidal_category.left_unitor_inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @Module.monoidal_category.right_unitor_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, m -/ #check @Module.monoidal_category.right_unitor_inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @Module.monoidal_category.associator_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, m -/ #check @Module.monoidal_category.associator_inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, m -/ #check @Module.braiding_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @Module.hexagon_forward /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X -/ #check @Module.hexagon_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X -/ #check @Module.monoidal_category.braiding_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @Module.monoidal_category.braiding_inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ -- algebra/category/Mon/adjunctions.lean #check @adjoin_one_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @adjoin_zero_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X -/ #check @adjoin_zero_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @adjoin_one_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X -/ -- algebra/category/Mon/basic.lean #check @Mon.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @AddMon.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @CommMon.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @AddCommMon.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @mul_equiv.to_Mon_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @mul_equiv.to_Mon_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @add_equiv.to_AddMon_iso_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @add_equiv.to_AddMon_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @mul_equiv.to_CommMon_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @add_equiv.to_AddCommMon_iso_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @add_equiv.to_AddCommMon_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @mul_equiv.to_CommMon_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ -- algebra/category/Mon/colimits.lean #check @Mon.colimits.quot_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @Mon.colimits.quot_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, F -/ #check @Mon.colimits.cocone_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @Mon.colimits.cocone_naturality_components /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, j, F -/ -- algebra/category/Mon/filtered_colimits.lean #check @Mon.filtered_colimits.M.mk_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @AddMon.filtered_colimits.M.mk_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @Mon.filtered_colimits.colimit_one_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @AddMon.filtered_colimits.colimit_zero_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @Mon.filtered_colimits.colimit_mul_aux_eq_of_rel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @AddMon.filtered_colimits.colimit_add_aux_eq_of_rel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @AddMon.filtered_colimits.colimit_add_aux_eq_of_rel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @Mon.filtered_colimits.colimit_mul_aux_eq_of_rel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @Mon.filtered_colimits.colimit_mul_mk_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, F -/ #check @AddMon.filtered_colimits.colimit_add_mk_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, F -/ #check @AddMon.filtered_colimits.cocone_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @Mon.filtered_colimits.cocone_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ -- algebra/category/Semigroup/basic.lean #check @AddMagma.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @Magma.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @Semigroup.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @AddSemigroup.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @mul_equiv.to_Magma_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @mul_equiv.to_Magma_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @add_equiv.to_AddMagma_iso_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @add_equiv.to_AddMagma_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @mul_equiv.to_Semigroup_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @add_equiv.to_AddSemigroup_iso_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @mul_equiv.to_Semigroup_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @add_equiv.to_AddSemigroup_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ -- algebra/char_p/algebra.lean #check @algebra.char_p_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- algebra/char_p/basic.lean #check @char_p.cast_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @char_p.cast_card_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @char_p.int_cast_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @char_p.int_coe_eq_int_coe_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @ring_char.spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, R -/ #check @add_pow_char_of_commute /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, R -/ #check @add_pow_char_pow_of_commute /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, R -/ #check @sub_pow_char_of_commute /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, R -/ #check @sub_pow_char_pow_of_commute /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, R -/ #check @add_pow_char /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, R -/ #check @add_pow_char_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, R -/ #check @sub_pow_char /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, R -/ #check @sub_pow_char_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, R -/ #check @eq_iff_modeq_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @char_p.neg_one_pow_char /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @char_p.neg_one_pow_char_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @ring_hom.char_p_iff_char_p /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @frobenius_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @iterate_frobenius /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, p -/ #check @frobenius_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, p -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_frobenius /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, f -/ #check @ring_hom.map_frobenius /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, g -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_iterate_frobenius /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, p, f -/ #check @ring_hom.map_iterate_frobenius /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, p, g -/ #check @monoid_hom.iterate_map_frobenius /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p, f, x -/ #check @ring_hom.iterate_map_frobenius /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p, f, x -/ #check @frobenius_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @frobenius_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, p, R -/ #check @frobenius_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R -/ #check @list_sum_pow_char /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, p -/ #check @multiset_sum_pow_char /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p -/ #check @sum_pow_char /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s, p -/ #check @frobenius_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, R -/ #check @frobenius_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, p, R -/ #check @char_p.cast_eq_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, R -/ -- algebra/char_p/exp_char.lean #check @char_eq_exp_char_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- algebra/char_p/two.lean #check @char_two.neg_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @char_two.sub_eq_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @char_two.add_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @char_two.add_mul_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @char_two.list_sum_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @char_two.list_sum_mul_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @char_two.multiset_sum_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @char_two.multiset_sum_mul_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @char_two.sum_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @char_two.sum_mul_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ -- algebra/char_zero.lean #check @nat.cast_embedding_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @half_add_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_halves' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @sub_half /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @half_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- algebra/continued_fractions/computation/approximation_corollaries.lean #check @generalized_continued_fraction.of_convergents_eq_convergents' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ -- algebra/continued_fractions/computation/correctness_terminating.lean #check @generalized_continued_fraction.comp_exact_value_correctness_of_stream_eq_some_aux_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b -/ -- algebra/continued_fractions/computation/terminates_iff_rat.lean #check @generalized_continued_fraction.int_fract_pair.coe_stream_nth_rat_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @generalized_continued_fraction.coe_of_s_nth_rat_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @generalized_continued_fraction.terminates_iff_rat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ -- algebra/covariant_and_contravariant.lean #check @rel_iff_cov /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @covariant_le_iff_contravariant_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, N, M -/ #check @covariant_lt_iff_contravariant_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, N, M -/ #check @covariant_flip_add_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, N -/ #check @covariant_flip_mul_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, N -/ #check @contravariant_flip_add_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, N -/ #check @contravariant_flip_mul_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, N -/ -- algebra/direct_limit.lean #check @module.directed_system.map_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @module.directed_system.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hjk, hij, f -/ #check @module.direct_limit.lift_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @module.direct_limit.lift_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @add_comm_group.direct_limit.of_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_comm_group.direct_limit.lift_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, g, P -/ #check @add_comm_group.direct_limit.lift_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F, P -/ #check @ring.direct_limit.of_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ring.direct_limit.of.zero_exact_aux2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', G -/ #check @ring.direct_limit.lift_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, g, P -/ #check @ring.direct_limit.lift_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F, P -/ #check @field.direct_limit.mul_inv_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, G -/ #check @field.direct_limit.inv_mul_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, G -/ -- algebra/direct_sum/algebra.lean #check @direct_sum.algebra_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, A, R -/ #check @direct_sum.algebra_map_to_add_monoid_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, R -/ #check @direct_sum.to_algebra_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, hmul, hone, f, A, R -/ -- algebra/direct_sum/basic.lean #check @direct_sum.sub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g₂, g₁ -/ #check @direct_sum.zero_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, β -/ #check @direct_sum.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g₂, g₁ -/ #check @direct_sum.of_eq_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @direct_sum.of_eq_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, β -/ #check @direct_sum.support_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @direct_sum.sum_support_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @direct_sum.to_add_monoid_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, φ -/ #check @direct_sum.to_add_monoid.unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, ψ -/ #check @direct_sum.from_add_monoid_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, i -/ #check @direct_sum.from_add_monoid_of_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, i -/ #check @direct_sum.add_submonoid_coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, A -/ #check @direct_sum.coe_of_add_submonoid_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, j, i -/ #check @direct_sum.add_subgroup_coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, A -/ #check @direct_sum.coe_of_add_subgroup_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, j, i -/ #check @direct_sum.add_subgroup_is_internal.to_add_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ -- algebra/direct_sum/finsupp.lean #check @finsupp_lequiv_direct_sum_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, i, ι, M, R -/ #check @finsupp_lequiv_direct_sum_symm_lof /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, i, ι, M -/ -- algebra/direct_sum/internal.lean #check @direct_sum.submonoid_coe_ring_hom_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, A -/ #check @direct_sum.coe_mul_apply_add_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, r', r, A -/ #check @direct_sum.subgroup_coe_ring_hom_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, A -/ #check @direct_sum.coe_mul_apply_add_subgroup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, r', r, A -/ #check @submodule.set_like.coe_galgebra_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @direct_sum.submodule_coe_alg_hom_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, A -/ #check @direct_sum.coe_mul_apply_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, r', r, A -/ -- algebra/direct_sum/module.lean #check @direct_sum.smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, v, b -/ #check @direct_sum.lof_eq_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, i, M, ι -/ #check @direct_sum.single_eq_lof /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, i -/ #check @direct_sum.mk_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, s, R -/ #check @direct_sum.of_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, i, R -/ #check @direct_sum.coe_to_module_eq_coe_to_add_monoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, N, ι, R -/ #check @direct_sum.to_module_lof /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, R -/ #check @direct_sum.to_module.unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, ψ, R -/ #check @direct_sum.linear_equiv_fun_on_fintype_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x, M, ι -/ #check @direct_sum.linear_equiv_fun_on_fintype_lof /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, i -/ #check @direct_sum.linear_equiv_fun_on_fintype_symm_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, i, R -/ #check @direct_sum.linear_equiv_fun_on_fintype_symm_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @direct_sum.apply_eq_component /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @direct_sum.lof_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @direct_sum.component.lof_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @direct_sum.component.of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, j, i -/ #check @direct_sum.submodule_coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, A -/ #check @direct_sum.coe_of_submodule_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, j, i, A -/ #check @direct_sum.submodule_is_internal.to_add_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @direct_sum.submodule_is_internal.collected_basis_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @direct_sum.submodule_is_internal.to_add_subgroup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @direct_sum.submodule_is_internal_iff_independent_and_supr_eq_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ -- algebra/direct_sum/ring.lean #check @direct_sum.gmul_hom_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, A -/ #check @direct_sum.mul_hom_of_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @direct_sum.of_mul_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @direct_sum.of_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, A -/ #check @direct_sum.of_list_dprod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: fA, fι, l, A -/ #check @direct_sum.list_prod_of_fn_of_eq_dprod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: fA, fι, n, A -/ #check @direct_sum.mul_eq_sum_support_ghas_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a', a, A -/ #check @direct_sum.of_zero_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @direct_sum.of_zero_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, A -/ #check @direct_sum.of_zero_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, A -/ #check @direct_sum.to_semiring_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @direct_sum.to_semiring_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, f -/ #check @direct_sum.to_semiring_coe_add_monoid_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @direct_sum.lift_ring_hom_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, F -/ #check @direct_sum.lift_ring_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- algebra/divisibility.lean #check @is_unit.dvd_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @is_unit.mul_left_dvd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- algebra/dual_number.lean #check @dual_number.snd_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @dual_number.inr_eq_smul_eps /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @dual_number.lift_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ᾰ -/ #check @dual_number.lift_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @dual_number.lift_apply_eps /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ -- algebra/euclidean_domain.lean #check @euclidean_domain.div_add_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @euclidean_domain.mod_add_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @euclidean_domain.mod_add_div' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @euclidean_domain.div_add_mod' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @euclidean_domain.mod_eq_sub_mul_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @euclidean_domain.mul_div_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @euclidean_domain.mul_div_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @euclidean_domain.mod_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @euclidean_domain.mul_div_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @euclidean_domain.div_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @euclidean_domain.gcd_zero_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @euclidean_domain.gcd_zero_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @euclidean_domain.gcd_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @euclidean_domain.gcd_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @euclidean_domain.xgcd_aux_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @euclidean_domain.xgcd_aux_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @euclidean_domain.xgcd_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @euclidean_domain.gcd_eq_gcd_ab /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @euclidean_domain.gcd_mul_lcm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ -- algebra/field/basic.lean #check @one_div_neg_eq_neg_one_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @div_neg_eq_neg_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @neg_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @neg_div' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @neg_div_neg_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @div_add_div_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @div_sub_div_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @add_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @sub_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @div_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_div_eq_mul_add_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @div_add_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, a -/ #check @div_sub_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, a -/ #check @add_div' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @sub_div' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @div_add' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @div_sub' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @ring_hom.map_units_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, f -/ #check @ring_hom.map_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @ring_hom.map_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, g -/ -- algebra/field_power.lean #check @ring_hom.map_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, f -/ #check @ring_equiv.map_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, f -/ #check @zpow_bit0_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @even.zpow_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @zpow_bit1_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @even.zpow_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @zpow_bit0_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, a -/ #check @even.abs_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @abs_zpow_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, a -/ #check @rat.cast_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, q -/ -- algebra/free.lean #check @free_add_magma.add_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @free_magma.mul_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @free_magma.lift_aux_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @free_add_magma.lift_aux_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @free_magma.lift_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_add_magma.lift_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_magma.map_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_add_magma.map_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_magma.map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @free_add_magma.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @free_add_magma.map_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_magma.map_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_add_magma.map_add' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @free_magma.map_mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @free_magma.pure_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_add_magma.pure_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_magma.mul_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @free_add_magma.add_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @free_add_magma.traverse_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @free_magma.traverse_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @free_magma.traverse_pure' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @free_add_magma.traverse_pure' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @free_magma.traverse_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, F -/ #check @free_add_magma.traverse_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, F -/ #check @free_add_magma.traverse_add' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @free_magma.traverse_mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @free_add_magma.traverse_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @free_magma.traverse_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @free_magma.mul_map_seq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @free_add_magma.add_map_seq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @add_magma.free_add_semigroup.of_add_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @magma.free_semigroup.of_mul_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @magma.free_semigroup.of_mul_assoc_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x, w -/ #check @add_magma.free_add_semigroup.of_add_assoc_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x, w -/ #check @magma.free_semigroup.of_mul_assoc_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x, w -/ #check @add_magma.free_add_semigroup.of_add_assoc_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x, w -/ #check @add_magma.free_add_semigroup.of_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @magma.free_semigroup.of_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @add_magma.free_add_semigroup.lift_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @magma.free_semigroup.lift_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @magma.free_semigroup.lift_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @add_magma.free_add_semigroup.lift_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @magma.free_semigroup.lift_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_magma.free_add_semigroup.lift_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @magma.free_semigroup.map_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @add_magma.free_add_semigroup.map_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @magma.free_semigroup.map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @add_magma.free_add_semigroup.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @free_add_semigroup.lift_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_semigroup.lift_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_semigroup.lift_of_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @free_add_semigroup.lift_of_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @free_semigroup.lift_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @free_add_semigroup.lift_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @free_semigroup.lift_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @free_add_semigroup.lift_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @free_semigroup.map_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_add_semigroup.map_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_semigroup.map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @free_add_semigroup.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @free_add_semigroup.map_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_semigroup.map_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_semigroup.map_mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @free_add_semigroup.map_add' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @free_semigroup.pure_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_add_semigroup.pure_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_semigroup.mul_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @free_add_semigroup.add_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @free_semigroup.traverse_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @free_add_semigroup.traverse_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @free_semigroup.traverse_pure' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @free_add_semigroup.traverse_pure' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @free_semigroup.traverse_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, F -/ #check @free_add_semigroup.traverse_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, F -/ #check @free_semigroup.traverse_mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @free_add_semigroup.traverse_add' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @free_add_semigroup.traverse_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @free_semigroup.traverse_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @free_semigroup.mul_map_seq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @free_add_semigroup.add_map_seq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @free_semigroup_free_magma_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @free_add_semigroup_free_add_magma_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ -- algebra/free_algebra.lean #check @free_algebra.quot_mk_eq_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, R -/ #check @free_algebra.lift_aux_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, R -/ #check @free_algebra.lift_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, R -/ #check @free_algebra.ι_comp_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @free_algebra.lift_ι_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_algebra.lift_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @free_algebra.lift_comp_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @free_algebra.algebra_map_inj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @free_algebra.algebra_map_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @free_algebra.algebra_map_eq_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @free_algebra.ι_inj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @free_algebra.star_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, X, R -/ #check @free_algebra.star_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, X, R -/ -- algebra/free_monoid.lean #check @free_monoid.mul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ys, xs -/ #check @free_add_monoid.add_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ys, xs -/ #check @free_add_monoid.of_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @free_monoid.of_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @free_monoid.lift_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @free_add_monoid.lift_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @free_add_monoid.lift_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @free_monoid.lift_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @free_monoid.lift_comp_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @free_add_monoid.lift_comp_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @free_monoid.lift_eval_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_add_monoid.lift_eval_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_add_monoid.lift_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @free_monoid.lift_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @free_add_monoid.comp_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @free_monoid.comp_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @free_add_monoid.hom_map_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g -/ #check @free_monoid.hom_map_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g -/ #check @free_monoid.map_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_add_monoid.map_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_add_monoid.lift_of_comp_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @free_monoid.lift_of_comp_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @free_monoid.map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @free_add_monoid.map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @free_monoid.star_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- algebra/free_non_unital_non_assoc_algebra.lean #check @free_non_unital_non_assoc_algebra.lift_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, R -/ #check @free_non_unital_non_assoc_algebra.of_comp_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @free_non_unital_non_assoc_algebra.lift_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, f, R -/ #check @free_non_unital_non_assoc_algebra.lift_of_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_non_unital_non_assoc_algebra.lift_comp_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ -- algebra/gcd_monoid/basic.lean #check @associates.mk_normalize /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @normalize_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @normalize_idem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @associates.out_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @associates.out_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @associates.dvd_out_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @associates.out_dvd_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @associates.normalize_out /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @associates.mk_out /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @normalize_gcd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @dvd_gcd_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @gcd_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @gcd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, m -/ #check @gcd_zero_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @gcd_zero_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @gcd_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @gcd_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @gcd_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @gcd_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @gcd_eq_left_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @gcd_eq_right_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @associated.gcd_eq_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @associated.gcd_eq_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @lcm_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @normalize_lcm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @lcm_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @lcm_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, m -/ #check @lcm_units_coe_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lcm_units_coe_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lcm_one_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lcm_one_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lcm_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lcm_eq_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @lcm_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @lcm_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @lcm_eq_left_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @lcm_eq_right_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @lcm_eq_of_associated_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @lcm_eq_of_associated_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @normalize_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @associates_equiv_of_unique_units_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @associates_equiv_of_unique_units_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @comm_group_with_zero.coe_norm_unit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G₀ -/ #check @comm_group_with_zero.normalize_eq_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G₀ -/ -- algebra/gcd_monoid/finset.lean #check @finset.gcd_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- algebra/gcd_monoid/multiset.lean #check @multiset.lcm_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @multiset.lcm_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @multiset.normalize_lcm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.lcm_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.lcm_erase_dup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.lcm_ndunion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @multiset.lcm_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @multiset.lcm_ndinsert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @multiset.gcd_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @multiset.gcd_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @multiset.normalize_gcd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.gcd_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.gcd_erase_dup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.gcd_ndunion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @multiset.gcd_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @multiset.gcd_ndinsert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ -- algebra/geom_sum.lean #check @geom_sum_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @one_geom_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @op_geom_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @geom_sum₂_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, y, x -/ #check @op_geom_sum₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, y, x -/ #check @geom_sum₂_with_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @commute.geom_sum₂_mul_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @geom_sum₂_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @geom_sum₂_mul_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, y, x -/ #check @geom_sum_mul_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @commute.geom_sum₂_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @commute.mul_neg_geom_sum₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @commute.mul_geom_sum₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @geom_sum₂_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, y, x -/ #check @geom_sum_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @mul_geom_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @geom_sum_mul_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @mul_neg_geom_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @commute.geom_sum₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @geom₂_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @geom_sum_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @geom_sum₂_succ_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @mul_geom_sum₂_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @geom_sum_Ico_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @geom_sum_Ico_mul_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @geom_sum_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @ring_hom.map_geom_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, n, x -/ #check @ring_hom.map_geom_sum₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, n, y, x -/ -- algebra/graded_monoid.lean #check @graded_monoid.mk_mul_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, A -/ #check @graded_monoid.gmonoid.gnpow_rec_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n -/ #check @graded_monoid.mk_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, A -/ #check @graded_monoid.mk_zero_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @graded_monoid.grade_zero.smul_eq_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @list.dprod_index_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: fι, l, a -/ #check @list.dprod_index_eq_map_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: fι, l -/ #check @list.dprod_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, fA, fι -/ #check @graded_monoid.mk_list_dprod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: fA, fι, l -/ #check @graded_monoid.list_prod_map_eq_dprod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, l -/ #check @graded_monoid.list_prod_of_fn_eq_dprod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @has_mul.ghas_mul_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ᾰ -/ #check @monoid.gmonoid_gnpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n -/ #check @list.dprod_monoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: fA, l -/ #check @set_like.coe_ghas_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, A -/ #check @set_like.coe_gnpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, A -/ #check @set_like.coe_list_dprod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, fA, fι, A -/ #check @set_like.list_dprod_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, fA, fι, A -/ -- algebra/group/basic.lean #check @comp_assoc_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @comp_assoc_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @comp_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @comp_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @comp_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @comp_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @add_left_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @mul_left_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @add_right_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @mul_right_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @mul_mul_mul_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, b, a -/ #check @add_add_add_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, b, a -/ #check @inv_eq_one_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @neg_eq_zero_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mul_one_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @add_zero_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @add_sub_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @mul_div_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @mul_div_assoc' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @add_sub_assoc' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @zero_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @one_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @inv_mul_cancel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @neg_add_cancel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_neg_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @mul_inv_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @neg_add_rev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @mul_inv_rev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @neg_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @inv_div' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @div_mul_cancel' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @sub_add_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_sub_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mul_div_cancel'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @div_inv_eq_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @sub_neg_eq_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @add_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @mul_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @sub_add_eq_sub_sub_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @div_mul_eq_div_div_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @add_sub_add_right_eq_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @mul_div_mul_right_eq_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @sub_add_sub_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, a -/ #check @div_mul_div_cancel' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, a -/ #check @sub_sub_sub_cancel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @div_div_div_cancel_right' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @div_one' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @sub_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @neg_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @mul_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @div_mul_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, b, a -/ #check @sub_add_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, b, a -/ #check @sub_add_eq_sub_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @div_mul_eq_div_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @inv_mul_eq_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @neg_add_eq_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @sub_add_eq_add_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @div_mul_eq_mul_div' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @div_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @sub_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @sub_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @div_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @mul_div_mul_left_eq_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @add_sub_add_left_eq_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @div_div_self' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @sub_sub_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @mul_div_comm' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, b, a -/ #check @add_sub_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, b, a -/ #check @sub_eq_sub_add_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @div_eq_div_mul_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @inv_inv_div_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @neg_neg_sub_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @div_div_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @sub_sub_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @sub_eq_neg_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @div_eq_inv_mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @sub_sub_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @div_div_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @neg_add' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @inv_mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @neg_sub_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @inv_div_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @mul_div_cancel''' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @add_sub_cancel' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @mul_div_cancel'_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @add_sub_cancel'_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @div_mul_cancel'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @sub_add_cancel' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @add_add_neg_cancel'_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @mul_mul_inv_cancel'_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @sub_right_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @div_right_comm' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @mul_mul_div_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @add_add_sub_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @div_mul_mul_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @sub_add_add_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @sub_add_sub_cancel' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b -/ #check @div_mul_div_cancel'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b -/ #check @mul_div_div_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b -/ #check @add_sub_sub_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b -/ #check @div_div_div_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @sub_sub_sub_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- algebra/group/commute.lean #check @add_commute.right_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @commute.right_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @commute.left_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @add_commute.left_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @succ_nsmul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @pow_succ' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @add_neg_cancel_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @mul_inv_cancel_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @add_neg_cancel_comm_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @mul_inv_cancel_comm_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @neg_add_cancel_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @inv_mul_cancel_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @inv_mul_cancel_comm_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @neg_add_cancel_comm_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ -- algebra/group/conj.lean #check @conj_classes.quotient_mk_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @conj_classes.quot_mk_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- algebra/group/defs.lean #check @semigroup.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @add_semigroup.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @mul_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @add_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @comm_semigroup.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @add_comm_semigroup.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @mul_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @add_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @left_cancel_semigroup.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @add_left_cancel_semigroup.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @right_cancel_semigroup.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @add_right_cancel_semigroup.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @zero_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @one_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mul_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @nsmul_eq_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @npow_eq_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @pow_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @succ_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @zpow_eq_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @zsmul_eq_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @zpow_coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @coe_nat_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @zpow_of_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @of_nat_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @zpow_neg_succ_of_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @zsmul_neg_succ_of_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @sub_eq_add_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @div_eq_mul_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @neg_add_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @inv_mul_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @neg_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @inv_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mul_inv_cancel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_neg_cancel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- algebra/group/freiman.lean #check @map_sum_eq_map_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @map_prod_eq_map_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @freiman_hom.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_freiman_hom.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @freiman_hom.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_freiman_hom.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @freiman_hom.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_freiman_hom.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_freiman_hom.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @freiman_hom.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_freiman_hom.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @freiman_hom.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @add_freiman_hom.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @freiman_hom.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @add_freiman_hom.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @freiman_hom.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @freiman_hom.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_freiman_hom.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @freiman_hom.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_freiman_hom.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_freiman_hom.const_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @freiman_hom.const_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @add_freiman_hom.const_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, n -/ #check @freiman_hom.const_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, n -/ #check @add_freiman_hom.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @freiman_hom.mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @add_freiman_hom.add_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g₂, g₁ -/ #check @freiman_hom.mul_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g₂, g₁ -/ #check @freiman_hom.inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @add_freiman_hom.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @freiman_hom.inv_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @add_freiman_hom.neg_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @add_freiman_hom.sub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @freiman_hom.div_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @add_freiman_hom.sub_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @freiman_hom.div_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @monoid_hom.to_freiman_hom_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.to_freiman_hom_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @map_prod_eq_map_prod_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @map_sum_eq_map_sum_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_freiman_hom.to_add_freiman_hom_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @freiman_hom.to_freiman_hom_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- algebra/group/hom.lean #check @map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @map_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @map_add_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @map_mul_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @map_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @map_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, f -/ #check @map_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, f -/ #check @map_zsmul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, f -/ #check @map_zpow' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, f -/ #check @map_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, g, f -/ #check @map_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.coe_eq_to_one_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_eq_to_zero_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_eq_to_add_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.coe_eq_to_mul_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_with_zero_hom.coe_eq_to_monoid_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_with_zero_hom.coe_eq_to_zero_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @one_hom.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @zero_hom.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mul_hom.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_hom.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_with_zero_hom.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @zero_hom.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @one_hom.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_hom.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mul_hom.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_with_zero_hom.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.to_one_hom_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.to_zero_hom_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.to_mul_hom_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.to_add_hom_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_with_zero_hom.to_zero_hom_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_with_zero_hom.to_monoid_hom_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @one_hom.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @zero_hom.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_hom.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mul_hom.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @monoid_hom.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @monoid_with_zero_hom.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @zero_hom.congr_arg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @one_hom.congr_arg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_hom.congr_arg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mul_hom.congr_arg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.congr_arg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.congr_arg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_with_zero_hom.congr_arg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @one_hom.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @zero_hom.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mul_hom.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_hom.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_with_zero_hom.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_hom.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @mul_hom.map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @monoid_with_zero_hom.map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @zero_hom.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @one_hom.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_hom.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mul_hom.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @monoid_hom.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @monoid_with_zero_hom.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @one_hom.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @zero_hom.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @add_hom.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @mul_hom.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @monoid_hom.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @monoid_with_zero_hom.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @zero_hom.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g -/ #check @one_hom.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g -/ #check @mul_hom.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g -/ #check @add_hom.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g -/ #check @monoid_hom.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g -/ #check @monoid_with_zero_hom.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g -/ #check @zero_hom.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @one_hom.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @mul_hom.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @add_hom.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @monoid_with_zero_hom.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @one_hom.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @zero_hom.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mul_hom.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_hom.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_with_zero_hom.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @one_hom.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @zero_hom.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_hom.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mul_hom.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_with_zero_hom.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_zpow' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_zsmul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_sub' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_div' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @monoid.coe_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @monoid.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, M -/ #check @add_monoid.coe_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @add_monoid.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, A -/ #check @monoid_hom.mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.mul_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g₂, g₁ -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.add_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g₂, g₁ -/ #check @monoid_hom.comp_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁, g -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.comp_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁, g -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_mul_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_add_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.injective_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.injective_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.injective_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.injective_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.mk'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.mk'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_of_map_add_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.coe_of_map_mul_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_of_map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.coe_of_map_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.inv_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ψ, φ -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.neg_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ψ, φ -/ #check @monoid_hom.comp_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ψ, φ -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.comp_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ψ, φ -/ #check @monoid_hom.div_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.sub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ -- algebra/group/hom_instances.lean #check @add_monoid_hom.flip_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.flip_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_mul₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m₂, m₁, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_mul₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m₂, m₁, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_inv₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_inv₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_div₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m₂, m₁, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_div₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m₂, m₁, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.eval_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, y -/ #check @monoid_hom.eval_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, y -/ #check @monoid_hom.comp_hom'_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, y, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.comp_hom'_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, y, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.comp_hom_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hmn, g -/ #check @monoid_hom.comp_hom_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hmn, g -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.flip_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.flip_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.compl₂_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, m, g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.compl₂_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, m, g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.compr₂_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.compr₂_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_mul_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- algebra/group/opposite.lean #check @add_opposite.op_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, α -/ #check @add_opposite.unop_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, α -/ #check @mul_equiv.inv'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @add_equiv.neg'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @mul_equiv.inv'_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @add_equiv.neg'_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @monoid_hom.to_opposite_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.to_opposite_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.from_opposite_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.from_opposite_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @units.coe_unop_op_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @add_units.coe_unop_op_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @units.coe_op_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @add_units.coe_op_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.op_symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.op_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.op_symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.op_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.mul_op_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.mul_op_symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @add_equiv.mul_op_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_equiv.mul_op_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_equiv.op_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @mul_equiv.op_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @mul_equiv.op_apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @add_equiv.op_symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @add_equiv.op_apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @mul_equiv.op_symm_apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @mul_equiv.op_symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @add_equiv.op_symm_apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ -- algebra/group/pi.lean #check @pi.pow_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, i, x -/ #check @pi.eval_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, i -/ #check @pi.eval_add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, i -/ #check @pi.const_add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, a, β, α -/ #check @pi.const_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, a, β, α -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_fn_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g, β, α -/ #check @monoid_hom.coe_fn_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g, β, α -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.comp_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, h, I, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.comp_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, h, I, f -/ #check @zero_hom.single_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x, i, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.single_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x, i, f -/ #check @mul_hom.single_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x, i, f -/ #check @pi.single_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, i -/ #check @pi.single_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i -/ #check @pi.single_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, i -/ #check @pi.single_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, i -/ #check @pi.update_eq_sub_add_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, i -/ #check @function.update_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x₂, x₁, i, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @function.update_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x₂, x₁, i, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @function.update_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x₁, i, f₁ -/ #check @function.update_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x₁, i, f₁ -/ #check @function.update_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x₂, x₁, i, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @function.update_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x₂, x₁, i, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @set.piecewise_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₂, g₁, f₂, f₁, s -/ #check @set.piecewise_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₂, g₁, f₂, f₁, s -/ #check @set.piecewise_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₁, f₁, s -/ #check @set.piecewise_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₁, f₁, s -/ #check @set.piecewise_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₂, g₁, f₂, f₁, s -/ #check @set.piecewise_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₂, g₁, f₂, f₁, s -/ #check @function.extend_by_zero.hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f, s, R -/ #check @function.extend_by_one.hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f, s, R -/ -- algebra/group/prod.lean #check @prod.fst_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @prod.fst_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @prod.snd_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @prod.snd_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @prod.mk_mul_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b₂, b₁, a₂, a₁ -/ #check @prod.mk_add_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b₂, b₁, a₂, a₁ -/ #check @prod.add_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @prod.mul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @prod.fst_add_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @prod.fst_mul_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @prod.fst_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @prod.fst_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @prod.snd_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @prod.snd_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @prod.neg_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @prod.inv_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @prod.fst_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @prod.snd_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @prod.mk_sub_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y₂, y₁, x₂, x₁ -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.inl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @monoid_hom.inl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.inr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @monoid_hom.inr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.fst_comp_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.fst_comp_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.snd_comp_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.snd_comp_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.prod_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.prod_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.prod_map_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.prod_map_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_prod_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.coe_prod_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.prod_comp_prod_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', f', g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.prod_comp_prod_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', f', g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coprod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.coprod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.coprod_comp_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coprod_comp_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coprod_comp_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @monoid_hom.coprod_comp_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coprod_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.coprod_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.comp_coprod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, h -/ #check @add_add_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mul_mul_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @mul_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @mul_monoid_with_zero_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @sub_add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @div_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @div_monoid_with_zero_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- algebra/group/type_tags.lean #check @to_add_of_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @of_add_to_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @to_mul_of_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @of_mul_to_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @of_add_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @to_add_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @of_mul_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @to_mul_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @of_mul_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @to_mul_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @of_add_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @to_add_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @of_add_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @to_add_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @of_mul_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @to_mul_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ -- algebra/group/units.lean #check @add_units.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @units.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_units.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @units.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @add_units.coe_neg_copy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: inv -/ #check @units.coe_inv_copy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: inv -/ #check @add_units.coe_copy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: val -/ #check @units.coe_copy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: val -/ #check @units.copy_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @add_units.copy_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @units.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @add_units.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @units.inv_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁, y, x -/ #check @add_units.neg_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁, y, x -/ #check @add_units.val_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @units.val_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_units.neg_eq_coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @units.inv_eq_coe_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @units.mul_inv_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @add_units.add_neg_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @add_units.neg_add_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @units.inv_mul_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @units.mul_inv_cancel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_units.add_neg_cancel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @units.inv_mul_cancel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_units.neg_add_cancel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_units.eq_neg_add_iff_add_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @units.eq_inv_mul_iff_mul_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @units.inv_mul_eq_iff_eq_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_units.neg_add_eq_iff_eq_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_units.add_neg_eq_iff_eq_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @units.mul_inv_eq_iff_eq_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @divp_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @divp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, b, a -/ #check @divp_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @divp_mul_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mul_divp_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @divp_divp_eq_divp_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u₂, u₁, x -/ #check @one_divp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @divp_mul_divp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: uy, ux, y, x -/ #check @units.is_unit_mul_units /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_units.is_add_unit_add_add_units /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @units.is_unit_units_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_units.is_add_unit_add_units_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- algebra/group/units_hom.lean #check @add_units.coe_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @units.coe_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @units.coe_map_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, f -/ #check @add_units.coe_map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, f -/ #check @units.map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @add_units.map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @add_units.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @units.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @add_units.coe_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @units.coe_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @units.coe_lift_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_units.coe_lift_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @monoid_hom.coe_to_hom_units /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @is_add_unit.coe_lift_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @is_unit.coe_lift_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ -- algebra/group/with_one.lean #check @with_zero.coe_add_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @with_one.coe_mul_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @with_one.lift_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @with_zero.lift_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @with_one.lift_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @with_zero.lift_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @with_one.map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @with_zero.map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @with_zero.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @with_one.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @with_zero.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @with_one.coe_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @with_zero.coe_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @with_zero.coe_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @with_zero.coe_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @with_zero.coe_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- algebra/group_action_hom.lean #check @mul_action_hom.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, m, f -/ #check @mul_action_hom.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mul_action_hom.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mul_action_hom.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g -/ #check @mul_action_hom.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mul_action_hom.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mul_action_hom.inverse_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g -/ #check @mul_action_hom.to_quotient_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, H -/ #check @distrib_mul_action_hom.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @distrib_mul_action_hom.coe_fn_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @distrib_mul_action_hom.coe_fn_coe' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @distrib_mul_action_hom.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @distrib_mul_action_hom.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @distrib_mul_action_hom.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, B', A' -/ #check @distrib_mul_action_hom.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f, B', A' -/ #check @distrib_mul_action_hom.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, m, f -/ #check @distrib_mul_action_hom.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @distrib_mul_action_hom.one_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @distrib_mul_action_hom.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g -/ #check @distrib_mul_action_hom.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @distrib_mul_action_hom.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @distrib_mul_action_hom.inverse_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g -/ #check @mul_semiring_action_hom.coe_fn_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mul_semiring_action_hom.coe_fn_coe' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mul_semiring_action_hom.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @mul_semiring_action_hom.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, S', R' -/ #check @mul_semiring_action_hom.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f, S', R' -/ #check @mul_semiring_action_hom.map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @mul_semiring_action_hom.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, m, f -/ #check @mul_semiring_action_hom.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mul_semiring_action_hom.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g -/ #check @mul_semiring_action_hom.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mul_semiring_action_hom.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @is_invariant_subring.coe_subtype_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @is_invariant_subring.coe_subtype_hom' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ -- algebra/group_power/basic.lean #check @one_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pow_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @two_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pow_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pow_mul_comm' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @nsmul_add_comm' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @add_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @pow_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @pow_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a, P -/ #check @ite_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a, P -/ #check @pow_boole /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, P -/ #check @mul_nsmul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @pow_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @nsmul_left_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @pow_right_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @mul_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @pow_mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @pow_mul_pow_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @nsmul_add_sub_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pow_sub_mul_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @sub_nsmul_nsmul_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pow_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @bit0_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @pow_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @bit1_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @pow_mul_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @nsmul_add_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @commute.mul_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @add_commute.add_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pow_bit0' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @bit0_nsmul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @pow_bit1' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @bit1_nsmul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @mul_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b, a -/ #check @nsmul_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b, a -/ #check @pow_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: _x, n -/ #check @nsmul_add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: _x, n -/ #check @one_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @zpow_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @zpow_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @neg_one_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @zpow_neg_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @zpow_neg_coe_of_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @zsmul_neg_coe_of_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @neg_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @inv_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @nsmul_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pow_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @nsmul_neg_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @pow_inv_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @inv_pow_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @sub_nsmul_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @zpow_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @neg_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @neg_one_zsmul_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @mul_zpow_neg_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @inv_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @zsmul_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @add_commute.zsmul_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @commute.mul_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @mul_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b, a -/ #check @zsmul_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b, a -/ #check @div_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b, a -/ #check @zsmul_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b, a -/ #check @zsmul_add_group_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: _x, n -/ #check @zpow_group_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: _x, n -/ #check @zero_pow_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @ring_hom.map_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, f -/ #check @add_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @add_pow_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @neg_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @neg_pow_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @neg_pow_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @neg_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @neg_pow_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @sq_sub_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pow_two_sub_pow_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @sub_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @sub_pow_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @of_add_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @of_add_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @of_mul_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @of_mul_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ -- algebra/group_power/lemmas.lean #check @nsmul_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @units.coe_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, u -/ #check @add_units.coe_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, u -/ #check @inv_of_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @smul_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, x, k -/ #check @smul_pow' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, x -/ #check @zsmul_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @add_one_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @zpow_add_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @zsmul_sub_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @zpow_sub_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @add_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @zpow_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @add_zsmul_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, b -/ #check @mul_self_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, b -/ #check @mul_zpow_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, b -/ #check @add_self_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, b -/ #check @zpow_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @sub_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @zpow_one_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, a -/ #check @one_add_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, a -/ #check @zpow_mul_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, a -/ #check @zsmul_add_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, a -/ #check @zpow_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @mul_zsmul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @mul_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @zpow_mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @zpow_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @bit0_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @bit1_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @zpow_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @add_units.coe_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, u -/ #check @units.coe_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, u -/ #check @abs_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n -/ #check @abs_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n -/ #check @abs_add_eq_add_abs_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @with_bot.coe_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @nsmul_eq_mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @nsmul_eq_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n -/ #check @mul_nsmul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b, a -/ #check @mul_nsmul_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b, a -/ #check @nat.cast_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @int.coe_nat_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @int.nat_abs_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n -/ #check @zsmul_eq_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @zsmul_eq_mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @mul_zsmul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b, a -/ #check @mul_zsmul_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b, a -/ #check @zsmul_int_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @zsmul_int_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.cast_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @abs_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @even.pow_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pow_bit0_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, a -/ #check @int.units_pow_eq_pow_mod_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, u -/ #check @int.nat_abs_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @int.nat_abs_pow_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @powers_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @powers_hom_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @zpowers_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @zpowers_hom_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @multiples_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @multiples_hom_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @zmultiples_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @zmultiples_hom_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.apply_mnat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.apply_mint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.apply_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.apply_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @powers_mul_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @powers_mul_hom_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @zpowers_mul_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @zpowers_mul_hom_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @multiples_add_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @multiples_add_hom_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @zmultiples_add_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @zmultiples_add_hom_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @nat.to_add_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nat.of_add_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.to_add_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.to_add_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.of_add_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @units.conj_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, u -/ #check @units.conj_pow' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, u -/ #check @mul_opposite.op_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @mul_opposite.unop_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @mul_opposite.op_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, x -/ #check @mul_opposite.unop_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, x -/ -- algebra/group_power/order.lean #check @pow_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @sq_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @abs_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- algebra/group_ring_action.lean #check @mul_semiring_action.to_ring_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x, R, M -/ #check @mul_semiring_action.to_ring_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x, R, G -/ #check @mul_semiring_action.to_ring_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x, R, G -/ #check @smul_inv'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, x -/ -- algebra/group_with_zero/basic.lean #check @ring.inverse_unit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @ring.mul_inverse_cancel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @ring.inverse_mul_cancel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @ring.mul_inverse_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @ring.inverse_mul_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @ring.inverse_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M₀ -/ #check @ring.inverse_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M₀ -/ #check @ring.mul_inverse_rev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @division_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @mul_inv_cancel_right₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mul_inv_cancel_left₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @inv_mul_cancel_right₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @inv_mul_cancel_left₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @inv_inv₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mul_self_mul_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mul_inv_mul_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @inv_mul_mul_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mul_self_div_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @div_self_mul_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @units.mk0_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @units.coe_inv' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @units.mk0_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hxy, y, x -/ #check @mul_inv_rev₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @div_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @div_mul_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mul_div_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @div_self_mul_self' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @div_eq_mul_one_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @one_div_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @one_div_one_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @one_div_mul_one_div_rev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @divp_eq_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, a -/ #check @divp_mk0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mul_div_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @mul_mul_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ring.inverse_eq_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @div_div_eq_mul_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @div_div_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @div_div_div_cancel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @div_mul_div_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @one_div_mul_one_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @div_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @mul_div_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @mul_div_cancel' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @div_mul_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, b, a -/ #check @mul_div_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @div_mul_eq_mul_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @div_mul_eq_mul_div_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @div_div_eq_div_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @div_div_div_div_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @div_mul_eq_div_mul_one_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @div_helper /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @mul_div_right_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @mul_comm_div' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @div_mul_comm' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @mul_div_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @div_right_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @monoid_with_zero_hom.map_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @monoid_with_zero_hom.map_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_units_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, f -/ #check @monoid_with_zero_hom.map_units_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, f -/ -- algebra/group_with_zero/power.lean #check @ring.inverse_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, r -/ #check @inv_pow₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @pow_sub₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pow_sub_of_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pow_inv_comm₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @inv_pow_sub_of_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @zero_zpow_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @zpow_neg₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @mul_zpow_neg_one₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @zpow_neg_one₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @inv_zpow₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @zpow_add_one₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @zpow_sub_one₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @zpow_add₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @zpow_one_add₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @zpow_bit0₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @zpow_bit1₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @zpow_mul₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @zpow_mul₀' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @units.coe_zpow₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, u -/ #check @zpow_sub₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z2, z1 -/ #check @commute.mul_zpow₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @zpow_bit0' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @zpow_bit1' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @one_div_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @one_div_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @inv_zpow' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @div_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b, a -/ #check @mul_zpow₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, b, a -/ #check @div_zpow₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @div_sq_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @monoid_with_zero_hom.map_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, f -/ -- algebra/homology/additive.lean #check @homological_complex.zero_f_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @homological_complex.add_f_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g, f -/ #check @homological_complex.neg_f_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @homological_complex.sub_f_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g, f -/ #check @homological_complex.hom.f_add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, i -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_homological_complex_obj_d /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, C, c, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_homological_complex_obj_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, C, c, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_homological_complex_map_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, D, C, c, F -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.map_homological_complex_app_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, C, c, α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.map_homological_complex_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, c -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.map_homological_complex_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α, c -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.map_homological_complex_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.map_homological_complex_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, α -/ #check @homological_complex.single_map_homological_complex_hom_app_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, j, F, c -/ #check @homological_complex.single_map_homological_complex_hom_app_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F, c -/ #check @homological_complex.single_map_homological_complex_inv_app_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, j, F, c -/ #check @homological_complex.single_map_homological_complex_inv_app_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F, c -/ #check @chain_complex.single₀_map_homological_complex_hom_app_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @chain_complex.single₀_map_homological_complex_hom_app_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, X, F -/ #check @chain_complex.single₀_map_homological_complex_inv_app_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @chain_complex.single₀_map_homological_complex_inv_app_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, X, F -/ -- algebra/homology/augment.lean #check @chain_complex.truncate_map_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, D, C -/ #check @chain_complex.truncate_obj_d /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, C -/ #check @chain_complex.truncate_obj_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, C -/ #check @chain_complex.augment_X_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, C -/ #check @chain_complex.augment_d_one_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @chain_complex.augment_d_succ_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, C -/ #check @chain_complex.truncate_augment_hom_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, C -/ #check @chain_complex.truncate_augment_inv_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, w, f, C -/ #check @chain_complex.chain_complex_d_succ_succ_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, C -/ #check @chain_complex.augment_truncate_hom_f_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @chain_complex.augment_truncate_hom_f_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, C -/ #check @chain_complex.augment_truncate_inv_f_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @chain_complex.augment_truncate_inv_f_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, C -/ #check @cochain_complex.truncate_obj_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, C -/ #check @cochain_complex.truncate_map_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, D, C -/ #check @cochain_complex.truncate_obj_d /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, C -/ #check @cochain_complex.augment_X_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, C -/ #check @cochain_complex.augment_d_zero_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @cochain_complex.augment_d_succ_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, C -/ #check @cochain_complex.truncate_augment_hom_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, C -/ #check @cochain_complex.truncate_augment_inv_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, w, f, C -/ #check @cochain_complex.cochain_complex_d_succ_succ_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, C -/ #check @cochain_complex.augment_truncate_hom_f_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @cochain_complex.augment_truncate_hom_f_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, C -/ #check @cochain_complex.augment_truncate_inv_f_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @cochain_complex.augment_truncate_inv_f_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, C -/ -- algebra/homology/complex_shape.lean #check @complex_shape.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @complex_shape.refl_rel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, ι -/ #check @complex_shape.symm_rel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, c -/ #check @complex_shape.symm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @complex_shape.next_eq_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @complex_shape.prev_eq_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @complex_shape.up'_rel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, a -/ #check @complex_shape.down'_rel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, a -/ #check @complex_shape.up_rel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, α -/ #check @complex_shape.down_rel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, α -/ -- algebra/homology/differential_object.lean #check @category_theory.differential_object.X_eq_to_hom_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, X -/ #check @homological_complex.eq_to_hom_d_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, X -/ #check @homological_complex.eq_to_hom_d /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, X -/ #check @homological_complex.d_eq_to_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', X -/ #check @homological_complex.d_eq_to_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @homological_complex.eq_to_hom_f_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, f -/ #check @homological_complex.eq_to_hom_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, f -/ #check @homological_complex.dgo_to_homological_complex_map_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, Y, X, V, b -/ #check @homological_complex.dgo_to_homological_complex_obj_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, X, V, b -/ #check @homological_complex.dgo_to_homological_complex_obj_d /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, X, V, b -/ #check @homological_complex.homological_complex_to_dgo_obj_d /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, X, V, b -/ #check @homological_complex.homological_complex_to_dgo_map_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, Y, X, V, b -/ #check @homological_complex.homological_complex_to_dgo_obj_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, X, V, b -/ #check @homological_complex.dgo_equiv_homological_complex_unit_iso_hom_app_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, X, V, b -/ #check @homological_complex.dgo_equiv_homological_complex_unit_iso_inv_app_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, X, V, b -/ #check @homological_complex.dgo_equiv_homological_complex_counit_iso_inv_app_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, X, V, b -/ #check @homological_complex.dgo_equiv_homological_complex_counit_iso_hom_app_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, X, V, b -/ #check @homological_complex.dgo_equiv_homological_complex_counit_iso_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, b -/ #check @homological_complex.dgo_equiv_homological_complex_unit_iso_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, b -/ #check @homological_complex.dgo_equiv_homological_complex_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, b -/ #check @homological_complex.dgo_equiv_homological_complex_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, b -/ -- algebra/homology/exact.lean #check @category_theory.exact.w_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.preadditive.exact_iff_homology_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.kernel_comp_cokernel_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.kernel_comp_cokernel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.fork_ι_comp_cofork_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', t, s, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.fork_ι_comp_cofork_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.mono_iff_exact_zero_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.epi_iff_exact_zero_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- algebra/homology/flip.lean #check @homological_complex.flip_obj_X_d /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j', j, i, C -/ #check @homological_complex.flip_obj_d_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i', i, C -/ #check @homological_complex.flip_obj_X_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, C -/ #check @homological_complex.flip_map_f_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, f, D, C, c', c, V -/ #check @homological_complex.flip_obj_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C, c', c, V -/ #check @homological_complex.flip_equivalence_unit_iso_inv_app_f_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, X, c', c, V -/ #check @homological_complex.flip_equivalence_unit_iso_hom_app_f_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, X, c', c, V -/ #check @homological_complex.flip_equivalence_counit_iso_hom_app_f_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, X, c', c, V -/ #check @homological_complex.flip_equivalence_counit_iso_inv_app_f_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, X, c', c, V -/ #check @homological_complex.flip_equivalence_counit_iso_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c', c, V -/ #check @homological_complex.flip_equivalence_unit_iso_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c', c, V -/ #check @homological_complex.flip_equivalence_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c', c, V -/ #check @homological_complex.flip_equivalence_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c', c, V -/ -- algebra/homology/functor.lean #check @homological_complex.as_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, C -/ #check @homological_complex.as_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, t₂, t₁, C -/ #check @homological_complex.complex_of_functors_to_functor_to_complex_map_app_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, t, f, D, C -/ #check @homological_complex.complex_of_functors_to_functor_to_complex_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ -- algebra/homology/homological_complex.lean #check @homological_complex.shape /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, self -/ #check @homological_complex.d_comp_d_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k, i, C -/ #check @homological_complex.d_comp_d /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, i, C -/ #check @chain_complex.prev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, α -/ #check @chain_complex.next /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, α -/ #check @chain_complex.next_nat_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @cochain_complex.prev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, α -/ #check @cochain_complex.next /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, α -/ #check @cochain_complex.prev_nat_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @homological_complex.hom.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @homological_complex.hom.comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, f -/ #check @homological_complex.hom.comm_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, i, f -/ #check @homological_complex.id_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, C -/ #check @homological_complex.comp_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g, f -/ #check @homological_complex.zero_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, D, C -/ #check @homological_complex.congr_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @homological_complex.eval_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C, i, c, V -/ #check @homological_complex.eval_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, D, C, i, c, V -/ #check @homological_complex.forget_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, _x, _x, c, V -/ #check @homological_complex.forget_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, C, c, V -/ #check @homological_complex.forget_eval_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, i, c, V -/ #check @homological_complex.forget_eval_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, i, c, V -/ #check @homological_complex.d_comp_eq_to_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @homological_complex.eq_to_hom_comp_d /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @homological_complex.kernel_eq_kernel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @homological_complex.image_eq_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @homological_complex.d_to_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @homological_complex.d_to_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @homological_complex.d_from_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @homological_complex.d_from_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @homological_complex.X_prev_iso_comp_d_to_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', C -/ #check @homological_complex.X_prev_iso_comp_d_to /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @homological_complex.X_prev_iso_zero_comp_d_to_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', C -/ #check @homological_complex.X_prev_iso_zero_comp_d_to /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @homological_complex.d_from_comp_X_next_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @homological_complex.d_from_comp_X_next_iso_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', C -/ #check @homological_complex.d_from_comp_X_next_iso_zero_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', C -/ #check @homological_complex.d_from_comp_X_next_iso_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @homological_complex.d_to_comp_d_from /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, C -/ #check @homological_complex.kernel_from_eq_kernel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @homological_complex.image_to_eq_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @homological_complex.hom.iso_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @homological_complex.hom.iso_app_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @homological_complex.hom.iso_of_components_inv_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @homological_complex.hom.iso_of_components_hom_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @homological_complex.hom.iso_of_components_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @homological_complex.hom.prev_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @homological_complex.hom.next_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @homological_complex.hom.comm_from /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @homological_complex.hom.comm_from_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', i, f -/ #check @homological_complex.hom.comm_to /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, f -/ #check @homological_complex.hom.comm_to_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, f -/ #check @homological_complex.hom.sq_from_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @homological_complex.hom.sq_from_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @homological_complex.hom.sq_from_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, C₁ -/ #check @homological_complex.hom.sq_from_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g, f -/ #check @homological_complex.hom.sq_to_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, f -/ #check @homological_complex.hom.sq_to_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, f -/ #check @chain_complex.of_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, X -/ #check @chain_complex.of_d /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, d -/ #check @chain_complex.of_d_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sq, d, X -/ #check @chain_complex.of_hom_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @chain_complex.mk_X_0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X₀ -/ #check @chain_complex.mk_X_1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X₁ -/ #check @chain_complex.mk_X_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X₂ -/ #check @chain_complex.mk_d_1_0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d₀ -/ #check @chain_complex.mk_d_2_0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d₁ -/ #check @chain_complex.mk'_X_0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X₀ -/ #check @chain_complex.mk'_X_1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X₁ -/ #check @chain_complex.mk'_d_1_0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d₀ -/ #check @chain_complex.mk_hom_f_0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: zero -/ #check @chain_complex.mk_hom_f_1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: one -/ #check @chain_complex.mk_hom_f_succ_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, succ, one_zero_comm, one, zero, Q, P -/ #check @cochain_complex.of_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, X -/ #check @cochain_complex.of_d /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, d -/ #check @cochain_complex.of_d_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sq, d, X -/ #check @cochain_complex.of_hom_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @cochain_complex.mk_X_0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X₀ -/ #check @cochain_complex.mk_X_1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X₁ -/ #check @cochain_complex.mk_X_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X₂ -/ #check @cochain_complex.mk_d_1_0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d₀ -/ #check @cochain_complex.mk_d_2_0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d₁ -/ #check @cochain_complex.mk'_X_0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X₀ -/ #check @cochain_complex.mk'_X_1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X₁ -/ #check @cochain_complex.mk'_d_1_0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d₀ -/ #check @cochain_complex.mk_hom_f_0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: zero -/ #check @cochain_complex.mk_hom_f_1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: one -/ #check @cochain_complex.mk_hom_f_succ_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, succ, one_zero_comm, one, zero, Q, P -/ -- algebra/homology/homology.lean #check @homological_complex.cycles_arrow_d_from /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, C -/ #check @homological_complex.cycles_arrow_d_from_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', i, C -/ #check @homological_complex.cycles_eq_kernel_subobject /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @homological_complex.cycles_eq_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @homological_complex.boundaries_eq_image_subobject /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @homological_complex.boundaries_eq_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @homological_complex.image_to_kernel_as_boundaries_to_cycles /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, C -/ #check @homological_complex.boundaries_to_cycles_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, C -/ #check @homological_complex.boundaries_to_cycles_arrow_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', i, C -/ #check @cycles_map_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @cycles_map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @cycles_map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g, f -/ #check @cycles_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C, i, c, V -/ #check @cycles_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, C₂, C₁, i, c, V -/ #check @boundaries_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, C₂, C₁, i, c, V -/ #check @boundaries_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C, i, c, V -/ #check @boundaries_to_cycles_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @boundaries_to_cycles_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', i, f -/ #check @boundaries_to_cycles_nat_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C, i, c, V -/ #check @homology_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, C₂, C₁, i, c, V -/ #check @homology_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C, i, c, V -/ #check @graded_homology_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, C', C, c, V -/ #check @graded_homology_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, C, c, V -/ -- algebra/homology/homotopy.lean #check @d_next_eq_d_from_from_next /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @d_next_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @d_next_comp_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g, f -/ #check @d_next_comp_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g, f -/ #check @prev_d_eq_to_prev_d_to /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, f -/ #check @prev_d_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @prev_d_comp_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, g, f -/ #check @to_prev'_comp_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, g, f -/ #check @d_next_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, i, D, C -/ #check @prev_d_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, i, D, C -/ #check @homotopy.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @homotopy.zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @homotopy.of_eq_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @homotopy.refl_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @homotopy.symm_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, h -/ #check @homotopy.trans_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, k, h -/ #check @homotopy.add_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, h₂, h₁ -/ #check @homotopy.comp_right_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, g, h -/ #check @homotopy.comp_left_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, e, h -/ #check @homotopy.comp_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, h₂, h₁ -/ #check @homotopy.comp_right_id_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, g, h -/ #check @homotopy.comp_left_id_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, g, h -/ #check @homotopy.null_homotopy_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, hom -/ #check @homotopy.null_homotopy'_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, h -/ #check @homotopy.null_homotopic_map_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hom -/ #check @homotopy.null_homotopic_map'_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @homotopy.null_homotopic_map_f_of_not_rel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hom -/ #check @homotopy.null_homotopic_map'_f_of_not_rel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @homotopy.null_homotopic_map_f_of_not_rel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hom -/ #check @homotopy.null_homotopic_map'_f_of_not_rel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @homotopy.prev_d_chain_complex /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, f -/ #check @homotopy.d_next_succ_chain_complex /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @homotopy.mk_inductive_aux₃ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, succ, comm_one, one, comm_zero, zero, e -/ #check @homology_map_eq_of_homotopy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_homotopy_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, h, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_homotopy_equiv_homotopy_inv_hom_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_homotopy_equiv_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_homotopy_equiv_homotopy_hom_inv_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_homotopy_equiv_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, F -/ -- algebra/homology/homotopy_category.lean #check @homotopy_category.quotient_obj_as /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @homotopy_category.quotient_map_out /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @homotopy_category.quotient_map_out_comp_out /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @homotopy_category.iso_of_homotopy_equiv_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @homotopy_category.iso_of_homotopy_equiv_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @homotopy_category.homology_factors_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C, i, c, V -/ #check @homotopy_category.homology_factors_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C, i, c, V -/ #check @homotopy_category.homology_functor_map_factors /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, i, c, V -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_homotopy_category_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, D, C, F, c -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_homotopy_category_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C, F, c -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.map_homotopy_category_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C, c, α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.map_homotopy_category_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, c -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.map_homotopy_category_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α, c -/ -- algebra/homology/image_to_kernel.lean #check @subobject_of_le_as_image_to_kernel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @image_to_kernel_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @image_to_kernel_arrow_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @factor_thru_image_subobject_comp_image_to_kernel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, g, f -/ #check @image_to_kernel_zero_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @image_to_kernel_zero_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @image_to_kernel_comp_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, h, g, f -/ #check @image_to_kernel_comp_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, h, g, f -/ #check @image_to_kernel_comp_mono /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, h, g, f -/ #check @image_to_kernel_epi_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, h, g, f -/ #check @image_to_kernel_comp_hom_inv_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, g, f -/ #check @homology.condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, g, f -/ #check @homology.π_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k, g -/ #check @homology.π_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @image_subobject_map_comp_image_to_kernel_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @homology.π_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, w' -/ #check @homology.π_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', β, w' -/ #check @homology.map_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, k, p, β, α, w', w -/ #check @homology.map_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', z, k, p, β, α, w', w -/ #check @homology.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w -/ #check @homology.map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂, p₁, β₂, α₂, β₁, α₁, w₃, w₁ -/ #check @homology.map_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', p₂, p₁, β₂, α₂, β₁, α₁, w₃, w₁ -/ #check @homology.congr_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pg, pf, w', w -/ #check @homology.congr_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pg, pf, w', w -/ #check @image_subobject_iso_image_to_kernel' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, g, f -/ #check @image_to_kernel'_kernel_subobject_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, g, f -/ -- algebra/homology/single.lean #check @homological_complex.single_obj_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, A, j, V -/ #check @homological_complex.single_obj_d /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, A, j, V -/ #check @homological_complex.single_map_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, B, A, j, c, V -/ #check @homological_complex.single_obj_X_self_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, j, c, V -/ #check @homological_complex.single_obj_X_self_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, j, c, V -/ #check @homological_complex.single_map_f_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, j, c, V -/ #check @chain_complex.single₀_obj_X_0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @chain_complex.single₀_obj_X_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V -/ #check @chain_complex.single₀_obj_X_d /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, X, V -/ #check @chain_complex.single₀_obj_X_d_to /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, X, V -/ #check @chain_complex.single₀_obj_X_d_from /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, X, V -/ #check @chain_complex.single₀_map_f_0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @chain_complex.single₀_map_f_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, V -/ #check @cochain_complex.single₀_obj_X_0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @cochain_complex.single₀_obj_X_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V -/ #check @cochain_complex.single₀_obj_X_d /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, X, V -/ #check @cochain_complex.single₀_obj_X_d_from /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, X, V -/ #check @cochain_complex.single₀_obj_X_d_to /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, X, V -/ #check @cochain_complex.single₀_map_f_0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @cochain_complex.single₀_map_f_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, V -/ -- algebra/indicator_function.lean #check @set.indicator_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, s -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, s -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.indicator_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.indicator_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_eq_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.indicator_range_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_range_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.indicator_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @set.indicator_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_one' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @set.indicator_zero' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @set.indicator_indicator /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_mul_indicator /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @set.indicator_inter_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_inter_mul_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @set.comp_indicator /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, h -/ #check @set.comp_mul_indicator /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, h -/ #check @set.indicator_comp_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_comp_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.comp_mul_indicator_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @set.comp_indicator_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @set.indicator_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, f, s -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, f, s -/ #check @set.indicator_preimage_of_not_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_preimage_of_not_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @set.indicator_union_add_inter_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, t, s, f -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_union_mul_inter_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, t, s, f -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_union_mul_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, f -/ #check @set.indicator_union_add_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, f -/ #check @set.indicator_union_of_not_mem_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_union_of_not_mem_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.indicator_union_of_disjoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_union_of_disjoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @set.indicator_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @set.indicator_add' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @set.indicator_compl_add_self_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_compl_mul_self_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @set.indicator_compl_add_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_compl_mul_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.indicator_self_add_compl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_self_mul_compl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @set.indicator_self_add_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_self_mul_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.indicator_smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, r, s -/ #check @set.indicator_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r, s -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_inv' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @set.indicator_neg' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @set.indicator_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @set.indicator_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @set.indicator_sub' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_div' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @set.indicator_compl' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @set.indicator_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @set.indicator_diff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_diff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.indicator_diff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.sum_indicator_subset_of_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @set.prod_mul_indicator_subset_of_eq_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @set.sum_indicator_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.prod_mul_indicator_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.prod_mul_indicator_eq_prod_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, t, f, s -/ #check @finset.sum_indicator_eq_sum_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, t, f, s -/ #check @set.indicator_finset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s, I -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_finset_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s, I -/ #check @set.indicator_finset_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, I -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_finset_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, I -/ #check @set.indicator_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @set.indicator_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @set.indicator_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @set.inter_indicator_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @set.indicator_Union_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, s -/ #check @set.mul_indicator_Union_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, s -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_mul_indicator /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, s, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_indicator /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, s, f -/ -- algebra/invertible.lean #check @inv_of_mul_self_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @mul_inv_of_self_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @mul_inv_of_mul_self_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mul_mul_inv_of_self_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @coe_inv_unit_of_invertible /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @coe_unit_of_invertible /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @inv_of_units /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @nonempty_invertible_iff_is_unit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @inv_of_eq_group_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @inv_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @inv_of_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @ring.inverse_invertible /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @inv_of_eq_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @div_mul_cancel_of_invertible /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mul_div_cancel_of_invertible /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @inv_of_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- algebra/iterate_hom.lean #check @hom_coe_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f, c -/ #check @monoid_hom.iterate_map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, n, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.iterate_map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, n, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.iterate_map_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.iterate_map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.iterate_map_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, n, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.iterate_map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, n, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.iterate_map_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, a, n, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.iterate_map_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, a, n, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.coe_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @monoid.End.coe_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.iterate_map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, m, n, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.iterate_map_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, m, n, f -/ #check @add_monoid.End.coe_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @ring_hom.coe_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @ring_hom.iterate_map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, n, f -/ #check @ring_hom.iterate_map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, n, f -/ #check @ring_hom.iterate_map_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n, a, f -/ #check @ring_hom.iterate_map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, m, n, f -/ #check @ring_hom.iterate_map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, n, f -/ #check @ring_hom.iterate_map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n, f -/ #check @ring_hom.iterate_map_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, m, n, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.coe_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @add_left_iterate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @mul_left_iterate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @add_right_iterate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @mul_right_iterate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @add_right_iterate_apply_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @mul_right_iterate_apply_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ -- algebra/lie/abelian.lean #check @trivial_lie_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @lie_module.mem_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, M, L -/ #check @lie_module.mem_max_triv_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, M, L -/ #check @lie_module.ideal_oper_max_triv_submodule_eq_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, L, R -/ #check @lie_module.le_max_triv_iff_bracket_eq_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, L, R -/ #check @lie_module.trivial_iff_le_maximal_trivial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, L, R -/ #check @lie_module.is_trivial_iff_max_triv_eq_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, L -/ #check @lie_module.coe_max_triv_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ #check @lie_module.coe_max_triv_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, e -/ #check @lie_module.max_triv_equiv_of_equiv_symm_eq_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @lie_module.coe_max_triv_linear_map_equiv_lie_module_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_module.coe_max_triv_linear_map_equiv_lie_module_hom_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_module.coe_linear_map_max_triv_linear_map_equiv_lie_module_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_module.coe_linear_map_max_triv_linear_map_equiv_lie_module_hom_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_algebra.ad_ker_eq_self_module_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, R -/ #check @lie_algebra.self_module_ker_eq_center /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, R -/ #check @lie_algebra.is_lie_abelian_iff_center_eq_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @lie_submodule.lie_abelian_iff_lie_self_eq_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ -- algebra/lie/base_change.lean #check @lie_algebra.extend_scalars.bracket_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, t, s, L, A, R -/ -- algebra/lie/basic.lean #check @add_lie /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, y, x -/ #check @lie_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, x -/ #check @smul_lie /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, x, t -/ #check @lie_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, x, t -/ #check @leibniz_lie /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, y, x -/ #check @lie_skew /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @neg_lie /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, x -/ #check @lie_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, x -/ #check @sub_lie /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, y, x -/ #check @lie_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, x -/ #check @nsmul_lie /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, x -/ #check @lie_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, x -/ #check @zsmul_lie /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, m, x -/ #check @lie_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, m, x -/ #check @lie_lie /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, y, x -/ #check @lie_hom.lie_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, x, f -/ #check @lie_hom.coe_to_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_hom.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_hom.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, f -/ #check @lie_hom.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @lie_hom.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @lie_hom.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @lie_hom.map_lie /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @lie_hom.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @lie_hom.one_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @lie_hom.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @lie_hom.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_hom.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_hom.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @lie_hom.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @lie_hom.coe_linear_map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @lie_hom.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_hom.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_equiv.coe_to_lie_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @lie_equiv.coe_to_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @lie_equiv.to_linear_equiv_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁, g, f -/ #check @lie_equiv.one_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @lie_equiv.refl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @lie_equiv.symm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @lie_equiv.apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @lie_equiv.symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @lie_equiv.trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @lie_equiv.symm_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @lie_module_hom.coe_to_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_module_hom.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, f -/ #check @lie_module_hom.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @lie_module_hom.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @lie_module_hom.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @lie_module_hom.map_lie /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, x, f -/ #check @lie_module_hom.map_lie₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, x, f -/ #check @lie_module_hom.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @lie_module_hom.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @lie_module_hom.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_module_hom.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_module_hom.coe_linear_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_module_hom.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, g, f -/ #check @lie_module_hom.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @lie_module_hom.coe_linear_map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @lie_module_hom.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @lie_module_hom.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, g, f -/ #check @lie_module_hom.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @lie_module_hom.sub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, g, f -/ #check @lie_module_hom.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_module_hom.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ #check @lie_module_hom.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t -/ #check @lie_module_hom.smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f, t -/ #check @lie_module_equiv.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_module_equiv.coe_to_lie_module_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @lie_module_equiv.coe_to_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @lie_module_equiv.one_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @lie_module_equiv.refl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @lie_module_equiv.apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @lie_module_equiv.symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @lie_module_equiv.symm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @lie_module_equiv.trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @lie_module_equiv.symm_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ -- algebra/lie/cartan_subalgebra.lean #check @lie_subalgebra.mem_normalizer_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, H -/ -- algebra/lie/character.lean #check @lie_algebra.lie_character_equiv_linear_dual_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: χ -/ #check @lie_algebra.lie_character_equiv_linear_dual_symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ψ -/ #check @lie_algebra.lie_character_equiv_linear_dual_symm_apply_to_linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ψ -/ -- algebra/lie/classical.lean #check @lie_algebra.matrix_trace_commutator_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @lie_algebra.special_linear.sl_bracket /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A, R, n -/ #check @lie_algebra.special_linear.Eb_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, R -/ #check @lie_algebra.orthogonal.mem_so /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, R, n -/ #check @lie_algebra.orthogonal.Pso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, q, p -/ #check @lie_algebra.orthogonal.indefinite_diagonal_transform /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, q, p -/ #check @lie_algebra.orthogonal.so_indefinite_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, R, q, p -/ #check @lie_algebra.orthogonal.S_as_blocks /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, l -/ #check @lie_algebra.orthogonal.JD_transform /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, l -/ #check @lie_algebra.orthogonal.PD_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, l -/ #check @lie_algebra.orthogonal.PB_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, l -/ #check @lie_algebra.orthogonal.JB_transform /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, l -/ #check @lie_algebra.orthogonal.indefinite_diagonal_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, l -/ -- algebra/lie/direct_sum.lean #check @direct_sum.lie_module_bracket_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, m, x -/ #check @direct_sum.bracket_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, y, x, L -/ #check @direct_sum.lie_algebra_of_to_linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, j, L, ι -/ #check @direct_sum.lie_algebra_of_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, j, L, ι -/ #check @direct_sum.lie_algebra_component_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, j, L, ι, R -/ #check @direct_sum.lie_algebra_component_to_linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, j, L, ι, R -/ #check @direct_sum.lie_of_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, ι -/ #check @direct_sum.lie_of_of_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, L, ι -/ #check @direct_sum.lie_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, L, ι -/ #check @direct_sum.to_lie_algebra_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f, L' -/ #check @direct_sum.to_lie_algebra_to_linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f, L' -/ -- algebra/lie/free.lean #check @free_lie_algebra.lift_aux_map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, t, f, R -/ #check @free_lie_algebra.lift_aux_map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f, R -/ #check @free_lie_algebra.lift_aux_map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f, R -/ #check @free_lie_algebra.lift_aux_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, R -/ #check @free_lie_algebra.lift_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, R -/ #check @free_lie_algebra.of_comp_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @free_lie_algebra.lift_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @free_lie_algebra.lift_of_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_lie_algebra.lift_comp_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @free_lie_algebra.universal_enveloping_equiv_free_algebra_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X, R -/ #check @free_lie_algebra.universal_enveloping_equiv_free_algebra_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X, R -/ -- algebra/lie/ideal_operations.lean #check @lie_submodule.lie_ideal_oper_eq_span /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, N -/ #check @lie_submodule.lie_ideal_oper_eq_linear_span /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, N -/ #check @lie_submodule.lie_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @lie_submodule.lie_eq_bot_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, N -/ #check @lie_submodule.lie_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, N', N -/ #check @lie_submodule.sup_lie /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I, N -/ #check @lie_submodule.map_bracket_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, I, N -/ #check @lie_ideal.map_bracket_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_ideal.comap_bracket_incl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @lie_ideal.comap_bracket_incl_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ -- algebra/lie/matrix.lean #check @lie_equiv_matrix'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_equiv_matrix'_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.lie_conj_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, P -/ #check @matrix.lie_conj_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, P -/ #check @matrix.reindex_lie_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, e -/ #check @matrix.reindex_lie_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ -- algebra/lie/nilpotent.lean #check @lie_module.lower_central_series_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, L, R -/ #check @lie_module.lower_central_series_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, M, L, R -/ #check @lie_module.trivial_iff_lower_central_eq_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, L -/ #check @lie_module.infi_max_gen_zero_eigenspace_eq_top_of_nilpotent /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, R -/ #check @lie_module.nilpotency_length_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @lie_module.nilpotency_length_eq_succ_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, M, L, R -/ #check @lie_algebra.infi_max_gen_zero_eigenspace_eq_top_of_nilpotent /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, R -/ #check @coe_lower_central_series_ideal_quot_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @lie_ideal.lower_central_series_map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ -- algebra/lie/non_unital_non_assoc_algebra.lean #check @lie_hom.to_non_unital_alg_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ -- algebra/lie/of_associative.lean #check @ring.lie_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @lie_ring.of_associative_ring_bracket /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @lie_ring.lie_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @alg_hom.to_lie_hom_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alg_hom.coe_to_lie_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alg_hom.to_lie_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @alg_hom.to_lie_hom_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @lie_module.to_endomorphism_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, x, M, L -/ #check @lie_module.to_endomorphism_to_linear_map_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, x, M, L -/ #check @lie_algebra.ad_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, L -/ #check @lie_algebra.ad_eq_lmul_left_sub_lmul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, R -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.ad_comp_incl_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, K -/ #check @linear_equiv.lie_conj_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e -/ #check @linear_equiv.lie_conj_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @alg_equiv.to_lie_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e -/ #check @alg_equiv.to_lie_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e -/ -- algebra/lie/quotient.lean #check @lie_submodule.quotient.is_quotient_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @lie_submodule.quotient.mk_bracket /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @lie_submodule.quotient.mk'_to_linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, N -/ #check @lie_submodule.quotient.mk_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N -/ #check @lie_submodule.quotient.mk'_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N -/ #check @lie_submodule.quotient.map_mk'_eq_bot_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N', N -/ -- algebra/lie/semisimple.lean #check @lie_algebra.is_semisimple_iff_no_solvable_ideals /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, R -/ #check @lie_algebra.is_semisimple_iff_no_abelian_ideals /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, R -/ #check @lie_algebra.center_eq_bot_of_semisimple /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, R -/ #check @lie_algebra.abelian_radical_iff_solvable_is_abelian /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, R -/ #check @lie_algebra.ad_ker_eq_bot_of_semisimple /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, R -/ -- algebra/lie/skew_adjoint.lean #check @skew_adjoint_lie_subalgebra_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e, B -/ #check @skew_adjoint_lie_subalgebra_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e, B -/ #check @matrix.lie_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @mem_skew_adjoint_matrices_lie_subalgebra /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, J -/ #check @skew_adjoint_matrices_lie_subalgebra_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, P, J -/ #check @skew_adjoint_matrices_lie_subalgebra_equiv_transpose_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, e, J -/ #check @mem_skew_adjoint_matrices_lie_subalgebra_unit_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, J -/ -- algebra/lie/solvable.lean #check @lie_algebra.derived_series_of_ideal_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @lie_algebra.derived_series_of_ideal_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, I, L, R -/ #check @lie_algebra.derived_series_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, L, R -/ #check @lie_algebra.derived_series_of_ideal_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, k, I -/ #check @lie_algebra.abelian_iff_derived_one_eq_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @lie_algebra.abelian_iff_derived_succ_eq_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, I -/ #check @lie_ideal.derived_series_eq_derived_series_of_ideal_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, I -/ #check @lie_ideal.derived_series_eq_derived_series_of_ideal_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, I -/ #check @lie_ideal.derived_series_eq_bot_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, I -/ #check @lie_ideal.derived_series_map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @lie_algebra.lie_ideal.solvable_iff_le_radical /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, L, R -/ #check @lie_algebra.derived_series_of_derived_length_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, I, L, R -/ #check @lie_algebra.derived_length_eq_derived_length_of_ideal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, L, R -/ #check @lie_algebra.derived_length_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @lie_algebra.abelian_of_solvable_ideal_eq_bot_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ -- algebra/lie/subalgebra.lean #check @lie_subalgebra.mem_carrier /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L' -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.mem_mk_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.mem_coe_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L' -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.mem_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L' -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.coe_bracket /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, L' -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, L' -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.coe_zero_iff_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, L' -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.ext_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L₂', L₁' -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.coe_to_submodule_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.coe_set_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L₂', L₁' -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.coe_to_submodule_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L₂', L₁' -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.coe_to_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L' -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.coe_bracket_of_module /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, x, L' -/ #check @lie_module_hom.coe_restrict_lie /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.coe_incl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L' -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.coe_incl' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L' -/ #check @lie_hom.range_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_hom.mem_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @lie_hom.range_restrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @submodule.exists_lie_subalgebra_coe_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.incl_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.mem_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, K, f -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.mem_map_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e, K -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.le_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K', K -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.coe_submodule_le_coe_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K', K -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.mem_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @lie_hom.range_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.inf_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K', K -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.Inf_coe_to_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.Inf_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.add_eq_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K', K -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.inf_coe_to_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K', K -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.mem_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, K', K -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.eq_bot_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.coe_hom_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.hom_of_le_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.mem_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.lie_span_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.span_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, R -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.span_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, R -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.span_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, R -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.span_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, R -/ #check @lie_equiv.of_injective_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @lie_equiv.of_eq_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, L -/ #check @lie_equiv.lie_subalgebra_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e, L₁'' -/ #check @lie_equiv.of_subalgebras_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e, L₁' -/ #check @lie_equiv.of_subalgebras_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e, L₂' -/ -- algebra/lie/submodule.lean #check @lie_submodule.coe_to_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N -/ #check @lie_submodule.mem_carrier /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N -/ #check @lie_submodule.mem_mk_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @lie_submodule.mem_coe_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N -/ #check @lie_submodule.mem_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N -/ #check @lie_submodule.coe_to_set_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @lie_submodule.coe_to_submodule_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @lie_submodule.coe_to_submodule_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N', N -/ #check @lie_submodule.coe_copy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @lie_submodule.copy_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @lie_submodule.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m', m, N -/ #check @lie_submodule.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, N -/ #check @lie_submodule.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m', m, N -/ #check @lie_submodule.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, t, N -/ #check @lie_submodule.coe_bracket /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, x, N -/ #check @lie_ideal.coe_to_subalgebra /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, L, R -/ #check @lie_ideal.coe_to_lie_subalgebra_to_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, L, R -/ #check @submodule.exists_lie_submodule_coe_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, L -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.coe_to_lie_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.mem_to_lie_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @lie_submodule.coe_submodule_le_coe_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N', N -/ #check @lie_submodule.mem_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @lie_submodule.inf_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N', N -/ #check @lie_submodule.Inf_coe_to_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @lie_submodule.Inf_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @lie_submodule.add_eq_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N', N -/ #check @lie_submodule.sup_coe_to_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N', N -/ #check @lie_submodule.inf_coe_to_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N', N -/ #check @lie_submodule.mem_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, N', N -/ #check @lie_submodule.mem_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, N', N -/ #check @lie_submodule.eq_bot_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N -/ #check @lie_submodule.subsingleton_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @lie_submodule.nontrivial_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @lie_submodule.nontrivial_iff_ne_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, L, R -/ #check @lie_submodule.incl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, N -/ #check @lie_submodule.incl_eq_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N -/ #check @lie_submodule.coe_hom_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @lie_submodule.hom_of_le_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, h -/ #check @lie_submodule.lie_span_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N -/ #check @lie_submodule.span_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, L, R -/ #check @lie_submodule.span_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, L, R -/ #check @lie_submodule.lie_span_eq_bot_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @lie_submodule.span_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, L, R -/ #check @lie_submodule.span_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, L, R -/ #check @lie_submodule.coe_submodule_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, f -/ #check @lie_submodule.mem_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m' -/ #check @lie_ideal.map_coe_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, f -/ #check @lie_ideal.comap_coe_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, f -/ #check @lie_ideal.map_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I, f -/ #check @lie_hom.ideal_range_eq_lie_span_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_hom.ideal_range_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_hom.is_ideal_morphism_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_hom.is_ideal_morphism_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_hom.ker_coe_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_hom.mem_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_hom.mem_ideal_range_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_hom.le_ker_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, f -/ #check @lie_hom.ker_eq_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_hom.range_coe_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_hom.range_eq_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_ideal.coe_hom_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @lie_ideal.hom_of_le_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h -/ #check @lie_ideal.incl_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @lie_ideal.incl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, I -/ #check @lie_ideal.incl_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @lie_ideal.comap_incl_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @lie_ideal.ker_incl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @lie_ideal.incl_ideal_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @lie_module_hom.mem_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @lie_module_hom.le_ker_iff_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M' -/ #check @lie_module_hom.coe_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_module_hom.coe_submodule_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_module_hom.mem_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @lie_module_hom.map_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lie_subalgebra.top_equiv_self_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @lie_ideal.top_equiv_self_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- algebra/lie/tensor_product.lean #check @tensor_product.lie_module.lie_tmul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, x -/ #check @tensor_product.lie_module.lift_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, f, P, N, M, R -/ #check @tensor_product.lie_module.coe_lift_lie_eq_lift_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, P, N, M, L, R -/ #check @tensor_product.lie_module.lift_lie_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, f, P, N, M, L, R -/ #check @tensor_product.lie_module.coe_linear_map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @tensor_product.lie_module.map_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, g, f -/ #check @tensor_product.lie_module.map_incl_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N', M' -/ #check @lie_module.to_module_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, x, M, L -/ #check @lie_submodule.lie_ideal_oper_eq_tensor_map_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, I -/ -- algebra/lie/universal_enveloping.lean #check @universal_enveloping_algebra.lift_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, R -/ #check @universal_enveloping_algebra.ι_comp_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, R -/ #check @universal_enveloping_algebra.lift_ι_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, R -/ #check @universal_enveloping_algebra.lift_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, R -/ -- algebra/lie/weights.lean #check @lie_module.mem_pre_weight_space /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, χ, M -/ #check @lie_module.mem_weight_space /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, χ, M -/ #check @lie_module.zero_weight_space_eq_top_of_nilpotent' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @lie_module.coe_weight_space_of_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: χ, M -/ #check @lie_module.zero_weight_space_eq_top_of_nilpotent /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @lie_algebra.root_space_comap_eq_weight_space /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: χ, H -/ #check @lie_algebra.coe_root_space_weight_space_product_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, x, χ₂, χ₁, M, H, L, R -/ #check @lie_algebra.root_space_product_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, L, R -/ #check @lie_algebra.root_space_product_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, χ₂, χ₁, H, L, R -/ #check @lie_algebra.coe_zero_root_subalgebra /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, L, R -/ #check @lie_algebra.mem_zero_root_subalgebra /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, H, L, R -/ #check @lie_algebra.zero_root_subalgebra_normalizer_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, L, R -/ #check @lie_module.coe_weight_space' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: χ, M -/ -- algebra/linear_recurrence.lean #check @linear_recurrence.mk_sol_eq_init /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, init -/ #check @linear_recurrence.eq_mk_of_is_sol_of_eq_init /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @linear_recurrence.is_sol_iff_mem_sol_space /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, E -/ #check @linear_recurrence.sol_eq_of_eq_init /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, u -/ #check @linear_recurrence.sol_space_dim /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ #check @linear_recurrence.geom_sol_iff_root_char_poly /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, E -/ -- algebra/module/basic.lean #check @add_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s, r -/ #check @two_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @two_smul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @module.to_add_monoid_End_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ᾰ, M, R -/ #check @smul_add_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ #check @neg_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ #check @neg_smul_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ #check @units.neg_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, u -/ #check @neg_one_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @sub_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, s, r -/ #check @ring_hom.smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @nsmul_eq_smul_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, n -/ #check @nat_smul_eq_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @zsmul_eq_smul_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, n -/ #check @int_smul_eq_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_nat_module_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, x, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_int_module_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, x, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_int_cast_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, x, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_nat_cast_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, x, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_inv_int_cast_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_inv_nat_cast_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_rat_cast_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_rat_module_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, f -/ #check @inv_int_cast_smul_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @inv_nat_cast_smul_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @rat_cast_smul_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ #check @nat.smul_one_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @int.smul_one_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ -- algebra/module/hom.lean #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, r -/ -- algebra/module/linear_map.lean #check @linear_map.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_map.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_map.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @linear_map.map_smulₛₗ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, f -/ #check @linear_map.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, fₗ -/ #check @linear_map.map_smul_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, f -/ #check @linear_map.image_smul_setₛₗ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, c, f -/ #check @linear_map.image_smul_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, c, fₗ -/ #check @linear_map.preimage_smul_setₛₗ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @linear_map.preimage_smul_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, fₗ -/ #check @linear_map.map_smul_of_tower /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, fₗ -/ #check @linear_map.to_add_monoid_hom_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.restrict_scalars_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, fₗ -/ #check @linear_map.restrict_scalars_inj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: gₗ, fₗ -/ #check @linear_map.map_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.to_semilinear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @linear_map.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @linear_map.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_map.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @linear_map.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @module.comp_hom.to_linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g -/ #check @distrib_mul_action_hom.to_linear_map_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @distrib_mul_action_hom.coe_to_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @is_linear_map.mk'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_linear_map.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_linear_map.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_to_int_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_to_rat_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @linear_map.add_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @linear_map.comp_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @linear_map.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @linear_map.neg_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_map.comp_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_map.sub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @linear_map.sub_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @linear_map.comp_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @linear_map.smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, a -/ #check @linear_map.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @linear_map.smul_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, a -/ #check @linear_map.comp_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a, g -/ #check @linear_map.mul_eq_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_map.one_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_map.mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @linear_map.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_map.smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @distrib_mul_action.to_linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, s, M -/ #check @distrib_mul_action.to_module_End_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, M, R -/ #check @module.to_module_End_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, M, R -/ -- algebra/module/pointwise_pi.lean #check @smul_univ_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, r -/ #check @vadd_univ_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, r -/ #check @smul_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, S, r -/ #check @vadd_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, S, r -/ #check @smul_pi₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, S -/ -- algebra/module/submodule.lean #check @submodule.mem_to_add_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @submodule.coe_set_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submodule.coe_copy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @submodule.copy_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submodule.coe_to_add_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.coe_to_sub_mul_action /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.mem_carrier /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.smul_mem_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @submodule.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ #check @submodule.coe_smul_of_tower /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ #check @submodule.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submodule.subtype_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @submodule.coe_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.coe_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, x, p -/ #check @submodule.coe_restrict_scalars /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V -/ #check @submodule.restrict_scalars_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, V -/ #check @submodule.restrict_scalars_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V -/ #check @submodule.restrict_scalars_inj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, R -/ #check @submodule.restrict_scalars_embedding_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, M, R, S -/ #check @submodule.restrict_scalars_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @submodule.restrict_scalars_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @submodule.coe_to_add_subgroup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.mem_to_add_subgroup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.to_add_subgroup_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p -/ #check @submodule.neg_mem_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.add_mem_iff_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.add_mem_iff_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @submodule.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, p -/ #check @submodule.smul_mem_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- algebra/module/submodule_lattice.lean #check @submodule.eq_bot_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.ne_bot_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.top_equiv_self_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submodule.top_equiv_self_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submodule.Inf_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @submodule.finset_inf_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s -/ #check @submodule.infi_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.mem_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @add_submonoid.coe_to_nat_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_submonoid.to_nat_submodule_to_add_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submodule.to_add_submonoid_to_nat_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_subgroup.coe_to_int_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_subgroup.to_int_submodule_to_add_subgroup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submodule.to_add_subgroup_to_int_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ -- algebra/module/submodule_pointwise.lean #check @submodule.add_eq_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @submodule.coe_pointwise_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, a -/ #check @submodule.pointwise_smul_to_add_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, a -/ #check @submodule.pointwise_smul_to_add_subgroup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, a -/ -- algebra/module/ulift.lean #check @ulift.smul_down /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @ulift.smul_down' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ -- algebra/monoid_algebra/basic.lean #check @monoid_algebra.lift_nc_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, g, f -/ #check @monoid_algebra.lift_nc_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, g, f -/ #check @monoid_algebra.mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @monoid_algebra.mul_apply_antidiagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @monoid_algebra.single_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @monoid_algebra.map_domain_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_algebra.of_magma_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, G, k -/ #check @monoid_algebra.of_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, G, k -/ #check @monoid_algebra.mul_single_apply_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_algebra.mul_single_one_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r, f -/ #check @monoid_algebra.support_mul_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @monoid_algebra.single_mul_apply_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_algebra.single_one_mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r, f -/ #check @monoid_algebra.support_single_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @monoid_algebra.lift_nc_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, c, g, f -/ #check @monoid_algebra.lift_magma_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, k -/ #check @monoid_algebra.lift_magma_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, k -/ #check @monoid_algebra.single_one_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r -/ #check @monoid_algebra.single_one_ring_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @monoid_algebra.single_one_alg_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @monoid_algebra.single_eq_algebra_map_mul_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @monoid_algebra.single_algebra_map_eq_algebra_map_mul_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @monoid_algebra.lift_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @monoid_algebra.lift_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @monoid_algebra.lift_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @monoid_algebra.lift_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @monoid_algebra.lift_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @monoid_algebra.lift_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, F -/ #check @monoid_algebra.lift_unique' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @monoid_algebra.lift_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @monoid_algebra.group_smul.linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, g, V, k -/ #check @monoid_algebra.equivariant_of_linear_of_comm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, f -/ #check @monoid_algebra.mul_single_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, r, f -/ #check @monoid_algebra.single_mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, f, x, r -/ #check @monoid_algebra.mul_apply_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @monoid_algebra.mul_apply_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @monoid_algebra.op_ring_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @monoid_algebra.op_ring_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @monoid_algebra.op_ring_equiv_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ #check @monoid_algebra.op_ring_equiv_symm_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.lift_nc_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.lift_nc_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.mul_apply_antidiagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.single_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.map_domain_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.of_magma_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, G, k -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.of_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.of'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.of'_eq_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.mul_single_apply_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, f -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.mul_single_zero_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r, f -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.single_mul_apply_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, f -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.single_zero_mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r, f -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.mul_single_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, r, f -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.single_mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, f, x, r -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.support_mul_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.support_single_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.lift_nc_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, c, g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.lift_magma_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, k -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.lift_magma_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, k -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.single_zero_ring_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.op_ring_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.op_ring_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.op_ring_equiv_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.op_ring_equiv_symm_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.single_zero_alg_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.lift_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.lift_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.lift_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.lift_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.lift_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.lift_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, F -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.lift_unique' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.lift_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ -- algebra/monoid_algebra/grading.lean #check @add_monoid_algebra.grade_by_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.mem_grade_by_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, i, f, R -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.mem_grade_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, m, R -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.mem_grade_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, m, R -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.grade_eq_lsingle_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, R -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.to_grades_by_single' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, m, f -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.to_grades_by_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, m, f -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.to_grades_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, i -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.to_grades_by_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.to_grades_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.of_grades_by_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, f -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.of_grades_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.of_grades_by_to_grades_by /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.of_grades_to_grades /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.to_grades_by_comp_of_grades_by /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.to_grades_by_of_grades_by /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.to_grades_of_grades /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.equiv_grades_by_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.equiv_grades_by_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.equiv_grades_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.equiv_grades_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ -- algebra/monoid_algebra/to_direct_sum.lean #check @add_monoid_algebra.to_direct_sum_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, i -/ #check @direct_sum.to_add_monoid_algebra_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, i -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.to_direct_sum_to_add_monoid_algebra /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @direct_sum.to_add_monoid_algebra_to_direct_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.to_direct_sum_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_algebra.to_direct_sum_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @direct_sum.to_add_monoid_algebra_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @direct_sum.to_add_monoid_algebra_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ -- algebra/non_unital_alg_hom.lean #check @non_unital_alg_hom.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @non_unital_alg_hom.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @non_unital_alg_hom.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @non_unital_alg_hom.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @non_unital_alg_hom.to_distrib_mul_action_hom_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @non_unital_alg_hom.to_mul_hom_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @non_unital_alg_hom.coe_to_distrib_mul_action_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @non_unital_alg_hom.coe_to_mul_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @non_unital_alg_hom.coe_distrib_mul_action_hom_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₃, h₂, h₁, f -/ #check @non_unital_alg_hom.coe_mul_hom_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₄, f -/ #check @non_unital_alg_hom.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, f -/ #check @non_unital_alg_hom.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @non_unital_alg_hom.map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @non_unital_alg_hom.one_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @non_unital_alg_hom.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @non_unital_alg_hom.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @non_unital_alg_hom.coe_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @alg_hom.to_non_unital_alg_hom_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alg_hom.coe_to_non_unital_alg_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- algebra/opposites.lean #check @add_opposite.unop_op /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mul_opposite.unop_op /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_opposite.op_unop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mul_opposite.op_unop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mul_opposite.op_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @mul_opposite.unop_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @mul_opposite.op_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @add_opposite.op_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @add_opposite.unop_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @mul_opposite.unop_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @mul_opposite.op_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @mul_opposite.unop_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @mul_opposite.op_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mul_opposite.unop_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mul_opposite.op_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @add_opposite.op_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @add_opposite.unop_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @mul_opposite.unop_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @mul_opposite.op_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_opposite.op_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_opposite.unop_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mul_opposite.unop_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mul_opposite.op_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @mul_opposite.unop_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @mul_opposite.op_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, c -/ #check @add_opposite.op_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, c -/ #check @add_opposite.unop_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, c -/ #check @mul_opposite.unop_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, c -/ #check @mul_opposite.unop_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mul_opposite.op_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mul_opposite.unop_ne_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mul_opposite.op_ne_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_opposite.unop_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mul_opposite.unop_eq_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mul_opposite.op_eq_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_opposite.op_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_opposite.op_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @add_opposite.unop_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @add_opposite.op_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_opposite.unop_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_opposite.op_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @add_opposite.unop_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- algebra/order/absolute_value.lean #check @absolute_value.coe_to_mul_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: abv -/ #check @absolute_value.map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, abv -/ #check @absolute_value.map_sub_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @absolute_value.abs_to_mul_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @absolute_value.abs_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @absolute_value.coe_to_monoid_with_zero_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: abv -/ #check @absolute_value.coe_to_monoid_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: abv -/ #check @absolute_value.map_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, abv -/ #check @absolute_value.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, abv -/ #check @absolute_value.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, abv -/ #check @absolute_value.map_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, abv -/ #check @absolute_value.map_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, abv -/ #check @is_absolute_value.to_absolute_value_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, abv -/ #check @is_absolute_value.to_absolute_value_to_mul_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, abv -/ #check @is_absolute_value.abv_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, abv -/ #check @is_absolute_value.abv_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, abv -/ #check @is_absolute_value.abv_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, abv -/ #check @is_absolute_value.abv_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, abv -/ #check @is_absolute_value.abv_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, abv -/ -- algebra/order/archimedean.lean #check @rat.floor_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @rat.ceil_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @rat.round_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @rat.cast_fract /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- algebra/order/field.lean #check @order_iso.mul_left₀_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, a -/ #check @order_iso.mul_left₀_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, a -/ #check @order_iso.mul_right₀_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, a -/ #check @order_iso.mul_right₀_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, a -/ #check @add_halves /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @sub_self_div_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @div_two_sub_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_self_div_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @min_div_div_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @max_div_div_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @min_div_div_right_of_nonpos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @max_div_div_right_of_nonpos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @abs_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @abs_one_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @abs_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- algebra/order/floor.lean #check @nat.floor_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.ceil_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.floor_add_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.floor_sub_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @nat.ceil_add_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.floor_div_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @nat.floor_div_eq_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.floor_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @int.floor_add_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, a -/ #check @int.floor_add_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.floor_int_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, z -/ #check @int.floor_add_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @int.floor_nat_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n -/ #check @int.floor_sub_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, a -/ #check @int.floor_sub_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @int.preimage_floor_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @int.self_sub_floor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.floor_add_fract /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.fract_add_floor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.fract_add_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.fract_sub_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.fract_int_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.self_sub_fract /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.fract_sub_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.fract_fract /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.preimage_fract /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @int.image_fract /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @int.ceil_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @int.ceil_add_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, a -/ #check @int.ceil_add_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.ceil_sub_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, a -/ #check @int.ceil_sub_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.preimage_ceil_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @int.floor_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.ceil_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- algebra/order/group.lean #check @order_iso.inv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, α -/ #check @order_iso.inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, α -/ #check @order_iso.neg_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, α -/ #check @order_iso.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, α -/ #check @order_iso.add_right_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @order_iso.mul_right_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @order_iso.mul_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, a -/ #check @order_iso.add_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, a -/ #check @order_iso.mul_right_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @order_iso.add_right_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @order_iso.mul_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, a -/ #check @order_iso.add_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, a -/ #check @order_iso.add_left_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @order_iso.mul_left_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @order_iso.add_left_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @order_iso.mul_left_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @max_one_div_max_inv_one_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @max_zero_sub_max_neg_zero_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @max_zero_sub_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @min_inv_inv' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @min_neg_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @max_neg_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @max_inv_inv' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @min_sub_sub_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @min_div_div_right' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @max_sub_sub_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @max_div_div_right' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @min_sub_sub_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @min_div_div_left' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @max_sub_sub_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @max_div_div_left' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @abs_eq_sup_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @abs_eq_sup_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @abs_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @abs_sub_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @abs_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @max_sub_min_eq_abs' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @max_sub_min_eq_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- algebra/order/lattice_group.lean #check @mul_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @add_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @mul_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @add_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @inv_sup_eq_inv_inf_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @neg_sup_eq_neg_inf_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @neg_inf_eq_sup_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @inv_inf_eq_sup_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @inf_mul_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @inf_add_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.m_pos_part_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.pos_part_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.neg_part_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.m_neg_part_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.neg_eq_neg_inf_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.neg_eq_inv_inf_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.neg_eq_pos_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.neg_eq_pos_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.pos_eq_neg_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.pos_eq_neg_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.mul_inf_eq_mul_inf_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.add_inf_eq_add_inf_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.pos_sub_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.pos_div_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.sup_eq_mul_pos_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.sup_eq_add_pos_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.inf_eq_div_pos_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.inf_eq_sub_pos_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.le_iff_pos_le_neg_ge /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.m_le_iff_pos_le_neg_ge /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.m_pos_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.pos_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.pos_add_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.pos_mul_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.sup_sub_inf_eq_abs_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.sup_div_inf_eq_abs_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.sup_sq_eq_mul_mul_abs_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.two_sup_eq_add_add_abs_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.two_inf_eq_add_sub_abs_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.inf_sq_eq_mul_div_abs_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.abs_sub_sup_add_abs_sub_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.abs_div_sup_mul_abs_div_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.pos_of_one_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.pos_of_nonneg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.neg_of_inv_nonneg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.neg_of_one_le_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.neg_of_le_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.neg_of_nonpos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.abs_of_nonneg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.mabs_of_one_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.abs_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.m_abs_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.abs_inv_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @lattice_ordered_comm_group.abs_neg_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- algebra/order/module.lean #check @order_iso.smul_left_dual_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, M -/ #check @order_iso.smul_left_dual_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, M -/ -- algebra/order/monoid.lean #check @with_top.zero_lt_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @with_bot.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @min_mul_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @min_add_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @min_add_distrib' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @min_mul_distrib' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @fn_min_add_fn_max /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n, f -/ #check @fn_min_mul_fn_max /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n, f -/ #check @min_mul_max /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @min_add_max /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @min_add_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @min_mul_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @max_mul_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @max_add_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @min_mul_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @min_add_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @max_add_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @max_mul_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @order_embedding.mul_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @order_embedding.add_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @order_embedding.add_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @order_embedding.mul_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ -- algebra/order/nonneg.lean #check @nonneg.mk_add_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hy, hx -/ #check @nonneg.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nonneg.nsmul_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, n -/ #check @nonneg.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nonneg.mk_mul_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hy, hx -/ #check @nonneg.coe_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @nonneg.inv_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hx -/ #check @nonneg.coe_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nonneg.mk_div_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hy, hx -/ -- algebra/order/ring.lean #check @mul_max_of_nonneg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b -/ #check @mul_min_of_nonneg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b -/ #check @max_mul_of_nonneg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @min_mul_of_nonneg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @le_iff_exists_nonneg_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @abs_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @abs_mul_abs_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @abs_mul_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @abs_sub_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @abs_dvd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @dvd_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @abs_dvd_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @mul_tsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @tsub_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ -- algebra/order/smul.lean #check @order_iso.smul_left_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, M -/ #check @order_iso.smul_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, M -/ -- algebra/order/sub.lean #check @order_iso.map_tsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, e -/ #check @tsub_tsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, a, b -/ #check @tsub_add_eq_tsub_tsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @tsub_add_eq_tsub_tsub_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @add_tsub_cancel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_tsub_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @add_tsub_add_eq_tsub_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @add_tsub_add_eq_tsub_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b -/ #check @tsub_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_le_cancellable.add_tsub_assoc_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_tsub_assoc_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @tsub_eq_tsub_min /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- algebra/order/with_zero.lean #check @div_le_div₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, b, a -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_sub_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ -- algebra/periodic.lean #check @function.periodic.sub_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @function.periodic.map_vadd_zmultiples /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @function.periodic.map_vadd_multiples /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @function.periodic.lift_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @function.antiperiodic.sub_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- algebra/pointwise.lean #check @set.singleton_mul_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @set.singleton_add_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @set.Union_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.Union_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.mul_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, t -/ #check @set.add_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, t -/ #check @set.mem_finset_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, t -/ #check @set.mem_finset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, t -/ #check @set.mem_fintype_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @set.mem_fintype_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @set.finset_sum_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, s -/ #check @set.finset_prod_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, s -/ #check @set.Inter_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.Inter_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.Union_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.Union_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.neg_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @set.inv_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @set.mul_inv_rev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.add_neg_rev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.range_smul_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b -/ #check @set.range_vadd_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b -/ #check @set.smul_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.vadd_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.image_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @set.image_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @smul_add_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, c -/ #check @preimage_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, a -/ #check @preimage_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, a -/ #check @preimage_vadd_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, a -/ #check @preimage_smul_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, a -/ #check @smul_mem_smul_set_iff₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, A -/ #check @mem_smul_set_iff_inv_smul_mem₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, A -/ #check @mem_inv_smul_set_iff₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, A -/ #check @preimage_smul₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @preimage_smul_inv₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @finset.mul_nonempty_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.add_nonempty_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.add_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finset.mul_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finset.singleton_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finset.singleton_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finset.singleton_mul_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @finset.singleton_add_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @submonoid.coe_mul_self_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @add_submonoid.coe_add_self_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @submonoid.sup_eq_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, H -/ #check @add_submonoid.sup_eq_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, H -/ #check @add_group.card_pow_eq_card_pow_card_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @group.card_pow_eq_card_pow_card_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ -- algebra/polynomial/big_operators.lean #check @polynomial.coeff_list_prod_of_nat_degree_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, l -/ #check @polynomial.leading_coeff_multiset_prod' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @polynomial.leading_coeff_prod' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @polynomial.nat_degree_multiset_prod' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @polynomial.nat_degree_prod' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @polynomial.nat_degree_multiset_prod_of_monic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @polynomial.nat_degree_prod_of_monic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_multiset_prod_of_nat_degree_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, t -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_prod_of_nat_degree_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f, s -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_zero_multiset_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_zero_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @polynomial.multiset_prod_X_sub_C_next_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @polynomial.prod_X_sub_C_next_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.multiset_prod_X_sub_C_coeff_card_pred /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @polynomial.prod_X_sub_C_coeff_card_pred /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @polynomial.nat_degree_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @polynomial.nat_degree_multiset_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @polynomial.degree_multiset_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @polynomial.degree_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @polynomial.leading_coeff_multiset_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @polynomial.leading_coeff_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ -- algebra/polynomial/group_ring_action.lean #check @polynomial.smul_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, R -/ #check @polynomial.smul_eval_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, m, S -/ #check @polynomial.eval_smul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g, G, S -/ #check @polynomial.smul_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g, G, S -/ #check @prod_X_sub_smul.eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @prod_X_sub_smul.smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, R, G -/ #check @prod_X_sub_smul.coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, R, G -/ #check @mul_semiring_action_hom.coe_polynomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ -- algebra/quadratic_discriminant.lean #check @quadratic_eq_zero_iff_discrim_eq_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @quadratic_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @quadratic_eq_zero_iff_of_discrim_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- algebra/quandle.lean #check @shelf_hom.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @rack.act_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @rack.act_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @rack.inv_act_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @rack.inv_act_act_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @rack.act_inv_act_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @rack.ad_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @rack.involutory_inv_act_eq_act /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @shelf_hom.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @shelf_hom.map_act /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @shelf_hom.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g -/ #check @quandle.conj_act_eq_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @quandle.conj_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @rack.to_envel_group.map_aux.well_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @rack.to_envel_group.univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @rack.envel_action_prop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ -- algebra/quaternion.lean #check @quaternion_algebra.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.mk.eta /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.coe_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.has_add_add_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.has_add_add_im_j /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.has_add_add_im_i /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.has_add_add_im_k /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.mk_add_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b₄, b₃, b₂, b₁, a₄, a₃, a₂, a₁ -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.has_neg_neg_im_k /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.has_neg_neg_im_j /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.has_neg_neg_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.has_neg_neg_im_i /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.neg_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a₄, a₃, a₂, a₁ -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.has_sub_sub_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.has_sub_sub_im_i /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.has_sub_sub_im_j /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.has_sub_sub_im_k /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.mk_sub_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b₄, b₃, b₂, b₁, a₄, a₃, a₂, a₁ -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.has_mul_mul_im_i /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.has_mul_mul_im_j /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.has_mul_mul_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.has_mul_mul_im_k /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.mk_mul_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b₄, b₃, b₂, b₁, a₄, a₃, a₂, a₁ -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.smul_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, r -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.smul_im_i /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, r -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.smul_im_j /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, r -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.smul_im_k /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, r -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.smul_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: im_k, im_j, im_i, re, r -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.algebra_map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.re_lm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self, c₂, c₁, R -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.im_i_lm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self, c₂, c₁, R -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.im_j_lm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self, c₂, c₁, R -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.im_k_lm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self, c₂, c₁, R -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.coe_commutes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, r -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.coe_mul_eq_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, r -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.mul_coe_eq_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, r -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.smul_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.re_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.im_i_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.im_j_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.im_k_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.conj_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a₄, a₃, a₂, a₁ -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.conj_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.conj_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.conj_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.conj_conj_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.conj_mul_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.self_add_conj' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.self_add_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.conj_add_self' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.conj_add_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.conj_eq_two_re_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.conj_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.conj_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, r -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.conj_mul_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.mul_conj_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.conj_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.conj_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.star_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.coe_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @quaternion.add_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion.add_im_i /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion.add_im_j /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion.add_im_k /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @quaternion.neg_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.neg_im_i /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.neg_im_j /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.neg_im_k /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @quaternion.sub_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion.sub_im_i /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion.sub_im_j /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion.sub_im_k /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @quaternion.mul_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion.mul_im_i /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion.mul_im_j /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion.mul_im_k /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @quaternion.smul_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, r -/ #check @quaternion.smul_im_i /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, r -/ #check @quaternion.smul_im_j /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, r -/ #check @quaternion.smul_im_k /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, r -/ #check @quaternion.coe_commutes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, r -/ #check @quaternion.coe_mul_eq_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, r -/ #check @quaternion.mul_coe_eq_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, r -/ #check @quaternion.smul_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @quaternion.conj_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.conj_im_i /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.conj_im_j /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.conj_im_k /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.conj_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.conj_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion.conj_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion.conj_conj_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion.conj_mul_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion.self_add_conj' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.self_add_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.conj_add_self' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.conj_add_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.conj_eq_two_re_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.conj_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @quaternion.conj_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, r -/ #check @quaternion.conj_mul_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.mul_conj_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.conj_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.conj_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion.norm_sq_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.norm_sq_def' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.norm_sq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @quaternion.norm_sq_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.self_mul_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.conj_mul_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.coe_norm_sq_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion.has_inv_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.norm_sq_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.norm_sq_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- algebra/quaternion_basis.lean #check @quaternion_algebra.basis.self_k /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.basis.self_j /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.basis.self_i /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.basis.i_mul_k /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.basis.k_mul_i /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.basis.k_mul_j /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.basis.j_mul_k /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.basis.lift_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, q -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.basis.lift_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, q -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.basis.lift_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r, q -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.basis.lift_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, q -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.basis.comp_hom_j /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, q -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.basis.comp_hom_i /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, q -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.basis.comp_hom_k /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, q -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.lift_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @quaternion_algebra.lift_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ -- algebra/regular/basic.lean #check @mul_is_left_regular_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @mul_is_right_regular_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @mul_left_embedding_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @add_left_embedding_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @mul_right_embedding_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @add_right_embedding_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @add_left_embedding_eq_add_right_embedding /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @mul_left_embedding_eq_mul_right_embedding /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ -- algebra/regular/smul.lean #check @is_smul_regular.smul_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ -- algebra/ring/basic.lean #check @left_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @mul_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @right_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @add_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @two_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @distrib_three_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, b, a -/ #check @mul_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @bit0_eq_two_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @mul_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a, P -/ #check @add_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a, P -/ #check @ite_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a, P -/ #check @ite_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a, P -/ #check @mul_boole /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, P -/ #check @boole_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, P -/ #check @ite_mul_zero_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, P -/ #check @ite_mul_zero_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, P -/ #check @range_two_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @range_two_mul_add_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @add_hom.mul_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @add_hom.mul_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.mul_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, a -/ #check @map_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @map_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @ring_hom.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.coe_monoid_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.to_monoid_hom_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.to_monoid_with_zero_hom_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.coe_monoid_hom_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁, f -/ #check @ring_hom.coe_add_monoid_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.to_add_monoid_hom_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.coe_add_monoid_hom_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₄, h₃, f -/ #check @ring_hom.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ring_hom.congr_arg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @ring_hom.map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @ring_hom.map_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @ring_hom.map_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @ring_hom.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ring_hom.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @ring_hom.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hmn, hnp -/ #check @ring_hom.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hmn, hnp -/ #check @ring_hom.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.mul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @ring_hom.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @add_mul_self_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @neg_mul_eq_neg_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @neg_mul_eq_mul_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @neg_mul_eq_neg_mul_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @mul_neg_eq_neg_mul_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @neg_mul_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @neg_mul_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @neg_eq_neg_one_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mul_sub_left_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @mul_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @mul_sub_right_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @sub_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @mul_neg_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @neg_one_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @units.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @units.neg_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @units.neg_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @units.neg_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u₂, u₁ -/ #check @units.mul_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u₂, u₁ -/ #check @units.neg_mul_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u₂, u₁ -/ #check @units.neg_eq_neg_one_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @is_unit.neg_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ring_hom.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @ring_hom.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @ring_hom.injective_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.injective_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @dvd_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @neg_dvd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @even_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @odd_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mul_self_sub_mul_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @mul_self_sub_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @units.inv_eq_self_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_fn_mk_ring_hom_of_mul_self_of_two_ne_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_add_monoid_hom_mk_ring_hom_of_mul_self_of_two_ne_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- algebra/ring/boolean_ring.lean #check @mul_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @neg_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @sub_eq_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @boolean_ring.sup_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @boolean_ring.inf_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @boolean_ring.sup_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @boolean_ring.inf_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @boolean_ring.sup_inf_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @boolean_ring.inf_sup_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @boolean_ring.le_sup_inf_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @boolean_ring.le_sup_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @boolean_ring.sup_inf_sdiff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- algebra/ring/opposite.lean #check @ring_hom.to_opposite_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.from_opposite_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.op_symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @ring_hom.op_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ -- algebra/ring/pi.lean #check @pi.ring_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, x, g -/ #check @pi.eval_ring_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, i, f -/ #check @pi.const_ring_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, a, β, α -/ #check @ring_hom.comp_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, h, I, f -/ -- algebra/ring/prod.lean #check @ring_hom.prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @ring_hom.fst_comp_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.snd_comp_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @ring_hom.prod_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.prod_map_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @ring_hom.coe_prod_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @ring_hom.prod_comp_prod_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', f', g, f -/ #check @ring_equiv.prod_zero_ring_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S, R -/ #check @ring_equiv.prod_zero_ring_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self, S, R -/ #check @ring_equiv.zero_ring_prod_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self, S, R -/ #check @ring_equiv.zero_ring_prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S, R -/ -- algebra/ring_quot.lean #check @ring_quot.zero_quot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @ring_quot.one_quot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @ring_quot.add_quot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @ring_quot.mul_quot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @ring_quot.neg_quot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @ring_quot.sub_quot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @ring_quot.smul_quot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @ring_quot.lift_mk_ring_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @ring_quot.eq_lift_comp_mk_ring_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_quot.ring_quot_to_ideal_quotient_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ #check @ring_quot.ideal_quotient_to_ring_quot_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ #check @ring_quot.star'_quot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @ring_quot.mk_alg_hom_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @ring_quot.mk_alg_hom_rel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @ring_quot.lift_alg_hom_mk_alg_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, S -/ #check @ring_quot.eq_lift_alg_hom_comp_mk_alg_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- algebra/smul_with_zero.lean #check @smul_zero' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @smul_monoid_with_zero_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ -- algebra/squarefree.lean #check @multiplicity.squarefree_iff_multiplicity_le_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ -- algebra/star/basic.lean #check @star_star /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @star_mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @star_mul_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @star_mul_aut_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @star_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @star_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @star_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @star_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, x -/ #check @star_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @star_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @star_add_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @star_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @star_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @star_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r -/ #check @star_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @star_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @star_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @star_ring_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @star_ring_aut_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @star_ring_end_self_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.conj_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_R_or_C.conj_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @star_inv' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @star_zpow₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, x -/ #check @star_div' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @star_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @star_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @units.coe_star /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @units.coe_star_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @ring.inverse_star /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mul_opposite.unop_star /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @mul_opposite.op_star /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ -- algebra/star/module.lean #check @star_linear_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @star_linear_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ -- algebra/star/pi.lean #check @pi.star_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x -/ #check @pi.star_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- algebra/star/self_adjoint.lean #check @self_adjoint.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @self_adjoint.coe_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @self_adjoint.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ -- algebra/star/unitary.lean #check @unitary.star_eq_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @unitary.coe_inv_to_units_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @unitary.coe_to_units_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @unitary.coe_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @unitary.coe_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U₂, U₁ -/ #check @unitary.coe_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, U -/ -- algebra/support.lean #check @function.mul_support_eq_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.support_eq_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.support_comp_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.mul_support_comp_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.mul_support_comp_eq_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @function.support_comp_eq_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @function.mul_support_prod_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @function.support_prod_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @function.support_prod_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.mul_support_prod_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.support_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.mul_support_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.support_neg' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.mul_support_inv' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.mul_support_inv₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.support_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @function.support_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @function.support_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.support_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @function.support_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @function.mul_support_one_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.mul_support_one_add' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.mul_support_add_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.mul_support_add_one' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.mul_support_one_sub' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.mul_support_one_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- algebra/triv_sq_zero_ext.lean #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.fst_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.snd_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.fst_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.snd_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.fst_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x₂, x₁ -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.snd_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x₂, x₁ -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.fst_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.snd_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.fst_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.snd_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.inl_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.inl_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r₂, r₁, M -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.inl_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, M -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.inl_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, s, M -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.inr_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.inr_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m₂, m₁, R -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.inr_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, R -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.inr_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, r, R -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.inl_fst_add_inr_snd_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.inr_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, M, R -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.snd_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, M, R -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.fst_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x₂, x₁ -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.snd_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x₂, x₁ -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.inl_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.inl_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r₂, r₁, M -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.inl_mul_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r₂, r₁, M -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.inr_mul_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.inl_mul_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, r -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.inr_mul_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, r -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.inl_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, M, R -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.algebra_map_eq_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, R -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.algebra_map_eq_inl_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, R -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.algebra_map_eq_inl' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, M, R, S -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.fst_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, M, R -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.lift_aux_apply_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.lift_aux_comp_inr_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.lift_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @triv_sq_zero_ext.lift_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- algebra/tropical/basic.lean #check @tropical.trop_inj_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @tropical.untrop_inj_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @tropical.trop_untrop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @tropical.untrop_trop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @tropical.untrop_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @tropical.trop_min /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @tropical.trop_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @tropical.trop_add_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @tropical.untrop_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @tropical.untrop_max /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @tropical.trop_max_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @tropical.trop_sup_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @tropical.add_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @tropical.bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @tropical.trop_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @tropical.untrop_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @tropical.trop_mul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @tropical.untrop_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @tropical.untrop_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @tropical.untrop_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @tropical.trop_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @tropical.trop_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @tropical.untrop_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @tropical.trop_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @tropical.add_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, y, x -/ #check @tropical.succ_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- algebra/tropical/big_operators.lean #check @list.trop_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @multiset.trop_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @trop_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @list.untrop_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @multiset.untrop_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @untrop_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @list.trop_minimum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @multiset.trop_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.trop_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @trop_Inf_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @trop_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @multiset.untrop_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.untrop_sum' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @untrop_sum_eq_Inf_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @untrop_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.untrop_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ -- algebraic_geometry/AffineScheme.lean #check @algebraic_geometry.mem_AffineScheme /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.AffineScheme.Spec_map_coe_base_to_fun_coe_carrier /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, f, Y, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.AffineScheme.Spec_obj_coe_to_LocallyRingedSpace_to_SheafedSpace /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.AffineScheme.Spec_map_coe_c_app_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, s, U, f, Y, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.AffineScheme.forget_to_Scheme_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.AffineScheme.forget_to_Scheme_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.Spec_map_presheaf_map_eq_to_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: W, h -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.is_affine_open.Spec_Γ_identity_hom_app_from_Spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hU -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.is_affine_open.from_Spec_app_eq_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hU -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.is_affine_open.from_Spec_app_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hU -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.map_prime_spectrum_basic_open_of_affine /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, X -/ -- algebraic_geometry/Gamma_Spec_adjunction.lean #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.not_mem_prime_iff_unit_in_stalk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.to_Γ_Spec_preim_basic_open_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.to_Γ_Spec_base_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.to_Γ_Spec_map_basic_open_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.to_Γ_Spec_c_app_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.to_Γ_Spec_c_app_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.to_Γ_Spec_SheafedSpace_base /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.to_Γ_Spec_SheafedSpace_c /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.to_Γ_Spec_SheafedSpace_app_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.to_Γ_Spec_SheafedSpace_app_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.to_stalk_stalk_map_to_Γ_Spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.to_Γ_Spec_coe_base /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.Γ_Spec_left_triangle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Γ_Spec.left_triangle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Γ_Spec.right_triangle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Γ_Spec.adjunction_hom_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Γ_Spec.adjunction_hom_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Γ_Spec.adjunction_hom_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Γ_Spec.adjunction_unit_app_app_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ -- algebraic_geometry/Scheme.lean #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.forget_to_LocallyRingedSpace_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.forget_to_LocallyRingedSpace_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.forget_to_LocallyRingedSpace_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.forget_to_Top_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.forget_to_Top_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.comp_val_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.comp_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.comp_coe_base /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.comp_coe_base_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.comp_val_base /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.comp_val_base_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.comp_val_c_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.comp_val_c_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', U, g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.congr_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.Spec_obj_to_LocallyRingedSpace /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.Spec_map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.Spec_map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.Spec_obj_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.Spec_map_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, S, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.Γ_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.Γ_obj_op /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.Γ_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.Γ_map_op /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.mem_basic_open /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.mem_basic_open_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.basic_open_res /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.basic_open_res_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.preimage_basic_open /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.preimage_basic_open' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.basic_open_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.basic_open_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.basic_open_eq_of_affine /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.basic_open_eq_of_affine' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- algebraic_geometry/Spec.lean #check @algebraic_geometry.Spec.Top_map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Spec.Top_map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Spec.to_Top_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, S, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Spec.to_Top_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Spec.SheafedSpace_obj_to_PresheafedSpace_carrier /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Spec.SheafedSpace_obj_to_PresheafedSpace_presheaf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Spec.SheafedSpace_map_base /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Spec.SheafedSpace_map_c_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Spec.SheafedSpace_map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Spec.to_SheafedSpace_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, S, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Spec.to_SheafedSpace_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Spec.to_PresheafedSpace_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Spec.to_PresheafedSpace_obj_op /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Spec.to_PresheafedSpace_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, S, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Spec.to_PresheafedSpace_map_op /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, S, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Spec.LocallyRingedSpace_obj_to_SheafedSpace /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.stalk_map_to_stalk_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.stalk_map_to_stalk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.local_ring_hom_comp_stalk_iso_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.local_ring_hom_comp_stalk_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Spec.LocallyRingedSpace_map_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Spec.LocallyRingedSpace_map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Spec.LocallyRingedSpace_map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Spec.to_LocallyRingedSpace_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, S, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Spec.to_LocallyRingedSpace_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.to_Spec_Γ_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Spec_Γ_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Spec_Γ_identity_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Spec_Γ_identity_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ -- algebraic_geometry/gluing.lean #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.glue_data.ι_iso_LocallyRingedSpace_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, D -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.glue_data.glue_condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, D -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.glue_data.glue_condition_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, i, D -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.glue_data.ι_iso_carrier_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, D -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.glue_data.ι_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, j, i, D -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.glue_data.is_open_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, D -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.glued_cover_t'_fst_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x, 𝒰 -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.glued_cover_t'_fst_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', z, y, x, 𝒰 -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.glued_cover_t'_fst_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x, 𝒰 -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.glued_cover_t'_fst_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', z, y, x, 𝒰 -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.glued_cover_t'_snd_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', z, y, x, 𝒰 -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.glued_cover_t'_snd_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x, 𝒰 -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.glued_cover_t'_snd_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x, 𝒰 -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.glued_cover_t'_snd_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', z, y, x, 𝒰 -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.glued_cover_cocycle_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x, 𝒰 -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.glued_cover_cocycle_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x, 𝒰 -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.glued_cover_cocycle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x, 𝒰 -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.glued_cover_to_glue_data_t' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x, 𝒰 -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.glued_cover_to_glue_data_V /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: _x, 𝒰 -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.glued_cover_to_glue_data_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, 𝒰 -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.glued_cover_to_glue_data_t /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, 𝒰 -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.glued_cover_to_glue_data_J /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: 𝒰 -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.glued_cover_to_glue_data_U /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, 𝒰 -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.ι_from_glued_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', x, 𝒰 -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.ι_from_glued /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, 𝒰 -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.ι_glue_morphisms /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.ι_glue_morphisms_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', x, f, 𝒰 -/ -- algebraic_geometry/locally_ringed_space.lean #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.id_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.comp_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.forget_to_SheafedSpace_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.forget_to_SheafedSpace_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.forget_to_Top_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.forget_to_Top_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.comp_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.comp_val_c /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.comp_val_c_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.hom_of_SheafedSpace_hom_of_is_iso_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.restrict_to_SheafedSpace /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.Γ_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.Γ_obj_op /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.Γ_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.Γ_map_op /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.preimage_basic_open /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.basic_open_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ -- algebraic_geometry/locally_ringed_space/has_colimits.lean #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.has_coequalizer.image_basic_open_image_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, U, g, f -/ -- algebraic_geometry/open_immersion.lean #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.iso_restrict_inv_c_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, H -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.iso_restrict_inv_base_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.iso_restrict_hom_base_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.iso_restrict_hom_c_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, H -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.iso_restrict_inv_of_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.inv_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, H -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.inv_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', i, H -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.inv_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, H -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.inv_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, H -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.inv_app_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', U, H -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.app_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, H -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.app_inv_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', U, H -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.app_inv_app' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, H -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.app_inv_app'_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', U, H -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.pullback_cone_of_left_condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.pullback_cone_of_left_lift_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.pullback_cone_of_left_lift_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.lift_fac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.lift_fac_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.iso_of_range_eq_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.iso_of_range_eq_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.to_SheafedSpace_hom_base /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.to_SheafedSpace_hom_c /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.to_LocallyRingedSpace_to_SheafedSpace /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.to_LocallyRingedSpace_hom_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.image_preimage_is_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, F -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.is_open_immersion.lift_fac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.is_open_immersion.lift_fac_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.is_open_immersion.lift_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.affine_basis_cover_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.affine_basis_cover_map_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.finite_subcover_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, 𝒰 -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.finite_subcover_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, 𝒰 -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.to_Scheme_to_LocallyRingedSpace /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.is_open_immersion.to_Scheme_hom_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.restrict_to_LocallyRingedSpace_to_SheafedSpace_to_PresheafedSpace /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.of_restrict_coe_c_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, h, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.is_open_immersion.lift_fac_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.is_open_immersion.lift_fac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.is_open_immersion.iso_of_range_eq_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.is_open_immersion.iso_of_range_eq_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.pullback_cover_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, 𝒰 -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.pullback_cover_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, 𝒰 -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.pullback_cover_J /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: 𝒰 -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.Scheme.open_cover.pullback_cover_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, 𝒰 -/ -- algebraic_geometry/presheafed_space.lean #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.as_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: carrier -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.comp_c /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.id_base /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.id_c /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.id_c_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.comp_base /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.coe_to_fun_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.comp_c_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', U, β, α -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.comp_c_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, β, α -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.congr_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.forget_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, C -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.forget_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.iso_of_components_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, H -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.iso_of_components_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, H -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.sheaf_iso_of_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.sheaf_iso_of_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.restrict_presheaf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.of_restrict_c_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, h, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.restrict_top_presheaf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.of_restrict_top_c /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.to_restrict_top_c /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.to_restrict_top_base /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.restrict_top_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.restrict_top_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.Γ_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.Γ_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.Γ_obj_op /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.Γ_map_op /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_presheaf_obj_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_presheaf_obj_presheaf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_presheaf_map_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_presheaf_map_c /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ -- algebraic_geometry/presheafed_space/gluing.lean #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.glue_data.pullback_base /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, k, j, i, D -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.glue_data.f_inv_app_f_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', U, k, j, i, D -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.glue_data.f_inv_app_f_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, k, j, i, D -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.glue_data.snd_inv_app_t_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, k, j, i, D -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.glue_data.snd_inv_app_t_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', U, k, j, i, D -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.glue_data.ι_image_preimage_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, j, i, D -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.glue_data.opens_image_preimage_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, k, j, i, D -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.glue_data.opens_image_preimage_map_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', U, k, j, i, D -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.glue_data.π_ι_inv_app_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, j, i, D -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.glue_data.π_ι_inv_app_eq_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, i, D -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.glue_data.ι_iso_PresheafedSpace_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, D -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.glue_data.ι_iso_SheafedSpace_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, D -/ -- algebraic_geometry/presheafed_space/has_colimits.lean #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.map_id_c_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, j, F -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.map_comp_c_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, g, f, F -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.pushforward_diagram_to_colimit_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, j', j, F -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.pushforward_diagram_to_colimit_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, F -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.colimit_carrier /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.colimit_presheaf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.colimit_cocone_ι_app_base /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, F -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.colimit_cocone_ι_app_c /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, F -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.colimit_cocone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.colimit_cocone_is_colimit.desc_c_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, s, F -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.colimit_cocone_is_colimit.desc_fac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, s, F -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.componentwise_diagram_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, k, j, U, F -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.componentwise_diagram_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, U, F -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.colimit_presheaf_obj_iso_componentwise_limit_inv_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, U, F -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.colimit_presheaf_obj_iso_componentwise_limit_hom_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, U, F -/ -- algebraic_geometry/prime_spectrum/basic.lean #check @prime_spectrum.prime_spectrum_prod_symm_inl_as_ideal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @prime_spectrum.prime_spectrum_prod_symm_inr_as_ideal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @prime_spectrum.mem_zero_locus /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, x -/ #check @prime_spectrum.zero_locus_span /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @prime_spectrum.coe_vanishing_ideal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @prime_spectrum.mem_vanishing_ideal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t -/ #check @prime_spectrum.vanishing_ideal_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @prime_spectrum.subset_zero_locus_iff_le_vanishing_ideal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, t -/ #check @prime_spectrum.subset_zero_locus_iff_subset_vanishing_ideal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, t, R -/ #check @prime_spectrum.vanishing_ideal_zero_locus_eq_radical /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @prime_spectrum.zero_locus_radical /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @prime_spectrum.zero_locus_subset_zero_locus_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @prime_spectrum.zero_locus_subset_zero_locus_singleton_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @prime_spectrum.zero_locus_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @prime_spectrum.zero_locus_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s', s -/ #check @prime_spectrum.vanishing_ideal_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t', t -/ #check @prime_spectrum.zero_locus_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @prime_spectrum.zero_locus_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @prime_spectrum.zero_locus_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @prime_spectrum.vanishing_ideal_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @prime_spectrum.zero_locus_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @prime_spectrum.union_zero_locus /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s', s -/ #check @prime_spectrum.zero_locus_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @prime_spectrum.zero_locus_singleton_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @prime_spectrum.zero_locus_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @prime_spectrum.zero_locus_singleton_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @prime_spectrum.is_open_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @prime_spectrum.is_closed_iff_zero_locus /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z -/ #check @prime_spectrum.is_closed_iff_zero_locus_ideal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z -/ #check @prime_spectrum.is_closed_iff_zero_locus_radical_ideal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z -/ #check @prime_spectrum.is_closed_singleton_iff_is_maximal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @prime_spectrum.zero_locus_vanishing_ideal_eq_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @prime_spectrum.vanishing_ideal_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @prime_spectrum.is_irreducible_zero_locus_iff_of_radical /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @prime_spectrum.is_irreducible_zero_locus_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @prime_spectrum.preimage_comap_zero_locus_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @prime_spectrum.comap_as_ideal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, f -/ #check @prime_spectrum.comap_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @prime_spectrum.comap_comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @prime_spectrum.preimage_comap_zero_locus /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @prime_spectrum.mem_basic_open /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @prime_spectrum.basic_open_eq_zero_locus_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @prime_spectrum.basic_open_le_basic_open_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @prime_spectrum.basic_open_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @prime_spectrum.basic_open_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @prime_spectrum.basic_open_eq_bot_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @prime_spectrum.as_ideal_le_as_ideal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @prime_spectrum.as_ideal_lt_as_ideal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @prime_spectrum.le_iff_mem_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @prime_spectrum.le_iff_specializes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @local_ring.is_local_ring_hom_iff_comap_closed_point /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- algebraic_geometry/properties.lean #check @algebraic_geometry.affine_is_reduced_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.basic_open_eq_bot_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.is_integral_iff_is_irreducible_and_is_reduced /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.affine_is_integral_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ -- algebraic_geometry/ringed_space.lean #check @algebraic_geometry.RingedSpace.mem_basic_open /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.RingedSpace.mem_top_basic_open /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.RingedSpace.basic_open_res /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.RingedSpace.basic_open_res_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.RingedSpace.basic_open_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, X -/ -- algebraic_geometry/sheafed_space.lean #check @algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.as_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: carrier -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.id_base /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.id_c /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.id_c_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.comp_base /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.comp_c_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, β, α -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.comp_c_app' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, β, α -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.congr_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.Γ_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.Γ_obj_op /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.Γ_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.SheafedSpace.Γ_map_op /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- algebraic_geometry/stalks.lean #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.stalk_map_germ_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, x, U, α -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.stalk_map_germ_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', x, U, α -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.stalk_map_germ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, U, α -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.restrict_stalk_iso_hom_eq_germ_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', hx, x, V, h, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.restrict_stalk_iso_hom_eq_germ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hx, x, V, h, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.restrict_stalk_iso_hom_eq_germ_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hx, x, V, h, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.restrict_stalk_iso_inv_eq_germ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hx, x, V, h, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.restrict_stalk_iso_inv_eq_germ_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hx, x, V, h, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.restrict_stalk_iso_inv_eq_germ_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', hx, x, V, h, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.restrict_stalk_iso_inv_eq_of_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.stalk_map.id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, X -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.stalk_map.comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, β, α -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.stalk_map.congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, x', x, α -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.stalk_map.congr_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, α -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.stalk_map.congr_point /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, x', x, α -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.stalk_map.stalk_specializes_stalk_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.stalk_map.stalk_specializes_stalk_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.PresheafedSpace.stalk_map.stalk_specializes_stalk_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h, f -/ -- algebraic_geometry/structure_sheaf.lean #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.is_locally_fraction_pred /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_presheaf_in_CommRing_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, i, V, U, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_presheaf_in_CommRing_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.res_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s, i, V, U, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.const_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hu, U, g, f, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.const_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, U, g, f, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.res_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, g, f, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.res_const' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hv, V, g, f, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.const_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.const_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.const_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.const_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hu₂, hu₁, U, g₂, g₁, f₂, f₁, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.const_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hu₂, hu₁, U, g₂, g₁, f₂, f₁, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.const_ext /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.const_congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.const_mul_rev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.const_mul_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hu₂, U, g₂, f, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.const_mul_cancel' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hu₂, U, g₂, f, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.to_open_res /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.to_open_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, U, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.to_open_eq_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, U, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.to_open_germ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, U, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.germ_to_open /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, x, U, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.germ_to_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, x, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.localization_to_stalk_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, x, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.localization_to_stalk_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, x, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.coe_open_to_localization /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hx, x, U, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.open_to_localization_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, hx, x, U, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.germ_comp_stalk_to_fiber_ring_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, U, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.stalk_to_fiber_ring_hom_germ' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, hx, x, U, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.stalk_to_fiber_ring_hom_germ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, x, U, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.to_stalk_comp_stalk_to_fiber_ring_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.stalk_to_fiber_ring_hom_to_stalk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, x, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.stalk_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.stalk_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.stalk_to_fiber_ring_hom_localization_to_stalk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.stalk_to_fiber_ring_hom_localization_to_stalk_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.localization_to_stalk_stalk_to_fiber_ring_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.localization_to_stalk_stalk_to_fiber_ring_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.to_basic_open_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.localization_to_basic_open /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.to_basic_open_to_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.stalk_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, p, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.open_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, U, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.to_global_factors /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.to_global_factors_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.global_sections_iso_hom_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.global_sections_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.global_sections_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.to_stalk_stalk_specializes_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.to_stalk_stalk_specializes_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.localization_to_stalk_stalk_specializes_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.localization_to_stalk_stalk_specializes_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.localization_to_stalk_stalk_specializes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.stalk_specializes_stalk_to_fiber_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.stalk_specializes_stalk_to_fiber_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.stalk_specializes_stalk_to_fiber /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.comap_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s, hUV, V, U, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.comap_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hb, b, a, hUV, V, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.comap_id_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: iVU, V, U -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.comap_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hUV, V, U -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.comap_id' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.comap_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hVW, hUV, W, U, g, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.to_open_comp_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.to_open_comp_comap_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', U, f -/ #check @algebraic_geometry.structure_sheaf.to_open_comp_comap_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, U, f -/ -- algebraic_topology/Moore_complex.lean #check @algebraic_topology.normalized_Moore_complex.d_squared /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, X -/ #check @algebraic_topology.normalized_Moore_complex.obj_d_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, X -/ #check @algebraic_topology.normalized_Moore_complex.obj_X_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, X -/ #check @algebraic_topology.normalized_Moore_complex.map_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @algebraic_topology.normalized_Moore_complex_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, C -/ #check @algebraic_topology.normalized_Moore_complex_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ -- algebraic_topology/alternating_face_map_complex.lean #check @algebraic_topology.alternating_face_map_complex.d_squared /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, X -/ #check @algebraic_topology.alternating_face_map_complex_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, C -/ #check @algebraic_topology.alternating_face_map_complex_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @algebraic_topology.inclusion_of_Moore_complex_map_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, X -/ #check @algebraic_topology.inclusion_of_Moore_complex_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, A -/ -- algebraic_topology/cech_nerve.lean #check @category_theory.arrow.cech_nerve_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.cech_nerve_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, n, m, f -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.map_cech_nerve_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, F -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.augmented_cech_nerve_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.augmented_cech_nerve_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.augmented_cech_nerve_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.map_augmented_cech_nerve_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.map_augmented_cech_nerve_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.cech_nerve_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.cech_nerve_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.augmented_cech_nerve_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.augmented_cech_nerve_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.equivalence_right_to_left_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F, X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.equivalence_right_to_left_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F, X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.equivalence_left_to_right_left_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, G, F, X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.equivalence_left_to_right_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F, X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.cech_nerve_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F, X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.cech_nerve_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F, X -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.cech_conerve_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, n, m, f -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.cech_conerve_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.map_cech_conerve_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, F -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.augmented_cech_conerve_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.augmented_cech_conerve_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.augmented_cech_conerve_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.map_augmented_cech_conerve_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.map_augmented_cech_conerve_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.cech_conerve_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.cech_conerve_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.augmented_cech_conerve_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.augmented_cech_conerve_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.equivalence_left_to_right_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.equivalence_left_to_right_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.equivalence_right_to_left_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.equivalence_right_to_left_right_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, G, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.cech_conerve_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.cech_conerve_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, X, F -/ -- algebraic_topology/simplex_category.lean #check @simplex_category.len_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @simplex_category.mk_len /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @simplex_category.hom.mk_to_order_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @simplex_category.hom.to_order_hom_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @simplex_category.hom.mk_to_order_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @simplex_category.small_category_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @simplex_category.small_category_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @simplex_category.small_category_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, _x, _x, _x -/ #check @simplex_category.const_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, i, y, x -/ #check @simplex_category.skeletal_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @simplex_category.skeletal_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, b, a -/ -- algebraic_topology/simplicial_object.lean #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.eq_to_iso_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.δ_comp_δ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.δ_comp_δ_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.δ_comp_σ_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.δ_comp_σ_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.δ_comp_σ_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.δ_comp_σ_of_gt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.σ_comp_σ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.whiskering_obj_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α, _x, _x, H, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.whiskering_obj_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F, H, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.whiskering_map_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, F, τ, H, G, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.whiskering_obj_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x, F, H, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.truncated.whiskering_obj_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x, F, H, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.truncated.whiskering_map_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, F, τ, H, G, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.truncated.whiskering_obj_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α, _x, _x, H, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.truncated.whiskering_obj_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F, H, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.augmented.drop_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.augmented.drop_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.augmented.point_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.augmented.point_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.augmented.to_arrow_obj_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.augmented.to_arrow_obj_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.augmented.to_arrow_obj_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.augmented.to_arrow_map_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.augmented.to_arrow_map_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.augmented.whiskering_map_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, η, Y, X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.augmented.whiskering_obj_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.augmented.whiskering_map_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, η, Y, X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.augment_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, X₀, X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.augment_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X₀ -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.augment_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.augment_hom_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.eq_to_iso_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.δ_comp_δ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.δ_comp_δ_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.δ_comp_σ_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.δ_comp_σ_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.δ_comp_σ_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.δ_comp_σ_of_gt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.σ_comp_σ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.whiskering_obj_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x, F, H, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.whiskering_map_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, F, τ, H, G, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.whiskering_obj_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α, _x, _x, H, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.whiskering_obj_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F, H, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.truncated.whiskering_obj_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F, H, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.truncated.whiskering_obj_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x, F, H, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.truncated.whiskering_map_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, F, τ, H, G, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.truncated.whiskering_obj_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α, _x, _x, H, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.augmented.drop_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.augmented.drop_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.augmented.point_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.augmented.point_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.augmented.to_arrow_obj_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.augmented.to_arrow_obj_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.augmented.to_arrow_map_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.augmented.to_arrow_map_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.augmented.to_arrow_obj_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.augmented.whiskering_map_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, η, Y, X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.augmented.whiskering_obj_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.augmented.whiskering_map_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, η, Y, X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.augment_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X₀ -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.augment_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.augment_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, X₀, X -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.augment_hom_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_cosimplicial_equiv_counit_iso_hom_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_cosimplicial_equiv_inverse_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, C -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_cosimplicial_equiv_functor_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, η, G, F, C -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_cosimplicial_equiv_counit_iso_inv_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_cosimplicial_equiv_functor_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F, C -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_cosimplicial_equiv_unit_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_cosimplicial_equiv_inverse_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, G, F, C -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_cosimplicial_equiv_unit_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_cosimplicial_equiv_functor_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F, C -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.augmented.right_op_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.augmented.right_op_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.augmented.right_op_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.augmented.left_op_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.augmented.left_op_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.augmented.left_op_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.augmented.right_op_left_op_iso_hom_left_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.augmented.right_op_left_op_iso_inv_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.augmented.right_op_left_op_iso_inv_left_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_object.augmented.right_op_left_op_iso_hom_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.augmented.left_op_right_op_iso_hom_right_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.augmented.left_op_right_op_iso_inv_right_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.augmented.left_op_right_op_iso_inv_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_object.augmented.left_op_right_op_iso_hom_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_to_cosimplicial_augmented_map_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_to_cosimplicial_augmented_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_to_cosimplicial_augmented_map_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_to_simplicial_augmented_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.cosimplicial_to_simplicial_augmented_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_cosimplicial_augmented_equiv_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_cosimplicial_augmented_equiv_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_cosimplicial_augmented_equiv_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.simplicial_cosimplicial_augmented_equiv_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ -- algebraic_topology/topological_simplex.lean #check @simplex_category.coe_to_Top_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g, f -/ #check @simplex_category.to_Top_obj_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @simplex_category.to_Top_map_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f, y, x -/ -- analysis/ODE/gronwall.lean #check @gronwall_bound_K0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ε, δ -/ #check @gronwall_bound_x0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: δ -/ #check @gronwall_bound_ε0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, K, δ -/ #check @ODE_solution_unique_of_mem_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @ODE_solution_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ -- analysis/ODE/picard_lindelof.lean #check @picard_lindelof.proj_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @picard_lindelof.fun_space.v_comp_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, f -/ #check @picard_lindelof.fun_space.next_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, f -/ -- analysis/analytic/basic.lean #check @formal_multilinear_series.radius_eq_top_iff_summable_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.radius_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.change_origin_series_term_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, s, l, k, p -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.norm_change_origin_series_term /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, k, p -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.nnnorm_change_origin_series_term /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, k, p -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.change_origin_index_equiv_symm_apply_snd_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.change_origin_index_equiv_symm_apply_snd_snd_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.change_origin_index_equiv_apply_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.change_origin_index_equiv_symm_apply_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.change_origin_index_equiv_apply_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.change_origin_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- analysis/analytic/composition.lean #check @formal_multilinear_series.apply_composition_ones /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.apply_composition_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, hn, p -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.remove_zero_apply_composition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, p -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.apply_composition_update /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, v, j, c, p -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.comp_continuous_linear_map_apply_composition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, c, f, p -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.comp_along_composition_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, f, c, p -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.comp_along_composition_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, c, p, q -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.comp_coeff_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.comp_coeff_zero' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.comp_coeff_zero'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.comp_coeff_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, p, q -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.remove_zero_comp_of_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, q -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.comp_remove_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, q -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.id_apply_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.id_apply_one' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.id_apply_ne_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E, 𝕜 -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.mem_comp_partial_sum_source_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, N, M, m -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.comp_change_of_variables_blocks_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.comp_change_of_variables_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, m -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.comp_partial_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, N, p, q -/ #check @composition.sigma_composition_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @composition.sigma_pi_composition_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, u -/ #check @composition.length_gather /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @composition.length_sigma_composition_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, b, a -/ #check @composition.blocks_fun_sigma_composition_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, b, a -/ #check @composition.size_up_to_size_up_to_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, q, r -/ -- analysis/analytic/inverse.lean #check @formal_multilinear_series.left_inv_coeff_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.left_inv_remove_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, p -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.right_inv_coeff_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.right_inv_remove_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, p -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.comp_right_inv_aux1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, q, p -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.comp_right_inv_aux2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, n, i, p -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.right_inv_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, i, p -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.left_inv_eq_right_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, p -/ -- analysis/analytic/linear.lean #check @continuous_linear_map.fpower_series_apply_add_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.uncurry_bilinear_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ -- analysis/analytic/radius_liminf.lean #check @formal_multilinear_series.radius_eq_liminf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- analysis/asymptotics/superpolynomial_decay.lean #check @asymptotics.superpolynomial_decay_iff_abs_tendsto_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, k, l -/ #check @asymptotics.superpolynomial_decay_iff_superpolynomial_decay_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, k, l -/ #check @asymptotics.superpolynomial_decay_mul_const_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, k, l -/ #check @asymptotics.superpolynomial_decay_const_mul_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, k, l -/ #check @asymptotics.superpolynomial_decay_iff_abs_is_bounded_under /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @asymptotics.superpolynomial_decay_iff_zpow_tendsto_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @asymptotics.superpolynomial_decay_param_mul_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @asymptotics.superpolynomial_decay_mul_param_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @asymptotics.superpolynomial_decay_param_pow_mul_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @asymptotics.superpolynomial_decay_mul_param_pow_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @asymptotics.superpolynomial_decay_iff_norm_tendsto_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, k, l -/ #check @asymptotics.superpolynomial_decay_iff_superpolynomial_decay_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, k, l -/ #check @asymptotics.superpolynomial_decay_iff_is_O /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @asymptotics.superpolynomial_decay_iff_is_o /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- analysis/box_integral/basic.lean #check @box_integral.integral_sum_bUnion_tagged /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: πi, π, vol, f -/ #check @box_integral.integral_sum_bUnion_partition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π, vol, f -/ #check @box_integral.integral_sum_inf_partition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π, vol, f -/ #check @box_integral.integral_sum_fiberwise /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π, vol, f -/ #check @box_integral.integral_sum_sub_partitions /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: vol, f -/ #check @box_integral.integral_sum_disj_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: vol, f -/ #check @box_integral.integral_sum_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π, vol, g, f -/ #check @box_integral.integral_sum_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π, vol, f -/ #check @box_integral.integral_sum_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π, vol, f, c -/ #check @box_integral.integral_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @box_integral.integral_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @box_integral.integrable.to_box_additive_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J -/ -- analysis/box_integral/box/basic.lean #check @box_integral.box.mem_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @box_integral.box.mem_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @box_integral.box.coe_eq_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @box_integral.box.le_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @box_integral.box.bUnion_coe_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @box_integral.box.coe_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, l -/ #check @box_integral.box.coe_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @box_integral.box.face_lower /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, i, I -/ #check @box_integral.box.face_upper /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, i, I -/ #check @box_integral.box.face_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, h, u, l -/ -- analysis/box_integral/box/subbox_induction.lean #check @box_integral.box.split_center_box_emb_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, I -/ #check @box_integral.box.Union_coe_split_center_box /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @box_integral.box.upper_sub_lower_split_center_box /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, I -/ -- analysis/box_integral/integrability.lean #check @measure_theory.simple_func.box_integral_eq_integral /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, μ, f -/ -- analysis/box_integral/partition/additive.lean #check @box_integral.box_additive_map.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @box_integral.box_additive_map.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @box_integral.box_additive_map.sum_partition_boxes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @box_integral.box_additive_map.map_split_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @box_integral.box_additive_map.restrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @box_integral.box_additive_map.map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @box_integral.box_additive_map.sum_boxes_congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @box_integral.box_additive_map.to_smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, I, f -/ #check @box_integral.box_additive_map.upper_sub_lower_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, f, i -/ -- analysis/box_integral/partition/basic.lean #check @box_integral.prepartition.mem_boxes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.single_boxes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.Union_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.Union_def' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.mem_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.bUnion_boxes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: πi, π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.mem_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.bUnion_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.Union_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: πi, π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.sum_bUnion_boxes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, πi, π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.bUnion_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: πi', πi, π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.Union_of_with_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: boxes -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.sum_of_with_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, boxes -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.mem_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.mem_restrict' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.restrict_boxes_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.restrict_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.Union_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.restrict_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: πi -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.bUnion_le_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.le_bUnion_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.inf_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π₂, π₁ -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.Union_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π₂, π₁ -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.filter_boxes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.mem_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.filter_of_true /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.filter_true /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.Union_filter_not /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.sum_fiberwise /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.disj_union_boxes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π₂, π₁ -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.sum_disj_union_boxes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.distortion_le_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.distortion_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: πi, π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.distortion_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.Union_bUnion_partition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ -- analysis/box_integral/partition/filter.lean #check @box_integral.integration_params.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @box_integral.integration_params.to_filter_inf_Union_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π₀, I, l -/ #check @box_integral.integration_params.to_filter_Union_congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, I -/ -- analysis/box_integral/partition/measure.lean #check @box_integral.prepartition.measure_Union_to_real /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, π -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.to_box_additive_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, μ -/ #check @box_integral.box.volume_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @box_integral.box.volume_face_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @box_integral.box_additive_map.volume_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, I -/ -- analysis/box_integral/partition/split.lean #check @box_integral.prepartition.Union_split /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.sum_split_boxes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, x, i, I -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.restrict_split /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.inf_split /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.split_many_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.split_many_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s, I -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.Union_split_many /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.inf_split_many /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.Union_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ -- analysis/box_integral/partition/subbox_induction.lean #check @box_integral.prepartition.upper_sub_lower_of_mem_split_center /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.distortion_to_subordinate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.Union_to_subordinate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.tagged_prepartition.union_compl_to_subordinate_boxes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, π₂, π₁ -/ #check @box_integral.tagged_prepartition.distortion_union_compl_to_subordinate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π₂, π₁ -/ -- analysis/box_integral/partition/tagged.lean #check @box_integral.tagged_prepartition.mem_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.tagged_prepartition.Union_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.tagged_prepartition.Union_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.tagged_prepartition.Union_to_prepartition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.tagged_prepartition.mem_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.tagged_prepartition.is_partition_iff_Union_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.tagged_prepartition.filter_to_prepartition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, π -/ #check @box_integral.tagged_prepartition.filter_tag /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.tagged_prepartition.mem_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.tagged_prepartition.Union_filter_not /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.mem_bUnion_tagged /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.Union_bUnion_tagged /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: πi, π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.forall_bUnion_tagged /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: πi, π, p -/ #check @box_integral.tagged_prepartition.bUnion_prepartition_tag /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: πi, π -/ #check @box_integral.tagged_prepartition.inf_prepartition_to_prepartition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π', π -/ #check @box_integral.tagged_prepartition.single_tag /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @box_integral.tagged_prepartition.single_to_prepartition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hJ, J, I -/ #check @box_integral.tagged_prepartition.forall_mem_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @box_integral.tagged_prepartition.distortion_le_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @box_integral.prepartition.distortion_bUnion_tagged /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: πi, π -/ #check @box_integral.tagged_prepartition.distortion_bUnion_prepartition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: πi, π -/ -- analysis/calculus/conformal/inner_product.lean #check @conformal_factor_at_inner_eq_mul_inner' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, u -/ #check @conformal_factor_at_inner_eq_mul_inner /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, u -/ -- analysis/calculus/deriv.lean #check @continuous_linear_map.deriv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.deriv_within /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_map.deriv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_map.deriv_within /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @deriv_within_smul_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @deriv_smul_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @deriv_within_const_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @deriv_const_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @deriv_within.scomp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @deriv.scomp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @deriv_within.comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @deriv.comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @fderiv_within.comp_deriv_within /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @fderiv.comp_deriv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @deriv_within_mul_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d -/ #check @deriv_mul_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d -/ #check @deriv_mul_const_field /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @deriv_mul_const_field' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @deriv_within_const_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @deriv_const_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @deriv_const_mul_field /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @deriv_const_mul_field' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @deriv_div_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d -/ #check @polynomial.deriv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.deriv_within /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.fderiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.fderiv_within /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @deriv_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, m -/ #check @deriv_zpow' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @iter_deriv_zpow' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, m -/ #check @iter_deriv_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, x, m -/ #check @iter_deriv_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, x, n -/ #check @iter_deriv_pow' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n -/ #check @iter_deriv_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, k -/ #check @iter_deriv_inv' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ -- analysis/calculus/dslope.lean #check @dslope_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @dslope_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @sub_smul_dslope /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @dslope_sub_smul_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @dslope_sub_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ -- analysis/calculus/fderiv.lean #check @continuous_linear_map.fderiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.fderiv_within /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @fderiv_within.comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @fderiv.comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @fderiv.comp_fderiv_within /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @fderiv_within_const_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @fderiv_const_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @is_bounded_bilinear_map.fderiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @is_bounded_bilinear_map.fderiv_within /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @fderiv_within_smul_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fderiv_smul_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fderiv_within_mul_const' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @fderiv_within_mul_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d -/ #check @fderiv_mul_const' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @fderiv_mul_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d -/ #check @fderiv_within_const_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @fderiv_const_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @fderiv_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.fderiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: iso -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.fderiv_within /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: iso -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.comp_has_fderiv_within_at_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: iso -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.comp_has_fderiv_at_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: iso -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.comp_fderiv_within /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: iso -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.comp_fderiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: iso -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.fderiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: iso -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.fderiv_within /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: iso -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.comp_has_fderiv_within_at_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: iso -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.comp_has_fderiv_at_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: iso -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.comp_fderiv_within /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: iso -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.comp_fderiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: iso -/ #check @differentiable_at.fderiv_restrict_scalars /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: 𝕜 -/ -- analysis/calculus/fderiv_measurable.lean #check @fderiv_measurable_aux.differentiable_set_eq_D /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ -- analysis/calculus/fderiv_symmetric.lean #check @convex.second_derivative_within_at_symmetric /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @second_derivative_symmetric_of_eventually /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @second_derivative_symmetric /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ -- analysis/calculus/formal_multilinear_series.lean #check @formal_multilinear_series.remove_zero_coeff_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.remove_zero_of_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @formal_multilinear_series.comp_continuous_linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, n, u, p -/ -- analysis/calculus/implicit.lean #check @implicit_function_data.prod_fun_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, φ -/ #check @implicit_function_data.to_local_homeomorph_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @implicit_function_data.to_local_homeomorph_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, φ -/ #check @implicit_function_data.map_nhds_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @has_strict_fderiv_at.implicit_to_local_homeomorph_of_complemented_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @has_strict_fderiv_at.implicit_to_local_homeomorph_of_complemented_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, hker -/ #check @has_strict_fderiv_at.implicit_to_local_homeomorph_of_complemented_apply_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @has_strict_fderiv_at.implicit_to_local_homeomorph_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @has_strict_fderiv_at.implicit_to_local_homeomorph_apply_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ -- analysis/calculus/inverse.lean #check @has_strict_fderiv_at.local_inverse_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf -/ -- analysis/calculus/mean_value.lean #check @eq_of_has_deriv_right_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @eq_of_deriv_within_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ -- analysis/calculus/specific_functions.lean #check @exp_neg_inv_glue.f_aux_iterated_deriv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @times_cont_diff_bump_of_inner.support_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @times_cont_diff_bump.coe_eq_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @times_cont_diff_bump.support_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @times_cont_diff_bump.closure_support_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- analysis/calculus/tangent_cone.lean #check @unique_diff_within_at_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s, 𝕜 -/ -- analysis/calculus/times_cont_diff.lean #check @iterated_fderiv_within_succ_apply_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @iterated_fderiv_within_succ_apply_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @iterated_fderiv_within_one_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @has_ftaylor_series_up_to.zero_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @iterated_fderiv_succ_apply_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @iterated_fderiv_succ_apply_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @iterated_fderiv_one_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ -- analysis/complex/basic.lean #check @complex.norm_eq_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.dist_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @complex.norm_real /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @complex.norm_rat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @complex.norm_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @complex.re_clm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.im_clm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.restrict_scalars_one_smul_right' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.restrict_scalars_one_smul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.conj_lie_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.conj_cle_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.of_real_clm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.equiv_real_prod_add_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @complex.equiv_real_prod_add_hom_symm_apply_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @complex.equiv_real_prod_add_hom_symm_apply_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @complex.equiv_real_prod_add_hom_lm_symm_apply_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @complex.equiv_real_prod_add_hom_lm_symm_apply_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @complex.equiv_real_prod_add_hom_lm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @complex.equiv_real_prodₗ_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @complex.equiv_real_prodₗ_symm_apply_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @complex.equiv_real_prodₗ_symm_apply_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @complex.has_sum_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, f -/ -- analysis/complex/cauchy_integral.lean #check @complex.integral_boundary_rect_of_has_fderiv_at_real_off_countable /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @complex.integral_boundary_rect_of_continuous_on_of_has_fderiv_at_real /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @complex.integral_boundary_rect_of_differentiable_on_real /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z, f -/ -- analysis/complex/circle.lean #check @coe_inv_circle_eq_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @coe_inv_circle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @coe_div_circle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @circle.to_units_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @exp_map_circle_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @exp_map_circle_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @exp_map_circle_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @exp_map_circle_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ -- analysis/complex/isometry.lean #check @rotation_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, a -/ #check @rotation_of_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @rotation_of_rotation /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @linear_isometry.re_apply_eq_re_of_add_conj_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @linear_isometry.im_apply_eq_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @linear_isometry.re_apply_eq_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @to_matrix_rotation /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- analysis/complex/re_im_topology.lean #check @complex.interior_preimage_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @complex.interior_preimage_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @complex.closure_preimage_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @complex.closure_preimage_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @complex.frontier_preimage_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @complex.frontier_preimage_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @complex.interior_set_of_re_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @complex.interior_set_of_im_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @complex.interior_set_of_le_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @complex.interior_set_of_le_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @complex.closure_set_of_re_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @complex.closure_set_of_im_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @complex.closure_set_of_lt_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @complex.closure_set_of_lt_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @complex.frontier_set_of_re_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @complex.frontier_set_of_im_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @complex.frontier_set_of_le_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @complex.frontier_set_of_le_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @complex.frontier_set_of_re_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @complex.frontier_set_of_im_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @complex.frontier_set_of_lt_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @complex.frontier_set_of_lt_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @complex.closure_preimage_re_inter_preimage_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @complex.interior_preimage_re_inter_preimage_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @complex.frontier_preimage_re_inter_preimage_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @complex.frontier_set_of_le_re_and_le_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @complex.frontier_set_of_le_re_and_im_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- analysis/complex/roots_of_unity.lean #check @complex.is_primitive_root_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, ζ -/ #check @complex.mem_roots_of_unity /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @complex.card_roots_of_unity /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @complex.card_primitive_roots /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ -- analysis/complex/upper_half_plane.lean #check @upper_half_plane.coe_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @upper_half_plane.coe_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @upper_half_plane.smul_aux'_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, g -/ #check @upper_half_plane.denom_cocycle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @upper_half_plane.mul_smul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @upper_half_plane.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, g -/ #check @upper_half_plane.re_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, g -/ #check @upper_half_plane.im_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, g -/ #check @upper_half_plane.im_smul_eq_div_norm_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, g -/ #check @upper_half_plane.neg_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, g -/ -- analysis/convex/basic.lean #check @segment_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, 𝕜 -/ #check @open_segment_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, 𝕜 -/ #check @segment_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @convex.combo_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @open_segment_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @segment_eq_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, 𝕜 -/ #check @open_segment_eq_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, 𝕜 -/ #check @segment_eq_image₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, 𝕜 -/ #check @open_segment_eq_image₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, 𝕜 -/ #check @segment_eq_image' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, 𝕜 -/ #check @open_segment_eq_image' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, 𝕜 -/ #check @segment_eq_image_line_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, 𝕜 -/ #check @open_segment_eq_image_line_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, 𝕜 -/ #check @segment_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f, 𝕜 -/ #check @open_segment_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f, 𝕜 -/ #check @mem_segment_translate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: 𝕜 -/ #check @mem_open_segment_translate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: 𝕜 -/ #check @segment_translate_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, 𝕜 -/ #check @open_segment_translate_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, 𝕜 -/ #check @segment_translate_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a, 𝕜 -/ #check @open_segment_translate_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a, 𝕜 -/ #check @segment_eq_Icc' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @segment_eq_interval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @std_simplex_eq_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ι, 𝕜 -/ -- analysis/convex/combination.lean #check @finset.center_mass_pair /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, w, j, i -/ #check @finset.center_mass_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, t, i -/ #check @finset.center_mass_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, i -/ #check @finset.center_mass_eq_of_sum_1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, t -/ #check @finset.center_mass_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, t, c -/ #check @finset.center_mass_segment' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, zt, wt, zs, ws, t, s -/ #check @finset.center_mass_segment /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, z, w₂, w₁, s -/ #check @finset.center_mass_ite_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, i -/ #check @finset.center_mass_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @finset.center_mass_filter_ne_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @finset.centroid_eq_center_mass /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s -/ #check @convex_hull_range_eq_exists_affine_combination /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @convex_hull_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.convex_hull_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @convex_hull_eq_union_convex_hull_finite_subsets /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @convex_hull_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @convex_hull_basis_eq_std_simplex /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ι -/ #check @convex_hull_affine_basis_eq_nonneg_barycentric /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ -- analysis/convex/cone.lean #check @convex_cone.mem_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @convex_cone.coe_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @convex_cone.mem_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @convex_cone.smul_mem_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @convex_cone.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, f, g -/ #check @convex_cone.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @convex_cone.comap_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @convex_cone.comap_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, f, g -/ #check @convex_cone.pointed_iff_not_blunt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @convex_cone.blunt_iff_not_pointed /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @convex_cone.salient_iff_not_flat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @convex_hull_to_cone_eq_Inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @mem_inner_dual_cone /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, y -/ -- analysis/convex/hull.lean #check @convex.convex_remove_iff_not_mem_convex_hull_remove /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_map.image_convex_hull /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @is_linear_map.convex_hull_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @linear_map.convex_hull_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @affine_map.image_convex_hull /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @affine_span_convex_hull /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- analysis/convex/independent.lean #check @convex_independent.mem_convex_hull_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, s -/ -- analysis/convex/simplicial_complex/basic.lean #check @geometry.simplicial_complex.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @geometry.simplicial_complex.of_erase_faces /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: faces -/ #check @geometry.simplicial_complex.of_subcomplex_faces /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: faces -/ -- analysis/convex/topology.lean #check @convex_hull_ediam /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @convex_hull_diam /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- analysis/fourier.lean #check @fourier_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, n -/ #check @fourier_add_half_inv_index /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @fourier_series_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @tsum_sq_fourier_series_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- analysis/inner_product_space/adjoint.lean #check @continuous_linear_map.adjoint_aux_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, A -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.adjoint_aux_inner_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, A -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.adjoint_aux_inner_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, A -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.adjoint_aux_adjoint_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.adjoint_aux_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.adjoint_inner_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, A -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.adjoint_inner_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, A -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.adjoint_adjoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.adjoint_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.apply_norm_sq_eq_inner_adjoint_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, A -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.apply_norm_eq_sqrt_inner_adjoint_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, A -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.apply_norm_sq_eq_inner_adjoint_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, A -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.apply_norm_eq_sqrt_inner_adjoint_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, A -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.eq_adjoint_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.star_eq_adjoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @linear_map.adjoint_to_continuous_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @linear_map.adjoint_eq_to_clm_adjoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @linear_map.adjoint_inner_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, A -/ #check @linear_map.adjoint_inner_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, A -/ #check @linear_map.adjoint_adjoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @linear_map.adjoint_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @linear_map.eq_adjoint_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @linear_map.eq_adjoint_iff_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @linear_map.eq_adjoint_iff_basis_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @linear_map.eq_adjoint_iff_basis_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @linear_map.star_eq_adjoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ -- analysis/inner_product_space/basic.lean #check @inner_product_space.of_core.inner_conj_sym /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @inner_product_space.of_core.inner_norm_sq_eq_inner_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @inner_product_space.of_core.norm_eq_sqrt_inner /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @inner_product_space.of_core.inner_self_eq_norm_mul_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @inner_conj_sym /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real_inner_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @sesq_form_of_inner_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, m -/ #check @bilin_form_of_real_inner_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ᾰ -/ #check @sum_inner /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, s -/ #check @inner_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, s -/ #check @finsupp.sum_inner /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, v, l -/ #check @finsupp.inner_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, v, l -/ #check @dfinsupp.sum_inner /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, l, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.inner_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, l, f -/ #check @inner_self_eq_norm_sq_to_K /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @orthonormal.inner_right_finsupp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, l -/ #check @orthonormal.inner_right_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @orthonormal.inner_right_fintype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, l -/ #check @orthonormal.inner_left_finsupp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, l -/ #check @orthonormal.inner_left_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @orthonormal.inner_left_fintype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, l -/ #check @orthonormal.inner_finsupp_eq_sum_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁ -/ #check @orthonormal.inner_finsupp_eq_sum_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁ -/ #check @orthonormal.inner_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, l₂, l₁ -/ #check @norm_eq_sqrt_inner /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @norm_eq_sqrt_real_inner /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @inner_self_eq_norm_mul_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @inner_self_eq_norm_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real_inner_self_eq_norm_mul_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real_inner_self_eq_norm_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @re_inner_eq_norm_add_mul_self_sub_norm_mul_self_sub_norm_mul_self_div_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @re_inner_eq_norm_mul_self_add_norm_mul_self_sub_norm_sub_mul_self_div_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @re_inner_eq_norm_add_mul_self_sub_norm_sub_mul_self_div_four /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @im_inner_eq_norm_sub_I_smul_mul_self_sub_norm_add_I_smul_mul_self_div_four /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @inner_eq_sum_norm_sq_div_four /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @linear_isometry.inner_map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.inner_map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @linear_map.coe_isometry_of_inner /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.isometry_of_inner_to_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_equiv.coe_isometry_of_inner /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_equiv.isometry_of_inner_to_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @real_inner_eq_norm_add_mul_self_sub_norm_mul_self_sub_norm_mul_self_div_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real_inner_eq_norm_mul_self_add_norm_mul_self_sub_norm_sub_mul_self_div_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @norm_add_sq_eq_norm_sq_add_norm_sq_iff_real_inner_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @norm_add_sq_eq_norm_sq_add_norm_sq_of_inner_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @norm_sub_sq_eq_norm_sq_add_norm_sq_iff_real_inner_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real_inner_add_sub_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real_inner_smul_self_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x -/ #check @real_inner_smul_self_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x -/ #check @abs_inner_div_norm_mul_norm_eq_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @abs_real_inner_div_norm_mul_norm_eq_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @abs_inner_eq_norm_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real_inner_div_norm_mul_norm_eq_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real_inner_div_norm_mul_norm_eq_neg_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @inner_sum_smul_sum_smul_of_sum_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v₂, v₁ -/ #check @innerₛₗ_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @innerₛₗ_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @innerSL_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @innerSL_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.to_sesq_form_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @is_R_or_C.inner_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @submodule.coe_inner /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, W -/ #check @orthogonal_family.eq_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @orthogonal_family.inner_right_dfinsupp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, i, l -/ #check @orthogonal_family.inner_right_fintype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, i, l -/ #check @orthogonal_family.inner_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, l₂, l₁ -/ #check @orthogonal_family.norm_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, l -/ #check @orthogonal_family.norm_sq_diff_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁, f -/ #check @orthogonal_family.summable_iff_norm_sq_summable /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @real_inner_eq_re_inner /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, 𝕜 -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.re_apply_inner_self_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, T -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.re_apply_inner_self_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, T -/ #check @submodule.mem_orthogonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, K -/ #check @submodule.mem_orthogonal' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, K -/ #check @orthogonal_eq_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @submodule.inf_orthogonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K₂, K₁ -/ #check @submodule.infi_orthogonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @submodule.Inf_orthogonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @submodule.orthogonal_eq_top_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @inner_product_space.is_self_adjoint_iff_bilin_form /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @inner_product_space.is_self_adjoint.conj_inner_sym /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @inner_product_space.is_self_adjoint.apply_clm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @inner_product_space.is_self_adjoint.coe_re_apply_inner_self_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- analysis/inner_product_space/calculus.lean #check @fderiv_inner_clm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @fderiv_inner_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ -- analysis/inner_product_space/conformal_linear_map.lean #check @is_conformal_map_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ -- analysis/inner_product_space/dual.lean #check @inner_product_space.to_dual_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: 𝕜 -/ -- analysis/inner_product_space/euclidean_dist.lean #check @euclidean.ball_eq_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x -/ #check @euclidean.closed_ball_eq_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x -/ #check @euclidean.closed_ball_eq_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x -/ #check @euclidean.closure_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- analysis/inner_product_space/l2_space.lean #check @lp.inner_eq_tsum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @lp.inner_single_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a, i -/ #check @lp.inner_single_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a, i -/ #check @orthogonal_family.linear_isometry_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @orthogonal_family.linear_isometry_apply_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @orthogonal_family.linear_isometry_apply_dfinsupp_sum_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: W₀ -/ #check @orthogonal_family.linear_isometry_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w -/ #check @orthogonal_family.linear_isometry_equiv_symm_apply_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @orthogonal_family.linear_isometry_equiv_symm_apply_dfinsupp_sum_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: W₀ -/ #check @orthogonal_family.linear_isometry_equiv_apply_dfinsupp_sum_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: W₀ -/ #check @hilbert_basis.repr_symm_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, b -/ #check @hilbert_basis.repr_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @hilbert_basis.repr_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, v, b -/ -- analysis/inner_product_space/orientation.lean #check @orientation.fin_orthonormal_basis_orientation /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- analysis/inner_product_space/pi_L2.lean #check @pi_Lp.inner_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @pi_Lp.norm_eq_of_L2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @euclidean_space.norm_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @direct_sum.submodule_is_internal.isometry_L2_of_orthogonal_family_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w -/ #check @basis.coe_isometry_euclidean_of_orthonormal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @basis.coe_isometry_euclidean_of_orthonormal_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @complex.isometry_euclidean_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.isometry_euclidean_proj_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.isometry_euclidean_apply_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.isometry_euclidean_apply_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ -- analysis/inner_product_space/projection.lean #check @norm_eq_infi_iff_real_inner_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @norm_eq_infi_iff_inner_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @orthogonal_projection_fn_norm_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @orthogonal_projection_fn_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @eq_orthogonal_projection_of_eq_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @orthogonal_projection_mem_subspace_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @linear_isometry.map_orthogonal_projection /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, f -/ #check @orthogonal_projection_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, f -/ #check @smul_orthogonal_projection_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, 𝕜 -/ #check @orthogonal_projection_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, 𝕜 -/ #check @orthogonal_projection_unit_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, 𝕜 -/ #check @reflection_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @reflection_reflection /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @reflection_eq_self_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @reflection_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, K, f -/ #check @reflection_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, f -/ #check @submodule.orthogonal_orthogonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @submodule.orthogonal_orthogonal_eq_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @orthogonal_projection_orthogonal_complement_singleton_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @reflection_orthogonal_complement_singleton_eq_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @eq_sum_orthogonal_projection_self_orthogonal_complement /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w -/ #check @inner_orthogonal_projection_left_eq_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, u, K -/ #check @coe_orthonormal_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E, 𝕜 -/ -- analysis/inner_product_space/rayleigh.lean #check @continuous_linear_map.rayleigh_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, T -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.image_rayleigh_eq_image_rayleigh_sphere /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.supr_rayleigh_eq_supr_rayleigh_sphere /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.infi_rayleigh_eq_infi_rayleigh_sphere /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ -- analysis/inner_product_space/spectrum.lean #check @inner_product_space.is_self_adjoint.diagonalization_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w -/ #check @inner_product_space.is_self_adjoint.diagonalization_apply_self_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, v, hT -/ #check @inner_product_space.is_self_adjoint.apply_eigenvector_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, hn, hT -/ #check @inner_product_space.is_self_adjoint.diagonalization_basis_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, hn, hT -/ #check @inner_product_space.is_self_adjoint.diagonalization_basis_apply_self_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, v, hn, hT -/ -- analysis/normed/group/SemiNormedGroup.lean #check @SemiNormedGroup.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V -/ #check @SemiNormedGroup.coe_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V -/ #check @SemiNormedGroup.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @SemiNormedGroup₁.mk_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @SemiNormedGroup₁.mk_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @SemiNormedGroup₁.mk_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i', f -/ #check @SemiNormedGroup₁.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V -/ #check @SemiNormedGroup₁.coe_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V -/ #check @SemiNormedGroup₁.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @SemiNormedGroup₁.coe_comp' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ -- analysis/normed/group/SemiNormedGroup/completion.lean #check @SemiNormedGroup.Completion_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V -/ #check @SemiNormedGroup.Completion_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, W, V -/ #check @SemiNormedGroup.Completion.incl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @SemiNormedGroup.Completion.map_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: W, V -/ #check @SemiNormedGroup.Completion.lift_comp_incl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- analysis/normed/group/SemiNormedGroup/kernels.lean #check @SemiNormedGroup.comp_explicit_cokernel_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @SemiNormedGroup.comp_explicit_cokernel_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @SemiNormedGroup.explicit_cokernel_π_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @SemiNormedGroup.explicit_cokernel_π_desc_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @SemiNormedGroup.explicit_cokernel_iso_hom_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @SemiNormedGroup.explicit_cokernel_iso_inv_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @SemiNormedGroup.explicit_cokernel_iso_hom_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w -/ -- analysis/normed/group/basic.lean #check @real.norm_eq_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @dist_eq_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @dist_eq_norm' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @dist_zero_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @norm_sub_rev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @norm_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @dist_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁ -/ #check @dist_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₂, g₁ -/ #check @dist_neg_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @dist_sub_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁ -/ #check @dist_sub_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₂, g₁ -/ #check @ball_zero_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ε -/ #check @preimage_add_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, y, x -/ #check @preimage_add_closed_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, y, x -/ #check @mem_sphere_iff_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, w, v -/ #check @preimage_add_sphere /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, y, x -/ #check @coe_neg_sphere /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @isometric.add_right_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @isometric.coe_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @isometric.add_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @isometric.add_right_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @isometric.add_left_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @isometric.coe_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @isometric.add_left_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.isometry_iff_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @coe_nnnorm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @nndist_eq_nnnorm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nnnorm_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @of_real_norm_eq_coe_nnnorm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @edist_eq_coe_nnnorm_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @edist_eq_coe_nnnorm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @coe_norm_subgroup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submodule.norm_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submodule.norm_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @prod.norm_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @prod.nnnorm_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pi_norm_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pi_nnnorm_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- analysis/normed/group/completion.lean #check @uniform_space.completion.norm_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- analysis/normed/group/hom.lean #check @normed_group_hom.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.coe_mk_normed_group_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.coe_mk_normed_group_hom' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.coe_to_add_monoid_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.mk_to_add_monoid_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₁, f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.map_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, v, f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.norm_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, g, f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @normed_group_hom.coe_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V -/ #check @normed_group_hom.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.op_norm_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.sub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, g, f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.coe_fn_add_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x -/ #check @normed_group_hom.coe_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @normed_group_hom.sum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, f, s -/ #check @normed_group_hom.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f, g -/ #check @normed_group_hom.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, h -/ #check @normed_group_hom.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.incl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, s -/ #check @normed_group_hom.norm_incl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @normed_group_hom.mem_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.ker.lift_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.ker.incl_comp_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.coe_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.mem_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.comp_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.incl_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @normed_group_hom.range_comp_incl_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.isometry_iff_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.norm_eq_of_isometry /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @normed_group_hom.equalizer.comp_ι_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.equalizer.lift_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, φ -/ #check @normed_group_hom.equalizer.ι_comp_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @normed_group_hom.equalizer.lift_equiv_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ψ -/ #check @normed_group_hom.equalizer.lift_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @normed_group_hom.equalizer.map_comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hg', hf', hg, hf -/ -- analysis/normed/group/hom_completion.lean #check @normed_group_hom.completion_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.completion_coe_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.completion_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @normed_group_hom_completion_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.completion_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.completion_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.completion_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.completion_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @normed_group.norm_to_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @normed_group_hom.completion_to_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.norm_completion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.extension_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.extension_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, f -/ #check @normed_group_hom.extension_coe_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- analysis/normed/group/pointwise.lean #check @singleton_add_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, y, x -/ #check @ball_add_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, y, x -/ #check @singleton_add_ball_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x -/ #check @ball_zero_add_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x -/ #check @singleton_add_closed_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, y, x -/ #check @closed_ball_add_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, y, x -/ #check @singleton_add_closed_ball_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x -/ #check @closed_ball_zero_add_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x -/ -- analysis/normed/group/quotient.lean #check @quotient_norm_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @quotient_norm_sub_rev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @quotient_norm_mk_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, S -/ #check @quotient_norm_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, S -/ #check @add_subgroup.normed_mk.apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, S -/ #check @add_subgroup.ker_normed_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @normed_group_hom.lift_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ -- analysis/normed_space/add_torsor.lean #check @dist_eq_norm_vsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @dist_vadd_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @dist_vadd_cancel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v₂, v₁ -/ #check @dist_vadd_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @dist_vadd_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @isometric.vadd_const_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', x -/ #check @isometric.vadd_const_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, x -/ #check @isometric.vadd_const_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @isometric.const_vadd_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x, P -/ #check @isometric.const_vadd_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, P -/ #check @isometric.const_vadd_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x, P -/ #check @dist_vsub_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y -/ #check @isometric.const_vsub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x -/ #check @isometric.const_vsub_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, x -/ #check @isometric.const_vsub_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @dist_vsub_cancel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @vadd_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, y, x -/ #check @vadd_closed_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, y, x -/ #check @vadd_sphere /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, y, x -/ #check @dist_center_homothety /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, p₂, p₁ -/ #check @dist_homothety_center /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, p₂, p₁ -/ #check @dist_homothety_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, p₂, p₁ -/ #check @dist_self_homothety /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, p₂, p₁ -/ #check @dist_left_midpoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂, p₁ -/ #check @dist_midpoint_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂, p₁ -/ #check @dist_midpoint_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂, p₁ -/ #check @dist_right_midpoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂, p₁ -/ -- analysis/normed_space/add_torsor_bases.lean #check @interior_convex_hull_aff_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ -- analysis/normed_space/affine_isometry.lean #check @affine_isometry.linear_eq_linear_isometry /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @affine_isometry.coe_to_affine_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_isometry.coe_to_affine_isometry /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_isometry.to_affine_isometry_linear_isometry /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_isometry.to_affine_isometry_to_affine_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @affine_isometry.map_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, p, f -/ #check @affine_isometry.map_vsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p2, p1, f -/ #check @affine_isometry.dist_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @affine_isometry.nndist_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @affine_isometry.edist_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @affine_isometry.ediam_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @affine_isometry.diam_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @affine_isometry.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @affine_isometry.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @affine_isometry.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @affine_isometry.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @affine_isometry.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @affine_isometry.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.linear_eq_linear_isometry /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.coe_to_affine_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.coe_to_affine_isometry /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.coe_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.linear_isometry_equiv_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e' -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.coe_to_affine_isometry_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.to_affine_isometry_equiv_linear_isometry_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.to_affine_isometry_equiv_to_affine_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.to_affine_isometry_equiv_to_affine_isometry /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.coe_to_isometric /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.coe_to_homeomorph /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.symm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.to_affine_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.to_isometric_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.to_homeomorph_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.coe_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.trans_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.refl_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.coe_symm_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.trans_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: eGG', eP₂G, ePP₂ -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.coe_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.map_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, p, e -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.map_vsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p2, p1, e -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.dist_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.edist_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.ediam_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.diam_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.coe_vadd_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.coe_vadd_const_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.vadd_const_to_affine_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.coe_const_vsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.symm_const_vsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.coe_const_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.point_reflection_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.point_reflection_to_affine_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.point_reflection_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.point_reflection_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.dist_point_reflection_fixed /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.dist_point_reflection_self' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.dist_point_reflection_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.dist_point_reflection_self_real /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.point_reflection_midpoint_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @affine_isometry_equiv.point_reflection_midpoint_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- analysis/normed_space/banach.lean #check @continuous_linear_map.nonlinear_right_inverse.right_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.interior_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.closure_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.frontier_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @linear_equiv.coe_fn_to_continuous_linear_equiv_of_continuous /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.coe_fn_to_continuous_linear_equiv_of_continuous_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.coe_fn_of_bijective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.coe_of_bijective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.of_bijective_symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.of_bijective_apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.range_eq_map_coprod_subtypeL_equiv_of_is_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- analysis/normed_space/basic.lean #check @normed_field.norm_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @normed_field.nnnorm_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @normed_field.norm_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @normed_field.nnnorm_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @normed_field.norm_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @normed_field.nnnorm_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @normed_field.norm_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @normed_field.nnnorm_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @normed_field.norm_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @normed_field.nnnorm_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @normed_field.norm_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @normed_field.nnnorm_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @normed_field.norm_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @normed_field.nnnorm_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @real.norm_coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @real.nnnorm_coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nnreal.norm_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nnreal.nnnorm_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @norm_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nnnorm_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.norm_cast_real /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @int.norm_eq_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nnreal.coe_nat_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @rat.norm_cast_real /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @int.norm_cast_rat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @norm_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @abs_norm_eq_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @dist_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, s -/ #check @nnnorm_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @nndist_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, s -/ #check @norm_smul_of_nonneg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @closure_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @frontier_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @interior_closed_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @frontier_closed_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @homeomorph_unit_ball_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @homeomorph_unit_ball_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @interior_closed_ball' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x -/ #check @frontier_closed_ball' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x -/ #check @norm_algebra_map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- analysis/normed_space/bounded_linear_maps.lean #check @is_bounded_bilinear_map_deriv_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ -- analysis/normed_space/complemented.lean #check @continuous_linear_map.equiv_prod_of_surjective_of_is_compl_to_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hfg, hg, hf -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.equiv_prod_of_surjective_of_is_compl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @subspace.coe_prod_equiv_of_closed_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @subspace.coe_prod_equiv_of_closed_compl_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @subspace.coe_continuous_linear_proj_of_closed_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @subspace.coe_continuous_linear_proj_of_closed_compl' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ -- analysis/normed_space/continuous_affine_map.lean #check @continuous_affine_map.coe_cont_linear /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.coe_cont_linear_eq_linear /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.coe_mk_const_linear_eq_linear /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.coe_linear_eq_coe_cont_linear /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.comp_cont_linear /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.map_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, p, f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.cont_linear_map_vsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂, p₁, f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.cont_linear_eq_zero_iff_exists_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.to_affine_map_cont_linear /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.add_cont_linear /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.sub_cont_linear /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.neg_cont_linear /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.smul_cont_linear /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.decomp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.norm_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.norm_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.to_const_prod_continuous_linear_map_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, W, V, 𝕜 -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.to_const_prod_continuous_linear_map_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, W, V, 𝕜 -/ -- analysis/normed_space/dual.lean #check @normed_space.dual_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, x, E, 𝕜 -/ #check @normed_space.inclusion_in_double_dual_norm_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E, 𝕜 -/ #check @normed_space.eq_zero_iff_forall_dual_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @polar_eq_Inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, 𝕜 -/ #check @polar_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: 𝕜 -/ #check @polar_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, 𝕜 -/ #check @polar_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, 𝕜 -/ #check @polar_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: 𝕜 -/ #check @polar_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: 𝕜 -/ #check @polar_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, 𝕜 -/ -- analysis/normed_space/enorm.lean #check @enorm.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, e -/ #check @enorm.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e -/ #check @enorm.map_sub_rev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, e -/ #check @enorm.coe_max /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @enorm.max_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @enorm.finite_dist_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, e -/ #check @enorm.finite_edist_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, e -/ #check @enorm.finite_norm_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e -/ -- analysis/normed_space/exponential.lean #check @exp_series_apply_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @exp_series_apply_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @exp_series_apply_eq_field /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @exp_series_apply_eq_field' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @exp_series_sum_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @exp_series_sum_eq_field /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @exp_series_eq_exp_series /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n, 𝔸 -/ #check @exp_eq_exp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: 𝔸 -/ -- analysis/normed_space/extend.lean #check @linear_map.extend_to_𝕜'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, fr -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.extend_to_𝕜'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, fr -/ #check @linear_map.extend_to_𝕜_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, fr -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.extend_to_𝕜_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, fr -/ -- analysis/normed_space/finite_dimension.lean #check @linear_isometry.coe_to_linear_isometry_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: li -/ #check @linear_isometry.to_linear_isometry_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, li -/ #check @affine_isometry.coe_to_affine_isometry_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: li -/ #check @affine_isometry.to_affine_isometry_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, li -/ #check @linear_map.coe_to_continuous_linear_map' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.coe_to_continuous_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_equiv.coe_to_continuous_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.coe_to_continuous_linear_equiv' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.coe_to_continuous_linear_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.coe_to_continuous_linear_equiv_symm' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.to_linear_equiv_to_continuous_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.to_linear_equiv_to_continuous_linear_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @basis.coe_constrL /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, v -/ #check @basis.constrL_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, f, v -/ #check @basis.constrL_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ -- analysis/normed_space/indicator_function.lean #check @norm_indicator_eq_indicator_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @nnnorm_indicator_eq_indicator_nnnorm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ -- analysis/normed_space/int.lean #check @int.nnnorm_coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.norm_coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.to_nat_add_to_nat_neg_eq_nnnorm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.to_nat_add_to_nat_neg_eq_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- analysis/normed_space/lattice_ordered_group.lean #check @norm_abs_eq_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- analysis/normed_space/linear_isometry.lean #check @linear_isometry.coe_to_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_isometry.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_isometry.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @linear_isometry.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @linear_isometry.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @linear_isometry.map_smulₛₗ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, f -/ #check @linear_isometry.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, f -/ #check @linear_isometry.norm_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_isometry.nnnorm_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_isometry.dist_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @linear_isometry.edist_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @linear_isometry.ediam_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @linear_isometry.diam_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @linear_isometry.coe_to_continuous_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_isometry.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_isometry.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @linear_isometry.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_isometry.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_isometry.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @linear_isometry.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_isometry.mul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @submodule.coe_subtypeₗᵢ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.subtypeₗᵢ_to_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.coe_subtypeL /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.coe_subtypeL' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.range_subtypeL /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.ker_subtypeL /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.coe_to_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.norm_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.coe_to_linear_isometry /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.coe_to_isometric /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.coe_to_homeomorph /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.coe_to_continuous_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.symm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.to_linear_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.to_isometric_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.to_homeomorph_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.coe_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.trans_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.refl_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.coe_symm_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.trans_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: eE₃E₄, eE₂E₃, eEE₂ -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.coe_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.mul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.inv_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.coe_coe' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.coe_coe'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, e -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, e -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.map_smulₛₗ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, e -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.nnnorm_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.dist_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.edist_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.ediam_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.diam_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.coe_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.coe_prod_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E₃, E₂, E -/ #check @linear_isometry_equiv.coe_prod_assoc_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E₃, E₂, E -/ -- analysis/normed_space/lp_space.lean #check @lp.coe_fn_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ #check @lp.coe_fn_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lp.coe_fn_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @lp.coe_fn_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @lp.coe_fn_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @lp.norm_eq_card_dsupport /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lp.norm_eq_csupr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lp.norm_eq_tsum_rpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lp.norm_rpow_eq_tsum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lp.coe_fn_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @lp.norm_const_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @lp.single_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, a, i -/ #check @lp.single_apply_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lp.single_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, i, p -/ #check @lp.single_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, a, i, p -/ #check @lp.norm_sum_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @lp.norm_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @lp.norm_sub_norm_compl_sub_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @lp.norm_compl_sum_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ -- analysis/normed_space/mazur_ulam.lean #check @isometric.map_midpoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @isometric.coe_to_real_linear_equiv_of_map_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @isometric.coe_to_real_linear_equiv_of_map_zero_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @isometric.to_real_linear_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @isometric.to_real_linear_isometry_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, f -/ #check @isometric.coe_fn_to_real_affine_isometry_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @isometric.coe_to_real_affine_isometry_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- analysis/normed_space/multilinear.lean #check @multilinear_map.coe_mk_continuous /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.norm_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.op_norm_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.op_norm_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.op_norm_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.norm_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.norm_restrict_scalars /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.tsum_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra_fin_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.mk_pi_field_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, z -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.mk_pi_field_apply_one_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.norm_mk_pi_field /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @multilinear_map.mk_continuous_multilinear_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.comp_continuous_linear_mapL_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.uncurry_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.curry_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, x, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.curry_uncurry_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.uncurry_curry_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_curry_left_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_curry_left_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, x, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.curry_left_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.uncurry_left_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.uncurry_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.curry_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, m, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.curry_uncurry_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.uncurry_curry_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_curry_right_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_curry_right_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, v, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_curry_right_equiv_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_curry_right_equiv_symm_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, v, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.curry_right_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.uncurry_right_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.curry0_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.uncurry0_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.apply_zero_curry0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.uncurry0_curry0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.curry0_uncurry0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.curry0_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.fin0_apply_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.uncurry0_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_curry_fin0_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_curry_fin0_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_curry_fin1_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_curry_fin1_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.curry_sum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m', m, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.uncurry_sum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.curry_fin_finset_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ml, mk, f, hl, hk -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.curry_fin_finset_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f, hl, hk -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.curry_fin_finset_symm_apply_piecewise_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.curry_fin_finset_symm_apply_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.curry_fin_finset_apply_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ -- analysis/normed_space/operator_norm.lean #check @linear_map.mk_continuous_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.mk_continuous_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @linear_map.mk_continuous_of_exists_bound_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.mk_continuous_of_exists_bound_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @linear_map.to_continuous_linear_map₁_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.to_continuous_linear_map₁_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.to_span_singleton_homothety /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, x, 𝕜 -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.to_span_singleton_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x, 𝕜 -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.to_span_singleton_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, 𝕜 -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.to_span_singleton_smul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, 𝕜', 𝕜 -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.to_span_singleton_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, 𝕜 -/ #check @linear_isometry.to_span_singleton_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.norm_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.op_norm_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.op_norm_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.isometry_iff_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.mk_continuous₂_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.flip_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.flip_flip /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.op_norm_flip /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.flip_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.flip_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.apply_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, v -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, v -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.compSL_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, σ₂₃, σ₁₂ -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.compL_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.lmul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, 𝕜' -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_lmulₗᵢ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: 𝕜', 𝕜 -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.op_norm_lmul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, 𝕜' -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.lmul_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, 𝕜' -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.op_norm_lmul_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, 𝕜' -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_lmul_rightₗᵢ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: 𝕜', 𝕜 -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.lmul_left_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x, 𝕜' -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.lsmul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, 𝕜' -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.norm_to_span_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.norm_restrict_scalars /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.map_tsum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.has_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.tsum_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.map_tsum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.homothety_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.to_span_nonzero_singleton_homothety /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, x, 𝕜 -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.bilinear_comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, gF, gE, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_deriv₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.map_add₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y', y, x', x, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.op_norm_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.to_span_singleton_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.of_mem_closure_image_coe_bounded_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.of_tendsto_of_bounded_range_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.op_norm_comp_linear_isometry_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.norm_smul_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.nnnorm_smul_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.norm_smul_rightL_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.norm_smul_rightL /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.coe_to_span_nonzero_singleton_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, 𝕜 -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.coord_to_span_nonzero_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.to_span_nonzero_singleton_coord /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.coord_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.coord_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: 𝕜 -/ -- analysis/normed_space/pi_Lp.lean #check @pi_Lp.aux_uniformity_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β -/ #check @pi_Lp.edist /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @pi_Lp.dist /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @pi_Lp.norm_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @pi_Lp.norm_eq_of_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @pi_Lp.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, y, x, β -/ #check @pi_Lp.sub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, y, x, β -/ #check @pi_Lp.smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x, c, β -/ #check @pi_Lp.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x, β -/ -- analysis/normed_space/pointwise.lean #check @smul_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x -/ #check @smul_sphere' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x -/ #check @smul_sphere /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c -/ #check @smul_closed_ball' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x -/ #check @set_smul_mem_nhds_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @smul_closed_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c -/ -- analysis/normed_space/spectrum.lean #check @alg_hom.to_continuous_linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, φ -/ #check @alg_hom.to_continuous_linear_map_coe_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, φ -/ -- analysis/normed_space/star.lean #check @cstar_ring.norm_coe_unitary_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @cstar_ring.norm_unitary_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @cstar_ring.norm_mem_unitary_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @cstar_ring.norm_mul_coe_unitary /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @cstar_ring.norm_mul_mem_unitary /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ -- analysis/normed_space/units.lean #check @units.coe_one_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @units.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, x -/ #check @units.coe_unit_of_nearby /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @normed_ring.inverse_one_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ -- analysis/normed_space/weak_dual.lean #check @weak_dual.coe_to_fun_eq_normed_coe_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x' -/ #check @normed_space.dual.to_weak_dual_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y', x' -/ #check @weak_dual.to_normed_dual_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y', x' -/ -- analysis/quaternion.lean #check @quaternion.inner_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.inner_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion.norm_sq_eq_norm_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.norm_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @quaternion.norm_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quaternion.coe_complex_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @quaternion.coe_complex_im_i /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @quaternion.coe_complex_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @quaternion.coe_complex_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @quaternion.coe_real_complex_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, r -/ #check @quaternion.coe_complex_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ -- analysis/seminorm.lean #check @seminorm.smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, p -/ #check @seminorm.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, r -/ #check @seminorm.smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, r -/ #check @seminorm.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @seminorm.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, q, p -/ #check @seminorm.coe_fn_add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x, E, 𝕜 -/ #check @seminorm.coe_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @seminorm.le_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @seminorm.lt_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @seminorm.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @seminorm.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, p -/ #check @seminorm.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @seminorm.comp_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, p -/ #check @seminorm.add_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, q, p -/ #check @seminorm.smul_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, f, p -/ #check @seminorm.neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @seminorm.sub_rev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, p -/ #check @seminorm.finset_sup_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s, p -/ #check @seminorm.comp_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, f, p -/ #check @seminorm.comp_smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, f, p -/ #check @seminorm.mem_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @seminorm.mem_ball_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @seminorm.ball_zero_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @seminorm.ball_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, e, q, p -/ #check @seminorm.ball_finset_sup' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, e, H, s, p -/ #check @seminorm.ball_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x, f, p -/ #check @seminorm.ball_finset_sup_eq_Inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, s, p -/ #check @seminorm.ball_finset_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, s, p -/ #check @gauge_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @gauge_smul_of_nonneg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @gauge_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ #check @gauge_seminorm_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @seminorm.gauge_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @seminorm.gauge_seminorm_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- analysis/special_functions/arsinh.lean #check @real.sinh_arsinh /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sqrt_one_add_sinh_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.arsinh_sinh /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- analysis/special_functions/bernstein.lean #check @bernstein_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, ν, n -/ #check @bernstein.variance /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @bernstein_approximation.apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, n -/ -- analysis/special_functions/complex/arg.lean #check @complex.sin_arg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.abs_mul_exp_arg_mul_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.abs_mul_cos_add_sin_mul_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.arg_real_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.tan_arg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.arg_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.arg_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.arg_conj_coe_angle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.arg_inv_coe_angle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- analysis/special_functions/complex/circle.lean #check @exp_map_circle_arg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @circle.arg_equiv_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @exp_map_circle_sub_two_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @exp_map_circle_add_two_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- analysis/special_functions/complex/log.lean #check @complex.log_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.log_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.log_of_real_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- analysis/special_functions/exp.lean #check @real.coe_exp_order_iso_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- analysis/special_functions/integrals.lean #check @interval_integral.mul_integral_comp_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @interval_integral.mul_integral_comp_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @interval_integral.inv_mul_integral_comp_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @interval_integral.mul_integral_comp_mul_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c -/ #check @interval_integral.mul_integral_comp_add_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c -/ #check @interval_integral.inv_mul_integral_comp_div_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c -/ #check @interval_integral.inv_mul_integral_comp_add_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c -/ #check @interval_integral.mul_integral_comp_mul_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c -/ #check @interval_integral.mul_integral_comp_sub_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c -/ #check @interval_integral.inv_mul_integral_comp_div_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c -/ #check @interval_integral.inv_mul_integral_comp_sub_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c -/ #check @integral_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @integral_pow_abs_sub_interval_oc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @integral_sin_pow_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @integral_sin_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @integral_sin_pow_odd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @integral_sin_pow_even /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @integral_cos_pow_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @integral_cos_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @integral_sin_pow_mul_cos_pow_odd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @integral_sin_pow_odd_mul_cos_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @integral_sin_pow_even_mul_cos_pow_even /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ -- analysis/special_functions/log.lean #check @real.log_exp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.log_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.log_neg_eq_log /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.log_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.log_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ -- analysis/special_functions/log_deriv.lean #check @real.deriv_log /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- analysis/special_functions/polynomials.lean #check @polynomial.tendsto_at_top_iff_leading_coeff_nonneg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @polynomial.tendsto_at_bot_iff_leading_coeff_nonpos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @polynomial.abs_is_bounded_under_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @polynomial.abs_tendsto_at_top_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @polynomial.tendsto_nhds_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @polynomial.div_tendsto_zero_iff_degree_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P -/ -- analysis/special_functions/pow.lean #check @complex.cpow_eq_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @complex.cpow_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @complex.cpow_def_of_ne_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @complex.cpow_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @complex.cpow_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cpow_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y -/ #check @complex.cpow_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.cpow_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @complex.cpow_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y -/ #check @complex.cpow_neg_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cpow_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @complex.cpow_int_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @complex.cpow_nat_inv_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.rpow_eq_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real.rpow_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real.rpow_def_of_nonneg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @real.rpow_def_of_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @real.exp_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real.rpow_def_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @real.rpow_def_of_nonpos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @real.rpow_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.of_real_cpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @complex.abs_cpow_real /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @complex.abs_cpow_inv_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @real.rpow_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y -/ #check @real.rpow_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y -/ #check @real.rpow_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @real.rpow_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y -/ #check @real.rpow_add_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, y -/ #check @real.rpow_add_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, y -/ #check @real.rpow_sub_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, y -/ #check @real.rpow_sub_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, y -/ #check @real.rpow_add_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @real.rpow_sub_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @real.rpow_int_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @real.rpow_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @real.rpow_neg_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.inv_rpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @real.div_rpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @real.log_rpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @real.sqrt_eq_rpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nnreal.rpow_eq_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @nnreal.coe_rpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @nnreal.rpow_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nnreal.rpow_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y -/ #check @nnreal.rpow_add' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nnreal.rpow_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @nnreal.rpow_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @nnreal.rpow_neg_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nnreal.rpow_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y -/ #check @nnreal.rpow_sub' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nnreal.rpow_inv_rpow_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nnreal.rpow_self_rpow_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nnreal.inv_rpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @nnreal.div_rpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @nnreal.sqrt_eq_rpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nnreal.rpow_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @nnreal.pow_nat_rpow_nat_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nnreal.rpow_nat_inv_pow_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ennreal.rpow_eq_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @ennreal.top_rpow_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @ennreal.zero_rpow_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @ennreal.zero_rpow_mul_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @ennreal.coe_rpow_of_ne_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @ennreal.coe_rpow_of_nonneg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ennreal.coe_rpow_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @ennreal.rpow_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ennreal.rpow_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y -/ #check @ennreal.rpow_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @ennreal.rpow_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y -/ #check @ennreal.rpow_neg_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ennreal.rpow_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @ennreal.rpow_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @ennreal.mul_rpow_eq_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @ennreal.mul_rpow_of_ne_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @ennreal.coe_mul_rpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @ennreal.mul_rpow_of_ne_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @ennreal.mul_rpow_of_nonneg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @ennreal.inv_rpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @ennreal.div_rpow_of_nonneg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @ennreal.order_iso_rpow_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, y -/ #check @ennreal.order_iso_rpow_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hy, y -/ #check @ennreal.to_nnreal_rpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, x -/ #check @ennreal.to_real_rpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, x -/ -- analysis/special_functions/trigonometric/angle.lean #check @real.angle.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real.angle.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.angle.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real.angle.coe_nat_mul_eq_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @real.angle.coe_int_mul_eq_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @real.angle.sub_coe_pi_eq_add_coe_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: θ -/ -- analysis/special_functions/trigonometric/arctan.lean #check @real.tan_arctan /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cos_sq_arctan /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sin_arctan /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cos_arctan /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.arctan_eq_arcsin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.arctan_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- analysis/special_functions/trigonometric/arctan_deriv.lean #check @real.deriv_tan /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- analysis/special_functions/trigonometric/basic.lean #check @real.sin_add_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sin_add_two_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sin_sub_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sin_sub_two_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sin_pi_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sin_two_pi_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sin_add_nat_mul_two_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sin_add_int_mul_two_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sin_sub_nat_mul_two_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sin_sub_int_mul_two_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sin_nat_mul_two_pi_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sin_int_mul_two_pi_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cos_add_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cos_add_two_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cos_sub_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cos_sub_two_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cos_pi_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cos_two_pi_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cos_add_nat_mul_two_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cos_add_int_mul_two_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cos_sub_nat_mul_two_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cos_sub_int_mul_two_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cos_nat_mul_two_pi_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cos_int_mul_two_pi_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sin_add_pi_div_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sin_sub_pi_div_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sin_pi_div_two_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cos_add_pi_div_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cos_sub_pi_div_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cos_pi_div_two_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cos_eq_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sqrt_two_add_series_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sqrt_two_add_series_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @real.cos_pi_over_two_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @real.sin_sq_pi_over_two_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @real.sin_sq_pi_over_two_pow_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @real.sin_pi_over_two_pow_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @real.coe_sin_order_iso_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sin_order_iso_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.tan_add_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.tan_sub_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.tan_pi_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.tan_add_nat_mul_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.tan_add_int_mul_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.tan_sub_nat_mul_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.tan_sub_int_mul_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.tan_nat_mul_pi_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.tan_int_mul_pi_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sin_add_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sin_add_two_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sin_sub_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sin_sub_two_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sin_pi_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sin_two_pi_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sin_add_nat_mul_two_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sin_add_int_mul_two_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sin_sub_nat_mul_two_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sin_sub_int_mul_two_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sin_nat_mul_two_pi_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sin_int_mul_two_pi_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_add_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_add_two_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_sub_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_sub_two_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_pi_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_two_pi_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_add_nat_mul_two_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_add_int_mul_two_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_sub_nat_mul_two_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_sub_int_mul_two_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_nat_mul_two_pi_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_int_mul_two_pi_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sin_add_pi_div_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sin_sub_pi_div_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sin_pi_div_two_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_add_pi_div_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_sub_pi_div_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_pi_div_two_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.tan_add_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.tan_sub_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.tan_pi_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.tan_add_nat_mul_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.tan_add_int_mul_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.tan_sub_nat_mul_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.tan_sub_int_mul_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.tan_nat_mul_pi_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.tan_int_mul_pi_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.exp_add_pi_mul_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.exp_sub_pi_mul_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ -- analysis/special_functions/trigonometric/chebyshev.lean #check @polynomial.chebyshev.T_complex_cos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, θ -/ #check @polynomial.chebyshev.cos_nat_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: θ, n -/ #check @polynomial.chebyshev.U_complex_cos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, θ -/ #check @polynomial.chebyshev.sin_nat_succ_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: θ, n -/ -- analysis/special_functions/trigonometric/complex_deriv.lean #check @complex.deriv_tan /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- analysis/special_functions/trigonometric/inverse.lean #check @real.arcsin_proj_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.arcsin_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.arccos_eq_pi_div_two_sub_arcsin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.arcsin_eq_pi_div_two_sub_arccos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.arccos_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- analysis/specific_limits.lean #check @tsum_geometric_two' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ennreal.tsum_geometric /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @dist_partial_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, u -/ #check @dist_partial_sum' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, u -/ -- category_theory/Fintype.lean #check @Fintype.incl_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @Fintype.incl_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @Fintype.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @Fintype.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @Fintype.skeleton.incl_mk_nat_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- category_theory/abelian/basic.lean #check @category_theory.abelian.images.image.fac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.abelian.images.image.fac_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.abelian.images.image_strong_epi_mono_factorisation_to_mono_factorisation_m /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.abelian.images.image_strong_epi_mono_factorisation_to_mono_factorisation_e /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.abelian.images.image_strong_epi_mono_factorisation_to_mono_factorisation_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.abelian.coimages.coimage.fac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.abelian.coimages.coimage_strong_epi_mono_factorisation_to_mono_factorisation_m /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.abelian.coimages.coimage_strong_epi_mono_factorisation_to_mono_factorisation_e /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.abelian.coimages.coimage_strong_epi_mono_factorisation_to_mono_factorisation_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.abelian.full_image_factorisation /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- category_theory/abelian/exact.lean #check @category_theory.abelian.exact_iff_image_eq_kernel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.abelian.exact_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.abelian.exact_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.abelian.mono_iff_kernel_ι_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.abelian.epi_iff_cokernel_π_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- category_theory/abelian/ext.lean #check @Ext_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, f, c', c, n, C, R -/ #check @Ext_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, k, n, C, R -/ #check @Ext_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, j', j, k, n, C, R -/ -- category_theory/abelian/non_preadditive.lean #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.image.fac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.image.fac_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.coimage.fac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.diag_σ_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.lift_σ_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.lift_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.lift_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.σ_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.sub_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.add_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.neg_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.sub_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.lift_sub_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, b, a -/ #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.sub_sub_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, b, a -/ #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.neg_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.neg_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.add_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.add_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.neg_sub' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.neg_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.sub_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.add_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.add_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.comp_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.sub_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.comp_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f, Z, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.non_preadditive_abelian.add_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f, Z, Y, X -/ -- category_theory/abelian/opposite.lean #check @category_theory.kernel_op_unop_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.kernel_op_unop_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.cokernel_op_unop_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.cokernel_op_unop_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.kernel_unop_op_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.kernel_unop_op_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.cokernel_unop_op_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.cokernel_unop_op_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.kernel_op_op_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.kernel_op_op_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.cokernel_op_op_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.cokernel_op_op_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.kernel_unop_unop_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.kernel_unop_unop_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.cokernel_unop_unop_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.cokernel_unop_unop_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ -- category_theory/abelian/projective.lean #check @category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.of_complex_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, Z -/ #check @category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.of_complex_d /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, Z -/ -- category_theory/abelian/pseudoelements.lean #check @category_theory.abelian.app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @category_theory.abelian.pseudoelement.over_coe_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @category_theory.abelian.pseudoelement.pseudo_apply_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @category_theory.abelian.pseudoelement.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.abelian.pseudoelement.comp_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.abelian.pseudoelement.pseudo_zero_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.abelian.pseudoelement.pseudo_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @category_theory.abelian.pseudoelement.zero_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q -/ #check @category_theory.abelian.pseudoelement.eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- category_theory/action.lean #check @category_theory.action_as_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ᾰ, _x, _x, X, M -/ #check @category_theory.action_as_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.action_category.π_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, q, p, X, M -/ #check @category_theory.action_category.π_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @category_theory.action_category.coe_back /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @category_theory.action_category.back_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @category_theory.action_category.hom_as_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, X, M -/ #check @category_theory.action_category.stabilizer_iso_End_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.action_category.stabilizer_iso_End_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.action_category.id_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @category_theory.action_category.comp_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.action_category.hom_of_pair.val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.action_category.curry_apply_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.action_category.curry_apply_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, g, F -/ #check @category_theory.action_category.uncurry_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, b, a, F -/ -- category_theory/adjunction/basic.lean #check @category_theory.adjunction.hom_equiv_unit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.hom_equiv_counit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.hom_equiv_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.hom_equiv_symm_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.hom_equiv_naturality_left_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.hom_equiv_naturality_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.hom_equiv_naturality_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.hom_equiv_naturality_right_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.left_triangle_components_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.right_triangle_components_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.counit_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.counit_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.unit_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.unit_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.hom_equiv_apply_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.eq_hom_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.core_hom_equiv.hom_equiv_naturality_left_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, self -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.core_hom_equiv.hom_equiv_naturality_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, self -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.core_hom_equiv.hom_equiv_naturality_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.core_hom_equiv.hom_equiv_naturality_right_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.mk_of_hom_equiv_counit_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.mk_of_hom_equiv_hom_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.mk_of_hom_equiv_unit_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.mk_of_unit_counit_hom_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.mk_of_unit_counit_counit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.mk_of_unit_counit_unit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.mk_of_unit_counit_hom_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, Y, X, adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.equiv_homset_left_of_nat_iso_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, iso -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.equiv_homset_left_of_nat_iso_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, iso -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.equiv_homset_right_of_nat_iso_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, iso -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.equiv_homset_right_of_nat_iso_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, iso -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.left_adjoint_of_equiv_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, X', X, e -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.left_adjoint_of_equiv_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.adjunction_of_equiv_left_hom_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, e -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.adjunction_of_equiv_left_counit_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, e -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.adjunction_of_equiv_left_unit_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, e -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.right_adjoint_of_equiv_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, Y', Y, e -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.right_adjoint_of_equiv_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.adjunction_of_equiv_right_unit_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, e -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.adjunction_of_equiv_right_counit_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, e -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.adjunction_of_equiv_right_hom_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, e -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.to_equivalence_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.to_equivalence_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.is_right_adjoint_to_is_equivalence_unit_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.is_right_adjoint_to_is_equivalence_unit_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.is_right_adjoint_to_is_equivalence_counit_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.is_right_adjoint_to_is_equivalence_counit_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ -- category_theory/adjunction/comma.lean #check @category_theory.left_adjoint_of_structured_arrow_initials_aux_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, B, A, G -/ #check @category_theory.left_adjoint_of_structured_arrow_initials_aux_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, B, A, G -/ #check @category_theory.right_adjoint_of_costructured_arrow_terminals_aux_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, A, B, G -/ #check @category_theory.right_adjoint_of_costructured_arrow_terminals_aux_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, A, B, G -/ -- category_theory/adjunction/evaluation.lean #check @category_theory.evaluation_left_adjoint_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, v, u, d, c, D -/ #check @category_theory.evaluation_left_adjoint_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, d, c, D -/ #check @category_theory.evaluation_left_adjoint_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, f, d₂, d₁, c, D -/ #check @category_theory.evaluation_adjunction_right_unit_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, c, D -/ #check @category_theory.evaluation_adjunction_right_counit_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, Y, c, D -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.mono_iff_app_mono /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, D -/ #check @category_theory.evaluation_right_adjoint_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, v, u, d, c, D -/ #check @category_theory.evaluation_right_adjoint_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, f, d₂, d₁, c, D -/ #check @category_theory.evaluation_right_adjoint_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, d, c, D -/ #check @category_theory.evaluation_adjunction_left_counit_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, c, D -/ #check @category_theory.evaluation_adjunction_left_unit_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, X, c, D -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.epi_iff_app_epi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, D -/ -- category_theory/adjunction/fully_faithful.lean #check @category_theory.inv_map_unit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.whisker_left_L_counit_iso_of_is_iso_unit_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, h -/ #check @category_theory.whisker_left_L_counit_iso_of_is_iso_unit_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, h -/ #check @category_theory.inv_counit_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.whisker_left_R_unit_iso_of_is_iso_counit_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, h -/ #check @category_theory.whisker_left_R_unit_iso_of_is_iso_counit_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, h -/ -- category_theory/adjunction/lifting.lean #check @category_theory.lift_adjoint.construct_left_adjoint_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X, Y, adj₂, adj₁, F', R -/ #check @category_theory.lift_adjoint.construct_left_adjoint_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X, Y, adj₂, adj₁, F', R -/ -- category_theory/adjunction/limits.lean #check @category_theory.adjunction.functoriality_unit_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, K, adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.functoriality_counit_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, K, adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.functoriality_unit'_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, K, adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.functoriality_counit'_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, K, adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.cocones_iso_component_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, t, Y, adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.cocones_iso_component_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, t, Y, adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.cones_iso_component_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, t, X, adj -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.cones_iso_component_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, t, X, adj -/ -- category_theory/adjunction/mates.lean #check @category_theory.transfer_nat_trans_counit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, f, adj₁ -/ #check @category_theory.unit_transfer_nat_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, f, adj₂ -/ #check @category_theory.transfer_nat_trans_self_counit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, f, adj₁ -/ #check @category_theory.unit_transfer_nat_trans_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, f, adj₂ -/ #check @category_theory.transfer_nat_trans_self_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, adj₃, adj₁ -/ #check @category_theory.transfer_nat_trans_self_symm_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, adj₃, adj₁ -/ -- category_theory/adjunction/opposites.lean #check @adjunction.adjoint_of_op_adjoint_op_unit_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, h, G, F -/ #check @adjunction.adjoint_of_op_adjoint_op_counit_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, h, G, F -/ #check @adjunction.adjoint_of_op_adjoint_op_hom_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, Y, X, h, G, F -/ #check @adjunction.adjoint_of_op_adjoint_op_hom_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, Y, X, h, G, F -/ #check @adjunction.op_adjoint_op_of_adjoint_hom_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, Y, X, h, G, F -/ #check @adjunction.op_adjoint_op_of_adjoint_hom_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, Y, X, h, G, F -/ #check @adjunction.op_adjoint_op_of_adjoint_unit_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, h, G, F -/ #check @adjunction.op_adjoint_op_of_adjoint_counit_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, h, G, F -/ #check @adjunction.hom_equiv_left_adjoint_uniq_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, adj2 -/ #check @adjunction.unit_left_adjoint_uniq_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: adj2 -/ #check @adjunction.unit_left_adjoint_uniq_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', adj2 -/ #check @adjunction.unit_left_adjoint_uniq_hom_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', x, adj2 -/ #check @adjunction.unit_left_adjoint_uniq_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, adj2 -/ #check @adjunction.left_adjoint_uniq_hom_counit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: adj1 -/ #check @adjunction.left_adjoint_uniq_hom_counit_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', adj1 -/ #check @adjunction.left_adjoint_uniq_hom_app_counit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, adj1 -/ #check @adjunction.left_adjoint_uniq_hom_app_counit_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', x, adj1 -/ #check @adjunction.left_adjoint_uniq_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, adj2, adj1 -/ #check @adjunction.left_adjoint_uniq_trans_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', adj3, adj1 -/ #check @adjunction.left_adjoint_uniq_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: adj3, adj1 -/ #check @adjunction.left_adjoint_uniq_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, adj3, adj1 -/ #check @adjunction.left_adjoint_uniq_trans_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', x, adj3, adj1 -/ #check @adjunction.hom_equiv_symm_right_adjoint_uniq_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, adj1 -/ #check @adjunction.unit_right_adjoint_uniq_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, adj2 -/ #check @adjunction.unit_right_adjoint_uniq_hom_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', x, adj2 -/ #check @adjunction.unit_right_adjoint_uniq_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', adj2 -/ #check @adjunction.unit_right_adjoint_uniq_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: adj2 -/ #check @adjunction.right_adjoint_uniq_hom_app_counit_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', x, adj1 -/ #check @adjunction.right_adjoint_uniq_hom_app_counit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, adj1 -/ #check @adjunction.right_adjoint_uniq_hom_counit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: adj1 -/ #check @adjunction.right_adjoint_uniq_hom_counit_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', adj1 -/ #check @adjunction.right_adjoint_uniq_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, adj2, adj1 -/ #check @adjunction.right_adjoint_uniq_trans_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', x, adj3, adj1 -/ #check @adjunction.right_adjoint_uniq_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, adj3, adj1 -/ #check @adjunction.right_adjoint_uniq_trans_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', adj3, adj1 -/ #check @adjunction.right_adjoint_uniq_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: adj3, adj1 -/ -- category_theory/adjunction/over.lean #check @category_theory.star_map_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x, X -/ #check @category_theory.star_obj_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X -/ #check @category_theory.star_obj_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X -/ -- category_theory/adjunction/reflective.lean #check @category_theory.unit_obj_eq_map_unit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.unit_comp_partial_bijective_aux_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.unit_comp_partial_bijective_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, A -/ #check @category_theory.unit_comp_partial_bijective_symm_natural /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, h, A -/ #check @category_theory.unit_comp_partial_bijective_natural /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, h, A -/ -- category_theory/adjunction/whiskering.lean #check @category_theory.adjunction.whisker_right_counit_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X, adj, C -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.whisker_right_unit_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X, adj, C -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.whisker_left_unit_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X, adj, C -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.whisker_left_counit_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X, adj, C -/ -- category_theory/arrow.lean #check @category_theory.arrow.id_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.id_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.mk_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.mk_inj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.w_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', sq -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.w /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sq -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.w_mk_right_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', sq -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.w_mk_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sq -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.iso_mk_inv_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.iso_mk_inv_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.iso_mk_hom_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.iso_mk_hom_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.inv_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sq -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.inv_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sq -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.square_to_iso_invert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sq, p, i -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.square_from_iso_invert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sq, p, i -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.lift_struct.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.lift_struct.fac_left_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.lift_struct.fac_right_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.lift.fac_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sq -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.lift.fac_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sq -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.lift.fac_right_of_to_mk_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', sq -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.lift.fac_right_of_to_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sq -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.lift.fac_left_of_from_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sq -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.lift.fac_left_of_from_mk_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', sq -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.lift_mk'_left_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.lift_mk'_right_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.square_to_snd_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sq -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.square_to_snd_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sq -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.left_func_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.left_func_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.right_func_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.right_func_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.arrow.left_to_right_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_arrow_obj_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_arrow_obj_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_arrow_map_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, b, a, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_arrow_map_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, b, a, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_arrow_obj_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, F -/ -- category_theory/bicategory/basic.lean #check @category_theory.bicategory.whisker_left_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.whisker_left_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: θ, η, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.whisker_right_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.whisker_right_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, θ, η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.whisker_exchange /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: θ, η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.associator_naturality_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.associator_naturality_middle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, η, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.associator_naturality_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.left_unitor_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.right_unitor_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.pentagon /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.triangle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.associator_naturality_right_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', η, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.whisker_left_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', θ, η, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.associator_naturality_middle_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, η, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.triangle_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.right_unitor_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.whisker_exchange_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', θ, η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.whisker_right_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', i, θ, η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.left_unitor_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.pentagon_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', i, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.associator_naturality_left_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, g, η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.hom_inv_whisker_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.hom_inv_whisker_left_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.hom_inv_whisker_right_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.hom_inv_whisker_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.inv_hom_whisker_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.inv_hom_whisker_left_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.inv_hom_whisker_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.inv_hom_whisker_right_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.whisker_left_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.whisker_left_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.inv_whisker_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.whisker_right_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.whisker_right_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.inv_whisker_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.left_unitor_inv_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.left_unitor_inv_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.right_unitor_inv_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.right_unitor_inv_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.right_unitor_conjugation /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.left_unitor_conjugation /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.whisker_left_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: θ, η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.whisker_right_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: θ, η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.left_unitor_comp' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.left_unitor_comp'_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.left_unitor_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.left_unitor_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.left_unitor_comp_inv' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.left_unitor_comp_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.left_unitor_comp_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.right_unitor_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.right_unitor_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.right_unitor_comp_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.right_unitor_comp_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.whisker_left_right_unitor_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.whisker_left_right_unitor_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.whisker_left_right_unitor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.whisker_left_right_unitor_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.left_unitor_inv_whisker_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.left_unitor_inv_whisker_right_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.left_unitor_whisker_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.left_unitor_whisker_right_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.associator_inv_naturality_left_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, g, η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.associator_inv_naturality_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.associator_conjugation_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.associator_conjugation_left_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, g, η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.associator_inv_conjugation_left_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, g, η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.associator_inv_conjugation_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, η -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.associator_inv_naturality_middle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, η, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.associator_inv_naturality_middle_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, η, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.associator_conjugation_middle_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, η, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.associator_conjugation_middle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, η, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.associator_inv_conjugation_middle_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, η, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.associator_inv_conjugation_middle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, η, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.associator_inv_naturality_right_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', η, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.associator_inv_naturality_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.associator_conjugation_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.associator_conjugation_right_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', η, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.associator_inv_conjugation_right_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', η, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.associator_inv_conjugation_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.pentagon_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.pentagon_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', i, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.pentagon_inv_inv_hom_hom_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', i, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.pentagon_inv_inv_hom_hom_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.pentagon_inv_hom_hom_hom_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.pentagon_inv_hom_hom_hom_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', i, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.pentagon_hom_inv_inv_inv_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.pentagon_hom_inv_inv_inv_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', i, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.pentagon_hom_hom_inv_hom_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', i, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.pentagon_hom_hom_inv_hom_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.pentagon_hom_inv_inv_inv_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.pentagon_hom_inv_inv_inv_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', i, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.pentagon_hom_hom_inv_inv_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', i, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.pentagon_hom_hom_inv_inv_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.pentagon_inv_hom_hom_hom_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.pentagon_inv_hom_hom_hom_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', i, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.pentagon_inv_inv_hom_inv_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', i, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.pentagon_inv_inv_hom_inv_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.triangle_assoc_comp_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.triangle_assoc_comp_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.triangle_assoc_comp_right_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.triangle_assoc_comp_right_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.triangle_assoc_comp_right_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.triangle_assoc_comp_left_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.triangle_assoc_comp_left_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ -- category_theory/bicategory/functor.lean #check @category_theory.prelax_functor.to_prefunctor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.prelax_functor.to_prefunctor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.prelax_functor.id_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, B -/ #check @category_theory.prelax_functor.id_map₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η -/ #check @category_theory.prelax_functor.id_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, B -/ #check @category_theory.prelax_functor.comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.prelax_functor.comp_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.prelax_functor.comp_map₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, g, f, b, a, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.map_comp_naturality_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, η, self -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.map_comp_naturality_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, f, self -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.map₂_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, self -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.map₂_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: θ, η, self -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.map₂_associator /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f, self -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.map₂_left_unitor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, self -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.map₂_right_unitor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, self -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.map₂_associator_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, g, f, self -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.map_comp_naturality_right_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', η, f, self -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.map₂_left_unitor_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, self -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.map₂_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', θ, η, self -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.map₂_right_unitor_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, self -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.map_comp_naturality_left_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, η, self -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.map_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, b, a, F -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.map_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, g, f, b, a, F -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.to_prelax_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.to_prelax_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.to_prelax_functor_map₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.id_map₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, B -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.id_map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, c, b, a, B -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.id_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, B -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.id_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, B -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.id_map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, B -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.comp_map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, c, b, a, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.comp_map₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.comp_map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.oplax_functor.comp_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, G, F -/ -- category_theory/bicategory/locally_discrete.lean #check @category_theory.functor.to_oplax_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.to_oplax_functor_map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, k, j, i, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.to_oplax_functor_map₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, g, f, j, i, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.to_oplax_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.to_oplax_functor_map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, F -/ -- category_theory/bicategory/strict.lean #check @category_theory.bicategory.strict.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.strict.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.strict.assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.strict.left_unitor_eq_to_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.strict.right_unitor_eq_to_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.strict.associator_eq_to_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.whisker_left_eq_to_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, f -/ #check @category_theory.bicategory.eq_to_hom_whisker_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, η -/ -- category_theory/category/Cat.lean #check @category_theory.Type_to_Cat_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.Type_to_Cat_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X -/ -- category_theory/category/Kleisli.lean #check @category_theory.Kleisli.id_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.Kleisli.comp_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, ys, xs, γ, β -/ -- category_theory/category/Quiv.lean #check @category_theory.Quiv.forget_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.Quiv.forget_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.Cat.free_map_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F, W, V -/ #check @category_theory.Cat.free_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V -/ #check @category_theory.Cat.free_map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F, W, V -/ #check @category_theory.Quiv.lift_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.Quiv.lift_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F -/ -- category_theory/category/basic.lean #check @category_theory.category.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.category.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.category.assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.eq_whisker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.whisker_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.comp_dite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.dite_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f', f -/ -- category_theory/category/pairwise.lean #check @category_theory.pairwise.diagram_map_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, U -/ #check @category_theory.pairwise.diagram_obj_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, U -/ #check @category_theory.pairwise.cocone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @category_theory.pairwise.cocone_ι_app_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o, U -/ -- category_theory/category/preorder.lean #check @category_theory.hom_of_le_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, h -/ #check @category_theory.le_of_hom_hom_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.hom_of_le_le_of_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.Preorder_to_Cat_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.Preorder_to_Cat_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.to_order_iso_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.to_order_iso_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, e -/ -- category_theory/category/ulift.lean #check @category_theory.ulift.up_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.ulift.up_functor_obj_down /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: down -/ #check @category_theory.ulift.down_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.ulift.down_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @category_theory.ulift.equivalence_counit_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.ulift.equivalence_counit_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.obj_down_obj_up /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @category_theory.obj_up_obj_down /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @category_theory.ulift_hom.up_map_down /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.ulift_hom.up_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @category_theory.ulift_hom.down_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @category_theory.ulift_hom.down_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.as_small.up_map_down /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.as_small.up_obj_down /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.as_small.down_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.as_small.down_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X -/ -- category_theory/closed/cartesian.lean #check @category_theory.exp_adjunction_counit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @category_theory.exp_adjunction_unit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @category_theory.ev_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, A -/ #check @category_theory.ev_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, A -/ #check @category_theory.coev_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, A -/ #check @category_theory.coev_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, A -/ #check @category_theory.ev_coev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @category_theory.ev_coev_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.coev_ev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @category_theory.coev_ev_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.cartesian_closed.hom_equiv_apply_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.cartesian_closed.hom_equiv_symm_apply_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.cartesian_closed.curry_natural_left_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.cartesian_closed.curry_natural_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.cartesian_closed.curry_natural_right_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.cartesian_closed.curry_natural_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.cartesian_closed.uncurry_natural_right_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.cartesian_closed.uncurry_natural_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.cartesian_closed.uncurry_natural_left_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.cartesian_closed.uncurry_natural_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.cartesian_closed.uncurry_curry /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.cartesian_closed.curry_uncurry /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.cartesian_closed.curry_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.cartesian_closed.eq_curry_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.cartesian_closed.uncurry_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.cartesian_closed.curry_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.cartesian_closed.uncurry_id_eq_ev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, A -/ #check @category_theory.cartesian_closed.curry_id_eq_coev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, A -/ #check @category_theory.prod_map_pre_app_comp_ev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, f -/ #check @category_theory.uncurry_pre /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, f -/ #check @category_theory.coev_app_comp_pre_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.pre_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @category_theory.pre_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.zero_mul_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ -- category_theory/closed/functor.lean #check @category_theory.exp_comparison_ev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A, F -/ #check @category_theory.coev_exp_comparison /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A, F -/ #check @category_theory.uncurry_exp_comparison /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A, F -/ #check @category_theory.exp_comparison_whisker_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @category_theory.frobenius_morphism_mate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, F -/ -- category_theory/closed/ideal.lean #check @category_theory.bijection_symm_apply_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A, i -/ #check @category_theory.bijection_natural /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, X', X, B, A, i -/ -- category_theory/comma.lean #check @category_theory.comma_morphism.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.comma_morphism.w /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @category_theory.comma_morphism.w_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', self -/ #check @category_theory.comma.fst_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, R, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.fst_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x, R, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.snd_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x, R, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.snd_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, R, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.nat_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, R, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.eq_to_hom_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, Y, X, R, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.eq_to_hom_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, Y, X, R, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.iso_mk_inv_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @category_theory.comma.iso_mk_hom_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @category_theory.comma.iso_mk_hom_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @category_theory.comma.iso_mk_inv_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @category_theory.comma.map_left_map_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, R -/ #check @category_theory.comma.map_left_obj_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, R -/ #check @category_theory.comma.map_left_map_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, R -/ #check @category_theory.comma.map_left_obj_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, R -/ #check @category_theory.comma.map_left_obj_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, l, R -/ #check @category_theory.comma.map_left_id_inv_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, R, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.map_left_id_hom_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, R, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.map_left_id_hom_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, R, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.map_left_id_inv_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, R, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.map_left_comp_inv_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, l', l, R -/ #check @category_theory.comma.map_left_comp_hom_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, l', l, R -/ #check @category_theory.comma.map_left_comp_hom_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, l', l, R -/ #check @category_theory.comma.map_left_comp_inv_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, l', l, R -/ #check @category_theory.comma.map_right_map_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.map_right_obj_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.map_right_obj_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.map_right_obj_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, r, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.map_right_map_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.map_right_id_hom_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, R, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.map_right_id_inv_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, R, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.map_right_id_inv_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, R, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.map_right_id_hom_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, R, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.map_right_comp_hom_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, r', r, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.map_right_comp_inv_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, r', r, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.map_right_comp_inv_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, r', r, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.map_right_comp_hom_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, r', r, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.pre_left_obj_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, R, L, F -/ #check @category_theory.comma.pre_left_map_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, R, L, F -/ #check @category_theory.comma.pre_left_map_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, R, L, F -/ #check @category_theory.comma.pre_left_obj_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, R, L, F -/ #check @category_theory.comma.pre_left_obj_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, R, L, F -/ #check @category_theory.comma.pre_right_map_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, R, F, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.pre_right_obj_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, R, F, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.pre_right_map_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, R, F, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.pre_right_obj_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, R, F, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.pre_right_obj_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, R, F, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.post_map_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, R, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.post_map_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, R, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.post_obj_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, R, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.post_obj_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, R, L -/ #check @category_theory.comma.post_obj_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F, R, L -/ -- category_theory/concrete_category/basic.lean #check @category_theory.forget_map_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.congr_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @category_theory.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @category_theory.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.coe_hom_inv_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @category_theory.coe_inv_hom_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @category_theory.concrete_category.congr_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @category_theory.concrete_category.congr_arg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.concrete_category.has_coe_to_fun_Type /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- category_theory/concrete_category/bundled.lean #check @category_theory.bundled.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ -- category_theory/concrete_category/elementwise.lean #check @category_theory.limits.cone.w_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cokernel.condition_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.ι_desc_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, j, c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel.condition_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @category_theory.is_iso.hom_inv_id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.lift_π_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, j, c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone.w_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c -/ #check @category_theory.is_iso.inv_hom_id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.w_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.w_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ -- category_theory/conj.lean #check @category_theory.iso.hom_congr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, β, α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.hom_congr_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, γ, α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.hom_congr_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.iso.hom_congr_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, β₂, α₂, β₁, α₁ -/ #check @category_theory.iso.hom_congr_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.conj_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.conj_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.refl_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.iso.trans_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, β, α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.symm_self_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.iso.self_symm_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.iso.conj_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f, α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.conj_Aut_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.conj_Aut_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.trans_conj_Aut /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, β, α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.conj_Aut_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.conj_Aut_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.conj_Aut_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f, α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.conj_Aut_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f, α -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_hom_congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, β, α, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, α, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_conj_Aut /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, α, F -/ -- category_theory/connected_components.lean #check @category_theory.component.ι_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.component.ι_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self, j -/ #check @category_theory.decomposed_to_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, J -/ #check @category_theory.decomposed_to_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, Y, X, J -/ #check @category_theory.inclusion_comp_decomposed_to /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ -- category_theory/const.lean #check @category_theory.functor.const.obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.functor.const.obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.functor.const.map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.functor.const.op_obj_op_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, X -/ #check @category_theory.functor.const.op_obj_op_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, X -/ #check @category_theory.functor.const.op_obj_unop_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, X -/ #check @category_theory.functor.const.op_obj_unop_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, X -/ #check @category_theory.functor.const.unop_functor_op_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.functor.const_comp_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: _x, F, X, J -/ #check @category_theory.functor.const_comp_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: _x, F, X, J -/ -- category_theory/core.lean #check @category_theory.core.id_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.core.comp_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ -- category_theory/currying.lean #check @category_theory.currying_counit_iso_inv_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X -/ #check @category_theory.currying_functor_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.currying_unit_iso_inv_app_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X, X -/ #check @category_theory.currying_inverse_obj_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, Y', Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.currying_functor_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, T, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.currying_inverse_obj_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.currying_functor_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.currying_unit_iso_hom_app_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X, X -/ #check @category_theory.currying_counit_iso_hom_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X -/ #check @category_theory.currying_inverse_obj_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, f, X', X, F -/ #check @category_theory.currying_inverse_map_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, T, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.flip_iso_curry_swap_uncurry_hom_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.flip_iso_curry_swap_uncurry_inv_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X, F -/ -- category_theory/derived.lean #check @category_theory.functor.left_derived_obj_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, n, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.left_derived_obj_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, n, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.left_derived_obj_projective_zero_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.left_derived_obj_projective_zero_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.left_derived_obj_projective_succ_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, n, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.left_derived_obj_projective_succ_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, n, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.left_derived_map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, F -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.left_derived_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, n, α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.left_derived_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, F -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.left_derived_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, β, α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.left_derived_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, α -/ -- category_theory/differential_object.lean #check @category_theory.differential_object.d_squared /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @category_theory.differential_object.hom.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.differential_object.hom.comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @category_theory.differential_object.hom.comm_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', self -/ #check @category_theory.differential_object.hom.id_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.differential_object.hom.comp_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.differential_object.id_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.differential_object.comp_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.differential_object.eq_to_hom_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.differential_object.zero_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P -/ #check @category_theory.differential_object.iso_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.differential_object.iso_app_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.differential_object.iso_app_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.differential_object.iso_app_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.differential_object.iso_app_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.differential_object.mk_iso_inv_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.differential_object.mk_iso_hom_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_differential_object_obj_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F, D -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_differential_object_map_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F, D -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_differential_object_obj_d /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, η, F, D -/ #check @category_theory.differential_object.shift_functor_map_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, n, C -/ #check @category_theory.differential_object.shift_functor_obj_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, n, C -/ #check @category_theory.differential_object.shift_functor_obj_d /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, n, C -/ #check @category_theory.differential_object.shift_functor_add_inv_app_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, n, m, C -/ #check @category_theory.differential_object.shift_functor_add_hom_app_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, n, m, C -/ #check @category_theory.differential_object.shift_ε_inv_app_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.differential_object.shift_ε_hom_app_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ -- category_theory/discrete_category.lean #check @category_theory.discrete.id_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.discrete.functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, F -/ #check @category_theory.discrete.functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.discrete.nat_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @category_theory.discrete.nat_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @category_theory.discrete.nat_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @category_theory.discrete.nat_iso_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @category_theory.discrete.equivalence_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.discrete.equivalence_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.discrete.equivalence_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.discrete.equivalence_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.discrete.equiv_of_equivalence_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, h -/ #check @category_theory.discrete.equiv_of_equivalence_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, h -/ #check @category_theory.discrete.functor_map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ -- category_theory/elements.lean #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.π_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.π_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.map_obj_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.map_map_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, t₂, t₁ -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.map_obj_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, α -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.to_structured_arrow_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.to_comma_map_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.from_structured_arrow_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.from_structured_arrow_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.structured_arrow_equivalence_counit_iso_hom_app_left_down /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.structured_arrow_equivalence_inverse_obj_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.structured_arrow_equivalence_counit_iso_inv_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.structured_arrow_equivalence_functor_obj_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.structured_arrow_equivalence_inverse_obj_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.structured_arrow_equivalence_unit_iso_hom_app_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.structured_arrow_equivalence_functor_obj_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.structured_arrow_equivalence_functor_map_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.structured_arrow_equivalence_unit_iso_inv_app_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.structured_arrow_equivalence_counit_iso_hom_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.structured_arrow_equivalence_inverse_map_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.structured_arrow_equivalence_counit_iso_inv_app_left_down /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.to_costructured_arrow_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.to_costructured_arrow_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.from_costructured_arrow_map_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.from_costructured_arrow_obj_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.from_costructured_arrow_obj_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.from_costructured_arrow_obj_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.from_to_costructured_arrow_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.to_from_costructured_arrow_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.costructured_arrow_yoneda_equivalence_functor_obj_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, X, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.costructured_arrow_yoneda_equivalence_inverse_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.costructured_arrow_yoneda_equivalence_counit_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.costructured_arrow_yoneda_equivalence_counit_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.costructured_arrow_yoneda_equivalence_functor_map_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.costructured_arrow_yoneda_equivalence_unit_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.costructured_arrow_yoneda_equivalence_inverse_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.costructured_arrow_yoneda_equivalence_unit_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.costructured_arrow_yoneda_equivalence_functor_obj_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.category_of_elements.costructured_arrow_yoneda_equivalence_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ -- category_theory/endomorphism.lean #check @category_theory.End.mul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ys, xs -/ #check @category_theory.is_unit_iff_is_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_End_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f, X -/ -- category_theory/enriched/basic.lean #check @category_theory.e_id_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.e_id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, V -/ #check @category_theory.e_comp_id_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.e_comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, V -/ #check @category_theory.e_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X, W, V -/ #check @category_theory.e_assoc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Z, Y, X, W, V -/ #check @category_theory.forget_enrichment.to_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.forget_enrichment.of_to /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.forget_enrichment.hom_to_hom_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.forget_enrichment.hom_of_hom_to /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.forget_enrichment_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, W -/ #check @category_theory.forget_enrichment_id' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, W -/ #check @category_theory.forget_enrichment_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, W -/ #check @category_theory.enriched_functor.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, self -/ #check @category_theory.enriched_functor.map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X, self -/ #check @category_theory.enriched_functor.map_id_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', X, self -/ #check @category_theory.enriched_functor.map_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Z, Y, X, self -/ #check @category_theory.enriched_functor.id_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, C, V -/ #check @category_theory.enriched_functor.id_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.enriched_functor.comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, G, F, V -/ #check @category_theory.enriched_functor.comp_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G, F, V -/ #check @category_theory.graded_nat_trans.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.enriched_nat_trans_yoneda_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.enriched_nat_trans_yoneda_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, σ, f, A', A, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.enriched_functor_Type_equiv_functor_symm_apply_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.enriched_functor_Type_equiv_functor_symm_apply_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.enriched_functor_Type_equiv_functor_apply_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.enriched_functor_Type_equiv_functor_apply_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F -/ -- category_theory/epi_mono.lean #check @category_theory.split_mono.id_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.split_epi.id_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ -- category_theory/eq_to_hom.lean #check @category_theory.eq_to_hom_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.eq_to_hom_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @category_theory.eq_to_hom_trans_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', q, p -/ #check @category_theory.congr_arg_mpr_hom_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @category_theory.congr_arg_mpr_hom_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @category_theory.eq_to_iso.hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @category_theory.eq_to_iso.inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @category_theory.eq_to_iso_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @category_theory.eq_to_hom_op /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.eq_to_hom_unop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.inv_eq_to_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.functor.congr_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.functor.congr_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.eq_to_hom_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, F -/ #check @category_theory.eq_to_iso_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, F -/ #check @category_theory.eq_to_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, h -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.eq_conj_eq_to_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- category_theory/equivalence.lean #check @category_theory.equivalence.functor_unit_iso_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, self -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.equivalence_mk'_unit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: unit_iso, inverse, functor -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.equivalence_mk'_counit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: counit_iso, inverse, functor -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.equivalence_mk'_unit_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: unit_iso, inverse, functor -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.equivalence_mk'_counit_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: counit_iso, inverse, functor -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.functor_unit_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.counit_inv_functor_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.counit_inv_app_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.counit_app_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.unit_inverse_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.inverse_counit_inv_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.unit_app_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.unit_inv_app_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.fun_inv_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.inv_fun_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.adjointify_η_ε /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.symm_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.symm_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.symm_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.symm_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.trans_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.trans_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.trans_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.trans_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.fun_inv_id_assoc_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F, e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.fun_inv_id_assoc_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F, e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.inv_fun_id_assoc_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F, e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.inv_fun_id_assoc_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F, e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.congr_left_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.congr_left_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.congr_left_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.congr_left_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.congr_right_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.congr_right_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.congr_right_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.congr_right_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.cancel_unit_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.cancel_unit_inv_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.cancel_counit_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.cancel_counit_inv_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.cancel_unit_right_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.cancel_counit_inv_right_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.cancel_unit_right_assoc' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h', g', f', h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.cancel_counit_inv_right_assoc' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h', g', f', h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.pow_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.pow_neg_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.is_equivalence.functor_unit_iso_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.is_equivalence.functor_unit_iso_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.functor.as_equivalence_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.as_equivalence_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.inv_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.functor_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.inverse_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.functor_as_equivalence /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.inverse_as_equivalence /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ #check @category_theory.is_equivalence.fun_inv_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.is_equivalence.inv_fun_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.functor_map_inj_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.inverse_map_inj_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ -- category_theory/essential_image.lean #check @category_theory.functor.ess_image_inclusion_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.functor.ess_image_inclusion_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.to_ess_image_obj_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.to_ess_image_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.to_ess_image_comp_essential_image_inclusion_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.to_ess_image_comp_essential_image_inclusion_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ -- category_theory/essentially_small.lean #check @category_theory.shrink_homs.to_from /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.shrink_homs.from_to /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.shrink_homs.category_theory.category_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, Z, Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.shrink_homs.category_theory.category_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.shrink_homs.category_theory.category_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.shrink_homs.functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.shrink_homs.functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.shrink_homs.inverse_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.shrink_homs.inverse_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.shrink_homs.equivalence_unit_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.shrink_homs.equivalence_counit_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.shrink_homs.equivalence_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.shrink_homs.equivalence_counit_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.shrink_homs.equivalence_inverse_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.shrink_homs.equivalence_inverse_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.shrink_homs.equivalence_unit_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.shrink_homs.equivalence_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.essentially_small_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ -- category_theory/filtered.lean #check @category_theory.is_filtered.coeq_condition_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f', f -/ #check @category_theory.is_filtered.coeq_condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.is_filtered.to_sup_commutes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, O -/ #check @category_theory.is_filtered.coeq₃_condition₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.is_filtered.coeq₃_condition₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.is_filtered.coeq₃_condition₃ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.is_cofiltered.eq_condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.is_cofiltered.eq_condition_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f', f -/ #check @category_theory.is_cofiltered.inf_to_commutes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, O -/ -- category_theory/fin_category.lean #check @category_theory.fin_category.category_as_type_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, α -/ #check @category_theory.fin_category.category_as_type_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, k, j, i, α -/ #check @category_theory.fin_category.category_as_type_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, α -/ -- category_theory/flat_functors.lean #check @category_theory.structured_arrow_cone.to_diagram_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, k, j, c -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow_cone.to_diagram_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, c -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow_cone.diagram_to_cone_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow_cone.to_cone_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, f, c, F -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow_cone.to_cone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c, F -/ #check @category_theory.preserves_finite_limits_of_flat.fac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s, F -/ #check @category_theory.flat_iff_Lan_flat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ -- category_theory/full_subcategory.lean #check @category_theory.induced_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.induced_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, F -/ #check @category_theory.full_subcategory_inclusion.obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z -/ -- category_theory/fully_faithful.lean #check @category_theory.full.witness /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.functor.image_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.preimage_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.preimage_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.preimage_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.preimage_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.preimage_iso_map_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.equiv_of_fully_faithful_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @category_theory.equiv_of_fully_faithful_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @category_theory.faithful.div_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.fully_faithful_cancel_right_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, comp_iso -/ #check @category_theory.fully_faithful_cancel_right_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, comp_iso -/ -- category_theory/functor.lean #check @category_theory.functor.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, self -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, self -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f, self -/ #check @category_theory.functor.id_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.functor.id_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.functor.comp_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_dite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, F -/ -- category_theory/functor_category.lean #check @category_theory.nat_trans.vcomp_eq_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.vcomp_app' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, β, α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.congr_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.id_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.comp_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, β, α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.app_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, X, T -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.naturality_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Z, T -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.hcomp_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, β, α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.hcomp_id_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.id_hcomp_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.exchange /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: δ, γ, β, α -/ #check @category_theory.functor.flip_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.flip_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, f, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.flip_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, f, F -/ #check @category_theory.map_hom_inv_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.map_hom_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, F -/ #check @category_theory.map_inv_hom_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.map_inv_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, F -/ -- category_theory/functorial.lean #check @category_theory.map_functorial_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ -- category_theory/glue_data.lean #check @category_theory.glue_data.cocycle_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.t_fac_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k, j, i, self -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.t'_iij /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.t'_jii /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.t'_iji /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.t_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.t_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.t_inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.t'_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, j, i, D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.t'_comp_eq_pullback_symmetry_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k, j, i, D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.t'_comp_eq_pullback_symmetry /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, j, i, D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.diagram_L /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.diagram_R /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.diagram_fst_from /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.diagram_snd_from /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.diagram_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.diagram_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.diagram_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.diagram_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.glue_condition_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, j, i, D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.glue_condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.map_glue_data_J /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.map_glue_data_t /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, F, D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.map_glue_data_U /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, F, D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.map_glue_data_t' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, j, i, F, D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.map_glue_data_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, F, D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.map_glue_data_V /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, F, D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.diagram_iso_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, F, D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.diagram_iso_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, F, D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.diagram_iso_hom_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, F, D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.diagram_iso_hom_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, F, D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.diagram_iso_inv_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, F, D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.diagram_iso_inv_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, F, D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.ι_glued_iso_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', i, F, D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.ι_glued_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, F, D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.ι_glued_iso_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', i, F, D -/ #check @category_theory.glue_data.ι_glued_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, F, D -/ -- category_theory/graded_object.lean #check @category_theory.graded_object.eval_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, b -/ #check @category_theory.graded_object.eval_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, b -/ #check @category_theory.graded_object.comap_eq_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, X, h, C -/ #check @category_theory.graded_object.comap_eq_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, X, h, C -/ #check @category_theory.graded_object.comap_eq_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, C -/ #check @category_theory.graded_object.comap_eq_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, k, C -/ #check @category_theory.graded_object.eq_to_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, h, C -/ #check @category_theory.graded_object.comap_equiv_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, C -/ #check @category_theory.graded_object.comap_equiv_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, C -/ #check @category_theory.graded_object.comap_equiv_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, C -/ #check @category_theory.graded_object.comap_equiv_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, C -/ #check @category_theory.graded_object.shift_functor_obj_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, t, X, s -/ #check @category_theory.graded_object.shift_functor_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, t, f, s -/ #check @category_theory.graded_object.zero_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, Y, X, β -/ -- category_theory/grothendieck.lean #check @category_theory.grothendieck.id_base /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck.id_fiber /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck.comp_fiber /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck.comp_base /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck.id_fiber' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck.forget_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck.forget_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck.grothendieck_Type_to_Cat_functor_obj_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck.grothendieck_Type_to_Cat_functor_map_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, G -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck.grothendieck_Type_to_Cat_functor_obj_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck.grothendieck_Type_to_Cat_inverse_map_base /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, G -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck.grothendieck_Type_to_Cat_inverse_obj_base /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck.grothendieck_Type_to_Cat_inverse_obj_fiber /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck.grothendieck_Type_to_Cat_inverse_map_fiber_down_down /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, G -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck.grothendieck_Type_to_Cat_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck.grothendieck_Type_to_Cat_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck.grothendieck_Type_to_Cat_functor_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck.grothendieck_Type_to_Cat_inverse_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ -- category_theory/hom_functor.lean #check @category_theory.functor.hom_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.functor.hom_pairing_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, C -/ -- category_theory/is_connected.lean #check @category_theory.any_functor_const_on_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.constant_of_preserves_morphisms /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans_from_is_connected /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ -- category_theory/isomorphism.lean #check @category_theory.iso.inv_hom_id_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.iso.hom_inv_id_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.iso.symm_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.symm_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.symm_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: inv_hom_id, hom_inv_id, inv, hom -/ #check @category_theory.iso.symm_symm_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.refl_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.iso.refl_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.iso.refl_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.iso.trans_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.trans_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.trans_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: inv', hom', inv, hom -/ #check @category_theory.iso.trans_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.trans_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ, β, α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.refl_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.trans_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.symm_self_id_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β -/ #check @category_theory.iso.self_symm_id_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β -/ #check @category_theory.iso.inv_comp_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.eq_inv_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.comp_inv_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.eq_comp_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.inv_eq_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.iso.hom_comp_eq_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.comp_hom_eq_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.hom_eq_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @category_theory.is_iso.hom_inv_id_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.is_iso.inv_hom_id_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.as_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.as_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.is_iso.iso.inv_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.is_iso.iso.inv_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.is_iso.inv_comp_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.is_iso.eq_inv_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.is_iso.comp_inv_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.is_iso.eq_comp_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.hom_comp_eq_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.comp_hom_eq_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.iso.cancel_iso_hom_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', g -/ #check @category_theory.iso.cancel_iso_inv_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', g -/ #check @category_theory.iso.cancel_iso_hom_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.iso.cancel_iso_inv_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.iso.cancel_iso_hom_right_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.iso.cancel_iso_inv_right_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_iso_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_iso_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_iso_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_hom_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_inv_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ -- category_theory/lifting_properties.lean #check @category_theory.right_lifting_property_initial_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, i -/ -- category_theory/limits/bicones.lean #check @category_theory.bicone_category_struct_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, J -/ #check @category_theory.bicone_category_struct_to_quiver_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ᾰ, J -/ #check @category_theory.bicone_category_struct_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, Z, Y, X, J -/ #check @category_theory.bicone_mk_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, c₂, c₁, J -/ #check @category_theory.bicone_mk_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, c₂, c₁, J -/ -- category_theory/limits/colimit_limit.lean #check @category_theory.limits.map_id_left_eq_curry_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.map_id_right_eq_curry_swap_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.ι_colimit_limit_to_limit_colimit_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k, j, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.ι_colimit_limit_to_limit_colimit_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, j, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.ι_colimit_limit_to_limit_colimit_π_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, k, j, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit_limit_to_limit_colimit_cone_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ -- category_theory/limits/comma.lean #check @category_theory.comma.limit_auxiliary_cone_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, c₁, F -/ #check @category_theory.comma.limit_auxiliary_cone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c₁, F -/ #check @category_theory.comma.cone_of_preserves_X_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.comma.cone_of_preserves_π_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, F -/ #check @category_theory.comma.cone_of_preserves_X_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c₁, F -/ #check @category_theory.comma.cone_of_preserves_π_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, c₁, F -/ #check @category_theory.comma.cone_of_preserves_X_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t₂, c₁, F -/ #check @category_theory.comma.colimit_auxiliary_cocone_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, c₂, F -/ #check @category_theory.comma.colimit_auxiliary_cocone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c₂, F -/ #check @category_theory.comma.cocone_of_preserves_ι_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, F -/ #check @category_theory.comma.cocone_of_preserves_X_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.comma.cocone_of_preserves_X_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c₂, t₁, F -/ #check @category_theory.comma.cocone_of_preserves_ι_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, c₂, F -/ #check @category_theory.comma.cocone_of_preserves_X_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c₂, F -/ -- category_theory/limits/concrete_category.lean #check @category_theory.limits.concrete.multiequalizer_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.concrete.is_colimit_rep_eq_of_exists /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.concrete.colimit_rep_eq_of_exists /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.concrete.is_colimit_rep_eq_iff_exists /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.concrete.colimit_rep_eq_iff_exists /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, F -/ -- category_theory/limits/cone_category.lean #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.lift_cone_morphism_eq_is_terminal_from /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, hc -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_terminal.from_eq_lift_cone_morphism /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, hc -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.desc_cocone_morphism_eq_is_initial_to /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, hc -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_initial.to_eq_desc_cocone_morphism /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, hc -/ -- category_theory/limits/cones.lean #check @category_theory.functor.cones_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.cones_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, ᾰ, f, _x, _x, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.cocones_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.cocones_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, ᾰ, f, _x, _x, F -/ #check @category_theory.cones_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, C, J -/ #check @category_theory.cones_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, G, F, C, J -/ #check @category_theory.cocones_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, C, J -/ #check @category_theory.cocones_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, G, F, C, J -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone.w_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone.w /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone.w_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone.w /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone.equiv_inv_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone.equiv_hom_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone.equiv_inv_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone.equiv_hom_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone.extensions_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, X, c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone.extend_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone.whisker_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, E -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone.whisker_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone.extensions_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, X, c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone.extend_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone.whisker_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone.whisker_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, E -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone_morphism.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone_morphism.w /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone_morphism.w_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone.category_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone.category_id_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone.category_comp_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, Z, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.ext_hom_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.ext_inv_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.postcompose_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c₂, c₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.postcompose_obj_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, α -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.postcompose_obj_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.postcompose_comp_inv_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.postcompose_comp_hom_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.postcompose_id_inv_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.postcompose_id_hom_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.postcompose_equivalence_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.postcompose_equivalence_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.postcompose_equivalence_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.postcompose_equivalence_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.whiskering_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, E -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.whiskering_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c', c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.whiskering_equivalence_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.whiskering_equivalence_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.whiskering_equivalence_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.whiskering_equivalence_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.equivalence_of_reindexing_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, e -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.equivalence_of_reindexing_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, e -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.equivalence_of_reindexing_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, e -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.equivalence_of_reindexing_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, e -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.forget_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.forget_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.functoriality_obj_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, A, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.functoriality_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.functoriality_obj_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.functoriality_equivalence_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.functoriality_equivalence_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.functoriality_equivalence_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cones.functoriality_equivalence_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone_morphism.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone_morphism.w /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone_morphism.w_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone.category_id_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone.category_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone.category_comp_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, _x, _x, _x -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocones.ext_hom_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocones.ext_inv_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocones.precompose_obj_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocones.precompose_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c₂, c₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocones.precompose_obj_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, α -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocones.precompose_equivalence_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocones.precompose_equivalence_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocones.precompose_equivalence_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocones.precompose_equivalence_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocones.whiskering_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, E -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocones.whiskering_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c', c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocones.whiskering_equivalence_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocones.whiskering_equivalence_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocones.whiskering_equivalence_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocones.whiskering_equivalence_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocones.equivalence_of_reindexing_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α, e -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocones.forget_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocones.forget_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocones.functoriality_obj_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocones.functoriality_obj_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, A, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocones.functoriality_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocones.functoriality_equivalence_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocones.functoriality_equivalence_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocones.functoriality_equivalence_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocones.functoriality_equivalence_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_cone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, H -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_cone_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, c, H -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_cocone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, H -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_cocone_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, c, H -/ #check @category_theory.functor.functoriality_comp_postcompose_hom_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α -/ #check @category_theory.functor.functoriality_comp_postcompose_inv_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α -/ #check @category_theory.functor.postcompose_whisker_left_map_cone_hom_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, α -/ #check @category_theory.functor.postcompose_whisker_left_map_cone_inv_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, α -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_cone_postcompose_inv_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_cone_postcompose_hom_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_cone_postcompose_equivalence_functor_inv_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_cone_postcompose_equivalence_functor_hom_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @category_theory.functor.functoriality_comp_precompose_hom_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α -/ #check @category_theory.functor.functoriality_comp_precompose_inv_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α -/ #check @category_theory.functor.precompose_whisker_left_map_cocone_inv_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, α -/ #check @category_theory.functor.precompose_whisker_left_map_cocone_hom_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, α -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_cocone_precompose_hom_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_cocone_precompose_inv_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_cocone_precompose_equivalence_functor_inv_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_cocone_precompose_equivalence_functor_hom_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_cone_whisker_inv_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_cone_whisker_hom_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_cocone_whisker_hom_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_cocone_whisker_inv_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone.op_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone.op_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone.op_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone.op_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone.unop_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone.unop_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone.unop_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone.unop_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone_equivalence_op_cone_op_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone_equivalence_op_cone_op_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone_equivalence_op_cone_op_inverse_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone_equivalence_op_cone_op_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone_equivalence_op_cone_op_inverse_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone_equivalence_op_cone_op_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone_of_cocone_left_op_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone_of_cocone_left_op_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone_left_op_of_cone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone_left_op_of_cone_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone_of_cone_left_op_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone_of_cone_left_op_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone_left_op_of_cocone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone_left_op_of_cocone_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, c -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_cone_op_inv_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, G -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_cone_op_hom_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, G -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_cocone_op_inv_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_cocone_op_hom_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ -- category_theory/limits/connected.lean #check @category_theory.prod_preserves_connected_limits.γ₂_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.prod_preserves_connected_limits.γ₁_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.prod_preserves_connected_limits.forget_cone_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @category_theory.prod_preserves_connected_limits.forget_cone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- category_theory/limits/constructions/equalizers.lean #check @category_theory.limits.has_equalizers_of_pullbacks_and_binary_products.pullback_fst_eq_pullback_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ -- category_theory/limits/constructions/finite_products_of_binary_products.lean #check @category_theory.extend_fan_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c₂, c₁ -/ #check @category_theory.extend_fan_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, c₂, c₁ -/ #check @category_theory.extend_cofan_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, c₂, c₁ -/ #check @category_theory.extend_cofan_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c₂, c₁ -/ -- category_theory/limits/constructions/limits_of_products_and_equalizers.lean #check @category_theory.limits.has_limit_of_has_products_of_has_equalizers.build_limit_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, t, s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.has_limit_of_has_products_of_has_equalizers.build_limit_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, t, s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.has_colimit_of_has_coproducts_of_has_coequalizers.build_colimit_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, t, s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.has_colimit_of_has_coproducts_of_has_coequalizers.build_colimit_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, t, s -/ -- category_theory/limits/constructions/over/connected.lean #check @category_theory.over.creates_connected.raise_cone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.over.creates_connected.raise_cone_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, c -/ #check @category_theory.over.creates_connected.raised_cone_lowers_to_original /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ -- category_theory/limits/constructions/over/products.lean #check @category_theory.over.construct_products.cones_equiv_inverse_obj_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, F, B -/ #check @category_theory.over.construct_products.cones_equiv_inverse_obj_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, c, F, B -/ #check @category_theory.over.construct_products.cones_equiv_inverse_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c₂, c₁, F, B -/ #check @category_theory.over.construct_products.cones_equiv_inverse_obj_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, F, B -/ #check @category_theory.over.construct_products.cones_equiv_functor_obj_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, c, F, B -/ #check @category_theory.over.construct_products.cones_equiv_functor_obj_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, F, B -/ #check @category_theory.over.construct_products.cones_equiv_functor_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c₂, c₁, F, B -/ #check @category_theory.over.construct_products.cones_equiv_functor_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, B -/ #check @category_theory.over.construct_products.cones_equiv_unit_iso_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, B -/ #check @category_theory.over.construct_products.cones_equiv_counit_iso_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, B -/ #check @category_theory.over.construct_products.cones_equiv_inverse_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, B -/ -- category_theory/limits/filtered_colimit_commutes_finite_limit.lean #check @category_theory.limits.ι_colimit_limit_iso_limit_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', b, a, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.ι_colimit_limit_iso_limit_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, F -/ -- category_theory/limits/final.lean #check @category_theory.functor.final.extend_cocone_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.functor.final.extend_cocone_obj_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, c -/ #check @category_theory.functor.final.extend_cocone_obj_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.functor.final.colimit_cocone_comp_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, s -/ #check @category_theory.functor.final.cocones_equiv_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.final.cocones_equiv_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.final.cocones_equiv_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.final.cocones_equiv_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.final.colimit_cocone_comp_cocone /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.final.colimit_cocone_comp_is_colimit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.final.colimit_cocone_of_comp_cocone /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.final.colimit_cocone_of_comp_is_colimit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.initial.extend_cone_obj_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.functor.initial.extend_cone_obj_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c -/ #check @category_theory.functor.initial.extend_cone_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.functor.initial.limit_cone_comp_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, s -/ #check @category_theory.functor.initial.cones_equiv_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.initial.cones_equiv_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.initial.cones_equiv_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.initial.cones_equiv_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.initial.limit_cone_comp_is_limit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.initial.limit_cone_comp_cone /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.initial.limit_cone_of_comp_is_limit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.initial.limit_cone_of_comp_cone /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, F -/ -- category_theory/limits/fubini.lean #check @category_theory.limits.diagram_of_cones.cone_points_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, D -/ #check @category_theory.limits.diagram_of_cones.cone_points_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, j', j, D -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone_of_cone_uncurry_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone_of_cone_uncurry_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, c, Q -/ #check @category_theory.limits.diagram_of_cones.mk_of_has_limits_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, j', j, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.diagram_of_cones.mk_of_has_limits_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.diagram_of_cones.mk_of_has_limits_cone_points /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit_uncurry_iso_limit_comp_lim_hom_π_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit_uncurry_iso_limit_comp_lim_inv_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit_iso_limit_curry_comp_lim_hom_π_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit_iso_limit_curry_comp_lim_hom_π_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit_iso_limit_curry_comp_lim_inv_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit_iso_limit_curry_comp_lim_inv_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit_curry_swap_comp_lim_iso_limit_curry_comp_lim_hom_π_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit_curry_swap_comp_lim_iso_limit_curry_comp_lim_inv_π_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ -- category_theory/limits/functor_category.lean #check @category_theory.limits.limit.lift_π_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k, j, c, H -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.lift_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, j, c, H -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.ι_desc_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, j, c, H -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.ι_desc_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k, j, c, H -/ #check @category_theory.limits.combine_cones_X_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, k₂, k₁, c, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.combine_cones_π_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, j, c, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.combine_cones_X_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, c, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.combine_cocones_ι_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, j, c, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.combine_cocones_X_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, k₂, k₁, c, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.combine_cocones_X_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, c, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit_obj_iso_limit_comp_evaluation_hom_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, j, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit_obj_iso_limit_comp_evaluation_hom_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k, j, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit_obj_iso_limit_comp_evaluation_inv_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, j, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit_obj_iso_limit_comp_evaluation_inv_π_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k, j, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit_map_limit_obj_iso_limit_comp_evaluation_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit_map_limit_obj_iso_limit_comp_evaluation_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit_obj_iso_limit_comp_evaluation_inv_limit_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit_obj_iso_limit_comp_evaluation_inv_limit_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit_obj_iso_colimit_comp_evaluation_ι_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, j, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit_obj_iso_colimit_comp_evaluation_ι_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k, j, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit_obj_iso_colimit_comp_evaluation_ι_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, j, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit_obj_iso_colimit_comp_evaluation_ι_app_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k, j, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit_obj_iso_colimit_comp_evaluation_inv_colimit_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit_obj_iso_colimit_comp_evaluation_inv_colimit_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit_map_colimit_obj_iso_colimit_comp_evaluation_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit_map_colimit_obj_iso_colimit_comp_evaluation_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit_iso_flip_comp_lim_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit_iso_flip_comp_lim_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit_flip_iso_comp_lim_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit_flip_iso_comp_lim_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit_iso_swap_comp_lim_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit_iso_swap_comp_lim_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit_iso_flip_comp_colim_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit_iso_flip_comp_colim_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit_flip_iso_comp_colim_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit_flip_iso_comp_colim_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit_iso_swap_comp_colim_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit_iso_swap_comp_colim_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G -/ -- category_theory/limits/has_limits.lean #check @category_theory.limits.limit.w_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.w /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.is_limit_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.lift_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.lift_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.lim_map_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, α -/ #check @category_theory.limits.lim_map_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, α -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.cone_morphism_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.cone_morphism_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.cone_point_unique_up_to_iso_hom_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.cone_point_unique_up_to_iso_hom_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.cone_point_unique_up_to_iso_inv_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.cone_point_unique_up_to_iso_inv_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.iso_limit_cone_hom_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.iso_limit_cone_hom_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.iso_limit_cone_inv_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.iso_limit_cone_inv_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.lift_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.hom_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.lift_extend /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.has_limit.iso_of_nat_iso_hom_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, w -/ #check @category_theory.limits.has_limit.iso_of_nat_iso_hom_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, w -/ #check @category_theory.limits.has_limit.lift_iso_of_nat_iso_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', w, t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.has_limit.lift_iso_of_nat_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.has_limit.iso_of_equivalence_hom_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, w, e -/ #check @category_theory.limits.has_limit.iso_of_equivalence_inv_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, w, e -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.pre_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k, E, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.pre_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, E, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.lift_pre /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, E, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.pre_pre /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D, E, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.post_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.post_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.lift_post /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.post_post /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.pre_post /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F, E -/ #check @category_theory.limits.lim_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.lim_map_eq_lim_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.map_pre /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E, α -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.map_pre' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.id_pre /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit.map_post /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, α -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.cocone_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.w_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.w /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.is_colimit_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.ι_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.ι_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.ι_colim_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, α -/ #check @category_theory.limits.ι_colim_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, α -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.cocone_morphism_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.ι_cocone_morphism /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.comp_cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.comp_cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.comp_cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.comp_cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.iso_colimit_cocone_ι_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.iso_colimit_cocone_ι_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.iso_colimit_cocone_ι_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.iso_colimit_cocone_ι_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.hom_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.desc_extend /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.has_colimit.iso_of_nat_iso_ι_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, w -/ #check @category_theory.limits.has_colimit.iso_of_nat_iso_ι_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, w -/ #check @category_theory.limits.has_colimit.iso_of_nat_iso_hom_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', w, t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.has_colimit.iso_of_nat_iso_hom_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.has_colimit.iso_of_equivalence_hom_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, w, e -/ #check @category_theory.limits.has_colimit.iso_of_equivalence_inv_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, w, e -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.ι_pre_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k, E, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.ι_pre /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, E, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.pre_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', c, E, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.pre_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, E, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.pre_pre /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D, E, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.ι_post /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.ι_post_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.post_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.post_post /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.pre_post /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F, E -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colim_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.ι_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, α -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.ι_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, α -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.map_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, α -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.pre_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E, α -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.pre_map' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.pre_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.colimit.map_post /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, α -/ -- category_theory/limits/is_limit.lean #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.fac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.fac_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.map_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, α, c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.map_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, α, c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.lift_cone_morphism_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, h -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.mk_cone_morphism_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, lift -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.unique_up_to_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.unique_up_to_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.cone_point_unique_up_to_iso_hom_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.cone_point_unique_up_to_iso_hom_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.cone_point_unique_up_to_iso_inv_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.cone_point_unique_up_to_iso_inv_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.lift_comp_cone_point_unique_up_to_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.lift_comp_cone_point_unique_up_to_iso_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Q -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.lift_comp_cone_point_unique_up_to_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.lift_comp_cone_point_unique_up_to_iso_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.of_iso_limit_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, i, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.equiv_iso_limit_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, i -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.equiv_iso_limit_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, i -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.hom_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.of_cone_equiv_apply_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, P, h -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.of_cone_equiv_symm_apply_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, P, h -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.cone_points_iso_of_nat_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.cone_points_iso_of_nat_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, Q -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.cone_points_iso_of_nat_iso_hom_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, w -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.cone_points_iso_of_nat_iso_hom_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, w -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.cone_points_iso_of_nat_iso_inv_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, w -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.cone_points_iso_of_nat_iso_inv_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, w -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.lift_comp_cone_points_iso_of_nat_iso_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', w, Q -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.lift_comp_cone_points_iso_of_nat_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, Q -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.cone_points_iso_of_equivalence_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, e, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.cone_points_iso_of_equivalence_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, e, Q -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.hom_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.of_nat_iso.cone_of_hom_of_cone /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.of_nat_iso.hom_of_cone_of_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.of_nat_iso.cone_of_hom_fac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, h -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.of_nat_iso.cone_fac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.fac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.fac_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.ι_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, α, d -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.ι_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, α, d -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.desc_cocone_morphism_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, h -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.mk_cocone_morphism_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, desc -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.unique_up_to_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.unique_up_to_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.comp_cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.comp_cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.comp_cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.comp_cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso_hom_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso_hom_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso_inv_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.cocone_point_unique_up_to_iso_inv_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Q -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.of_iso_colimit_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, i, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.equiv_iso_colimit_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, i -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.equiv_iso_colimit_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, i -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.hom_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.of_cocone_equiv_apply_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, P, h -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.of_cocone_equiv_symm_apply_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, P, h -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.cocone_points_iso_of_nat_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.cocone_points_iso_of_nat_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, Q -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.comp_cocone_points_iso_of_nat_iso_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, w -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.comp_cocone_points_iso_of_nat_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, w -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.comp_cocone_points_iso_of_nat_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, w -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.comp_cocone_points_iso_of_nat_iso_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, w -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.cocone_points_iso_of_nat_iso_hom_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.cocone_points_iso_of_nat_iso_hom_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', w, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.cocone_points_iso_of_equivalence_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, e, Q -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.cocone_points_iso_of_equivalence_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, e, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.hom_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.of_nat_iso.cocone_of_hom_of_cocone /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.of_nat_iso.hom_of_cocone_of_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.of_nat_iso.cocone_of_hom_fac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, h -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_colimit.of_nat_iso.cocone_fac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- category_theory/limits/kan_extension.lean #check @category_theory.Ran.loc_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F, ι -/ #check @category_theory.Ran.loc_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, y, x, F, ι -/ #check @category_theory.Ran.equiv_apply_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, G, F, ι -/ #check @category_theory.Ran.equiv_symm_apply_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, G, F, ι -/ #check @category_theory.Ran_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, Y', Y, ι -/ #check @category_theory.Ran_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, G, ι -/ #check @category_theory.Ran_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, y, x, G, ι -/ #check @category_theory.Lan.loc_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F, ι -/ #check @category_theory.Lan.loc_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, y, x, F, ι -/ #check @category_theory.Lan.equiv_apply_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, G, F, ι -/ #check @category_theory.Lan.equiv_symm_apply_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, G, F, ι -/ #check @category_theory.Lan_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, y, x, F, ι -/ #check @category_theory.Lan_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, X', X, ι -/ #check @category_theory.Lan_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F, ι -/ -- category_theory/limits/lattice.lean #check @category_theory.limits.complete_lattice.finite_limit_eq_finset_univ_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.complete_lattice.finite_colimit_eq_finset_univ_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.complete_lattice.finite_product_eq_finset_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.complete_lattice.finite_coproduct_eq_finset_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.complete_lattice.prod_eq_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.limits.complete_lattice.coprod_eq_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.limits.complete_lattice.pushout_eq_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.limits.complete_lattice.limit_eq_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.complete_lattice.colimit_eq_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ -- category_theory/limits/over.lean #check @category_theory.over.pullback_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.over.pullback_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.under.pushout_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.under.pushout_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, h, g, f -/ -- category_theory/limits/preserves/limits.lean #check @category_theory.preserves_lift_map_cone /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, c₂, c₁, F, G -/ #check @category_theory.preserves_limits_iso_hom_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, F, G -/ #check @category_theory.preserves_limits_iso_hom_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, F, G -/ #check @category_theory.preserves_limits_iso_inv_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, F, G -/ #check @category_theory.preserves_limits_iso_inv_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, F, G -/ #check @category_theory.lift_comp_preserves_limits_iso_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', t, F, G -/ #check @category_theory.lift_comp_preserves_limits_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, F, G -/ #check @category_theory.preserves_limit_nat_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G -/ #check @category_theory.preserves_limit_nat_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G -/ #check @category_theory.preserves_desc_map_cocone /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, c₂, c₁, F, G -/ #check @category_theory.ι_preserves_colimits_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, F, G -/ #check @category_theory.ι_preserves_colimits_iso_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, F, G -/ #check @category_theory.ι_preserves_colimits_iso_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, F, G -/ #check @category_theory.ι_preserves_colimits_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, F, G -/ #check @category_theory.preserves_colimits_iso_inv_comp_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', t, F, G -/ #check @category_theory.preserves_colimits_iso_inv_comp_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, F, G -/ #check @category_theory.preserves_colimit_nat_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G -/ #check @category_theory.preserves_colimit_nat_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G -/ -- category_theory/limits/preserves/shapes/binary_products.lean #check @category_theory.limits.preserves_limit_pair.iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.preserves_colimit_pair.iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, G -/ -- category_theory/limits/preserves/shapes/equalizers.lean #check @category_theory.limits.preserves_equalizer.iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.preserves_coequalizer.iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, G -/ -- category_theory/limits/preserves/shapes/products.lean #check @category_theory.limits.preserves_product.iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.preserves_coproduct.inv_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, G -/ -- category_theory/limits/preserves/shapes/pullbacks.lean #check @category_theory.limits.preserves_pullback.iso_hom_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.preserves_pullback.iso_hom_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.preserves_pullback.iso_hom_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.preserves_pullback.iso_hom_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.preserves_pullback.iso_inv_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.preserves_pullback.iso_inv_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.preserves_pullback.iso_inv_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.preserves_pullback.iso_inv_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.preserves_pushout.inl_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.preserves_pushout.inl_iso_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.preserves_pushout.inr_iso_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.preserves_pushout.inr_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.preserves_pushout.inl_iso_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.preserves_pushout.inl_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.preserves_pushout.inr_iso_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.preserves_pushout.inr_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.preserves_pullback.iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.preserves_pushout.iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ -- category_theory/limits/preserves/shapes/terminal.lean #check @category_theory.limits.preserves_terminal.iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.preserves_initial.iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ -- category_theory/limits/presheaf.lean #check @category_theory.colimit_adj.restricted_yoneda_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X, A -/ #check @category_theory.colimit_adj.restricted_yoneda_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f, _x, _x, X, A -/ #check @category_theory.colimit_adj.restricted_yoneda_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X, f, _x, _x, A -/ #check @category_theory.colimit_adj.restrict_yoneda_hom_equiv_natural /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, t, g, E₂, E₁, P, A -/ #check @category_theory.colimit_adj.extend_along_yoneda_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, A -/ #check @category_theory.colimit_adj.extend_along_yoneda_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, A -/ #check @category_theory.colimit_adj.extend_along_yoneda_iso_Kan_app_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, A -/ #check @category_theory.colimit_adj.extend_along_yoneda_iso_Kan_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, A -/ #check @category_theory.colimit_adj.extend_along_yoneda_iso_Kan_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, A -/ #check @category_theory.colimit_adj.extend_along_yoneda_iso_Kan_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, A -/ #check @category_theory.colimit_adj.extend_of_comp_yoneda_iso_Lan_inv_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.colimit_adj.extend_of_comp_yoneda_iso_Lan_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.comp_yoneda_iso_yoneda_comp_Lan_hom_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.comp_yoneda_iso_yoneda_comp_Lan_inv_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.cocone_of_representable_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @category_theory.cocone_of_representable_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, P -/ #check @category_theory.cocone_of_representable_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, α -/ -- category_theory/limits/shapes/binary_products.lean #check @category_theory.limits.pair_obj_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pair_obj_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y -/ #check @category_theory.limits.map_pair_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.map_pair_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.map_pair_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.map_pair_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.diagram_iso_pair_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.diagram_iso_pair_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_fan.π_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_fan.π_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_cofan.ι_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_cofan.ι_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_fan.mk_π_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_fan.mk_π_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π₂ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_cofan.mk_ι_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ι₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_cofan.mk_ι_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ι₂ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_fan.is_limit.lift'_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, h -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_cofan.is_colimit.desc'_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, h -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.lift_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.lift_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.lift_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.lift_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.inl_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.inl_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.inr_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.inr_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.comp_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.comp_lift_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.comp_diag /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.map_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.map_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.map_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.map_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.lift_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.lift_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.lift_fst_comp_snd_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.map_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.map_swap_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.map_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.map_comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.map_comp_id_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.map_id_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.map_id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.map_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.map_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.diag_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.diag_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.diag_map_fst_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.diag_map_fst_snd_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g', g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.diag_map_fst_snd_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.desc_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.desc_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.diag_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.inl_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.inl_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.inr_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.inr_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.map_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.map_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.desc_comp_inl_comp_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.map_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.map_swap_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.map_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.map_comp_id_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.map_comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.map_id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.map_id_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.map_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.map_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.map_codiag_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.map_codiag /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.map_inl_inr_codiag_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.map_comp_inl_inr_codiag_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g', g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.map_comp_inl_inr_codiag /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.braiding_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.braiding_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.braid_natural /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.braid_natural_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.symmetry' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.symmetry'_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.symmetry /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.symmetry_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.associator_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, Q, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.associator_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, Q, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.pentagon_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Z, Y, X, W -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.pentagon /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X, W -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.associator_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₃, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.associator_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f₃, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.left_unitor_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.left_unitor_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.right_unitor_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.right_unitor_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.left_unitor_hom_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.left_unitor_hom_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.left_unitor_inv_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.left_unitor_inv_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.right_unitor_hom_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.right_unitor_hom_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod_right_unitor_inv_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod_right_unitor_inv_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.triangle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.braiding_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.braiding_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.symmetry'_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.symmetry' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.symmetry /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.associator_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, Q, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.associator_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, Q, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.pentagon /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X, W -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.associator_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₃, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.left_unitor_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.left_unitor_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.right_unitor_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.right_unitor_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.triangle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.functor_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, f, Z, Y -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.functor_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, Z, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod.functor_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.functor_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, f, Z, Y -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.functor_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, Z, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod.functor_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod_comparison_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod_comparison_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod_comparison_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod_comparison_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod_comparison_natural /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod_comparison_natural_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod_comparison_nat_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inv_prod_comparison_map_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inv_prod_comparison_map_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inv_prod_comparison_map_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inv_prod_comparison_map_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod_comparison_inv_natural_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod_comparison_inv_natural /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod_comparison_nat_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.prod_comparison_nat_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod_comparison_inl_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod_comparison_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod_comparison_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod_comparison_inr_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod_comparison_natural /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod_comparison_natural_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod_comparison_nat_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.map_inl_inv_coprod_comparison_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.map_inl_inv_coprod_comparison /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.map_inr_inv_coprod_comparison_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.map_inr_inv_coprod_comparison /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod_comparison_inv_natural_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod_comparison_inv_natural /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod_comparison_nat_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coprod_comparison_nat_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A, F -/ #check @category_theory.over.coprod_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, ᾰ -/ #check @category_theory.over.coprod_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, g₂, g₁, ᾰ -/ #check @category_theory.over.coprod_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, k, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @category_theory.over.coprod_obj_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- category_theory/limits/shapes/biproducts.lean #check @category_theory.limits.bicone_ι_π_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.bicone.to_cone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ #check @category_theory.limits.bicone.to_cone_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, B -/ #check @category_theory.limits.bicone.to_cocone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ #check @category_theory.limits.bicone.to_cocone_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, B -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.bicone_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.bicone_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.ι_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j', j, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.ι_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j', j, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.ι_π_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.ι_π_self_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.ι_π_ne_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.ι_π_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.lift_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, p -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.lift_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, p -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.ι_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, p -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.ι_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, p -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.map_eq_map' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.map_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, p -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.map_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, p -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.ι_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, p -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.ι_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, p -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.map_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, p -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.map_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k, p -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.lift_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, k -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.lift_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', p, k -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.map_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.map_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.matrix_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k, m -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.matrix_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, m -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.ι_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, m -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.ι_matrix_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, m -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.matrix_components /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, j, m -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.components_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.matrix_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, j, m -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.matrix_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_bicone.inl_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_bicone.inr_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_bicone.inl_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_bicone.inr_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_bicone.to_cone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_bicone.to_cone_π_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_bicone.to_cone_π_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_bicone.to_cocone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_bicone.to_cocone_ι_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_bicone.to_cocone_ι_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.limits.bicone.to_binary_bicone_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @category_theory.limits.bicone.to_binary_bicone_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @category_theory.limits.bicone.to_binary_bicone_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @category_theory.limits.bicone.to_binary_bicone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @category_theory.limits.bicone.to_binary_bicone_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.inl_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.inl_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.inr_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.inr_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.lift_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.lift_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.lift_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.lift_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.inl_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.inl_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.inr_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.inr_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.map_eq_map' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.map_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.map_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.map_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.map_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.inl_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.inl_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.inr_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.inr_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.map_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.map_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.braiding_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.braiding_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.braiding'_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.braiding'_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.braid_natural /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.braid_natural_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.braiding_map_braiding /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.braiding_map_braiding_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.symmetry' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.symmetry'_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.symmetry /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.symmetry_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.lift_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.matrix_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, m -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.matrix_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', x, m -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.lift_matrix_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', m, x -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.lift_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, x -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.matrix_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.matrix_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', n, m -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.map_matrix_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', n, m -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biproduct.map_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @category_theory.limits.biprod.lift_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ -- category_theory/limits/shapes/equalizers.lean #check @category_theory.limits.walking_parallel_pair_hom_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.parallel_pair_map_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.parallel_pair_map_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.parallel_pair_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.diagram_iso_parallel_pair_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.diagram_iso_parallel_pair_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.parallel_pair_hom_app_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @category_theory.limits.parallel_pair_hom_app_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @category_theory.limits.fork.ι_eq_app_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cofork.π_eq_app_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.fork.app_zero_left_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.fork.app_zero_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.fork.app_zero_right_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.fork.app_zero_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cofork.left_app_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cofork.left_app_one_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cofork.right_app_one_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cofork.right_app_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.fork.of_ι_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, ι -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cofork.of_π_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, π -/ #check @category_theory.limits.fork.ι_of_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ι -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cofork.π_of_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @category_theory.limits.fork.condition_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.fork.condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cofork.condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cofork.condition_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.fork.equalizer_ext /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cofork.coequalizer_ext /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.fork.is_limit.hom_iso_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, Z, ht -/ #check @category_theory.limits.fork.is_limit.hom_iso_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, Z -/ #check @category_theory.limits.fork.is_limit.hom_iso_natural /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, q, ht -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cofork.is_colimit.hom_iso_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, Z -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cofork.is_colimit.hom_iso_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, Z, ht -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cofork.is_colimit.hom_iso_natural /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, ht, q -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone.of_fork_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone.of_cofork_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.fork.of_cone_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cofork.of_cocone_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.fork.mk_hom_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @category_theory.limits.fork.ext_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, i -/ #check @category_theory.limits.fork.ext_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, i -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cofork.mk_hom_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cofork.ext_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, i -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cofork.ext_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, i -/ #check @category_theory.limits.equalizer.fork_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.equalizer.fork_π_app_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.equalizer.condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.equalizer.condition_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.equalizer.lift_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @category_theory.limits.equalizer.lift_ι_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k -/ #check @category_theory.limits.equalizer.iso_source_of_self_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.equalizer.iso_source_of_self_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coequalizer.cofork_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coequalizer.cofork_ι_app_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coequalizer.condition_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coequalizer.condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coequalizer.π_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coequalizer.π_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coequalizer.iso_target_of_self_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coequalizer.iso_target_of_self_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.equalizer_comparison_comp_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', G, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.equalizer_comparison_comp_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.map_lift_equalizer_comparison_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', w, G, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.map_lift_equalizer_comparison /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, G, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.ι_comp_coequalizer_comparison /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.ι_comp_coequalizer_comparison_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', G, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coequalizer_comparison_map_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', w, G, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coequalizer_comparison_map_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, G, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone_of_split_mono_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone_of_split_epi_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, f -/ -- category_theory/limits/shapes/images.lean #check @category_theory.limits.mono_factorisation.fac_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.mono_factorisation.comp_mono_m /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.mono_factorisation.comp_mono_e /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.mono_factorisation.comp_mono_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.mono_factorisation.of_comp_iso_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.mono_factorisation.of_comp_iso_m /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.mono_factorisation.of_comp_iso_e /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.mono_factorisation.iso_comp_e /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.mono_factorisation.iso_comp_m /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.mono_factorisation.iso_comp_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.mono_factorisation.of_iso_comp_e /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.mono_factorisation.of_iso_comp_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.mono_factorisation.of_iso_comp_m /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.mono_factorisation.of_arrow_iso_m /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sq, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.mono_factorisation.of_arrow_iso_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.mono_factorisation.of_arrow_iso_e /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sq, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_image.lift_fac_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_image.fac_lift_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', F' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_image.fac_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_image.self_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_image.iso_ext_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hF' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_image.iso_ext_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hF -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_image.of_arrow_iso_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F', sq, hF -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image_factorisation.of_arrow_iso_F /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sq, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image_factorisation.of_arrow_iso_is_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sq, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image.as_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.as_factor_thru_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image.fac_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image.fac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image.lift_fac_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image.fac_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image.fac_lift_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', F' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_image.lift_ι_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image_mono_iso_source_inv_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image_mono_iso_source_inv_ι_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image_mono_iso_source_hom_self_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image_mono_iso_source_hom_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image.pre_comp_ι_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image.pre_comp_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image.factor_thru_image_pre_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image.factor_thru_image_pre_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image.pre_comp_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image.comp_iso_hom_comp_image_ι_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image.comp_iso_hom_comp_image_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image.comp_iso_inv_comp_image_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image.comp_iso_inv_comp_image_ι_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image_map.map_ι_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image_map.factor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sq -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image_map.factor_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', sq -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image_map.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image.factor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sq -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image.map_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sq -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image.map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sq', sq -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.im_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.im_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: st, _x, _x -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image.iso_strong_epi_mono_hom_comp_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ -- category_theory/limits/shapes/kernel_pair.lean #check @category_theory.is_kernel_pair.comm_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ -- category_theory/limits/shapes/kernels.lean #check @category_theory.limits.kernel_fork.condition_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel_fork.condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel_fork.app_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel_fork.ι_of_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ι -/ #check @category_theory.limits.equalizer_as_kernel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel.condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel.condition_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel.lift_ι_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel.lift_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel.lift_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel.lift_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel_iso_of_eq_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel_iso_of_eq_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w₂, w₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel_comp_mono_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel_comp_mono_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel_is_iso_comp_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel_is_iso_comp_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel.ι_of_mono /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cokernel_cofork.condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cokernel_cofork.condition_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cokernel_cofork.app_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cokernel_cofork.π_of_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @category_theory.limits.coequalizer_as_cokernel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cokernel.condition_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cokernel.condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cokernel.π_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cokernel.π_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cokernel.desc_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cokernel.map_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cokernel_iso_of_eq_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cokernel_iso_of_eq_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w₂, w₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cokernel_comp_is_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cokernel_comp_is_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cokernel_epi_comp_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cokernel_epi_comp_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cokernel.π_of_epi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cokernel_image_ι_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cokernel_image_ι_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- category_theory/limits/shapes/multiequalizer.lean #check @category_theory.limits.multicospan_index.multicospan_obj_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicospan_index.multicospan_obj_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicospan_index.multicospan_map_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicospan_index.multicospan_map_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicospan_index.fst_pi_map_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', b, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicospan_index.fst_pi_map_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicospan_index.snd_pi_map_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicospan_index.snd_pi_map_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', b, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicospan_index.parallel_pair_diagram_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, y, x, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicospan_index.parallel_pair_diagram_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multispan_index.multispan_obj_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multispan_index.multispan_obj_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multispan_index.multispan_map_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multispan_index.multispan_map_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multispan_index.ι_fst_sigma_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multispan_index.ι_fst_sigma_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', b, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multispan_index.ι_snd_sigma_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multispan_index.ι_snd_sigma_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', b, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multifork.ι_eq_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, K -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multifork.app_left_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, K -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multifork.app_left_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, K -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multifork.of_ι_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multifork.of_ι_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, ι, P, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multifork.condition_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', b, K -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multifork.condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, K -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multifork.is_limit.mk_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E, lift -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multifork.pi_condition_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', K -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multifork.pi_condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multifork.to_pi_fork_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multifork.to_pi_fork_π_app_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multifork.to_pi_fork_π_app_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multifork.of_pi_fork_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multifork.of_pi_fork_π_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, c, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multifork.of_pi_fork_π_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, c, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicospan_index.to_pi_fork_functor_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, K₂, K₁, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicospan_index.to_pi_fork_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicospan_index.of_pi_fork_functor_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, K₂, K₁, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicospan_index.of_pi_fork_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicospan_index.multifork_equiv_pi_fork_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicospan_index.multifork_equiv_pi_fork_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicospan_index.multifork_equiv_pi_fork_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicospan_index.multifork_equiv_pi_fork_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicofork.π_eq_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, K -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicofork.fst_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, K -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicofork.snd_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, K -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicofork.of_π_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicofork.of_π_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, π, P, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicofork.condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, K -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicofork.condition_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', a, K -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicofork.is_colimit.mk_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E, desc -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicofork.sigma_condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicofork.sigma_condition_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', K -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicofork.to_sigma_cofork_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicofork.to_sigma_cofork_ι_app_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicofork.to_sigma_cofork_ι_app_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicofork.of_sigma_cofork_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicofork.of_sigma_cofork_ι_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, c, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicofork.of_sigma_cofork_ι_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, c, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multispan_index.to_sigma_cofork_functor_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, K₂, K₁, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multispan_index.to_sigma_cofork_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multispan_index.of_sigma_cofork_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multispan_index.of_sigma_cofork_functor_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, K₂, K₁, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multispan_index.multicofork_equiv_sigma_cofork_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multispan_index.multicofork_equiv_sigma_cofork_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multispan_index.multicofork_equiv_sigma_cofork_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multispan_index.multicofork_equiv_sigma_cofork_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multiequalizer.multifork_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multiequalizer.multifork_π_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multiequalizer.condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multiequalizer.condition_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', b, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multiequalizer.lift_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, k -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multiequalizer.lift_ι_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', a, k, W, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multiequalizer.ι_pi_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', a, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multiequalizer.ι_pi_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicoequalizer.multicofork_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicoequalizer.multicofork_ι_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicoequalizer.condition_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', a, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicoequalizer.condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicoequalizer.π_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', b, k, W, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicoequalizer.π_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, k -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicoequalizer.ι_sigma_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', b, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.multicoequalizer.ι_sigma_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, I -/ -- category_theory/limits/shapes/products.lean #check @category_theory.limits.fan.mk_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.fan.mk_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, p -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cofan.mk_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, p -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cofan.mk_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pi_comparison_comp_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', b, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pi_comparison_comp_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.map_lift_pi_comparison_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, P, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.map_lift_pi_comparison /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, P, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.ι_comp_sigma_comparison /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.ι_comp_sigma_comparison_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', b, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.sigma_comparison_map_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, P, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.sigma_comparison_map_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, P, f, G -/ -- category_theory/limits/shapes/pullbacks.lean #check @category_theory.limits.walking_cospan_functor_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.walking_span_functor_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cospan_map_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.span_map_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cospan_map_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.span_map_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cospan_map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.span_map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.diagram_iso_cospan_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.diagram_iso_cospan_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.diagram_iso_span_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.diagram_iso_span_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.mk_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, snd, fst -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.mk_π_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: fst -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.mk_π_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: snd -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.mk_π_app_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: eq, snd, fst -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.mk_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: fst -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.mk_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: snd -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.condition_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.equalizer_ext /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.mk_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, inr, inl -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.mk_ι_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: inl -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.mk_ι_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: inr -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.mk_ι_app_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: eq, inr, inl -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.mk_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: inl -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.mk_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: inr -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.condition_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.coequalizer_ext /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone.of_pullback_cone_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone.of_pullback_cone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone.of_pushout_cocone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone.of_pushout_cocone_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.of_cone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.of_cone_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.iso_mk_inv_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_cone.iso_mk_hom_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.of_cocone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.of_cocone_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.iso_mk_hom_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone.iso_mk_inv_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback.lift_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback.lift_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback.lift_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback.lift_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout.inl_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout.inl_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout.inr_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout.inr_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback.condition_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout.condition_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback.congr_hom_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback.congr_hom_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout.congr_hom_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout.congr_hom_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_comparison_comp_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_comparison_comp_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_comparison_comp_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_comparison_comp_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.map_lift_pullback_comparison /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.map_lift_pullback_comparison_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', w, g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inl_comp_pushout_comparison_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inl_comp_pushout_comparison /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inr_comp_pushout_comparison_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inr_comp_pushout_comparison /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout_comparison_map_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout_comparison_map_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', w, g, f, G -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_symmetry_hom_comp_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_symmetry_hom_comp_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_symmetry_hom_comp_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_symmetry_hom_comp_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_symmetry_inv_comp_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_symmetry_inv_comp_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_symmetry_inv_comp_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_symmetry_inv_comp_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inl_comp_pushout_symmetry_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inl_comp_pushout_symmetry_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inr_comp_pushout_symmetry_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inr_comp_pushout_symmetry_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inl_comp_pushout_symmetry_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inl_comp_pushout_symmetry_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inr_comp_pushout_symmetry_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inr_comp_pushout_symmetry_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_cone_of_left_iso_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_cone_of_left_iso_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_cone_of_left_iso_π_app_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_cone_of_left_iso_π_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_cone_of_left_iso_π_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_cone_of_right_iso_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_cone_of_right_iso_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_cone_of_right_iso_π_app_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_cone_of_right_iso_π_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_cone_of_right_iso_π_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone_of_left_iso_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone_of_left_iso_ι_app_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone_of_left_iso_ι_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone_of_left_iso_ι_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone_of_right_iso_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone_of_right_iso_ι_app_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone_of_right_iso_ι_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pushout_cocone_of_right_iso_ι_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.fst_eq_snd_of_mono_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_symmetry_hom_of_mono_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inl_eq_inr_of_epi_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_symmetry_hom_of_epi_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_right_pullback_fst_iso_hom_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_right_pullback_fst_iso_hom_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_right_pullback_fst_iso_hom_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_right_pullback_fst_iso_hom_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_right_pullback_fst_iso_inv_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_right_pullback_fst_iso_inv_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_right_pullback_fst_iso_inv_snd_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_right_pullback_fst_iso_inv_snd_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_right_pullback_fst_iso_inv_snd_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_right_pullback_fst_iso_inv_snd_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inl_pushout_left_pushout_inr_iso_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inl_pushout_left_pushout_inr_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inr_pushout_left_pushout_inr_iso_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inr_pushout_left_pushout_inr_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inr_pushout_left_pushout_inr_iso_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inr_pushout_left_pushout_inr_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inl_inl_pushout_left_pushout_inr_iso_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inl_inl_pushout_left_pushout_inr_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inr_inl_pushout_left_pushout_inr_iso_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inr_inl_pushout_left_pushout_inr_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_assoc_inv_fst_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₄, f₃, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_assoc_inv_fst_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f₄, f₃, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_assoc_hom_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₄, f₃, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_assoc_hom_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f₄, f₃, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_assoc_hom_snd_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f₄, f₃, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_assoc_hom_snd_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₄, f₃, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_assoc_hom_snd_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f₄, f₃, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_assoc_hom_snd_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₄, f₃, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_assoc_inv_fst_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f₄, f₃, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_assoc_inv_fst_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₄, f₃, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_assoc_inv_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f₄, f₃, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.pullback_assoc_inv_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₄, f₃, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inl_inl_pushout_assoc_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₄, g₃, g₂, g₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inl_inl_pushout_assoc_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g₄, g₃, g₂, g₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inr_inl_pushout_assoc_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g₄, g₃, g₂, g₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inr_inl_pushout_assoc_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₄, g₃, g₂, g₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inr_inr_pushout_assoc_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₄, g₃, g₂, g₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inr_inr_pushout_assoc_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g₄, g₃, g₂, g₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inl_pushout_assoc_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g₄, g₃, g₂, g₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inl_pushout_assoc_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₄, g₃, g₂, g₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inl_inr_pushout_assoc_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₄, g₃, g₂, g₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inl_inr_pushout_assoc_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g₄, g₃, g₂, g₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inr_pushout_assoc_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₄, g₃, g₂, g₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.inr_pushout_assoc_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g₄, g₃, g₂, g₁ -/ -- category_theory/limits/shapes/reflexive.lean #check @category_theory.section_comp_left_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.section_comp_right_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.left_comp_retraction_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.right_comp_retraction_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ -- category_theory/limits/shapes/regular_mono.lean #check @category_theory.regular_mono.w_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.regular_epi.w_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ -- category_theory/limits/shapes/split_coequalizer.lean #check @category_theory.is_split_coequalizer.condition_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.is_split_coequalizer.left_section_bottom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.is_split_coequalizer.left_section_top_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', self -/ #check @category_theory.is_split_coequalizer.right_section_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.is_split_coequalizer.map_right_section /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, q -/ #check @category_theory.is_split_coequalizer.map_left_section /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, q -/ #check @category_theory.is_split_coequalizer.as_cofork_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ -- category_theory/limits/shapes/strict_initial.lean #check @category_theory.limits.mul_is_initial_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.mul_is_initial_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hI, X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_initial_mul_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_initial_mul_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hI, X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.mul_initial_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.mul_initial_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.initial_mul_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.initial_mul_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ -- category_theory/limits/shapes/terminal.lean #check @category_theory.limits.as_empty_cone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.as_empty_cone_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.as_empty_cocone_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.as_empty_cocone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_terminal.comp_from /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_initial.to_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_terminal.unique_up_to_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hT' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_terminal.unique_up_to_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hT -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_initial.unique_up_to_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hI' -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_initial.unique_up_to_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hI -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone_of_diagram_initial_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone_of_diagram_initial_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, F, tX -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone_of_diagram_terminal_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, F, hX -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone_of_diagram_terminal_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone_of_diagram_terminal_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone_of_diagram_terminal_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, F, tX -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone_of_diagram_initial_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, F, hX -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone_of_diagram_initial_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ -- category_theory/limits/shapes/types.lean #check @category_theory.limits.types.pi_lift_π_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, b, s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.pi_map_π_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, b, α -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.binary_product_cone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.binary_product_cone_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.binary_product_cone_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.binary_product_limit_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.binary_product_limit_cone_is_limit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.binary_product_limit_cone_cone /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.binary_product_functor_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y₂, Y₁, X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.binary_product_functor_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, f, X₂, X₁ -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.binary_product_functor_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.binary_coproduct_cocone_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, j, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.binary_coproduct_cocone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.binary_coproduct_colimit_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, s, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.type_equalizer_iff_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.coequalizer_preimage_image_eq_of_preimage_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.pullback_limit_cone_cone /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.pullback_limit_cone_is_limit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.pullback_iso_pullback_hom_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.pullback_iso_pullback_hom_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.pullback_iso_pullback_inv_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.pullback_iso_pullback_inv_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ -- category_theory/limits/shapes/wide_equalizers.lean #check @category_theory.limits.walking_parallel_family.hom_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.parallel_family_map_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.diagram_iso_parallel_family_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.diagram_iso_parallel_family_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.trident.ι_eq_app_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cotrident.π_eq_app_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.trident.app_zero_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.trident.app_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cotrident.app_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cotrident.app_one_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.trident.of_ι_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, ι -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cotrident.of_π_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, π -/ #check @category_theory.limits.trident.ι_of_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ι -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cotrident.π_of_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @category_theory.limits.trident.condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.trident.condition_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cotrident.condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cotrident.condition_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.trident.equalizer_ext /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cotrident.coequalizer_ext /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, s -/ #check @category_theory.limits.trident.is_limit.hom_iso_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, Z, ht -/ #check @category_theory.limits.trident.is_limit.hom_iso_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, Z -/ #check @category_theory.limits.trident.is_limit.hom_iso_natural /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, q, ht -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cotrident.is_colimit.hom_iso_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, Z, ht -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cotrident.is_colimit.hom_iso_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, Z -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cotrident.is_colimit.hom_iso_natural /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, ht, q -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cone.of_trident_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cocone.of_cotrident_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.trident.of_cone_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cotrident.of_cocone_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.trident.mk_hom_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @category_theory.limits.trident.ext_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, i -/ #check @category_theory.limits.trident.ext_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, i -/ #check @category_theory.limits.cotrident.mk_hom_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_equalizer.trident_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_equalizer.trident_π_app_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_equalizer.condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_equalizer.condition_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_equalizer.lift_ι_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_equalizer.lift_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_coequalizer.cotrident_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_coequalizer.cotrident_ι_app_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_coequalizer.condition_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_coequalizer.condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_coequalizer.π_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_coequalizer.π_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', k -/ -- category_theory/limits/shapes/wide_pullbacks.lean #check @category_theory.limits.wide_pullback_shape.hom_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_pullback_shape.wide_cospan_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, arrows, objs, B -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_pullback_shape.wide_cospan_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, objs, B -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_pullback_shape.mk_cone_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, π, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_pushout_shape.hom_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_pushout_shape.wide_span_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, objs, B -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_pushout_shape.wide_span_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, arrows, objs, B -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_pushout_shape.mk_cocone_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, ι, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_pullback.π_arrow_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', arrows -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_pullback.π_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: arrows -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_pullback.lift_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, fs -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_pullback.lift_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, fs -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_pullback.lift_base /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_pullback.lift_base_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_pullback.hom_eq_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_pushout.arrow_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: arrows -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_pushout.arrow_ι_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', arrows -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_pushout.ι_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, fs -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_pushout.ι_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, fs -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_pushout.head_desc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_pushout.head_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.wide_pushout.hom_eq_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ -- category_theory/limits/shapes/zero.lean #check @category_theory.limits.has_zero_morphisms.comp_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z -/ #check @category_theory.limits.has_zero_morphisms.zero_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.zero_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, G, F, D -/ #check @category_theory.limits.equivalence_preserves_zero_morphisms /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, F, D -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_equivalence_preserves_zero_morphisms /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, F, D -/ #check @category_theory.limits.id_zero_equiv_iso_zero_apply_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.id_zero_equiv_iso_zero_apply_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_iso_zero_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_iso_zero_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.mono_factorisation_zero_e /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.limits.mono_factorisation_zero_m /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y -/ -- category_theory/limits/types.lean #check @category_theory.limits.types.is_limit_equiv_sections_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, j -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.is_limit_equiv_sections_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, x -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.limit_equiv_sections_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, x, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.limit_equiv_sections_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, x, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.limit.π_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, x -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.limit_ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.limit.lift_π_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, j, s, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.limit.map_π_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, j, α -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.colimit_equiv_quot_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, j, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.colimit_equiv_quot_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, j, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.colimit.ι_desc_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, j, s, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.colimit.ι_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, j, α -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.filtered_colimit.rel_eq_eqv_gen_quot_rel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.filtered_colimit.colimit_eq_iff_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.filtered_colimit.is_colimit_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.types.filtered_colimit.colimit_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ -- category_theory/limits/yoneda.lean #check @category_theory.coyoneda.colimit_cocone_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X_1, X -/ #check @category_theory.coyoneda.colimit_cocone_is_colimit_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, X -/ -- category_theory/linear/default.lean #check @category_theory.linear.smul_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, r, Z, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.linear.comp_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, r, f, Z, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.linear.smul_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f, r, Z, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.linear.comp_smul_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, r, f, Z, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.linear.left_comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, Z -/ #check @category_theory.linear.right_comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, X -/ #check @category_theory.linear.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Z, Y, X -/ -- category_theory/linear/linear_functor.lean #check @category_theory.functor.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.coe_map_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ -- category_theory/linear/yoneda.lean #check @category_theory.linear_yoneda_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y', Y, X, C, R -/ #check @category_theory.linear_yoneda_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, C, R -/ #check @category_theory.linear_yoneda_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, f, X', X, C, R -/ -- category_theory/monad/adjunction.lean #check @category_theory.adjunction.to_monad_μ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.to_monad_η /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.to_comonad_δ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.to_comonad_ε /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.adj_to_monad_iso_inv_to_nat_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, T -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.adj_to_monad_iso_hom_to_nat_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, T -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.adj_to_comonad_iso_hom_to_nat_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G -/ #check @category_theory.adjunction.adj_to_comonad_iso_inv_to_nat_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G -/ #check @category_theory.monad.comparison_map_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monad.comparison_obj_a /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, h -/ #check @category_theory.monad.comparison_obj_A /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.monad.comparison_forget_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.monad.comparison_forget_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, h -/ #check @category_theory.monad.left_comparison /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.comparison_obj_A /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.comparison_map_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.comparison_obj_a /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, h -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.comparison_forget_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.comparison_forget_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, h -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.left_comparison /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ -- category_theory/monad/algebra.lean #check @category_theory.monad.algebra.unit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @category_theory.monad.algebra.assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @category_theory.monad.algebra.assoc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', self -/ #check @category_theory.monad.algebra.unit_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.monad.algebra.hom.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.monad.algebra.hom.h /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @category_theory.monad.algebra.hom.h_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', self -/ #check @category_theory.monad.algebra.comp_eq_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monad.algebra.id_eq_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @category_theory.monad.algebra.id_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @category_theory.monad.algebra.comp_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monad.algebra.iso_mk_inv_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.monad.algebra.iso_mk_hom_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.monad.forget_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, T -/ #check @category_theory.monad.forget_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, B, A, T -/ #check @category_theory.monad.free_map_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, T -/ #check @category_theory.monad.free_obj_a /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, T -/ #check @category_theory.monad.free_obj_A /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, T -/ #check @category_theory.monad.adj_counit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.monad.adj_unit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.monad.left_adjoint_forget /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.monad.of_right_adjoint_forget /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.monad.algebra_functor_of_monad_hom_obj_A /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @category_theory.monad.algebra_functor_of_monad_hom_obj_a /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, h -/ #check @category_theory.monad.algebra_functor_of_monad_hom_map_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, A₂, A₁ -/ #check @category_theory.monad.algebra_functor_of_monad_hom_id_hom_app_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.monad.algebra_functor_of_monad_hom_id_inv_app_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.monad.algebra_functor_of_monad_hom_comp_hom_app_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monad.algebra_functor_of_monad_hom_comp_inv_app_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monad.algebra_functor_of_monad_hom_eq_inv_app_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.monad.algebra_functor_of_monad_hom_eq_hom_app_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.monad.algebra_equiv_of_iso_monads_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.monad.algebra_equiv_of_iso_monads_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.monad.algebra_equiv_of_iso_monads_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.monad.algebra_equiv_of_iso_monads_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.coalgebra.counit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.coalgebra.coassoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.coalgebra.coassoc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', self -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.coalgebra.counit_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.coalgebra.hom.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.coalgebra.hom.h /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.coalgebra.hom.h_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', self -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.coalgebra.comp_eq_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.coalgebra.id_eq_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.coalgebra.id_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.coalgebra.comp_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.coalgebra.iso_mk_hom_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.coalgebra.iso_mk_inv_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.forget_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, G -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.forget_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, B, A, G -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.cofree_obj_A /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.cofree_obj_a /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.cofree_map_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, G -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.adj_unit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.adj_counit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.right_adjoint_forget /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.of_left_adjoint_forget /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ -- category_theory/monad/basic.lean #check @category_theory.monad_to_functor_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.comonad_to_functor_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @category_theory.monad.assoc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', X, T -/ #check @category_theory.monad.assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, T -/ #check @category_theory.monad.left_unit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, T -/ #check @category_theory.monad.left_unit_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.monad.right_unit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, T -/ #check @category_theory.monad.right_unit_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.coassoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.coassoc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', X, G -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.left_counit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.left_counit_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.right_counit_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.right_counit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G -/ #check @category_theory.monad_hom.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.comonad_hom.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.monad_hom.app_η /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.monad_hom.app_μ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, self -/ #check @category_theory.monad_hom.app_η_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', X -/ #check @category_theory.monad_hom.app_μ_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', X, self -/ #check @category_theory.comonad_hom.app_ε /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.comonad_hom.app_δ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, self -/ #check @category_theory.comonad_hom.app_ε_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', X -/ #check @category_theory.comonad_hom.app_δ_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', X, self -/ #check @category_theory.monad_hom.id_to_nat_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.monad_hom.comp_to_nat_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.comonad_hom.id_to_nat_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.comp_to_nat_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monad_iso.mk_hom_to_nat_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.monad_iso.mk_inv_to_nat_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.comonad_iso.mk_inv_to_nat_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.comonad_iso.mk_hom_to_nat_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.monad_to_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, N, M, C -/ #check @category_theory.monad_to_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, C -/ #check @category_theory.monad_to_functor_map_iso_monad_iso_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.comonad_to_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, C -/ #check @category_theory.comonad_to_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, N, M, C -/ #check @category_theory.comonad_to_functor_map_iso_comonad_iso_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.monad_iso.to_nat_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.monad_iso.to_nat_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.comonad_iso.to_nat_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.comonad_iso.to_nat_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.monad.id_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.monad.id_η /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.monad.id_μ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.id_ε /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.id_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.comonad.id_δ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ -- category_theory/monad/coequalizer.lean #check @category_theory.monad.free_coequalizer.top_map_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.monad.free_coequalizer.bottom_map_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.monad.free_coequalizer.π_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.monad.free_coequalizer.condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.monad.beck_algebra_cofork_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.monad.beck_algebra_cofork_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X -/ #check @category_theory.monad.beck_cofork_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.monad.beck_cofork_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X -/ -- category_theory/monad/equiv_mon.lean #check @category_theory.Monad.to_Mon_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @category_theory.Monad.to_Mon_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @category_theory.Monad.to_Mon_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @category_theory.Monad.Monad_to_Mon_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, C -/ #check @category_theory.Monad.Monad_to_Mon_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x, C -/ #check @category_theory.Monad.of_Mon_η /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @category_theory.Monad.of_Mon_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @category_theory.Monad.of_Mon_μ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @category_theory.Monad.Mon_to_Monad_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, C -/ #check @category_theory.Monad.Mon_to_Monad_map_to_nat_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, f, _x, _x, C -/ #check @category_theory.Monad.Monad_Mon_equiv.counit_iso_inv_app_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, _x -/ #check @category_theory.Monad.Monad_Mon_equiv.counit_iso_hom_app_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, _x -/ #check @category_theory.Monad.Monad_Mon_equiv.unit_iso_hom_app_to_nat_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: _x, _x -/ #check @category_theory.Monad.Monad_Mon_equiv.unit_iso_inv_app_to_nat_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: _x, _x -/ #check @category_theory.Monad.Monad_Mon_equiv_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.Monad.Monad_Mon_equiv_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.Monad.Monad_Mon_equiv_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.Monad.Monad_Mon_equiv_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ -- category_theory/monad/kleisli.lean #check @category_theory.kleisli.adjunction.to_kleisli_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, T -/ #check @category_theory.kleisli.adjunction.to_kleisli_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.kleisli.adjunction.from_kleisli_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, T -/ #check @category_theory.kleisli.adjunction.from_kleisli_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, T -/ -- category_theory/monad/limits.lean #check @category_theory.monad.forget_creates_limits.γ_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, D -/ #check @category_theory.monad.forget_creates_limits.new_cone_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, c, D -/ #check @category_theory.monad.forget_creates_limits.cone_point_A /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, D -/ #check @category_theory.monad.forget_creates_limits.cone_point_a /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, c, D -/ #check @category_theory.monad.forget_creates_limits.lifted_cone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, c, D -/ #check @category_theory.monad.forget_creates_limits.lifted_cone_π_app_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, c, D -/ #check @category_theory.monad.forget_creates_limits.lifted_cone_is_limit_lift_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, t, c, D -/ #check @category_theory.monad.forget_creates_colimits.γ_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @category_theory.monad.forget_creates_colimits.new_cocone_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.monad.forget_creates_colimits.new_cocone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.monad.forget_creates_colimits.commuting /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, c -/ #check @category_theory.monad.forget_creates_colimits.cocone_point_a /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, c -/ #check @category_theory.monad.forget_creates_colimits.cocone_point_A /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @category_theory.monad.forget_creates_colimits.lifted_cocone_ι_app_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, c -/ #check @category_theory.monad.forget_creates_colimits.lifted_cocone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, c -/ #check @category_theory.monad.forget_creates_colimits.lifted_cocone_is_colimit_desc_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, t, c -/ -- category_theory/monad/monadicity.lean #check @category_theory.monad.monadicity_internal.comparison_left_adjoint_hom_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, B, A -/ #check @category_theory.monad.monadicity_internal.comparison_left_adjoint_hom_equiv_apply_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, B, A -/ #check @category_theory.monad.monadicity_internal.comparison_adjunction_unit_f_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @category_theory.monad.monadicity_internal.unit_cofork_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, A -/ #check @category_theory.monad.monadicity_internal.unit_cofork_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @category_theory.monad.monadicity_internal.comparison_adjunction_unit_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @category_theory.monad.monadicity_internal.counit_cofork_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ #check @category_theory.monad.monadicity_internal.counit_cofork_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, B -/ #check @category_theory.monad.monadicity_internal.comparison_adjunction_counit_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ -- category_theory/monad/products.lean #check @category_theory.prod_comonad_ε_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.prod_comonad_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.prod_comonad_δ_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.coalgebra_to_over_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, A₂, A₁, X -/ #check @category_theory.coalgebra_to_over_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, X -/ #check @category_theory.over_to_coalgebra_obj_A /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, X -/ #check @category_theory.over_to_coalgebra_obj_a /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, X -/ #check @category_theory.over_to_coalgebra_map_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f₂, f₁, X -/ #check @category_theory.coalgebra_equiv_over_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.coalgebra_equiv_over_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.coalgebra_equiv_over_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.coalgebra_equiv_over_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.coprod_monad_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.coprod_monad_η_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.coprod_monad_μ_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.algebra_to_under_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, A₂, A₁, X -/ #check @category_theory.algebra_to_under_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, X -/ #check @category_theory.under_to_algebra_obj_A /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, X -/ #check @category_theory.under_to_algebra_obj_a /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, X -/ #check @category_theory.under_to_algebra_map_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f₂, f₁, X -/ #check @category_theory.algebra_equiv_under_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.algebra_equiv_under_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.algebra_equiv_under_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.algebra_equiv_under_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ -- category_theory/monad/types.lean #check @category_theory.of_type_monad_η_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, m -/ #check @category_theory.of_type_monad_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @category_theory.of_type_monad_μ_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, m -/ #check @category_theory.eq_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @category_theory.eq_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @category_theory.eq_inverse_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @category_theory.eq_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.eq_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @category_theory.eq_inverse_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ -- category_theory/monoidal/CommMon_.lean #check @CommMon_.mul_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @CommMon_.mul_comm_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', self -/ #check @CommMon_.trivial_to_Mon_ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @CommMon_.id_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @CommMon_.comp_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @CommMon_.forget₂_Mon_obj_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, C -/ #check @CommMon_.forget₂_Mon_obj_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, C -/ #check @CommMon_.forget₂_Mon_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, C -/ #check @category_theory.lax_braided_functor.map_CommMon_obj_to_Mon_ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, F -/ #check @category_theory.lax_braided_functor.map_CommMon_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, B, A, F -/ #check @CommMon_.equiv_lax_braided_functor_punit.lax_braided_to_CommMon_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, G, F, C -/ #check @CommMon_.equiv_lax_braided_functor_punit.lax_braided_to_CommMon_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, C -/ #check @CommMon_.equiv_lax_braided_functor_punit.CommMon_to_lax_braided_obj_to_lax_monoidal_functor_μ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, C -/ #check @CommMon_.equiv_lax_braided_functor_punit.CommMon_to_lax_braided_obj_to_lax_monoidal_functor_ε /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, C -/ #check @CommMon_.equiv_lax_braided_functor_punit.CommMon_to_lax_braided_obj_to_lax_monoidal_functor_to_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, C -/ #check @CommMon_.equiv_lax_braided_functor_punit.CommMon_to_lax_braided_map_to_nat_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, B, A, C -/ #check @CommMon_.equiv_lax_braided_functor_punit.CommMon_to_lax_braided_obj_to_lax_monoidal_functor_to_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, C -/ #check @CommMon_.equiv_lax_braided_functor_punit.unit_iso_hom_app_to_nat_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X, C -/ #check @CommMon_.equiv_lax_braided_functor_punit.unit_iso_inv_app_to_nat_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X, C -/ #check @CommMon_.equiv_lax_braided_functor_punit.counit_iso_hom_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @CommMon_.equiv_lax_braided_functor_punit.counit_iso_inv_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @CommMon_.equiv_lax_braided_functor_punit_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @CommMon_.equiv_lax_braided_functor_punit_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @CommMon_.equiv_lax_braided_functor_punit_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @CommMon_.equiv_lax_braided_functor_punit_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ -- category_theory/monoidal/End.lean #check @category_theory.tensoring_right_monoidal_to_lax_monoidal_functor_ε /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.tensoring_right_monoidal_to_lax_monoidal_functor_μ_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.tensoring_right_monoidal_to_lax_monoidal_functor_to_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.μ_hom_inv_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.μ_hom_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, j, i, F -/ #check @category_theory.μ_inv_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, j, i, F -/ #check @category_theory.μ_inv_hom_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.ε_hom_inv_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.ε_hom_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.ε_inv_hom_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.ε_inv_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.ε_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @category_theory.ε_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, F -/ #check @category_theory.ε_inv_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, F -/ #check @category_theory.ε_inv_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @category_theory.μ_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, F -/ #check @category_theory.μ_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @category_theory.μ_inv_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, F -/ #check @category_theory.μ_inv_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @category_theory.μ_naturality₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, g, f, F -/ #check @category_theory.μ_naturality₂_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', X, g, f, F -/ #check @category_theory.μ_naturalityₗ_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', X, f, F -/ #check @category_theory.μ_naturalityₗ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, f, F -/ #check @category_theory.μ_naturalityᵣ_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', X, g, F -/ #check @category_theory.μ_naturalityᵣ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, g, F -/ #check @category_theory.μ_inv_naturalityₗ_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', X, f, F -/ #check @category_theory.μ_inv_naturalityₗ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, f, F -/ #check @category_theory.μ_inv_naturalityᵣ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, g, F -/ #check @category_theory.μ_inv_naturalityᵣ_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', X, g, F -/ #check @category_theory.left_unitality_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, n, F -/ #check @category_theory.left_unitality_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.obj_ε_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, n, F -/ #check @category_theory.obj_ε_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', X, n, F -/ #check @category_theory.obj_ε_inv_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', X, n, F -/ #check @category_theory.obj_ε_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, n, F -/ #check @category_theory.right_unitality_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.right_unitality_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, n, F -/ #check @category_theory.ε_app_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, n, F -/ #check @category_theory.ε_inv_app_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, n, F -/ #check @category_theory.associativity_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, m₃, m₂, m₁, F -/ #check @category_theory.associativity_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', X, m₃, m₂, m₁, F -/ #check @category_theory.obj_μ_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, m₃, m₂, m₁, F -/ #check @category_theory.obj_μ_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', X, m₃, m₂, m₁, F -/ #check @category_theory.obj_μ_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, m₃, m₂, m₁, F -/ #check @category_theory.obj_μ_inv_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', X, m₃, m₂, m₁, F -/ #check @category_theory.obj_zero_map_μ_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @category_theory.obj_zero_map_μ_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, F -/ #check @category_theory.obj_μ_zero_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, m₂, m₁, F -/ #check @category_theory.unit_of_tensor_iso_unit_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, h, n, m, F -/ #check @category_theory.unit_of_tensor_iso_unit_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, h, n, m, F -/ #check @category_theory.equiv_of_tensor_iso_unit_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, F -/ #check @category_theory.equiv_of_tensor_iso_unit_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, n, m, F -/ #check @category_theory.equiv_of_tensor_iso_unit_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, F -/ #check @category_theory.equiv_of_tensor_iso_unit_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₁, n, m, F -/ -- category_theory/monoidal/Mod.lean #check @Mod.one_act /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @Mod.assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @Mod.one_act_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', self -/ #check @Mod.assoc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', self -/ #check @Mod.assoc_flip /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @Mod.hom.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @Mod.hom.act_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @Mod.hom.act_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', self -/ #check @Mod.id_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @Mod.comp_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @Mod.id_hom' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @Mod.comp_hom' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @Mod.regular_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @Mod.regular_act /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @Mod.comap_obj_act /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, f -/ #check @Mod.comap_obj_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @Mod.comap_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, N, M -/ -- category_theory/monoidal/Mon_.lean #check @Mon_.one_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @Mon_.mul_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @Mon_.mul_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @Mon_.mul_one_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', self -/ #check @Mon_.one_mul_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', self -/ #check @Mon_.mul_assoc_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', self -/ #check @Mon_.trivial_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @Mon_.trivial_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @Mon_.trivial_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @Mon_.one_mul_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @Mon_.mul_one_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @Mon_.hom.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @Mon_.hom.mul_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @Mon_.hom.one_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @Mon_.hom.mul_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', self -/ #check @Mon_.id_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @Mon_.comp_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @Mon_.id_hom' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @Mon_.comp_hom' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @Mon_.forget_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, B, A, C -/ #check @Mon_.forget_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, C -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal_functor.map_Mon_obj_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, F -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal_functor.map_Mon_obj_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, F -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal_functor.map_Mon_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, B, A, F -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal_functor.map_Mon_obj_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, F -/ #check @Mon_.equiv_lax_monoidal_functor_punit.lax_monoidal_to_Mon_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, G, F, C -/ #check @Mon_.equiv_lax_monoidal_functor_punit.lax_monoidal_to_Mon_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, C -/ #check @Mon_.equiv_lax_monoidal_functor_punit.Mon_to_lax_monoidal_obj_to_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, C -/ #check @Mon_.equiv_lax_monoidal_functor_punit.Mon_to_lax_monoidal_obj_to_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, C -/ #check @Mon_.equiv_lax_monoidal_functor_punit.Mon_to_lax_monoidal_map_to_nat_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, B, A, C -/ #check @Mon_.equiv_lax_monoidal_functor_punit.Mon_to_lax_monoidal_obj_μ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, C -/ #check @Mon_.equiv_lax_monoidal_functor_punit.Mon_to_lax_monoidal_obj_ε /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, C -/ #check @Mon_.equiv_lax_monoidal_functor_punit.unit_iso_inv_app_to_nat_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X, C -/ #check @Mon_.equiv_lax_monoidal_functor_punit.unit_iso_hom_app_to_nat_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X, C -/ #check @Mon_.equiv_lax_monoidal_functor_punit.counit_iso_hom_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @Mon_.equiv_lax_monoidal_functor_punit.counit_iso_inv_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @Mon_.equiv_lax_monoidal_functor_punit_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @Mon_.equiv_lax_monoidal_functor_punit_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @Mon_.equiv_lax_monoidal_functor_punit_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @Mon_.equiv_lax_monoidal_functor_punit_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ -- category_theory/monoidal/braided.lean #check @category_theory.braided_category.braiding_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.braided_category.braiding_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.braided_category.hexagon_forward /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.braided_category.hexagon_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.braiding_left_unitor_aux₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.braiding_left_unitor_aux₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.braiding_left_unitor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.braiding_right_unitor_aux₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.braiding_right_unitor_aux₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.braiding_right_unitor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.symmetric_category.symmetry /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.symmetric_category.symmetry_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.lax_braided_functor.braided /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, self -/ #check @category_theory.lax_braided_functor.id_to_lax_monoidal_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.lax_braided_functor.comp_to_lax_monoidal_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F -/ #check @category_theory.lax_braided_functor.mk_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @category_theory.lax_braided_functor.mk_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @category_theory.braided_functor.braided /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, self -/ #check @category_theory.braided_functor.to_lax_braided_functor_to_lax_monoidal_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.braided_functor.id_to_monoidal_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.braided_functor.comp_to_monoidal_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F -/ #check @category_theory.braided_functor.mk_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @category_theory.braided_functor.mk_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @category_theory.discrete.braided_functor_to_monoidal_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ -- category_theory/monoidal/category.lean #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.tensor_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X₂, X₁ -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.tensor_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₂, g₁, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.tensor_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g₂, g₁, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.associator_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₃, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.associator_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f₃, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.left_unitor_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.left_unitor_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.right_unitor_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.right_unitor_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.pentagon /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X, W -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.triangle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.pentagon_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Z, Y, X, W -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.triangle_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.tensor_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.tensor_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.inv_tensor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.comp_tensor_id_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.comp_tensor_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.id_tensor_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.id_tensor_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.id_tensor_comp_tensor_id_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.id_tensor_comp_tensor_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.tensor_id_comp_id_tensor_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.tensor_id_comp_id_tensor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.left_unitor_inv_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.left_unitor_inv_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.right_unitor_inv_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.right_unitor_inv_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.right_unitor_conjugation /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.left_unitor_conjugation /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.tensor_left_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.tensor_right_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.left_unitor_tensor' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.left_unitor_tensor'_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.left_unitor_tensor_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.left_unitor_tensor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.left_unitor_tensor_inv' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.left_unitor_tensor_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.left_unitor_tensor_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.right_unitor_tensor_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.right_unitor_tensor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.right_unitor_tensor_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.right_unitor_tensor_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.id_tensor_right_unitor_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.id_tensor_right_unitor_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.left_unitor_inv_tensor_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.left_unitor_inv_tensor_id_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.associator_inv_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.associator_inv_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.id_tensor_associator_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.id_tensor_associator_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.id_tensor_associator_inv_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.id_tensor_associator_inv_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.associator_conjugation /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.associator_conjugation_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.associator_inv_conjugation /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.associator_inv_conjugation_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.pentagon_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Z, Y, X, W -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.pentagon_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X, W -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.pentagon_inv_inv_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X, W -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.pentagon_inv_inv_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Z, Y, X, W -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.triangle_assoc_comp_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.triangle_assoc_comp_right_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.triangle_assoc_comp_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.triangle_assoc_comp_right_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.triangle_assoc_comp_right_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.triangle_assoc_comp_left_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.triangle_assoc_comp_left_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.right_unitor_inv_comp_tensor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.right_unitor_inv_comp_tensor_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.left_unitor_inv_comp_tensor_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.left_unitor_inv_comp_tensor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.hom_inv_id_tensor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.hom_inv_id_tensor_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, g -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.inv_hom_id_tensor_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, g -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.inv_hom_id_tensor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.tensor_hom_inv_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.tensor_hom_inv_id_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, g -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.tensor_inv_hom_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.tensor_inv_hom_id_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, g -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.pentagon_hom_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.pentagon_inv_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Z, Y, X, W -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.pentagon_inv_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X, W -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.pentagon_comp_id_tensor_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.left_assoc_tensor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.left_assoc_tensor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.right_assoc_tensor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.right_assoc_tensor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.associator_nat_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.associator_nat_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.left_unitor_nat_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.left_unitor_nat_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.right_unitor_nat_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.right_unitor_nat_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.tensor_left_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.tensor_left_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y', Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.tensor_left_tensor_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.tensor_left_tensor_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.tensor_right_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y', Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.tensor_right_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.tensoring_left_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, f, Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.tensoring_left_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.tensoring_right_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, f, Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.tensoring_right_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.tensor_right_tensor_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_category.tensor_right_tensor_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X -/ -- category_theory/monoidal/center.lean #check @category_theory.half_braiding.monoidal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U', U, self -/ #check @category_theory.half_braiding.monoidal_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', U', U, self -/ #check @category_theory.half_braiding.naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, self -/ #check @category_theory.half_braiding.naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, self -/ #check @category_theory.center.hom.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.center.hom.comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, self -/ #check @category_theory.center.hom.comm_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', U, self -/ #check @category_theory.center.id_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.center.comp_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.center.iso_mk_inv_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.center.iso_mk_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.center.tensor_obj_snd_β /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.center.tensor_obj_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.center.tensor_hom_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.center.tensor_unit_snd_β /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @category_theory.center.tensor_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.center.tensor_β /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.center.tensor_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.center.tensor_unit_β /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @category_theory.center.associator_hom_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.center.associator_inv_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.center.left_unitor_hom_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.center.left_unitor_inv_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.center.right_unitor_hom_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.center.right_unitor_inv_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.center.forget_to_lax_monoidal_functor_μ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.center.forget_to_lax_monoidal_functor_to_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.center.forget_to_lax_monoidal_functor_ε /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.center.forget_to_lax_monoidal_functor_to_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.center.braiding_inv_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.center.braiding_hom_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.center.of_braided_obj_snd_β /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.center.of_braided_obj_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.center.of_braided_to_lax_monoidal_functor_to_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.center.of_braided_to_lax_monoidal_functor_to_functor_map_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.center.of_braided_to_lax_monoidal_functor_μ_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.center.of_braided_to_lax_monoidal_functor_ε_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ -- category_theory/monoidal/discrete.lean #check @dicrete.add_monoidal_functor_to_lax_monoidal_functor_to_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F -/ #check @dicrete.add_monoidal_functor_to_lax_monoidal_functor_ε /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @dicrete.add_monoidal_functor_to_lax_monoidal_functor_μ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.discrete.monoidal_functor_to_lax_monoidal_functor_to_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.discrete.monoidal_functor_to_lax_monoidal_functor_ε /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @dicrete.add_monoidal_functor_to_lax_monoidal_functor_to_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, F -/ #check @category_theory.discrete.monoidal_functor_to_lax_monoidal_functor_to_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, F -/ #check @category_theory.discrete.monoidal_functor_to_lax_monoidal_functor_μ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, F -/ -- category_theory/monoidal/free/basic.lean #check @category_theory.free_monoidal_category.mk_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.free_monoidal_category.mk_tensor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ -- category_theory/monoidal/free/coherence.lean #check @category_theory.free_monoidal_category.normalize_obj_unitor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @category_theory.free_monoidal_category.normalize_obj_tensor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.free_monoidal_category.tensor_func_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f, C -/ #check @category_theory.free_monoidal_category.tensor_func_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Z, C -/ #check @category_theory.free_monoidal_category.normalize_iso_app_tensor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.free_monoidal_category.normalize_iso_app_unitor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, C -/ -- category_theory/monoidal/functor.lean #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal_functor.μ_natural /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, self -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal_functor.μ_natural_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f, self -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal_functor.left_unitality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, self -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal_functor.right_unitality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, self -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal_functor.associativity /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X, self -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal_functor.associativity_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Z, Y, X, self -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal_functor.left_unitality_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal_functor.left_unitality_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', X, F -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal_functor.right_unitality_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal_functor.right_unitality_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', X, F -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal_functor.associativity_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Z, Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal_functor.associativity_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal_functor.id_to_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal_functor.id_ε /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal_functor.id_μ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_functor.map_tensor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, F -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_functor.map_left_unitor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_functor.map_right_unitor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_functor.μ_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_functor.μ_inv_hom_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_functor.μ_inv_hom_id_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_functor.μ_hom_inv_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_functor.ε_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_functor.ε_inv_hom_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_functor.ε_inv_hom_id_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_functor.id_to_lax_monoidal_functor_to_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_functor.id_to_lax_monoidal_functor_μ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_functor.id_to_lax_monoidal_functor_ε /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal_functor.comp_μ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal_functor.comp_to_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal_functor.comp_ε /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_functor.comp_to_lax_monoidal_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_adjoint_ε /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, F -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_adjoint_μ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, h, F -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_inverse_to_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ -- category_theory/monoidal/functor_category.lean #check @category_theory.monoidal.functor_category.tensor_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.functor_category.tensor_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.functor_category.tensor_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, β, α -/ -- category_theory/monoidal/functorial.lean #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal.μ_natural /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal.left_unitality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal.right_unitality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal.associativity /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal_functor.of_ε /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal_functor.of_to_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, F -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal_functor.of_to_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, F -/ #check @category_theory.lax_monoidal_functor.of_μ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, F -/ -- category_theory/monoidal/internal/Module.lean #check @Module.Mon_Module_equivalence_Algebra.Mon_.X.ring_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ᾰ, A -/ #check @Module.Mon_Module_equivalence_Algebra.Mon_.X.ring_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, A -/ #check @Module.Mon_Module_equivalence_Algebra.Mon_.X.ring_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ᾰ, A -/ #check @Module.Mon_Module_equivalence_Algebra.Mon_.X.ring_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ᾰ, A -/ #check @Module.Mon_Module_equivalence_Algebra.Mon_.X.ring_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ᾰ, A -/ #check @Module.Mon_Module_equivalence_Algebra.Mon_.X.ring_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @Module.Mon_Module_equivalence_Algebra.Mon_.X.ring_npow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ᾰ, A -/ #check @Module.Mon_Module_equivalence_Algebra.Mon_.X.ring_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @Module.Mon_Module_equivalence_Algebra.Mon_.X.ring_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, A -/ #check @Module.Mon_Module_equivalence_Algebra.algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, A -/ #check @Module.Mon_Module_equivalence_Algebra.functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @Module.Mon_Module_equivalence_Algebra.functor_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f, B, A -/ #check @Module.Mon_Module_equivalence_Algebra.inverse_obj_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @Module.Mon_Module_equivalence_Algebra.inverse_obj_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @Module.Mon_Module_equivalence_Algebra.inverse_obj_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @Module.Mon_Module_equivalence_Algebra.inverse_obj_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @Module.Mon_Module_equivalence_Algebra.inverse_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, B, A -/ -- category_theory/monoidal/internal/functor_category.lean #check @category_theory.monoidal.Mon_functor_category_equivalence.functor_obj_obj_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, A -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.Mon_functor_category_equivalence.functor_obj_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, A -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.Mon_functor_category_equivalence.functor_obj_obj_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, A -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.Mon_functor_category_equivalence.functor_obj_obj_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, A -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.Mon_functor_category_equivalence.functor_map_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, f, B, A -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.Mon_functor_category_equivalence.inverse_map_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.Mon_functor_category_equivalence.inverse_obj_one_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.Mon_functor_category_equivalence.inverse_obj_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.Mon_functor_category_equivalence.inverse_obj_mul_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.Mon_functor_category_equivalence.unit_iso_inv_app_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: _x, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.Mon_functor_category_equivalence.unit_iso_hom_app_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: _x, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.Mon_functor_category_equivalence.counit_iso_hom_app_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.Mon_functor_category_equivalence.counit_iso_inv_app_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.Mon_functor_category_equivalence_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.Mon_functor_category_equivalence_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.Mon_functor_category_equivalence_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.Mon_functor_category_equivalence_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.CommMon_functor_category_equivalence.functor_obj_obj_to_Mon_ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, A -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.CommMon_functor_category_equivalence.functor_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, A -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.CommMon_functor_category_equivalence.functor_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, f, B, A -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.CommMon_functor_category_equivalence.inverse_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.CommMon_functor_category_equivalence.inverse_obj_to_Mon_ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.CommMon_functor_category_equivalence.unit_iso_hom_app_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: _x, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.CommMon_functor_category_equivalence.unit_iso_inv_app_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: _x, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.CommMon_functor_category_equivalence.counit_iso_hom_app_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.CommMon_functor_category_equivalence.counit_iso_inv_app_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.CommMon_functor_category_equivalence_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.CommMon_functor_category_equivalence_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.CommMon_functor_category_equivalence_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.CommMon_functor_category_equivalence_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D, C -/ -- category_theory/monoidal/internal/limits.lean #check @Mon_.limit_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @Mon_.limit_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @Mon_.limit_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @Mon_.limit_cone_π_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, F -/ #check @Mon_.limit_cone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @Mon_.limit_cone_is_limit_lift_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, F -/ -- category_theory/monoidal/limits.lean #check @category_theory.limits.limit_functorial_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.limits.limit_lax_monoidal_μ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.lim_lax_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.lim_lax_obj' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.limits.lim_lax_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.limits.lim_lax_μ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F -/ -- category_theory/monoidal/natural_transformation.lean #check @category_theory.monoidal_nat_trans.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_nat_trans.tensor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, self -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_nat_trans.tensor_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Y, X, self -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_nat_trans.unit_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_nat_trans.id_to_nat_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_nat_trans.vcomp_to_nat_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_nat_trans.hcomp_to_nat_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_nat_iso.of_components.hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, app -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_nat_iso.of_components.inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, app -/ -- category_theory/monoidal/of_chosen_finite_products.lean #check @category_theory.limits.binary_fan.swap_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_fan.swap_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.swap_binary_fan_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, I -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_fan.assoc_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, Q -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_fan.assoc_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, Q -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_fan.assoc_inv_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_fan.assoc_inv_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.is_limit.assoc_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, R, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_fan.left_unitor_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P -/ #check @category_theory.limits.binary_fan.right_unitor_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_of_chosen_finite_products.tensor_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X₂, X₁, ℬ -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_of_chosen_finite_products.tensor_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₂, g₁, f₂, f₁, ℬ -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_of_chosen_finite_products.pentagon /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X, W, ℬ -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_of_chosen_finite_products.triangle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, ℬ, 𝒯 -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_of_chosen_finite_products.left_unitor_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, ℬ, 𝒯 -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_of_chosen_finite_products.right_unitor_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, ℬ, 𝒯 -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_of_chosen_finite_products.associator_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₃, f₂, f₁, ℬ -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_of_chosen_finite_products.braiding_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, ℬ -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_of_chosen_finite_products.hexagon_forward /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X, ℬ -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_of_chosen_finite_products.hexagon_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X, ℬ -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_of_chosen_finite_products.symmetry /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, ℬ -/ -- category_theory/monoidal/of_has_finite_products.lean #check @category_theory.symmetric_of_has_finite_products_to_braided_category_braiding /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_of_has_finite_products.tensor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_of_has_finite_products.tensor_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_of_has_finite_products.left_unitor_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_of_has_finite_products.left_unitor_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_of_has_finite_products.right_unitor_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_of_has_finite_products.right_unitor_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_of_has_finite_products.associator_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.symmetric_of_has_finite_coproducts_to_braided_category_braiding /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_of_has_finite_coproducts.tensor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_of_has_finite_coproducts.tensor_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_of_has_finite_coproducts.left_unitor_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_of_has_finite_coproducts.right_unitor_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_of_has_finite_coproducts.left_unitor_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_of_has_finite_coproducts.right_unitor_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_of_has_finite_coproducts.associator_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X, C -/ -- category_theory/monoidal/opposite.lean #check @category_theory.monoidal_opposite.op_inj_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_opposite.unop_inj_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_opposite.mop_unmop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_opposite.unmop_mop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.iso.mop_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.iso.mop_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.op_tensor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.mop_tensor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ -- category_theory/monoidal/preadditive.lean #check @category_theory.monoidal_preadditive.tensor_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal_preadditive.add_tensor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ -- category_theory/monoidal/rigid.lean #check @category_theory.exact_pairing.coevaluation_evaluation /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y -/ #check @category_theory.exact_pairing.coevaluation_evaluation_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Y -/ #check @category_theory.exact_pairing.evaluation_coevaluation /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.exact_pairing.evaluation_coevaluation_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', X -/ #check @category_theory.comp_right_adjoint_mate_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.comp_left_adjoint_mate_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ -- category_theory/monoidal/tor.lean #check @category_theory.Tor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, n, C -/ #check @category_theory.Tor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, n, C -/ #check @category_theory.Tor'_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, k, n, C -/ #check @category_theory.Tor'_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, f, c', c, n, C -/ #check @category_theory.Tor'_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, j', j, k, n, C -/ -- category_theory/monoidal/transport.lean #check @category_theory.monoidal.transport_right_unitor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, e -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.transport_tensor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, e -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.transport_tensor_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, Z, Y, X, W, e -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.transport_tensor_unit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.transport_associator /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, Y, X, e -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.transport_left_unitor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, e -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.lax_to_transported_to_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, e -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.lax_to_transported_to_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, e -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.lax_to_transported_ε /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.lax_to_transported_μ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, e -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.to_transported_to_lax_monoidal_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.lax_from_transported_ε /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.lax_from_transported_to_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, e -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.lax_from_transported_to_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, e -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.lax_from_transported_μ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, e -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.from_transported_to_lax_monoidal_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.transported_monoidal_unit_iso_hom_to_nat_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, e -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.transported_monoidal_unit_iso_inv_to_nat_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, e -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.transported_monoidal_counit_iso_inv_to_nat_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, e -/ #check @category_theory.monoidal.transported_monoidal_counit_iso_hom_to_nat_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, e -/ -- category_theory/monoidal/types.lean #check @category_theory.tensor_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, g, f -/ -- category_theory/natural_isomorphism.lean #check @category_theory.iso.app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.app_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.hom_inv_id_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.iso.hom_inv_id_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.iso.inv_hom_id_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.iso.inv_hom_id_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.nat_iso.trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, β, α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_iso.app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_iso.app_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_iso.cancel_nat_iso_hom_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', g -/ #check @category_theory.nat_iso.cancel_nat_iso_inv_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', g -/ #check @category_theory.nat_iso.cancel_nat_iso_hom_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.nat_iso.cancel_nat_iso_inv_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.nat_iso.cancel_nat_iso_hom_right_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.nat_iso.cancel_nat_iso_inv_right_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.nat_iso.inv_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, e -/ #check @category_theory.nat_iso.naturality_1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.nat_iso.naturality_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.nat_iso.is_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_iso.of_components.app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, app' -/ #check @category_theory.nat_iso.of_components.hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, app -/ #check @category_theory.nat_iso.of_components.inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, app -/ -- category_theory/natural_transformation.lean #check @category_theory.nat_trans.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, self -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, self -/ #check @category_theory.congr_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.id_app' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.vcomp_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, β, α -/ -- category_theory/opposites.lean #check @quiver.hom.unop_op /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @quiver.hom.op_unop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.op_op_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.op_op_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.unop_unop_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.unop_unop_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.op_op_equivalence_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.op_op_equivalence_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.op_op_equivalence_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.op_op_equivalence_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.op_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.functor.op_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.op_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.unop_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.unop_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.op_unop_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.op_unop_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.unop_op_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.unop_op_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.op_hom_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.functor.op_hom_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α, G, F, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.functor.op_inv_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.functor.op_inv_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, G, F, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.functor.left_op_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.left_op_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.right_op_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.right_op_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.left_op_right_op_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.left_op_right_op_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.right_op_left_op_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.right_op_left_op_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.op_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.op_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.unop_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.unop_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.remove_op_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.remove_op_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.left_op_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.left_op_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.remove_left_op_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.right_op_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.right_op_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.remove_right_op_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.op_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.op_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.iso.unop_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.iso.unop_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.iso.unop_op /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.iso.op_unop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.nat_iso.op_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_iso.op_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_iso.remove_op_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_iso.remove_op_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_iso.unop_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_iso.unop_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.op_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.op_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.op_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.op_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.unop_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.unop_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.unop_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.equivalence.unop_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.op_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, B, A -/ #check @category_theory.op_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, B, A -/ #check @category_theory.functor.op_unop_equiv_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D, C -/ #check @category_theory.functor.op_unop_equiv_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D, C -/ #check @category_theory.functor.op_unop_equiv_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D, C -/ #check @category_theory.functor.op_unop_equiv_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D, C -/ #check @category_theory.functor.left_op_right_op_equiv_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.functor.left_op_right_op_equiv_inverse_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, G, F, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.functor.left_op_right_op_equiv_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D, C -/ #check @category_theory.functor.left_op_right_op_equiv_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, G, F, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.functor.left_op_right_op_equiv_inverse_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.functor.left_op_right_op_equiv_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D, C -/ -- category_theory/over.lean #check @category_theory.over.id_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @category_theory.over.comp_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, c, b, a -/ #check @category_theory.over.w_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.over.mk_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.over.coe_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.over.hom_mk_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.over.iso_mk_inv_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hl -/ #check @category_theory.over.iso_mk_hom_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hl -/ #check @category_theory.over.iterated_slice_forward_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: κ, β, α, f -/ #check @category_theory.over.iterated_slice_forward_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, f -/ #check @category_theory.over.iterated_slice_backward_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.over.iterated_slice_backward_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.over.iterated_slice_equiv_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.over.iterated_slice_equiv_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.over.iterated_slice_equiv_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.over.iterated_slice_equiv_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.over.iterated_slice_forward_forget /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.over.iterated_slice_backward_forget_forget /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.over.post_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, F -/ #check @category_theory.over.post_map_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y₂, Y₁, F -/ #check @category_theory.over.post_map_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y₂, Y₁, F -/ #check @category_theory.under.id_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @category_theory.under.comp_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, c, b, a -/ #check @category_theory.under.w_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.under.mk_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.under.hom_mk_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.under.iso_mk_hom_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hr -/ #check @category_theory.under.iso_mk_inv_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hr -/ #check @category_theory.under.post_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, F -/ #check @category_theory.under.post_map_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y₂, Y₁, F -/ #check @category_theory.under.post_map_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y₂, Y₁, F -/ -- category_theory/path_category.lean #check @category_theory.paths.of_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.paths.of_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.prefunctor.map_path_comp' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, F, W, V -/ #check @category_theory.compose_path_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ -- category_theory/pi/basic.lean #check @category_theory.pi.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.pi.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g, f, C -/ #check @category_theory.pi.eval_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, i -/ #check @category_theory.pi.eval_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, i -/ #check @category_theory.pi.comap_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, α, h -/ #check @category_theory.pi.comap_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, h -/ #check @category_theory.pi.comap_id_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, X, C, I -/ #check @category_theory.pi.comap_id_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, X, C, I -/ #check @category_theory.pi.comap_comp_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, X, g, f, C -/ #check @category_theory.pi.comap_comp_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, X, g, f, C -/ #check @category_theory.pi.comap_eval_iso_eval_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, j, h, C -/ #check @category_theory.pi.comap_eval_iso_eval_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, j, h, C -/ #check @category_theory.pi.sum_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, g, f, C -/ #check @category_theory.pi.sum_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, α, g', g, f, C -/ #check @category_theory.pi.sum_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, g, α, f', f, C -/ #check @category_theory.pi.iso_app_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @category_theory.pi.iso_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @category_theory.pi.iso_app_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, X -/ #check @category_theory.pi.iso_app_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @category_theory.pi.iso_app_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.functor.pi_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.pi_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, α, g, f, F -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.pi_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, α -/ -- category_theory/preadditive/Mat.lean #check @category_theory.Mat_.id_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @category_theory.Mat_.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, M -/ #check @category_theory.Mat_.id_apply_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, M -/ #check @category_theory.Mat_.id_apply_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, M -/ #check @category_theory.Mat_.comp_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.Mat_.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, i, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.Mat_.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_Mat__obj_D /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, M -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_Mat__obj_F /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_Mat__obj_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_Mat__map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, f, N, M, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_Mat__obj_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, M, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_Mat_id_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_Mat_id_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_Mat_comp_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_Mat_comp_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.Mat_.embedding_obj_D /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @category_theory.Mat_.embedding_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.Mat_.embedding_obj_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.Mat_.iso_biproduct_embedding_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @category_theory.Mat_.iso_biproduct_embedding_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @category_theory.Mat_.additive_obj_iso_biproduct_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, F -/ #check @category_theory.Mat_.additive_obj_iso_biproduct_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, F -/ #check @category_theory.Mat_.additive_obj_iso_biproduct_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @category_theory.Mat_.additive_obj_iso_biproduct_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, F -/ #check @category_theory.Mat_.additive_obj_iso_biproduct_naturality'_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, F -/ #check @category_theory.Mat_.additive_obj_iso_biproduct_naturality' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @category_theory.Mat_.lift_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.Mat_.lift_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.Mat_.embedding_lift_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.Mat_.embedding_lift_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ -- category_theory/preadditive/additive_functor.lean #check @category_theory.functor.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_add_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.coe_map_add_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_zero_object_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_zero_object_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_biproduct_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.map_biproduct_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ -- category_theory/preadditive/biproducts.lean #check @category_theory.biprod.inl_of_components /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₁₂, f₁₁ -/ #check @category_theory.biprod.inr_of_components /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂₂, f₂₁ -/ #check @category_theory.biprod.of_components_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂₁, f₁₁ -/ #check @category_theory.biprod.of_components_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂₂, f₁₂ -/ #check @category_theory.biprod.of_components_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.biprod.of_components_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₂₂, g₂₁, g₁₂, g₁₁, f₂₂, f₂₁, f₁₂, f₁₁ -/ #check @category_theory.biprod.unipotent_upper_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @category_theory.biprod.unipotent_upper_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @category_theory.biprod.unipotent_lower_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @category_theory.biprod.unipotent_lower_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @category_theory.biproduct.column_nonzero_of_iso' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- category_theory/preadditive/default.lean #check @category_theory.preadditive.add_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f', f, R, Q, P -/ #check @category_theory.preadditive.comp_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', g, f, R, Q, P -/ #check @category_theory.preadditive.add_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f', f, R, Q, P -/ #check @category_theory.preadditive.comp_add_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g', g, f, R, Q, P -/ #check @category_theory.preadditive.sub_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f', f -/ #check @category_theory.preadditive.sub_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f', f -/ #check @category_theory.preadditive.comp_sub_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.preadditive.comp_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.preadditive.neg_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.preadditive.neg_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.preadditive.comp_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.preadditive.comp_neg_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.preadditive.neg_comp_neg_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.preadditive.neg_comp_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.preadditive.nsmul_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.preadditive.comp_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.preadditive.zsmul_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.preadditive.comp_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.preadditive.comp_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @category_theory.preadditive.comp_sum_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f, s -/ #check @category_theory.preadditive.sum_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f, s -/ #check @category_theory.preadditive.sum_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @category_theory.preadditive.mono_iff_cancel_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.preadditive.epi_iff_cancel_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- category_theory/preadditive/functor_category.lean #check @category_theory.nat_trans.app_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, X -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.app_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.app_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α, X -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.app_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α, X -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.app_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, X -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.app_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, α, X -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.app_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, α, X -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.app_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, X, s -/ -- category_theory/preadditive/opposite.lean #check @category_theory.unop_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.unop_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, C -/ #check @category_theory.op_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.op_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, C -/ -- category_theory/preadditive/projective.lean #check @category_theory.projective.factor_thru_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.exact.lift_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ -- category_theory/preadditive/projective_resolution.lean #check @category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.π_f_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, P -/ #check @category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.lift_f_one_zero_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P, f -/ #check @category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.lift_commutes_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', P, f -/ #check @category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.lift_commutes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, f -/ #check @category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.homotopy_equiv_hom_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', P -/ #check @category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.homotopy_equiv_hom_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.homotopy_equiv_inv_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q -/ #check @category_theory.ProjectiveResolution.homotopy_equiv_inv_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Q -/ -- category_theory/preadditive/schur.lean #check @category_theory.is_iso_iff_nonzero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @has_scalar.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @module.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @mul_action.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @distrib_mul_action.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.finrank_hom_simple_simple_eq_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.finrank_hom_simple_simple_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ -- category_theory/products/associator.lean #check @category_theory.prod.associator_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x, E, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod.associator_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, E, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod.inverse_associator_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, E, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod.inverse_associator_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x, E, D, C -/ -- category_theory/products/basic.lean #check @category_theory.prod_comp_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, _x, _x, _x, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod_comp_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, _x, _x, _x, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod_id_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod_id_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod.sectl_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, Z, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod.sectl_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, Z, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod.sectr_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, D, Z -/ #check @category_theory.prod.sectr_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, D, Z -/ #check @category_theory.prod.fst_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod.fst_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod.snd_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod.snd_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod.swap_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod.swap_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod.symmetry_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod.symmetry_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod.braiding_counit_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod.braiding_unit_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod.braiding_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod.braiding_inverse_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod.braiding_counit_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod.braiding_inverse_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod.braiding_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.prod.braiding_unit_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.evaluation_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, G, F, X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.evaluation_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.evaluation_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, f, Y, X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.evaluation_uncurried_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.evaluation_uncurried_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, y, x, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.functor.prod_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.prod_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.prod_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, β, α -/ #check @category_theory.flip_comp_evaluation_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, a, F -/ #check @category_theory.flip_comp_evaluation_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, a, F -/ -- category_theory/products/bifunctor.lean #check @category_theory.bifunctor.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.bifunctor.map_id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, W, F -/ #check @category_theory.bifunctor.map_comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, W, Z, Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.bifunctor.diagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, Y', Y, f, X', X, F -/ #check @category_theory.bifunctor.diagonal' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, Y', Y, f, X', X, F -/ -- category_theory/punit.lean #check @category_theory.functor.punit_ext_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.punit_ext_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.equiv_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.equiv_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: θ, G, F -/ -- category_theory/quotient.lean #check @category_theory.quotient.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.quotient.comp_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, r -/ #check @category_theory.quotient.functor_obj_as /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @category_theory.quotient.functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x, r -/ #check @category_theory.quotient.sound /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @category_theory.quotient.functor_map_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, r -/ #check @category_theory.quotient.lift_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, F, r -/ #check @category_theory.quotient.lift_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf, b, a, H, F, r -/ #check @category_theory.quotient.lift.is_lift_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.quotient.lift.is_lift_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.quotient.lift_map_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F, r -/ -- category_theory/shift.lean #check @category_theory.eq_to_hom_μ_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', X, h₂, h₁, F -/ #check @category_theory.eq_to_hom_μ_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, h₂, h₁, F -/ #check @category_theory.μ_inv_app_eq_to_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', X, h₂, h₁, F -/ #check @category_theory.μ_inv_app_eq_to_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, h₂, h₁, F -/ #check @category_theory.add_neg_equiv_counit_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, F -/ #check @category_theory.add_neg_equiv_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, F -/ #check @category_theory.add_neg_equiv_counit_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, F -/ #check @category_theory.add_neg_equiv_unit_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, F -/ #check @category_theory.add_neg_equiv_unit_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, F -/ #check @category_theory.add_neg_equiv_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, F -/ #check @category_theory.has_shift_mk_shift_to_lax_monoidal_functor_ε /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, A, C -/ #check @category_theory.has_shift_mk_shift_to_lax_monoidal_functor_μ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, h, A, C -/ #check @category_theory.has_shift_mk_shift_to_lax_monoidal_functor_to_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, A, C -/ #check @category_theory.has_shift.shift_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, n -/ #check @category_theory.shift_add_hom_comp_eq_to_hom₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, j, i', i, X -/ #check @category_theory.shift_add_hom_comp_eq_to_hom₁_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, j, i', i, X -/ #check @category_theory.shift_add_hom_comp_eq_to_hom₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, j', j, i, X -/ #check @category_theory.shift_add_hom_comp_eq_to_hom₂_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, j', j, i, X -/ #check @category_theory.shift_add_hom_comp_eq_to_hom₁₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁, j', i', j, i, X -/ #check @category_theory.shift_add_hom_comp_eq_to_hom₁₂_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h₂, h₁, j', i', j, i, X -/ #check @category_theory.eq_to_hom_comp_shift_add_inv₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, j, i', i, X -/ #check @category_theory.eq_to_hom_comp_shift_add_inv₁_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, j, i', i, X -/ #check @category_theory.eq_to_hom_comp_shift_add_inv₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, j', j, i, X -/ #check @category_theory.eq_to_hom_comp_shift_add_inv₂_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, j', j, i, X -/ #check @category_theory.eq_to_hom_comp_shift_add_inv₁₂_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h₂, h₁, j', i', j, i, X -/ #check @category_theory.eq_to_hom_comp_shift_add_inv₁₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁, j', i', j, i, X -/ #check @category_theory.shift_shift' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, f, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.shift_zero' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, A -/ #check @category_theory.opaque_eq_to_iso_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.opaque_eq_to_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.map_opaque_eq_to_iso_comp_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, h', h, F -/ #check @category_theory.map_opaque_eq_to_iso_comp_app_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', X, h', h, F -/ #check @category_theory.shift_shift_neg' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @category_theory.shift_neg_shift' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @category_theory.shift_equiv_triangle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, n -/ #check @category_theory.shift_shift_neg_hom_shift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, n -/ #check @category_theory.shift_shift_neg_inv_shift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, n -/ #check @category_theory.shift_shift_neg_shift_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, n -/ #check @category_theory.shift_equiv_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, C -/ #check @category_theory.shift_equiv_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, C -/ #check @category_theory.shift_equiv_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, C -/ #check @category_theory.shift_equiv_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, C -/ #check @category_theory.shift_zero_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.shift_comm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, X -/ #check @category_theory.shift_comm' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, f -/ #check @category_theory.shift_comm_hom_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, f -/ #check @category_theory.shift_comm_hom_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', j, i, f -/ -- category_theory/sigma/basic.lean #check @category_theory.sigma.sigma_hom.comp_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, Z, Y, X, i -/ #check @category_theory.sigma.sigma_hom.assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f, W, Z, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.sigma.sigma_hom.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.sigma.sigma_hom.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.sigma.incl_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, Y, X, i -/ #check @category_theory.sigma.incl_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.sigma.nat_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, i, h -/ #check @category_theory.sigma.desc_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.sigma.desc_map_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.sigma.incl_desc_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, i, F -/ #check @category_theory.sigma.incl_desc_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, i, F -/ #check @category_theory.sigma.desc_uniq_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, i, h, q, F -/ #check @category_theory.sigma.desc_uniq_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, i, h, q, F -/ #check @category_theory.sigma.nat_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.sigma.nat_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.sigma.map_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, j, g, C -/ #check @category_theory.sigma.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, C -/ #check @category_theory.sigma.incl_comp_map_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, j, g, C -/ #check @category_theory.sigma.incl_comp_map_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, j, g, C -/ #check @category_theory.sigma.map_id_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: _x, C, I -/ #check @category_theory.sigma.map_id_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: _x, C, I -/ #check @category_theory.sigma.map_comp_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, g, f, C -/ #check @category_theory.sigma.map_comp_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, g, f, C -/ -- category_theory/single_obj.lean #check @category_theory.single_obj.id_as_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, α -/ #check @category_theory.single_obj.comp_as_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, α -/ #check @category_theory.single_obj.inv_as_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, α -/ #check @category_theory.single_obj.to_End_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @category_theory.single_obj.map_hom_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.single_obj.map_hom_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.single_obj.difference_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.id_to_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @monoid_hom.comp_to_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @units.to_Aut_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, α -/ #check @units.to_Aut_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, α -/ -- category_theory/sites/adjunction.lean #check @category_theory.Sheaf.compose_equiv_apply_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, Y, X, adj, J -/ #check @category_theory.Sheaf.compose_equiv_symm_apply_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ, Y, X, adj, J -/ #check @category_theory.Sheaf.adjunction_unit_app_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, adj, J -/ #check @category_theory.Sheaf.adjunction_counit_app_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, adj, J -/ #check @category_theory.Sheaf.adjunction_to_types_unit_app_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, adj, J -/ #check @category_theory.Sheaf.adjunction_to_types_counit_app_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, adj, J -/ -- category_theory/sites/closed.lean #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.close_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, S, J₁ -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.covers_iff_mem_of_closed /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.is_closed_iff_close_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, J₁ -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.pullback_close /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, f, J₁ -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.close_close /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, J₁ -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.close_eq_top_iff_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, J₁ -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.closure_operator_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, S, X, J₁ -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.closed_iff_closed /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, J₁ -/ #check @category_theory.functor.closed_sieves_map_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, f, Y, X, J₁ -/ #check @category_theory.functor.closed_sieves_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, J₁ -/ #check @category_theory.topology_of_closure_operator_sieves /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, c -/ #check @category_theory.topology_of_closure_operator_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J₁ -/ #check @category_theory.topology_of_closure_operator_close /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, X, c -/ -- category_theory/sites/compatible_plus.lean #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.diagram_comp_iso_hom_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, W, X, P, F, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.diagram_comp_iso_hom_ι_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', i, W, X, P, F, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.ι_plus_comp_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: W, X, P, F, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.ι_plus_comp_iso_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', W, X, P, F, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.plus_comp_iso_whisker_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, η, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.plus_comp_iso_whisker_left_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', P, η, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.plus_functor_whisker_left_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, P, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.plus_functor_whisker_left_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, P, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.plus_comp_iso_whisker_right_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', η, F, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.plus_comp_iso_whisker_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, F, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.plus_functor_whisker_right_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.plus_functor_whisker_right_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.whisker_right_to_plus_comp_plus_comp_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, F, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.whisker_right_to_plus_comp_plus_comp_iso_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', P, F, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.to_plus_comp_plus_comp_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, F, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.plus_comp_iso_inv_eq_plus_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, F, J -/ -- category_theory/sites/compatible_sheafification.lean #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.sheafification_whisker_left_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, P, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.sheafification_whisker_left_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, P, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.sheafification_whisker_right_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, F, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.sheafification_whisker_right_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, F, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.whisker_right_to_sheafify_sheafify_comp_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, F, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.whisker_right_to_sheafify_sheafify_comp_iso_hom_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', P, F, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.to_sheafify_comp_sheafify_comp_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, F, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.to_sheafify_comp_sheafify_comp_iso_inv_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', P, F, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.sheafify_comp_iso_inv_eq_sheafify_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, F, J -/ -- category_theory/sites/cover_lifting.lean #check @category_theory.Ran_is_sheaf_of_cover_lifting.pulledback_family_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Hf, Y, x, ℱ -/ #check @category_theory.Ran_is_sheaf_of_cover_lifting.get_section_commute /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hx, hS, ℱ, hu -/ #check @category_theory.Ran_is_sheaf_of_cover_lifting.glued_limit_cone_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: W, hx, hS, ℱ, hu -/ #check @category_theory.Ran_is_sheaf_of_cover_lifting.helper /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: W, ℱ -/ #check @category_theory.sites.pullback_copullback_adjunction_counit_app_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, A -/ #check @category_theory.sites.pullback_copullback_adjunction_unit_app_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, A -/ -- category_theory/sites/cover_preserving.lean #check @category_theory.compatible_preserving.apply_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf -/ #check @category_theory.sites.pullback_map_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x, A -/ #check @category_theory.sites.pullback_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ℱ, hG₂, hG₁, A -/ #check @category_theory.sites.pushforward_obj_val_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, X, G, K, J, A -/ #check @category_theory.sites.pushforward_obj_val_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X, G, K, J, A -/ #check @category_theory.sites.pushforward_map_val_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, f, _x, _x, G, K, J, A -/ -- category_theory/sites/dense_subsite.lean #check @category_theory.presieve.cover_by_image_structure.fac_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.cover_dense.hom_over_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X, X, α -/ #check @category_theory.cover_dense.iso_over_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X, X, α -/ #check @category_theory.cover_dense.iso_over_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X, X, α -/ #check @category_theory.cover_dense.types.pushforward_family_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, x, α -/ #check @category_theory.cover_dense.types.app_hom_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, α -/ #check @category_theory.cover_dense.types.app_hom_valid_glue /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, α -/ #check @category_theory.cover_dense.types.app_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X, i, H -/ #check @category_theory.cover_dense.types.app_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X, i, H -/ #check @category_theory.cover_dense.types.presheaf_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X, α, H -/ #check @category_theory.cover_dense.types.presheaf_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X, i, H -/ #check @category_theory.cover_dense.types.presheaf_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X, i, H -/ #check @category_theory.cover_dense.types.sheaf_iso_hom_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, H -/ #check @category_theory.cover_dense.types.sheaf_iso_inv_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, H -/ #check @category_theory.cover_dense.sheaf_coyoneda_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α, H -/ #check @category_theory.cover_dense.presheaf_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, i, H -/ #check @category_theory.cover_dense.presheaf_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, H -/ #check @category_theory.cover_dense.sheaf_iso_hom_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, H -/ #check @category_theory.cover_dense.sheaf_iso_inv_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, H -/ #check @category_theory.cover_dense.sheaf_hom_restrict_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.cover_dense.sheaf_hom_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.cover_dense.Sheaf_equiv_of_cover_preserving_cover_lifting_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Hp, Hd -/ #check @category_theory.cover_dense.Sheaf_equiv_of_cover_preserving_cover_lifting_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Hl -/ -- category_theory/sites/grothendieck.lean #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.mem_sieves_iff_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.intersection_covering_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.covers_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, S, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.covering_iff_covers_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.bot_covers /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, S -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.coe_fun_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, S -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.arrow.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.relation.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.arrow.map_Y /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.arrow.map_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.relation.map_f₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.relation.map_Z /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.relation.map_g₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.relation.map_Y₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.relation.map_f₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.relation.map_g₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.relation.map_Y₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.relation.fst_Y /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.relation.fst_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.relation.snd_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.relation.snd_Y /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.relation.map_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.relation.map_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.arrow.base_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.arrow.base_Y /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.relation.base_Y₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.relation.base_f₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.relation.base_g₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.relation.base_g₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.relation.base_Y₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.relation.base_f₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.relation.base_Z /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.relation.base_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.relation.base_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.coe_pullback /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.arrow.middle_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.pullback_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, f, J -/ -- category_theory/sites/induced_topology.lean #check @category_theory.locally_cover_dense.pushforward_cover_iff_cover_pullback /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @category_theory.locally_cover_dense.induced_topology_sieves /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, X -/ -- category_theory/sites/left_exact.lean #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cone_comp_evaluation_of_cone_comp_diagram_functor_comp_evaluation_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cone_comp_evaluation_of_cone_comp_diagram_functor_comp_evaluation_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, E, i -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.lift_to_plus_obj_limit_obj_fac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, S, X, F -/ -- category_theory/sites/limits.lean #check @category_theory.Sheaf.sheafify_cocone_ι_app_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, E -/ #check @category_theory.Sheaf.sheafify_cocone_X_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ #check @category_theory.Sheaf.is_colimit_sheafify_cocone_desc_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, hE, E -/ -- category_theory/sites/plus.lean #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.diagram_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, X, P, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.diagram_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, T, S, X, P, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.diagram_pullback_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, f, P, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.diagram_nat_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: W, X, η, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.diagram_nat_trans_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, X, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.diagram_nat_trans_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, γ, η, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.diagram_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, X, D, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.diagram_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, Q, P, X, D, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.plus_map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.plus_map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ, η, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.plus_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, Q, P, D, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.plus_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, D, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.to_plus_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', η, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.to_plus_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.to_plus_nat_trans_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, D, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.plus_map_to_plus /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.iso_to_plus_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.to_plus_plus_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.to_plus_plus_lift_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', η -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.iso_to_plus_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hP, P, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.plus_map_plus_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hR, γ, η, J -/ -- category_theory/sites/pretopology.lean #check @category_theory.pretopology.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.pretopology.mem_to_grothendieck /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, X, K, C -/ #check @category_theory.pretopology.to_grothendieck_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ -- category_theory/sites/sheaf.lean #check @category_theory.presheaf.is_sheaf.amalgamate_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', I, x, S -/ #check @category_theory.presheaf.is_sheaf.amalgamate_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, x -/ #check @category_theory.Sheaf.hom.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.Sheaf.category_theory.category_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.Sheaf.category_theory.category_comp_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, Z, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.Sheaf.category_theory.category_id_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.Sheaf_to_presheaf_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self, A, J -/ #check @category_theory.Sheaf_to_presheaf_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x, A, J -/ #check @category_theory.sheaf_over_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, ℱ -/ #check @category_theory.is_sheaf_iff_is_sheaf_of_type /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, J -/ #check @category_theory.Sheaf_equiv_SheafOfTypes_inverse_map_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, T, S, J -/ #check @category_theory.Sheaf_equiv_SheafOfTypes_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J -/ #check @category_theory.Sheaf_equiv_SheafOfTypes_functor_map_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, T, S, J -/ #check @category_theory.Sheaf_equiv_SheafOfTypes_inverse_obj_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, J -/ #check @category_theory.Sheaf_equiv_SheafOfTypes_functor_obj_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, J -/ #check @category_theory.Sheaf_equiv_SheafOfTypes_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J -/ #check @category_theory.presheaf.is_sheaf_iff_multifork /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, J -/ #check @category_theory.presheaf.is_sheaf_iff_multiequalizer /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, J -/ #check @category_theory.presheaf.w /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, R -/ #check @category_theory.presheaf.is_sheaf_iff_is_sheaf' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, J -/ #check @category_theory.presheaf.is_sheaf_iff_is_sheaf_forget /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, J -/ -- category_theory/sites/sheaf_of_types.lean #check @category_theory.presieve.pullback_compatible_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @category_theory.presieve.extend_agrees /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf -/ #check @category_theory.presieve.compatible_iff_sieve_compatible /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @category_theory.presieve.family_of_elements.comp_of_compatible /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, hf -/ #check @category_theory.presieve.family_of_elements.comp_presheaf_map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @category_theory.presieve.family_of_elements.comp_prersheaf_map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, x -/ #check @category_theory.presieve.extension_iff_amalgamation /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, x -/ #check @category_theory.presieve.is_sheaf_for.functor_inclusion_comp_extend_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.presieve.is_sheaf_for.functor_inclusion_comp_extend /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.presieve.is_sheaf_for.valid_glue /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.presieve.is_sheaf_for_iff_generate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @category_theory.presieve.is_sheaf_pretopology /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @category_theory.equalizer.first_obj_eq_family_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf, f, Y, t, R, P -/ #check @category_theory.equalizer.first_obj_eq_family_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, R, P -/ #check @category_theory.equalizer.sieve.w /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, P -/ #check @category_theory.equalizer.sieve.compatible_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S, P -/ #check @category_theory.equalizer.sieve.equalizer_sheaf_condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, P -/ #check @category_theory.equalizer.presieve.w /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, P -/ #check @category_theory.equalizer.presieve.compatible_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, R, P -/ #check @category_theory.equalizer.presieve.sheaf_condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, P -/ #check @category_theory.SheafOfTypes.hom.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.SheafOfTypes.category_theory.category_id_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.SheafOfTypes.category_theory.category_comp_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, Z, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.SheafOfTypes.category_theory.category_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.SheafOfTypes_to_presheaf_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, J -/ #check @category_theory.SheafOfTypes_to_presheaf_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self, J -/ #check @category_theory.SheafOfTypes_bot_equiv_inverse_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, P₂, P₁ -/ #check @category_theory.SheafOfTypes_bot_equiv_inverse_obj_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @category_theory.SheafOfTypes_bot_equiv_unit_iso_hom_app_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: _x -/ #check @category_theory.SheafOfTypes_bot_equiv_unit_iso_inv_app_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: _x -/ -- category_theory/sites/sheafification.lean #check @category_theory.meq.condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, x -/ #check @category_theory.meq.refine_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, e, x -/ #check @category_theory.meq.pullback_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, f, x -/ #check @category_theory.meq.pullback_refine /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, h -/ #check @category_theory.meq.mk_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, x, S -/ #check @category_theory.meq.equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, x -/ #check @category_theory.meq.equiv_symm_eq_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, x -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.plus.res_mk_eq_mk_pullback /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, x -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.plus.to_plus_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.plus.to_plus_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, x, S -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.plus.to_plus_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.plus.eq_mk_iff_exists /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.sheafify_map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.sheafify_map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ, η, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.to_sheafify_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.to_sheafify_naturality_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', η, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.sheafification_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, D, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.sheafification_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, D, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.to_sheafification_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, D, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.iso_sheafify_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.to_sheafify_sheafify_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.to_sheafify_sheafify_lift_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', η -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.iso_sheafify_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hP, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.sheafify_map_sheafify_lift_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', hR, γ, η, J -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.sheafify_map_sheafify_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hR, γ, η, J -/ #check @category_theory.presheaf_to_Sheaf_obj_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, D, J -/ #check @category_theory.presheaf_to_Sheaf_map_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, Q, P, D, J -/ #check @category_theory.sheafification_adjunction_unit_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, D, J -/ #check @category_theory.sheafification_adjunction_counit_app_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, D, J -/ #check @category_theory.sheafification_iso_hom_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @category_theory.sheafification_iso_inv_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ -- category_theory/sites/sieves.lean #check @category_theory.presieve.singleton_eq_iff_domain /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.presieve.pullback_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.presieve.of_arrows_punit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.presieve.of_arrows_pullback /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, Z, f -/ #check @category_theory.presieve.of_arrows_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, W, j, g, Z -/ #check @category_theory.presieve.functor_pullback_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, R, F -/ #check @category_theory.presieve.functor_pullback_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @category_theory.presieve.functor_pushforward_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.Inf_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.Sup_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.inter_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.union_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.generate_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Z, R -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.bind_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, S -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.sets_iff_generate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, R -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.generate_sieve /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.pullback_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sl, Y, S, h -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.pullback_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.pullback_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, S -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.pullback_eq_top_iff_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.pushforward_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: gf, Z, R, f -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.pushforward_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.pushforward_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, S -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.pullback_arrows_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, f -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.functor_pullback_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, F -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.functor_pullback_arrows /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, F -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.functor_pullback_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.functor_pullback_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.functor_pushforward_extend_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.functor_pushforward_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, F -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.functor_pushforward_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.functor_pushforward_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.functor_pushforward_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, S, F -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.functor_pullback_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, S, F -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.functor_pullback_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, S, F -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.functor_pushforward_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.functor_pushforward_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.functor_pullback_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.functor_pullback_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.functor_map_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, Z, Y, S -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, S -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.nat_trans_of_le_app_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.functor_inclusion_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, S -/ #check @category_theory.sieve.sieve_of_subfunctor_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, Y, f -/ -- category_theory/sites/spaces.lean #check @opens.pretopology_to_grothendieck /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ -- category_theory/sites/types.lean #check @category_theory.discrete_sieve_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, β, α -/ #check @category_theory.yoneda'_map_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, β, α -/ #check @category_theory.yoneda'_obj_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @category_theory.eval_types_glue /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.types_glue_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @category_theory.eval_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s, α, S -/ #check @category_theory.eval_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, α, hs, S -/ #check @category_theory.eval_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s, f, α, S -/ #check @category_theory.equiv_yoneda_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X, hs, S -/ #check @category_theory.equiv_yoneda_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X, hs, S -/ #check @category_theory.equiv_yoneda'_hom_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @category_theory.equiv_yoneda'_inv_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @category_theory.eval_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s, α, f, S₂, S₁ -/ #check @category_theory.type_equiv_functor_obj_val_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g, f, Y', Y -/ #check @category_theory.type_equiv_functor_obj_val_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, α -/ #check @category_theory.type_equiv_inverse_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.type_equiv_inverse_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f, _x, _x -/ #check @category_theory.type_equiv_functor_map_val_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.type_equiv_unit_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X -/ #check @category_theory.type_equiv_counit_iso_hom_app_val_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X, X -/ #check @category_theory.type_equiv_unit_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X -/ #check @category_theory.type_equiv_counit_iso_inv_app_val_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X, X -/ -- category_theory/sites/whiskering.lean #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.multicospan_comp_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, S, P, F -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.multicospan_comp_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, S, P, F -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.multicospan_comp_hom_app_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, S, P, F -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.multicospan_comp_hom_app_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, S, P, F -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.multicospan_comp_hom_inv_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, S, P, F -/ #check @category_theory.grothendieck_topology.cover.multicospan_comp_hom_inv_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, S, P, F -/ #check @category_theory.Sheaf_compose_map_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, H, G, F, J -/ #check @category_theory.Sheaf_compose_obj_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F, J -/ -- category_theory/skeletal.lean #check @category_theory.from_skeleton_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, C -/ #check @category_theory.from_skeleton_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.to_thin_skeleton_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, C -/ #check @category_theory.to_thin_skeleton_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.thin_skeleton.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, Y, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.thin_skeleton.map_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, F -/ #check @category_theory.thin_skeleton.comp_to_thin_skeleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.thin_skeleton.map₂_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x₂, x₁, F -/ #check @category_theory.thin_skeleton.map₂_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, y₂, y₁, x, F -/ #check @category_theory.thin_skeleton.map₂_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, F -/ #check @category_theory.thin_skeleton.from_thin_skeleton_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, C -/ #check @category_theory.thin_skeleton.from_thin_skeleton_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, y, x, C -/ #check @category_theory.thin_skeleton.map_comp_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F -/ -- category_theory/structured_arrow.lean #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.proj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, T, S -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.proj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x, T, S -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.mk_hom_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.w_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.hom_mk_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.iso_mk_hom_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.iso_mk_inv_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.map_obj_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.map_obj_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, f -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.map_map_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.map_obj_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.map_map_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.map_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.pre_map_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, G, F, S -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.pre_map_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, G, F, S -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.pre_obj_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G, F, S -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.pre_obj_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G, F, S -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.pre_obj_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G, F, S -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.post_obj_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F, S -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.post_map_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, F, S -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.post_obj_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G, F, S -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.post_map_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, G, F, S -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.proj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x, T, S -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.proj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, T, S -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.mk_hom_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.w_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.hom_mk_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.iso_mk_hom_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.iso_mk_inv_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.map_obj_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.map_map_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.map_obj_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.map_obj_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, f -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.map_map_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.map_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.pre_obj_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, S, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.pre_map_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, S, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.pre_map_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, S, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.pre_obj_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, S, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.pre_obj_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, S, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.post_obj_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, S, F -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.post_map_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, S, F -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.post_obj_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, S, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.post_map_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, S, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.to_costructured_arrow_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, d, F -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.to_costructured_arrow_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, d, F -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.to_costructured_arrow'_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, d, F -/ #check @category_theory.structured_arrow.to_costructured_arrow'_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, d, F -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.to_structured_arrow_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, d, F -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.to_structured_arrow_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, d, F -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.to_structured_arrow'_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, d, F -/ #check @category_theory.costructured_arrow.to_structured_arrow'_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, d, F -/ -- category_theory/subobject/basic.lean #check @category_theory.subobject.underlying_as_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.arrow_congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.representative_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.representative_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.underlying_arrow_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.underlying_iso_arrow_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.underlying_iso_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.underlying_iso_hom_comp_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.underlying_iso_hom_comp_eq_mk_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.mk_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.of_le_arrow_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.of_le_mk_le_mk_of_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.of_le_comp_of_le_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h₂, h₁, Z, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.of_le_comp_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁, Z, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.of_le_comp_of_le_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁, f, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.of_le_comp_of_le_mk_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h₂, h₁, f, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.of_le_mk_comp_of_mk_le_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h₂, h₁, Y, f, X -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.of_le_mk_comp_of_mk_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁, Y, f, X -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.of_le_mk_comp_of_mk_le_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁, g, f, X -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.of_le_mk_comp_of_mk_le_mk_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h₂, h₁, g, f, X -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.of_mk_le_comp_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁, Y, X, f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.of_mk_le_comp_of_le_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h₂, h₁, Y, X, f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.of_mk_le_comp_of_le_mk_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h₂, h₁, g, X, f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.of_mk_le_comp_of_le_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁, g, X, f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.of_mk_le_mk_comp_of_mk_le_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h₂, h₁, X, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.of_mk_le_mk_comp_of_mk_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁, X, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.of_mk_le_mk_comp_of_mk_le_mk_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h₂, h₁, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.of_mk_le_mk_comp_of_mk_le_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁, h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.of_le_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.iso_of_eq_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.iso_of_eq_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.iso_of_eq_mk_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, f, X -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.iso_of_eq_mk_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, f, X -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.iso_of_mk_eq_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, X, f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.iso_of_mk_eq_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, X, f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.iso_of_mk_eq_mk_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.iso_of_mk_eq_mk_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.lower_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.lower_equivalence_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.lower_equivalence_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.lower_equivalence_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.lower_equivalence_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.pullback_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.pullback_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.map_iso_to_order_iso_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, e -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.map_iso_to_order_iso_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, e -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.pullback_map_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.map_pullback /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.exists_iso_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- category_theory/subobject/factor_thru.lean #check @category_theory.mono_over.factors_congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.mk_factors_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.factors_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, P -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.factor_thru_arrow_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.factor_thru_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.factor_thru_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.factor_thru_comp_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.factor_thru_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.factor_thru_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, h -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.factor_thru_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.factor_thru_add_sub_factor_thru_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: wg, w, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.factor_thru_add_sub_factor_thru_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: wf, w, g, f -/ -- category_theory/subobject/lattice.lean #check @category_theory.mono_over.top_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over.top_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over.inf_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over.inf_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, k, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.top_eq_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.underlying_iso_inv_top_arrow_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.map_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.is_iso_iff_mk_eq_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.is_iso_arrow_iff_eq_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.bot_factors_iff_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f, Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.inf_factors /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.finset_inf_factors /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.inf_eq_map_pullback' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁ -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.inf_eq_map_pullback /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁ -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.inf_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m', m -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.inf_pullback /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁, g -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.inf_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁, g -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.wide_cospan_map_term /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, s -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.le_Inf_cone_π_app_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.subobject.symm_apply_mem_iff_mem_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s, e -/ -- category_theory/subobject/limits.lean #check @category_theory.limits.equalizer_subobject_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.equalizer_subobject_arrow_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.equalizer_subobject_arrow' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.equalizer_subobject_arrow'_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.equalizer_subobject_arrow_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.equalizer_subobject_arrow_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.equalizer_subobject_factors_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel_subobject_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel_subobject_arrow_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel_subobject_arrow' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel_subobject_arrow'_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel_subobject_arrow_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel_subobject_arrow_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel_subobject_factors_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.factor_thru_kernel_subobject_comp_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.limits.factor_thru_kernel_subobject_comp_kernel_subobject_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, h, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel_subobject_map_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sq -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel_subobject_map_arrow_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', sq -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel_subobject_map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sq', sq -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel_subobject_iso_comp_hom_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel_subobject_iso_comp_inv_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.kernel_subobject_comp_mono /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image_subobject_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image_subobject_arrow_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image_subobject_arrow' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image_subobject_arrow'_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image_subobject_arrow_comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image_subobject_arrow_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.factor_thru_image_subobject_comp_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.factor_thru_image_subobject_comp_self_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k', k, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image_subobject_comp_iso_hom_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image_subobject_comp_iso_hom_arrow_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image_subobject_comp_iso_inv_arrow_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image_subobject_comp_iso_inv_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image_subobject_iso_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image_subobject_map_arrow_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', sq -/ #check @category_theory.limits.image_subobject_map_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sq -/ -- category_theory/subobject/mono_over.lean #check @category_theory.mono_over.mk'_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over.mk'_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over.w_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over.iso_mk_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, h -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over.iso_mk_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, h -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over.lift_obj_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over.lift_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, _x, _x, h, F -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over.lift_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over.lift_obj_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over.pullback_obj_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over.pullback_obj_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over.map_obj_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over.map_obj_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over.map_iso_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over.map_iso_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over.map_iso_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over.map_iso_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over.congr_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, X -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over.congr_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, X -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over.congr_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, X -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over.congr_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, X -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over.image_mono_over_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over.image_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over.image_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- category_theory/subobject/types.lean #check @types.mono_over_equivalence_set_inverse_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, α -/ #check @types.mono_over_equivalence_set_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @types.mono_over_equivalence_set_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, α -/ #check @types.mono_over_equivalence_set_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, g, f, α -/ #check @types.mono_over_equivalence_set_inverse_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, t, s, α -/ #check @types.mono_over_equivalence_set_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ -- category_theory/subobject/well_powered.lean #check @category_theory.essentially_small_mono_over_iff_small_subobject /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ -- category_theory/subterminal.lean #check @category_theory.is_subterminal.iso_diag_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hA -/ #check @category_theory.subterminal_inclusion_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.subterminal_inclusion_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self, C -/ #check @category_theory.subterminals_equiv_mono_over_terminal_counit_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.subterminals_equiv_mono_over_terminal_inverse_obj_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.subterminals_equiv_mono_over_terminal_functor_obj_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.subterminals_equiv_mono_over_terminal_counit_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.subterminals_equiv_mono_over_terminal_unit_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.subterminals_equiv_mono_over_terminal_unit_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.subterminals_equiv_mono_over_terminal_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.subterminals_equiv_mono_over_terminal_inverse_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, C -/ #check @category_theory.subterminals_to_mono_over_terminal_comp_forget /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.mono_over_terminal_to_subterminals_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ -- category_theory/sums/associator.lean #check @category_theory.sum.associator_obj_inl_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, E, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.sum.associator_obj_inl_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, E, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.sum.associator_obj_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, E, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.sum.associator_map_inl_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.sum.associator_map_inl_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.sum.associator_map_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.sum.inverse_associator_obj_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, E, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.sum.inverse_associator_obj_inr_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, E, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.sum.inverse_associator_obj_inr_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, E, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.sum.inverse_associator_map_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.sum.inverse_associator_map_inr_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.sum.inverse_associator_map_inr_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- category_theory/sums/basic.lean #check @category_theory.sum_comp_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, C -/ #check @category_theory.sum_comp_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, D -/ #check @category_theory.sum.inl__map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.sum.inl__obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.sum.inr__map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.sum.inr__obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.sum.swap_obj_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.sum.swap_obj_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.functor.sum_obj_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.sum_obj_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, G -/ #check @category_theory.functor.sum_map_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.sum_map_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, G -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.sum_app_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, α -/ #check @category_theory.nat_trans.sum_app_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, β -/ -- category_theory/triangulated/basic.lean #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle.mk_mor₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle.mk_mor₃ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle.mk_mor₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.contractible_triangle_obj₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.contractible_triangle_mor₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.contractible_triangle_obj₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.contractible_triangle_mor₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.contractible_triangle_obj₃ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.contractible_triangle_mor₃ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle_morphism.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle_morphism.comm₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle_morphism.comm₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle_morphism.comm₃ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle_morphism.comm₂_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', self -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle_morphism.comm₁_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', self -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle_morphism.comm₃_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', self -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle_morphism_id_hom₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle_morphism_id_hom₃ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle_morphism_id_hom₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle_morphism.comp_hom₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle_morphism.comp_hom₃ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle_morphism.comp_hom₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle_category_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, C, B, A -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle_category_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle_category_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ -- category_theory/triangulated/pretriangulated.lean #check @category_theory.triangulated.pretriangulated.comp_dist_triangle_mor_zero₁₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, C -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.pretriangulated.comp_dist_triangle_mor_zero₂₃ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, C -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.pretriangulated.comp_dist_triangle_mor_zero₃₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, C -/ -- category_theory/triangulated/rotate.lean #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle.rotate_obj₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle.rotate_obj₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle.rotate_mor₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle.rotate_mor₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle.rotate_obj₃ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle.rotate_mor₃ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle.inv_rotate_obj₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle.inv_rotate_obj₃ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle.inv_rotate_mor₃ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle.inv_rotate_mor₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle.inv_rotate_obj₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle.inv_rotate_mor₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle_morphism.rotate_hom₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle_morphism.rotate_hom₃ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle_morphism.rotate_hom₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle_morphism.inv_rotate_hom₃ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle_morphism.inv_rotate_hom₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.triangle_morphism.inv_rotate_hom₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.rotate_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.rotate_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.inv_rotate_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.inv_rotate_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.to_inv_rotate_rotate_hom₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.to_inv_rotate_rotate_hom₃ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.to_inv_rotate_rotate_hom₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.rot_comp_inv_rot_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.from_inv_rotate_rotate_hom₃ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.from_inv_rotate_rotate_hom₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.from_inv_rotate_rotate_hom₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.rot_comp_inv_rot_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.from_rotate_inv_rotate_hom₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.from_rotate_inv_rotate_hom₃ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.from_rotate_inv_rotate_hom₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.inv_rot_comp_rot_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.to_rotate_inv_rotate_hom₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.to_rotate_inv_rotate_hom₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.to_rotate_inv_rotate_hom₃ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @category_theory.triangulated.inv_rot_comp_rot_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ -- category_theory/types.lean #check @category_theory.types_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.types_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.types_id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @category_theory.types_comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @category_theory.hom_inv_id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @category_theory.inv_hom_id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @category_theory.functor_to_types.map_comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor_to_types.map_id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @category_theory.functor_to_types.naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, σ, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor_to_types.comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, τ, σ, H, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor_to_types.hcomp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, ρ, J, I, σ, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor_to_types.map_inv_map_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @category_theory.functor_to_types.map_hom_map_inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @category_theory.functor_to_types.hom_inv_id_app_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @category_theory.functor_to_types.inv_hom_id_app_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @category_theory.ulift_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @category_theory.hom_of_element_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @category_theory.mono_iff_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.epi_iff_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.of_type_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @category_theory.of_type_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, m -/ #check @category_theory.iso.to_equiv_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @category_theory.iso.to_equiv_symm_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @category_theory.iso.to_equiv_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @category_theory.iso.to_equiv_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.is_iso_iff_bijective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv_iso_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv_iso_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @equiv_equiv_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv_equiv_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ -- category_theory/whiskering.lean #check @category_theory.whisker_left_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α, F -/ #check @category_theory.whisker_right_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F, α -/ #check @category_theory.whiskering_left_map_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, H, τ, G, F, E, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.whiskering_left_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F, E, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.whiskering_left_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, H, G, F, E, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.whiskering_right_map_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, F, τ, H, G, E, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.whiskering_right_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, H, E, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.whiskering_right_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, _x, _x, H, E, D, C -/ #check @category_theory.whisker_left_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.whisker_left_id' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.whisker_right_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.whisker_right_id' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.whisker_left_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α, F -/ #check @category_theory.whisker_right_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, β, α -/ #check @category_theory.iso_whisker_left_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, F -/ #check @category_theory.iso_whisker_left_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, F -/ #check @category_theory.iso_whisker_right_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, α -/ #check @category_theory.iso_whisker_right_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, α -/ #check @category_theory.whisker_left_twice /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.whisker_right_twice /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.whisker_right_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, α, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.left_unitor_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.left_unitor_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.right_unitor_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.right_unitor_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.associator_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: _x, H, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.associator_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: _x, H, G, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.triangle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.pentagon /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, H, G, F -/ -- category_theory/with_terminal.lean #check @category_theory.with_terminal.lift_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, M, F -/ #check @category_theory.with_terminal.lift_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.with_terminal.incl_lift_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.with_terminal.incl_lift_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, hM, M, F -/ #check @category_theory.with_terminal.lift_star_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.with_terminal.lift_map_lift_star /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hM, M, F -/ #check @category_theory.with_terminal.lift_to_terminal_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, hZ, F -/ #check @category_theory.with_terminal.lift_to_terminal_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.with_terminal.incl_lift_to_terminal_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.with_terminal.incl_lift_to_terminal_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.with_terminal.lift_to_terminal_unique_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, hG, h, G, hZ, F -/ #check @category_theory.with_terminal.lift_to_terminal_unique_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, hG, h, G, hZ, F -/ #check @category_theory.with_initial.lift_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.with_initial.lift_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, M, F -/ #check @category_theory.with_initial.incl_lift_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.with_initial.incl_lift_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, hM, M, F -/ #check @category_theory.with_initial.lift_star_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.with_initial.lift_star_lift_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hM, M, F -/ #check @category_theory.with_initial.lift_to_initial_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, hZ, F -/ #check @category_theory.with_initial.lift_to_initial_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.with_initial.incl_lift_to_initial_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.with_initial.incl_lift_to_initial_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, F -/ #check @category_theory.with_initial.lift_to_initial_unique_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, hG, h, G, hZ, F -/ #check @category_theory.with_initial.lift_to_initial_unique_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, hG, h, G, hZ, F -/ -- category_theory/yoneda.lean #check @category_theory.yoneda_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, Y', Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.yoneda_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.yoneda_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, Y, f, X', X -/ #check @category_theory.coyoneda_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, Y', Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.coyoneda_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, Y, f, X', X -/ #check @category_theory.coyoneda_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @category_theory.yoneda.obj_map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.yoneda.naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, f, α -/ #check @category_theory.coyoneda.naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, f, α -/ #check @category_theory.functor.repr_w_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.repr_w_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.functor.corepr_w_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, X, F -/ #check @category_theory.yoneda_evaluation_map_down /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, α, Q, P, C -/ #check @category_theory.yoneda_pairing_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α, Q, P, C -/ #check @category_theory.yoneda_sections_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, X, ᾰ, F, X -/ #check @category_theory.yoneda_sections_hom_down /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, F, X -/ #check @category_theory.yoneda_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @category_theory.yoneda_equiv_symm_app_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, x -/ #check @category_theory.yoneda_equiv_naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @category_theory.yoneda_sections_small_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F, X -/ #check @category_theory.yoneda_sections_small_inv_app_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, t, F, X -/ -- combinatorics/additive/salem_spencer.lean #check @mul_roth_number_map_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @add_roth_number_map_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @mul_roth_number_map_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @add_roth_number_map_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @roth_number_nat_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @add_roth_number_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- combinatorics/colex.lean #check @colex.eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @colex.lt_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @colex.le_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @colex.hom_lt_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @colex.hom_fin_lt_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @colex.hom_le_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @colex.hom_fin_le_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @colex.sdiff_lt_sdiff_iff_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @colex.sdiff_le_sdiff_iff_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @colex.to_colex_rel_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @colex.sum_two_pow_lt_iff_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @colex.sum_two_pow_le_iff_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ -- combinatorics/composition.lean #check @composition.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @composition_as_set.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @composition.blocks_length /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @composition.of_fn_blocks_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @composition.size_up_to_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @composition.size_up_to_succ' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, c -/ #check @composition.card_boundaries_eq_succ_length /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @composition.order_emb_of_fin_boundaries /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @composition.coe_embedding /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, c -/ #check @composition.coe_inv_embedding /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, c -/ #check @composition.embedding_comp_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @composition.mem_range_embedding_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @composition.mem_range_embedding_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @composition.index_embedding /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @composition.inv_embedding_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, c -/ #check @composition.ones_length /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @composition.ones_blocks /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @composition.ones_size_up_to /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, n -/ #check @composition.ones_embedding /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @composition.single_embedding /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @list.split_wrt_composition_aux_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ns, n, l -/ #check @list.length_split_wrt_composition_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ns -/ #check @list.length_split_wrt_composition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @list.map_length_split_wrt_composition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, l -/ #check @list.sum_take_map_length_split_wrt_composition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, c, l -/ #check @list.nth_le_split_wrt_composition_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ns, l -/ #check @list.nth_le_split_wrt_composition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, l -/ #check @list.join_split_wrt_composition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.split_wrt_composition_join /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @composition_as_set_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @composition_as_set.card_boundaries_eq_succ_length /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @composition_as_set.blocks_length /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @composition_as_set.blocks_partial_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @composition_as_set.mem_boundaries_iff_exists_blocks_sum_take_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @composition.to_composition_as_set_length /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @composition_as_set.to_composition_length /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @composition.to_composition_as_set_blocks /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @composition_as_set.to_composition_blocks /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @composition_as_set.to_composition_boundaries /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @composition.to_composition_as_set_boundaries /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @composition_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- combinatorics/configuration.lean #check @configuration.sum_line_count_eq_sum_point_count /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, P -/ #check @configuration.projective_plane.line_count_eq_line_count /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @configuration.projective_plane.point_count_eq_point_count /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @configuration.projective_plane.dual.order /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, P -/ #check @configuration.projective_plane.line_count_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @configuration.projective_plane.point_count_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ -- combinatorics/derangements/basic.lean #check @derangements.equiv.remove_none.mem_fiber /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @derangements.equiv.remove_none.fiber_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- combinatorics/derangements/finite.lean #check @card_derangements_fin_add_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num_derangements_add_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num_derangements_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @card_derangements_eq_num_derangements /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @num_derangements_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- combinatorics/double_counting.lean #check @finset.bipartite_below_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, t, r -/ #check @finset.bipartite_above_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, s, r -/ #check @finset.mem_bipartite_below /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @finset.mem_bipartite_above /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @finset.sum_card_bipartite_above_eq_sum_card_bipartite_below /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ -- combinatorics/hales_jewett.lean #check @combinatorics.line.apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, l -/ #check @combinatorics.line.apply_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @combinatorics.line.apply_of_ne_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, l -/ #check @combinatorics.line.map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, l, f -/ #check @combinatorics.line.vertical_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, l, v -/ #check @combinatorics.line.horizontal_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, v, l -/ #check @combinatorics.line.prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, l', l -/ #check @combinatorics.line.diagonal_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- combinatorics/hall/basic.lean #check @finset.all_card_le_bUnion_card_iff_exists_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @fintype.all_card_le_rel_image_card_iff_exists_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @fintype.all_card_le_filter_rel_iff_exists_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ -- combinatorics/hall/finite.lean #check @finset.all_card_le_bUnion_card_iff_exists_injective' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ -- combinatorics/hindman.lean #check @ultrafilter.eventually_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, V, U -/ #check @ultrafilter.eventually_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, V, U -/ -- combinatorics/partition.lean #check @nat.partition.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ -- combinatorics/quiver/basic.lean #check @prefunctor.id_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, V -/ #check @prefunctor.id_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @prefunctor.comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X, G, F -/ #check @prefunctor.comp_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G, F -/ -- combinatorics/quiver/connected_component.lean #check @quiver.weakly_connected_component.eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- combinatorics/quiver/path.lean #check @quiver.path.length_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, b, a -/ #check @quiver.path.comp_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, q, p -/ #check @quiver.path.comp_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @quiver.path.nil_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @quiver.path.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, q, p -/ #check @prefunctor.map_path_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, F -/ #check @prefunctor.map_path_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, p, F -/ #check @prefunctor.map_path_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, F -/ -- combinatorics/quiver/subquiver.lean #check @quiver.total.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ -- combinatorics/set_family/compression/uv.lean #check @uv.compress_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @uv.compression_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @uv.compress_idem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, v, u -/ #check @uv.compression_idem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, v, u -/ #check @uv.card_compression /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @uv.card_compress /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ -- combinatorics/simple_graph/adj_matrix.lean #check @matrix.is_adj_matrix.apply_ne_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @matrix.is_adj_matrix.apply_ne_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @matrix.is_adj_matrix.to_graph_adj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @matrix.is_adj_matrix.to_graph_compl_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @simple_graph.adj_matrix_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, G -/ #check @simple_graph.transpose_adj_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @simple_graph.to_graph_adj_matrix_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @simple_graph.adj_matrix_dot_product /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: vec, v, G -/ #check @simple_graph.dot_product_adj_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: vec, v, G -/ #check @simple_graph.adj_matrix_mul_vec_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: vec, v, G -/ #check @simple_graph.adj_matrix_vec_mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: vec, v, G -/ #check @simple_graph.adj_matrix_mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, M, G -/ #check @simple_graph.mul_adj_matrix_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, M, G -/ #check @simple_graph.trace_adj_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @simple_graph.adj_matrix_mul_self_apply_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, G -/ -- combinatorics/simple_graph/basic.lean #check @simple_graph.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @simple_graph.from_rel_adj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, r -/ #check @complete_bipartite_graph_adj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, W, V -/ #check @simple_graph.adj_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, u, G -/ #check @simple_graph.sup_adj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, y, x -/ #check @simple_graph.inf_adj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, y, x -/ #check @simple_graph.compl_adj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, G -/ #check @simple_graph.sdiff_adj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, y, x -/ #check @simple_graph.top_adj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @simple_graph.complete_graph_eq_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V -/ #check @simple_graph.empty_graph_eq_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V -/ #check @simple_graph.mem_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @simple_graph.mem_edge_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @simple_graph.adj_iff_exists_edge /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @simple_graph.adj_iff_exists_edge_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @simple_graph.mk_mem_incidence_set_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @simple_graph.mk_mem_incidence_set_left_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @simple_graph.mk_mem_incidence_set_right_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @simple_graph.edge_mem_incidence_set_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @simple_graph.mem_edge_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, G -/ #check @simple_graph.edge_set_univ_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @simple_graph.mem_neighbor_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, G -/ #check @simple_graph.mem_neighbor_set' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, G -/ #check @simple_graph.mem_incidence_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, G -/ #check @simple_graph.mem_incidence_iff_neighbor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @simple_graph.neighbor_set_union_compl_neighbor_set_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @simple_graph.neighbor_set_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, G -/ #check @simple_graph.common_neighbors_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, G -/ #check @simple_graph.mem_common_neighbors /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @simple_graph.common_neighbors_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, G -/ #check @simple_graph.incidence_set_equiv_neighbor_set_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, G -/ #check @simple_graph.incidence_set_equiv_neighbor_set_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, v, G -/ #check @simple_graph.delete_edges_adj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, s, G -/ #check @simple_graph.sdiff_eq_delete_edges /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G', G -/ #check @simple_graph.compl_eq_delete_edges /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @simple_graph.delete_edges_delete_edges /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s', s, G -/ #check @simple_graph.delete_edges_empty_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @simple_graph.delete_edges_eq_inter_edge_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, G -/ #check @simple_graph.neighbor_finset_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, G -/ #check @simple_graph.mem_neighbor_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, G -/ #check @simple_graph.card_neighbor_set_eq_degree /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, G -/ #check @simple_graph.degree_pos_iff_exists_adj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, G -/ #check @simple_graph.degree_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, G -/ #check @simple_graph.card_incidence_set_eq_degree /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, G -/ #check @simple_graph.mem_incidence_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, v, G -/ #check @simple_graph.neighbor_finset_eq_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @simple_graph.neighbor_finset_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, G -/ #check @simple_graph.hom.map_edge_set_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, f -/ #check @simple_graph.hom.map_neighbor_set_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, f -/ #check @simple_graph.hom.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, f' -/ #check @simple_graph.embedding.map_edge_set_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, f -/ #check @simple_graph.embedding.map_neighbor_set_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, f -/ #check @simple_graph.embedding.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, f' -/ #check @simple_graph.iso.map_edge_set_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, f -/ #check @simple_graph.iso.map_edge_set_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, f -/ #check @simple_graph.iso.map_neighbor_set_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, f -/ #check @simple_graph.iso.map_neighbor_set_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, f -/ #check @simple_graph.iso.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, f' -/ -- combinatorics/simple_graph/coloring.lean #check @simple_graph.colorable_iff_exists_bdd_nat_coloring /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- combinatorics/simple_graph/connectivity.lean #check @simple_graph.walk.cons_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, h -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.cons_nil_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, h -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.append_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.nil_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.append_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, q, p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.reverse_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.cons_reverse_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, q, p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.append_reverse_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, q, p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.reverse_aux_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, q, p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.reverse_aux_eq_reverse_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.reverse_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, h -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.reverse_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.reverse_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.length_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.length_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.length_reverse_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.length_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.support_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.support_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.support_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.tail_support_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.support_eq_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.mem_support_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.mem_tail_support_append_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.mem_support_append_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.coe_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.coe_support_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.coe_support_append' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.edges_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.edges_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.edges_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.length_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.length_edges /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.is_trail_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.is_path_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.is_cycle_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.cons_is_trail_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.reverse_is_trail_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.cons_is_path_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @simple_graph.walk.is_path_reverse_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- combinatorics/simple_graph/degree_sum.lean #check @simple_graph.dart.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @simple_graph.dart.rev_edge /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d -/ #check @simple_graph.dart.rev_rev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d -/ #check @simple_graph.dart_edge_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d₂, d₁ -/ #check @simple_graph.dart_fst_fiber /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, G -/ #check @simple_graph.dart_fst_fiber_card_eq_degree /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, G -/ #check @simple_graph.dart_card_eq_sum_degrees /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @simple_graph.dart.edge_fiber /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d -/ #check @simple_graph.dart_card_eq_twice_card_edges /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @simple_graph.sum_degrees_eq_twice_card_edges /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ -- combinatorics/simple_graph/matching.lean #check @simple_graph.subgraph.is_matching.to_edge_eq_to_edge_of_adj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @simple_graph.subgraph.is_perfect_matching_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ -- combinatorics/simple_graph/partition.lean #check @simple_graph.coloring.to_partition_parts /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ -- combinatorics/simple_graph/subgraph.lean #check @simple_graph.subgraph.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @simple_graph.subgraph.adj_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, G' -/ #check @simple_graph.subgraph.coe_adj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, G' -/ #check @simple_graph.subgraph.spanning_coe_adj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ᾰ, G' -/ #check @simple_graph.subgraph.spanning_coe_equiv_coe_of_spanning_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, G' -/ #check @simple_graph.subgraph.spanning_coe_equiv_coe_of_spanning_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @simple_graph.subgraph.mem_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @simple_graph.subgraph.mem_neighbor_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, G' -/ #check @simple_graph.subgraph.copy_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G' -/ #check @simple_graph.to_subgraph_adj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ᾰ, H -/ #check @simple_graph.subgraph.map_top_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @simple_graph.subgraph.map_spanning_top_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @simple_graph.subgraph.coe_degree /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, G' -/ #check @simple_graph.subgraph.degree_spanning_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ -- computability/DFA.lean #check @DFA.mem_accepts /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, M -/ #check @DFA.eval_from_of_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, start, M -/ -- computability/NFA.lean #check @NFA.mem_step_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, S, s, M -/ #check @NFA.to_DFA_correct /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @DFA.to_NFA_eval_from_match /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, start, M -/ #check @DFA.to_NFA_correct /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ -- computability/encoding.lean #check @computability.decode_encode_pos_num /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @computability.decode_encode_num /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @computability.decode_encode_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @computability.unary_decode_encode_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @computability.decode_encode_bool /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ -- computability/epsilon_NFA.lean #check @ε_NFA.to_NFA_eval_from_match /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: start, M -/ #check @ε_NFA.to_NFA_correct /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @NFA.to_ε_NFA_ε_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @NFA.to_ε_NFA_eval_from_match /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: start, M -/ #check @NFA.to_ε_NFA_correct /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ -- computability/halting.lean #check @computable_pred.rice₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ -- computability/language.lean #check @language.add_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, l -/ #check @language.mul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, l -/ #check @language.star_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @language.mem_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @language.mem_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, m, l -/ #check @language.mem_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, m, l -/ #check @language.mem_star /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, l -/ #check @language.add_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @language.star_def_nonempty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @language.le_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, l -/ #check @language.supr_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, l -/ #check @language.mul_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, l -/ #check @language.supr_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, l -/ #check @language.add_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, l -/ #check @language.star_eq_supr_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @language.mul_self_star_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @language.one_add_self_mul_star_eq_star /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @language.one_add_star_mul_self_eq_star /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ -- computability/partrec.lean #check @vector.m_of_fn_part_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- computability/partrec_code.lean #check @nat.partrec.code.eval_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.partrec.code.eval_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.partrec.code.eval_curry /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n, c -/ #check @nat.partrec.code.eval_eq_rfind_opt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, c -/ -- computability/primrec.lean #check @nat.elim_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @nat.elim_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f, a -/ #check @nat.cases_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @nat.cases_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @primrec.of_equiv_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ -- computability/reduce.lean #check @many_one_equiv_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @many_one_degree.lift_on_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @many_one_degree.lift_on₂_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, q, p -/ #check @many_one_degree.add_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ -- computability/regular_expressions.lean #check @regular_expression.plus_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P -/ #check @regular_expression.comp_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P -/ #check @regular_expression.matches_add_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P -/ #check @regular_expression.matches_mul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P -/ #check @regular_expression.matches_star_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @regular_expression.one_rmatch_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @regular_expression.char_rmatch_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, a -/ #check @regular_expression.add_rmatch_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, Q, P -/ #check @regular_expression.mul_rmatch_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, Q, P -/ #check @regular_expression.star_rmatch_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, P -/ #check @regular_expression.rmatch_iff_matches /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, P -/ -- computability/tm_to_partrec.lean #check @turing.to_partrec.code.id_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @turing.to_partrec.code.head_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @turing.to_partrec.code.pred_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @turing.to_partrec.step_normal_then /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, k', k, c -/ #check @turing.to_partrec.step_normal_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, c -/ #check @turing.partrec_to_TM2.split_at_pred_ff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @turing.partrec_to_TM2.tr_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, c -/ #check @turing.partrec_to_TM2.code_supp_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @turing.partrec_to_TM2.code_supp_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @turing.partrec_to_TM2.code_supp_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @turing.partrec_to_TM2.code_supp_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, fs, f -/ #check @turing.partrec_to_TM2.code_supp_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, g, f -/ #check @turing.partrec_to_TM2.code_supp_case /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, g, f -/ #check @turing.partrec_to_TM2.code_supp_fix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, f -/ #check @turing.partrec_to_TM2.cont_supp_cons₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, fs -/ #check @turing.partrec_to_TM2.cont_supp_cons₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @turing.partrec_to_TM2.cont_supp_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, f -/ #check @turing.partrec_to_TM2.cont_supp_fix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, f -/ -- computability/turing_machine.lean #check @turing.list_blank.head_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @turing.list_blank.tail_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @turing.list_blank.cons_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @turing.list_blank.head_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @turing.list_blank.tail_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @turing.list_blank.cons_head_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @turing.list_blank.nth_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, l -/ #check @turing.list_blank.nth_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @turing.list_blank.nth_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, l -/ #check @turing.list_blank.nth_modify_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, i, n, f -/ #check @turing.pointed_map.mk_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @turing.pointed_map.head_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @turing.list_blank.map_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @turing.list_blank.head_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @turing.list_blank.tail_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @turing.list_blank.map_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, l, f -/ #check @turing.list_blank.nth_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, l, f -/ #check @turing.proj_map_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, L, i -/ #check @turing.list_blank.map_modify_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, n, F -/ #check @turing.list_blank.append_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁ -/ #check @turing.list_blank.append_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₃, l₂, l₁ -/ #check @turing.list_blank.bind_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, l -/ #check @turing.list_blank.cons_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf, f, l, a -/ #check @turing.tape.move_left_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @turing.tape.move_right_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @turing.tape.mk'_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @turing.tape.mk'_head /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @turing.tape.mk'_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @turing.tape.mk'_right₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @turing.tape.mk'_left_right₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @turing.tape.move_left_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, L -/ #check @turing.tape.move_right_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, L -/ #check @turing.tape.nth_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @turing.tape.right₀_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, T -/ #check @turing.tape.mk'_nth_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R -/ #check @turing.tape.move_left_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, T -/ #check @turing.tape.move_right_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, T -/ #check @turing.tape.move_right_n_head /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, T -/ #check @turing.tape.write_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @turing.tape.write_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, b -/ #check @turing.tape.write_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, L, b -/ #check @turing.tape.map_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, f -/ #check @turing.tape.map_write /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, b, f -/ #check @turing.tape.write_move_right_n /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R, L, f -/ #check @turing.tape.map_move /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, T, f -/ #check @turing.tape.map_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, L, f -/ #check @turing.tape.map_mk₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, L, f -/ #check @turing.tape.map_mk₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @turing.tr_eval' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a₁, tr -/ #check @turing.TM0.machine.map_step /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, g₁, f₁, M -/ #check @turing.TM0.map_init /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f₁ -/ #check @turing.TM1to0.tr_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, M -/ #check @turing.TM1to1.step_aux_move /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, v, q, d -/ #check @turing.TM1to1.tr_tape_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, L, enc0 -/ #check @turing.TM1to1.tr_tape'_move_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, L, enc0 -/ #check @turing.TM1to1.tr_tape'_move_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, L, enc0 -/ #check @turing.TM1to1.step_aux_write /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, L, a, v, q, enc0 -/ #check @turing.TM1to1.step_aux_read /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, L, v, f, enc0 -/ #check @turing.TM2to1.stk_nth_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @turing.TM2to1.add_bottom_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @turing.TM2to1.add_bottom_modify_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, L, f -/ #check @turing.TM2to1.add_bottom_nth_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, L -/ #check @turing.TM2to1.supports_run /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, S -/ #check @turing.TM2to1.step_run /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, S, v, q -/ #check @turing.TM2to1.tr_normal_run /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, s -/ #check @turing.TM2to1.tr_eval_dom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, k, M -/ -- control/applicative.lean #check @applicative.map_seq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, g, f -/ #check @applicative.pure_seq_eq_map' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @functor.comp.map_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @functor.comp.seq_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @functor.comp.seq_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, x -/ #check @functor.comp.pure_seq_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @comp.seq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h -/ -- control/basic.lean #check @functor.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, m -/ #check @id_map' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pure_id'_seq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @seq_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, f, x -/ #check @map_seq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @map_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @seq_bind_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @fish_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fish_pipe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fish_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @mjoin_map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @mjoin_map_mjoin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mjoin_map_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mjoin_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @is_comm_applicative.commutative_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- control/bifunctor.lean #check @is_lawful_bifunctor.bimap_comp_bimap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', g, f', f -/ #check @bifunctor.id_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @bifunctor.id_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @bifunctor.comp_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f', f -/ #check @bifunctor.fst_comp_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @bifunctor.fst_comp_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @bifunctor.fst_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f', f -/ #check @bifunctor.snd_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f', f -/ #check @bifunctor.snd_comp_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @bifunctor.comp_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g', g -/ #check @bifunctor.snd_comp_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', g -/ -- control/bitraversable/basic.lean #check @is_lawful_bitraversable.bitraverse_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', g, f', f -/ #check @is_lawful_bitraversable.bitraverse_eq_bimap_id' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @is_lawful_bitraversable.binaturality' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, η -/ -- control/bitraversable/lemmas.lean #check @bitraversable.id_tfst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @bitraversable.id_tsnd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @bitraversable.comp_tfst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f', f -/ #check @bitraversable.tfst_comp_tfst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @bitraversable.tfst_tsnd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f', f -/ #check @bitraversable.tfst_comp_tsnd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @bitraversable.tsnd_tfst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f', f -/ #check @bitraversable.tsnd_comp_tfst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @bitraversable.tsnd_comp_tsnd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', g -/ #check @bitraversable.comp_tsnd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g', g -/ #check @bitraversable.tfst_eq_fst_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @bitraversable.tfst_eq_fst_id' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @bitraversable.tsnd_eq_snd_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @bitraversable.tsnd_eq_snd_id' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- control/equiv_functor.lean #check @equiv_functor.map_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @equiv_functor.map_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, k -/ #check @equiv_functor.map_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e, f -/ #check @equiv_functor.map_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, e, f -/ #check @equiv_functor.map_equiv_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, f -/ #check @equiv_functor.map_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, f -/ #check @equiv_functor.map_equiv_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bc, ab, f -/ -- control/fix.lean #check @part.fix_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- control/fold.lean #check @traversable.free.map_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: xs, f -/ #check @traversable.foldl.unop_of_free_monoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, xs, f -/ #check @traversable.mfoldl.unop_of_free_monoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, xs, f, m -/ #check @traversable.fold_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @traversable.fold_map_hom_free /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @traversable.fold_mfoldl_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @traversable.fold_mfoldr_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @traversable.foldl.of_free_monoid_comp_free_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @traversable.foldr.of_free_monoid_comp_free_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @traversable.mfoldl.of_free_monoid_comp_free_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @traversable.mfoldr.of_free_monoid_comp_free_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @traversable.to_list_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: xs -/ #check @traversable.fold_map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: xs, g, f -/ #check @traversable.foldl_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, xs, f -/ #check @traversable.foldr_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, xs, f -/ #check @traversable.to_list_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: xs, f -/ #check @traversable.foldl_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, f, g -/ #check @traversable.foldr_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, f, g -/ #check @traversable.mfoldr_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: xs, x, f -/ #check @traversable.mfoldl_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, f, g -/ #check @traversable.mfoldr_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, f, g -/ -- control/functor.lean #check @functor.map_comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @functor.comp.map_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h -/ #check @functor.comp.run_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h -/ #check @functor.comp.id_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @functor.comp.comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h, g' -/ #check @functor.comp.run_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @functor.comp.run_seq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ -- control/functor/multivariate.lean #check @mvfunctor.id_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mvfunctor.id_map' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mvfunctor.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h, g -/ #check @mvfunctor.exists_iff_exists_of_mono /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @mvfunctor.liftp_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @mvfunctor.liftr_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, r -/ #check @mvfunctor.liftp_last_pred_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @mvfunctor.liftr_last_rel_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, rr -/ -- control/lawful_fix.lean #check @part.fix.mem_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @part.fix_eq_ωSup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @part.to_unit_mono_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, x, f -/ #check @pi.monotone_curry_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f, γ, β, α -/ #check @pi.monotone_uncurry_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, γ, β, α -/ -- control/monad/basic.lean #check @map_eq_bind_pure_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, m -/ -- control/monad/cont.lean #check @cont_t.run_cont_t_map_cont_t /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @cont_t.run_with_cont_t /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @cont_t.monad_lift_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, x -/ #check @except_t.goto_mk_label /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x -/ #check @option_t.goto_mk_label /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x -/ #check @writer_t.goto_mk_label /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x -/ #check @state_t.goto_mk_label /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x -/ #check @reader_t.goto_mk_label /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x -/ -- control/traversable/basic.lean #check @applicative_transformation.app_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η -/ #check @applicative_transformation.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @applicative_transformation.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @applicative_transformation.congr_arg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η -/ #check @applicative_transformation.preserves_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @applicative_transformation.preserves_seq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, η -/ #check @applicative_transformation.preserves_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, η -/ #check @applicative_transformation.preserves_map' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, η -/ #check @applicative_transformation.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, η, η' -/ #check @applicative_transformation.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η, η', η'' -/ #check @applicative_transformation.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η -/ #check @applicative_transformation.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: η -/ -- control/traversable/equiv.lean #check @equiv.id_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @equiv.comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h, g, eqv -/ #check @equiv.id_traverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @equiv.traverse_eq_map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, eqv -/ #check @equiv.comp_traverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f, eqv -/ #check @equiv.naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, η, eqv -/ -- control/traversable/instances.lean #check @option.id_traverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @option.comp_traverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @option.traverse_eq_map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @option.naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, η -/ #check @list.id_traverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: xs -/ #check @list.comp_traverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @list.traverse_eq_map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @list.naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, η -/ #check @list.traverse_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, f -/ #check @list.traverse_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs, as, f -/ #check @list.mem_traverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, l -/ #check @sum.traverse_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g -/ #check @sum.id_traverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @sum.comp_traverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @sum.traverse_eq_map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @sum.map_traverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g -/ #check @sum.naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, η -/ -- control/traversable/lemmas.lean #check @traversable.pure_transformation_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @traversable.map_eq_traverse_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @traversable.map_traverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g -/ #check @traversable.traverse_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @traversable.pure_traverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @traversable.id_sequence /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @traversable.comp_sequence /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @traversable.naturality' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, η -/ #check @traversable.traverse_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @traversable.traverse_eq_map_id' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @traversable.traverse_map' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @traversable.map_traverse' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @traversable.naturality_pf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, η -/ -- control/ulift.lean #check @plift.map_up /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @plift.seq_up /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @plift.bind_up /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @plift.rec.constant /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @ulift.map_up /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @ulift.seq_up /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @ulift.bind_up /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @ulift.rec.constant /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ -- control/uliftable.lean #check @uliftable.up_down /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @uliftable.down_up /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- data/W/basic.lean #check @W_type.of_sigma_to_sigma /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w -/ #check @W_type.to_sigma_of_sigma /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @W_type.equiv_sigma_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, β -/ #check @W_type.equiv_sigma_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, β -/ -- data/analysis/filter.lean #check @cfilter.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @cfilter.of_equiv_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, F, E -/ #check @cfilter.mem_to_filter_sets /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @filter.realizer.of_equiv_F /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, E, F -/ #check @filter.realizer.principal_F /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @filter.realizer.map_σ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @filter.realizer.map_F /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, F, m -/ #check @filter.realizer.tendsto_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- data/analysis/topology.lean #check @ctop.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @ctop.of_equiv_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, F, E -/ #check @ctop.mem_nhds_to_topsp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @ctop.realizer.of_equiv_F /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, E, F -/ #check @ctop.realizer.nhds_σ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, F -/ #check @ctop.realizer.nhds_F /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a, F -/ -- data/array/lemmas.lean #check @array.rev_list_reverse_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, h, i -/ #check @array.rev_list_foldr_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @array.rev_list_length_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @array.to_list_nth_le_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @array.to_list_nth_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @array.to_list_nth_le' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, a -/ #check @array.to_array_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @array.push_back_rev_list_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @array.read_push_back_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ -- data/bitvec/basic.lean #check @bitvec.of_fin_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @bitvec.to_nat_eq_foldr_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @bitvec.of_nat_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @bitvec.to_fin_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @bitvec.to_fin_of_fin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @bitvec.of_fin_to_fin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ -- data/bitvec/core.lean #check @bitvec.bits_to_nat_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @bitvec.to_nat_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, xs -/ #check @bitvec.bits_to_nat_to_bool /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- data/bool/all_any.lean #check @list.all_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, p -/ #check @list.any_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, p -/ -- data/bool/basic.lean #check @bool.to_bool_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @bool.coe_to_bool /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @bool.to_bool_not /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @bool.to_bool_and /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @bool.to_bool_or /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @bool.cond_ff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @bool.cond_tt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @bool.cond_to_bool /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, t, p -/ #check @bool.cond_bnot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, t, b -/ #check @bool.bor_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @bool.bor_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @bool.bor_left_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @bool.band_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @bool.band_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @bool.band_left_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @bool.bxor_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @bool.bxor_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @bool.bxor_left_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @bool.bxor_bnot_bnot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @bool.bxor_ff_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @bool.bxor_ff_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @bool.bnot_band /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @bool.bnot_bor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @bool.of_nat_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ -- data/bool/set.lean #check @bool.range_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- data/buffer/basic.lean #check @buffer.to_buffer_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @buffer.to_list_to_buffer /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @buffer.to_list_to_array /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @buffer.append_list_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @buffer.to_buffer_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, c -/ #check @buffer.size_push_back /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @buffer.size_append_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, b -/ #check @buffer.size_to_buffer /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @buffer.length_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @buffer.read_push_back_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, b -/ #check @buffer.read_push_back_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @buffer.read_append_list_left' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @buffer.read_append_list_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, b -/ #check @buffer.read_append_list_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, l -/ #check @buffer.read_to_buffer' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @buffer.read_to_buffer /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, l -/ #check @buffer.nth_le_to_list' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @buffer.nth_le_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, b -/ #check @buffer.read_eq_nth_le_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, b -/ #check @buffer.read_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ -- data/buffer/parser/basic.lean #check @parser.fail_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, cb, p -/ #check @parser.success_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, cb, p -/ #check @parser.bind_eq_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @parser.and_then_eq_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @parser.str_eq_char_buf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @parser.many_sublist_of_done /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ -- data/bundle.lean #check @bundle.coe_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @bundle.to_total_space_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, E -/ #check @bundle.coe_snd_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, x, E -/ #check @bundle.coe_snd_map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, r, x, R, E -/ -- data/complex/basic.lean #check @complex.equiv_real_prod_symm_apply_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @complex.equiv_real_prod_symm_apply_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @complex.equiv_real_prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.eta /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.of_real_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @complex.of_real_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @complex.add_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @complex.add_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @complex.bit0_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.bit1_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.bit0_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.bit1_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.of_real_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r -/ #check @complex.of_real_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @complex.of_real_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @complex.neg_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.neg_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.of_real_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @complex.mul_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @complex.mul_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @complex.of_real_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r -/ #check @complex.of_real_mul_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, r -/ #check @complex.of_real_mul_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, r -/ #check @complex.of_real_mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, r -/ #check @complex.I_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.mk_eq_add_mul_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @complex.re_add_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.I_pow_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @complex.I_pow_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @complex.conj_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.conj_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.conj_of_real /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @complex.conj_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.conj_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.norm_sq_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.norm_sq_of_real /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @complex.norm_sq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @complex.norm_sq_add_mul_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @complex.norm_sq_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.norm_sq_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.norm_sq_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @complex.norm_sq_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @complex.mul_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.add_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.of_real_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @complex.sub_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @complex.sub_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @complex.of_real_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r -/ #check @complex.of_real_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, r -/ #check @complex.sub_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.norm_sq_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @complex.inv_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.inv_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.inv_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.of_real_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @complex.I_zpow_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @complex.I_zpow_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @complex.div_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @complex.div_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @complex.of_real_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r -/ #check @complex.of_real_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, r -/ #check @complex.div_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.norm_sq_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.norm_sq_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @complex.of_real_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @complex.nat_cast_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @complex.of_real_int_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @complex.int_cast_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @complex.of_real_rat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @complex.rat_cast_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @complex.re_eq_add_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.im_eq_sub_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.abs_of_real /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @complex.abs_of_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @complex.mul_self_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.sq_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.sq_abs_sub_sq_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.sq_abs_sub_sq_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.abs_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.abs_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @complex.abs_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, z -/ #check @complex.abs_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, z -/ #check @complex.abs_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.abs_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.abs_sub_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @complex.abs_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.abs_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @complex.abs_cast_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @complex.int_cast_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @complex.norm_sq_eq_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.lim_eq_lim_im_add_lim_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @complex.lim_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @complex.lim_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @complex.lim_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @complex.lim_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @complex.of_real_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @complex.of_real_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ -- data/complex/exponential.lean #check @sum_range_diag_flip /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, n -/ #check @complex.exp_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @complex.exp_list_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @complex.exp_multiset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @complex.exp_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @complex.exp_nat_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @complex.exp_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.exp_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @complex.exp_int_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, z -/ #check @complex.exp_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.of_real_exp_of_real_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.of_real_exp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.exp_of_real_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.two_sinh /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.two_cosh /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sinh_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sinh_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @complex.cosh_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cosh_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @complex.sinh_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @complex.cosh_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @complex.sinh_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.of_real_sinh_of_real_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.of_real_sinh /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sinh_of_real_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cosh_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.of_real_cosh_of_real_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.of_real_cosh /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cosh_of_real_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.tanh_eq_sinh_div_cosh /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.tanh_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.tanh_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.of_real_tanh_of_real_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.of_real_tanh /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.tanh_of_real_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cosh_add_sinh /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sinh_add_cosh /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cosh_sub_sinh /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cosh_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sinh_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cosh_two_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sinh_two_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cosh_three_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sinh_three_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sin_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.two_sin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.two_cos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sinh_mul_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cosh_mul_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.tanh_mul_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_mul_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sin_mul_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.tan_mul_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sin_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @complex.cos_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @complex.sin_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @complex.cos_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @complex.sin_add_mul_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @complex.sin_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.cos_add_mul_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @complex.cos_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.sin_sub_sin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @complex.cos_sub_cos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @complex.cos_add_cos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @complex.sin_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.of_real_sin_of_real_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.of_real_sin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sin_of_real_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.of_real_cos_of_real_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.of_real_cos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_of_real_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.tan_eq_sin_div_cos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.tan_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.tan_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.of_real_tan_of_real_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.of_real_tan /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.tan_of_real_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_add_sin_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_sub_sin_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_two_mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_two_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sin_two_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_sq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sin_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_three_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.sin_three_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.exp_mul_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.exp_add_mul_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @complex.exp_eq_exp_re_mul_sin_add_cos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.exp_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.exp_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.exp_of_real_mul_I_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.exp_of_real_mul_I_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.cos_add_sin_mul_I_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, n -/ #check @real.exp_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real.exp_list_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @real.exp_multiset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @real.exp_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @real.exp_nat_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @real.exp_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.exp_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real.sin_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sin_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real.cos_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cos_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real.sin_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real.cos_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real.sin_sub_sin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real.cos_sub_cos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real.cos_add_cos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real.tan_eq_sin_div_cos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.tan_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cos_two_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cos_two_mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sin_two_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cos_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cos_sq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sin_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.abs_sin_eq_sqrt_one_sub_cos_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.abs_cos_eq_sqrt_one_sub_sin_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cos_three_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sin_three_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sinh_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sinh_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sinh_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real.cosh_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cosh_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cosh_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real.sinh_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real.cosh_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real.tanh_eq_sinh_div_cosh /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.tanh_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cosh_add_sinh /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sinh_add_cosh /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cosh_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sinh_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cosh_two_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sinh_two_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cosh_three_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sinh_three_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.abs_exp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.exp_eq_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.exp_near_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @real.exp_near_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x, n -/ #check @real.exp_near_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r₂, r₁, x, n -/ #check @complex.abs_exp_of_real /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.abs_exp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ -- data/complex/is_R_or_C.lean #check @is_R_or_C.of_real_alg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_R_or_C.re_add_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.of_real_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @is_R_or_C.mul_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.mul_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.inv_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.bit0_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.bit1_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.bit0_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.bit1_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.of_real_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @is_R_or_C.of_real_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @is_R_or_C.of_real_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @is_R_or_C.of_real_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r -/ #check @is_R_or_C.of_real_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ #check @is_R_or_C.of_real_mul_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, r -/ #check @is_R_or_C.of_real_mul_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, r -/ #check @is_R_or_C.smul_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, r -/ #check @is_R_or_C.smul_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, r -/ #check @is_R_or_C.I_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.I_im' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.I_mul_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.conj_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.conj_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.conj_of_real /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @is_R_or_C.conj_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.conj_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.conj_eq_re_sub_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.conj_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, r -/ #check @is_R_or_C.norm_sq_eq_def' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.norm_sq_of_real /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @is_R_or_C.norm_sq_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.norm_sq_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.norm_sq_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.norm_sq_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.mul_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.add_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.of_real_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r -/ #check @is_R_or_C.of_real_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, r -/ #check @is_R_or_C.sub_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.norm_sq_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.inv_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.inv_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.of_real_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @is_R_or_C.div_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.div_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.of_real_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r -/ #check @is_R_or_C.of_real_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, r -/ #check @is_R_or_C.div_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.norm_sq_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.norm_sq_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.of_real_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @is_R_or_C.nat_cast_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @is_R_or_C.of_real_int_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @is_R_or_C.int_cast_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @is_R_or_C.of_real_rat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @is_R_or_C.rat_cast_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @is_R_or_C.re_eq_add_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.im_eq_conj_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.abs_of_real /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @is_R_or_C.norm_eq_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.norm_of_real /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.abs_of_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @is_R_or_C.mul_self_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.abs_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.abs_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.abs_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.abs_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.abs_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.abs_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.abs_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @is_R_or_C.abs_cast_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @is_R_or_C.norm_sq_eq_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_R_or_C.re_eq_abs_of_mul_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_R_or_C.abs_sq_re_add_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_R_or_C.abs_sq_re_add_conj' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_R_or_C.conj_mul_eq_norm_sq_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_R_or_C.of_real_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @is_R_or_C.of_real_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @is_R_or_C.of_real_finsupp_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @is_R_or_C.of_real_finsupp_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ -- data/complex/module.lean #check @complex.smul_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, r -/ #check @complex.smul_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, r -/ #check @alg_hom.map_coe_real_complex /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @complex.coe_basis_one_I_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @complex.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @dim_real_of_complex /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ #check @finrank_real_of_complex /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ #check @complex.lift_aux_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, I' -/ #check @complex.lift_aux_apply_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I' -/ #check @complex.lift_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @complex.lift_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I' -/ -- data/dfinsupp/basic.lean #check @dfinsupp.coe_pre_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @dfinsupp.zero_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @dfinsupp.map_range_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.map_range_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @dfinsupp.map_range_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f₂, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.zip_with_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g₂, g₁, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g₂, g₁ -/ #check @dfinsupp.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₂, g₁ -/ #check @dfinsupp.coe_finset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, s -/ #check @dfinsupp.finset_sum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g, s -/ #check @dfinsupp.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g -/ #check @dfinsupp.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @dfinsupp.sub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g₂, g₁ -/ #check @dfinsupp.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₂, g₁ -/ #check @dfinsupp.smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, v, b -/ #check @dfinsupp.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, b -/ #check @dfinsupp.filter_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, i, p -/ #check @dfinsupp.filter_apply_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @dfinsupp.filter_pos_add_filter_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @dfinsupp.filter_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, p -/ #check @dfinsupp.filter_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r, p -/ #check @dfinsupp.filter_add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, p, β -/ #check @dfinsupp.filter_linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, p, β -/ #check @dfinsupp.filter_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @dfinsupp.filter_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, p -/ #check @dfinsupp.subtype_domain_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v', v -/ #check @dfinsupp.subtype_domain_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r -/ #check @dfinsupp.subtype_domain_add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, p, β -/ #check @dfinsupp.subtype_domain_linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, p, β -/ #check @dfinsupp.equiv_fun_on_fintype_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x -/ #check @dfinsupp.equiv_fun_on_fintype_symm_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @dfinsupp.single_eq_single_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: xj, xi, j, i -/ #check @dfinsupp.filter_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, p -/ #check @dfinsupp.filter_single_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i -/ #check @dfinsupp.equiv_fun_on_fintype_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, i -/ #check @dfinsupp.equiv_fun_on_fintype_symm_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, i -/ #check @dfinsupp.erase_eq_sub_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.filter_ne_eq_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.filter_ne_eq_erase' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.erase_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, j -/ #check @dfinsupp.erase_single_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @dfinsupp.coe_update /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f, i -/ #check @dfinsupp.update_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @dfinsupp.update_eq_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, i -/ #check @dfinsupp.update_eq_single_add_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, i, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.update_eq_erase_add_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, i, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.update_eq_sub_add_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, i, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.single_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b₂, b₁, i -/ #check @dfinsupp.erase_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁, i -/ #check @dfinsupp.single_add_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, i, β -/ #check @dfinsupp.erase_add_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, i, β -/ #check @dfinsupp.single_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i -/ #check @dfinsupp.single_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, i -/ #check @dfinsupp.erase_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, i -/ #check @dfinsupp.erase_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, i -/ #check @dfinsupp.single_add_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @dfinsupp.erase_add_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @dfinsupp.mk_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c -/ #check @dfinsupp.single_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c -/ #check @dfinsupp.mem_support_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.eq_mk_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @dfinsupp.erase_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, i -/ #check @dfinsupp.support_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, i -/ #check @dfinsupp.support_update_ne_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.support_update /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, i, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.filter_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @dfinsupp.support_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @dfinsupp.subtype_domain_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @dfinsupp.prod_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @dfinsupp.sum_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @dfinsupp.prod_eq_prod_fintype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @dfinsupp.sum_eq_sum_fintype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @dfinsupp.sum_add_hom_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, φ -/ #check @dfinsupp.sum_add_hom_comp_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.sum_add_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, φ -/ #check @add_submonoid.supr_eq_mrange_dfinsupp_sum_add_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_submonoid.bsupr_eq_mrange_dfinsupp_sum_add_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, p -/ #check @add_submonoid.mem_supr_iff_exists_dfinsupp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.mem_supr_iff_exists_dfinsupp' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.mem_bsupr_iff_exists_dfinsupp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S, p -/ #check @dfinsupp.sum_add_hom_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @dfinsupp.lift_add_hom_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, F -/ #check @dfinsupp.lift_add_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @dfinsupp.lift_add_hom_apply_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.lift_add_hom_comp_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.comp_lift_add_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @dfinsupp.sum_add_hom_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @dfinsupp.comp_sum_add_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @dfinsupp.map_range_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₂, g₁, hf, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.map_range.add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.map_range.add_monoid_hom_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.map_range.add_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, e -/ #check @dfinsupp.map_range.add_equiv_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.map_range.add_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_dfinsupp_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, h -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_dfinsupp_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, h -/ #check @monoid_hom.coe_dfinsupp_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_dfinsupp_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.dfinsupp_sum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.dfinsupp_prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, g, f -/ #check @ring_hom.map_dfinsupp_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, h -/ #check @ring_hom.map_dfinsupp_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, h -/ #check @mul_equiv.map_dfinsupp_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, h -/ #check @add_equiv.map_dfinsupp_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, h -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_dfinsupp_sum_add_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, h -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.dfinsupp_sum_add_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_dfinsupp_sum_add_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @ring_hom.map_dfinsupp_sum_add_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, h -/ #check @add_equiv.map_dfinsupp_sum_add_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, h -/ -- data/dfinsupp/interval.lean #check @finset.card_dfinsupp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @dfinsupp.range_Icc_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.card_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @dfinsupp.card_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.card_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.card_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.card_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ -- data/dfinsupp/order.lean #check @dfinsupp.inf_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g, f, α -/ #check @dfinsupp.sup_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g, f, α -/ #check @dfinsupp.add_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.tsub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.coe_tsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ -- data/equiv/basic.lean #check @equiv.coe_fn_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @equiv.perm.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @function.involutive.to_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @function.involutive.to_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @equiv.to_fun_as_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.inv_fun_as_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.coe_fn_symm_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @equiv.refl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @equiv.coe_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @equiv.trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @equiv.apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @equiv.symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @equiv.symm_trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @equiv.symm_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f -/ #check @equiv.apply_eq_iff_eq_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.cast_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h -/ #check @equiv.cast_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @equiv.cast_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h2, h -/ #check @equiv.symm_apply_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.eq_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.symm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.trans_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.refl_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.trans_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: cd, bc, ab -/ #check @equiv.injective_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.comp_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.surjective_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.comp_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.bijective_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.comp_bijective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.equiv_congr_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: cd, ab -/ #check @equiv.equiv_congr_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ef, bc, de, ab -/ #check @equiv.equiv_congr_refl_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, bg -/ #check @equiv.equiv_congr_refl_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, ab -/ #check @equiv.equiv_congr_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e, cd, ab -/ #check @equiv.perm_congr_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, e -/ #check @equiv.perm_congr_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.perm_congr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, e -/ #check @equiv.perm_congr_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, e -/ #check @equiv.perm_congr_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p, e -/ #check @equiv.pprod_equiv_prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @equiv.pprod_equiv_prod_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @equiv.arrow_congr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @equiv.arrow_congr_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, ec, ea -/ #check @equiv.arrow_congr_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂', e₂, e₁', e₁ -/ #check @equiv.arrow_congr_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @equiv.arrow_congr'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f, hβ, hα -/ #check @equiv.arrow_congr'_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂', e₂, e₁', e₁ -/ #check @equiv.arrow_congr'_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @equiv.conj_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f, e -/ #check @equiv.conj_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.conj_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @equiv.conj_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁, e -/ #check @equiv.fun_unique_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @equiv.fun_unique_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @equiv.prod_congr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @equiv.prod_congr_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @equiv.prod_comm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, β, α -/ #check @equiv.prod_comm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @equiv.prod_assoc_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, γ, β, α -/ #check @equiv.prod_assoc_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, γ, β, α -/ #check @equiv.curry_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ, β, α -/ #check @equiv.curry_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ, β, α -/ #check @equiv.prod_punit_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, α -/ #check @equiv.prod_punit_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, α -/ #check @equiv.punit_prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, α -/ #check @equiv.punit_prod_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, α -/ #check @equiv.sum_congr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, eb, ea -/ #check @equiv.sum_congr_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f, e -/ #check @equiv.sum_congr_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e -/ #check @equiv.perm.sum_congr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, eb, ea -/ #check @equiv.perm.sum_congr_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f, e -/ #check @equiv.perm.sum_congr_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e -/ #check @equiv.sum_comm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, β, α -/ #check @equiv.sum_comm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @equiv.sum_assoc_apply_inl_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.sum_assoc_apply_inl_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @equiv.sum_assoc_apply_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @equiv.sum_assoc_symm_apply_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.sum_assoc_symm_apply_inr_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @equiv.sum_assoc_symm_apply_inr_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @equiv.sum_empty_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: val, β, α -/ #check @equiv.sum_empty_apply_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.empty_sum_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, β, α -/ #check @equiv.empty_sum_apply_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @equiv.option_equiv_sum_punit_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.option_equiv_sum_punit_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.option_equiv_sum_punit_symm_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.option_is_some_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o, α -/ #check @equiv.option_is_some_equiv_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, α -/ #check @equiv.pi_option_equiv_prod_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, x -/ #check @equiv.pi_option_equiv_prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.sigma_preimage_equiv_symm_apply_snd_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @equiv.sigma_preimage_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @equiv.sigma_preimage_equiv_symm_apply_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @equiv.sum_compl_apply_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @equiv.sum_compl_apply_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @equiv.sum_compl_apply_symm_of_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, p -/ #check @equiv.sum_compl_apply_symm_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, p -/ #check @equiv.perm.subtype_congr.apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, en, ep -/ #check @equiv.perm.subtype_congr.left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ep -/ #check @equiv.perm.subtype_congr.left_apply_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, ep -/ #check @equiv.perm.subtype_congr.right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: en -/ #check @equiv.perm.subtype_congr.right_apply_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, en -/ #check @equiv.perm.subtype_congr.symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: en, ep -/ #check @equiv.perm.subtype_congr.trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: en', en, ep', ep -/ #check @equiv.subtype_preimage_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, x, x₀, p -/ #check @equiv.subtype_preimage_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, x, x₀, p -/ #check @equiv.subtype_preimage_symm_apply_coe_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, x₀, p -/ #check @equiv.subtype_preimage_symm_apply_coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, x, p -/ #check @equiv.psigma_equiv_sigma_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, β -/ #check @equiv.psigma_equiv_sigma_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, β -/ #check @equiv.psigma_congr_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, F -/ #check @equiv.psigma_congr_right_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F -/ #check @equiv.psigma_congr_right_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @equiv.sigma_congr_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, F -/ #check @equiv.sigma_congr_right_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F -/ #check @equiv.sigma_congr_right_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @equiv.perm.sigma_congr_right_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F -/ #check @equiv.perm.sigma_congr_right_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @equiv.sigma_congr_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, e -/ #check @equiv.sigma_equiv_prod_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, β, α -/ #check @equiv.sigma_equiv_prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, β, α -/ #check @equiv.prod_congr_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, b, e -/ #check @equiv.prod_congr_refl_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.prod_congr_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, e -/ #check @equiv.prod_congr_refl_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.prod_congr_left_trans_prod_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.prod_congr_right_trans_prod_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.sigma_congr_right_sigma_equiv_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.sigma_equiv_prod_sigma_congr_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.prod_shear_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @equiv.prod_shear_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @equiv.perm.prod_extend_right_apply_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, e, a -/ #check @equiv.perm.prod_extend_right_apply_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @equiv.perm.fst_prod_extend_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ab -/ #check @equiv.sum_arrow_equiv_prod_arrow_apply_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @equiv.sum_arrow_equiv_prod_arrow_apply_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f -/ #check @equiv.sum_arrow_equiv_prod_arrow_symm_apply_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @equiv.sum_arrow_equiv_prod_arrow_symm_apply_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, g -/ #check @equiv.sum_prod_distrib_apply_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, a -/ #check @equiv.sum_prod_distrib_apply_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b -/ #check @equiv.prod_sum_distrib_apply_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @equiv.prod_sum_distrib_apply_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, a -/ #check @equiv.bool_arrow_equiv_prod_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, p, α -/ #check @equiv.bool_arrow_equiv_prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, α -/ #check @equiv.subtype_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, e -/ #check @equiv.subtype_equiv_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h', h, f, e -/ #check @equiv.subtype_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h, e -/ #check @equiv.subtype_equiv_right_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @equiv.subtype_equiv_right_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @equiv.subtype_subtype_equiv_subtype_exists_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, q, p -/ #check @equiv.subtype_subtype_equiv_subtype_inter_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, q, p -/ #check @equiv.subtype_subtype_equiv_subtype_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.subtype_univ_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @equiv.subtype_univ_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h -/ #check @equiv.pi_equiv_pi_subtype_prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, β, p -/ #check @equiv.pi_equiv_pi_subtype_prod_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, β, p -/ #check @equiv.coe_subtype_equiv_codomain /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.subtype_equiv_codomain_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @equiv.coe_subtype_equiv_codomain_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.subtype_equiv_codomain_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x', y, f -/ #check @equiv.subtype_equiv_codomain_symm_apply_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @equiv.subtype_equiv_codomain_symm_apply_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x', f -/ #check @equiv.of_bijective_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @equiv.of_bijective_apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @equiv.of_bijective_symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @equiv.perm.extend_domain_apply_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, e -/ #check @equiv.perm.extend_domain_apply_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e -/ #check @equiv.perm.extend_domain_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e -/ #check @equiv.perm.extend_domain_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e, f -/ #check @equiv.subtype_quotient_equiv_quotient_subtype_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hx, x, hp₂, p₂, p₁ -/ #check @equiv.subtype_quotient_equiv_quotient_subtype_symm_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hp₂, p₂, p₁ -/ #check @equiv.swap_core_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @equiv.swap_core_swap_core /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @equiv.swap_core_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, r -/ #check @equiv.swap_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @equiv.swap_apply_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, b, a -/ #check @equiv.swap_apply_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @equiv.swap_apply_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.symm_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @equiv.swap_comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: π -/ #check @equiv.swap_eq_update /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @equiv.comp_swap_eq_update /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, j, i -/ #check @equiv.symm_trans_swap_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, b, a -/ #check @equiv.trans_swap_trans_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, b, a -/ #check @equiv.swap_apply_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.apply_swap_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @equiv.perm.sum_congr_swap_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @equiv.perm.sum_congr_refl_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @equiv.set_value_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @function.injective.map_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @equiv.Pi_congr_left'_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, e, P -/ #check @equiv.Pi_congr_left'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, e -/ #check @equiv.coe_Pi_congr_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁ -/ #check @equiv.Pi_congr_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, h₂, h₁ -/ #check @equiv.Pi_congr_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, h₂, h₁ -/ #check @equiv.coe_Pi_congr' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁ -/ #check @equiv.Pi_congr'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, h₂, h₁ -/ #check @equiv.Pi_congr'_symm_apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f, h₂, h₁ -/ #check @function.injective.swap_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @function.injective.swap_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @quot.congr_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, e -/ #check @quotient.congr_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, e -/ #check @function.update_comp_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, a, g, f -/ #check @function.update_apply_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a', v, a, g, f -/ #check @function.Pi_congr_left'_update /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, b, f, e, P -/ #check @function.Pi_congr_left'_symm_update /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, b, f, e, P -/ -- data/equiv/denumerable.lean #check @denumerable.decode_eq_of_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, α -/ #check @denumerable.encode_of_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @denumerable.of_nat_encode /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @denumerable.of_equiv_of_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, e, α -/ #check @denumerable.of_nat_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @denumerable.sigma_of_nat_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @denumerable.prod_of_nat_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- data/equiv/encodable/basic.lean #check @encodable.encode_of_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, e -/ #check @encodable.decode_of_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, e -/ #check @encodable.encode_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @encodable.decode_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @encodable.encode_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @encodable.decode_option_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @encodable.decode₂_encode /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @encodable.encodek₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @encodable.encode_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @encodable.encode_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @encodable.decode_sum_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @encodable.decode_sigma_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @encodable.encode_sigma_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @encodable.decode_prod_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @encodable.encode_prod_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @encodable.subtype.encode_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quotient.rep_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ -- data/equiv/encodable/lattice.lean #check @encodable.supr_decode₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @encodable.Union_decode₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- data/equiv/fin.lean #check @pi_fin_two_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @pi_fin_two_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @fin.preimage_apply_01_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @fin.preimage_apply_01_prod' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @prod_equiv_pi_fin_two_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @prod_equiv_pi_fin_two_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @fin_two_arrow_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @fin_two_arrow_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @fin_congr_apply_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, k, h -/ #check @fin_congr_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @fin_congr_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @fin_congr_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @fin_succ_equiv'_succ_above /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @fin_succ_equiv'_symm_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin_succ_equiv'_symm_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @fin_succ_equiv_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @fin_succ_equiv_symm_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @fin_succ_equiv_symm_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @fin_succ_equiv_last_cast_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin_succ_equiv_last_symm_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin_succ_equiv_last_symm_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin_sum_fin_equiv_apply_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin_sum_fin_equiv_apply_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin_sum_fin_equiv_symm_apply_cast_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @fin_sum_fin_equiv_symm_apply_nat_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @fin_add_flip_apply_cast_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, k -/ #check @fin_add_flip_apply_nat_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, k -/ #check @fin_add_flip_apply_mk_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂ -/ #check @fin_rotate_of_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @fin.snoc_eq_cons_rotate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, v -/ #check @fin_rotate_succ_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @coe_fin_rotate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin_prod_fin_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @fin_prod_fin_equiv_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @fin.cast_le_order_iso_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.cast_le_order_iso_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, h -/ -- data/equiv/fintype.lean #check @function.embedding.to_equiv_range_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @function.embedding.to_equiv_range_symm_apply_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @function.embedding.to_equiv_range_eq_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.perm.via_fintype_embedding_apply_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, e -/ #check @equiv.perm.via_fintype_embedding_apply_mem_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e -/ #check @equiv.perm.via_fintype_embedding_sign /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.extend_subtype_apply_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e -/ #check @equiv.extend_subtype_apply_of_not_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e -/ -- data/equiv/functor.lean #check @functor.map_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h, f -/ #check @functor.map_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, h, f -/ #check @functor.map_equiv_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @bifunctor.map_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h', h, F -/ #check @bifunctor.map_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, h', h, F -/ #check @bifunctor.map_equiv_refl_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ -- data/equiv/list.lean #check @encodable.encode_list_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @encodable.decode_list_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @encodable.length_sorted_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @encodable.sorted_univ_to_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @denumerable.list_of_nat_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @denumerable.lower_raise /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @denumerable.lower_raise' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ -- data/equiv/local_equiv.lean #check @local_equiv.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @local_equiv.coe_symm_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @local_equiv.to_fun_as_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_equiv.inv_fun_as_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_equiv.copy_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @local_equiv.copy_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g -/ #check @local_equiv.copy_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @local_equiv.copy_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @local_equiv.copy_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_equiv.symm_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_equiv.symm_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_equiv.symm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_equiv.image_source_eq_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_equiv.is_image.restr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @local_equiv.is_image.restr_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @local_equiv.image_source_inter_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_equiv.image_source_inter_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_equiv.image_eq_target_inter_inv_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_equiv.symm_image_eq_source_inter_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_equiv.symm_image_target_inter_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_equiv.symm_image_target_inter_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_equiv.source_inter_preimage_inv_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_equiv.source_inter_preimage_target_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_equiv.target_inter_inv_preimage_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_equiv.symm_image_target_eq_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_equiv.restr_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_equiv.restr_coe_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_equiv.restr_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_equiv.restr_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_equiv.refl_restr_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @local_equiv.refl_restr_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @local_equiv.of_set_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @local_equiv.of_set_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @local_equiv.of_set_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @local_equiv.coe_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.coe_trans_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.trans_symm_eq_symm_trans_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.trans_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.trans_source' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.trans_source'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.image_trans_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.trans_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.trans_target' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.trans_target'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.inv_image_trans_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.trans_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e'', e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.trans_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_equiv.refl_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_equiv.trans_refl_restr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_equiv.trans_refl_restr' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_equiv.restr_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.eq_on_source.source_inter_preimage_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @local_equiv.prod_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.prod_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.prod_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.prod_coe_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.prod_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.prod_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', e', f, e -/ #check @local_equiv.piecewise_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.piecewise_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, s, e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.piecewise_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, t, e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.piecewise_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.symm_piecewise /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H', H, e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.disjoint_union_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.disjoint_union_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.disjoint_union_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.disjoint_union_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.disjoint_union_eq_piecewise /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ht, hs, e', e -/ #check @local_equiv.pi_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ei -/ #check @local_equiv.pi_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ei -/ #check @local_equiv.pi_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ei -/ #check @local_equiv.pi_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ei -/ #check @set.bij_on.to_local_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @set.bij_on.to_local_equiv_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @set.bij_on.to_local_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, s, f -/ #check @set.bij_on.to_local_equiv_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @equiv.to_local_equiv_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.to_local_equiv_symm_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.symm_to_local_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.trans_to_local_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ -- data/equiv/module.lean #check @linear_equiv.to_linear_map_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.coe_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.coe_to_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_equiv.refl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_equiv.inv_fun_eq_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.coe_to_add_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.to_add_monoid_hom_commutes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @linear_equiv.apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @linear_equiv.symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @linear_equiv.symm_trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @linear_equiv.trans_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.refl_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.symm_apply_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.eq_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.comp_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @linear_equiv.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, e -/ #check @linear_equiv.map_smulₛₗ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, e -/ #check @linear_equiv.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, e -/ #check @linear_equiv.map_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, e -/ #check @linear_equiv.symm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.mk_coe' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.symm_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₄, h₃, h₂, h₁, f, e -/ #check @linear_equiv.image_eq_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @linear_equiv.image_symm_eq_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @linear_equiv.image_smul_setₛₗ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, c, e -/ #check @linear_equiv.preimage_smul_setₛₗ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, c, e -/ #check @linear_equiv.image_smul_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, c, e -/ #check @linear_equiv.preimage_smul_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, c, e -/ #check @ring_equiv.to_semilinear_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @ring_equiv.to_semilinear_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @linear_equiv.coe_of_involutive /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_equiv.restrict_scalars_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @linear_equiv.restrict_scalars_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @linear_equiv.restrict_scalars_inj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_equiv.automorphism_group.to_linear_map_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @linear_equiv.smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @module.comp_hom.to_linear_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g -/ #check @module.comp_hom.to_linear_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g -/ #check @distrib_mul_action.to_linear_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, s, M -/ #check @distrib_mul_action.to_linear_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, s, M -/ #check @distrib_mul_action.to_module_aut_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, M, R -/ #check @add_equiv.coe_to_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @add_equiv.coe_to_linear_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @add_equiv.coe_to_nat_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @add_equiv.to_nat_linear_equiv_to_add_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.to_add_equiv_to_nat_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @add_equiv.to_nat_linear_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @add_equiv.to_nat_linear_equiv_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e -/ #check @add_equiv.coe_to_int_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @add_equiv.to_int_linear_equiv_to_add_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.to_add_equiv_to_int_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @add_equiv.to_int_linear_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @add_equiv.to_int_linear_equiv_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e -/ -- data/equiv/mul_add.lean #check @monoid_hom.inverse_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.inverse_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g -/ #check @mul_equiv.map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @add_equiv.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @add_equiv.to_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mul_equiv.to_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_equiv.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mul_equiv.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_equiv.to_equiv_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁, g, f -/ #check @mul_equiv.to_equiv_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁, g, f -/ #check @add_equiv.symm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mul_equiv.symm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_equiv.symm_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₃, h₂, h₁, g, f -/ #check @mul_equiv.symm_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₃, h₂, h₁, g, f -/ #check @add_equiv.apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @mul_equiv.apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @add_equiv.symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mul_equiv.symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mul_equiv.refl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @add_equiv.refl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @add_equiv.coe_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @mul_equiv.coe_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @add_equiv.trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @mul_equiv.trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @mul_equiv.symm_trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @add_equiv.symm_trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @mul_equiv.apply_eq_iff_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @add_equiv.apply_eq_iff_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @mul_equiv.symm_apply_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @add_equiv.symm_apply_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @add_equiv.eq_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @mul_equiv.eq_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @add_equiv.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @mul_equiv.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @add_equiv.mk_coe' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @mul_equiv.mk_coe' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @mul_equiv.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_equiv.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_equiv.coe_to_add_monoid_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @mul_equiv.coe_to_monoid_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @mul_equiv.arrow_congr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, h, g, f -/ #check @add_equiv.arrow_congr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, h, g, f -/ #check @mul_equiv.monoid_hom_congr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @add_equiv.add_monoid_hom_congr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @add_equiv.Pi_congr_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, x, es -/ #check @mul_equiv.Pi_congr_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, x, es -/ #check @mul_equiv.Pi_congr_right_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: es -/ #check @mul_equiv.Pi_congr_right_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: fs, es -/ #check @mul_equiv.map_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h -/ #check @add_equiv.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h -/ #check @monoid_hom.to_mul_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.to_add_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.to_add_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @monoid_hom.to_mul_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_equiv.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, h -/ #check @coe_to_add_units /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @coe_to_units /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @add_units.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @units.coe_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @units.mul_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @add_units.add_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @add_units.add_left_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @units.mul_left_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @add_units.add_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @units.mul_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @add_units.add_right_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @units.mul_right_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @equiv.coe_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.coe_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.mul_left_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.add_left_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.add_left_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.mul_left_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.coe_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.coe_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.mul_right_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.add_right_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.mul_right_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.add_right_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @equiv.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @equiv.inv₀_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @equiv.sub_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @equiv.sub_left_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @equiv.div_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @equiv.div_left_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @equiv.sub_left_eq_neg_trans_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.div_left_eq_inv_trans_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.div_right_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @equiv.sub_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @equiv.sub_right_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @equiv.div_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @equiv.div_right_eq_mul_right_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.sub_right_eq_add_right_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.mul_left₀_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.mul_left₀_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.mul_right₀_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.mul_right₀_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mul_equiv.inv₀_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, G -/ #check @mul_equiv.inv₀_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ -- data/equiv/mul_add_aut.lean #check @mul_aut.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁, M -/ #check @mul_aut.coe_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @mul_aut.mul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁, M -/ #check @mul_aut.one_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @mul_aut.inv_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₁, M -/ #check @mul_aut.mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, e₂, e₁, M -/ #check @mul_aut.one_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @mul_aut.apply_inv_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @mul_aut.inv_apply_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @mul_aut.smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @mul_aut.conj_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @mul_aut.conj_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @mul_aut.conj_inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @add_aut.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁, A -/ #check @add_aut.coe_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @add_aut.mul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁, A -/ #check @add_aut.one_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @add_aut.inv_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₁, A -/ #check @add_aut.mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, e₂, e₁, A -/ #check @add_aut.one_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_aut.apply_inv_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_aut.inv_apply_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_aut.smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @add_aut.conj_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @add_aut.conj_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @add_aut.conj_inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ -- data/equiv/option.lean #check @equiv.remove_none_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.remove_none_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.remove_none_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.option_symm_apply_none_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.some_remove_none_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.remove_none_map_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ -- data/equiv/ring.lean #check @ring_equiv.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_equiv.map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, e -/ #check @ring_equiv.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, e -/ #check @ring_equiv.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @ring_equiv.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @ring_equiv.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ring_equiv.to_add_equiv_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_equiv.to_mul_equiv_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_equiv.coe_to_mul_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_equiv.coe_to_add_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_equiv.refl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ring_equiv.coe_add_equiv_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @ring_equiv.coe_mul_equiv_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @ring_equiv.inv_fun_eq_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_equiv.symm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @ring_equiv.mk_coe' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @ring_equiv.symm_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₄, h₃, h₂, h₁, g, f -/ #check @ring_equiv.trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @ring_equiv.apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ring_equiv.symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ring_equiv.image_eq_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @ring_equiv.op_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @ring_equiv.op_apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @ring_equiv.op_symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @ring_equiv.op_symm_apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @ring_equiv.to_opposite_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, R -/ #check @ring_equiv.to_opposite_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, R -/ #check @ring_equiv.coe_of_bijective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_equiv.of_bijective_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @ring_equiv.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @ring_equiv.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @ring_equiv.to_ring_hom_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_equiv.coe_to_ring_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_equiv.coe_ring_hom_inj_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @ring_equiv.to_add_monoid_hom_commutes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_equiv.to_monoid_hom_commutes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_equiv.to_equiv_commutes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_equiv.to_ring_hom_apply_symm_to_ring_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @ring_equiv.symm_to_ring_hom_apply_to_ring_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ring_equiv.to_ring_hom_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @ring_equiv.of_hom_inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, hom -/ #check @ring_equiv.of_hom_inv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, inv -/ #check @ring_equiv.map_list_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @ring_equiv.map_list_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @ring_equiv.unop_map_list_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @ring_equiv.map_multiset_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @ring_equiv.map_multiset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @ring_equiv.map_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, g -/ #check @ring_equiv.map_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, g -/ #check @ring_equiv.map_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @ring_equiv.map_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, g -/ #check @ring_equiv.map_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, f -/ -- data/equiv/set.lean #check @equiv.image_eq_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @set.image_equiv_eq_preimage_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, S -/ #check @set.preimage_equiv_eq_image_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, S -/ #check @equiv.subset_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, e -/ #check @equiv.subset_image' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, e -/ #check @equiv.symm_image_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @equiv.eq_image_iff_symm_image_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, e -/ #check @equiv.image_symm_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @equiv.image_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @equiv.preimage_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @equiv.image_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @equiv.symm_preimage_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @equiv.preimage_symm_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @equiv.preimage_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @equiv.image_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @equiv.image_eq_iff_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @equiv.preimage_eq_iff_eq_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, e -/ #check @equiv.eq_preimage_iff_image_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, e -/ #check @equiv.set_congr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h -/ #check @equiv.image_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, s, e -/ #check @equiv.image_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s, e -/ #check @equiv.set.univ_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, α -/ #check @equiv.set.univ_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, α -/ #check @equiv.set.union_symm_apply_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.set.union_symm_apply_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.set.of_eq_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h -/ #check @equiv.set.of_eq_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h -/ #check @equiv.set.insert_symm_apply_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @equiv.set.insert_apply_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @equiv.set.sum_compl_apply_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @equiv.set.sum_compl_apply_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @equiv.set.sum_diff_subset_apply_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h -/ #check @equiv.set.sum_diff_subset_apply_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @equiv.set.image_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s, f -/ #check @equiv.set.image_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, x, s -/ #check @equiv.set.image_symm_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, u -/ #check @equiv.set.congr_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, e -/ #check @equiv.set.congr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @equiv.set.range_splitting_image_equiv_apply_coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s, f -/ #check @equiv.set.range_splitting_image_equiv_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s, f -/ #check @equiv.of_left_inverse_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @equiv.of_left_inverse_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f_inv, f -/ #check @equiv.of_injective_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @equiv.apply_of_injective_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @equiv.of_injective_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @equiv.of_left_inverse_eq_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf, f_inv, f -/ #check @equiv.of_left_inverse'_eq_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf, f_inv, f -/ #check @equiv.preimage_sUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @dite_comp_equiv_update /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, j, w, v, e -/ -- data/equiv/transfer_instance.lean #check @equiv.zero_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.one_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.mul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, e -/ #check @equiv.add_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, e -/ #check @equiv.sub_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, e -/ #check @equiv.div_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, e -/ #check @equiv.neg_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e -/ #check @equiv.inv_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e -/ #check @equiv.smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r, e -/ #check @equiv.add_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, e -/ #check @equiv.mul_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, e -/ #check @equiv.ring_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, e -/ -- data/erased.lean #check @erased.out_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @erased.mk_out /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @erased.bind_eq_out /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @erased.join_eq_out /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @erased.map_out /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- data/fin/basic.lean #check @fin.eta /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @fin.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.eq_iff_veq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.ne_iff_vne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.mk_eq_subtype_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, a -/ #check @fin.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.coe_eq_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @fin.val_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @fin.pos_iff_ne_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @fin.coe_last /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @fin.last_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @fin.top_eq_last /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @fin.bot_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @fin.coe_order_iso_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.add_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @fin.zero_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @fin.val_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.coe_add_eq_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.coe_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @fin.coe_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @fin.last_add_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @fin.coe_add_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.mk_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @fin.mk_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @fin.of_nat_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n -/ #check @fin.coe_val_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @fin.coe_coe_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @fin.coe_nat_eq_last /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @fin.coe_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @fin.succ_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, i, n -/ #check @fin.coe_cast_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.cast_lt_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hm, m, i -/ #check @fin.coe_cast_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.cast_le_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, hn, m, n, i -/ #check @fin.coe_of_injective_cast_le_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.cast_le_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, h -/ #check @fin.symm_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @fin.coe_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.cast_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hn, i, h -/ #check @fin.cast_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h', h -/ #check @fin.cast_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @fin.cast_eq_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @fin.coe_cast_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.cast_add_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, i, m -/ #check @fin.cast_add_cast_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.cast_lt_cast_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.cast_add_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, i, m -/ #check @fin.cast_cast_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, i -/ #check @fin.cast_cast_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.cast_succ_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, i -/ #check @fin.succ_cast_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, i -/ #check @fin.coe_cast_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.cast_succ_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, i, n -/ #check @fin.succ_last /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @fin.succ_eq_last_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.cast_succ_cast_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.cast_lt_cast_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @fin.cast_succ_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @fin.cast_succ_ne_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @fin.cast_succ_fin_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, n -/ #check @fin.coe_of_injective_cast_succ_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.succ_cast_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.coe_add_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, m -/ #check @fin.add_nat_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hi, i, n -/ #check @fin.cast_add_nat_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, i -/ #check @fin.add_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, i -/ #check @fin.cast_add_nat_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, i -/ #check @fin.cast_add_nat_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.coe_nat_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, n -/ #check @fin.nat_add_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hi, i, n -/ #check @fin.nat_add_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, i, m -/ #check @fin.cast_nat_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, i -/ #check @fin.cast_nat_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.cast_nat_add_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, i -/ #check @fin.cast_nat_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, n -/ #check @fin.cast_add_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, m -/ #check @fin.coe_pred /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @fin.succ_pred /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.pred_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.pred_mk_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, i -/ #check @fin.pred_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, h, i -/ #check @fin.pred_add_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, i -/ #check @fin.coe_sub_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.sub_nat_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁ -/ #check @fin.pred_cast_succ_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.sub_nat_add_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.coe_div_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.coe_mod_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.succ_rec_on_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @fin.succ_rec_on_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.cases_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.cases_succ' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @fin.reverse_induction_last /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h0 -/ #check @fin.reverse_induction_cast_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, hs, h0 -/ #check @fin.last_cases_last /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hlast -/ #check @fin.last_cases_cast_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, hcast -/ #check @fin.add_cases_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, hleft -/ #check @fin.add_cases_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, hright -/ #check @fin.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @fin.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.succ_above_below /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.succ_above_last_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.succ_above_above /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.succ_above_lt_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, p -/ #check @fin.lt_succ_above_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, p -/ #check @fin.range_succ_above /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @fin.zero_succ_above /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.succ_succ_above_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @fin.succ_succ_above_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.one_succ_above_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @fin.cast_pred_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, i, n -/ #check @fin.pred_above_below /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.pred_above_last_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.pred_above_above /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, p -/ #check @fin.pred_above_succ_above /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.cast_pred_cast_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.coe_clamp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @fin.coe_of_nat_eq_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @fin.coe_of_nat_eq_mod' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @fin.val_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.mul_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @fin.one_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ -- data/fin/interval.lean #check @fin.Icc_eq_finset_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.Ico_eq_finset_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.Ioc_eq_finset_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.Ioo_eq_finset_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.map_subtype_embedding_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.map_subtype_embedding_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.map_subtype_embedding_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.map_subtype_embedding_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.card_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.card_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.card_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.card_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.card_fintype_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.card_fintype_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.card_fintype_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.card_fintype_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.Ici_eq_finset_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @fin.Ioi_eq_finset_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @fin.Iic_eq_finset_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @fin.Iio_eq_finset_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @fin.map_subtype_embedding_Ici /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @fin.map_subtype_embedding_Ioi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @fin.map_subtype_embedding_Iic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @fin.map_subtype_embedding_Iio /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @fin.card_Ici /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @fin.card_Ioi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @fin.card_Iic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @fin.card_Iio /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @fin.card_fintype_Ici /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @fin.card_fintype_Ioi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @fin.card_fintype_Iic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @fin.card_fintype_Iio /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @fin.card_filter_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @fin.card_filter_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @fin.card_filter_gt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @fin.card_filter_ge /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @fin.card_filter_lt_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.card_filter_lt_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.card_filter_le_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.card_filter_le_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- data/fin/tuple/basic.lean #check @fin.tail_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @fin.cons_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, p -/ #check @fin.cons_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @fin.cons_update /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, i, p, x -/ #check @fin.update_cons_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, p -/ #check @fin.cons_self_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @fin.tail_update_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @fin.tail_update_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, i, q -/ #check @fin.comp_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, y, g -/ #check @fin.comp_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, g -/ #check @fin.range_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, x -/ #check @fin.fin_append_apply_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @fin.init_snoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @fin.snoc_cast_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, p -/ #check @fin.snoc_last /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @fin.snoc_update /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, i, p, x -/ #check @fin.update_snoc_last /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, p -/ #check @fin.snoc_init_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @fin.init_update_last /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @fin.init_update_cast_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, i, q -/ #check @fin.tail_init_eq_init_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @fin.cons_snoc_eq_snoc_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, q, a -/ #check @fin.comp_snoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, q, g -/ #check @fin.comp_init /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, g -/ #check @fin.insert_nth_apply_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @fin.insert_nth_apply_succ_above /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, p -/ #check @fin.insert_nth_comp_succ_above /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @fin.insert_nth_apply_below /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @fin.insert_nth_apply_above /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @fin.insert_nth_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, x -/ #check @fin.insert_nth_zero' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, x -/ #check @fin.insert_nth_last /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, x -/ #check @fin.insert_nth_last' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, x -/ #check @fin.insert_nth_zero_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i -/ #check @fin.insert_nth_binop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, y, x, i, op -/ #check @fin.insert_nth_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, y, x, i -/ #check @fin.insert_nth_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, y, x, i -/ #check @fin.insert_nth_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, y, x, i -/ #check @fin.insert_nth_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, y, x, i -/ #check @fin.insert_nth_sub_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, i -/ -- data/fin/tuple/sort.lean #check @tuple.proj_equiv₁' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @tuple.self_comp_sort /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- data/fin/vec_notation.lean #check @matrix.head_fin_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @matrix.cons_val_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @matrix.cons_val_zero' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @matrix.cons_val_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, u -/ #check @matrix.cons_val_succ' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, h -/ #check @matrix.head_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @matrix.tail_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @matrix.cons_head_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @matrix.range_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, x -/ #check @matrix.vec_cons_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @matrix.vec_single_eq_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @matrix.cons_val_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @matrix.cons_val_fin_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @matrix.cons_fin_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @matrix.empty_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @matrix.cons_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, u, x, ho -/ #check @matrix.vec_alt0_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @matrix.vec_alt1_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @matrix.vec_head_vec_alt0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @matrix.vec_head_vec_alt1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @matrix.cons_vec_bit0_eq_alt0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, u, x -/ #check @matrix.cons_vec_bit1_eq_alt1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, u, x -/ #check @matrix.cons_vec_alt0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, x, h -/ #check @matrix.empty_vec_alt0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @matrix.cons_vec_alt1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, y, h -/ #check @matrix.empty_vec_alt1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @matrix.smul_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, y, x -/ #check @matrix.cons_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, x -/ #check @matrix.add_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, y, v -/ #check @matrix.cons_add_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, y, v, x -/ #check @matrix.head_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @matrix.tail_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @matrix.cons_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, x -/ #check @matrix.sub_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, y, v -/ #check @matrix.cons_sub_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, y, v, x -/ #check @matrix.head_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @matrix.tail_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @matrix.neg_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, x -/ #check @matrix.head_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @matrix.tail_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- data/fin_enum.lean #check @fin_enum.finset.mem_enum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: xs, s -/ -- data/finmap.lean #check @alist.to_finmap_entries /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finmap.lift_on_to_finmap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finmap.lift_on₂_to_finmap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finmap.keys_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finmap.keys_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finmap.mem_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @finmap.lookup_to_finmap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @finmap.lookup_list_to_finmap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @finmap.lookup_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finmap.replace_to_finmap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, b, a -/ #check @finmap.keys_replace /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finmap.erase_to_finmap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @finmap.keys_erase_to_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @finmap.keys_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @finmap.lookup_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finmap.insert_to_finmap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, b, a -/ #check @finmap.lookup_insert_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finmap.insert_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finmap.insert_insert_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finmap.to_finmap_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: xs, b, a -/ #check @finmap.mem_list_to_finmap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: xs, a -/ #check @finmap.extract_eq_lookup_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @finmap.union_to_finmap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finmap.erase_union_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finmap.disjoint.symm_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @finmap.disjoint_union_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @finmap.disjoint_union_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ -- data/finset/basic.lean #check @finset.erase_dup_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @finset.coe_sort_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.not_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.nonempty_coe_sort /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.singleton_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finset.coe_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finset.singleton_iff_unique_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.mk_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @finset.insert_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @finset.insert_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @finset.insert_val' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @finset.cons_eq_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @finset.coe_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @finset.insert_singleton_self_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finset.insert.comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, b, a -/ #check @finset.insert_singleton_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @finset.insert_idem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @finset.union_val_nd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.union_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.disj_union_eq_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.coe_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.union_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.union_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₃, s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.union_idempotent /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.union_left_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₃, s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.union_right_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₃, s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.union_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.union_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.empty_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.insert_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @finset.insert_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, a -/ #check @finset.union_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, a -/ #check @finset.insert_union_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, a -/ #check @finset.inter_val_nd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.inter_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.coe_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.inter_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.inter_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₃, s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.inter_left_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₃, s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.inter_right_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₃, s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.inter_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.inter_union_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.union_left_idem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.union_right_idem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.inter_left_idem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.inter_right_idem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.inter_distrib_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, t, s -/ #check @finset.inter_distrib_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, t, s -/ #check @finset.union_distrib_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, t, s -/ #check @finset.union_distrib_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, t, s -/ #check @finset.union_eq_empty_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @finset.inter_eq_left_iff_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.inter_eq_right_iff_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.erase_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, s -/ #check @finset.coe_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @finset.sdiff_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.inter_sdiff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, t, s -/ #check @finset.sdiff_inter_distrib_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₃, s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.sdiff_inter_self_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.sdiff_inter_self_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.coe_sdiff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.sdiff_union_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.sdiff_idem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.insert_sdiff_of_not_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.insert_sdiff_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.insert_sdiff_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, t, s -/ #check @finset.sdiff_insert_of_not_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @finset.union_sdiff_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.sdiff_union_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t₂, t₁, s -/ #check @finset.union_sdiff_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.sdiff_singleton_eq_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @finset.sdiff_singleton_not_mem_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.sdiff_sdiff_self_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.union_eq_sdiff_union_sdiff_union_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.attach_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.attach_nonempty_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.attach_eq_empty_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.piecewise_insert_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.piecewise_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @finset.piecewise_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @finset.piecewise_eq_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.piecewise_eq_of_not_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @finset.piecewise_congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.piecewise_insert_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @finset.piecewise_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, g, f, s -/ #check @finset.piecewise_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g, f -/ #check @finset.piecewise_piecewise_of_subset_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f₁ -/ #check @finset.piecewise_idem_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f₁, s -/ #check @finset.piecewise_piecewise_of_subset_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₂, f -/ #check @finset.piecewise_idem_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₂, f, s -/ #check @finset.update_eq_piecewise /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, i, f -/ #check @finset.update_piecewise /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, i, g, f, s -/ #check @finset.update_piecewise_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, g, f, s -/ #check @finset.update_piecewise_of_not_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, g, f, s -/ #check @finset.filter_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p -/ #check @finset.filter_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, q, p -/ #check @finset.coe_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p -/ #check @finset.filter_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, p -/ #check @finset.filter_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁, p -/ #check @finset.filter_union_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, q, p -/ #check @finset.filter_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, p -/ #check @finset.inter_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, p -/ #check @finset.filter_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a, p -/ #check @finset.filter_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a, p -/ #check @finset.filter_or /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, q, p -/ #check @finset.filter_and /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, q, p -/ #check @finset.filter_not /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p -/ #check @finset.sdiff_eq_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.sdiff_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.filter_union_filter_neg_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.filter_congr_decidable /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s -/ #check @finset.sep_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s -/ #check @finset.filter_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, s -/ #check @finset.filter_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, s -/ #check @finset.filter_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, s -/ #check @finset.filter_ne' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, s -/ #check @finset.range_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @finset.exists_mem_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s, a -/ #check @finset.forall_mem_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s, a -/ #check @coe_not_mem_range_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @coe_not_mem_range_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @multiset.to_finset_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.to_finset_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @multiset.to_finset_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @multiset.to_finset_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @multiset.to_finset_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.to_finset_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @multiset.to_finset_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @multiset.to_finset_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m2, m1 -/ #check @finset.val_to_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @list.to_finset_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.to_finset_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l', l -/ #check @list.to_finset_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l', l -/ #check @list.to_finset_eq_empty_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @finset.map_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @finset.coe_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @finset.map_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.map_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.map_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @finset.map_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a, f -/ #check @finset.range_add_one' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @finset.image_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @finset.filter_mem_image_eq_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @finset.fiber_nonempty_iff_mem_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, s, f -/ #check @finset.image_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.image_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @finset.image_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @finset.image_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a, f -/ #check @finset.image_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, s -/ #check @finset.range_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @finset.map_eq_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @finset.image_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @finset.map_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, s, f -/ #check @finset.subtype_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @multiset.to_finset_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ #check @finset.mem_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.coe_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.to_list_to_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.bUnion_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.bUnion_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, f, s -/ #check @finset.inter_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s, t -/ #check @finset.bUnion_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @finset.bind_to_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.filter_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f, s -/ #check @finset.image_bUnion_filter_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.erase_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, s, f -/ #check @finset.disjoint_self_iff_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.disjoint_bUnion_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, f, s -/ #check @finset.disjoint_bUnion_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @equiv.finset_congr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @equiv.finset_congr_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.finset_congr_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ -- data/finset/card.lean #check @finset.card_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.card_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @multiset.card_to_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @list.card_to_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @finset.length_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.card_image_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.fiber_card_ne_zero_iff_mem_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, f, s -/ #check @finset.card_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p -/ #check @finset.card_union_add_card_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.strong_induction_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, H -/ #check @finset.strong_induction_on_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, s -/ #check @finset.strong_downward_induction_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, H -/ #check @finset.strong_downward_induction_on_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, s -/ -- data/finset/fin.lean #check @finset.coe_fin_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @finset.card_attach_fin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- data/finset/fold.lean #check @finset.fold_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @finset.fold_ite' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @finset.fold_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @finset.fold_union_empty_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.fold_sup_bot_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.le_fold_min /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @finset.fold_min_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @finset.lt_fold_min /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @finset.fold_min_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @finset.fold_max_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @finset.le_fold_max /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @finset.fold_max_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @finset.lt_fold_max /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ -- data/finset/functor.lean #check @finset.fmap_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.seq_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.seq_left_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.seq_right_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.id_traverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.map_comp_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @finset.map_traverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, h, g -/ -- data/finset/interval.lean #check @finset.Icc_eq_filter_powerset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.Ico_eq_filter_ssubsets /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.Ioc_eq_filter_powerset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.Ioo_eq_filter_ssubsets /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.Iic_eq_powerset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.Iio_eq_ssubsets /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- data/finset/lattice.lean #check @finset.sup_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @finset.sup_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @finset.sup_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.sup_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @finset.sup_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @finset.sup_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @finset.sup_attach /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.sup_product_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @finset.sup_product_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @finset.sup_erase_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.sup_sdiff_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, s -/ #check @finset.comp_sup_eq_sup_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @finset.comp_sup_eq_sup_comp_of_is_total /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @finset.sup_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t -/ #check @finset.sup_to_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.sup_eq_bot_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, f -/ #check @finset.sup_eq_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.sup_id_eq_Sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.sup_eq_Sup_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.inf_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @finset.inf_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @finset.inf_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.inf_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @finset.inf_attach /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.inf_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @finset.inf_product_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @finset.inf_product_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @finset.inf_erase_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.sup_sdiff_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, s -/ #check @finset.inf_sdiff_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @finset.inf_sdiff_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @finset.comp_inf_eq_inf_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @finset.comp_inf_eq_inf_comp_of_is_total /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @finset.inf_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t -/ #check @finset.inf_eq_top_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, f -/ #check @finset.inf_eq_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.inf_id_eq_Inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.inf_eq_Inf_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.coe_sup' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sup'_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sup'_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sup'_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sup'_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finset.sup'_le_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sup'_lt_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.le_sup'_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.lt_sup'_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sup'_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Ht, Hs, f -/ #check @finset.comp_sup'_eq_sup'_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, H -/ #check @finset.sup'_congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @finset.coe_inf' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.inf'_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.inf'_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.inf'_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.inf'_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finset.le_inf'_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.lt_inf'_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.inf'_le_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.inf'_lt_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.inf'_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Ht, Hs, f -/ #check @finset.comp_inf'_eq_inf'_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, H -/ #check @finset.inf'_congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @finset.sup'_eq_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.coe_sup_of_nonempty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.inf'_eq_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.coe_inf_of_nonempty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sup_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f, s -/ #check @finset.inf_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f, s -/ #check @finset.sup'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f, H -/ #check @finset.inf'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f, H -/ #check @finset.max_eq_sup_with_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.min_eq_inf_with_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.le_min'_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.min'_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finset.max'_le_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.max'_lt_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.lt_min'_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.max'_eq_sup' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, s -/ #check @finset.min'_eq_inf' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, s -/ #check @finset.max'_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finset.max'_eq_of_dual_min' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hs -/ #check @finset.min'_eq_of_dual_max' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hs -/ #check @finset.max'_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @finset.min'_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @finset.max'_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, s -/ #check @finset.min'_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, s -/ #check @multiset.map_finset_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @multiset.count_finset_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f, s -/ #check @finset.sup_eq_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.sup_singleton'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.sup_singleton' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @supr_eq_supr_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @supr_eq_supr_finset' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @infi_eq_infi_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @infi_eq_infi_finset' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.Union_eq_Union_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.Union_eq_Union_finset' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.Inter_eq_Inter_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.Inter_eq_Inter_finset' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.supr_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @finset.infi_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @finset.supr_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @finset.infi_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @finset.supr_option_to_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, o -/ #check @finset.infi_option_to_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, o -/ #check @finset.supr_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, a -/ #check @finset.infi_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, a -/ #check @finset.sup_finset_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, g, f -/ #check @finset.supr_insert_update /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.infi_insert_update /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.supr_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @finset.infi_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @finset.set_bUnion_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.set_bInter_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.set_bUnion_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @finset.set_bInter_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @finset.set_bUnion_preimage_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @finset.set_bUnion_option_to_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, o -/ #check @finset.set_bInter_option_to_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, o -/ #check @finset.set_bUnion_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, t, s -/ #check @finset.set_bInter_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, t, s -/ #check @finset.set_bUnion_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, a -/ #check @finset.set_bInter_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, a -/ #check @finset.set_bUnion_insert_update /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.set_bInter_insert_update /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.set_bUnion_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @finset.set_bInter_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ -- data/finset/locally_finite.lean #check @finset.filter_lt_lt_eq_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @finset.filter_lt_le_eq_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @finset.filter_le_lt_eq_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @finset.filter_le_le_eq_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @finset.filter_lt_eq_Ioi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finset.filter_le_eq_Ici /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finset.filter_gt_eq_Iio /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finset.filter_ge_eq_Iic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finset.Icc_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finset.card_Ico_eq_card_Icc_sub_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @finset.card_Ioc_eq_card_Icc_sub_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @finset.card_Ioo_eq_card_Ico_sub_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @finset.card_Ioo_eq_card_Icc_sub_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @finset.Ico_filter_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @finset.Ico_filter_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @finset.Ico_diff_Ico_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @finset.Ico_diff_Ico_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @finset.image_add_left_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @finset.image_add_left_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @finset.image_add_left_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @finset.image_add_left_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @finset.image_add_right_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @finset.image_add_right_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @finset.image_add_right_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @finset.image_add_right_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ -- data/finset/nat_antidiagonal.lean #check @finset.nat.card_antidiagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @finset.nat.sigma_antidiagonal_equiv_prod_symm_apply_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @finset.nat.sigma_antidiagonal_equiv_prod_symm_apply_snd_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @finset.nat.sigma_antidiagonal_equiv_prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- data/finset/noncomm_prod.lean #check @multiset.noncomm_foldr_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, l, f -/ #check @multiset.noncomm_foldr_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @multiset.noncomm_foldr_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, s, f -/ #check @multiset.noncomm_foldr_eq_foldr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, h, s, f -/ #check @multiset.noncomm_fold_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, l, op -/ #check @multiset.noncomm_fold_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @multiset.noncomm_fold_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, a, s, op -/ #check @multiset.noncomm_fold_eq_fold /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, s, op -/ #check @multiset.noncomm_prod_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @multiset.noncomm_sum_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @multiset.noncomm_sum_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: comm, a, s -/ #check @multiset.noncomm_prod_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: comm, a, s -/ #check @multiset.noncomm_prod_cons' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: comm, a, s -/ #check @multiset.noncomm_sum_cons' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: comm, a, s -/ #check @multiset.noncomm_prod_eq_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.noncomm_sum_eq_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.noncomm_sum_to_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, l -/ #check @finset.noncomm_prod_to_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, l -/ #check @finset.noncomm_prod_insert_of_not_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: comm, f, a, s -/ #check @finset.noncomm_sum_insert_of_not_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: comm, f, a, s -/ #check @finset.noncomm_prod_insert_of_not_mem' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: comm, f, a, s -/ #check @finset.noncomm_sum_insert_of_not_mem' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: comm, f, a, s -/ #check @finset.noncomm_sum_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @finset.noncomm_prod_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @finset.noncomm_sum_eq_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.noncomm_prod_eq_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.noncomm_prod_union_of_disjoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.noncomm_sum_union_of_disjoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- data/finset/option.lean #check @option.card_to_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o -/ #check @finset.card_insert_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.erase_none_eq_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.erase_none_map_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.erase_none_image_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.coe_erase_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.erase_none_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.erase_none_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.image_some_erase_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.map_some_erase_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.insert_none_erase_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.erase_none_insert_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- data/finset/pi.lean #check @finset.pi_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.pi.cons_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @finset.pi_singletons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.pi_const_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, s -/ -- data/finset/pimage.lean #check @part.coe_to_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o -/ #check @finset.pimage_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ -- data/finset/powerset.lean #check @finset.card_powerset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.powerset_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, s -/ #check @finset.card_powerset_len /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, n -/ #check @finset.powerset_len_succ_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @finset.powerset_len_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.powerset_card_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.powerset_len_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @finset.map_val_val_powerset_len /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, s -/ -- data/finset/preimage.lean #check @finset.coe_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.preimage_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hs -/ #check @finset.preimage_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hst -/ #check @finset.preimage_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf, s -/ #check @finset.image_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @finset.image_preimage_of_bij /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.sigma_preimage_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.sigma_preimage_mk_of_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.sigma_image_fst_preimage_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.sum_preimage' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, s, f -/ #check @finset.prod_preimage' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, s, f -/ #check @finset.sum_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, s -/ #check @finset.prod_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, s -/ #check @finset.prod_preimage_of_bij /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, s -/ #check @finset.sum_preimage_of_bij /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, s -/ -- data/finset/prod.lean #check @finset.coe_product /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.product_eq_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.product_eq_bUnion_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.product_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @finset.card_product /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.filter_product /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @finset.filter_product_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, t, s -/ #check @finset.mem_diag /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @finset.mem_off_diag /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @finset.diag_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.off_diag_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.diag_union_off_diag /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- data/finset/sigma.lean #check @finset.sigma_eq_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.sup_sigma /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @finset.inf_sigma /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @finset.mem_sigma_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, b, a, f -/ #check @finset.mk_mem_sigma_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, b, a, i, f -/ #check @finset.card_sigma_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ -- data/finset/slice.lean #check @finset.bUnion_slice /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: 𝒜 -/ #check @finset.sum_card_slice /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: 𝒜 -/ -- data/finset/sort.lean #check @finset.sort_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.sort_to_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.sorted_zero_eq_min'_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.sorted_last_eq_max'_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.coe_order_iso_of_fin_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, h, s -/ #check @finset.order_iso_of_fin_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @finset.order_emb_of_fin_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, h, s -/ #check @finset.range_order_emb_of_fin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.order_emb_of_fin_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hz, h -/ #check @finset.order_emb_of_fin_last /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hz, h -/ #check @finset.order_emb_of_fin_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- data/finset/sum.lean #check @finset.val_disj_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.empty_disj_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @finset.disj_sum_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.card_disj_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ -- data/finset/sym.lean #check @finset.sym2_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finset.sym_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @finset.sym_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @finset.sym_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @finset.sym_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, t, s -/ -- data/finsupp/antidiagonal.lean #check @finsupp.antidiagonal_filter_fst_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.antidiagonal_filter_snd_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.prod_antidiagonal_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, n -/ #check @finsupp.sum_antidiagonal_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, n -/ #check @finsupp.coe_Iic_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- data/finsupp/basic.lean #check @finsupp.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.fun_support_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finsupp.equiv_fun_on_fintype_symm_apply_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.equiv_fun_on_fintype_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @finsupp.equiv_fun_on_fintype_symm_apply_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @finsupp.equiv_fun_on_fintype_symm_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.single_of_single_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a', a -/ #check @finsupp.mem_support_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a', a -/ #check @finsupp.single_eq_single_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b₂, b₁, a₂, a₁ -/ #check @finsupp.single_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a₂, a₁ -/ #check @finsupp.unique_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @finsupp.equiv_fun_on_fintype_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, x -/ #check @finsupp.equiv_fun_on_fintype_symm_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, x -/ #check @finsupp.coe_update /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @finsupp.update_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.support_update /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @finsupp.support_update_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @finsupp.support_update_ne_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @finsupp.map_range_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @finsupp.map_range_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f₂, f -/ #check @finsupp.support_emb_domain /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, f -/ #check @finsupp.emb_domain_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, v -/ #check @finsupp.emb_domain_map_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hg, p, g, f -/ #check @finsupp.emb_domain_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, a, f -/ #check @finsupp.sum_of_support_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.prod_of_support_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.sum_fintype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.prod_fintype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.sum_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @finsupp.prod_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @finsupp.sum_ite_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @finsupp.prod_ite_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @finsupp.sum_ite_self_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @finsupp.sum_ite_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @finsupp.prod_ite_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @finsupp.sum_ite_self_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @finsupp.prod_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.add_sum_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.mul_prod_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.add_sum_erase' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.mul_prod_erase' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g₂, g₁ -/ #check @finsupp.single_add_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @finsupp.apply_add_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, a -/ #check @finsupp.coe_fn_add_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x -/ #check @finsupp.update_eq_single_add_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @finsupp.update_eq_erase_add_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @finsupp.single_add_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.erase_add_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.erase_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, a -/ #check @finsupp.erase_add_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @finsupp.map_range_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v₂, v₁ -/ #check @finsupp.emb_domain.add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, f -/ #check @finsupp.emb_domain_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, f -/ #check @add_equiv.map_finsupp_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, h -/ #check @mul_equiv.map_finsupp_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, h -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_finsupp_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, h -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_finsupp_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, h -/ #check @ring_hom.map_finsupp_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, h -/ #check @ring_hom.map_finsupp_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, h -/ #check @monoid_hom.coe_finsupp_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_finsupp_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.finsupp_sum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.finsupp_prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @finsupp.single_multiset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, s -/ #check @finsupp.single_finset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, s -/ #check @finsupp.single_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, s -/ #check @finsupp.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @finsupp.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g -/ #check @finsupp.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₂, g₁ -/ #check @finsupp.sub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g₂, g₁ -/ #check @finsupp.support_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.erase_eq_sub_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @finsupp.update_eq_sub_add_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @finsupp.finset_sum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, S -/ #check @finsupp.coe_finset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, S -/ #check @finsupp.coe_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.sum_add_index' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @finsupp.prod_add_index' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @finsupp.lift_add_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @finsupp.lift_add_hom_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @finsupp.lift_add_hom_symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, F -/ #check @finsupp.sum_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.lift_add_hom_apply_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @finsupp.lift_add_hom_comp_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @finsupp.comp_lift_add_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @finsupp.multiset_sum_sum_index /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, f -/ #check @finsupp.support_sum_eq_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finsupp.prod_add_index_of_disjoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @finsupp.map_range.equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, hf, f -/ #check @finsupp.map_range.equiv_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf₂', hf₂, f₂, hf', hf, f -/ #check @finsupp.map_range.equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf', hf, f -/ #check @finsupp.map_range.zero_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.map_range.zero_hom_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f -/ #check @finsupp.map_range.add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.map_range.add_monoid_hom_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f -/ #check @finsupp.map_range.add_monoid_hom_to_zero_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.map_range_multiset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ #check @finsupp.map_range_finset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, s, f -/ #check @finsupp.map_range.add_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.map_range.add_equiv_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f -/ #check @finsupp.map_range.add_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.map_range.add_equiv_to_add_monoid_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.map_range.add_equiv_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.map_domain_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, x -/ #check @finsupp.map_domain_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, x -/ #check @finsupp.map_domain.add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, f -/ #check @finsupp.map_domain.add_monoid_hom_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.map_domain_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @finsupp.map_domain_support_of_inj_on /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finsupp.map_domain_support_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finsupp.sum_map_domain_index_add_monoid_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @finsupp.emb_domain_eq_map_domain /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, f -/ #check @finsupp.map_domain_embedding_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, f -/ #check @finsupp.map_domain.add_monoid_hom_comp_map_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.map_domain_map_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h0, g, v, f -/ #check @finsupp.sum_update_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, a, i, f -/ #check @finsupp.comap_domain_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, l, f -/ #check @finsupp.sum_comap_domain /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, l -/ #check @finsupp.map_domain_comap_domain /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @finsupp.some_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @finsupp.some_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.some_single_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, a -/ #check @finsupp.sum_option_index /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f -/ #check @finsupp.prod_option_index /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f -/ #check @finsupp.sum_option_index_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f -/ #check @finsupp.equiv_map_domain_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, l, f -/ #check @finsupp.equiv_map_domain_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, l, f -/ #check @finsupp.equiv_map_domain_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @finsupp.equiv_map_domain_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, g, f -/ #check @finsupp.equiv_map_domain_trans' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.equiv_map_domain_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @finsupp.equiv_map_domain_eq_map_domain /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @finsupp.equiv_congr_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @finsupp.equiv_congr_left_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.filter_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, p -/ #check @finsupp.filter_eq_indicator /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @finsupp.filter_apply_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.support_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @finsupp.filter_pos_add_filter_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.filter_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finsupp.filter_eq_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @finsupp.erase_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @finsupp.erase_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁, a -/ #check @finsupp.filter_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @finsupp.filter_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁, p -/ #check @finsupp.curry_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @finsupp.sum_curry_index /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.filter_curry /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @finsupp.coe_sum_elim /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.sum_elim_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @finsupp.sum_elim_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @finsupp.sum_elim_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @finsupp.sum_finsupp_equiv_prod_finsupp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.sum_finsupp_equiv_prod_finsupp_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: fg -/ #check @finsupp.fst_sum_finsupp_equiv_prod_finsupp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @finsupp.snd_sum_finsupp_equiv_prod_finsupp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, f -/ #check @finsupp.sum_finsupp_equiv_prod_finsupp_symm_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, fg -/ #check @finsupp.sum_finsupp_equiv_prod_finsupp_symm_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, fg -/ #check @finsupp.sum_finsupp_add_equiv_prod_finsupp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @finsupp.sum_finsupp_add_equiv_prod_finsupp_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @finsupp.fst_sum_finsupp_add_equiv_prod_finsupp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @finsupp.snd_sum_finsupp_add_equiv_prod_finsupp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, f -/ #check @finsupp.sum_finsupp_add_equiv_prod_finsupp_symm_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, fg -/ #check @finsupp.sum_finsupp_add_equiv_prod_finsupp_symm_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, fg -/ #check @finsupp.comap_smul_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, g -/ #check @finsupp.comap_smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, g -/ #check @finsupp.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, b -/ #check @finsupp.smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, v, b -/ #check @finsupp.map_domain_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, b -/ #check @finsupp.smul_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, c -/ #check @finsupp.smul_single' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, c -/ #check @finsupp.map_range_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, c -/ #check @finsupp.smul_single_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @finsupp.dom_congr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, e -/ #check @finsupp.dom_congr_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @finsupp.dom_congr_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e -/ #check @finsupp.split_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, l -/ #check @finsupp.mem_split_support_iff_nonzero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, l -/ #check @finsupp.sigma_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @finsupp.sigma_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, l -/ #check @finsupp.sigma_finsupp_equiv_pi_finsupp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, j, f -/ #check @finsupp.sigma_finsupp_add_equiv_pi_finsupp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, j, f -/ #check @nat.cast_finsupp_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @nat.cast_finsupp_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @int.cast_finsupp_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @int.cast_finsupp_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ -- data/finsupp/multiset.lean #check @finsupp.to_multiset_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @finsupp.to_multiset_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.to_multiset_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @finsupp.to_multiset_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @finsupp.to_multiset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finsupp.to_multiset_sum_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s -/ #check @finsupp.card_to_multiset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.to_multiset_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.prod_to_multiset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.to_finset_to_multiset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.count_to_multiset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @finsupp.mem_to_multiset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @multiset.to_finsupp_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.to_finsupp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, s -/ #check @multiset.to_finsupp_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @multiset.to_finsupp_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @multiset.to_finsupp_to_multiset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finsupp.to_multiset_to_finsupp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- data/finsupp/order.lean #check @finsupp.add_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.le_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.le_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.coe_tsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.tsub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ -- data/finsupp/pointwise.lean #check @finsupp.coe_pointwise_module /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ -- data/finsupp/to_dfinsupp.lean #check @finsupp.to_dfinsupp_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.to_dfinsupp_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, i -/ #check @to_dfinsupp_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @dfinsupp.to_finsupp_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @dfinsupp.to_finsupp_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @dfinsupp.to_finsupp_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, i -/ #check @finsupp.to_dfinsupp_to_finsupp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @dfinsupp.to_finsupp_to_dfinsupp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.to_dfinsupp_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.to_dfinsupp_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.to_dfinsupp_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.to_dfinsupp_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r -/ #check @dfinsupp.to_finsupp_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.to_finsupp_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @dfinsupp.to_finsupp_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.to_finsupp_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r -/ #check @sigma_finsupp_equiv_dfinsupp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @sigma_finsupp_equiv_dfinsupp_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @sigma_finsupp_equiv_dfinsupp_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @sigma_finsupp_equiv_dfinsupp_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @sigma_finsupp_equiv_dfinsupp_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @sigma_finsupp_add_equiv_dfinsupp_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @sigma_finsupp_add_equiv_dfinsupp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @sigma_finsupp_equiv_dfinsupp_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r -/ #check @sigma_finsupp_lequiv_dfinsupp_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @sigma_finsupp_lequiv_dfinsupp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ -- data/fintype/basic.lean #check @finset.compl_eq_univ_sdiff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.coe_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.compl_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.compl_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finset.compl_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @finset.compl_ne_univ_iff_nonempty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.compl_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finset.univ_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.inter_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.piecewise_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.piecewise_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @finset.piecewise_erase_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, a -/ #check @finset.univ_filter_exists /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.univ_filter_mem_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sup_univ_eq_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.inf_univ_eq_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fintype.subtype_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @fintype.card_of_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @function.injective.left_inv_of_inv_of_mem_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @function.injective.right_inv_of_inv_of_mem_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @function.embedding.left_inv_of_inv_of_mem_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f -/ #check @function.embedding.right_inv_of_inv_of_mem_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @function.embedding.inv_fun_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fintype.univ_of_subsingleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.to_finset_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.coe_to_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.card_eq_iff_eq_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.card_lt_iff_ne_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.card_compl_lt_iff_nonempty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.card_univ_diff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.card_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @fin.univ_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @fintype.card_fin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @finset.card_fin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @fin.cast_eq_cast' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @fin.image_succ_above_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.image_succ_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @fin.image_cast_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @fin.univ_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @fin.univ_cast_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @fin.univ_succ_above /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @univ_option /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @fintype.card_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @fintype.card_ulift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @fintype.card_plift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @finset.univ_eq_attach /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @fintype.bijective_iff_injective_and_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fintype.bijective_iff_surjective_and_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fintype.card_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.to_finset_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set_fintype_card_eq_univ_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @coe_inv_units_equiv_prod_subtype_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, α -/ #check @units_equiv_prod_subtype_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, α -/ #check @coe_units_equiv_prod_subtype_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, α -/ #check @units_equiv_ne_zero_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, α -/ #check @units_equiv_ne_zero_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, α -/ #check @function.embedding.equiv_of_fintype_self_embedding_to_embedding /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @fintype.coe_pi_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @finset.univ_filter_card_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, α -/ #check @fintype.card_finset_len /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @fintype.card_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @fintype.card_subtype_or_disjoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @quotient.fin_choice_aux_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, l -/ #check @quotient.fin_choice_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @length_perms_of_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @card_perms_of_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @fintype.choose_subtype_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- data/fintype/card.lean #check @fintype.sum_bool /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fintype.prod_bool /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fintype.sum_extend_by_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @fintype.prod_extend_by_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @fintype.sum_option /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fintype.prod_option /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fin.sum_univ_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fin.prod_univ_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.prod_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sum_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fin.prod_of_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fin.sum_of_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fin.sum_univ_succ_above /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fin.prod_univ_succ_above /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fin.sum_univ_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fin.prod_univ_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fin.prod_univ_cast_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fin.sum_univ_cast_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fin.sum_univ_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fin.prod_univ_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fin.sum_univ_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fin.prod_univ_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fintype.card_sigma /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β -/ #check @finset.card_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @fintype.card_pi_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @card_vector /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @finset.sum_attach_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.prod_attach_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.sum_univ_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.prod_univ_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fintype.sum_pow_mul_eq_add_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, α -/ #check @fin.sum_pow_mul_eq_add_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @fin.prod_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @fin.sum_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @function.bijective.prod_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @function.bijective.sum_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @equiv.prod_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.sum_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fin.prod_univ_eq_prod_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @fin.sum_univ_eq_sum_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @finset.sum_fin_eq_sum_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @finset.prod_fin_eq_prod_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @finset.prod_to_finset_eq_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @finset.sum_to_finset_eq_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @finset.sum_fiberwise /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, s -/ #check @finset.prod_fiberwise /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, s -/ #check @fintype.prod_fiberwise /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @fintype.sum_fiberwise /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @fintype.prod_dite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @fintype.sum_sum_elim /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @fintype.prod_sum_elim /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @fintype.prod_sum_type /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @fintype.sum_sum_type /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @list.prod_take_of_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @list.sum_take_of_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @list.alternating_sum_eq_finset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @list.alternating_prod_eq_finset_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ -- data/fintype/fin.lean #check @fin.univ_filter_succ_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ -- data/fintype/list.lean #check @multiset.lists_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @multiset.mem_lists_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, s -/ -- data/fintype/sort.lean #check @fin_sum_equiv_of_finset_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, hm -/ #check @fin_sum_equiv_of_finset_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, hn -/ -- data/fun_like.lean #check @fun_like.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @fun_like.congr_arg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- data/hash_map.lean #check @bucket_array.mem_as_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: data -/ #check @bucket_array.foldl_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, d, data -/ #check @hash_map.valid.contains_aux_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @hash_map.find_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, m -/ #check @hash_map.contains_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, m -/ #check @hash_map.find_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @hash_map.mem_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b', a', b, a, m -/ #check @hash_map.find_insert_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @hash_map.find_insert_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a', m -/ #check @hash_map.find_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, a', m -/ #check @hash_map.mem_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b', a', a, m -/ #check @hash_map.find_erase_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @hash_map.find_erase_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a', m -/ #check @hash_map.find_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, a', m -/ -- data/holor.lean #check @holor_index.cast_type /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: is -/ #check @holor_index.take_take /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @holor_index.drop_take /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @holor_index.drop_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @holor.cast_type /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, eq -/ #check @holor.mul_assoc0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @holor.mul_left_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @holor.mul_right_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @holor.mul_scalar_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @holor.slice_unit_vec_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @holor.slice_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, hid, i -/ #check @holor.slice_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s, hid, i -/ #check @holor.sum_unit_vec_mul_slice /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- data/int/absolute_value.lean #check @absolute_value.map_units_int_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, abv -/ -- data/int/basic.lean #check @int.add_neg_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @int.abs_eq_nat_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.nat_abs_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.sign_mul_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.neg_succ_sub_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.coe_nat_mul_neg_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.neg_succ_mul_coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.neg_succ_mul_neg_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.coe_nat_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.nat_succ_eq_int_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.pred_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.succ_pred /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.neg_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.succ_neg_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.neg_pred /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.pred_neg_pred /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.pred_nat_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.neg_nat_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.succ_neg_nat_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.nat_abs_neg_of_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.nat_abs_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.nat_abs_mul_self' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.neg_succ_of_nat_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @int.of_nat_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.coe_nat_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.neg_succ_of_nat_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @int.div_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.div_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.add_mul_div_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.add_mul_div_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, a -/ #check @int.mul_div_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.mul_div_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @int.of_nat_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.coe_nat_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.neg_succ_of_nat_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @int.mod_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.mod_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.mod_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.mod_add_div_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @int.mod_add_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.div_add_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.mod_add_div' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @int.div_add_mod' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @int.mod_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.add_mul_mod_self_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.mod_add_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, m -/ #check @int.add_mod_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, m -/ #check @int.add_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b, a -/ #check @int.add_mod_eq_add_mod_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @int.add_mod_eq_add_mod_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @int.mul_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b, a -/ #check @int.neg_mod_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @int.mod_mod_of_dvd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.mod_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.sub_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b, a -/ #check @int.mul_div_mul_of_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b -/ #check @int.mul_div_mul_of_pos_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, a -/ #check @int.mul_mod_mul_of_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b -/ #check @int.dvd_iff_mod_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.mul_div_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.mul_div_assoc' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @int.sub_div_of_dvd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.nat_abs_sign /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @int.sign_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @int.div_sign /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.sign_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.sign_eq_div_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.mul_sign /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @int.sign_pow_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.exists_lt_and_lt_iff_not_dvd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @int.lt_div_iff_mul_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @int.neg_add_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.to_nat_eq_max /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.to_nat_coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.to_nat_add_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.pred_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @int.to_nat_sub_to_nat_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.to_nat_add_to_nat_neg_eq_nat_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.mem_to_nat' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @int.units_inv_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @int.bodd_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.bodd_sub_nat_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.bodd_neg_of_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.bodd_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.bodd_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.bodd_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.bodd_add_div2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.div2_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.bit0_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.bit1_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.bit_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b -/ #check @int.bit_decomp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.bit_coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b -/ #check @int.bit_neg_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b -/ #check @int.bodd_bit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @int.div2_bit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.test_bit_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @int.test_bit_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.bitwise_bit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b, m, a, f -/ #check @int.lor_bit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b, m, a -/ #check @int.land_bit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b, m, a -/ #check @int.ldiff_bit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b, m, a -/ #check @int.lxor_bit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b, m, a -/ #check @int.lnot_bit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b -/ #check @int.test_bit_bitwise /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, m, f -/ #check @int.test_bit_lor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, m -/ #check @int.test_bit_land /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, m -/ #check @int.test_bit_ldiff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, m -/ #check @int.test_bit_lxor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, m -/ #check @int.test_bit_lnot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n -/ #check @int.shiftl_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, m -/ #check @int.shiftl_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, m -/ #check @int.shiftl_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.shiftr_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.shiftl_coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.shiftr_coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.shiftl_neg_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.shiftr_neg_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.shiftr_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, m -/ #check @int.shiftl_eq_mul_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.shiftr_eq_div_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.one_shiftl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- data/int/cast.lean #check @int.nat_cast_eq_coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.cast_of_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.cast_coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.cast_coe_nat' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.cast_neg_succ_of_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.cast_sub_nat_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.cast_neg_of_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.cast_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.cast_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.cast_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.cast_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.cast_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, m -/ #check @int.coe_nat_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.coe_nat_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.cast_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.cast_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.cast_nat_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @prod.fst_int_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @prod.snd_int_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.eq_int_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @ring_hom.eq_int_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @ring_hom.map_int_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.cast_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pi.int_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pi.coe_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- data/int/gcd.lean #check @nat.xgcd_aux_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @nat.xgcd_aux_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @nat.xgcd_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @nat.gcd_eq_gcd_ab /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @int.coe_nat_gcd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.gcd_eq_gcd_ab /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @int.nat_abs_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.lcm_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @int.coe_nat_lcm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.gcd_mul_lcm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @int.gcd_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @int.gcd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, j, i -/ #check @int.gcd_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @int.gcd_zero_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @int.gcd_zero_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @int.gcd_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, j, i -/ #check @int.gcd_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, j, i -/ #check @int.lcm_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @int.lcm_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, j, i -/ #check @int.lcm_one_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @int.lcm_one_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @int.lcm_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @tactic.norm_num.nat_gcd_helper_dvd_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @tactic.norm_num.nat_gcd_helper_dvd_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ -- data/int/interval.lean #check @int.Icc_eq_finset_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.Ico_eq_finset_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.Ioc_eq_finset_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.Ioo_eq_finset_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.card_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.card_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.card_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.card_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.card_Icc_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.card_Ico_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.card_Ioc_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.card_Ioo_of_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.card_fintype_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.card_fintype_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.card_fintype_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.card_fintype_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.card_fintype_Icc_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.card_fintype_Ico_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.card_fintype_Ioc_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.card_fintype_Ioo_of_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.image_Ico_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- data/int/least_greatest.lean #check @int.coe_least_of_bdd_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Hinh -/ #check @int.coe_greatest_of_bdd_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Hinh -/ -- data/int/modeq.lean #check @int.mod_mul_right_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.mod_mul_left_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, a -/ -- data/int/parity.lean #check @int.even_coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.odd_coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- data/int/sqrt.lean #check @int.sqrt_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.exists_mul_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- data/int/succ_pred.lean #check @int.succ_iterate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @int.pred_iterate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ -- data/lazy_list/basic.lean #check @lazy_list.append_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: xs -/ #check @lazy_list.append_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: zs, ys, xs -/ #check @lazy_list.append_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, ys, xs -/ #check @lazy_list.mem_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ys, y, x -/ -- data/list/alist.lean #check @alist.singleton_entries /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @alist.keys_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @alist.lookup_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @alist.keys_replace /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @alist.keys_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @alist.lookup_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @alist.erase_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a', a -/ #check @alist.mem_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @alist.keys_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @alist.lookup_to_alist /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @alist.insert_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @alist.entries_to_alist /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: xs -/ #check @alist.to_alist_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: xs, b, a -/ #check @alist.extract_eq_lookup_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @alist.union_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁, a -/ -- data/list/basic.lean #check @list.bind_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.map_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f, g -/ #check @list.singleton_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @list.exists_mem_cons_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, p -/ #check @list.take_append_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.repeat_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @list.repeat_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @list.map_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, l -/ #check @list.map_repeat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, f -/ #check @list.tail_repeat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @list.mem_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @list.bind_eq_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @list.bind_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁, f -/ #check @list.bind_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @list.bind_singleton' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.map_eq_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @list.bind_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, l -/ #check @list.concat_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.concat_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, b, a -/ #check @list.concat_eq_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @list.concat_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁, a -/ #check @list.length_concat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.append_concat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁, a -/ #check @list.reverse_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @list.reverse_core_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁ -/ #check @list.reverse_cons' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @list.reverse_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.reverse_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @list.reverse_concat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, l -/ #check @list.reverse_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.concat_eq_reverse_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @list.length_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.map_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @list.map_reverse_core /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁, f -/ #check @list.reverse_repeat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @list.length_init /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.last_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.last_cons_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a₂ -/ #check @list.last_repeat_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.ilast_eq_last' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.last'_append_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, a -/ #check @list.last'_cons_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, y -/ #check @list.head_eq_head' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.head_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.tail_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.head'_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @list.tail_append_of_ne_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l', l -/ #check @list.nth_le_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, l -/ #check @list.index_of_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, b, a -/ #check @list.index_of_cons_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.nth_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.nth_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, l, f -/ #check @list.nth_le_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @list.nth_le_map_rev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, f -/ #check @list.nth_le_map' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, f -/ #check @list.nth_le_of_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hi -/ #check @list.nth_le_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.nth_le_append_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂ -/ #check @list.nth_le_repeat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.last_eq_nth_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, l -/ #check @list.nth_concat_length /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.nth_le_cons_length /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: xs, x -/ #check @list.nth_le_reverse_aux1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, r -/ #check @list.nth_le_reverse_aux2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, l -/ #check @list.nth_le_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, l -/ #check @list.nth_le_reverse' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, l -/ #check @list.modify_nth_tail_modify_nth_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, n, m -/ #check @list.modify_nth_tail_modify_nth_tail_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, n, m -/ #check @list.modify_nth_tail_modify_nth_tail_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, n -/ #check @list.modify_nth_tail_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.remove_nth_eq_nth_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, n -/ #check @list.update_nth_eq_modify_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, n, a -/ #check @list.modify_nth_eq_update_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, n, f -/ #check @list.nth_modify_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, l, n, f -/ #check @list.modify_nth_tail_length /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.modify_nth_length /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.update_nth_length /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.nth_modify_nth_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, n, f -/ #check @list.nth_modify_nth_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.nth_update_nth_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, n, a -/ #check @list.nth_update_nth_of_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.nth_update_nth_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.update_nth_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n, xs, x -/ #check @list.update_nth_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, b, a -/ #check @list.nth_le_update_nth_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.nth_le_update_nth_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hj, a -/ #check @list.insert_nth_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @list.insert_nth_succ_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, hd, s -/ #check @list.length_insert_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as -/ #check @list.remove_nth_insert_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.insert_nth_remove_nth_of_ge /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as, m, n -/ #check @list.insert_nth_remove_nth_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as, m, n -/ #check @list.insert_nth_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, j, i, b, a -/ #check @list.insert_nth_of_length_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.insert_nth_length_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, l -/ #check @list.nth_le_insert_nth_of_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, l -/ #check @list.nth_le_insert_nth_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @list.nth_le_insert_nth_add_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, l -/ #check @list.map_eq_foldr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @list.map_concat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, f -/ #check @list.map_id'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.map_id' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.map_join /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, f -/ #check @list.bind_ret_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @list.map_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @list.map_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @list.comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, g, h -/ #check @list.map_comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @list.map_filter_eq_foldr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as, p, f -/ #check @list.last_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hl, f -/ #check @list.map₂_flip /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs, as, f -/ #check @list.take_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, n -/ #check @list.take_length /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.take_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₁ -/ #check @list.take_take /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, m, n -/ #check @list.take_repeat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n, a -/ #check @list.map_take /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, L, f -/ #check @list.take_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @list.nth_le_take /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hi, L -/ #check @list.nth_le_take' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hi, L -/ #check @list.init_eq_take /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.init_append_of_ne_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l' -/ #check @list.tail_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, l -/ #check @list.drop_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.drop_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, n, m -/ #check @list.drop_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂ -/ #check @list.drop_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @list.nth_le_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, L -/ #check @list.nth_le_drop' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, L -/ #check @list.nth_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, L -/ #check @list.drop_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, m, n -/ #check @list.drop_take /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, n, m -/ #check @list.map_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, L, f -/ #check @list.modify_nth_tail_eq_take_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, n, f -/ #check @list.modify_nth_eq_take_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, n, f -/ #check @list.modify_nth_eq_take_cons_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @list.update_nth_eq_take_cons_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.reverse_take /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @list.update_nth_eq_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.take'_length /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @list.take'_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @list.take'_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₁ -/ #check @list.foldl_ext /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.foldr_ext /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @list.foldl_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.foldl_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, b, a, f -/ #check @list.foldr_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @list.foldr_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, b, f -/ #check @list.foldl_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁, a, f -/ #check @list.foldr_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁, b, f -/ #check @list.foldl_join /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, a, f -/ #check @list.foldr_join /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, b, f -/ #check @list.foldl_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, f -/ #check @list.foldr_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, f -/ #check @list.foldr_eta /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.foldl_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, f, g -/ #check @list.foldr_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, f, g -/ #check @list.foldl_map' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, g -/ #check @list.foldr_map' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, g -/ #check @list.foldl_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, l -/ #check @list.foldr_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, l -/ #check @list.foldl_hom₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f, l -/ #check @list.foldr_hom₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f, l -/ #check @list.foldr_rec_on_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hb -/ #check @list.foldr_rec_on_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hl, hb, b, op, l, x -/ #check @list.foldl_rec_on_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hb -/ #check @list.length_scanl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.scanl_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @list.scanr_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @list.scanr_aux_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, b, f -/ #check @list.scanr_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, b, f -/ #check @list.foldl1_eq_foldr1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, b, a -/ #check @list.foldl_eq_of_comm_of_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, b, a -/ #check @list.foldl_eq_foldr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @list.foldl_eq_of_comm' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, b, a -/ #check @list.foldl_eq_foldr' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @list.foldr_eq_of_comm' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, b, a -/ #check @list.mfoldr_eq_foldr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, b, f -/ #check @list.mfoldl_eq_foldl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, b, f -/ #check @list.intersperse_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @list.intersperse_cons_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: tl, c, b, a -/ #check @list.split_at_eq_take_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, n -/ #check @list.split_on_p_aux_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ys, xs, P -/ #check @list.split_on_p_aux_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: xs, P -/ #check @list.split_on_p_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as -/ #check @list.pmap_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @list.pmap_congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.map_pmap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, l, f, g -/ #check @list.pmap_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, l, f, g -/ #check @list.pmap_eq_map_attach /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, l, f -/ #check @list.attach_map_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.length_attach /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @list.attach_eq_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.last_pmap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hl₂, hl₁, l, f -/ #check @list.nth_pmap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, h, f -/ #check @list.nth_le_pmap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hn, h, f -/ #check @list.find_cons_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.lookmap_cons_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @list.lookmap_cons_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.lookmap_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.lookmap_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.lookmap_map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, g -/ #check @list.lookmap_id' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.length_lookmap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.filter_map_cons_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.filter_map_cons_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @list.filter_map_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, f -/ #check @list.filter_map_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, l', l -/ #check @list.filter_map_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @list.filter_map_eq_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @list.filter_map_filter_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, g, f -/ #check @list.map_filter_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, g, f -/ #check @list.filter_map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, g, f -/ #check @list.filter_filter_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, p, f -/ #check @list.filter_map_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f, p -/ #check @list.filter_map_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.mem_filter_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @list.map_filter_map_of_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.reduce_option_cons_of_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, x -/ #check @list.reduce_option_cons_of_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.reduce_option_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l', l -/ #check @list.reduce_option_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @list.reduce_option_concat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, l -/ #check @list.reduce_option_concat_of_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, l -/ #check @list.filter_eq_foldr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, p -/ #check @list.map_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f, p -/ #check @list.filter_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, q, p -/ #check @list.filter_true /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.span_eq_take_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, p -/ #check @list.take_while_append_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.erasep_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @list.erasep_append_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂ -/ #check @list.erasep_append_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂ -/ #check @list.erasep_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @list.extractp_eq_find_erasep /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.erase_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, b, a -/ #check @list.erase_cons_head /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.erase_cons_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.erase_eq_erasep /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @list.erase_append_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂ -/ #check @list.erase_append_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂ -/ #check @list.erase_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, b, a -/ #check @list.map_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.diff_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.diff_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, l₂, l₁ -/ #check @list.diff_cons_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, l₂, l₁ -/ #check @list.diff_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, l₂, l₁ -/ #check @list.diff_eq_foldl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁ -/ #check @list.diff_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₃, l₂, l₁ -/ #check @list.length_enum_from /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.length_enum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.enum_from_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, l, n -/ #check @list.enum_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, l -/ #check @list.enum_from_map_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.enum_map_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.map₂_left'_nil_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as, f -/ #check @list.map₂_right'_nil_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs, f -/ #check @list.map₂_right'_nil_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as -/ #check @list.map₂_right'_nil_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs, b, f -/ #check @list.map₂_right'_cons_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs, b, as, a, f -/ #check @list.zip_left'_nil_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as -/ #check @list.zip_left'_nil_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs -/ #check @list.zip_left'_cons_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as, a -/ #check @list.zip_left'_cons_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs, b, as, a -/ #check @list.zip_right'_nil_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs -/ #check @list.zip_right'_nil_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as -/ #check @list.zip_right'_nil_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs, b -/ #check @list.zip_right'_cons_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs, b, as, a -/ #check @list.map₂_left_nil_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as, f -/ #check @list.map₂_left_eq_map₂_left' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs, as, f -/ #check @list.map₂_left_eq_map₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs, as, f -/ #check @list.map₂_right_nil_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs, f -/ #check @list.map₂_right_nil_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs, b, f -/ #check @list.map₂_right_cons_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs, b, as, a, f -/ #check @list.map₂_right_eq_map₂_right' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs, as, f -/ #check @list.map₂_right_eq_map₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs, as, f -/ #check @list.zip_left_nil_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as -/ #check @list.zip_left_cons_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as, a -/ #check @list.zip_left_cons_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs, b, as, a -/ #check @list.zip_left_eq_zip_left' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs, as -/ #check @list.zip_right_nil_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs -/ #check @list.zip_right_nil_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs, b -/ #check @list.zip_right_cons_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs, b, as, a -/ #check @list.zip_right_eq_zip_right' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs, as -/ #check @list.to_chunks_aux_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, xs, n -/ #check @list.to_chunks_eq_cons' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @list.to_chunks_join /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: xs -/ #check @list.nth_le_attach /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, i, L -/ #check @list.mem_map_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: xs, y, x -/ #check @list.slice_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n, xs -/ -- data/list/big_operators.lean #check @list.prod_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, l -/ #check @list.sum_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, l -/ #check @list.sum_hom₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁, f, l -/ #check @list.prod_hom₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁, f, l -/ #check @list.sum_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, L -/ #check @list.prod_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, L -/ #check @list.prod_take_mul_prod_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @list.sum_take_add_sum_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @list.prod_take_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, L -/ #check @list.sum_take_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, L -/ #check @list.sum_update_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n, L -/ #check @list.prod_update_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n, L -/ #check @list.nth_zero_mul_tail_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.nth_zero_add_tail_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.head_mul_tail_prod_of_ne_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.head_add_tail_sum_of_ne_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.sum_neg_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @list.prod_inv_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @list.sum_reverse_noncomm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @list.prod_reverse_noncomm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @list.prod_drop_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, L -/ #check @list.sum_drop_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, L -/ #check @list.prod_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @list.sum_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @list.sum_update_nth' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n, L -/ #check @list.prod_update_nth' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n, L -/ #check @list.prod_eq_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.sum_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.sum_const_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @list.head_add_tail_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @list.tail_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @list.alternating_sum_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @list.alternating_prod_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @list.alternating_prod_cons_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, h, g -/ #check @list.alternating_sum_cons_cons' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, h, g -/ #check @list.alternating_sum_cons_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, h, g -/ #check @list.sum_map_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, f, L -/ #check @list.sum_map_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, f, L -/ #check @mul_opposite.op_list_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @mul_opposite.unop_list_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_list_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_list_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.unop_map_list_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ -- data/list/chain.lean #check @list.chain_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ᾰ, R -/ #check @list.chain_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @list.chain'_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- data/list/count.lean #check @list.countp_cons_of_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, p -/ #check @list.countp_cons_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, p -/ #check @list.length_eq_countp_add_countp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.countp_eq_length_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, p -/ #check @list.countp_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁, p -/ #check @list.countp_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @list.length_filter_lt_length_iff_exists /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, p -/ #check @list.countp_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, p -/ #check @list.count_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, b, a -/ #check @list.count_cons' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, b, a -/ #check @list.count_cons_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @list.count_cons_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.count_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, l -/ #check @list.count_singleton' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @list.count_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁, a -/ #check @list.count_concat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @list.count_repeat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @list.count_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, l -/ #check @list.count_map_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, l -/ #check @list.count_erase_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @list.count_erase_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- data/list/cycle.lean #check @list.next_or_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d -/ #check @list.next_or_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d -/ #check @list.next_or_self_cons_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @list.next_or_cons_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, x, xs -/ #check @list.next_or_eq_next_or_of_mem_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, xs -/ #check @list.next_or_concat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d -/ #check @list.next_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @list.prev_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @list.next_cons_cons_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @list.next_cons_cons_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @list.next_ne_head_ne_last /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, y, x, l -/ #check @list.next_cons_concat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @list.next_last_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @list.prev_last_cons' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, l -/ #check @list.prev_last_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, l -/ #check @list.prev_cons_cons_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, l -/ #check @list.prev_cons_cons_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, l -/ #check @list.prev_cons_cons_of_ne' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @list.prev_cons_cons_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @list.prev_ne_cons_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, z, y, x, l -/ #check @list.next_nth_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hn, n, l -/ #check @list.prev_nth_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hn, n, l -/ #check @list.pmap_next_eq_rotate_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.pmap_prev_eq_rotate_length_sub_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.prev_next /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @list.next_prev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @list.prev_reverse_eq_next /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hx, x, l -/ #check @list.next_reverse_eq_prev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hx, x, l -/ #check @list.is_rotated_next_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hx -/ #check @list.is_rotated_prev_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hx -/ #check @cycle.mk_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @cycle.mk'_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @cycle.reverse_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @cycle.reverse_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @cycle.length_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @cycle.length_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @cycle.prev_reverse_eq_next /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hx, x, hs, s -/ #check @cycle.next_reverse_eq_prev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hx, x, hs, s -/ #check @cycle.prev_next /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @cycle.next_prev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- data/list/erase_dup.lean #check @list.erase_dup_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁ -/ -- data/list/forall2.lean #check @list.forall₂_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ᾰ, R -/ #check @list.forall₂_and_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, l -/ -- data/list/func.lean #check @list.func.get_set_eq_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @list.func.length_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as -/ #check @list.func.nil_pointwise /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs -/ #check @list.func.pointwise_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as -/ #check @list.func.get_pointwise /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs, as, k -/ #check @list.func.nil_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as -/ #check @list.func.add_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as -/ #check @list.func.map_add_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @list.func.nil_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as -/ #check @list.func.sub_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as -/ -- data/list/indexes.lean #check @list.map_with_index_core_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f, l -/ #check @list.map_with_index_eq_enum_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, l -/ #check @list.map_with_index_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, l -/ #check @list.length_map_with_index /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.nth_le_map_with_index /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, l -/ #check @list.map_with_index_eq_of_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, l -/ #check @list.foldr_with_index_aux_spec_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as, a, b, start, f -/ #check @list.foldr_with_index_aux_eq_foldr_with_index_aux_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as, b, start, f -/ #check @list.foldr_with_index_eq_foldr_enum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as, b, f -/ #check @list.indexes_values_eq_filter_enum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as, p -/ #check @list.find_indexes_eq_map_indexes_values /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as, p -/ #check @list.foldl_with_index_aux_spec_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs, b, a, start, f -/ #check @list.foldl_with_index_aux_eq_foldl_with_index_aux_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs, a, start, f -/ #check @list.foldl_with_index_eq_foldl_enum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs, a, f -/ #check @list.mfoldr_with_index_eq_mfoldr_enum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as, b, f -/ #check @list.mfoldl_with_index_eq_mfoldl_enum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as, b, f -/ #check @list.mmap_with_index_aux_spec_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as, a, start, f -/ #check @list.mmap_with_index_aux_eq_mmap_with_index_aux_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as, start, f -/ #check @list.mmap_with_index_eq_mmap_enum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as, f -/ #check @list.mmap_with_index'_aux_eq_mmap_with_index_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as, start, f -/ #check @list.mmap_with_index'_eq_mmap_with_index /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as, f -/ -- data/list/infix.lean #check @list.infix_iff_prefix_suffix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁ -/ #check @list.mem_inits /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @list.mem_tails /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @list.inits_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @list.tails_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @list.inits_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @list.tails_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @list.inits_eq_tails /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.tails_eq_inits /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.inits_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.tails_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.map_reverse_inits /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.map_reverse_tails /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.length_tails /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.length_inits /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.nth_le_tails /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, l -/ #check @list.nth_le_inits /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, l -/ #check @list.insert_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.insert.def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ -- data/list/intervals.lean #check @list.Ico.zero_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @list.Ico.length /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @list.Ico.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, m, n -/ #check @list.Ico.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, m, n -/ #check @list.Ico.filter_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, m, n -/ #check @list.Ico.filter_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, m, n -/ -- data/list/join.lean #check @list.join_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L₂, L₁ -/ #check @list.join_join /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.length_join /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @list.length_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, l -/ #check @list.take_sum_join /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, L -/ #check @list.drop_sum_join /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, L -/ #check @list.drop_take_succ_eq_cons_nth_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @list.drop_take_succ_join_eq_nth_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @list.nth_le_join /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hj, hi, L -/ #check @list.eq_iff_join_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L', L -/ -- data/list/lattice.lean #check @list.nil_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.cons_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, l₂, l₁ -/ #check @list.inter_cons_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₁ -/ #check @list.inter_cons_of_not_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₁ -/ #check @list.cons_bag_inter_of_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₁ -/ #check @list.cons_bag_inter_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₁ -/ #check @list.bag_inter_nil_iff_inter_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁ -/ -- data/list/min_max.lean #check @list.argmax_two_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.argmax_concat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, f -/ #check @list.argmin_concat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, f -/ #check @list.argmax_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, f -/ #check @list.argmin_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, f -/ #check @list.maximum_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.minimum_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.maximum_concat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @list.minimum_concat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @list.maximum_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @list.minimum_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @list.maximum_eq_coe_foldr_max_of_ne_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.minimum_eq_coe_foldr_min_of_ne_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.maximum_nat_eq_coe_foldr_max_of_ne_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ -- data/list/nat_antidiagonal.lean #check @list.nat.length_antidiagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- data/list/nodup.lean #check @list.nodup.ne_singleton_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @list.nth_le_index_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @list.nodup_erase_eq_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.nodup.map_update /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ -- data/list/nodup_equiv_fin.lean #check @list.nodup.nth_le_bijection_of_forall_mem_list_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, l -/ #check @list.nodup.nth_le_equiv_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, l -/ #check @list.nodup.nth_le_equiv_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, l -/ #check @list.nodup.nth_le_equiv_of_forall_mem_list_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, l -/ #check @list.nodup.nth_le_equiv_of_forall_mem_list_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, l -/ -- data/list/of_fn.lean #check @list.length_of_fn_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, m -/ #check @list.nth_of_fn_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @list.nth_of_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @list.nth_le_of_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @list.nth_le_of_fn' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, f -/ #check @list.map_of_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @list.array_eq_of_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.of_fn_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @list.of_fn_nth_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.mem_of_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @list.of_fn_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, n -/ -- data/list/pairwise.lean #check @list.pairwise_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, R -/ #check @list.pairwise_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @list.pairwise_filter_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @list.pairwise_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @list.pw_filter_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @list.forall_mem_pw_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ -- data/list/perm.lean #check @list.perm.countp_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @list.perm.count_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.perm.foldl_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @list.perm.foldl_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @list.perm.foldr_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @list.prod_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.sum_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.perm.diff_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.perm.bag_inter_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.perm.inter_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.length_permutations_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: is, ts -/ #check @list.length_permutations /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.nth_le_permutations'_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, s -/ #check @list.count_permutations'_aux_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, l -/ #check @list.length_permutations'_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @list.permutations'_aux_nth_le_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ -- data/list/permutation.lean #check @list.permutations_aux2_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ys, ts -/ #check @list.permutations_aux2_snd_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @list.permutations_aux2_snd_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, ys, y, r, ts, t -/ #check @list.permutations_aux2_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, ys, r, ts, t -/ #check @list.permutations_aux2_comp_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @list.map_permutations_aux2' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, ys, ts, t, g' -/ #check @list.map_permutations_aux2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, ys, ts, t -/ #check @list.permutations_aux2_snd_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, ys, r, ts, t -/ #check @list.map_map_permutations_aux2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ys, ts, t, g -/ #check @list.map_map_permutations'_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ts, t, f -/ #check @list.permutations'_aux_eq_permutations_aux2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ts, t -/ #check @list.length_permutations_aux2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ys -/ #check @list.foldr_permutations_aux2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, r, ts, t -/ #check @list.length_foldr_permutations_aux2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, r -/ #check @list.length_foldr_permutations_aux2' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, r -/ #check @list.permutations_aux_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: is, ts, t -/ #check @list.map_permutations_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: is, ts, f -/ #check @list.map_permutations /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ts, f -/ #check @list.map_permutations' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ts, f -/ #check @list.permutations_aux_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ts, is', is -/ #check @list.permutations_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ts, is -/ -- data/list/prod_monoid.lean #check @list.sum_repeat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @list.prod_repeat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ -- data/list/prod_sigma.lean #check @list.product_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁, a -/ #check @list.length_product /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁ -/ #check @list.sigma_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁, a -/ #check @list.length_sigma /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁ -/ -- data/list/range.lean #check @list.length_range' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @list.map_add_range' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s, a -/ #check @list.map_sub_range' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s, a -/ #check @list.range'_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, s -/ #check @list.nth_range' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @list.nth_le_range' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @list.range'_concat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s -/ #check @list.range_core_range' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s -/ #check @list.range_eq_range' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @list.range_succ_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @list.range'_eq_map_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s -/ #check @list.length_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @list.range_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @list.range_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @list.iota_eq_reverse_range' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @list.length_iota /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @list.reverse_range' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s -/ #check @list.length_fin_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @list.map_coe_fin_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @list.fin_range_succ_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @list.sum_range_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @list.prod_range_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @list.sum_range_succ' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @list.prod_range_succ' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @list.enum_from_map_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, n -/ #check @list.enum_map_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.enum_eq_zip_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.unzip_enum_eq_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.enum_from_eq_zip_range' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.unzip_enum_from_eq_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.nth_le_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @list.nth_le_fin_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @list.of_fn_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- data/list/rotate.lean #check @list.rotate_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, l -/ #check @list.rotate_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.rotate'_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.rotate'_cons_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, l -/ #check @list.length_rotate' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.rotate'_rotate' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n, l -/ #check @list.rotate'_length /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.rotate'_length_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.rotate'_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, l -/ #check @list.rotate_eq_rotate' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, l -/ #check @list.rotate_cons_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, l -/ #check @list.length_rotate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.rotate_append_length_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l', l -/ #check @list.rotate_rotate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n, l -/ #check @list.rotate_length /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.rotate_length_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.rotate_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @list.zip_with_rotate_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, l', l, f -/ #check @list.zip_with_rotate_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, y, x, f -/ #check @list.nth_le_rotate_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hk, k, l -/ #check @list.nth_le_rotate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hk, k, n, l -/ #check @list.nth_le_rotate' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hk, k, l -/ #check @list.reverse_rotate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, l -/ #check @list.rotate_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, l -/ #check @list.map_rotate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, l, f -/ #check @list.cyclic_permutations_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, x -/ #check @list.cyclic_permutations_of_ne_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.length_cyclic_permutations_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.length_cyclic_permutations_of_ne_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.nth_le_cyclic_permutations /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, l -/ #check @list.cyclic_permutations_rotate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, l -/ -- data/list/sigma.lean #check @list.lookup_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.lookup_cons_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @list.lookup_cons_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.map_lookup_eq_find /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @list.perm_lookup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.lookup_all_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.lookup_all_cons_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, l -/ #check @list.lookup_all_cons_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.head_lookup_all /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @list.lookup_all_eq_lookup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.perm_lookup_all /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.keys_kreplace /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.lookup_kerase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.kerase_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a₂, a₁ -/ #check @list.kextract_eq_lookup_kerase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @list.erase_dupkeys_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.lookup_erase_dupkeys /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ -- data/list/sort.lean #check @list.ordered_insert_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.ordered_insert_length /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @list.ordered_insert_eq_take_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, r -/ #check @list.insertion_sort_cons_eq_take_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, r -/ #check @list.ordered_insert_count /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, L -/ #check @list.split_cons_of_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.merge_sort_cons_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @list.length_merge_sort /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.merge_sort_eq_insertion_sort /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, r -/ -- data/list/sublists.lean #check @list.sublists'_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.map_sublists'_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, f, l, g -/ #check @list.sublists'_aux_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, f, l, r' -/ #check @list.sublists'_aux_eq_sublists' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, f, l -/ #check @list.sublists'_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @list.length_sublists' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.sublists_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @list.sublists_aux₁_eq_sublists_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, l -/ #check @list.sublists_aux_cons_eq_sublists_aux₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.sublists_aux_eq_foldr.aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @list.sublists_aux_eq_foldr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, l -/ #check @list.sublists_aux_cons_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, l -/ #check @list.sublists_aux₁_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, l₂, l₁ -/ #check @list.sublists_aux₁_concat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a, l -/ #check @list.sublists_aux₁_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, l -/ #check @list.sublists_aux_cons_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁ -/ #check @list.sublists_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁ -/ #check @list.sublists_concat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, l -/ #check @list.sublists_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.sublists_eq_sublists' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.sublists'_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.sublists'_eq_sublists /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.length_sublists /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.sublists_len_aux_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r, g, f, l, n -/ #check @list.sublists_len_aux_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, f, n, l -/ #check @list.sublists_len_aux_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, f -/ #check @list.sublists_len_succ_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, n -/ #check @list.length_sublists_len /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, n -/ -- data/list/zip.lean #check @list.zip_with_cons_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁, b, a, f -/ #check @list.zip_cons_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁, b, a -/ #check @list.zip_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁ -/ #check @list.length_zip_with /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁ -/ #check @list.length_zip /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁ -/ #check @list.zip_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁, g, f -/ #check @list.zip_map_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁, f -/ #check @list.zip_map_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁, f -/ #check @list.zip_with_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bs, as, h, g, f -/ #check @list.zip_with_map_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l', l, g, f -/ #check @list.zip_with_map_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l', g, l, f -/ #check @list.zip_map' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, g, f -/ #check @list.map_zip_with /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l', l, g, f -/ #check @list.map_fst_zip /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₁ -/ #check @list.map_snd_zip /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂ -/ #check @list.unzip_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, b, a -/ #check @list.unzip_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.unzip_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.unzip_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.unzip_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.zip_unzip /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.map_prod_left_eq_zip /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @list.map_prod_right_eq_zip /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @list.zip_with_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l', l, f -/ #check @list.length_revzip /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.unzip_revzip /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.revzip_map_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.revzip_map_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.reverse_revzip /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.revzip_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.nth_zip_with /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, l₂, l₁, f -/ #check @list.nth_zip_with_eq_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, z, l₂, l₁, f -/ #check @list.nth_zip_eq_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, z, l₂, l₁ -/ #check @list.map_uncurry_zip_eq_zip_with /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l', l, f -/ #check @list.sum_zip_with_distrib_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l', l, n, f -/ #check @list.zip_with_distrib_take /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, l', l, f -/ #check @list.zip_with_distrib_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, l', l, f -/ #check @list.zip_with_distrib_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l', l, f -/ #check @list.zip_with_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: lb, l', la, l, f -/ #check @list.zip_with_distrib_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l', l, f -/ #check @list.prod_mul_prod_eq_prod_zip_with_mul_prod_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L', L -/ #check @list.sum_add_sum_eq_sum_zip_with_add_sum_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L', L -/ #check @list.sum_add_sum_eq_sum_zip_with_of_length_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L', L -/ #check @list.prod_mul_prod_eq_prod_zip_with_of_length_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L', L -/ -- data/matrix/basic.lean #check @matrix.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, f -/ #check @matrix.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, f -/ #check @matrix.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, r, f -/ #check @matrix.diagonal_apply_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @matrix.diagonal_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @matrix.diagonal_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d₂, d₁ -/ #check @matrix.diagonal_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, r -/ #check @matrix.diagonal_add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, α, n -/ #check @matrix.diagonal_linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, α, n -/ #check @matrix.diagonal_conj_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @matrix.bit0_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, M -/ #check @matrix.bit1_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, M -/ #check @matrix.bit1_apply_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, M -/ #check @matrix.bit1_apply_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.dot_product_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, w, u -/ #check @matrix.dot_product_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @matrix.dot_product_punit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @matrix.add_dot_product /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, u -/ #check @matrix.dot_product_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, u -/ #check @matrix.diagonal_dot_product /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, w, v -/ #check @matrix.dot_product_diagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, w, v -/ #check @matrix.dot_product_diagonal' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, w, v -/ #check @matrix.single_dot_product /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x, v -/ #check @matrix.dot_product_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x, v -/ #check @matrix.neg_dot_product /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @matrix.dot_product_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @matrix.sub_dot_product /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, u -/ #check @matrix.dot_product_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, u -/ #check @matrix.smul_dot_product /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, x -/ #check @matrix.dot_product_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, x -/ #check @matrix.star_dot_product_star /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @matrix.star_dot_product /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @matrix.dot_product_star /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @matrix.mul_eq_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M -/ #check @matrix.diagonal_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d -/ #check @matrix.sum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, s, j, i -/ #check @matrix.mul_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, L -/ #check @matrix.add_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, L -/ #check @matrix.diagonal_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, M, d -/ #check @matrix.mul_diagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, M, d -/ #check @matrix.diagonal_mul_diagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d₂, d₁ -/ #check @matrix.diagonal_mul_diagonal' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d₂, d₁ -/ #check @matrix.add_monoid_hom_mul_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, M -/ #check @matrix.add_monoid_hom_mul_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, M -/ #check @matrix.sum_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, f, s -/ #check @matrix.mul_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, f, s -/ #check @matrix.one_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.mul_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.diagonal_ring_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, α, n -/ #check @matrix.mul_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, L -/ #check @matrix.neg_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M -/ #check @matrix.mul_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M -/ #check @matrix.sub_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M', M -/ #check @matrix.mul_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N', N, M -/ #check @matrix.smul_eq_diagonal_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, M -/ #check @matrix.smul_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, a -/ #check @matrix.mul_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, a, M -/ #check @matrix.mul_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, N, M -/ #check @matrix.scalar_apply_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @matrix.smul_eq_mul_diagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, M -/ #check @matrix.mul_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, N, M -/ #check @matrix.algebra_map_eq_diagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @matrix.algebra_map_eq_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @matrix.map_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @matrix.diagonal_alg_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d -/ #check @equiv.map_matrix_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, f -/ #check @equiv.map_matrix_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.map_matrix_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_matrix_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_matrix_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @add_equiv.map_matrix_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, f -/ #check @add_equiv.map_matrix_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_equiv.map_matrix_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_map.map_matrix_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, f -/ #check @linear_map.map_matrix_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_equiv.map_matrix_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, f -/ #check @linear_equiv.map_matrix_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_equiv.map_matrix_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @ring_hom.map_matrix_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, f -/ #check @ring_hom.map_matrix_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @ring_equiv.map_matrix_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, f -/ #check @ring_equiv.map_matrix_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_equiv.map_matrix_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @alg_hom.map_matrix_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, f -/ #check @alg_hom.map_matrix_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @alg_equiv.map_matrix_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, f -/ #check @alg_equiv.map_matrix_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alg_equiv.map_matrix_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @matrix.mul_vec.add_monoid_hom_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, M, v -/ #check @matrix.mul_vec_diagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, w, v -/ #check @matrix.vec_mul_diagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, w, v -/ #check @matrix.dot_product_mul_vec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, A, v -/ #check @matrix.vec_mul_vec_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, w -/ #check @matrix.smul_mul_vec_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, A, a -/ #check @matrix.mul_vec_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, A -/ #check @matrix.add_mul_vec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, B, A -/ #check @matrix.vec_mul_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, B, A -/ #check @matrix.add_vec_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, A -/ #check @matrix.vec_mul_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, b, M -/ #check @matrix.mul_vec_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, b, M -/ #check @matrix.vec_mul_vec_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, v -/ #check @matrix.mul_vec_mul_vec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, v -/ #check @matrix.one_mul_vec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @matrix.vec_mul_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @matrix.neg_vec_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, v -/ #check @matrix.vec_mul_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, v -/ #check @matrix.neg_mul_vec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, v -/ #check @matrix.mul_vec_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, v -/ #check @matrix.mul_vec_smul_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, b, A -/ #check @matrix.mul_vec_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, A -/ #check @matrix.vec_mul_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, A -/ #check @matrix.transpose_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, M -/ #check @matrix.transpose_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.transpose_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M -/ #check @matrix.transpose_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M -/ #check @matrix.transpose_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M -/ #check @matrix.transpose_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, c -/ #check @matrix.transpose_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.transpose_add_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.transpose_list_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @matrix.transpose_multiset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @matrix.transpose_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, s -/ #check @matrix.transpose_ring_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.transpose_ring_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.transpose_list_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @matrix.conj_transpose_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, M -/ #check @matrix.conj_transpose_conj_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.conj_transpose_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M -/ #check @matrix.conj_transpose_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M -/ #check @matrix.conj_transpose_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, c -/ #check @matrix.conj_transpose_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M -/ #check @matrix.conj_transpose_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.conj_transpose_add_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.conj_transpose_list_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @matrix.conj_transpose_multiset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @matrix.conj_transpose_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, s -/ #check @matrix.conj_transpose_ring_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.conj_transpose_ring_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.conj_transpose_list_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @matrix.star_eq_conj_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.star_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, M -/ #check @matrix.star_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M -/ #check @matrix.minor_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, c_reindex, r_reindex, A -/ #check @matrix.minor_id_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.minor_minor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c₂, r₂, c₁, r₁, A -/ #check @matrix.transpose_minor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c_reindex, r_reindex, A -/ #check @matrix.conj_transpose_minor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c_reindex, r_reindex, A -/ #check @matrix.minor_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @matrix.minor_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.minor_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @matrix.minor_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, r -/ #check @matrix.minor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, e₂, e₁, f -/ #check @matrix.minor_diagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, d -/ #check @matrix.minor_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₃, e₁, N, M -/ #check @matrix.minor_diagonal_embedding /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, d -/ #check @matrix.minor_diagonal_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, d -/ #check @matrix.minor_mul_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₃, e₁, N, M -/ #check @matrix.mul_minor_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @matrix.one_minor_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @matrix.reindex_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, eₙ, eₘ -/ #check @matrix.reindex_refl_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.reindex_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: eₙ, eₘ -/ #check @matrix.reindex_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: eₙ₂, eₘ₂, eₙ, eₘ -/ #check @matrix.transpose_reindex /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, eₙ, eₘ -/ #check @matrix.conj_transpose_reindex /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, eₙ, eₘ -/ #check @matrix.minor_mul_transpose_minor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.col_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @matrix.col_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, x -/ #check @matrix.row_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @matrix.row_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, x -/ #check @matrix.col_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, v -/ #check @matrix.row_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, v -/ #check @matrix.transpose_col /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @matrix.transpose_row /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @matrix.conj_transpose_col /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @matrix.conj_transpose_row /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @matrix.row_vec_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, M -/ #check @matrix.col_vec_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, M -/ #check @matrix.col_mul_vec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, M -/ #check @matrix.row_mul_vec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, M -/ #check @matrix.row_mul_col_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @matrix.update_column_subsingleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @matrix.update_row_subsingleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @matrix.map_update_row /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @matrix.map_update_column /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @matrix.update_row_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.update_column_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @ring_hom.map_matrix_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, j, i, N, M -/ #check @ring_hom.map_dot_product /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, f -/ #check @ring_hom.map_vec_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, v, M, f -/ #check @ring_hom.map_mul_vec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, v, M, f -/ -- data/matrix/basis.lean #check @matrix.smul_std_basis_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, j, i -/ #check @matrix.std_basis_matrix_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, j, i -/ #check @matrix.matrix_eq_sum_std_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @matrix.std_basis_eq_basis_mul_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @matrix.std_basis_matrix.apply_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @matrix.std_basis_matrix.mul_left_apply_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, b, c, j -/ #check @matrix.std_basis_matrix.mul_right_apply_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, a, c, i -/ #check @matrix.std_basis_matrix.mul_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, k, c, i -/ -- data/matrix/block.lean #check @matrix.from_blocks_apply₁₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, A -/ #check @matrix.from_blocks_apply₁₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, B -/ #check @matrix.from_blocks_apply₂₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, C -/ #check @matrix.from_blocks_apply₂₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, D -/ #check @matrix.from_blocks_to_blocks /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.to_blocks_from_blocks₁₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.to_blocks_from_blocks₁₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ #check @matrix.to_blocks_from_blocks₂₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @matrix.to_blocks_from_blocks₂₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D -/ #check @matrix.from_blocks_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, D, C, B, A -/ #check @matrix.from_blocks_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D, C, B, A -/ #check @matrix.from_blocks_conj_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D, C, B, A -/ #check @matrix.to_block_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, q, p, M -/ #check @matrix.to_square_block_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, b, M -/ #check @matrix.to_square_block_def' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, b, M -/ #check @matrix.to_square_block_prop_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, M -/ #check @matrix.from_blocks_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D, C, B, A, x -/ #check @matrix.from_blocks_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D', C', B', A', D, C, B, A -/ #check @matrix.from_blocks_multiply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D', C', B', A', D, C, B, A -/ #check @matrix.from_blocks_diagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d₂, d₁ -/ #check @matrix.block_diagonal_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: jk, ik, M -/ #check @matrix.block_diagonal_apply_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, j, i, M -/ #check @matrix.block_diagonal_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, M -/ #check @matrix.block_diagonal_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.block_diagonal_conj_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.block_diagonal_diagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d -/ #check @matrix.block_diagonal_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M -/ #check @matrix.block_diagonal_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.block_diagonal_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M -/ #check @matrix.block_diagonal_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M -/ #check @matrix.block_diagonal_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, M -/ #check @matrix.block_diagonal'_eq_block_diagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, M -/ #check @matrix.block_diagonal'_minor_eq_block_diagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.block_diagonal'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: jk, ik, M -/ #check @matrix.block_diagonal'_apply_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, k, M -/ #check @matrix.block_diagonal'_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, M -/ #check @matrix.block_diagonal'_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.block_diagonal'_conj_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.block_diagonal'_diagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d -/ #check @matrix.block_diagonal'_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M -/ #check @matrix.block_diagonal'_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.block_diagonal'_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M -/ #check @matrix.block_diagonal'_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M -/ #check @matrix.block_diagonal'_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, M -/ -- data/matrix/dmatrix.lean #check @dmatrix.zero_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @dmatrix.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, M -/ #check @dmatrix.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, N, M -/ #check @dmatrix.sub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, N, M -/ #check @dmatrix.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, f -/ #check @dmatrix.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_dmatrix_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, f -/ -- data/matrix/hadamard.lean #check @matrix.hadamard_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @matrix.hadamard_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C, B, A -/ #check @matrix.hadamard_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C, B, A -/ #check @matrix.add_hadamard /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C, B, A -/ #check @matrix.smul_hadamard /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, B, A -/ #check @matrix.hadamard_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, B, A -/ #check @matrix.hadamard_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.one_hadamard /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.diagonal_hadamard_diagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @matrix.sum_hadamard_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @matrix.dot_product_vec_mul_hadamard /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, B, A -/ -- data/matrix/kronecker.lean #check @matrix.kronecker_map_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A, f -/ #check @matrix.kronecker_map_map_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A, g, f -/ #check @matrix.kronecker_map_map_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A, g, f -/ #check @matrix.kronecker_map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A, g, f -/ #check @matrix.kronecker_map_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A₂, A₁, f -/ #check @matrix.kronecker_map_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B₂, B₁, A, f -/ #check @matrix.kronecker_map_smul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A, r, f -/ #check @matrix.kronecker_map_smul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A, r, f -/ #check @matrix.kronecker_map_diagonal_diagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @matrix.kronecker_map_reindex /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, ep, en, em, el, f -/ #check @matrix.kronecker_map_reindex_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, em, el, f -/ #check @matrix.kronecker_map_reindex_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, en, em, f -/ #check @matrix.kronecker_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D, B, A -/ #check @matrix.kronecker_map_assoc₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D, B, A -/ #check @matrix.kronecker_map_bilinear_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, m, f -/ #check @matrix.kronecker_map_bilinear_mul_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B', A', B, A, f -/ #check @matrix.kronecker_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j₂, j₁, i₂, i₁, B, A -/ #check @matrix.add_kronecker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A₂, A₁ -/ #check @matrix.kronecker_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B₂, B₁, A -/ #check @matrix.smul_kronecker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A, r, R -/ #check @matrix.kronecker_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A, r, R -/ #check @matrix.diagonal_kronecker_diagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @matrix.mul_kronecker_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B', A', B, A -/ #check @matrix.kronecker_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C, B, A -/ #check @matrix.kronecker_tmul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j₂, j₁, i₂, i₁, B, A, R -/ #check @matrix.zero_kronecker_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @matrix.kronecker_tmul_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @matrix.add_kronecker_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A₂, A₁, R -/ #check @matrix.kronecker_tmul_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B₂, B₁, A, R -/ #check @matrix.smul_kronecker_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A, r, R -/ #check @matrix.kronecker_tmul_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A, r, R -/ #check @matrix.diagonal_kronecker_tmul_diagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, R -/ #check @matrix.kronecker_tmul_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C, B, A, R -/ #check @matrix.one_kronecker_tmul_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @matrix.mul_kronecker_tmul_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B', A', B, A, R -/ -- data/matrix/notation.lean #check @matrix.cons_val' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, B, v -/ #check @matrix.head_val' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, B -/ #check @matrix.tail_val' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, B -/ #check @matrix.cons_dot_product /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, x -/ #check @matrix.dot_product_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, x, v -/ #check @matrix.cons_dot_product_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, y, v, x -/ #check @matrix.col_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, x -/ #check @matrix.row_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, x -/ #check @matrix.cons_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, v -/ #check @matrix.head_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.tail_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.mul_val_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, B, A -/ #check @matrix.cons_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A, v -/ #check @matrix.cons_vec_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, v, x -/ #check @matrix.vec_mul_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, w, v -/ #check @matrix.cons_mul_vec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, A, v -/ #check @matrix.mul_vec_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, x, A -/ #check @matrix.cons_vec_mul_vec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, x -/ #check @matrix.vec_mul_vec_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, x, v -/ #check @matrix.smul_mat_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, v, x -/ #check @matrix.minor_cons_row /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: col, row, i, A -/ #check @matrix.vec2_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b₁, b₀, a₁, a₀ -/ #check @matrix.vec3_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b₂, b₁, b₀, a₂, a₁, a₀ -/ #check @matrix.smul_vec2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a₁, a₀, x -/ #check @matrix.smul_vec3 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a₂, a₁, a₀, x -/ #check @matrix.vec2_dot_product /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @matrix.vec3_dot_product /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ -- data/matrix/pequiv.lean #check @pequiv.mul_matrix_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, M, f -/ #check @pequiv.to_matrix_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @pequiv.matrix_mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, f, M -/ #check @pequiv.to_pequiv_mul_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, f -/ #check @pequiv.to_matrix_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @pequiv.to_matrix_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @pequiv.single_mul_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, a -/ #check @pequiv.single_mul_single_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, c, a -/ #check @pequiv.equiv_to_pequiv_to_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, σ -/ -- data/matrix/rank.lean #check @matrix.rank_eq_finrank_range_to_lin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ -- data/multiset/antidiagonal.lean #check @multiset.antidiagonal_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @multiset.antidiagonal_coe' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @multiset.antidiagonal_map_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.antidiagonal_map_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.antidiagonal_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @multiset.card_antidiagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- data/multiset/basic.lean #check @multiset.quot_mk_to_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @multiset.quot_mk_to_coe' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @multiset.quot_mk_to_coe'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @multiset.coe_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @multiset.insert_eq_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @multiset.cons_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @multiset.singleton_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @multiset.cons_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, b, a -/ #check @multiset.rec_on_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, a -/ #check @multiset.coe_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.mem_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @multiset.singleton_eq_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @multiset.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @multiset.add_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @multiset.zero_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.singleton_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @multiset.cons_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, a -/ #check @multiset.add_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, a -/ #check @multiset.nsmul_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n -/ #check @multiset.coe_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @multiset.card_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @multiset.card_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s -/ #check @multiset.card_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.strong_induction_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, s -/ #check @multiset.strong_downward_induction_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, H -/ #check @multiset.strong_downward_induction_on_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, s -/ #check @multiset.repeat_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @multiset.repeat_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @multiset.card_repeat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @multiset.nsmul_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @multiset.nsmul_repeat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @multiset.coe_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, l -/ #check @multiset.erase_cons_head /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.erase_cons_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.erase_add_left_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @multiset.erase_add_right_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.erase_add_right_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @multiset.erase_add_left_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.erase_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, s -/ #check @multiset.coe_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @multiset.coe_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @multiset.map_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a, f -/ #check @multiset.map_comp_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, f -/ #check @multiset.map_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @multiset.map_repeat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, a, f -/ #check @multiset.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, f -/ #check @multiset.coe_map_add_monoid_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @multiset.map_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, n, f -/ #check @multiset.card_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, g -/ #check @multiset.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.map_id' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.map_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, s -/ #check @multiset.map_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, x, f -/ #check @multiset.foldl_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @multiset.foldl_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a, b, H, f -/ #check @multiset.foldl_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, b, H, f -/ #check @multiset.foldr_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @multiset.foldr_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a, b, H, f -/ #check @multiset.foldr_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, b, f -/ #check @multiset.foldr_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, b, H, f -/ #check @multiset.coe_foldr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, b, f -/ #check @multiset.coe_foldl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, b, f -/ #check @multiset.coe_foldr_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, b, f -/ #check @multiset.foldr_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, b, H, f -/ #check @multiset.foldl_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, b, H, f -/ #check @multiset.coe_pmap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, l, f -/ #check @multiset.pmap_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, m, a, f -/ #check @multiset.coe_attach /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @multiset.pmap_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @multiset.pmap_congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.map_pmap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, s, f, g -/ #check @multiset.pmap_eq_map_attach /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, s, f -/ #check @multiset.attach_map_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.card_pmap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.attach_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, a -/ #check @multiset.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @multiset.sub_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.sub_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, a -/ #check @multiset.sub_eq_fold_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @multiset.union_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @multiset.cons_inter_of_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.cons_inter_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.sup_eq_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @multiset.inf_eq_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @multiset.union_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @multiset.inter_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @multiset.union_add_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, t, s -/ #check @multiset.add_union_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, t, s -/ #check @multiset.cons_union_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, a -/ #check @multiset.inter_add_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, t, s -/ #check @multiset.add_inter_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, t, s -/ #check @multiset.cons_inter_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, a -/ #check @multiset.union_add_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @multiset.sub_add_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.sub_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @multiset.coe_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, p -/ #check @multiset.filter_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, p -/ #check @multiset.filter_cons_of_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.filter_cons_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.filter_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.filter_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s -/ #check @multiset.filter_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, p -/ #check @multiset.filter_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, p -/ #check @multiset.filter_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, p -/ #check @multiset.filter_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, q, p -/ #check @multiset.filter_add_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, q, p -/ #check @multiset.filter_add_not /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.map_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, p -/ #check @multiset.coe_filter_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @multiset.filter_map_cons_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.filter_map_cons_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @multiset.filter_map_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @multiset.filter_map_eq_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @multiset.filter_map_filter_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, g, f -/ #check @multiset.map_filter_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, g, f -/ #check @multiset.filter_map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, g, f -/ #check @multiset.filter_filter_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p, f -/ #check @multiset.filter_map_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, p -/ #check @multiset.filter_map_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.mem_filter_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @multiset.map_filter_map_of_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.coe_countp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, p -/ #check @multiset.countp_cons_of_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.countp_cons_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.countp_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, b, p -/ #check @multiset.countp_eq_card_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p -/ #check @multiset.countp_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, p -/ #check @multiset.coe_countp_add_monoid_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @multiset.countp_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @multiset.countp_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, q, p -/ #check @multiset.countp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s, f -/ #check @multiset.coe_count /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @multiset.count_cons_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @multiset.count_cons_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.count_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, b, a -/ #check @multiset.count_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @multiset.count_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, a -/ #check @multiset.count_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, n, a -/ #check @multiset.count_repeat_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @multiset.count_repeat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b, a -/ #check @multiset.count_erase_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @multiset.count_erase_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.count_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, a -/ #check @multiset.count_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, a -/ #check @multiset.count_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, a -/ #check @multiset.coe_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @multiset.repeat_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, s -/ #check @multiset.count_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, s, f -/ #check @multiset.count_map_eq_count /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @multiset.count_map_eq_count' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @multiset.filter_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, s -/ #check @multiset.filter_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, s -/ #check @multiset.count_eq_card_filter_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, s -/ #check @multiset.map_count_true_eq_filter_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s -/ #check @multiset.rel_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ᾰ, r -/ #check @multiset.coe_disjoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁ -/ -- data/multiset/bind.lean #check @multiset.coe_join /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @multiset.join_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, s -/ #check @multiset.join_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @multiset.singleton_join /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @multiset.card_join /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @multiset.coe_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, l -/ #check @multiset.cons_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s, a -/ #check @multiset.singleton_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @multiset.add_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @multiset.bind_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @multiset.bind_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @multiset.bind_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @multiset.card_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @multiset.map_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, n, m -/ #check @multiset.bind_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, n, m -/ #check @multiset.bind_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @multiset.bind_map_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @multiset.sum_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @multiset.prod_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @multiset.coe_product /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁ -/ #check @multiset.cons_product /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, a -/ #check @multiset.product_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @multiset.add_product /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, t, s -/ #check @multiset.product_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, t, s -/ #check @multiset.card_product /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @multiset.coe_sigma /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁ -/ #check @multiset.cons_sigma /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, a -/ #check @multiset.sigma_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @multiset.add_sigma /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, t, s -/ #check @multiset.sigma_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, t, s -/ #check @multiset.card_sigma /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ -- data/multiset/erase_dup.lean #check @multiset.coe_erase_dup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @multiset.erase_dup_map_erase_dup_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ -- data/multiset/finset_ops.lean #check @multiset.coe_ndinsert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @multiset.ndinsert_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @multiset.attach_ndinsert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @multiset.coe_ndunion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁ -/ #check @multiset.zero_ndunion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.cons_ndunion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, t, s -/ #check @multiset.erase_dup_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @multiset.coe_ndinter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁ -/ #check @multiset.cons_ndinter_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.ndinter_cons_of_not_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- data/multiset/fold.lean #check @multiset.fold_eq_foldr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, b, op -/ #check @multiset.coe_fold_r /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, b, op -/ #check @multiset.coe_fold_l /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, b, op -/ #check @multiset.fold_eq_foldl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, b, op -/ #check @multiset.fold_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @multiset.fold_cons_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a, b, op -/ #check @multiset.fold_cons_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a, b, op -/ #check @multiset.fold_cons'_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a, b, op -/ #check @multiset.fold_cons'_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a, b, op -/ #check @multiset.fold_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁, b₂, b₁, op -/ #check @multiset.fold_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, b, op -/ #check @multiset.fold_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, u₂, u₁, op -/ #check @multiset.fold_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, b -/ #check @multiset.fold_union_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b₂, b₁, s₂, s₁, op -/ #check @multiset.fold_erase_dup_idem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, s, op -/ -- data/multiset/functor.lean #check @multiset.fmap_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @multiset.lift_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, x -/ #check @multiset.map_comp_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @multiset.id_traverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @multiset.comp_traverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h, g -/ #check @multiset.map_traverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h, g -/ #check @multiset.traverse_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h, g -/ #check @multiset.naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, eta -/ -- data/multiset/lattice.lean #check @multiset.sup_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @multiset.sup_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @multiset.sup_erase_dup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.sup_ndunion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @multiset.sup_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @multiset.sup_ndinsert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @multiset.inf_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @multiset.inf_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @multiset.inf_erase_dup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.inf_ndunion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @multiset.inf_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @multiset.inf_ndinsert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ -- data/multiset/locally_finite.lean #check @multiset.Icc_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @multiset.card_Ico_eq_card_Icc_sub_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @multiset.card_Ioc_eq_card_Icc_sub_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @multiset.card_Ioo_eq_card_Ico_sub_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @multiset.card_Ioo_eq_card_Icc_sub_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @multiset.Ico_filter_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @multiset.Ico_filter_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @multiset.Ico_sub_Ico_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @multiset.Ico_sub_Ico_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @multiset.map_add_left_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @multiset.map_add_left_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @multiset.map_add_left_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @multiset.map_add_left_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @multiset.map_add_right_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @multiset.map_add_right_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @multiset.map_add_right_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @multiset.map_add_right_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ -- data/multiset/nat_antidiagonal.lean #check @multiset.nat.card_antidiagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- data/multiset/nodup.lean #check @multiset.nodup_erase_eq_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- data/multiset/pi.lean #check @multiset.pi.cons_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h' -/ #check @multiset.pi_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, t, m -/ #check @multiset.card_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, m -/ #check @multiset.pi.cons_ext /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @multiset.mem_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, m -/ -- data/multiset/powerset.lean #check @multiset.powerset_aux'_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @multiset.powerset_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @multiset.powerset_coe' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @multiset.powerset_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @multiset.card_powerset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.powerset_len_aux_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a, n -/ #check @multiset.powerset_len_coe' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, n -/ #check @multiset.powerset_len_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, n -/ #check @multiset.powerset_len_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a, n -/ #check @multiset.card_powerset_len /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, n -/ #check @multiset.powerset_len_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, n, f -/ -- data/multiset/range.lean #check @multiset.range_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @multiset.card_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @multiset.range_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @multiset.range_add_eq_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- data/multiset/sections.lean #check @multiset.sections_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, s -/ #check @multiset.coe_sections /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @multiset.sections_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ -- data/multiset/sort.lean #check @multiset.coe_sort /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, r -/ #check @multiset.sort_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- data/multiset/sum.lean #check @multiset.zero_disj_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @multiset.disj_sum_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @multiset.card_disj_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ -- data/mv_polynomial/basic.lean #check @mv_polynomial.single_eq_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, s -/ #check @mv_polynomial.algebra_map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σ, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.C_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @mv_polynomial.C_inj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.C_eq_coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @mv_polynomial.smul_eq_C_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.monomial_sum_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @mv_polynomial.monomial_sum_index /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, s -/ #check @mv_polynomial.monomial_finsupp_sum_index /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.hom_eq_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.is_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.alg_hom_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @mv_polynomial.finsupp_support_eq_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coeff_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, m -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coeff_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, c, m -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coeff_add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, m -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coeff_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f, s -/ #check @mv_polynomial.monic_monomial_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coeff_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n, m -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coeff_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, m -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coeff_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coeff_zero_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coeff_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, m, i -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coeff_X' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, i -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coeff_C_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, a, m -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coeff_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, q, p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coeff_mul_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, r, m -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coeff_monomial_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, r, m -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coeff_mul_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, m -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coeff_X_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, m -/ #check @mv_polynomial.support_mul_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s -/ #check @mv_polynomial.support_X_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coeff_mul_monomial' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, r, s, m -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coeff_monomial_mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, r, s, m -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coeff_mul_X' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s, m -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coeff_X_mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s, m -/ #check @mv_polynomial.C_dvd_iff_dvd_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, r -/ #check @mv_polynomial.constant_coeff_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @mv_polynomial.constant_coeff_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, d -/ #check @mv_polynomial.constant_coeff_comp_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.constant_coeff_comp_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.support_sum_monomial_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.as_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, x, g -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, x, g -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, g -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_mul_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_mul_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coe_eval₂_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_hom_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_hom_X' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g -/ #check @mv_polynomial.comp_eval₂_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.map_eval₂_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, φ, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_hom_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, d, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_comp_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, g, f, k -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_eta /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, q, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, x -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, x -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @mv_polynomial.smul_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p, x -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.map_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, s, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.map_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.map_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @mv_polynomial.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_eq_eval_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_comp_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, g, f, k -/ #check @mv_polynomial.map_eval₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coeff_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, p, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, φ, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_hom_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, φ, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.constant_coeff_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.constant_coeff_comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.support_map_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.C_dvd_iff_map_hom_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.map_map_range_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.map_alg_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.map_alg_hom_coe_ring_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.aeval_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.aeval_eq_eval₂_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.aeval_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.aeval_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @mv_polynomial.aeval_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.comp_aeval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.map_aeval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, φ, g -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_hom_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_hom_zero' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.aeval_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.aeval_zero' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.aeval_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, d, g -/ #check @mv_polynomial.aeval_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, s, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.aeval_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, s, f -/ #check @algebra.adjoin_range_eq_range_aeval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, R -/ #check @algebra.adjoin_eq_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.aeval_tower_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, y -/ #check @mv_polynomial.aeval_tower_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @mv_polynomial.aeval_tower_comp_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @mv_polynomial.aeval_tower_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @mv_polynomial.aeval_tower_comp_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @mv_polynomial.aeval_tower_to_alg_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @mv_polynomial.aeval_tower_comp_to_alg_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ -- data/mv_polynomial/comap.lean #check @mv_polynomial.comap_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.comap_id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mv_polynomial.comap_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.comap_comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.comap_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.comap_eq_id_of_eq_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mv_polynomial.comap_rename /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.comap_equiv_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.comap_equiv_symm_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- data/mv_polynomial/comm_ring.lean #check @mv_polynomial.C_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a', a, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.C_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coeff_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, m, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coeff_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, m, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.support_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.degrees_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.vars_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.hom_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_hom_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.total_degree_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- data/mv_polynomial/counit.lean #check @mv_polynomial.acounit_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @mv_polynomial.acounit_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, B -/ #check @mv_polynomial.counit_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.counit_nat_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, A -/ #check @mv_polynomial.counit_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @mv_polynomial.counit_nat_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- data/mv_polynomial/equiv.lean #check @mv_polynomial.punit_alg_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.punit_alg_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.map_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, e, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.map_equiv_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.map_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.map_equiv_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.map_alg_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, e, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.map_alg_equiv_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.map_alg_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.map_alg_equiv_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.sum_to_iter_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, S₂, S₁, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.sum_to_iter_Xl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, S₂, S₁, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.sum_to_iter_Xr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, S₂, S₁, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.iter_to_sum_C_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, S₂, S₁, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.iter_to_sum_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, S₂, S₁, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.iter_to_sum_C_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, S₂, S₁, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.is_empty_alg_equiv_symm_apply_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, σ, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.is_empty_alg_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, σ, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.is_empty_alg_equiv_symm_apply_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a', ᾰ, σ, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.is_empty_ring_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, σ, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.is_empty_ring_equiv_symm_apply_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a', ᾰ, σ, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.is_empty_ring_equiv_symm_apply_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, σ, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.mv_polynomial_equiv_mv_polynomial_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g, S₃, S₂, S₁, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.mv_polynomial_equiv_mv_polynomial_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f, S₃, S₂, S₁, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.option_equiv_left_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, S₁, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.option_equiv_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, S₁, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.fin_succ_equiv_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.fin_succ_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, n, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.fin_succ_equiv_comp_C_eq_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- data/mv_polynomial/expand.lean #check @mv_polynomial.expand_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @mv_polynomial.expand_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.expand_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, d, p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.expand_one_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.expand_comp_bind₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.expand_bind₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, f, p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.map_expand /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, p, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.rename_expand /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, p, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.rename_comp_expand /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ -- data/mv_polynomial/monad.lean #check @mv_polynomial.aeval_eq_bind₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_hom_C_eq_bind₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_hom_eq_bind₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.aeval_id_eq_join₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_hom_C_id_eq_join₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, R, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_hom_id_X_eq_join₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.bind₁_X_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.bind₂_X_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @mv_polynomial.aeval_X_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.bind₁_C_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mv_polynomial.bind₂_C_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.bind₂_comp_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.join₂_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.join₂_comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.aeval_id_rename /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.join₁_rename /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.bind₁_bind₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.bind₁_comp_bind₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.bind₂_comp_bind₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.bind₂_bind₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.rename_comp_bind₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.rename_bind₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.map_bind₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.bind₁_comp_rename /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.bind₁_rename /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.bind₂_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.map_comp_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.hom_bind₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.map_bind₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_hom_comp_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_hom_bind₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, h, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.aeval_bind₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.aeval_comp_bind₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_hom_comp_bind₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_hom_bind₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, h, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.aeval_bind₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_hom_C_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.bind₁_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, d, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.bind₂_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, d, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.bind₂_monomial_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d -/ -- data/mv_polynomial/rename.lean #check @mv_polynomial.rename_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @mv_polynomial.rename_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.map_rename /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.rename_rename /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.rename_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.rename_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, d, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.rename_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.rename_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.rename_equiv_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.rename_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.rename_equiv_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_rename /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, g, k, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_hom_rename /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, g, k, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.aeval_rename /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, g, k -/ #check @mv_polynomial.rename_eval₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, p, k -/ #check @mv_polynomial.rename_prodmk_eval₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, j, p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_rename_prodmk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, i, g, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval_rename_prodmk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, i, g -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_cast_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, g, c, f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coeff_rename_map_domain /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, φ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.constant_coeff_rename /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ -- data/mv_polynomial/supported.lean #check @mv_polynomial.supported_eq_range_rename /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @mv_polynomial.supported_equiv_mv_polynomial_symm_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @mv_polynomial.supported_equiv_mv_polynomial_symm_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, s -/ #check @mv_polynomial.supported_eq_adjoin_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- data/mv_polynomial/variables.lean #check @mv_polynomial.degrees_monomial_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @mv_polynomial.degrees_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @mv_polynomial.degrees_map_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.mem_vars /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @mv_polynomial.vars_C_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.vars_sum_of_disjoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, t -/ #check @mv_polynomial.vars_map_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.vars_monomial_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @mv_polynomial.vars_eq_support_bUnion_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.degree_of_eq_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, n -/ #check @mv_polynomial.degree_of_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @mv_polynomial.degree_of_mul_X_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.degree_of_rename_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @mv_polynomial.total_degree_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.total_degree_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @mv_polynomial.total_degree_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @mv_polynomial.eval₂_hom_eq_constant_coeff_of_vars /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- data/nat/basic.lean #check @nat.nsmul_eq_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.range_of_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @nat.range_rec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, x -/ #check @nat.range_cases_on /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, x -/ #check @nat.succ_eq_one_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.one_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.add_pos_iff_pos_or_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.add_succ_sub_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @nat.succ_add_sub_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @nat.pred_eq_sub_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.pred_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @nat.pred_one_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.sub_succ' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nat.rec_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h0 -/ #check @nat.rec_add_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, h, h0 -/ #check @nat.le_rec_on_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nat.le_rec_on_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nat.le_rec_on_succ' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nat.le_rec_on_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hmk, hnm -/ #check @nat.le_rec_on_succ_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nat.decreasing_induction_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hP -/ #check @nat.decreasing_induction_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hP, h -/ #check @nat.decreasing_induction_succ' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hP, h -/ #check @nat.decreasing_induction_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hP, nk, mn, h -/ #check @nat.decreasing_induction_succ_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hP, h -/ #check @nat.mul_div_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nat.mul_div_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nat.div_add_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @nat.mod_add_div' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @nat.div_add_mod' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @nat.mod_mul_right_div_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @nat.mod_mul_left_div_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @nat.succ_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nat.mod_mod_of_dvd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.mod_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @nat.mod_add_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, m -/ #check @nat.add_mod_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, m -/ #check @nat.add_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b, a -/ #check @nat.add_mod_eq_add_mod_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @nat.add_mod_eq_add_mod_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @nat.mul_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b, a -/ #check @nat.exists_lt_and_lt_iff_not_dvd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @nat.find_lt_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.find_le_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.le_find_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.lt_find_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.find_greatest_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.bodd_div2_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.div2_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.div2_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- data/nat/bitwise.lean #check @nat.test_bit_two_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @nat.bitwise_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @nat.lor_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @nat.land_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @nat.lxor_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @nat.zero_lxor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.lxor_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.zero_lor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.lor_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.lxor_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, m, n -/ #check @nat.land_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, m, n -/ #check @nat.lor_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, m, n -/ -- data/nat/cast.lean #check @nat.cast_add_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.cast_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.cast_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, P -/ #check @nat.cast_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.bin_cast_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.cast_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.cast_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.cast_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.cast_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @nat.abs_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @prod.fst_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @prod.snd_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @eq_nat_cast' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @map_nat_cast' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @eq_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @map_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.cast_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.cast_with_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @with_top.coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pi.nat_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pi.coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- data/nat/choose/basic.lean #check @nat.choose_succ_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n -/ #check @nat.choose_one_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.triangle_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.choose_two_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.succ_mul_choose_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n -/ #check @nat.add_choose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @nat.add_choose_mul_factorial_mul_factorial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @nat.choose_symm_half /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @nat.choose_succ_right_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n -/ #check @nat.choose_succ_self_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.choose_mul_succ_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n -/ #check @nat.asc_factorial_eq_factorial_mul_choose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n -/ #check @nat.choose_eq_asc_factorial_div_factorial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n -/ #check @nat.desc_factorial_eq_factorial_mul_choose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n -/ #check @nat.choose_eq_desc_factorial_div_factorial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n -/ -- data/nat/choose/cast.lean #check @nat.cast_choose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @nat.cast_add_choose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @nat.cast_choose_eq_pochhammer_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, K -/ #check @nat.cast_choose_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, K -/ -- data/nat/choose/central.lean #check @nat.central_binom_eq_two_mul_choose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.succ_mul_central_binom_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- data/nat/choose/sum.lean #check @commute.add_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @commute.add_pow' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @add_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, y, x -/ #check @nat.sum_range_choose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.sum_range_choose_halfway /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @finset.sum_powerset_apply_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- data/nat/choose/vandermonde.lean #check @nat.add_choose_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, m -/ -- data/nat/count.lean #check @nat.count_eq_card_filter_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @nat.count_eq_card_fintype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @nat.count_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @nat.count_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, p -/ #check @nat.count_add' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, p -/ #check @nat.count_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @nat.count_succ' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ -- data/nat/digits.lean #check @nat.digits_aux_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, h, b -/ #check @nat.digits_zero_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.digits_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.digits_one_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.digits_add_two_add_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b -/ #check @nat.digits_of_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nat.digits_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, b -/ #check @nat.of_digits_eq_foldr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, b -/ #check @nat.of_digits_eq_sum_map_with_index_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, b -/ #check @nat.of_digits_eq_sum_map_with_index /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, b -/ #check @nat.of_digits_one_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, h -/ #check @nat.coe_of_digits /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, b, α -/ #check @nat.coe_int_of_digits /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, b -/ #check @nat.digits_of_digits /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @nat.of_digits_digits /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.of_digits_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @nat.digits_last /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @nat.digits_len /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b -/ #check @nat.of_digits_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, k, b -/ #check @nat.of_digits_zmod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, k, b -/ #check @nat.of_digits_neg_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @nat.dvd_iff_dvd_digits_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b -/ #check @nat.three_dvd_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.nine_dvd_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.dvd_iff_dvd_of_digits /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b -/ #check @nat.eleven_dvd_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- data/nat/dist.lean #check @nat.dist.def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @nat.dist_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @nat.dist_zero_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.dist_zero_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.dist_add_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @nat.dist_add_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @nat.dist_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, k, n -/ #check @nat.dist_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n, k -/ -- data/nat/enat.lean #check @enat.some_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @enat.le_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @enat.get_coe' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @enat.coe_add_get /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @enat.get_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @enat.lt_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @enat.le_coe_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @enat.lt_coe_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @enat.coe_le_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @enat.coe_lt_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @enat.eq_top_iff_forall_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @enat.eq_top_iff_forall_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @enat.to_with_top_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @enat.to_with_top_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @enat.to_with_top_coe' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @enat.with_top_equiv_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @enat.with_top_equiv_symm_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @enat.find_get /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, P -/ #check @enat.lt_find_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, P -/ #check @enat.find_eq_top_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ -- data/nat/factorial/basic.lean #check @nat.factorial_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.zero_asc_factorial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @nat.succ_asc_factorial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n -/ #check @nat.factorial_mul_asc_factorial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n -/ #check @nat.asc_factorial_eq_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n -/ #check @nat.desc_factorial_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n -/ #check @nat.desc_factorial_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.succ_desc_factorial_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n -/ #check @nat.succ_desc_factorial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n -/ #check @nat.desc_factorial_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.add_desc_factorial_eq_asc_factorial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n -/ -- data/nat/factorial/cast.lean #check @nat.cast_asc_factorial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, S -/ #check @nat.cast_desc_factorial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, S -/ #check @nat.cast_factorial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, S -/ #check @nat.cast_desc_factorial_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, S -/ -- data/nat/factorization.lean #check @nat.factorization_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.multiplicative_factorization /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @nat.multiplicative_factorization' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- data/nat/fib.lean #check @nat.fib_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.gcd_fib_add_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.gcd_fib_add_mul_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.fib_gcd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ -- data/nat/gcd.lean #check @nat.gcd_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.gcd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, m -/ #check @nat.gcd_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, m -/ #check @nat.gcd_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, m -/ #check @nat.gcd_mul_left_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.gcd_mul_left_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.gcd_mul_right_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.gcd_mul_right_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.gcd_gcd_self_right_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.gcd_gcd_self_right_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.gcd_gcd_self_left_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.gcd_gcd_self_left_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.gcd_add_mul_right_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.gcd_add_mul_left_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.gcd_mul_right_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.gcd_mul_left_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.gcd_add_mul_right_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.gcd_add_mul_left_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.gcd_mul_right_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.gcd_mul_left_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.gcd_add_self_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.gcd_add_self_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.gcd_self_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.gcd_self_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.lcm_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.lcm_one_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @nat.lcm_one_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @nat.lcm_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @nat.gcd_mul_lcm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.lcm_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, m -/ #check @nat.coprime.gcd_mul_left_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @nat.coprime.gcd_mul_right_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @nat.coprime.gcd_mul_left_cancel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.coprime.gcd_mul_right_cancel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.coprime_add_mul_right_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.coprime_add_mul_left_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.coprime_mul_right_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.coprime_mul_left_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.coprime_add_mul_right_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.coprime_add_mul_left_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.coprime_mul_right_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.coprime_mul_left_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.coprime_pow_left_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nat.coprime_pow_right_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nat.coprime_zero_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.coprime_zero_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.coprime_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.coprime.gcd_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ -- data/nat/interval.lean #check @nat.Icc_eq_range' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nat.Ico_eq_range' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nat.Ioc_eq_range' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nat.Ioo_eq_range' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nat.card_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nat.card_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nat.card_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nat.card_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nat.card_Iic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @nat.card_Iio /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @nat.card_fintype_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nat.card_fintype_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nat.card_fintype_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nat.card_fintype_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nat.card_fintype_Iic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @nat.card_fintype_Iio /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @nat.Icc_succ_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nat.Ico_succ_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nat.Ico_succ_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nat.Icc_pred_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @nat.Ico_succ_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nat.Ico_succ_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @nat.image_Ico_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @nat.multiset_Ico_map_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finset.range_image_pred_top_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @finset.range_add_eq_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- data/nat/lattice.lean #check @nat.Inf_upward_closed_eq_succ_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @nat.supr_lt_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, u -/ #check @nat.supr_lt_succ' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, u -/ #check @nat.infi_lt_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, u -/ #check @nat.infi_lt_succ' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, u -/ #check @set.bUnion_lt_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, u -/ #check @set.bUnion_lt_succ' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, u -/ #check @set.bInter_lt_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, u -/ #check @set.bInter_lt_succ' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, u -/ -- data/nat/log.lean #check @nat.log_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nat.log_mul_base /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b -/ #check @nat.log_div_mul_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b -/ #check @nat.log_div_base /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b -/ #check @nat.clog_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- data/nat/modeq.lean #check @nat.mod_mul_right_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nat.mod_mul_left_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, a -/ #check @nat.div_mod_eq_mod_mul_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @nat.add_mod_add_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @list.rotate_repeat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ -- data/nat/nth.lean #check @nat.nth_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @nat.nth_zero_of_exists /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @nat.nth_set_card_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @nat.nth_set_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @nat.filter_range_nth_eq_insert_of_finite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @nat.filter_range_nth_eq_insert_of_infinite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, p -/ #check @nat.count_nth_of_infinite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.nth_count_eq_Inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @nat.count_le_iff_le_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @nat.lt_nth_iff_count_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @nat.nth_eq_order_iso_of_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ -- data/nat/pairing.lean #check @nat.mkpair_unpair /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.unpair_mkpair /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @supr_unpair /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @infi_unpair /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.Union_unpair /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.Inter_unpair /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- data/nat/periodic.lean #check @function.periodic.map_mod_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.filter_multiset_Ico_card_eq_of_periodic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, a -/ #check @nat.filter_Ico_card_eq_of_periodic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, a -/ -- data/nat/pow.lean #check @nat.sq_sub_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nat.pow_two_sub_pow_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nat.mod_pow_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, w -/ #check @nat.shiftl_eq_mul_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.shiftl'_tt_eq_mul_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.one_shiftl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.shiftr_eq_div_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.size_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.size_shiftl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- data/nat/prime.lean #check @irreducible_iff_nat_prime /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @nat.two_le_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.min_fac_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.min_fac_eq_two_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.factors_add_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.factors_eq_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.prime.factors_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @tactic.norm_num.min_fac_helper_5 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.mem_factors_mul_of_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @nat.factors_mul_of_coprime /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- data/nat/psub.lean #check @nat.pred_eq_ppred /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.sub_eq_psub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @nat.psub_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, m -/ #check @nat.psub'_eq_psub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ -- data/nat/sqrt.lean #check @nat.sqrt_aux_0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @nat.sqrt_add_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.sqrt_add_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.sqrt_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.sqrt_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.exists_mul_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nat.exists_mul_self' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- data/nat/succ_pred.lean #check @nat.succ_iterate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @nat.pred_iterate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ -- data/nat/totient.lean #check @nat.totient_eq_card_coprime /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @zmod.card_units_eq_totient /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.sum_totient /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.totient_prime_pow_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.prime_iff_card_units /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- data/nat/with_bot.lean #check @nat.with_bot.lt_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- data/num/bitwise.lean #check @snum.bit_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @snum.bit_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ -- data/num/lemmas.lean #check @pos_num.cast_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pos_num.cast_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pos_num.cast_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pos_num.to_nat_to_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pos_num.cast_to_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pos_num.succ_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pos_num.one_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pos_num.add_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pos_num.add_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @pos_num.add_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @pos_num.bit0_of_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pos_num.bit1_of_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pos_num.mul_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @pos_num.cmp_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @num.add_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.zero_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.add_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.add_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @num.add_of_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @num.bit0_of_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.bit1_of_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.cast_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.succ'_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.succ_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.cast_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.to_nat_to_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.cast_to_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.to_of_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.of_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.add_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @num.mul_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @pos_num.of_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.of_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.dvd_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @pos_num.pred'_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pos_num.pred'_succ' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pos_num.succ'_pred' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pos_num.size_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pos_num.size_eq_nat_size /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pos_num.nat_size_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pos_num.cast_to_num /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pos_num.bit_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b -/ #check @pos_num.cast_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @pos_num.cast_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pos_num.cast_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @pos_num.cmp_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @num.bit_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b -/ #check @num.cast_succ' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.cast_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.cast_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @num.cast_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.cast_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.cast_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @num.size_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.size_eq_nat_size /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.nat_size_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.of_nat'_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.zneg_to_znum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.zneg_to_znum_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.cast_to_znum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.cast_to_znum_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.add_to_znum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @pos_num.sub'_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pos_num.one_sub' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @num.pred_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.ppred_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.cmp_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @num.cmp_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @num.bitwise_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @num.lor_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @num.land_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @num.ldiff_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @num.lxor_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @num.shiftl_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @num.shiftr_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @num.test_bit_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @znum.cast_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.cast_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.cast_zneg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.zneg_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.zneg_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.zneg_zneg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.zneg_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.zneg_bitm1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.zneg_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.zneg_pred /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.neg_of_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.abs_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.abs_to_znum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.cast_to_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.bit0_of_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.bit1_of_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.cast_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.cast_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.cast_bitm1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.add_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.zero_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.add_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pos_num.cast_to_znum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pos_num.cast_sub' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @pos_num.to_nat_eq_succ_pred /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pos_num.to_int_eq_succ_pred /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.cast_sub' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @num.of_nat_to_znum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.of_nat_to_znum_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.of_znum'_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.of_znum_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.cast_of_znum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.sub_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @znum.cast_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @znum.cast_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.mul_to_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @znum.cast_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @znum.of_to_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.to_of_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.of_int_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.of_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.of_int'_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @znum.dvd_to_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @pos_num.div'_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, n -/ #check @pos_num.mod'_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, n -/ #check @num.div_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, n -/ #check @num.mod_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.mod_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, n -/ #check @num.gcd_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @znum.div_to_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, n -/ #check @znum.mod_to_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, n -/ #check @znum.gcd_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- data/num/prime.lean #check @pos_num.min_fac_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @num.min_fac_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- data/opposite.lean #check @opposite.op_inj_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @opposite.unop_inj_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @opposite.op_unop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @opposite.unop_op /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- data/option/basic.lean #check @option.get_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @option.get_or_else_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @option.get_or_else_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @option.get_or_else_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @option.some_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @option.some_bind' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @option.bind_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @option.bind_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @option.bind_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, x -/ #check @option.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, h -/ #check @option.comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, h -/ #check @option.map_comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @option.pbind_eq_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @option.map_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, x, f -/ #check @option.map_bind' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, x, f -/ #check @option.map_pbind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, x, f -/ #check @option.pbind_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, x, f -/ #check @option.pmap_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @option.pmap_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, x, g, f -/ #check @option.map_pmap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, x, f, g -/ #check @option.pmap_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @option.pmap_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @option.bind_pmap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, g, x, f -/ #check @option.join_pmap_eq_pmap_join /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @option.some_orelse' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @option.some_orelse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @option.none_orelse' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @option.none_orelse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @option.orelse_none' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @option.orelse_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @option.cases_on'_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @option.cases_on'_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @option.cases_on'_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @option.cases_on'_none_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o, f -/ #check @option.get_or_else_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o, x, f -/ #check @option.orelse_eq_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, o', o -/ #check @option.orelse_eq_some' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, o', o -/ #check @option.orelse_eq_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o', o -/ #check @option.orelse_eq_none' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o', o -/ #check @option.choice_eq_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @option.to_list_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @option.to_list_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ -- data/ordmap/ordset.lean #check @ordnode.dual_dual /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @ordnode.size_dual /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @ordnode.dual_node' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x, l -/ #check @ordnode.dual_node3_l /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, y, m, x, l -/ #check @ordnode.dual_node3_r /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, y, m, x, l -/ #check @ordnode.dual_node4_l /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, y, m, x, l -/ #check @ordnode.dual_node4_r /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, y, m, x, l -/ #check @ordnode.dual_rotate_l /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x, l -/ #check @ordnode.dual_rotate_r /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x, l -/ #check @ordnode.dual_balance' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x, l -/ #check @ordnode.dual_balance_l /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x, l -/ #check @ordnode.dual_balance_r /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x, l -/ #check @ordnode.foldr_cons_eq_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, t -/ #check @ordnode.to_list_node /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x, l -/ #check @ordnode.length_to_list' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @ordnode.find_min'_dual /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, t -/ #check @ordnode.find_max'_dual /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, t -/ #check @ordnode.find_min_dual /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @ordnode.find_max_dual /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @ordnode.dual_erase_min /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @ordnode.dual_erase_max /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @ordnode.split_min_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x, l -/ #check @ordnode.split_max_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x, l -/ #check @ordnode.merge_nil_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @ordnode.merge_nil_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @ordnode.dual_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, x -/ #check @ordnode.insert_eq_insert_with /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, x -/ #check @ordnode.insert'_eq_insert_with /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, x -/ -- data/part.lean #check @part.eta /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o -/ #check @part.mem_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o, a -/ #check @part.get_eq_get_of_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ha, a -/ #check @part.some_to_option /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @part.get_or_else_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d -/ #check @part.get_or_else_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @part.of_option_dom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o -/ #check @part.of_option_eq_get /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o -/ #check @part.coe_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @part.to_of_option /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o -/ #check @part.of_to_option /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o -/ #check @part.map_dom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o -/ #check @part.map_get /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, o, f -/ #check @part.mem_map_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @part.map_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @part.bind_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @part.bind_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @part.bind_some_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @part.bind_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, g, f -/ #check @part.bind_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, x, f -/ #check @part.map_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, x, f -/ #check @part.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o, f, g -/ #check @part.map_id' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o -/ #check @part.bind_some_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @part.pure_eq_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @part.ret_eq_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @part.map_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o, f -/ #check @part.bind_eq_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @part.bind_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, f, x -/ #check @part.mem_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, o, p -/ -- data/pequiv.lean #check @pequiv.coe_mk_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f₁ -/ #check @pequiv.mem_iff_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @pequiv.eq_some_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @pequiv.refl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pequiv.symm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @pequiv.trans_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @pequiv.mem_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, a, g, f -/ #check @pequiv.trans_eq_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, a, g, f -/ #check @pequiv.trans_eq_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @pequiv.refl_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @pequiv.trans_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @pequiv.of_set_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @pequiv.symm_trans_rev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @pequiv.self_trans_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @pequiv.symm_trans_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @pequiv.mem_single_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b₂, b₁, a₂, a₁ -/ #check @pequiv.symm_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pequiv.single_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @pequiv.single_trans_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pequiv.trans_single_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @pequiv.single_trans_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, a -/ #check @equiv.to_pequiv_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @equiv.to_pequiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.to_pequiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ -- data/pfun.lean #check @pfun.mem_dom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @pfun.dom_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @pfun.lift_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @pfun.coe_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @pfun.mem_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pfun.mem_res /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, s, f -/ #check @pfun.res_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @pfun.dom_iff_graph /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @pfun.image_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @pfun.mem_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, y, f -/ #check @pfun.image_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, f -/ #check @pfun.preimage_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @pfun.mem_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s, f -/ #check @pfun.preimage_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, f -/ #check @pfun.preimage_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @pfun.core_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @pfun.mem_core /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, x, f -/ #check @pfun.core_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, f -/ #check @pfun.mem_core_res /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, t, s, f -/ #check @pfun.core_res /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, f -/ #check @pfun.core_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @pfun.preimage_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @pfun.core_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @pfun.preimage_as_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ -- data/pfunctor/multivariate/M.lean #check @mvpfunctor.M.dest'_eq_dest' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', P -/ #check @mvpfunctor.M.dest_eq_dest' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', P -/ #check @mvpfunctor.M.dest_corec' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g₂, g₁, g₀, P -/ #check @mvpfunctor.M.dest_corec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, P -/ #check @mvpfunctor.M.dest_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, P -/ #check @mvpfunctor.M.map_dest /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, P -/ -- data/pfunctor/multivariate/W.lean #check @mvpfunctor.W_path_dest_left_W_path_cases_on /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g' -/ #check @mvpfunctor.W_path_dest_right_W_path_cases_on /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @mvpfunctor.W_path_cases_on_eta /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @mvpfunctor.comp_W_path_cases_on /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, g', h, P -/ #check @mvpfunctor.Wp_rec_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, a, g, P -/ #check @mvpfunctor.W_rec_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, f', a, g, P -/ #check @mvpfunctor.W_mk_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, g', f, a, P -/ #check @mvpfunctor.W_map_W_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, f', a, g, P -/ #check @mvpfunctor.map_obj_append1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, f', a, g, P -/ #check @mvpfunctor.W_dest'_W_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, f', a, P -/ #check @mvpfunctor.W_dest'_W_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- data/pfunctor/multivariate/basic.lean #check @mvpfunctor.map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a, g, P -/ #check @mvpfunctor.id_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mvpfunctor.comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f, P -/ #check @mvpfunctor.const.get_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mvpfunctor.const.get_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mvpfunctor.const.mk_get /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mvpfunctor.comp.get_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @mvpfunctor.comp.get_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mvpfunctor.comp.mk_get /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mvpfunctor.liftp_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @mvpfunctor.liftp_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a, p -/ #check @mvpfunctor.liftr_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, r -/ #check @mvpfunctor.supp_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, a -/ -- data/pfunctor/univariate/M.lean #check @pfunctor.approx.approx_eta /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pfunctor.approx.head_succ' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pfunctor.M.head_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pfunctor.M.head_eq_head' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pfunctor.M.head'_eq_head /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pfunctor.M.truncate_approx /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @pfunctor.M.dest_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pfunctor.M.mk_dest /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pfunctor.M.approx_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, a -/ #check @pfunctor.M.agree_iff_agree' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @pfunctor.M.cases_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, x -/ #check @pfunctor.M.cases_on_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, x -/ #check @pfunctor.M.cases_on_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, x -/ #check @pfunctor.M.head_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pfunctor.M.children_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x -/ #check @pfunctor.M.ichildren_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x -/ #check @pfunctor.M.isubtree_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, ps -/ #check @pfunctor.M.iselect_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, ps -/ #check @pfunctor.M.corec_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x₀, f -/ #check @pfunctor.M.dest_corec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @pfunctor.M.bisim' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- data/pfunctor/univariate/basic.lean #check @pfunctor.map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, a, f, P -/ #check @pfunctor.id_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, P -/ #check @pfunctor.comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f, P -/ #check @pfunctor.W.dest_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @pfunctor.W.mk_dest /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @pfunctor.fst_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pfunctor.iget_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, x -/ #check @pfunctor.liftp_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @pfunctor.liftp_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a, p -/ #check @pfunctor.liftr_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, r -/ #check @pfunctor.supp_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ -- data/pi.lean #check @pi.one_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @pi.zero_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @pi.comp_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pi.comp_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pi.mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, y, x -/ #check @pi.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, y, x -/ #check @pi.add_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @pi.mul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @pi.const_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pi.const_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pi.add_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @pi.mul_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @pi.bit0_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x -/ #check @pi.bit1_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x -/ #check @pi.inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x -/ #check @pi.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x -/ #check @pi.inv_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pi.neg_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pi.const_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pi.const_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pi.neg_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @pi.inv_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @pi.sub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, y, x -/ #check @pi.div_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, y, x -/ #check @pi.sub_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @pi.div_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @pi.div_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @pi.sub_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @pi.const_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pi.const_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pi.single_eq_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pi.single_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i', x, i -/ #check @pi.single_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i', x, i -/ #check @pi.apply_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, x, i, f' -/ #check @pi.apply_single₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, y, x, i, f' -/ #check @pi.single_op /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, op -/ #check @pi.single_op₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x₂, x₁, i, op -/ #check @pi.single_inj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @function.extend_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁, g₂, g₁, f -/ #check @function.extend_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁, g₂, g₁, f -/ #check @function.extend_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, g, f -/ #check @function.extend_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, g, f -/ #check @function.extend_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁, g₂, g₁, f -/ #check @function.extend_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁, g₂, g₁, f -/ #check @subsingleton.pi_single_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- data/pi/interval.lean #check @pi.card_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pi.card_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pi.card_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pi.card_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- data/pnat/basic.lean #check @pnat.one_add_nat_pred /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pnat.nat_pred_add_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.succ_pnat_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nat.to_pnat'_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pnat.mk_le_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n -/ #check @pnat.mk_lt_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n -/ #check @pnat.coe_le_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n -/ #check @pnat.coe_lt_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n -/ #check @pnat.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pnat.add_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @pnat.coe_to_pnat' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pnat.mk_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pnat.mk_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pnat.bit0_le_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @pnat.bit0_le_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @pnat.bit1_le_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @pnat.bit1_le_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @pnat.mul_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @pnat.coe_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pnat.coe_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pnat.pow_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @pnat.sub_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pnat.rec_on_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p1 -/ #check @pnat.rec_on_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hp, p1, n -/ #check @pnat.mod_div_aux_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, r, k -/ #check @pnat.mod_add_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @pnat.div_add_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @pnat.mod_add_div' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @pnat.div_add_mod' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @pnat.mod_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, m -/ #check @pnat.div_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, m -/ #check @pnat.dvd_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- data/pnat/factors.lean #check @prime_multiset.coe_nat_of_prime /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @prime_multiset.coe_pnat_of_prime /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @prime_multiset.coe_pnat_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @prime_multiset.coe_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @prime_multiset.prod_of_prime /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @prime_multiset.to_of_nat_multiset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @prime_multiset.prod_of_nat_multiset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @prime_multiset.to_of_pnat_multiset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @prime_multiset.prod_of_pnat_multiset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @prime_multiset.prod_of_nat_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @prime_multiset.prod_of_pnat_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @prime_multiset.prod_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, u -/ #check @prime_multiset.prod_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, d -/ #check @pnat.prod_factor_multiset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pnat.coe_nat_factor_multiset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @prime_multiset.factor_multiset_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @pnat.factor_multiset_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @pnat.factor_multiset_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @pnat.factor_multiset_of_prime /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @pnat.factor_multiset_gcd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @pnat.factor_multiset_lcm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @pnat.count_factor_multiset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, p, m -/ #check @prime_multiset.prod_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, u -/ #check @prime_multiset.prod_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, u -/ -- data/pnat/interval.lean #check @pnat.Icc_eq_finset_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pnat.Ico_eq_finset_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pnat.Ioc_eq_finset_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pnat.Ioo_eq_finset_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pnat.map_subtype_embedding_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pnat.map_subtype_embedding_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pnat.map_subtype_embedding_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pnat.map_subtype_embedding_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pnat.card_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pnat.card_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pnat.card_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pnat.card_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pnat.card_fintype_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pnat.card_fintype_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pnat.card_fintype_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pnat.card_fintype_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- data/pnat/prime.lean #check @nat.primes.coe_pnat_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @pnat.gcd_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @pnat.lcm_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @pnat.gcd_mul_lcm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @pnat.coprime.gcd_mul_left_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @pnat.coprime.gcd_mul_right_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @pnat.coprime.gcd_mul_left_cancel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @pnat.coprime.gcd_mul_right_cancel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @pnat.coprime.gcd_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ -- data/pnat/xgcd.lean #check @pnat.xgcd_type.v_eq_succ_vp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @pnat.xgcd_type.is_special_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @pnat.xgcd_type.is_reduced_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @pnat.xgcd_type.flip_w /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @pnat.xgcd_type.flip_x /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @pnat.xgcd_type.flip_y /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @pnat.xgcd_type.flip_z /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @pnat.xgcd_type.flip_a /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @pnat.xgcd_type.flip_b /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @pnat.xgcd_type.flip_is_reduced /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @pnat.xgcd_type.flip_is_special /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @pnat.xgcd_type.flip_v /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @pnat.xgcd_type.rq_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @pnat.xgcd_type.qp_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @pnat.xgcd_type.start_v /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pnat.xgcd_type.finish_v /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @pnat.xgcd_type.step_v /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @pnat.xgcd_type.reduce_v /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @pnat.gcd_a'_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pnat.gcd_b'_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pnat.gcd_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pnat.gcd_det_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pnat.gcd_a_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pnat.gcd_b_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @pnat.gcd_rel_left' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pnat.gcd_rel_right' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pnat.gcd_rel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pnat.gcd_rel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- data/polynomial/algebra_map.lean #check @polynomial.algebra_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @polynomial.C_eq_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @polynomial.to_finsupp_iso_alg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, R -/ #check @polynomial.to_finsupp_iso_alg_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, R -/ #check @polynomial.alg_hom_eval₂_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, p -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_algebra_map_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @polynomial.ring_hom_eval₂_cast_int_ring_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, f, p -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_int_cast_ring_hom_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, x -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, b -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_alg_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @polynomial.eval_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, φ -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_alg_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, x, f -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_alg_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_alg_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, x, f -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_algebra_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, x -/ #check @polynomial.coe_aeval_eq_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_fn_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_subalgebra_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s, g -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_zero_eq_aeval_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_zero_eq_aeval_zero' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @algebra.adjoin_singleton_eq_range_aeval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, R -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_eq_sum_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_eq_sum_range' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_tower_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_tower_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_tower_comp_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_tower_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_tower_comp_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_tower_to_alg_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_tower_comp_to_alg_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_endomorphism /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, v, f -/ -- data/polynomial/basic.lean #check @polynomial.forall_iff_forall_finsupp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @polynomial.exists_iff_exists_finsupp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @polynomial.to_finsupp_iso_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, R -/ #check @polynomial.to_finsupp_iso_symm_apply_to_finsupp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.op_ring_equiv_apply_to_finsupp_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ᾰ, R -/ #check @polynomial.op_ring_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, R -/ #check @polynomial.op_ring_equiv_apply_to_finsupp_support_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, R -/ #check @polynomial.sum_to_finsupp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @polynomial.monomial_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r, n -/ #check @polynomial.monomial_mul_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r, m, n -/ #check @polynomial.monomial_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, r, n -/ #check @polynomial.smul_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, n, a -/ #check @polynomial.monomial_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @polynomial.monomial_zero_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @polynomial.smul_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, s -/ #check @polynomial.C_eq_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.monomial_one_right_eq_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.monomial_mul_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, n -/ #check @polynomial.monomial_mul_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, r, n -/ #check @polynomial.X_mul_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, n -/ #check @polynomial.X_pow_mul_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, n, k -/ #check @polynomial.support_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.X_pow_eq_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.support_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.nat_cast_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, n -/ #check @polynomial.sum_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @polynomial.sum_eq_of_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @polynomial.sum_monomial_index /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a, n -/ #check @polynomial.sum_add_index /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, q, p -/ #check @polynomial.sum_add' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, p -/ #check @polynomial.sum_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, p -/ #check @polynomial.sum_smul_index /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, b, p -/ #check @polynomial.support_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @polynomial.monomial_add_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, n, p -/ #check @polynomial.erase_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_update /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n, p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_update_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, a, n, p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_update_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_update_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.update_zero_eq_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @polynomial.support_update /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n, p -/ #check @polynomial.support_update_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @polynomial.support_update_ne_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, q, p -/ #check @polynomial.monomial_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n -/ -- data/polynomial/coeff.lean #check @polynomial.coeff_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, q, p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p, r -/ #check @polynomial.lsum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @polynomial.lcoeff_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, n -/ #check @polynomial.finset_sum_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f, s -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, n -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, q, p -/ #check @polynomial.mul_coeff_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_C_mul_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, k, x -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_C_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.C_mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_mul_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n, p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, k -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_mul_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_X_pow_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_mul_X_pow' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, n, p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_X_pow_mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, n, p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_mul_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_X_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @polynomial.C_mul_X_pow_eq_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, c -/ #check @polynomial.support_mul_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_X_add_C_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, r -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_X_add_one_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, R -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_one_add_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, R -/ #check @polynomial.C_dvd_iff_dvd_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, r -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_bit0_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, Q, P -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_bit1_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, Q, P -/ #check @polynomial.smul_eq_C_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @polynomial.update_eq_add_sub_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n, p -/ -- data/polynomial/degree/card_pow_degree.lean #check @polynomial.card_pow_degree_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.card_pow_degree_nonzero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- data/polynomial/degree/definitions.lean #check @polynomial.degree_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.degree_C_mul_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.nat_degree_C_mul_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.nat_degree_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, i -/ #check @polynomial.ite_le_nat_degree_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @polynomial.as_sum_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.as_sum_support_C_mul_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.sum_over_range' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.sum_over_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.as_sum_range' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.as_sum_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.as_sum_range_C_mul_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.C_eq_int_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.degree_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.nat_degree_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.next_coeff_of_pos_nat_degree /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.leading_coeff_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @polynomial.leading_coeff_C_mul_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @polynomial.leading_coeff_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_mul_degree_add_degree /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_pow_mul_nat_degree /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @polynomial.degree_le_iff_coeff_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @polynomial.degree_lt_iff_coeff_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @polynomial.degree_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.nat_degree_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.next_coeff_X_add_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @polynomial.next_coeff_X_sub_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @polynomial.degree_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @polynomial.leading_coeff_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @polynomial.leading_coeff_C_mul_X_add_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @polynomial.leading_coeff_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.leading_coeff_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ -- data/polynomial/degree/lemmas.lean #check @polynomial.nat_degree_add_coeff_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @polynomial.degree_sum_eq_of_disjoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @polynomial.nat_degree_sum_eq_of_disjoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ -- data/polynomial/degree/trailing_degree.lean #check @polynomial.trailing_degree_C_mul_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.nat_trailing_degree_mul_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.trailing_degree_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.nat_trailing_degree_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.next_coeff_up_of_pos_nat_trailing_degree /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- data/polynomial/derivative.lean #check @polynomial.derivative_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_derivative /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @polynomial.derivative_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @polynomial.derivative_C_mul_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @polynomial.derivative_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.derivative_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.derivative_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, r -/ #check @polynomial.iterate_derivative_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, p, r -/ #check @polynomial.derivative_C_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, a -/ #check @polynomial.iterate_derivative_C_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, p, a -/ #check @polynomial.derivative_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @polynomial.derivative_pow_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @polynomial.derivative_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @polynomial.derivative_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @polynomial.derivative_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @polynomial.iterate_derivative_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, f, p -/ #check @polynomial.derivative_eval₂_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @polynomial.derivative_comp_one_sub_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.iterate_derivative_comp_one_sub_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, p -/ #check @polynomial.mem_support_derivative /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @polynomial.degree_derivative_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- data/polynomial/div.lean #check @polynomial.mod_by_monic_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.mod_by_monic_eq_of_not_monic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.mod_by_monic_eq_sub_mul_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.mod_by_monic_add_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.nat_degree_div_by_monic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.map_div_by_monic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.map_mod_by_monic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.div_by_monic_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.mod_by_monic_X_sub_C_eq_C_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, p -/ #check @polynomial.mod_by_monic_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.sum_fin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.root_multiplicity_eq_multiplicity /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, p -/ #check @polynomial.div_by_monic_mul_pow_root_multiplicity_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- data/polynomial/erase_lead.lean #check @polynomial.erase_lead_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.erase_lead_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @polynomial.erase_lead_coeff_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @polynomial.erase_lead_add_monomial_nat_degree_leading_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.erase_lead_add_C_mul_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.self_sub_monomial_nat_degree_leading_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.self_sub_C_mul_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.map_nat_degree_eq_nat_degree /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- data/polynomial/eval.lean #check @polynomial.eval₂_at_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, g -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, x, f -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, p, f -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_finset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, s, f -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_mul_noncomm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_mul_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_X_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_mul_C' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_list_prod_noncomm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ps, x, f -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @polynomial.coe_eval₂_ring_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, f -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_eq_sum_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_eq_sum_range' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @polynomial.eval_eq_finset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @polynomial.eval_eq_finset_sum' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_at_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, f -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_at_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_at_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @polynomial.eval_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @polynomial.leval_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r -/ #check @polynomial.eval_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, p -/ #check @polynomial.eval_finset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, s -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_zero_eq_eval_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.monomial_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.mul_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, q, p -/ #check @polynomial.prod_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s -/ #check @polynomial.pow_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, q, p -/ #check @polynomial.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: χ, ψ, φ -/ #check @polynomial.map_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.map_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, f -/ #check @polynomial.coe_map_ring_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.map_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @polynomial.map_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, e -/ #check @polynomial.map_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, e -/ #check @polynomial.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, g, f -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_eq_eval_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.leading_coeff_map_of_leading_coeff_ne_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.map_ring_hom_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @polynomial.map_list_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, f -/ #check @polynomial.map_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @polynomial.mem_map_srange /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.mem_map_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @polynomial.eval_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @polynomial.map_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, g, f -/ #check @polynomial.map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, f -/ #check @polynomial.eval_zero_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @polynomial.eval_one_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @polynomial.eval_nat_cast_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p, f -/ #check @polynomial.eval_int_cast_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, p, f -/ #check @polynomial.hom_eval₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f, p -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.coe_eval_ring_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @polynomial.eval_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @polynomial.eval_list_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, l -/ #check @polynomial.eval_multiset_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @polynomial.eval_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, s -/ #check @polynomial.is_root_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, s -/ #check @polynomial.map_multiset_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ #check @polynomial.map_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, g, f -/ #check @polynomial.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.map_int_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.eval₂_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.eval_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @polynomial.eval_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, q, p -/ #check @polynomial.cast_int_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ -- data/polynomial/field_division.lean #check @polynomial.leading_coeff_normalize /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.roots_C_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.degree_mul_leading_coeff_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.mod_by_monic_eq_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.div_by_monic_eq_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.mod_X_sub_C_eq_C_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, p -/ #check @polynomial.degree_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.leading_coeff_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.map_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.map_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.gcd_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_inv_units /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, u -/ -- data/polynomial/hasse_deriv.lean #check @polynomial.hasse_deriv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, k -/ #check @polynomial.hasse_deriv_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f, k -/ #check @polynomial.hasse_deriv_zero' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.hasse_deriv_one' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.hasse_deriv_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, n, k -/ #check @polynomial.factorial_smul_hasse_deriv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @polynomial.hasse_deriv_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, k -/ #check @polynomial.nat_degree_hasse_deriv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @polynomial.hasse_deriv_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, k -/ -- data/polynomial/induction.lean #check @polynomial.sum_C_mul_X_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.sum_monomial_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_mul_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, d, p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_monomial_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, d, p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_mul_monomial_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, d, p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_monomial_zero_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, d, p -/ -- data/polynomial/inductions.lean #check @polynomial.div_X_mul_X_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- data/polynomial/iterated_deriv.lean #check @polynomial.iterated_deriv_zero_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.iterated_deriv_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @polynomial.iterated_deriv_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, q, p -/ #check @polynomial.iterated_deriv_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p, r -/ #check @polynomial.iterated_deriv_C_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @polynomial.iterated_deriv_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @polynomial.iterated_deriv_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, q, p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_iterated_deriv_as_prod_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, k, f -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_iterated_deriv_as_prod_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, k, f -/ #check @polynomial.iterated_deriv_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, q, p -/ -- data/polynomial/lifts.lean #check @polynomial.mem_lifts /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.lifts_iff_set_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.lifts_iff_ring_hom_srange /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.lifts_iff_coeff_lifts /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.lifts_iff_lifts_ring /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @polynomial.map_alg_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.mem_lifts_iff_mem_alg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, R -/ -- data/polynomial/mirror.lean #check @polynomial.mirror_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n -/ #check @polynomial.mirror_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @polynomial.mirror_nat_degree /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.mirror_nat_trailing_degree /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_mirror /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @polynomial.mirror_eval_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.mirror_mirror /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.mirror_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.mirror_trailing_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.mirror_leading_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.mirror_mul_of_domain /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @polynomial.mirror_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, p -/ #check @polynomial.mirror_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- data/polynomial/monic.lean #check @polynomial.monic.degree_mul_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @polynomial.monic.nat_degree_mul_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @polynomial.monic.nat_degree_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.nat_degree_pow_X_add_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.monic.next_coeff_multiset_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t -/ #check @polynomial.monic.next_coeff_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @polynomial.degree_map_eq_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.degree_map' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.nat_degree_map' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.leading_coeff_map' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.next_coeff_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.leading_coeff_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.degree_smul_of_smul_regular /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.nat_degree_smul_of_smul_regular /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.leading_coeff_smul_of_smul_regular /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- data/polynomial/reverse.lean #check @polynomial.rev_at_fun_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, N -/ #check @polynomial.reflect_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, N -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_reflect /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, N -/ #check @polynomial.reflect_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, g, f -/ #check @polynomial.reflect_C_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, r, f -/ #check @polynomial.reflect_C_mul_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, N -/ #check @polynomial.reflect_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, N -/ #check @polynomial.reflect_mul_induction /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, O, N -/ #check @polynomial.reflect_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_zero_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.nat_degree_eq_reverse_nat_degree_add_nat_trailing_degree /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.reverse_nat_degree /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.reverse_leading_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.reverse_trailing_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.reverse_mul_of_domain /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @polynomial.trailing_coeff_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_one_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.reflect_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, f -/ #check @polynomial.reflect_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, g, f -/ #check @polynomial.reverse_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- data/polynomial/ring_division.lean #check @polynomial.add_mod_by_monic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂, p₁ -/ #check @polynomial.smul_mod_by_monic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, c -/ #check @polynomial.mod_by_monic_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.nat_degree_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @polynomial.root_multiplicity_X_sub_C_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.count_roots /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.roots_X_sub_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @polynomial.roots_smul_nonzero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.roots_list_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @polynomial.roots_multiset_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @polynomial.roots_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @polynomial.roots_prod_X_sub_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @polynomial.units_coeff_zero_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, c -/ #check @polynomial.root_set_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, p -/ #check @polynomial.root_set_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @polynomial.leading_coeff_div_by_monic_X_sub_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- data/polynomial/taylor.lean #check @polynomial.taylor_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r -/ #check @polynomial.taylor_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @polynomial.taylor_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @polynomial.taylor_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.taylor_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, i, r -/ #check @polynomial.taylor_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f, r -/ #check @polynomial.taylor_coeff_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r -/ #check @polynomial.taylor_coeff_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r -/ #check @polynomial.nat_degree_taylor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.taylor_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, r -/ #check @polynomial.taylor_taylor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r, f -/ #check @polynomial.taylor_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, r -/ #check @polynomial.taylor_eval_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @polynomial.sum_taylor_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- data/prod.lean #check @prod_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, g, f -/ #check @prod.fst_comp_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @prod.map_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, g, f -/ #check @prod.map_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @prod.map_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, g -/ #check @prod.map_fst' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @prod.map_snd' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @prod.map_comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', g, f', f -/ #check @prod.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g', g, f', f -/ #check @prod.swap_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @prod.lex_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r -/ -- data/qpf/multivariate/basic.lean #check @mvqpf.id_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mvqpf.comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @mvqpf.liftp_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @mvqpf.liftr_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, r -/ #check @mvqpf.mem_supp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, i, x -/ #check @mvqpf.supp_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mvqpf.has_good_supp_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mvqpf.supp_eq_of_is_uniform /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, a -/ #check @mvqpf.liftp_iff_of_is_uniform /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, x -/ #check @mvqpf.supp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x, g -/ -- data/qpf/multivariate/constructions/cofix.lean #check @mvqpf.corecF_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @mvqpf.cofix.dest_corec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @mvqpf.cofix.bisim' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mvqpf.cofix.mk_dest /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mvqpf.cofix.dest_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mvqpf.cofix.abs_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mvqpf.corec_roll /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @mvqpf.cofix.dest_corec' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @mvqpf.cofix.dest_corec₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ -- data/qpf/multivariate/constructions/comp.lean #check @mvqpf.comp.mk_get /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mvqpf.comp.get_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mvqpf.comp.map_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @mvqpf.comp.get_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ -- data/qpf/multivariate/constructions/const.lean #check @mvqpf.const.mk_get /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mvqpf.const.get_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mvqpf.const.map_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mvqpf.const.get_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- data/qpf/multivariate/constructions/fix.lean #check @mvqpf.recF_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, f', a, g -/ #check @mvqpf.recF_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @mvqpf.recF_eq_of_Wequiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, α -/ #check @mvqpf.Wrepr_W_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, f', a -/ #check @mvqpf.fix.rec_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @mvqpf.fix.ind_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, f', a -/ #check @mvqpf.fix.ind_rec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mvqpf.fix.mk_dest /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mvqpf.fix.dest_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- data/qpf/univariate/basic.lean #check @qpf.id_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @qpf.comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @qpf.liftp_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @qpf.liftp_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @qpf.liftr_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, r -/ #check @qpf.recF_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @qpf.recF_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a, g -/ #check @qpf.recF_eq_of_Wequiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @qpf.fix.rec_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @qpf.fix.ind_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @qpf.fix.ind_rec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @qpf.fix.mk_dest /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @qpf.fix.dest_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @qpf.corecF_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @qpf.cofix.dest_corec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @qpf.cofix.bisim' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @qpf.mem_supp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, x -/ #check @qpf.supp_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @qpf.has_good_supp_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @qpf.supp_eq_of_is_uniform /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @qpf.liftp_iff_of_is_uniform /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, x -/ #check @qpf.supp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ -- data/quot.lean #check @quot.factor_mk_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @quot.lift_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @quot.lift_on_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @quot.lift₂_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @quot.lift_on₂_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, b, a -/ #check @quot.map₂_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @quotient.map_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @quotient.map₂_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @quotient.lift_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @quotient.lift₂_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @quotient.lift_on_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @quotient.lift_on₂_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @quot.out_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @quotient.out_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @quotient.choice_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @trunc.lift_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @trunc.out_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @quotient.lift_on'_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @quotient.lift_on₂'_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @quotient.hrec_on'_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @quotient.hrec_on₂'_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: qb, x, c, f -/ #check @quotient.map'_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @quotient.map₂'_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h, f -/ #check @quotient.out_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ -- data/rat/basic.lean #check @rat.mk_pnat_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, n -/ #check @rat.mk_nat_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, n -/ #check @rat.of_int_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @rat.lift_binop_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, b, a -/ #check @rat.mk_neg_denom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, n -/ #check @rat.add_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @rat.zero_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @rat.add_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @rat.add_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @rat.mul_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @rat.one_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @rat.mul_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @rat.mul_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @rat.add_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @rat.mul_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @rat.denom_neg_eq_denom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @rat.num_neg_eq_neg_num /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @rat.mul_num_denom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, q -/ #check @rat.div_num_denom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, q -/ #check @rat.mk_pnat_num /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, n -/ #check @rat.mk_pnat_denom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, n -/ #check @rat.num_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, n -/ #check @rat.denom_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, n -/ #check @rat.mul_num /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q₂, q₁ -/ #check @rat.mul_denom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q₂, q₁ -/ #check @rat.mul_self_num /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @rat.mul_self_denom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @rat.add_num_denom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, q -/ #check @rat.add_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @rat.coe_int_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @rat.mk_eq_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, n -/ #check @rat.num_div_denom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @rat.coe_int_eq_of_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @rat.coe_int_num /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @rat.denom_eq_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @rat.coe_nat_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @rat.coe_nat_num /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @rat.coe_int_inj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @rat.denom_div_cast_eq_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @rat.coe_int_div_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @rat.coe_nat_div_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @rat.coe_int_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @rat.coe_nat_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- data/rat/cast.lean #check @rat.cast_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @rat.cast_of_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @rat.cast_coe_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @rat.cast_coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @rat.cast_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, r -/ #check @rat.cast_mk_of_ne_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @rat.cast_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @rat.cast_inv_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @rat.cast_inv_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @rat.cast_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @rat.cast_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @rat.cast_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @rat.cast_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @rat.cast_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @rat.cast_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @rat.cast_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @rat.cast_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @rat.cast_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, q -/ #check @rat.cast_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @ring_hom.eq_rat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @ring_hom.map_rat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ -- data/rat/order.lean #check @rat.mk_nonneg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @rat.abs_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ -- data/rat/sqrt.lean #check @rat.sqrt_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @rat.exists_mul_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- data/rbmap/default.lean #check @rbmap.find_eq_find_of_eqv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @rbmap.find_entry_correct /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, k -/ #check @rbmap.find_correct /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, k -/ #check @rbmap.constains_correct /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, k -/ #check @rbmap.find_entry_insert_of_eqv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @rbmap.find_entry_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, k -/ #check @rbmap.find_insert_of_eqv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @rbmap.find_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @rbmap.find_entry_insert_of_disj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @rbmap.find_entry_insert_of_not_eqv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @rbmap.find_entry_insert_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @rbmap.find_insert_of_disj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @rbmap.find_insert_of_not_eqv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @rbmap.find_insert_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ -- data/rbtree/insert.lean #check @rbnode.balance1_eq₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, v, r₂, y, r₁, x, l -/ #check @rbnode.balance1_eq₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, v, r, x, l₂, y, l₁ -/ #check @rbnode.balance1_eq₃ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, v, r, y, l -/ #check @rbnode.balance2_eq₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, v, r₂, y, r₁, x₁, l -/ #check @rbnode.balance2_eq₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, v, r₂, x₂, l₂, y, l₁ -/ #check @rbnode.balance2_eq₃ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, v, r, y, l -/ #check @rbnode.ite_eq_of_not_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @rbnode.find_mk_insert_result /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, t, lt -/ #check @rbnode.find_black_eq_find_red /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: lt -/ #check @rbnode.find_red_of_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: lt -/ #check @rbnode.find_red_of_gt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: lt -/ #check @rbnode.find_balance1_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: lt -/ #check @rbnode.find_balance1_node_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: lt -/ #check @rbnode.find_balance1_gt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: lt -/ #check @rbnode.find_balance1_node_gt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: lt -/ #check @rbnode.find_balance2_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: lt -/ #check @rbnode.find_balance2_node_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: lt -/ #check @rbnode.find_balance2_gt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: lt -/ #check @rbnode.find_balance2_node_gt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: lt -/ #check @rbnode.find_ins_of_disj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: lt -/ #check @rbnode.find_insert_of_disj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: lt -/ #check @rbnode.find_insert_of_not_eqv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: lt -/ -- data/rbtree/main.lean #check @rbtree.find_correct /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, a -/ #check @rbtree.find_correct_of_total /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, a -/ #check @rbtree.find_correct_exact /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, a -/ #check @rbtree.find_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @rbtree.find_insert_of_disj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @rbtree.find_insert_of_not_eqv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @rbtree.find_insert_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @rbtree.find_eq_find_of_eqv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @rbtree.contains_correct /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, a -/ -- data/real/basic.lean #check @real.of_rat_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.of_rat_eq_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.Sup_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @real.Inf_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ -- data/real/cardinality.lean #check @cardinal.cantor_function_aux_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @cardinal.cantor_function_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- data/real/cau_seq.lean #check @cau_seq.mk_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @cau_seq.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g, f -/ #check @cau_seq.const_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @cau_seq.const_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @cau_seq.mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g, f -/ #check @cau_seq.const_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @cau_seq.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @cau_seq.const_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @cau_seq.sub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g, f -/ #check @cau_seq.const_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @cau_seq.inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ -- data/real/cau_seq_completion.lean #check @cau_seq.completion.mk_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @cau_seq.completion.mk_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @cau_seq.completion.mk_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @cau_seq.completion.mk_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @cau_seq.completion.mk_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @cau_seq.completion.of_rat_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @cau_seq.completion.of_rat_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @cau_seq.completion.of_rat_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @cau_seq.completion.of_rat_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @cau_seq.completion.of_rat_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @cau_seq.completion.of_rat_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @cau_seq.lim_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @cau_seq.lim_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @cau_seq.lim_mul_lim /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @cau_seq.lim_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @cau_seq.lim_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @cau_seq.lim_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- data/real/ennreal.lean #check @ennreal.some_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ennreal.coe_nnreal_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @ennreal.coe_to_real /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @ennreal.to_nnreal_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ennreal.to_real_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ennreal.cinfi_ne_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ennreal.infi_ne_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ennreal.csupr_ne_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ennreal.supr_ne_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ennreal.smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c -/ #check @ennreal.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r -/ #check @ennreal.coe_indicator /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, s -/ #check @ennreal.coe_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @ennreal.coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @ennreal.of_real_coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @ennreal.to_nnreal_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @ennreal.to_real_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @ennreal.add_halves /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ennreal.add_thirds /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ennreal.coe_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @ennreal.zpow_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @ennreal.of_real_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @ennreal.to_real_of_real_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, c -/ #check @ennreal.to_real_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r -/ #check @ennreal.to_nnreal_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @ennreal.to_nnreal_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ennreal.to_nnreal_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @ennreal.to_real_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @ennreal.to_real_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ennreal.to_real_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- data/real/ereal.lean #check @ereal.to_real_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ereal.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @ereal.eq_top_iff_forall_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ereal.eq_bot_iff_forall_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ereal.coe_nnreal_eq_coe_real /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ereal.coe_ennreal_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @ereal.neg_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ereal.neg_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ereal.neg_eq_neg_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @ereal.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ereal.sub_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ereal.zero_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ereal.sub_eq_add_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @ereal.coe_real_ereal_eq_coe_to_nnreal_sub_coe_to_nnreal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ereal.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ -- data/real/golden_ratio.lean #check @real.coe_fib_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- data/real/hyperreal.lean #check @hyperreal.coe_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @hyperreal.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @hyperreal.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @hyperreal.coe_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @hyperreal.coe_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @hyperreal.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @hyperreal.coe_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @hyperreal.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @hyperreal.coe_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @hyperreal.coe_max /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @hyperreal.coe_min /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @hyperreal.st_id_real /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @hyperreal.st_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @hyperreal.st_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- data/real/irrational.lean #check @irrational_iff_ne_rational /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @irrational_sqrt_rat_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ -- data/real/nnreal.lean #check @nnreal.val_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @real.coe_to_nnreal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @nnreal.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @nnreal.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r₂, r₁ -/ #check @nnreal.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r₂, r₁ -/ #check @nnreal.coe_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @nnreal.coe_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r₂, r₁ -/ #check @nnreal.coe_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @nnreal.coe_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @nnreal.coe_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @nnreal.coe_eq_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @nnreal.smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c -/ #check @nnreal.coe_indicator /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, s -/ #check @nnreal.coe_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, r -/ #check @nnreal.coe_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, r -/ #check @nnreal.coe_list_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @nnreal.coe_list_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @nnreal.coe_multiset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @nnreal.coe_multiset_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @nnreal.nsmul_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, r -/ #check @nnreal.coe_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nnreal.mk_coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nnreal.to_nnreal_coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nnreal.coe_Sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @nnreal.coe_Inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @nnreal.lt_iff_exists_rat_btwn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nnreal.mul_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @nnreal.mul_finset_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @nnreal.finset_sup_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @nnreal.coe_max /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @nnreal.coe_min /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real.coe_to_nnreal' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @nnreal.sub_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @nnreal.sum_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f, s -/ #check @nnreal.div_add_div_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @nnreal.add_halves /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @nnreal.div_add_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, a -/ #check @nnreal.add_div' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @nnreal.div_add' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @nnreal.abs_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.coe_nnabs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.cast_nat_abs_eq_nnabs_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- data/real/pointwise.lean #check @real.Inf_smul_of_nonneg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @real.Sup_smul_of_nonneg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @real.Inf_smul_of_nonpos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @real.Sup_smul_of_nonpos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- data/real/sign.lean #check @real.sign_int_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @real.inv_sign /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @real.sign_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ -- data/real/sqrt.lean #check @nnreal.mul_self_sqrt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nnreal.sqrt_mul_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nnreal.sq_sqrt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nnreal.sqrt_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nnreal.sqrt_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @nnreal.sqrt_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nnreal.sqrt_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real.sqrt_mul_self_eq_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sqrt_sq_eq_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sqrt_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @real.sqrt_mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sqrt_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.sqrt_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ -- data/rel.lean #check @rel.inv_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, r -/ #check @rel.inv_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @rel.codom_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @rel.dom_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @rel.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, r -/ #check @rel.comp_right_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @rel.comp_left_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @rel.inv_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r -/ #check @rel.mem_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, y, r -/ #check @rel.image_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, r -/ #check @rel.image_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @rel.image_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, r -/ #check @rel.image_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @rel.mem_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, x, r -/ #check @rel.preimage_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r -/ #check @rel.preimage_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, r -/ #check @rel.preimage_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @rel.preimage_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, r -/ #check @rel.preimage_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @rel.mem_core /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, x, r -/ #check @rel.core_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, r -/ #check @rel.core_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @rel.core_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, r -/ #check @rel.image_subset_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, r -/ #check @set.image_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @set.preimage_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @set.preimage_eq_core /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ -- data/semiquot.lean #check @semiquot.blur_eq_blur' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, q -/ #check @semiquot.lift_on_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @semiquot.mem_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, q, f -/ #check @semiquot.mem_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f, q -/ -- data/seq/computation.lean #check @computation.destruct_ret /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @computation.destruct_think /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @computation.head_ret /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @computation.tail_ret /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @computation.tail_think /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @computation.corec_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f -/ #check @computation.terminates_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @computation.terminates_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @computation.get_think /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @computation.get_thinkN /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @computation.get_ret /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @computation.length_think /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @computation.length_thinkN /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s -/ #check @computation.eq_thinkN' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @computation.has_bind_eq_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @computation.map_ret /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @computation.map_think /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @computation.destruct_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @computation.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @computation.map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, g, f -/ #check @computation.ret_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @computation.think_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @computation.bind_ret /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @computation.bind_ret' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @computation.bind_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @computation.get_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @computation.length_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @computation.has_map_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, f -/ #check @computation.return_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @computation.map_ret' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @computation.map_think' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @computation.terminates_map_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @computation.ret_orelse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @computation.orelse_ret /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @computation.orelse_think /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c₂, c₁ -/ #check @computation.empty_orelse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @computation.orelse_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @computation.promises_congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @computation.lift_rel.swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: cb, ca, R -/ #check @computation.lift_eq_iff_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c₂, c₁ -/ #check @computation.lift_rel_return_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: cb, a, R -/ #check @computation.lift_rel_return_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, ca, R -/ #check @computation.lift_rel_return /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, R -/ #check @computation.lift_rel_think_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: cb, ca, R -/ #check @computation.lift_rel_think_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: cb, ca, R -/ #check @computation.lift_rel_aux.ret_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: cb, a, R -/ #check @computation.lift_rel_aux.swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, C, R -/ #check @computation.lift_rel_aux.ret_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ca, b, R -/ -- data/seq/parallel.lean #check @computation.map_parallel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, f -/ -- data/seq/seq.lean #check @seq.destruct_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @seq.head_eq_destruct /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @seq.head_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @seq.tail_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @seq.corec_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f -/ #check @seq.coinduction2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @seq.nats_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @seq.zip_with_nth_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @seq.nil_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @seq.cons_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, a -/ #check @seq.append_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @seq.append_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, t, s -/ #check @seq.map_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a, f -/ #check @seq.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @seq.map_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @seq.map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, g, f -/ #check @seq.map_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, f -/ #check @seq.map_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s, f -/ #check @seq.join_cons_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, a -/ #check @seq.join_cons_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, s, b, a -/ #check @seq.join_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, s, a -/ #check @seq.join_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @seq.of_list_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @seq.of_stream_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @seq.of_list_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l', l -/ #check @seq.of_stream_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, l -/ #check @seq.dropn_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, s -/ #check @seq.dropn_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s -/ #check @seq.nth_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s -/ #check @seq.head_dropn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s -/ #check @seq1.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @seq1.join_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, a -/ #check @seq1.join_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, s, b, a -/ #check @seq1.join_map_ret /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @seq1.bind_ret /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @seq1.ret_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @seq1.map_join' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, f -/ #check @seq1.map_join /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, f -/ #check @seq1.join_join /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: SS -/ #check @seq1.bind_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ -- data/seq/wseq.lean #check @wseq.productive_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @wseq.lift_rel_o.swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C, R -/ #check @wseq.lift_rel.swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @wseq.destruct_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @wseq.destruct_think /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @wseq.seq_destruct_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @wseq.seq_destruct_think /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @wseq.head_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @wseq.head_think /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @wseq.flatten_ret /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @wseq.flatten_think /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @wseq.destruct_flatten /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @wseq.head_terminates_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @wseq.tail_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @wseq.tail_think /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @wseq.dropn_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s -/ #check @wseq.dropn_think /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s -/ #check @wseq.dropn_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, s -/ #check @wseq.dropn_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s -/ #check @wseq.nth_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, s -/ #check @wseq.nth_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s -/ #check @wseq.join_think /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @wseq.join_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, s -/ #check @wseq.nil_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @wseq.cons_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, a -/ #check @wseq.think_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @wseq.append_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @wseq.append_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, t, s -/ #check @wseq.destruct_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @wseq.destruct_dropn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s -/ #check @wseq.mem_think /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, s -/ #check @wseq.mem_cons_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, s -/ #check @wseq.lift_rel_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, b, a, R -/ #check @wseq.lift_rel_think_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, R -/ #check @wseq.lift_rel_think_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, R -/ #check @wseq.mem_congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @wseq.length_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @wseq.of_list_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @wseq.to_list'_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @wseq.to_list'_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, s, l -/ #check @wseq.to_list'_think /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, l -/ #check @wseq.to_list'_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, l -/ #check @wseq.to_list_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @wseq.destruct_of_seq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @wseq.head_of_seq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @wseq.tail_of_seq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @wseq.dropn_of_seq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s -/ #check @wseq.nth_of_seq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s -/ #check @wseq.to_seq_of_seq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @wseq.map_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a, f -/ #check @wseq.map_think /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @wseq.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @wseq.map_ret /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @wseq.map_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, f -/ #check @wseq.map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, g, f -/ #check @wseq.destruct_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @wseq.destruct_append /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @wseq.destruct_join /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @wseq.map_join /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, f -/ -- data/set/Union_lift.lean #check @set.Union_lift_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @set.Union_lift_inclusion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @set.Union_lift_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @set.Union_lift_unary /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hT' -/ #check @set.Union_lift_binary /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, hT' -/ #check @set.lift_cover_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- data/set/accumulate.lean #check @set.bUnion_accumulate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- data/set/basic.lean #check @set.set_coe_eq_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set_coe_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @set.nonempty_coe_sort /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.ne_univ_iff_exists_not_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.mem_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, x -/ #check @set.mem_union_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, x -/ #check @set.union_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.union_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.empty_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.union_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.union_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.union_left_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₃, s₂, s₁ -/ #check @set.union_right_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₃, s₂, s₁ -/ #check @set.mem_inter_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, x -/ #check @set.mem_inter_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, x -/ #check @set.inter_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.inter_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.inter_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.inter_left_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₃, s₂, s₁ -/ #check @set.inter_right_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₃, s₂, s₁ -/ #check @set.inter_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.univ_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.inter_distrib_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, t, s -/ #check @set.inter_distrib_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, t, s -/ #check @set.union_distrib_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, t, s -/ #check @set.union_distrib_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, t, s -/ #check @set.insert_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, x -/ #check @set.insert_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, b, a -/ #check @set.insert_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, x -/ #check @set.singleton_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.insert_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, x -/ #check @set.pair_eq_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.pair_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.default_coe_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @set.compl_set_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @set.mem_compl_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @set.mem_compl_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @set.compl_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.compl_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.compl_singleton_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.compl_ne_eq_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.union_eq_compl_compl_inter_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.inter_eq_compl_compl_union_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.inter_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.diff_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.mem_diff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @set.inter_diff_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.inter_union_diff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.diff_union_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.inter_union_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.compl_eq_univ_diff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.insert_diff_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.insert_diff_of_not_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.union_eq_diff_union_diff_union_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.mem_powerset_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, x -/ #check @set.powerset_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.ite_inter_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, t -/ #check @set.ite_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s', s, t -/ #check @set.ite_inter_compl_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s', t -/ #check @set.ite_diff_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s', t -/ #check @set.ite_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.ite_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.ite_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.ite_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s' -/ #check @set.ite_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.ite_empty_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, t -/ #check @set.ite_empty_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, t -/ #check @set.ite_inter_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂', s₁', s₂, s₁, t -/ #check @set.ite_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, s₂, s₁, t -/ #check @set.preimage_diff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, f -/ #check @set.preimage_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t₂, t₁, s, f -/ #check @set.preimage_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, b -/ #check @set.mem_image_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, s, f -/ #check @set.mem_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, s, f -/ #check @set.image_eta /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.image_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @set.image_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, g -/ #check @set.image_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, f -/ #check @set.nonempty.image_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.mem_compl_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, t -/ #check @set.image_id' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.image_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.compl_compl_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @set.image_pair /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @set.image_diff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.preimage_image_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.image_preimage_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.image_inter_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, f -/ #check @set.image_preimage_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, f -/ #check @set.prod_quotient_preimage_eq_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @set.exists_image_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, x, f -/ #check @set.subsingleton_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.range_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @set.range_quot_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @set.range_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @set.range_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @set.image_union_image_compl_eq_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.range_sigma_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.range_factorization_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @set.coe_comp_range_factorization /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.image_eq_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @set.sum.elim_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @set.range_diff_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.apply_range_splitting /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @set.comp_range_splitting /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.compl_range_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @set.range_some_inter_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @set.range_some_union_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @function.injective.preimage_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @function.surjective.image_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @function.surjective.range_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @function.injective.compl_image_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @function.left_inverse.image_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @function.left_inverse.preimage_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subtype.coe_preimage_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subtype.coe_image_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subtype.image_preimage_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @subtype.image_preimage_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @subtype.preimage_val_eq_preimage_val_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, t, s -/ #check @subtype.exists_set_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @subtype.preimage_coe_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subtype.preimage_coe_compl' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.inclusion_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @set.inclusion_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @set.inclusion_inclusion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, htu, hst -/ #check @set.coe_inclusion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @set.image2_image2_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @set.image2_image2_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @set.image_image2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @set.image2_image_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @set.image2_image_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @set.image2_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, f -/ -- data/set/finite.lean #check @set.card_fintype_insert' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.card_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.card_image_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.to_finset_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hs -/ #check @set.to_finset_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finset.finite_to_set_to_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.subset_iff_to_finset_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.to_finset_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.to_finset_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.to_finset_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.to_finset_sdiff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.to_finset_ne_eq_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- data/set/function.lean #check @set.restrict_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @set.restrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s, f -/ #check @set.range_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @set.image_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, f -/ #check @set.restrict_dite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.restrict_dite_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @set.restrict_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @set.restrict_ite_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, g -/ #check @set.restrict_piecewise /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @set.restrict_piecewise_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, g -/ #check @set.restrict_extend_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @set.restrict_extend_compl_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', f -/ #check @set.range_extend /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', g -/ #check @set.coe_cod_restrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @set.eq_on.inter_preimage_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @set.maps_to.coe_restrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @set.maps_to.iterate_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, h -/ #check @set.maps_image_to /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, g, f -/ #check @set.maps_univ_to /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @set.maps_range_to /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, g, f -/ #check @set.piecewise_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @set.piecewise_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.piecewise_insert_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.piecewise_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, g, f, s -/ #check @set.piecewise_eq_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.piecewise_eq_of_not_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @set.piecewise_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, x -/ #check @set.piecewise_insert_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @set.piecewise_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @set.piecewise_range_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₁, f -/ #check @set.eq_on_piecewise /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.piecewise_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, g, f, s -/ #check @set.apply_piecewise /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f, s -/ #check @set.apply_piecewise₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g', f', g, f, s -/ #check @set.piecewise_op /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f, s -/ #check @set.piecewise_op₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g', f', g, f, s -/ #check @set.piecewise_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.range_piecewise /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @set.injective_piecewise_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.pi_piecewise /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t', t, s', s -/ #check @set.univ_pi_piecewise /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @function.update_comp_eq_of_not_mem_range' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @function.update_comp_eq_of_not_mem_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ -- data/set/functor.lean #check @set.fmap_eq_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.seq_eq_set_seq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.pure_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- data/set/intervals/basic.lean #check @set.Ioo_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.Ico_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.Iio_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.Icc_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.Iic_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @set.Ioc_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.Ici_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.Ioi_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.Icc_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.Ioc_inter_Iic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.Ico_inter_Ici /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.Iic_prod_Iic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.Ici_prod_Ici /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.Ici_prod_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.Iic_prod_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.Icc_prod_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b₂, b₁, a₂, a₁ -/ #check @set.Icc_prod_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @order_iso.preimage_Iic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, e -/ #check @order_iso.preimage_Ici /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, e -/ #check @order_iso.preimage_Iio /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, e -/ #check @order_iso.preimage_Ioi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, e -/ #check @order_iso.preimage_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, e -/ #check @order_iso.preimage_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, e -/ #check @order_iso.preimage_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, e -/ #check @order_iso.preimage_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, e -/ #check @order_iso.image_Iic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, e -/ #check @order_iso.image_Ici /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, e -/ #check @order_iso.image_Iio /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, e -/ #check @order_iso.image_Ioi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, e -/ #check @order_iso.image_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, e -/ #check @order_iso.image_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, e -/ #check @order_iso.image_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, e -/ #check @order_iso.image_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, e -/ -- data/set/intervals/image_preimage.lean #check @set.preimage_const_add_Ici /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_add_Ioi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_add_Iic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_add_Iio /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_add_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_add_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_add_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_add_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_add_const_Ici /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_add_const_Ioi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_add_const_Iic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_add_const_Iio /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_add_const_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_add_const_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_add_const_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_add_const_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_neg_Ici /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.preimage_neg_Iic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.preimage_neg_Ioi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.preimage_neg_Iio /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.preimage_neg_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_neg_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_neg_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_neg_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_sub_const_Ici /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_sub_const_Ioi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_sub_const_Iic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_sub_const_Iio /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_sub_const_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_sub_const_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_sub_const_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_sub_const_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_sub_Ici /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_sub_Iic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_sub_Ioi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_sub_Iio /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_sub_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_sub_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_sub_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_sub_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.image_const_add_Ici /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.image_const_add_Iic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.image_const_add_Iio /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.image_const_add_Ioi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.image_const_add_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.image_const_add_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.image_const_add_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.image_const_add_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.image_add_const_Ici /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.image_add_const_Iic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.image_add_const_Iio /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.image_add_const_Ioi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.image_add_const_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.image_add_const_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.image_add_const_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.image_add_const_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.image_neg_Ici /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.image_neg_Iic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.image_neg_Ioi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.image_neg_Iio /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.image_neg_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.image_neg_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.image_neg_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.image_neg_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.image_const_sub_Ici /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.image_const_sub_Iic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.image_const_sub_Ioi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.image_const_sub_Iio /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.image_const_sub_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.image_const_sub_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.image_const_sub_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.image_const_sub_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.image_sub_const_Ici /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.image_sub_const_Iic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.image_sub_const_Ioi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.image_sub_const_Iio /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.image_sub_const_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.image_sub_const_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.image_sub_const_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.image_sub_const_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_mul_const_Iio /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.preimage_mul_const_Ioi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.preimage_mul_const_Iic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.preimage_mul_const_Ici /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.preimage_mul_const_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_mul_const_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_mul_const_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_mul_const_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_mul_const_Iio_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.preimage_mul_const_Ioi_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.preimage_mul_const_Iic_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.preimage_mul_const_Ici_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.preimage_mul_const_Ioo_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_mul_const_Ioc_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_mul_const_Ico_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_mul_const_Icc_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_mul_Iio /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_mul_Ioi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_mul_Iic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_mul_Ici /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_mul_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_mul_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_mul_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_mul_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_mul_Iio_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_mul_Ioi_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_mul_Iic_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_mul_Ici_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_mul_Ioo_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_mul_Ioc_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_mul_Ico_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_mul_Icc_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.image_mul_right_Icc' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.image_mul_left_Icc' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b -/ #check @set.image_mul_right_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.image_mul_left_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b -/ #check @set.image_affine_Icc' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, b -/ -- data/set/intervals/pi.lean #check @set.pi_univ_Ici /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @set.pi_univ_Iic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @set.pi_univ_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @set.pi_univ_Ioc_update_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ -- data/set/intervals/proj_Icc.lean #check @set.proj_Icc_of_le_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @set.proj_Icc_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @set.proj_Icc_of_right_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @set.proj_Icc_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @set.proj_Icc_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @set.Icc_extend_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.Icc_extend_of_le_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, h -/ #check @set.Icc_extend_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, h -/ #check @set.Icc_extend_of_right_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, h -/ #check @set.Icc_extend_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, h -/ #check @set.Icc_extend_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.Icc_extend_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ -- data/set/intervals/unordered_interval.lean #check @set.interval_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.bdd_below_bdd_above_iff_subset_interval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.interval_oc_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_add_interval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_add_const_interval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_neg_interval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_sub_const_interval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_const_sub_interval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.image_const_add_interval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.image_add_const_interval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.image_const_sub_interval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.image_sub_const_interval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.image_neg_interval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @set.preimage_mul_const_interval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b -/ #check @set.preimage_const_mul_interval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b -/ #check @set.preimage_div_const_interval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b -/ #check @set.image_mul_const_interval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.image_const_mul_interval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @set.image_div_const_interval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ -- data/set/lattice.lean #check @set.Sup_eq_sUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @set.Inf_eq_sInter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @set.supr_eq_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.infi_eq_Inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.Union_eq_if /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.Union_eq_dif /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.Inter_eq_if /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.Infi_eq_dif /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.set_of_exists /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @set.set_of_forall /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @set.Inter_set_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @set.Union_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.Inter_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.compl_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.compl_Inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.Union_eq_compl_Inter_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.Inter_eq_compl_Union_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.inter_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.Union_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.Union_union_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.Inter_inter_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.union_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.Union_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.inter_Inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.Inter_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.union_Inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.Union_diff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.diff_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.diff_Inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.Union_option /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.Inter_option /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.Union_dite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, p -/ #check @set.Union_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, p -/ #check @set.Inter_dite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, p -/ #check @set.Inter_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, p -/ #check @set.image_projection_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @set.Union_nonempty_index /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.Inter_or /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.Union_or /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.Union_and /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.Inter_and /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.Union_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.Inter_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.bUnion_and /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, q, p -/ #check @set.bUnion_and' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, q, p -/ #check @set.bInter_and /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, q, p -/ #check @set.bInter_and' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, q, p -/ #check @set.bUnion_eq_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.bInter_eq_Inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.Union_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p -/ #check @set.Inter_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p -/ #check @set.bInter_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @set.bUnion_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.Union_nonempty_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.bInter_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @set.bInter_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, t, s -/ #check @set.bInter_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, a -/ #check @set.bInter_pair /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, b, a -/ #check @set.bInter_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, f -/ #check @set.inter_bInter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, f -/ #check @set.bUnion_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.bUnion_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @set.bUnion_of_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.bUnion_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, t, s -/ #check @set.Union_coe_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @set.Inter_coe_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @set.bUnion_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, a -/ #check @set.bUnion_pair /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, b, a -/ #check @set.compl_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.compl_bInter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.inter_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, t, s -/ #check @set.bUnion_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, t, s -/ #check @set.sUnion_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.sInter_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.sUnion_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @set.sInter_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @set.sInter_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.sUnion_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, s -/ #check @set.sInter_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, s -/ #check @set.sUnion_pair /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.sInter_pair /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.sUnion_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @set.sInter_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @set.sUnion_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.sInter_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.compl_sUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @set.sUnion_eq_compl_sInter_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @set.compl_sInter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @set.sInter_eq_compl_sUnion_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @set.range_sigma_eq_Union_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.Union_eq_range_sigma /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.Union_image_preimage_sigma_mk_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.sigma.univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @set.Union_singleton_eq_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.Union_of_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @set.Union_of_singleton_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.bUnion_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.Union_range_eq_sUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @set.Union_range_eq_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @set.union_distrib_Inter_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.union_distrib_Inter_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.union_distrib_bInter_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, u, s -/ #check @set.union_distrib_bInter_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, u, s -/ #check @set.range_eq_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.image_eq_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @set.bUnion_preimage_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @set.Union_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.Union_image_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.Union_image_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.image2_Union_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, f -/ #check @set.image2_Union_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, f -/ #check @set.prod_image_seq_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.image2_eq_seq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, f -/ #check @set.pi_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, i -/ #check @set.univ_pi_eq_Inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @set.Union_univ_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @function.surjective.Union_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @function.surjective.Inter_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ -- data/set/pairwise.lean #check @symmetric.pairwise_on /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @pairwise_disjoint_on /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.pairwise_iff_exists_forall /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @set.pairwise_eq_iff_exists_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @pairwise_subtype_iff_pairwise_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, s -/ -- data/set/prod.lean #check @set.prod_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @set.preimage_prod_map_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, g, f -/ #check @set.mk_preimage_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @set.mk_preimage_prod_left_fn_eq_if /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.mk_preimage_prod_right_fn_eq_if /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @set.fst_image_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.snd_image_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @set.image_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.preimage_coe_coe_diagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set.range_dcomp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @set.insert_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, i -/ #check @set.singleton_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, i -/ #check @set.singleton_pi' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, i -/ #check @set.pi_if /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t₂, t₁, s -/ #check @set.pi_update_of_not_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, f -/ #check @set.pi_update_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, a, f -/ #check @set.univ_pi_update /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, a, f, i -/ #check @set.univ_pi_update_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, i -/ #check @set.univ_pi_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ -- data/set_like/basic.lean #check @set_like.coe_sort_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @set_like.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @set_like.eta /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- data/setoid/basic.lean #check @setoid.comm' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @setoid.ker_mk_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @setoid.ker_apply_mk_out /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @setoid.ker_apply_mk_out' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @setoid.eqv_gen_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @setoid.sup_eq_eqv_gen /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r -/ #check @setoid.Sup_eq_eqv_gen /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @setoid.eqv_gen_of_setoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @setoid.eqv_gen_idem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @setoid.injective_iff_ker_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @setoid.quotient_ker_equiv_of_right_inverse_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, g, f -/ #check @setoid.quotient_ker_equiv_of_right_inverse_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @setoid.comap_rel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, r, f -/ #check @quot.subsingleton_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ -- data/setoid/partition.lean #check @setoid.rel_iff_exists_classes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @setoid.mk_classes_classes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @setoid.classes_mk_classes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @indexed_partition.eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @indexed_partition.index_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @indexed_partition.proj_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hs -/ #check @indexed_partition.proj_some_index /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hs -/ #check @indexed_partition.equiv_quotient_index_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hs -/ #check @indexed_partition.equiv_quotient_symm_proj_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hs -/ #check @indexed_partition.equiv_quotient_index /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hs -/ #check @indexed_partition.out_proj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hs -/ #check @indexed_partition.index_out' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hs -/ #check @indexed_partition.proj_out /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @indexed_partition.class_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hs -/ #check @indexed_partition.proj_fiber /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hs -/ -- data/sigma/basic.lean #check @sigma.eta /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @sigma.uncurry_curry /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @sigma.curry_uncurry /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @prod.fst_to_sigma /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @prod.snd_to_sigma /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @psigma.elim_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ -- data/sigma/interval.lean #check @sigma.card_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @sigma.card_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @sigma.card_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @sigma.card_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @sigma.Icc_mk_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, i -/ #check @sigma.Ico_mk_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, i -/ #check @sigma.Ioc_mk_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, i -/ #check @sigma.Ioo_mk_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, i -/ -- data/stream/init.lean #check @stream.eta /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @stream.nth_zero_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @stream.head_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @stream.tail_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @stream.tail_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, n -/ #check @stream.nth_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, m, n -/ #check @stream.tail_eq_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @stream.drop_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, m, n -/ #check @stream.nth_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, n -/ #check @stream.drop_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, n -/ #check @stream.head_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @stream.all_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p -/ #check @stream.any_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p -/ #check @stream.drop_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, n, f -/ #check @stream.nth_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, n, f -/ #check @stream.tail_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @stream.head_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @stream.map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @stream.map_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a, f -/ #check @stream.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @stream.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, g -/ #check @stream.map_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @stream.drop_zip /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁, n, f -/ #check @stream.nth_zip /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁, n, f -/ #check @stream.head_zip /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁, f -/ #check @stream.tail_zip /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁, f -/ #check @stream.zip_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁, f -/ #check @stream.const_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @stream.tail_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @stream.map_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @stream.nth_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @stream.drop_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @stream.head_iterate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @stream.tail_iterate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @stream.iterate_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @stream.nth_zero_iterate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @stream.nth_succ_iterate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, n -/ #check @stream.iterate_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @stream.map_iterate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @stream.corec_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @stream.corec_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @stream.corec_id_id_eq_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @stream.corec_id_f_eq_iterate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @stream.corec'_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @stream.unfolds_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, g -/ #check @stream.nth_unfolds_head_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, n -/ #check @stream.unfolds_head_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @stream.interleave_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @stream.tail_interleave /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @stream.interleave_tail_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @stream.nth_interleave_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₁, n -/ #check @stream.nth_interleave_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, n -/ #check @stream.odd_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @stream.head_even /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @stream.tail_even /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @stream.even_cons_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a₁ -/ #check @stream.even_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @stream.even_interleave /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₁ -/ #check @stream.interleave_even_odd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₁ -/ #check @stream.nth_even /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, n -/ #check @stream.nth_odd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, n -/ #check @stream.nil_append_stream /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @stream.cons_append_stream /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, l, a -/ #check @stream.append_append_stream /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, l₂, l₁ -/ #check @stream.map_append_stream /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, l, f -/ #check @stream.drop_append_stream /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @stream.append_stream_head_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @stream.take_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, n -/ #check @stream.length_take /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @stream.nth_take_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, n -/ #check @stream.append_take_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @stream.cycle_g_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₀, a₀, l₁, a₁ -/ #check @stream.cycle_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, l -/ #check @stream.cycle_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @stream.tails_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @stream.nth_tails /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, n -/ #check @stream.tails_eq_iterate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @stream.inits_core_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, l -/ #check @stream.tail_inits /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @stream.inits_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @stream.cons_nth_inits_core /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, l, n, a -/ #check @stream.nth_inits /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, n -/ #check @stream.inits_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @stream.zip_inits_tails /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @stream.identity /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @stream.composition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, g -/ #check @stream.homomorphism /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @stream.interchange /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, fs -/ #check @stream.map_eq_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @stream.nth_nats /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- data/string/basic.lean #check @string.as_string_inv_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @string.to_list_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @list.to_list_inv_as_string /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.length_as_string /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @string.length_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- data/subtype.lean #check @subtype.coe_eta /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @subtype.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @subtype.restrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, f -/ #check @subtype.restrict_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @subtype.coind_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @subtype.map_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @subtype.map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, g, h, f -/ -- data/sum/basic.lean #check @sum.map_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @sum.map_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @sum.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f, g', f' -/ #check @sum.map_comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, g', f' -/ #check @sum.map_id_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @sum.elim_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @sum.elim_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @sum.elim_comp_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @sum.elim_comp_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @sum.comp_elim /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @sum.elim_comp_inl_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @sum.swap_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- data/sum/interval.lean #check @sum.Icc_inl_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a₂, a₁ -/ #check @sum.Ico_inl_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a₂, a₁ -/ #check @sum.Ioc_inl_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a₂, a₁ -/ #check @sum.Ioo_inl_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a₂, a₁ -/ #check @sum.Icc_inr_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b₂, b₁ -/ #check @sum.Ico_inr_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b₂, b₁ -/ #check @sum.Ioc_inr_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b₂, b₁ -/ #check @sum.Ioo_inr_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b₂, b₁ -/ -- data/sum/order.lean #check @order_iso.sum_comm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, β, α -/ #check @order_iso.sum_comm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @order_iso.sum_assoc_apply_inl_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @order_iso.sum_assoc_apply_inl_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @order_iso.sum_assoc_apply_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @order_iso.sum_assoc_symm_apply_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @order_iso.sum_assoc_symm_apply_inr_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @order_iso.sum_assoc_symm_apply_inr_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @order_iso.sum_dual_distrib_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @order_iso.sum_dual_distrib_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @order_iso.sum_dual_distrib_symm_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @order_iso.sum_dual_distrib_symm_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @order_iso.sum_lex_assoc_apply_inl_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @order_iso.sum_lex_assoc_apply_inl_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @order_iso.sum_lex_assoc_apply_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @order_iso.sum_lex_assoc_symm_apply_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @order_iso.sum_lex_assoc_symm_apply_inr_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @order_iso.sum_lex_assoc_symm_apply_inr_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @order_iso.sum_lex_dual_antidistrib_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @order_iso.sum_lex_dual_antidistrib_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @order_iso.sum_lex_dual_antidistrib_symm_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @order_iso.sum_lex_dual_antidistrib_symm_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- data/sym/basic.lean #check @sym.cons_inj_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s', s -/ #check @sym.cons_inj_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a', a -/ #check @sym.cons_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, b, a -/ #check @sym.of_vector_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, a -/ #check @sym.cons_of_coe_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, a -/ #check @sym.cons_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @sym.cons_equiv_eq_equiv_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a, n, α -/ #check @sym.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @sym.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, g -/ #check @sym.map_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a, f -/ #check @sym.equiv_congr_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e -/ #check @sym.equiv_congr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e -/ -- data/sym/card.lean #check @sym2.card_image_diag /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @sym2.two_mul_card_image_off_diag /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @sym2.card_image_off_diag /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.card_sym2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- data/sym/sym2.lean #check @sym2.lift_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a₂, a₁, f -/ #check @sym2.coe_lift_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a₂, a₁, F -/ #check @sym2.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @sym2.map_pair_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @sym2.is_diag_iff_proj_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @sym2.is_diag_iff_mem_range_diag /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @sym2.to_rel_prop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, s -/ #check @sym2.from_rel_to_rel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @sym2.rel_bool_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @sym2.other_eq_other' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @sym2.filter_image_quotient_mk_is_diag /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @sym2.filter_image_quotient_mk_not_is_diag /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- data/tprod.lean #check @list.tprod.fst_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, i -/ #check @list.tprod.snd_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, l -/ #check @list.tprod.elim_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @list.tprod.elim_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, hj -/ #check @list.tprod.elim_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, hj -/ #check @list.tprod.elim_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @list.tprod.mk_elim /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @set.mk_preimage_tprod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, l -/ #check @set.elim_preimage_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ -- data/typevec.lean #check @typevec.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @typevec.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @typevec.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, h -/ #check @typevec.append1_drop_last /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @typevec.append1_cases_append1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α, H -/ #check @typevec.drop_fun_split_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @typevec.last_fun_split_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @typevec.drop_fun_append_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @typevec.last_fun_append_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @typevec.split_drop_fun_last_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @typevec.split_fun_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₁, g₀, f₁, f₀ -/ #check @typevec.append_fun_comp_split_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₁, g₀, f₁, f₀ -/ #check @typevec.append_fun_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₁, g₀, f₁, f₀ -/ #check @typevec.append_fun_comp' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₁, g₀, f₁, f₀ -/ #check @typevec.nil_fun_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₀ -/ #check @typevec.append_fun_comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₁, g₀ -/ #check @typevec.drop_fun_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₁, f₀ -/ #check @typevec.last_fun_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₁, f₀ -/ #check @typevec.append_fun_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @typevec.cases_nil_append1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @typevec.cases_cons_append1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, v, f -/ #check @typevec.typevec_cases_nil₂_append_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @typevec.typevec_cases_cons₂_append_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: fs, f, F -/ #check @typevec.const_append1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, x -/ #check @typevec.const_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @typevec.repeat_eq_append1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @typevec.repeat_eq_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @typevec.prod_fst_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @typevec.prod_snd_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @typevec.fst_prod_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @typevec.snd_prod_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @typevec.subtype_val_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ps -/ #check @typevec.drop_fun_subtype_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @typevec.last_fun_subtype_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @typevec.drop_fun_to_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @typevec.last_fun_to_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @typevec.drop_fun_of_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @typevec.last_fun_of_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @typevec.drop_fun_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @typevec.last_fun_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @typevec.to_subtype_of_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @typevec.subtype_val_to_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @typevec.to_subtype_of_subtype_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @typevec.to_subtype'_of_subtype' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @typevec.subtype_val_to_subtype' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ -- data/vector/basic.lean #check @vector.cons_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, a -/ #check @vector.cons_head /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @vector.cons_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @vector.to_list_of_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @vector.mk_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @vector.to_list_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, v -/ #check @vector.nth_eq_nth_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, v -/ #check @vector.nth_repeat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @vector.nth_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, v -/ #check @vector.nth_of_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @vector.of_fn_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @vector.nth_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x -/ #check @vector.nth_tail_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, v -/ #check @vector.tail_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @vector.tail_of_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @vector.to_list_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @vector.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @vector.head'_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @vector.nth_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @vector.head_of_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @vector.nth_cons_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @vector.nth_cons_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @vector.nth_cons_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, v -/ #check @vector.scanl_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @vector.scanl_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, v, b, f -/ #check @vector.scanl_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f -/ #check @vector.to_list_scanl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, b, f -/ #check @vector.scanl_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, b, f -/ #check @vector.scanl_head /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @vector.scanl_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, v, b, f -/ #check @vector.m_of_fn_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @vector.mmap_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, a, f -/ #check @vector.insert_nth_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, j, i, b, a -/ #check @vector.to_list_update_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, i, v -/ #check @vector.nth_update_nth_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @vector.nth_update_nth_eq_if /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @vector.sum_update_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, i, v -/ #check @vector.prod_update_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, i, v -/ #check @vector.prod_update_nth' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, i, v -/ #check @vector.sum_update_nth' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, i, v -/ #check @vector.traverse_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: xs, x, f -/ #check @vector.id_traverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @vector.comp_traverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @vector.traverse_eq_map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @vector.naturality /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, η -/ -- data/vector/zip.lean #check @vector.zip_with_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @vector.zip_with_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, y, x, f -/ #check @vector.zip_with_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @vector.sum_add_sum_eq_sum_zip_with /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @vector.prod_mul_prod_eq_prod_zip_with /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ -- data/vector3.lean #check @vector3.cons_fz /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @vector3.cons_fs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, v -/ #check @vector3.cons_head_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @vector3.append_nil /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w -/ #check @vector3.append_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, a -/ #check @vector3.append_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, i -/ #check @vector3.append_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, w -/ #check @vector3.insert_fz /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, a -/ #check @vector3.insert_fs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, v, b, a -/ #check @vector3.append_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, i, v, t, a -/ #check @exists_vector_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @exists_vector_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @vector_ex_iff_exists /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @vector_all_iff_forall /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @vector_allp_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @vector_allp_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, x, p -/ #check @vector_allp_iff_forall /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, p -/ -- data/zmod/basic.lean #check @zmod.card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @zmod.val_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @zmod.nat_cast_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @zmod.nat_cast_self' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @prod.fst_zmod_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @prod.snd_zmod_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @zmod.nat_cast_zmod_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @zmod.int_cast_zmod_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @zmod.cast_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @zmod.nat_cast_comp_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @zmod.int_cast_comp_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @zmod.nat_cast_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @zmod.int_cast_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @zmod.coe_add_eq_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @zmod.cast_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @zmod.cast_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @zmod.cast_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @zmod.cast_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @zmod.cast_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @zmod.cast_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, a -/ #check @zmod.cast_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @zmod.cast_int_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @zmod.cast_add' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @zmod.cast_mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @zmod.cast_sub' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @zmod.cast_pow' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, a -/ #check @zmod.cast_nat_cast' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @zmod.cast_int_cast' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @zmod.int_coe_eq_int_coe_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @zmod.int_coe_eq_int_coe_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @zmod.nat_coe_eq_nat_coe_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @zmod.nat_coe_eq_nat_coe_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @zmod.int_coe_zmod_eq_zero_iff_dvd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @zmod.nat_coe_zmod_eq_zero_iff_dvd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @zmod.int_cast_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @zmod.ker_int_cast_add_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @zmod.ker_int_cast_ring_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @zmod.nat_cast_to_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @zmod.val_one_eq_one_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @zmod.val_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @zmod.val_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @zmod.inv_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @zmod.mul_inv_eq_gcd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @zmod.nat_cast_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n -/ #check @zmod.eq_iff_modeq_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @zmod.coe_unit_of_coprime /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @zmod.inv_coe_unit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @zmod.le_div_two_iff_lt_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @zmod.neg_eq_self_mod_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @zmod.nat_abs_mod_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @zmod.val_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @zmod.neg_val' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @zmod.neg_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @zmod.val_min_abs_def_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @zmod.val_min_abs_def_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @zmod.coe_val_min_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @zmod.val_min_abs_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @zmod.nat_cast_nat_abs_val_min_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @zmod.nat_abs_val_min_abs_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @zmod.val_eq_ite_val_min_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @zmod.ring_hom_map_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @zmod.lift_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, ᾰ, n -/ #check @zmod.lift_symm_apply_coe_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ᾰ, n -/ #check @zmod.lift_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, n -/ #check @zmod.lift_cast_add_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, n -/ #check @zmod.lift_comp_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, n -/ #check @zmod.lift_comp_cast_add_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, n -/ -- deprecated/group.lean #check @is_add_monoid_hom.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @is_monoid_hom.map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @is_group_hom.map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @is_group_hom.map_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @is_add_group_hom.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @is_add_group_hom.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @units.coe_map' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- deprecated/subgroup.lean #check @is_add_group_hom.mem_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @is_group_hom.mem_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @is_group_hom.one_iff_ker_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @is_add_group_hom.zero_iff_ker_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @is_add_group_hom.zero_iff_ker_neg' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @is_group_hom.one_iff_ker_inv' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @is_group_hom.inv_iff_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @is_add_group_hom.neg_iff_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @is_group_hom.inv_iff_ker' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @is_add_group_hom.neg_iff_ker' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @group.image_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @add_group.image_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- deprecated/submonoid.lean #check @add_monoid.image_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @monoid.image_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- deprecated/subring.lean #check @ring.image_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ -- dynamics/circle/rotation_number/translation_number.lean #check @circle_deg1_lift.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.strict_mono_iff_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.map_add_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.map_one_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.units_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.units_inv_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.units_apply_inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.coe_to_order_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.coe_to_order_iso_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.coe_to_order_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.coe_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.translate_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.translate_inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.translate_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.translate_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.translate_iterate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.map_int_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, m, f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.map_add_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, x, f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.map_sub_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.map_add_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.map_nat_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n, f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.map_sub_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.map_int_of_map_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.map_fract_sub_fract_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.sup_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.inf_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.continuous_iff_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.iterate_eq_of_map_eq_add_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.iterate_pos_le_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.iterate_pos_lt_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.iterate_pos_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.le_iterate_pos_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.lt_iterate_pos_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.transnum_aux_seq_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.transnum_aux_seq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.translation_number_units_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.translation_number_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.translation_number_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.translation_number_conj_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.translation_number_conj_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.translation_number_translate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.translation_number_eq_int_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @circle_deg1_lift.translation_number_eq_rat_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- dynamics/ergodic/measure_preserving.lean #check @measure_theory.measure_preserving.measure_preimage_emb /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- dynamics/flow.lean #check @is_invariant_iff_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, ϕ -/ #check @flow.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, t₂, t₁, ϕ -/ #check @flow.map_zero_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @flow.is_invariant_iff_image_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, ϕ -/ #check @flow.image_eq_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, t, ϕ -/ -- dynamics/minimal.lean #check @is_minimal_iff_closed_vadd_invariant /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @is_minimal_iff_closed_smul_invariant /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ -- dynamics/omega_limit.lean #check @omega_limit_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, ϕ, f -/ #check @omega_limit_image_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, ϕ, s -/ #check @mem_omega_limit_iff_frequently /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, s, ϕ, f -/ #check @mem_omega_limit_iff_frequently₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, s, ϕ, f -/ #check @mem_omega_limit_singleton_iff_map_cluster_point /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, ϕ, f -/ #check @omega_limit_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁, ϕ, f -/ #check @omega_limit_eq_Inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, ϕ, f -/ #check @omega_limit_eq_bInter_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, ϕ, f -/ #check @omega_limit_eq_Inter_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, ϕ, f -/ #check @flow.omega_limit_image_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, ϕ, f -/ -- dynamics/periodic_pts.lean #check @function.is_periodic_pt.iterate_mod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @function.bUnion_pts_of_period /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.Union_pnat_pts_of_period /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- field_theory/adjoin.lean #check @intermediate_field.coe_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @intermediate_field.inf_to_subalgebra /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @intermediate_field.inf_to_subfield /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @intermediate_field.coe_Inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @intermediate_field.Inf_to_subalgebra /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @intermediate_field.Inf_to_subfield /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @intermediate_field.coe_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @intermediate_field.infi_to_subalgebra /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @intermediate_field.infi_to_subfield /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @intermediate_field.equiv_of_eq_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h -/ #check @intermediate_field.equiv_of_eq_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @intermediate_field.equiv_of_eq_rfl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @intermediate_field.equiv_of_eq_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hTU, hST -/ #check @intermediate_field.bot_equiv_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @intermediate_field.top_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @intermediate_field.top_equiv_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @intermediate_field.coe_bot_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @intermediate_field.adjoin_eq_range_algebra_map_adjoin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, F -/ #check @intermediate_field.adjoin_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E, F -/ #check @intermediate_field.adjoin_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E, F -/ #check @intermediate_field.adjoin_subset_adjoin_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @intermediate_field.adjoin_adjoin_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S, F -/ #check @intermediate_field.adjoin_insert_adjoin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S, F -/ #check @intermediate_field.adjoin_adjoin_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S, F -/ #check @intermediate_field.adjoin_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, S, F -/ #check @intermediate_field.adjoin_eq_algebra_adjoin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, F -/ #check @intermediate_field.adjoin_simple.algebra_map_gen /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @intermediate_field.adjoin_simple.is_integral_gen /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, F -/ #check @intermediate_field.adjoin_simple_adjoin_simple /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α, F -/ #check @intermediate_field.adjoin_simple_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α, F -/ #check @intermediate_field.adjoin_simple_to_subalgebra_of_integral /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, F -/ #check @intermediate_field.aeval_gen_minpoly /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, F -/ #check @intermediate_field.adjoin_root_equiv_adjoin_apply_root /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @intermediate_field.card_alg_hom_adjoin_integral /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @intermediate_field.lifts.eq_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @intermediate_field.sup_to_subalgebra /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E2, E1 -/ #check @power_basis.equiv_adjoin_simple_aeval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, pb -/ #check @power_basis.equiv_adjoin_simple_gen /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pb -/ #check @power_basis.equiv_adjoin_simple_symm_aeval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, pb -/ #check @power_basis.equiv_adjoin_simple_symm_gen /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pb -/ -- field_theory/finite/basic.lean #check @finite_field.pow_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finite_field.pow_card_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finite_field.cast_card_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @finite_field.forall_pow_eq_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, K -/ #check @finite_field.sum_pow_units /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, K -/ #check @finite_field.roots_X_pow_card_sub_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @finite_field.expand_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @zmod.pow_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @zmod.pow_card_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @zmod.frobenius_zmod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @zmod.card_units /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @zmod.units_pow_card_sub_one_eq_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @zmod.expand_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- field_theory/finite/galois_field.lean #check @galois_field.card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ -- field_theory/finite/polynomial.lean #check @mv_polynomial.C_dvd_iff_zmod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, n -/ #check @mv_polynomial.frobenius_zmod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.expand_zmod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.evalₗ_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.dim_R /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.finrank_R /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.range_evalᵢ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.ker_evalₗ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, σ -/ -- field_theory/finiteness.lean #check @is_noetherian.coe_finset_basis_index /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, K -/ #check @is_noetherian.coe_sort_finset_basis_index /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, K -/ #check @is_noetherian.range_finset_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, K -/ -- field_theory/fixed.lean #check @fixed_points.smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @fixed_points.smul_polynomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @fixed_points.coe_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, M -/ #check @fixed_points.minpoly.eval₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @fixed_points.minpoly.eval₂' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @fixed_points.minpoly_eq_minpoly /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F, G -/ #check @fixed_points.finrank_eq_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ -- field_theory/galois.lean #check @is_galois.intermediate_field.adjoin_simple.card_aut_eq_finrank /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E, F -/ #check @is_galois.card_aut_eq_finrank /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E, F -/ #check @intermediate_field.finrank_fixed_field_eq_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @intermediate_field.le_iff_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, H -/ #check @intermediate_field.fixing_subgroup_fixed_field /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @is_galois.fixed_field_fixing_subgroup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @is_galois.card_fixing_subgroup_eq_finrank /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @is_galois.of_separable_splitting_field_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ -- field_theory/intermediate_field.lean #check @intermediate_field.coe_to_subalgebra /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @intermediate_field.coe_to_subfield /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @intermediate_field.mem_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @intermediate_field.mem_to_subalgebra /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @intermediate_field.mem_to_subfield /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @intermediate_field.coe_copy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @intermediate_field.copy_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @to_subalgebra_to_intermediate_field /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @to_intermediate_field_to_subalgebra /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @intermediate_field.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, S -/ #check @intermediate_field.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @intermediate_field.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, S -/ #check @intermediate_field.coe_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @intermediate_field.coe_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, S -/ #check @intermediate_field.coe_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, S -/ #check @intermediate_field.coe_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, S -/ #check @intermediate_field.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r, S -/ #check @intermediate_field.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, E -/ #check @intermediate_field.coe_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @intermediate_field.range_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @intermediate_field.aeval_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, x, S -/ #check @intermediate_field.coe_is_integral_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @intermediate_field.dim_eq_dim_subalgebra /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @intermediate_field.finrank_eq_finrank_subalgebra /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ -- field_theory/is_alg_closed/algebraic_closure.lean #check @algebraic_closure.to_splitting_field_eval_X_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @algebraic_closure.adjoin_monic.algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @algebraic_closure.coe_to_step_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, n, m, k -/ #check @algebraic_closure.of_step_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, k -/ #check @algebraic_closure.algebra_map_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ -- field_theory/is_alg_closed/basic.lean #check @is_alg_closure_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, k -/ #check @lift.subfield_with_hom.compat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_alg_closure.equiv_of_equiv_comp_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hJK, M -/ #check @is_alg_closure.equiv_of_equiv_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, hJK, M -/ #check @is_alg_closure.equiv_of_equiv_symm_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, hJK, L -/ #check @is_alg_closure.equiv_of_equiv_symm_comp_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hJK, L -/ -- field_theory/minpoly.lean #check @minpoly.eq_X_sub_C_of_algebra_map_inj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @minpoly.gcd_domain_eq_field_fractions /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @minpoly.eq_X_sub_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @minpoly.eq_X_sub_C' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @minpoly.zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @minpoly.one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ -- field_theory/normal.lean #check @alg_hom.restrict_normal_commutes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, E, ϕ -/ #check @alg_hom.restrict_normal_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E, ψ, ϕ -/ #check @alg_equiv.restrict_normal_commutes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, E, χ -/ #check @alg_equiv.restrict_normal_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E, ω, χ -/ #check @alg_hom.lift_normal_commutes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, E, ϕ -/ #check @alg_hom.restrict_lift_normal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ϕ -/ #check @alg_equiv.lift_normal_commutes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, E, χ -/ #check @alg_equiv.restrict_lift_normal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: χ -/ -- field_theory/perfect_closure.lean #check @frobenius_pth_root /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pth_root_pow_p /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pth_root_frobenius /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pth_root_pow_p' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_pth_root /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_iterate_pth_root /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, f -/ #check @ring_hom.map_pth_root /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @ring_hom.map_iterate_pth_root /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, g -/ #check @perfect_closure.r_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ᾰ, p, K -/ #check @perfect_closure.quot_mk_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, K -/ #check @perfect_closure.lift_on_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @perfect_closure.mk_mul_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, p, K -/ #check @perfect_closure.one_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, K -/ #check @perfect_closure.mk_add_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, p, K -/ #check @perfect_closure.neg_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, K -/ #check @perfect_closure.zero_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, K -/ #check @perfect_closure.mk_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, K -/ #check @perfect_closure.r.sound /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p, K -/ #check @perfect_closure.eq_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, p, K -/ #check @perfect_closure.nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, K -/ #check @perfect_closure.int_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, K -/ #check @perfect_closure.nat_cast_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, K -/ #check @perfect_closure.frobenius_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, K -/ #check @perfect_closure.of_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, K -/ #check @perfect_closure.eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, p, K -/ #check @perfect_closure.eq_pth_root /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, K -/ -- field_theory/polynomial_galois_group.lean #check @polynomial.gal.restrict_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, ϕ -/ #check @polynomial.gal.gal_action_hom_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, ϕ, E, p -/ #check @polynomial.gal.card_complex_roots_eq_card_real_add_card_not_gal_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- field_theory/primitive_element.lean #check @alg_hom.card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E, F -/ -- field_theory/ratfunc.lean #check @ratfunc.lift_on_of_fraction_ring_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, d, n -/ #check @ratfunc.mk_eq_div' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @ratfunc.mk_coe_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @ratfunc.mk_def_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @ratfunc.mk_def_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @ratfunc.mk_eq_localization_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @ratfunc.mk_one' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @ratfunc.lift_on_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, q, p -/ #check @ratfunc.lift_on'_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, q, p -/ #check @ratfunc.of_fraction_ring_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @ratfunc.of_fraction_ring_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @ratfunc.of_fraction_ring_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @ratfunc.of_fraction_ring_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @ratfunc.of_fraction_ring_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @ratfunc.of_fraction_ring_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @ratfunc.of_fraction_ring_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, c -/ #check @ratfunc.to_fraction_ring_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, c -/ #check @ratfunc.mk_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, c -/ #check @ratfunc.to_fraction_ring_ring_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self, K -/ #check @ratfunc.mk_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ratfunc.of_fraction_ring_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ratfunc.mk_eq_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @ratfunc.of_fraction_ring_comp_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @ratfunc.algebra_map_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @ratfunc.lift_on_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, q, p -/ #check @ratfunc.lift_on'_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, q, p -/ #check @ratfunc.of_fraction_ring_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @ratfunc.num_denom_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @ratfunc.num_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @ratfunc.num_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @ratfunc.denom_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @ratfunc.num_div_denom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ratfunc.num_denom_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @ratfunc.num_denom_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @ratfunc.algebra_map_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ratfunc.num_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @ratfunc.eval_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ratfunc.eval_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ratfunc.eval_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, a, f -/ #check @ratfunc.eval_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @ratfunc.eval_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ -- field_theory/separable.lean #check @polynomial.separable_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.separable_def' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.separable_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @polynomial.coe_expand /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, R -/ #check @polynomial.expand_eq_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.expand_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @polynomial.expand_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.expand_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, q, p -/ #check @polynomial.expand_expand /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, q, p -/ #check @polynomial.expand_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, q, p -/ #check @polynomial.expand_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.expand_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.expand_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, q, p -/ #check @polynomial.derivative_expand /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_expand /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_expand_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_expand_mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @polynomial.nat_degree_expand /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @polynomial.expand_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, P, p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_contract /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @polynomial.expand_char /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @polynomial.map_expand_pow_char /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f, p -/ #check @alg_hom.card_of_power_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pb -/ -- field_theory/splitting_field.lean #check @polynomial.splits_map_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @polynomial.splits_id_iff_splits /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @polynomial.splits_mul_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @polynomial.splits_prod_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @polynomial.roots_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @polynomial.splits_iff_exists_multiset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @polynomial.X_sub_C_mul_remove_factor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.nat_degree_remove_factor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.splitting_field_aux.succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hfn, f, n -/ #check @polynomial.splitting_field_aux.algebra_map_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hfn, f, n -/ #check @polynomial.splitting_field_aux.adjoin_roots /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hfn, f, n -/ #check @polynomial.splitting_field.adjoin_roots /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @polynomial.splitting_field.adjoin_root_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- field_theory/subfield.lean #check @subfield.coe_set_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subfield.coe_copy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subfield.copy_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subfield.coe_to_subring /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subfield.mem_to_subring /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @subfield.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, s -/ #check @subfield.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, s -/ #check @subfield.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @subfield.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, s -/ #check @subfield.coe_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, s -/ #check @subfield.coe_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @subfield.coe_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subfield.to_subring.subtype_eq_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, F -/ #check @subfield.coe_to_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subfield.coe_to_add_subgroup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subfield.coe_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @subfield.comap_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, s -/ #check @subfield.coe_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @subfield.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, s -/ #check @ring_hom.coe_field_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.field_range_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.map_field_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @subfield.coe_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p -/ #check @subfield.coe_Inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subfield.Inf_to_subring /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subfield.closure_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subfield.closure_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @subfield.closure_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subfield.closure_sUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subfield.map_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @subfield.map_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @subfield.comap_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @subfield.comap_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @ring_hom.restrict_field_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @ring_hom.coe_range_restrict_field /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @ring_hom.map_field_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @subfield.field_range_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- field_theory/tower.lean #check @dim_mul_dim' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, F -/ #check @dim_mul_dim /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, F -/ #check @finite_dimensional.finrank_mul_finrank /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, F -/ #check @finite_dimensional.finrank_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: W, V, F -/ #check @finite_dimensional.finrank_linear_map' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, F -/ -- geometry/euclidean/basic.lean #check @inner_product_geometry.is_conformal_map.preserves_angle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, u -/ #check @inner_product_geometry.conformal_at.preserves_angle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, u -/ #check @inner_product_geometry.cos_angle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @inner_product_geometry.angle_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @inner_product_geometry.angle_neg_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @inner_product_geometry.angle_neg_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @inner_product_geometry.angle_neg_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @inner_product_geometry.angle_smul_right_of_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @inner_product_geometry.angle_smul_left_of_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @inner_product_geometry.angle_smul_right_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @inner_product_geometry.angle_smul_left_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @inner_product_geometry.cos_angle_mul_norm_mul_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @inner_product_geometry.sin_angle_mul_norm_mul_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @inner_product_geometry.inner_eq_zero_iff_angle_eq_pi_div_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @inner_product_geometry.norm_add_eq_norm_sub_iff_angle_eq_pi_div_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.angle_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p3, p2, p1 -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.angle_eq_angle_of_angle_eq_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p1 -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.dist_left_midpoint_eq_dist_right_midpoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p2, p1 -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.inner_weighted_vsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂, p₁ -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.dist_affine_combination /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.dist_smul_vadd_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂, p₁, v, r -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.dist_smul_vadd_eq_dist /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, p₂, p₁ -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.inter_eq_singleton_orthogonal_projection_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.orthogonal_projection_fn_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.inter_eq_singleton_orthogonal_projection /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.orthogonal_projection_mem_subspace_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.orthogonal_projection_orthogonal_projection /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.eq_orthogonal_projection_of_eq_subspace /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.orthogonal_projection_vsub_orthogonal_projection /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.dist_sq_eq_dist_orthogonal_projection_sq_add_dist_orthogonal_projection_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p2 -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.dist_sq_smul_orthogonal_vadd_smul_orthogonal_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r2, r1 -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.reflection_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.eq_reflection_of_eq_subspace /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.reflection_reflection /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.reflection_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.reflection_eq_self_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.reflection_eq_iff_orthogonal_projection_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s₂, s₁ -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.dist_reflection /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂, p₁, s -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.dist_reflection_eq_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂ -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.reflection_vadd_smul_vsub_orthogonal_projection /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, p₂ -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.cospherical_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ps -/ -- geometry/euclidean/circumcenter.lean #check @euclidean_geometry.dist_eq_iff_dist_orthogonal_projection_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p3 -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.dist_set_eq_iff_dist_orthogonal_projection_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.exists_dist_eq_iff_exists_dist_orthogonal_projection_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @affine.simplex.dist_circumcenter_eq_circumradius /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @affine.simplex.dist_circumcenter_eq_circumradius' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @affine.simplex.circumcenter_eq_point /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @affine.simplex.circumcenter_eq_centroid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @affine.simplex.orthogonal_projection_eq_circumcenter_of_exists_dist_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @affine.simplex.orthogonal_projection_eq_circumcenter_of_dist_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @affine.simplex.orthogonal_projection_circumcenter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, s -/ #check @affine.simplex.sum_points_with_circumcenter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @affine.simplex.points_with_circumcenter_point /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, s -/ #check @affine.simplex.points_with_circumcenter_eq_circumcenter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @affine.simplex.point_eq_affine_combination_of_points_with_circumcenter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, s -/ #check @affine.simplex.centroid_eq_affine_combination_of_points_with_circumcenter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: fs, s -/ #check @affine.simplex.circumcenter_eq_affine_combination_of_points_with_circumcenter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @affine.simplex.reflection_circumcenter_eq_affine_combination_of_points_with_circumcenter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- geometry/euclidean/monge_point.lean #check @affine.simplex.monge_point_eq_smul_vsub_vadd_circumcenter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @affine.simplex.monge_point_eq_affine_combination_of_points_with_circumcenter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @affine.simplex.monge_point_vsub_face_centroid_eq_weighted_vsub_of_points_with_circumcenter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @affine.simplex.monge_plane_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i₂, i₁, s -/ #check @affine.simplex.monge_plane_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i₂, i₁, s -/ #check @affine.simplex.direction_monge_plane /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @affine.simplex.altitude_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, s -/ #check @affine.simplex.direction_altitude /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, s -/ #check @affine.simplex.affine_span_insert_singleton_eq_altitude_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, i, s -/ #check @affine.triangle.orthocenter_eq_monge_point /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @affine.triangle.orthocenter_eq_smul_vsub_vadd_circumcenter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @affine.triangle.altitude_eq_monge_plane /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @affine.triangle.dist_orthocenter_reflection_circumcenter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @affine.triangle.dist_orthocenter_reflection_circumcenter_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ -- geometry/euclidean/triangle.lean #check @inner_product_geometry.norm_add_sq_eq_norm_sq_add_norm_sq_iff_angle_eq_pi_div_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @inner_product_geometry.norm_add_sq_eq_norm_sq_add_norm_sq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @inner_product_geometry.norm_sub_sq_eq_norm_sq_add_norm_sq_iff_angle_eq_pi_div_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @inner_product_geometry.norm_sub_sq_eq_norm_sq_add_norm_sq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @inner_product_geometry.norm_sub_sq_eq_norm_sq_add_norm_sq_sub_two_mul_norm_mul_norm_mul_cos_angle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.dist_sq_eq_dist_sq_add_dist_sq_iff_angle_eq_pi_div_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p3, p2, p1 -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.dist_sq_eq_dist_sq_add_dist_sq_sub_two_mul_dist_mul_dist_mul_cos_angle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p3, p1 -/ #check @law_cos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p3, p1 -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.dist_sq_mul_dist_add_dist_sq_mul_dist /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, c, b, a -/ #check @euclidean_geometry.dist_sq_add_dist_sq_eq_two_mul_dist_midpoint_sq_add_half_dist_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ -- geometry/manifold/algebra/left_invariant_derivation.lean #check @left_invariant_derivation.coe_derivation /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @left_invariant_derivation.left_invariant' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, g -/ #check @left_invariant_derivation.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, X -/ #check @left_invariant_derivation.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, X -/ #check @left_invariant_derivation.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, X -/ #check @left_invariant_derivation.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, X -/ #check @left_invariant_derivation.leibniz /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, X -/ #check @left_invariant_derivation.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @left_invariant_derivation.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @left_invariant_derivation.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @left_invariant_derivation.lift_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @left_invariant_derivation.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, r -/ #check @left_invariant_derivation.lift_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, X -/ #check @left_invariant_derivation.coe_fn_add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X, G, I -/ #check @left_invariant_derivation.eval_at_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, X, g -/ #check @left_invariant_derivation.eval_at_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, g -/ #check @left_invariant_derivation.left_invariant /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, g -/ #check @left_invariant_derivation.eval_at_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, h, g -/ #check @left_invariant_derivation.comp_L /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, X, g -/ #check @left_invariant_derivation.commutator_coe_derivation /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @left_invariant_derivation.commutator_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Y, X -/ -- geometry/manifold/algebra/monoid.lean #check @L_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @R_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @L_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, I -/ #check @R_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, I -/ #check @smooth_left_mul_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g' -/ #check @smooth_right_mul_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g' -/ -- geometry/manifold/algebra/smooth_functions.lean #check @smooth_map.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @smooth_map.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @smooth_map.mul_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @smooth_map.add_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @smooth_map.coe_fn_add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x -/ #check @smooth_map.coe_fn_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x -/ #check @smooth_map.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @smooth_map.coe_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @smooth_map.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @smooth_map.coe_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @smooth_map.coe_fn_ring_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x -/ #check @smooth_map.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r -/ #check @smooth_map.smul_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, r -/ #check @smooth_map.coe_fn_linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x -/ #check @smooth_map.coe_fn_alg_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x -/ #check @smooth_map.smul_comp' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ -- geometry/manifold/basic_smooth_bundle.lean #check @basic_smooth_bundle_core.base_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @basic_smooth_bundle_core.chart_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, Z -/ #check @basic_smooth_bundle_core.chart_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @basic_smooth_bundle_core.mem_atlas_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Z -/ #check @basic_smooth_bundle_core.mem_chart_source_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, Z -/ #check @basic_smooth_bundle_core.mem_chart_target_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, Z -/ #check @basic_smooth_bundle_core.coe_chart_at_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, Z -/ #check @basic_smooth_bundle_core.coe_chart_at_symm_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, Z -/ #check @tangent_bundle.proj_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @tangent_bundle_model_space_homeomorph_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @tangent_bundle_model_space_homeomorph_coe_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ -- geometry/manifold/bump_function.lean #check @smooth_bump_function.coe_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @smooth_bump_function.support_eq_inter_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @smooth_bump_function.support_eq_symm_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @smooth_bump_function.update_r_R /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @smooth_bump_function.support_update_r /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- geometry/manifold/charted_space.lean #check @closed_under_restriction_iff_id_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @model_prod_range_prod_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @pi_charted_space_chart_at /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, M, H -/ #check @local_homeomorph.singleton_charted_space_chart_at_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ -- geometry/manifold/derivation_bundle.lean #check @pointed_smooth_map.smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, f, x -/ #check @derivation.eval_at_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, X -/ #check @apply_fdifferential /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, v, f -/ #check @apply_hfdifferential /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, v -/ #check @fdifferential_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g -/ -- geometry/manifold/diffeomorph.lean #check @diffeomorph.coe_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @diffeomorph.coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @diffeomorph.refl_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @diffeomorph.coe_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @diffeomorph.trans_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @diffeomorph.refl_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @diffeomorph.coe_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁ -/ #check @diffeomorph.apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @diffeomorph.symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @diffeomorph.symm_trans' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁ -/ #check @diffeomorph.symm_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @diffeomorph.to_equiv_coe_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @diffeomorph.image_eq_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, h -/ #check @diffeomorph.symm_image_eq_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, h -/ #check @diffeomorph.range_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, h -/ #check @diffeomorph.image_symm_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @diffeomorph.symm_image_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @diffeomorph.to_homeomorph_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @diffeomorph.symm_to_homeomorph /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @diffeomorph.coe_to_homeomorph /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @diffeomorph.coe_to_homeomorph_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @diffeomorph.times_cont_mdiff_within_at_comp_diffeomorph_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @diffeomorph.times_cont_mdiff_on_comp_diffeomorph_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @diffeomorph.times_cont_mdiff_at_comp_diffeomorph_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.coe_to_diffeomorph /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.symm_to_diffeomorph /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.coe_to_diffeomorph_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @model_with_corners.coe_trans_diffeomorph /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, I -/ #check @model_with_corners.coe_trans_diffeomorph_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, I -/ #check @model_with_corners.trans_diffeomorph_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, I -/ #check @model_with_corners.coe_ext_chart_at_trans_diffeomorph /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e, I -/ #check @model_with_corners.coe_ext_chart_at_trans_diffeomorph_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e, I -/ #check @model_with_corners.ext_chart_at_trans_diffeomorph_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e, I -/ -- geometry/manifold/instances/real.lean #check @range_half_space /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @range_quadrant /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- geometry/manifold/instances/sphere.lean #check @stereo_to_fun_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @stereo_inv_fun_aux_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w -/ #check @stereo_inv_fun_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w -/ #check @stereo_right_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w -/ #check @stereographic_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hv -/ #check @stereographic'_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ -- geometry/manifold/mfderiv.lean #check @filter.eventually_eq.mdifferentiable_within_at_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I', I -/ #check @tangent_map_within_congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @mfderiv_within_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mfderiv_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @tangent_map_within_comp_at /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @tangent_map_comp_at /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.mfderiv_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.mfderiv_within_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.mfderiv_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.mfderiv_within_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mfderiv_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @mfderiv_within_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @tangent_map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @mfderiv_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I', I -/ #check @mfderiv_within_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I', I -/ #check @tangent_map_chart /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @tangent_map_chart_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ -- geometry/manifold/partition_of_unity.lean #check @bump_covering.to_smooth_partition_of_unity_to_partition_of_unity /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @bump_covering.coe_to_smooth_partition_of_unity /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @smooth_bump_covering.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: to_fun -/ #check @smooth_bump_covering.to_smooth_partition_of_unity_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, fs -/ #check @smooth_bump_covering.to_smooth_partition_of_unity_eq_mul_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, fs -/ #check @smooth_bump_covering.sum_to_smooth_partition_of_unity_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, fs -/ -- geometry/manifold/smooth_manifold_with_corners.lean #check @model_with_corners.to_local_equiv_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @model_with_corners.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @model_with_corners.to_local_equiv_coe_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @model_with_corners.mk_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @model_with_corners.target_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @model_with_corners.left_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @model_with_corners.image_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, I -/ #check @model_with_corners.map_nhds_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, I -/ #check @model_with_corners.symm_map_nhds_within_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @model_with_corners_self_local_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ #check @model_with_corners_self_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ #check @model_with_corners_self_coe_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ #check @model_with_corners_prod_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I', I -/ #check @model_with_corners_prod_coe_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I', I -/ #check @ext_chart_at_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, I -/ #check @ext_chart_at_coe_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, I -/ #check @ext_chart_at_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ext_chart_at_to_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ext_chart_at_map_nhds' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ext_chart_at_map_nhds /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, I -/ #check @nhds_within_ext_chart_target_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, I -/ #check @nhds_within_ext_chart_target_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, I -/ #check @ext_chart_at_map_nhds_within_eq_image' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, I -/ #check @ext_chart_at_map_nhds_within_eq_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, I -/ #check @ext_chart_at_map_nhds_within' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, I -/ #check @ext_chart_at_map_nhds_within /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, I -/ #check @ext_chart_at_symm_map_nhds_within /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ext_chart_at_symm_map_nhds_within_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ext_chart_preimage_inter_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, I -/ -- geometry/manifold/times_cont_mdiff.lean #check @tangent_bundle.tangent_map_tangent_bundle_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- geometry/manifold/times_cont_mdiff_map.lean #check @times_cont_mdiff_map.coe_fn_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @times_cont_mdiff_map.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ -- geometry/manifold/whitney_embedding.lean #check @smooth_bump_covering.embedding_pi_tangent_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @smooth_bump_covering.comp_embedding_pi_tangent_mfderiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hx, x, f -/ #check @smooth_bump_covering.embedding_pi_tangent_ker_mfderiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- group_theory/abelianization.lean #check @abelianization.lift.of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ -- group_theory/commuting_probability.lean #check @comm_prob_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @comm_prob_eq_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @card_comm_eq_card_conj_classes_mul_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @comm_prob_def' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ -- group_theory/congruence.lean #check @add_con.rel_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @con.rel_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @add_con.quot_mk_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c -/ #check @con.quot_mk_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c -/ #check @con.hrec_on₂_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, b, a -/ #check @add_con.hrec_on₂_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, b, a -/ #check @add_con.eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @con.eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @add_con.add_ker_mk_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @con.mul_ker_mk_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @add_con.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @con.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @add_con.lift_on_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @con.lift_on_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @con.Inf_to_setoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_con.Inf_to_setoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @con.Inf_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_con.Inf_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @con.con_gen_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @add_con.add_con_gen_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @con.con_gen_of_con /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @add_con.add_con_gen_of_add_con /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @con.con_gen_idem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @add_con.add_con_gen_idem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @con.sup_eq_con_gen /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c -/ #check @add_con.sup_eq_add_con_gen /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c -/ #check @add_con.Sup_eq_add_con_gen /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @con.Sup_eq_con_gen /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_con.ker_rel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @con.ker_rel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_con.mk'_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @con.mk'_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @con.ker_apply_eq_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_con.ker_apply_eq_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @con.lift_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_con.lift_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_con.lift_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @con.lift_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @con.lift_apply_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_con.lift_apply_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_con.ker_lift_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @con.ker_lift_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @con.map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h -/ #check @add_con.map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h -/ #check @add_con.quotient_ker_equiv_of_right_inverse_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @con.quotient_ker_equiv_of_right_inverse_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g, f -/ #check @add_con.quotient_ker_equiv_of_right_inverse_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g, f -/ #check @con.quotient_ker_equiv_of_right_inverse_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @add_con.lift_on_units_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hyx, hxy, y, x, f -/ #check @con.lift_on_units_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hyx, hxy, y, x, f -/ -- group_theory/coset.lean #check @left_coset_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, s -/ #check @left_add_coset_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, s -/ #check @right_add_coset_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, s -/ #check @right_coset_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, s -/ #check @left_add_coset_right_add_coset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, s -/ #check @left_coset_right_coset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, s -/ #check @one_left_coset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @zero_left_add_coset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @right_coset_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @right_add_coset_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @mem_left_coset_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mem_left_add_coset_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mem_right_add_coset_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mem_right_coset_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @left_add_coset_mem_left_add_coset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @left_coset_mem_left_coset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @right_add_coset_mem_right_add_coset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @right_coset_mem_right_coset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @eq_add_cosets_of_normal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, s -/ #check @eq_cosets_of_normal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, s -/ #check @normal_iff_eq_cosets /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @normal_iff_eq_add_cosets /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @left_coset_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @left_add_coset_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @right_add_coset_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @right_coset_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @quotient_group.left_rel_r_eq_left_coset_equivalence /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @quotient_group.right_rel_r_eq_right_coset_equivalence /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @quotient_group.quotient_lift_on_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @quotient_add_group.quotient_lift_on_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @quotient_add_group.out_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quotient_group.out_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quotient_group.mk_mul_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₁ -/ #check @quotient_add_group.mk_mul_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₁ -/ #check @quotient_add_group.eq_class_eq_left_coset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, s -/ #check @quotient_group.eq_class_eq_left_coset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, s -/ #check @quotient_add_group.preimage_image_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, N -/ #check @quotient_group.preimage_image_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, N -/ #check @subgroup.quotient_equiv_prod_of_le'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, hf, f, h_le -/ #check @add_subgroup.quotient_equiv_sum_of_le'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, hf, f, h_le -/ #check @add_subgroup.quotient_equiv_sum_of_le'_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @subgroup.quotient_equiv_prod_of_le'_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @subgroup.quotient_equiv_prod_of_le_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, h_le -/ #check @add_subgroup.quotient_equiv_sum_of_le_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_subgroup.quotient_equiv_sum_of_le_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, h_le -/ #check @subgroup.quotient_equiv_prod_of_le_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- group_theory/exponent.lean #check @monoid.pow_eq_mod_exponent /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @add_monoid.nsmul_eq_mod_exponent /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ -- group_theory/finiteness.lean #check @add_submonoid.fg_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @submonoid.fg_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @submonoid.fg_iff_add_fg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @add_submonoid.fg_iff_mul_fg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @monoid.fg_iff_submonoid_fg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N -/ #check @add_monoid.fg_iff_add_submonoid_fg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N -/ #check @add_subgroup.fg_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @subgroup.fg_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @add_subgroup.fg_iff_add_submonoid.fg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @subgroup.fg_iff_submonoid_fg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @subgroup.fg_iff_add_fg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @add_subgroup.fg_iff_mul_fg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ -- group_theory/free_abelian_group.lean #check @free_abelian_group.lift.of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_abelian_group.lift.map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, a -/ #check @free_abelian_group.lift.add' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, a -/ #check @free_abelian_group.lift_add_group_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a, β -/ #check @free_abelian_group.map_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_abelian_group.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @free_abelian_group.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_abelian_group.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @free_abelian_group.map_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, f -/ #check @free_abelian_group.pure_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_abelian_group.add_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @free_abelian_group.neg_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_abelian_group.sub_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @free_abelian_group.pure_seq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_abelian_group.add_seq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @free_abelian_group.neg_seq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_abelian_group.sub_seq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @free_abelian_group.seq_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @free_abelian_group.seq_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_abelian_group.seq_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @free_abelian_group.lift_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @free_abelian_group.map_id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @free_abelian_group.map_comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @free_abelian_group.map_of_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @free_abelian_group.mul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @free_abelian_group.of_mul_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @free_abelian_group.of_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @free_abelian_group.lift_monoid_coe_add_monoid_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @free_abelian_group.lift_monoid_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @free_abelian_group.lift_monoid_symm_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- group_theory/free_abelian_group_finsupp.lean #check @finsupp.to_free_abelian_group_comp_single_add_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @finsupp.to_free_abelian_group_to_finsupp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @free_abelian_group.to_finsupp_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @free_abelian_group.to_finsupp_to_free_abelian_group /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @free_abelian_group.equiv_finsupp_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X -/ #check @free_abelian_group.equiv_finsupp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X -/ #check @free_abelian_group.mem_support_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, x -/ #check @free_abelian_group.not_mem_support_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, x -/ #check @free_abelian_group.support_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @free_abelian_group.support_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @free_abelian_group.support_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @free_abelian_group.support_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- group_theory/free_group.lean #check @free_group.quot_lift_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @free_group.quot_lift_on_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @free_group.quot_map_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, β -/ #check @free_group.lift_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g -/ #check @free_group.lift.of_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @free_group.map.id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @free_group.map.id' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @free_group.map.comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @free_group.free_group_congr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, e -/ #check @free_group.free_group_congr_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @free_group.free_group_congr_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e -/ #check @free_group.map_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_group.map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @free_group.map_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_group.pure_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_group.mul_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @free_group.inv_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_group.reduce.cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- group_theory/free_product.lean #check @free_product.word.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @free_product.of_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @free_product.lift_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @free_product.lift_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, fi -/ #check @free_product.inv_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, G -/ #check @free_product.word.pair.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @free_product.word.prod_rcons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @free_product.word.equiv_pair_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, i -/ #check @free_product.word.of_smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, w, i -/ #check @free_product.word.prod_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, m -/ -- group_theory/general_commutator.lean #check @general_commutator_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H₂, H₁ -/ #check @general_commutator_def' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H₂, H₁ -/ #check @general_commutator_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, H₂, H₁ -/ #check @general_commutator_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H₂, H₁ -/ -- group_theory/group_action/basic.lean #check @add_action.fixed_eq_Inter_fixed_by /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @mul_action.fixed_eq_Inter_fixed_by /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @add_action.mem_fixed_points /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β -/ #check @mul_action.mem_fixed_points /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β -/ #check @add_action.mem_fixed_by /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β -/ #check @mul_action.mem_fixed_by /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β -/ #check @add_action.mem_fixed_points' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β -/ #check @mul_action.mem_fixed_points' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β -/ #check @mul_action.mem_stabilizer_submonoid_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @add_action.mem_stabilizer_add_submonoid_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @add_action.vadd_orbit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @mul_action.smul_orbit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @add_action.orbit_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @mul_action.orbit_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @mul_action.stabilizer_smul_eq_stabilizer_map_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @add_action.stabilizer_vadd_eq_stabilizer_map_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @add_action.quotient.vadd_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, a, H -/ #check @mul_action.quotient.smul_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, a, H -/ #check @add_action.quotient.vadd_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, a, H -/ #check @mul_action.quotient.smul_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, a, H -/ #check @mul_action.of_quotient_stabilizer_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, x, α -/ #check @add_action.of_quotient_stabilizer_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, x, α -/ #check @mul_action.of_quotient_stabilizer_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', g, x, α -/ #check @add_action.of_quotient_stabilizer_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', g, x, α -/ #check @mul_action.card_orbit_mul_card_stabilizer_eq_card_group /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @add_action.card_orbit_add_card_stabilizer_eq_card_add_group /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @mul_action.orbit_equiv_quotient_stabilizer_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, b, α -/ #check @add_action.orbit_equiv_quotient_stabilizer_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, b, α -/ #check @mul_action.stabilizer_quotient /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_action.stabilizer_quotient /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @mul_action.card_eq_sum_card_group_div_card_stabilizer' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β -/ #check @add_action.card_eq_sum_card_add_group_sub_card_stabilizer' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β -/ #check @add_action.card_eq_sum_card_add_group_sub_card_stabilizer /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β -/ #check @mul_action.card_eq_sum_card_group_div_card_stabilizer /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β -/ #check @mul_action.sum_card_fixed_by_eq_card_orbits_mul_card_group /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @add_action.sum_card_fixed_by_eq_card_orbits_add_card_add_group /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @subgroup.normal_core_eq_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ -- group_theory/group_action/conj_act.lean #check @conj_act.to_conj_act_of_conj_act /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @conj_act.of_conj_act_to_conj_act /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @conj_act.of_conj_act_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @conj_act.to_conj_act_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @conj_act.of_conj_act_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @conj_act.to_conj_act_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @conj_act.smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @conj_act.forall /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @conj_act.smul_eq_mul_aut_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @conj_act.subgroup.coe_conj_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @mul_aut.conj_normal_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @mul_aut.conj_normal_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ #check @mul_aut.conj_normal_inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g -/ -- group_theory/group_action/defs.lean #check @smul_eq_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @vadd_eq_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @smul_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @is_central_scalar.unop_smul_eq_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, m -/ #check @ite_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a₂, a₁, p -/ #check @ite_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a₂, a₁, p -/ #check @vadd_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b₂, b₁, a, p -/ #check @smul_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b₂, b₁, a, p -/ #check @vadd_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a₂, a₁ -/ #check @smul_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a₂, a₁ -/ #check @zero_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @one_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @mul_smul_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, s -/ #check @add_vadd_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, s -/ #check @smul_mul_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, r -/ #check @smul_mul_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, s, r -/ #check @add_action.to_fun_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @mul_action.to_fun_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @smul_one_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @smul_one_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @mul_smul_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @add_vadd_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @smul_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b₂, b₁, a -/ #check @distrib_mul_action.to_add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x, A -/ #check @distrib_mul_action.to_add_monoid_End_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, A, M -/ #check @smul_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ #check @smul_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, r -/ #check @smul_mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b₂, b₁, a -/ #check @mul_distrib_mul_action.to_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ #check @mul_distrib_mul_action.to_monoid_End_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, A, M -/ #check @smul_inv' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ #check @smul_div' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, r -/ #check @function.End.smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @add_monoid.End.smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ -- group_theory/group_action/group.lean #check @neg_vadd_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @inv_smul_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @smul_inv_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @vadd_neg_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @mul_action.to_perm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, a -/ #check @add_action.to_perm_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, a -/ #check @mul_action.to_perm_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, a -/ #check @add_action.to_perm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, a -/ #check @mul_action.to_perm_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, β, α -/ #check @add_action.to_perm_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, α, β -/ #check @equiv.perm.smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @smul_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c -/ #check @smul_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, x, c -/ #check @vadd_eq_iff_eq_neg_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @smul_eq_iff_eq_inv_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @inv_smul_smul₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @smul_inv_smul₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @distrib_mul_action.to_add_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x, β -/ #check @distrib_mul_action.to_add_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x, β -/ #check @distrib_mul_action.to_add_aut_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, β, α -/ #check @mul_distrib_mul_action.to_mul_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x, β -/ #check @mul_distrib_mul_action.to_mul_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x, β -/ #check @mul_distrib_mul_action.to_mul_aut_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, β, α -/ #check @arrow_action_to_has_scalar_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, F, g -/ #check @mul_aut_arrow_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ᾰ, x -/ #check @mul_aut_arrow_apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ᾰ, x -/ -- group_theory/group_action/opposite.lean #check @mul_opposite.op_smul_eq_op_smul_op /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, r, α -/ #check @mul_opposite.unop_smul_eq_unop_smul_unop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, r, α -/ #check @op_vadd_eq_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @op_smul_eq_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ -- group_theory/group_action/pi.lean #check @pi.smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, x -/ #check @pi.vadd_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, x -/ #check @pi.smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, i, x -/ #check @pi.vadd_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, i, x -/ #check @pi.smul_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s, i -/ #check @pi.vadd_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s, i -/ #check @pi.single_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r, i -/ #check @pi.single_smul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r, i -/ #check @pi.single_smul₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r, i -/ #check @function.update_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x₁, i, f₁, c -/ #check @function.update_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x₁, i, f₁, c -/ #check @set.piecewise_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₁, f₁, c, s -/ #check @set.piecewise_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₁, f₁, c, s -/ #check @function.extend_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, g, f, r -/ #check @function.extend_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, g, f, r -/ -- group_theory/group_action/prod.lean #check @prod.smul_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, a -/ #check @prod.vadd_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, a -/ #check @prod.vadd_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, a -/ #check @prod.smul_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, a -/ #check @prod.vadd_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @prod.smul_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @prod.smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, a -/ #check @prod.vadd_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, a -/ #check @smul_mul_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @smul_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ -- group_theory/group_action/sub_mul_action.lean #check @sub_mul_action.coe_copy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @sub_mul_action.copy_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @sub_mul_action.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ #check @sub_mul_action.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @sub_mul_action.subtype_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @sub_mul_action.subtype_eq_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @sub_mul_action.coe_smul_of_tower /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s, p -/ #check @sub_mul_action.smul_mem_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @sub_mul_action.neg_mem_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @sub_mul_action.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @sub_mul_action.smul_mem_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- group_theory/group_action/units.lean #check @units.smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, m -/ #check @add_units.vadd_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, m -/ #check @units.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, g -/ #check @units.smul_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, g -/ -- group_theory/index.lean #check @add_subgroup.index_comap_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.index_comap_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.index_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, H -/ #check @subgroup.index_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, H -/ #check @add_subgroup.relindex_add_relindex /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, H -/ #check @subgroup.relindex_mul_relindex /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, H -/ #check @subgroup.inf_relindex_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, H -/ #check @subgroup.inf_relindex_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, H -/ #check @subgroup.relindex_inf_mul_relindex /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, K, H -/ #check @subgroup.inf_relindex_eq_relindex_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, H -/ #check @subgroup.relindex_eq_relindex_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, H -/ #check @add_subgroup.relindex_top_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.relindex_top_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.relindex_bot_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.relindex_bot_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.relindex_bot_left_eq_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.relindex_bot_left_eq_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.index_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, H -/ #check @add_subgroup.index_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, H -/ #check @subgroup.index_map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.index_map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.index_eq_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.index_eq_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ -- group_theory/is_free_group.lean #check @is_free_group.lift'_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, F -/ #check @is_free_group.lift'_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @is_free_group.to_free_group_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, G -/ #check @is_free_group.to_free_group_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, G -/ #check @is_free_group.lift_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, F -/ #check @is_free_group.lift_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ -- group_theory/monoid_localization.lean #check @add_localization.r_eq_r' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @localization.r_eq_r' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @localization.mk_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, b, c, a -/ #check @add_localization.mk_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, b, c, a -/ #check @localization.rec_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @add_localization.rec_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @add_localization.lift_on_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @localization.lift_on_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @add_localization.lift_on₂_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, b, c, a, f -/ #check @localization.lift_on₂_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, b, c, a, f -/ #check @localization.smul_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, c -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.sec_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.sec_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.sec_spec' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.sec_spec' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.mul_inv_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, w, y -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.add_neg_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, w, y -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.add_neg_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, w, y -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.mul_inv_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, w, y -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.map_right_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.map_right_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.map_left_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.map_left_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.mk'_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y₂, y₁, x₂, x₁, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.mk'_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y₂, y₁, x₂, x₁, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.mk'_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.mk'_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.mk'_sec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.mk'_sec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.mk'_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.mk'_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.mk'_spec' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.mk'_spec' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.eq_mk'_iff_mul_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.eq_mk'_iff_add_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.mk'_eq_iff_eq_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.mk'_eq_iff_eq_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.mk'_eq_iff_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.mk'_eq_iff_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.mk'_eq_of_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.mk'_eq_of_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.add_mk'_eq_mk'_of_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x₂, x₁, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.mul_mk'_eq_mk'_of_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x₂, x₁, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.mk'_mul_eq_mk'_of_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x₂, x₁, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.mk'_add_eq_mk'_of_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x₂, x₁, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.mul_mk'_one_eq_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.add_mk'_zero_eq_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.mk'_add_cancel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.mk'_mul_cancel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.mk'_mul_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.mk'_add_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.comp_eq_of_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.comp_eq_of_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.lift_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, hg -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.lift_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, hg -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.lift_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, z, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.lift_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, z, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.lift_spec_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, w, z, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.lift_spec_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, w, z, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.lift_mk'_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, v, x -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.lift_mk'_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, v, x -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.lift_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.lift_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.lift_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.lift_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.lift_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.lift_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.lift_of_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.lift_of_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.lift_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.lift_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.lift_left_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.lift_left_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.lift_injective_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.lift_injective_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.map_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, hy -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.map_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, hy -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.map_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, z, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.map_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, z, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.map_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.map_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.map_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.map_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.map_comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hl, j, hy, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.map_comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hl, j, hy, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hl, j, hy, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hl, j, hy, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.away_map.lift_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.away_map.lift_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.add_equiv_of_localizations_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.mul_equiv_of_localizations_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.mul_equiv_of_localizations_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.add_equiv_of_localizations_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.mul_equiv_of_localizations_symm_eq_mul_equiv_of_localizations /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.add_equiv_of_localizations_symm_eq_add_equiv_of_localizations /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.of_mul_equiv_of_localizations_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.of_add_equiv_of_localizations_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.of_mul_equiv_of_localizations_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.of_add_equiv_of_localizations_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.symm_comp_of_add_equiv_of_localizations_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.symm_comp_of_mul_equiv_of_localizations_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.symm_comp_of_mul_equiv_of_localizations_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.symm_comp_of_add_equiv_of_localizations_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.of_mul_equiv_of_localizations_eq_iff_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.of_add_equiv_of_localizations_eq_iff_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.add_equiv_of_localizations_right_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.mul_equiv_of_localizations_right_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.add_equiv_of_localizations_left_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.mul_equiv_of_localizations_left_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.add_equiv_of_localizations_left_neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.mul_equiv_of_localizations_left_inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.of_mul_equiv_of_localizations_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.of_add_equiv_of_localizations_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.of_add_equiv_of_localizations_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.of_mul_equiv_of_localizations_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.of_mul_equiv_of_dom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.of_add_equiv_of_dom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.of_add_equiv_of_dom_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.of_mul_equiv_of_dom_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.of_mul_equiv_of_dom_comp_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.of_add_equiv_of_dom_comp_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.of_mul_equiv_of_dom_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.of_add_equiv_of_dom_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.of_add_equiv_of_dom_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.of_mul_equiv_of_dom_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.mul_equiv_of_mul_equiv_eq_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, H, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.add_equiv_of_add_equiv_eq_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, H, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.mul_equiv_of_mul_equiv_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.add_equiv_of_add_equiv_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, f -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.mul_equiv_of_mul_equiv_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.add_equiv_of_add_equiv_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.mul_equiv_of_mul_equiv_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, H -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.add_equiv_of_add_equiv_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, H -/ #check @submonoid.localization_map.of_mul_equiv_of_mul_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_submonoid.localization_map.of_add_equiv_of_add_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @localization.mk_one_eq_monoid_of_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_localization.mk_zero_eq_add_monoid_of_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_localization.mk_eq_add_monoid_of_mk'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @localization.mk_eq_monoid_of_mk'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @add_localization.lift_on_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @localization.lift_on_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @add_localization.lift_on₂_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, b, c, a, f -/ #check @localization.lift_on₂_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, b, c, a, f -/ #check @add_localization.add_equiv_of_quotient_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @localization.mul_equiv_of_quotient_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @localization.mul_equiv_of_quotient_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @add_localization.add_equiv_of_quotient_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @localization.mul_equiv_of_quotient_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @add_localization.add_equiv_of_quotient_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @localization.mul_equiv_of_quotient_monoid_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_localization.add_equiv_of_quotient_add_monoid_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @localization.mul_equiv_of_quotient_symm_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @add_localization.add_equiv_of_quotient_symm_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @add_localization.add_equiv_of_quotient_symm_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @localization.mul_equiv_of_quotient_symm_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @add_localization.add_equiv_of_quotient_symm_add_monoid_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @localization.mul_equiv_of_quotient_symm_monoid_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @localization.away.mk_eq_monoid_of_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_localization.away.mk_eq_add_monoid_of_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- group_theory/nielsen_schreier.lean #check @is_free_groupoid.spanning_tree.tree_hom_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @is_free_groupoid.spanning_tree.tree_hom_root /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @is_free_groupoid.spanning_tree.loop_of_hom_eq_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @is_free_groupoid.spanning_tree.functor_of_monoid_hom_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, b, a, f, T -/ -- group_theory/nilpotent.lean #check @mem_upper_central_series_step /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, H -/ #check @upper_central_series_step_eq_comap_center /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @upper_central_series_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @upper_central_series_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @mem_upper_central_series_succ_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n, G -/ #check @nilpotent_iff_finite_ascending_central_series /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @nilpotent_iff_finite_descending_central_series /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @mem_lower_central_series_succ_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, n -/ #check @lower_central_series_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- group_theory/order_of_element.lean #check @is_periodic_pt_mul_iff_pow_eq_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_periodic_pt_add_iff_nsmul_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_of_fin_add_order_iff_nsmul_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_of_fin_order_iff_pow_eq_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_order_of_of_mul_eq_order_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @order_of_of_add_eq_add_order_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_order_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @order_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @order_of_add_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @order_of_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @order_of_pow' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_order_of_nsmul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @order_of_pow'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @add_order_of_nsmul'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @mem_multiples_iff_mem_range_add_order_of' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @mem_powers_iff_mem_range_order_of' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @order_of_subgroup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @order_of_add_subgroup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @order_of_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_order_of_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @fin_equiv_powers_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @fin_equiv_multiples_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @multiples_equiv_multiples_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @powers_equiv_powers_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @powers_eq_zpowers /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @multiples_eq_zmultiples /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @fin_equiv_zpowers_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @fin_equiv_zmultiples_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @zpowers_equiv_zpowers_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @zmultiples_equiv_zmultiples_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pow_eq_mod_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nsmul_eq_mod_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @zsmul_eq_mod_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @zpow_eq_mod_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @nsmul_coprime_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @nsmul_coprime_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @pow_coprime_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @pow_coprime_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @pow_coprime_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @pow_coprime_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @pow_card_subgroup_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @smul_card_add_subgroup_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ -- group_theory/perm/basic.lean #check @equiv.perm.mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.one_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @equiv.perm.inv_apply_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @equiv.perm.apply_inv_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @equiv.perm.mul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.inv_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.perm.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.zpow_apply_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, σ -/ #check @equiv.perm.trans_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.perm.mul_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.perm.one_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.perm.refl_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.perm.sum_congr_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f, e -/ #check @equiv.perm.sum_congr_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e -/ #check @equiv.perm.sum_congr_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, β, α -/ #check @equiv.perm.sum_congr_swap_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @equiv.perm.sum_congr_one_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @equiv.perm.sigma_congr_right_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F -/ #check @equiv.perm.sigma_congr_right_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @equiv.perm.sigma_congr_right_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, β -/ #check @equiv.perm.subtype_congr_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pair, p -/ #check @equiv.perm.perm_congr_eq_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, e -/ #check @equiv.perm.extend_domain_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e -/ #check @equiv.perm.extend_domain_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.extend_domain_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.subtype_perm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.subtype_perm_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @equiv.perm.of_subtype_apply_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.perm.of_subtype_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.mem_iff_of_subtype_apply_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @equiv.perm.subtype_perm_of_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.perm.subtype_equiv_subtype_perm_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @equiv.perm.subtype_equiv_subtype_perm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @equiv.perm.subtype_equiv_subtype_perm_apply_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.perm.via_embedding_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, ι, e -/ #check @equiv.perm.via_embedding_apply_of_not_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @equiv.perm.via_embedding_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ι, e -/ #check @equiv.swap_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @equiv.swap_mul_eq_mul_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @equiv.mul_swap_eq_swap_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @equiv.swap_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @equiv.swap_mul_self_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σ -/ #check @equiv.mul_swap_mul_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σ -/ -- group_theory/perm/concrete_cycle.lean #check @list.form_perm_apply_mem_eq_next /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @cycle.form_perm_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @cycle.support_form_perm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @cycle.form_perm_eq_self_of_not_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @cycle.form_perm_apply_mem_eq_next /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h, s -/ #check @cycle.form_perm_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, s -/ #check @equiv.perm.length_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @equiv.perm.nth_le_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, p -/ #check @equiv.perm.to_list_nth_le_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @equiv.perm.next_to_list_eq_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, p -/ #check @equiv.perm.to_list_pow_apply_eq_rotate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, x, p -/ #check @equiv.perm.to_list_form_perm_nontrivial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @equiv.perm.form_perm_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.to_cycle_eq_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- group_theory/perm/cycle_type.lean #check @equiv.perm.cycle_type_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σ -/ #check @equiv.perm.cycle_type_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σ -/ #check @equiv.perm.sum_cycle_type /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σ -/ #check @equiv.perm.sign_of_cycle_type /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σ -/ #check @equiv.perm.lcm_cycle_type /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σ -/ #check @equiv.perm.vectors_prod_eq_one.mem_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, G -/ #check @equiv.perm.vectors_prod_eq_one.zero_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @equiv.perm.vectors_prod_eq_one.one_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @equiv.perm.vectors_prod_eq_one.vector_equiv_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, n, G -/ #check @equiv.perm.vectors_prod_eq_one.vector_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, n, G -/ #check @equiv.perm.vectors_prod_eq_one.card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, G -/ #check @equiv.perm.vectors_prod_eq_one.rotate_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @equiv.perm.vectors_prod_eq_one.rotate_rotate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, j, v -/ #check @equiv.perm.vectors_prod_eq_one.rotate_length /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ -- group_theory/perm/cycles.lean #check @equiv.perm.is_cycle.zpowers_equiv_support_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hσ -/ #check @equiv.perm.is_cycle.zpowers_equiv_support_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @equiv.perm.same_cycle_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.perm.cycle_of_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.cycle_of_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.cycle_of_pow_apply_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.cycle_of_zpow_apply_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.cycle_of_apply_apply_zpow_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, x, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.cycle_of_apply_apply_pow_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, x, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.cycle_of_apply_apply_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.cycle_of_apply_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.cycle_of_eq_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.perm.cycle_of_self_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.cycle_of_self_apply_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.cycle_of_self_apply_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.pow_apply_eq_pow_mod_order_of_cycle_of_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.cycle_of_mul_of_apply_right_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @equiv.perm.disjoint.cycle_of_mul_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @equiv.perm.pow_mod_card_support_cycle_of_self_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.cycle_factors_finset_noncomm_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- group_theory/perm/fin.lean #check @equiv.perm.decompose_fin_symm_of_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @equiv.perm.decompose_fin_symm_of_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @equiv.perm.decompose_fin_symm_apply_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @equiv.perm.decompose_fin_symm_apply_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, e -/ #check @equiv.perm.decompose_fin_symm_apply_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, e -/ #check @equiv.perm.decompose_fin.symm_sign /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, p -/ #check @sign_fin_rotate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @fin.cycle_range_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @fin.cycle_range_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @fin.cycle_range_last /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @fin.sign_cycle_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.succ_above_cycle_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @fin.cycle_range_succ_above /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @fin.cycle_range_symm_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @fin.cycle_range_symm_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ -- group_theory/perm/list.lean #check @list.form_perm_cons_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, y, x -/ #check @list.form_perm_pair /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @list.form_perm_apply_of_not_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @list.form_perm_cons_concat_apply_last /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @list.form_perm_apply_last /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @list.form_perm_apply_nth_le_length /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @list.form_perm_apply_head /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @list.form_perm_apply_nth_le_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hl, l -/ #check @list.form_perm_eq_head_iff_eq_last /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, l -/ #check @list.form_perm_apply_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hn, n, xs -/ #check @list.form_perm_apply_nth_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hn, n, xs -/ #check @list.support_form_perm_of_nodup' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.support_form_perm_of_nodup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.form_perm_rotate_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.form_perm_rotate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.form_perm_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.form_perm_pow_apply_nth_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hk, k, n, l -/ #check @list.form_perm_pow_apply_head /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, l, x -/ #check @list.form_perm_apply_mem_eq_self_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.form_perm_apply_mem_ne_self_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @list.form_perm_eq_self_of_not_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @list.form_perm_eq_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ -- group_theory/perm/option.lean #check @map_equiv_option_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @equiv_functor.option.sign /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @map_equiv_remove_none /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σ -/ #check @equiv.perm.decompose_option_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @equiv.perm.decompose_option_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σ -/ #check @equiv.perm.decompose_option_symm_of_none_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, e -/ #check @equiv.perm.decompose_option_symm_sign /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ -- group_theory/perm/sign.lean #check @equiv.perm.subtype_perm_of_fintype_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.subtype_perm_of_fintype_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @equiv.perm.perm_maps_to_inl_iff_maps_to_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σ -/ #check @equiv.perm.sign_aux_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.perm.sign_aux_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.sign_aux_eq_sign_aux2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.perm.sign_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.sign_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.sign_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.perm.sign_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.perm.sign_aux3_symm_trans_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.perm.sign_symm_trans_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.perm.sign_trans_trans_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.perm.sign_subtype_perm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.perm.sign_of_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.perm.prod_prod_extend_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σ -/ #check @equiv.perm.sign_prod_extend_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σ -/ #check @equiv.perm.sign_prod_congr_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σ -/ #check @equiv.perm.sign_prod_congr_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σ -/ #check @equiv.perm.sign_perm_congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @equiv.perm.sign_sum_congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σb, σa -/ #check @equiv.perm.sign_subtype_congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: en, ep -/ #check @equiv.perm.sign_extend_domain /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ -- group_theory/perm/subgroup.lean #check @equiv.perm.subtype_congr_hom.card_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- group_theory/perm/support.lean #check @equiv.perm.set_support_inv_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @equiv.perm.coe_support_eq_set_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.perm.support_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σ -/ #check @equiv.perm.pow_eq_on_of_mem_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, k -/ #check @equiv.perm.support_prod_of_pairwise_disjoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @equiv.perm.support_swap_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @equiv.perm.support_swap_mul_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @equiv.perm.eq_on_support_mem_disjoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @equiv.perm.support_extend_domain /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- group_theory/quotient_group.lean #check @quotient_add_group.coe_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N -/ #check @quotient_group.coe_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N -/ #check @quotient_add_group.mk'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, N -/ #check @quotient_group.mk'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, N -/ #check @quotient_group.eq_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @quotient_add_group.eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @quotient_group.ker_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N -/ #check @quotient_add_group.ker_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N -/ #check @quotient_add_group.coe_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N -/ #check @quotient_group.coe_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N -/ #check @quotient_add_group.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, N -/ #check @quotient_group.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, N -/ #check @quotient_group.coe_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, N -/ #check @quotient_add_group.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, N -/ #check @quotient_add_group.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, N -/ #check @quotient_group.coe_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, N -/ #check @quotient_add_group.coe_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, N -/ #check @quotient_group.coe_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, N -/ #check @quotient_add_group.coe_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, N -/ #check @quotient_group.coe_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, N -/ #check @quotient_group.lift_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @quotient_add_group.lift_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @quotient_group.lift_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @quotient_add_group.lift_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @quotient_add_group.lift_quot_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @quotient_group.lift_quot_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @quotient_add_group.map_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, M -/ #check @quotient_group.map_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, M -/ #check @quotient_add_group.map_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, M -/ #check @quotient_group.map_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, M -/ #check @quotient_group.ker_lift_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, φ -/ #check @quotient_add_group.ker_lift_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, φ -/ #check @quotient_add_group.ker_lift_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, φ -/ #check @quotient_group.ker_lift_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, φ -/ #check @quotient_group.quotient_ker_equiv_of_right_inverse_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ψ, φ -/ #check @quotient_add_group.quotient_ker_equiv_of_right_inverse_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ψ, φ -/ #check @quotient_group.quotient_ker_equiv_of_right_inverse_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, φ -/ #check @quotient_add_group.quotient_ker_equiv_of_right_inverse_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, φ -/ #check @quotient_add_group.quotient_bot_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @quotient_add_group.quotient_bot_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @quotient_group.quotient_bot_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @quotient_group.quotient_bot_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @quotient_add_group.equiv_quotient_of_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @quotient_group.equiv_quotient_of_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @quotient_group.quotient_map_subgroup_of_of_le_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h -/ #check @quotient_add_group.quotient_map_add_subgroup_of_of_le_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h -/ #check @quotient_group.quotient_quotient_equiv_quotient_aux_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h, M, N -/ #check @quotient_add_group.quotient_quotient_equiv_quotient_aux_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h, M, N -/ #check @quotient_add_group.quotient_quotient_equiv_quotient_aux_coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, M -/ #check @quotient_group.quotient_quotient_equiv_quotient_aux_coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, M -/ -- group_theory/schur_zassenhaus.lean #check @subgroup.smul_symm_apply_eq_mul_symm_apply_inv_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, α, g -/ #check @subgroup.diff_mul_diff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ, α -/ #check @add_subgroup.diff_add_diff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ, α -/ #check @subgroup.diff_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @add_subgroup.diff_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @subgroup.smul_diff_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, β, α -/ #check @subgroup.smul_diff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, β, α -/ -- group_theory/semidirect_product.lean #check @semidirect_product.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @semidirect_product.inv_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @semidirect_product.inv_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @semidirect_product.mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @semidirect_product.mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @semidirect_product.left_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @semidirect_product.right_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @semidirect_product.inl_aut /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, g -/ #check @semidirect_product.inl_aut_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, g -/ #check @semidirect_product.mk_eq_inl_mul_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, g -/ #check @semidirect_product.inl_left_mul_inr_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @semidirect_product.right_hom_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @semidirect_product.lift_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f₁ -/ #check @semidirect_product.lift_comp_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₁ -/ #check @semidirect_product.lift_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f₂ -/ #check @semidirect_product.lift_comp_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂ -/ #check @semidirect_product.lift_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @semidirect_product.map_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f₁ -/ #check @semidirect_product.map_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f₂ -/ #check @semidirect_product.right_hom_comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂ -/ #check @semidirect_product.map_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f₁ -/ #check @semidirect_product.map_comp_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₁ -/ #check @semidirect_product.map_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f₂ -/ #check @semidirect_product.map_comp_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂ -/ -- group_theory/solvable.lean #check @derived_series_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @derived_series_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, G -/ #check @general_commutator_eq_commutator /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @commutator_def' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @derived_series_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @map_commutator_eq_commutator_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H₂, H₁ -/ #check @map_derived_series_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @is_solvable_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ -- group_theory/specific_groups/cyclic.lean #check @commutative_of_cyclic_center_quotient /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @commutative_of_add_cyclic_center_quotient /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- group_theory/specific_groups/dihedral.lean #check @dihedral_group.r_mul_r /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @dihedral_group.r_mul_sr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @dihedral_group.sr_mul_r /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @dihedral_group.sr_mul_sr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @dihedral_group.r_one_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @dihedral_group.order_of_r /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ -- group_theory/specific_groups/quaternion.lean #check @quaternion_group.a_mul_a /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @quaternion_group.a_mul_xa /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @quaternion_group.xa_mul_a /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @quaternion_group.xa_mul_xa /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @quaternion_group.a_one_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @quaternion_group.order_of_a /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ -- group_theory/subgroup/basic.lean #check @subgroup.coe_to_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @add_subgroup.coe_to_add_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @add_subgroup.mem_to_add_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, K -/ #check @subgroup.mem_to_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, K -/ #check @subgroup.to_add_subgroup_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subgroup.to_add_subgroup_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_subgroup.to_subgroup_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_subgroup.to_subgroup_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subgroup.coe_copy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @add_subgroup.coe_copy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subgroup.copy_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @add_subgroup.copy_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @subgroup.inv_mem_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.neg_mem_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.div_mem_comm_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.sub_mem_comm_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.inv_coe_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.neg_coe_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.exists_neg_mem_iff_exists_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @subgroup.exists_inv_mem_iff_exists_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @subgroup.mul_mem_cancel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.add_mem_cancel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.add_mem_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.mul_mem_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, H -/ #check @add_subgroup.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, H -/ #check @subgroup.coe_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, H -/ #check @add_subgroup.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, H -/ #check @add_subgroup.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, H -/ #check @subgroup.coe_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, H -/ #check @subgroup.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_subgroup.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_subgroup.coe_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.coe_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.coe_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, H -/ #check @add_subgroup.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, H -/ #check @subgroup.coe_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, H -/ #check @add_subgroup.coe_zsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, H -/ #check @subgroup.coe_list_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, H -/ #check @add_subgroup.coe_list_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, H -/ #check @add_subgroup.coe_multiset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, H -/ #check @subgroup.coe_multiset_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, H -/ #check @subgroup.coe_finset_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, H -/ #check @add_subgroup.coe_finset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, H -/ #check @add_subgroup.coe_inclusion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @subgroup.coe_inclusion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_subgroup.eq_bot_iff_forall /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.eq_bot_iff_forall /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.nontrivial_iff_exists_ne_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.nontrivial_iff_exists_ne_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.card_le_one_iff_eq_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.card_nonpos_iff_eq_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.one_lt_card_iff_ne_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.pos_card_iff_ne_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.coe_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p -/ #check @subgroup.coe_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p -/ #check @add_subgroup.coe_Inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.coe_Inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.eq_top_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.eq_top_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.closure_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @subgroup.closure_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @add_subgroup.closure_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @subgroup.closure_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @add_subgroup.closure_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @subgroup.closure_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @add_subgroup.closure_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subgroup.closure_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @add_subgroup.closure_eq_bot_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, G -/ #check @subgroup.closure_eq_bot_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, G -/ #check @add_subgroup.closure_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subgroup.closure_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subgroup.closure_to_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_subgroup.closure_to_add_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_subgroup.coe_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, K -/ #check @subgroup.coe_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, K -/ #check @subgroup.comap_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, K -/ #check @add_subgroup.comap_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, K -/ #check @subgroup.coe_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, f -/ #check @add_subgroup.coe_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, f -/ #check @subgroup.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @add_subgroup.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @subgroup.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, K -/ #check @add_subgroup.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, K -/ #check @add_subgroup.map_equiv_eq_comap_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, f -/ #check @subgroup.map_equiv_eq_comap_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, f -/ #check @add_subgroup.comap_equiv_eq_map_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, f -/ #check @subgroup.comap_equiv_eq_map_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, f -/ #check @subgroup.map_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, K, H -/ #check @add_subgroup.map_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, K, H -/ #check @subgroup.map_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @add_subgroup.map_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @subgroup.comap_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, K, H -/ #check @add_subgroup.comap_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, K, H -/ #check @add_subgroup.comap_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @subgroup.comap_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @add_subgroup.map_inf_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, K, H -/ #check @subgroup.map_inf_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, K, H -/ #check @subgroup.comap_subtype_equiv_of_le_symm_apply_coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @subgroup.comap_subtype_equiv_of_le_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @add_subgroup.comap_subtype_equiv_of_le_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @add_subgroup.comap_subtype_equiv_of_le_symm_apply_coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @subgroup.coe_subgroup_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, H -/ #check @add_subgroup.coe_add_subgroup_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, H -/ #check @subgroup.subgroup_of_map_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, H -/ #check @add_subgroup.add_subgroup_of_map_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, H -/ #check @subgroup.bot_subgroup_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.bot_add_subgroup_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.top_add_subgroup_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.top_subgroup_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.add_subgroup_of_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.subgroup_of_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.coe_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, H -/ #check @subgroup.coe_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, H -/ #check @subgroup.prod_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @add_subgroup.prod_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @subgroup.top_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.top_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.coe_center /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @subgroup.coe_center /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @subgroup.center_to_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @add_subgroup.center_to_add_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @subgroup.normal_closure_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.normal_core_eq_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.normal_core_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.normal_core_idempotent /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @monoid_hom.coe_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.range_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.range_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_range_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.coe_range_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @subgroup.subtype_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.subtype_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @monoid_hom.restrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.restrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.cod_restrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, S, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.cod_restrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, S, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.add_subgroup_of_range_eq_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.subgroup_of_range_eq_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.of_left_inverse_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @monoid_hom.of_left_inverse_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @monoid_hom.of_left_inverse_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.of_left_inverse_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.mem_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.mem_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.coe_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.comap_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.comap_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.comap_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.comap_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.range_restrict_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.range_restrict_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.ker_eq_bot_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.ker_eq_bot_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_subgroup.ker_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.ker_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @monoid_hom.prod_map_comap_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S', S, g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.sum_map_comap_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S', S, g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.ker_sum_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.ker_prod_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @add_subgroup.map_eq_bot_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.map_eq_bot_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.map_eq_bot_iff_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.map_eq_bot_iff_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.map_comap_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, f -/ #check @add_subgroup.map_comap_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, f -/ #check @subgroup.comap_map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, f -/ #check @add_subgroup.comap_map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, f -/ #check @subgroup.map_comap_eq_self_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.map_comap_eq_self_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.comap_map_eq_self_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.comap_map_eq_self_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.map_eq_comap_of_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.map_eq_comap_of_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.comap_sup_eq_of_le_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @subgroup.comap_sup_eq_of_le_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @subgroup.comap_sup_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, H, f -/ #check @add_subgroup.comap_sup_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, H, f -/ #check @add_subgroup.coe_equiv_map_of_injective_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, f, H -/ #check @subgroup.coe_equiv_map_of_injective_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, f, H -/ #check @subgroup.comap_normalizer_eq_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.comap_normalizer_eq_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_subgroup.map_equiv_normalizer_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, H -/ #check @subgroup.map_equiv_normalizer_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, H -/ #check @add_subgroup.map_normalizer_eq_of_bijective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @subgroup.map_normalizer_eq_of_bijective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.lift_of_right_inverse_aux_comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @monoid_hom.lift_of_right_inverse_aux_comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.lift_of_right_inverse_comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.lift_of_right_inverse_comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.lift_of_right_inverse_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.lift_of_right_inverse_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @subgroup.zpowers_eq_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @subgroup.range_zpowers_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @add_subgroup.range_zmultiples_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @add_subgroup.zmultiples_eq_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @monoid_hom.subgroup_comap_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, H', f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.add_subgroup_comap_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, H', f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.add_subgroup_map_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, H, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.subgroup_map_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, H, f -/ #check @add_subgroup.sup_eq_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, H -/ #check @subgroup.sup_eq_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, H -/ #check @subgroup.mul_normal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, H -/ #check @add_subgroup.add_normal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, H -/ #check @subgroup.normal_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, N -/ #check @add_subgroup.normal_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, N -/ #check @add_subgroup.add_inf_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C, B, A -/ #check @subgroup.mul_inf_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C, B, A -/ #check @add_subgroup.inf_add_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C, B, A -/ #check @subgroup.inf_mul_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C, B, A -/ #check @subgroup.subgroup_of_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A', A -/ #check @add_subgroup.add_subgroup_of_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A', A -/ #check @add_subgroup.vadd_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, g -/ #check @subgroup.smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, g -/ -- group_theory/subgroup/pointwise.lean #check @subgroup.pointwise_smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subgroup.coe_pointwise_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, a -/ #check @subgroup.pointwise_smul_to_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, a -/ #check @subgroup.mem_smul_pointwise_iff_exists /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, a, m -/ #check @subgroup.equiv_smul_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, H, a -/ #check @subgroup.equiv_smul_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, H, a -/ #check @subgroup.smul_mem_pointwise_smul_iff₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @subgroup.mem_pointwise_smul_iff_inv_smul_mem₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @subgroup.mem_inv_pointwise_smul_iff₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @add_subgroup.coe_pointwise_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, a -/ #check @add_subgroup.pointwise_smul_to_add_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, a -/ #check @add_subgroup.mem_smul_pointwise_iff_exists /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, a, m -/ #check @add_subgroup.smul_mem_pointwise_smul_iff₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @add_subgroup.mem_pointwise_smul_iff_inv_smul_mem₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @add_subgroup.mem_inv_pointwise_smul_iff₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ -- group_theory/submonoid/basic.lean #check @submonoid.coe_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p -/ #check @add_submonoid.coe_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p -/ #check @add_submonoid.coe_Inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.coe_Inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_submonoid.closure_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.closure_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_submonoid.closure_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @submonoid.closure_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @submonoid.closure_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @add_submonoid.closure_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @add_submonoid.closure_singleton_le_iff_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, m -/ #check @submonoid.closure_singleton_le_iff_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, m -/ #check @add_submonoid.mem_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submonoid.mem_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submonoid.supr_eq_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @add_submonoid.supr_eq_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @is_add_unit.mem_add_submonoid_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @is_unit.mem_submonoid_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @monoid_hom.coe_of_mdense /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_of_mdense /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- group_theory/submonoid/center.lean #check @set.mem_center_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @set.mem_add_center /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @set.center_eq_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @set.add_center_eq_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @submonoid.coe_center /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @add_submonoid.coe_center /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @submonoid.center_eq_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ -- group_theory/submonoid/inverses.lean #check @add_submonoid.is_unit.submonoid.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submonoid.is_unit.submonoid.coe_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_submonoid.left_neg_left_neg_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.left_inv_left_inv_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.from_left_inv_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_submonoid.from_left_neg_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.from_left_inv_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.from_left_neg_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, S -/ #check @submonoid.from_comm_left_inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.from_comm_left_neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, S -/ #check @submonoid.left_inv_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.left_neg_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, S -/ #check @submonoid.from_left_inv_left_inv_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_submonoid.from_left_neg_left_neg_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submonoid.left_inv_equiv_symm_from_left_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_submonoid.left_neg_equiv_symm_from_left_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_submonoid.left_neg_eq_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.left_inv_eq_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.from_left_inv_eq_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.from_left_neg_eq_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.left_neg_equiv_symm_eq_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @submonoid.left_inv_equiv_symm_eq_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ -- group_theory/submonoid/membership.lean #check @submonoid.coe_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.coe_nsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, S -/ #check @submonoid.coe_list_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.coe_list_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, S -/ #check @submonoid.coe_multiset_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.coe_multiset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, S -/ #check @submonoid.coe_finset_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.coe_finset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, S -/ #check @submonoid.closure_singleton_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_submonoid.closure_eq_mrange /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @submonoid.closure_eq_mrange /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @submonoid.mem_powers_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, x -/ #check @submonoid.powers_eq_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @submonoid.pow_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @submonoid.pow_log_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submonoid.log_pow_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @submonoid.pow_log_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @submonoid.pow_log_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @submonoid.log_pow_int_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @submonoid.map_powers /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ #check @submonoid.sup_eq_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @add_submonoid.sup_eq_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @add_submonoid.closure_singleton_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @add_submonoid.mem_multiples_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, x -/ #check @add_submonoid.multiples_eq_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- group_theory/submonoid/operations.lean #check @submonoid.to_add_submonoid_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.to_add_submonoid_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.to_add_submonoid_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_submonoid.to_submonoid'_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_submonoid.to_submonoid_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_submonoid.to_submonoid_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_submonoid.to_submonoid_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.to_add_submonoid'_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_submonoid.coe_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, S -/ #check @submonoid.coe_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, S -/ #check @submonoid.comap_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.comap_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.comap_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.comap_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_submonoid.coe_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, f -/ #check @submonoid.coe_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, S -/ #check @submonoid.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.map_comap_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.map_comap_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_submonoid.map_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, T, S -/ #check @submonoid.map_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, T, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.map_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @submonoid.map_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.comap_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, T, S -/ #check @submonoid.comap_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, T, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.comap_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @submonoid.comap_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @submonoid.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_submonoid.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.comap_map_eq_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_submonoid.comap_map_eq_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.comap_inf_map_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.comap_inf_map_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.comap_infi_map_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.comap_infi_map_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.comap_sup_map_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.comap_sup_map_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.comap_supr_map_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.comap_supr_map_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.map_comap_eq_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_submonoid.map_comap_eq_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.map_inf_comap_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.map_inf_comap_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @submonoid.map_infi_comap_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_submonoid.map_infi_comap_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_submonoid.map_sup_comap_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @submonoid.map_sup_comap_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.map_supr_comap_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.map_supr_comap_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_submonoid.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, S -/ #check @submonoid.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.mk_add_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hy, hx, y, x, S -/ #check @submonoid.mk_mul_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hy, hx, y, x, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.add_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, S -/ #check @submonoid.mul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.zero_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.one_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.coe_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_submonoid.coe_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.coe_equiv_map_of_injective_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.coe_equiv_map_of_injective_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, S -/ #check @submonoid.coe_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @add_submonoid.coe_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @submonoid.prod_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @add_submonoid.prod_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @add_submonoid.top_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @submonoid.top_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @submonoid.map_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @add_submonoid.map_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @add_submonoid.map_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @submonoid.map_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @add_submonoid.prod_bot_sup_bot_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @submonoid.prod_bot_sup_bot_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @submonoid.map_equiv_eq_comap_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.map_equiv_eq_comap_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, f -/ #check @add_submonoid.comap_equiv_eq_map_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, f -/ #check @submonoid.comap_equiv_eq_map_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_mrange /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.coe_mrange /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.mrange_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.mrange_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_mrange /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_mrange /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @monoid_hom.map_mclosure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.map_mclosure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.mrestrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, S -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.mrestrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, S -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.cod_mrestrict_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.cod_mrestrict_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.coe_mrange_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_mrange_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.mem_mker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.mem_mker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_mker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.coe_mker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.comap_mker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.comap_mker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @monoid_hom.comap_bot' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.comap_bot' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.range_restrict_mker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom.range_restrict_mker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.sum_map_comap_sum' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S', S, g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.prod_map_comap_prod' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S', S, g, f -/ #check @monoid_hom.mker_prod_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.mker_sum_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.add_submonoid_comap_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, N', f -/ #check @monoid_hom.submonoid_comap_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, N', f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.add_submonoid_map_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, M', f -/ #check @monoid_hom.submonoid_map_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, M', f -/ #check @submonoid.range_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @add_submonoid.range_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @submonoid.eq_top_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_submonoid.eq_top_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_submonoid.eq_bot_iff_forall /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.eq_bot_iff_forall /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_submonoid.nontrivial_iff_exists_ne_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.nontrivial_iff_exists_ne_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_equiv.of_left_inverse'_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @mul_equiv.of_left_inverse'_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @mul_equiv.of_left_inverse'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @add_equiv.of_left_inverse'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @add_equiv.add_submonoid_map_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S, e -/ #check @add_equiv.add_submonoid_map_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S, e -/ #check @mul_equiv.submonoid_map_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S, e -/ #check @mul_equiv.submonoid_map_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S, e -/ #check @add_submonoid.vadd_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, g -/ #check @submonoid.smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, g -/ -- group_theory/submonoid/pointwise.lean #check @submonoid.coe_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_submonoid.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.inv_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_submonoid.neg_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_submonoid.neg_le_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @submonoid.inv_le_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.neg_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @submonoid.inv_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @submonoid.inv_order_iso_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @add_submonoid.neg_order_iso_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @add_submonoid.neg_order_iso_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @submonoid.inv_order_iso_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @submonoid.closure_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @add_submonoid.closure_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @submonoid.inv_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.neg_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.neg_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @submonoid.inv_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.neg_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.inv_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @add_submonoid.neg_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.inv_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submonoid.coe_pointwise_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, a -/ #check @submonoid.mem_smul_pointwise_iff_exists /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, a, m -/ #check @submonoid.smul_mem_pointwise_smul_iff₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @submonoid.mem_pointwise_smul_iff_inv_smul_mem₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @submonoid.mem_inv_pointwise_smul_iff₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @submonoid.mem_closure_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.mem_closure_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.coe_pointwise_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, a -/ #check @add_submonoid.mem_smul_pointwise_iff_exists /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, a, m -/ #check @add_submonoid.smul_mem_pointwise_smul_iff₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.mem_pointwise_smul_iff_inv_smul_mem₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.mem_inv_pointwise_smul_iff₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @add_submonoid.closure_mul_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S, R -/ -- group_theory/sylow.lean #check @subgroup.sylow_mem_fixed_points_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @is_p_group.inf_normalizer_sylow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q -/ #check @sylow.stabilizer_eq_normalizer /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @quotient_group.card_preimage_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ -- linear_algebra/adic_completion.lean #check @Hausdorffification.lift_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @Hausdorffification.lift_comp_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @adic_completion.of_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, M, I -/ #check @adic_completion.coe_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, M, I -/ #check @adic_completion.eval_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, n, M, I -/ #check @adic_completion.eval_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n, M, I -/ #check @adic_completion.eval_comp_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, M, I -/ #check @adic_completion.range_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, M, I -/ -- linear_algebra/affine_space/affine_equiv.lean #check @affine_equiv.coe_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P₁ -/ #check @affine_equiv.refl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @affine_equiv.to_equiv_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P₁ -/ #check @affine_equiv.linear_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @affine_equiv.map_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, p, e -/ #check @affine_equiv.coe_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_equiv.coe_to_affine_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_equiv.to_affine_map_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, f', f -/ #check @affine_equiv.coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_equiv.linear_to_affine_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_equiv.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_equiv.coe_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_equiv.linear_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e' -/ #check @affine_equiv.symm_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_equiv.symm_linear /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_equiv.apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @affine_equiv.symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @affine_equiv.apply_eq_iff_eq_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_equiv.coe_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @affine_equiv.trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, e', e -/ #check @affine_equiv.trans_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₃, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @affine_equiv.trans_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_equiv.refl_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_equiv.apply_line_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a, e -/ #check @affine_equiv.mul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @affine_equiv.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @affine_equiv.inv_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_equiv.linear_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @affine_equiv.equiv_units_affine_map_symm_apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, u -/ #check @affine_equiv.coe_inv_equiv_units_affine_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_equiv.linear_equiv_units_affine_map_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @affine_equiv.equiv_units_affine_map_symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, u -/ #check @affine_equiv.coe_equiv_units_affine_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_equiv.linear_vadd_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @affine_equiv.vadd_const_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, b -/ #check @affine_equiv.vadd_const_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', b -/ #check @affine_equiv.coe_const_vsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @affine_equiv.coe_const_vsub_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @affine_equiv.linear_const_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @affine_equiv.const_vadd_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, v, P₁ -/ #check @affine_equiv.const_vadd_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, v, P₁ -/ #check @affine_equiv.coe_homothety_units_mul_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, p -/ #check @affine_equiv.coe_homothety_units_mul_hom_apply_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, p -/ #check @affine_equiv.coe_homothety_units_mul_hom_eq_homothety_hom_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @affine_equiv.point_reflection_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @affine_equiv.point_reflection_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, k -/ #check @affine_equiv.to_equiv_point_reflection /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @affine_equiv.point_reflection_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_equiv.coe_to_affine_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @affine_map.line_map_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, p, v', v -/ #check @affine_map.line_map_vsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, p₃, p₂, p₁ -/ #check @affine_map.vsub_line_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, p₃, p₂, p₁ -/ #check @affine_map.vadd_line_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, p₂, p₁, v -/ #check @affine_map.homothety_neg_one_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, c -/ -- linear_algebra/affine_space/affine_map.lean #check @linear_map.coe_to_affine_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.to_affine_map_linear /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @affine_map.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @affine_map.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @affine_map.map_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, p, f -/ #check @affine_map.linear_map_vsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p2, p1, f -/ #check @affine_map.congr_arg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @affine_map.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @affine_map.coe_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, P1 -/ #check @affine_map.const_linear /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @affine_map.linear_eq_zero_iff_exists_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @affine_map.coe_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @affine_map.mk'_linear /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f' -/ #check @affine_map.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @affine_map.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @affine_map.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @affine_map.add_linear /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @affine_map.sub_linear /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @affine_map.neg_linear /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @affine_map.vadd_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, g, f -/ #check @affine_map.vsub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, g, f -/ #check @affine_map.coe_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P1 -/ #check @affine_map.id_linear /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @affine_map.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @affine_map.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @affine_map.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, g, f -/ #check @affine_map.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @affine_map.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @affine_map.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₁₂, f₂₃, f₃₄ -/ #check @affine_map.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @affine_map.linear_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @affine_map.injective_iff_linear_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @affine_map.surjective_iff_linear_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @affine_map.image_vsub_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @affine_map.coe_line_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₁, p₀ -/ #check @affine_map.line_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, p₁, p₀ -/ #check @affine_map.line_map_apply_module' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, p₁, p₀ -/ #check @affine_map.line_map_apply_module /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, p₁, p₀ -/ #check @affine_map.line_map_apply_ring' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @affine_map.line_map_apply_ring /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @affine_map.line_map_vadd_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, v, p -/ #check @affine_map.line_map_linear /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₁, p₀ -/ #check @affine_map.line_map_same_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @affine_map.line_map_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @affine_map.line_map_apply_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₀ -/ #check @affine_map.line_map_apply_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₁ -/ #check @affine_map.apply_line_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, p₁, p₀, f -/ #check @affine_map.comp_line_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₁, p₀, f -/ #check @affine_map.fst_line_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, p₁, p₀ -/ #check @affine_map.snd_line_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, p₁, p₀ -/ #check @affine_map.line_map_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₁, p₀ -/ #check @affine_map.line_map_apply_one_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, p₁, p₀ -/ #check @affine_map.line_map_vsub_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, p₁, p₀ -/ #check @affine_map.left_vsub_line_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, p₁, p₀ -/ #check @affine_map.line_map_vsub_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, p₁, p₀ -/ #check @affine_map.right_vsub_line_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, p₁, p₀ -/ #check @affine_map.line_map_vadd_line_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, p₂, p₁, v₂, v₁ -/ #check @affine_map.line_map_vsub_line_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, p₄, p₃, p₂, p₁ -/ #check @affine_map.decomp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @affine_map.decomp' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @affine_map.image_interval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @affine_map.proj_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, i -/ #check @affine_map.proj_linear /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @affine_map.pi_line_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, c, g, f -/ #check @affine_map.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @affine_map.smul_linear /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t -/ #check @affine_map.to_const_prod_linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @affine_map.to_const_prod_linear_map_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @affine_map.homothety_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, c -/ #check @affine_map.homothety_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, r, c -/ #check @affine_map.homothety_eq_line_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, r, c -/ #check @affine_map.homothety_apply_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @affine_map.homothety_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r₂, r₁, c -/ #check @affine_map.homothety_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @affine_map.homothety_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r₂, r₁, c -/ #check @affine_map.coe_homothety_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @affine_map.coe_homothety_affine /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ -- linear_algebra/affine_space/affine_subspace.lean #check @vector_span_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, k -/ #check @vector_span_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @vector_span_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @span_points_nonempty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @affine_subspace.mem_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p, P, k -/ #check @affine_subspace.direction_eq_vector_span /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @affine_subspace.mem_direction_iff_eq_vsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @affine_subspace.vadd_mem_iff_mem_direction /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @affine_subspace.mem_direction_iff_eq_vsub_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @affine_subspace.mem_direction_iff_eq_vsub_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @affine_subspace.vsub_right_mem_direction_iff_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p2 -/ #check @affine_subspace.vsub_left_mem_direction_iff_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p2 -/ #check @affine_subspace.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @affine_subspace.coe_vsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, s -/ #check @affine_subspace.coe_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, s -/ #check @affine_subspace.direction_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: direction -/ #check @coe_affine_span /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, k -/ #check @direction_affine_span /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, k -/ #check @affine_subspace.le_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s2, s1 -/ #check @affine_subspace.le_def' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s2, s1 -/ #check @affine_subspace.lt_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s2, s1 -/ #check @affine_subspace.not_le_iff_exists /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s2, s1 -/ #check @affine_subspace.lt_iff_le_and_exists /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s2, s1 -/ #check @affine_subspace.affine_span_eq_Inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, V, k -/ #check @affine_subspace.span_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, V, k -/ #check @affine_subspace.span_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, V, k -/ #check @affine_subspace.coe_affine_span_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @affine_subspace.mem_affine_span_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p2, p1 -/ #check @affine_subspace.span_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, V, k -/ #check @affine_subspace.span_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, V, k -/ #check @affine_subspace.top_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @affine_subspace.direction_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, k -/ #check @affine_subspace.bot_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @affine_subspace.vector_span_eq_top_of_affine_span_eq_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, k -/ #check @affine_subspace.affine_span_eq_top_iff_vector_span_eq_top_of_nonempty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, V, k -/ #check @affine_subspace.affine_span_eq_top_iff_vector_span_eq_top_of_nontrivial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, V, k -/ #check @affine_subspace.direction_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, k -/ #check @affine_subspace.inf_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s2, s1 -/ #check @affine_subspace.mem_inf_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s2, s1, p -/ #check @affine_subspace.affine_span_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @vector_span_eq_span_vsub_set_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @vector_span_eq_span_vsub_set_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @vector_span_eq_span_vsub_set_left_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @vector_span_eq_span_vsub_set_right_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @vector_span_eq_span_vsub_finset_right_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @vector_span_image_eq_span_vsub_set_left_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, k -/ #check @vector_span_image_eq_span_vsub_set_right_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, k -/ #check @vector_span_range_eq_span_range_vsub_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, k -/ #check @vector_span_range_eq_span_range_vsub_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, k -/ #check @vector_span_range_eq_span_range_vsub_left_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, k -/ #check @vector_span_range_eq_span_range_vsub_right_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, k -/ #check @affine_span_nonempty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @affine_span_insert_affine_span /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ps, p, k -/ #check @affine_span_insert_eq_affine_span /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @affine_subspace.mem_affine_span_insert_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, p2 -/ #check @affine_map.vector_span_image_eq_submodule_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @affine_subspace.coe_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @affine_subspace.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @affine_subspace.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @affine_subspace.map_direction /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @affine_subspace.map_span /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @affine_subspace.coe_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @affine_subspace.comap_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @affine_subspace.comap_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @affine_subspace.map_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @affine_subspace.map_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @affine_subspace.comap_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @affine_subspace.comap_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ -- linear_algebra/affine_space/basis.lean #check @affine_basis.basis_of_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, b -/ #check @affine_basis.linear_eq_sum_coords /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, b -/ #check @affine_basis.coord_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @affine_basis.affine_combination_coord_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @affine_basis.coe_coord_of_subsingleton_eq_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, b -/ #check @affine_basis.coords_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, q, b -/ #check @affine_basis.to_matrix_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, q, b -/ #check @affine_basis.to_matrix_vec_mul_coords /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, b -/ #check @affine_basis.is_unit_to_matrix_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @affine_basis.to_matrix_inv_vec_mul_to_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, b₂ -/ #check @affine_basis.det_smul_coords_eq_cramer_coords /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, b₂, b -/ -- linear_algebra/affine_space/combination.lean #check @finset.weighted_vsub_of_point_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, p, w, s -/ #check @finset.weighted_vsub_of_point_apply_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, p, w, s -/ #check @finset.weighted_vsub_of_point_eq_of_weights_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, p, s -/ #check @finset.weighted_vsub_of_point_eq_of_sum_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, w, s -/ #check @finset.weighted_vsub_of_point_vadd_eq_of_sum_eq_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, w, s -/ #check @finset.weighted_vsub_of_point_erase /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, p, w, s -/ #check @finset.weighted_vsub_of_point_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, p, w, s -/ #check @finset.weighted_vsub_of_point_indicator_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, p, w -/ #check @finset.weighted_vsub_of_point_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, p, w, e, s₂ -/ #check @finset.sum_smul_vsub_eq_weighted_vsub_of_point_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂, p₁, w, s -/ #check @finset.sum_smul_vsub_const_eq_weighted_vsub_of_point_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂, p₁, w, s -/ #check @finset.sum_smul_const_vsub_eq_sub_weighted_vsub_of_point /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₁, p₂, w, s -/ #check @finset.weighted_vsub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, w, s -/ #check @finset.weighted_vsub_eq_weighted_vsub_of_point_of_sum_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, w, s -/ #check @finset.weighted_vsub_indicator_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, w -/ #check @finset.weighted_vsub_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, w, e, s₂ -/ #check @finset.sum_smul_vsub_eq_weighted_vsub_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂, p₁, w, s -/ #check @finset.sum_smul_vsub_const_eq_weighted_vsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₁, w, s -/ #check @finset.sum_smul_const_vsub_eq_neg_weighted_vsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂, w, s -/ #check @finset.affine_combination_linear /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s -/ #check @finset.affine_combination_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, w, s -/ #check @finset.affine_combination_apply_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @finset.affine_combination_eq_weighted_vsub_of_point_vadd_of_sum_eq_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, w, s -/ #check @finset.weighted_vsub_vadd_affine_combination /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, w₂, w₁, s -/ #check @finset.affine_combination_vsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, w₂, w₁, s -/ #check @finset.attach_affine_combination_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, w, s -/ #check @finset.attach_affine_combination_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, s -/ #check @finset.affine_combination_eq_linear_combination /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, p, s -/ #check @finset.affine_combination_of_eq_one_of_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @finset.affine_combination_indicator_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, w -/ #check @finset.affine_combination_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, w, e, s₂ -/ #check @finset.sum_smul_vsub_eq_affine_combination_vsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂, p₁, w, s -/ #check @finset.sum_smul_vsub_const_eq_affine_combination_vsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂, p₁, w, s -/ #check @finset.sum_smul_const_vsub_eq_vsub_affine_combination /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₁, p₂, w, s -/ #check @finset.eq_weighted_vsub_subset_iff_eq_weighted_vsub_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @finset.eq_affine_combination_subset_iff_eq_affine_combination_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, k -/ #check @finset.map_affine_combination /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, w, p, s -/ #check @finset.centroid_weights_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, k -/ #check @finset.centroid_weights_eq_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, k -/ #check @finset.sum_centroid_weights_eq_one_of_card_ne_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @finset.sum_centroid_weights_eq_one_of_nonempty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @finset.sum_centroid_weights_eq_one_of_card_eq_add_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @finset.centroid_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s, k -/ #check @finset.centroid_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, k -/ #check @finset.centroid_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, p -/ #check @finset.centroid_insert_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i₂, i₁, p, k -/ #check @finset.centroid_insert_singleton_fin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, k -/ #check @finset.centroid_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, e, s₂, k -/ #check @finset.centroid_weights_indicator_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, k -/ #check @finset.sum_centroid_weights_indicator /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, k -/ #check @finset.sum_centroid_weights_indicator_eq_one_of_card_ne_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @finset.sum_centroid_weights_indicator_eq_one_of_nonempty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @finset.sum_centroid_weights_indicator_eq_one_of_card_eq_add_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @finset.centroid_eq_affine_combination_fintype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s, k -/ #check @finset.centroid_eq_centroid_image_of_inj_on /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @finset.centroid_eq_of_inj_on_of_image_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @mem_vector_span_iff_eq_weighted_vsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @mem_affine_span_iff_eq_affine_combination /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, k -/ #check @mem_affine_span_iff_eq_weighted_vsub_of_point_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, V, k -/ -- linear_algebra/affine_space/finite_dimensional.lean #check @affine_independent_iff_finrank_vector_span_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, k -/ #check @affine_independent_iff_le_finrank_vector_span /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, k -/ #check @affine_independent_iff_not_finrank_vector_span_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, k -/ #check @finrank_vector_span_le_iff_not_affine_independent /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, k -/ #check @collinear_iff_dim_le_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, k -/ #check @collinear_iff_finrank_le_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, k -/ #check @collinear_iff_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @collinear_iff_exists_forall_eq_smul_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, k -/ #check @affine_independent_iff_not_collinear /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, k -/ #check @collinear_iff_not_affine_independent /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, k -/ -- linear_algebra/affine_space/independent.lean #check @affine_independent_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, k -/ #check @affine_independent_iff_of_fintype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, k -/ #check @affine_independent_iff_linear_independent_vsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, k -/ #check @affine_independent_set_iff_linear_independent_vsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @linear_independent_set_iff_affine_independent_vadd_union_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @affine_independent_iff_indicator_eq_of_affine_combination_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, k -/ #check @affine_independent_iff_eq_of_fintype_affine_combination_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, k -/ #check @affine_independent.mem_affine_span_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, i -/ #check @affine.simplex.mk_of_point_points /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @affine.simplex.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s2, s1 -/ #check @affine.simplex.face_points /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, h, s -/ #check @affine.simplex.face_points' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, s -/ #check @affine.simplex.face_eq_mk_of_point /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, s -/ #check @affine.simplex.range_face_points /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @affine.simplex.face_centroid_eq_centroid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- linear_algebra/affine_space/midpoint.lean #check @affine_map.map_midpoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @affine_equiv.map_midpoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @affine_equiv.point_reflection_midpoint_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @midpoint_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @affine_equiv.point_reflection_midpoint_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @midpoint_vsub_midpoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₄, p₃, p₂, p₁ -/ #check @midpoint_vadd_midpoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p, v', v -/ #check @midpoint_vsub_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂, p₁ -/ #check @midpoint_vsub_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂, p₁ -/ #check @left_vsub_midpoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂, p₁ -/ #check @right_vsub_midpoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂, p₁ -/ #check @midpoint_sub_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v₂, v₁ -/ #check @midpoint_sub_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v₂, v₁ -/ #check @left_sub_midpoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v₂, v₁ -/ #check @right_sub_midpoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v₂, v₁ -/ #check @midpoint_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @midpoint_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @midpoint_add_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @midpoint_zero_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, R -/ #check @midpoint_eq_smul_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, R -/ #check @midpoint_sub_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @midpoint_add_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @line_map_inv_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @line_map_one_half /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @homothety_inv_of_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @homothety_inv_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @homothety_one_half /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pi_midpoint_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_of_map_midpoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- linear_algebra/affine_space/slope.lean #check @slope_fun_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @slope_def_field /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @slope_def_module /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @sub_smul_slope /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @sub_smul_slope_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f -/ #check @slope_vadd_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @slope_sub_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @slope_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @sub_div_sub_smul_slope_add_sub_div_sub_smul_slope /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, a, f -/ #check @line_map_slope_slope_sub_div_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, a, f -/ #check @line_map_slope_line_map_slope_line_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ -- linear_algebra/alternating.lean #check @alternating_map.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alternating_map.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alternating_map.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @alternating_map.congr_arg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alternating_map.coe_multilinear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alternating_map.to_multilinear_map_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alternating_map.coe_multilinear_map_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁, f -/ #check @alternating_map.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, i, v, f -/ #check @alternating_map.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, i, v', g' -/ #check @alternating_map.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, v', g' -/ #check @alternating_map.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r, i, v, f -/ #check @alternating_map.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, f', f -/ #check @alternating_map.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @alternating_map.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, g -/ #check @alternating_map.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @alternating_map.sub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, g₂, g -/ #check @alternating_map.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₂, g -/ #check @alternating_map.smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, c, f -/ #check @alternating_map.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, f -/ #check @alternating_map.coe_fn_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @alternating_map.of_subsingleton_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, i, N -/ #check @linear_map.coe_comp_alternating_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @linear_map.comp_alternating_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f, g -/ #check @alternating_map.coe_comp_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @alternating_map.comp_linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, g, f -/ #check @alternating_map.comp_linear_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₂, g₁, f -/ #check @alternating_map.add_comp_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @alternating_map.comp_linear_map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alternating_map.comp_linear_map_inj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₂, g₁ -/ #check @alternating_map.dom_lcongr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e, ι, N, R -/ #check @alternating_map.dom_lcongr_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, ι, N, R -/ #check @alternating_map.dom_lcongr_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, S, ι, N, R -/ #check @alternating_map.dom_lcongr_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e, S, ι, N, R -/ #check @alternating_map.comp_linear_equiv_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alternating_map.map_update_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, g, i, t, f -/ #check @alternating_map.map_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, g -/ #check @alternating_map.map_perm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σ, v, g -/ #check @alternating_map.map_congr_perm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, g -/ #check @alternating_map.coe_dom_dom_congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σ, g -/ #check @multilinear_map.alternatization_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @multilinear_map.alternatization_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @multilinear_map.alternatization_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, m -/ #check @alternating_map.coe_alternatization /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @linear_map.comp_multilinear_map_alternatization /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @alternating_map.dom_coprod.summand_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σ, b, a -/ #check @alternating_map.dom_coprod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, b, a -/ #check @alternating_map.dom_coprod_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @alternating_map.dom_coprod'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @multilinear_map.dom_coprod_alternization_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @multilinear_map.dom_coprod_alternization /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @multilinear_map.dom_coprod_alternization_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- linear_algebra/basic.lean #check @finsupp.linear_equiv_fun_on_fintype_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x, α, M -/ #check @finsupp.linear_equiv_fun_on_fintype_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, x, α, M -/ #check @finsupp.linear_equiv_fun_on_fintype_symm_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, x, α, M -/ #check @finsupp.linear_equiv_fun_on_fintype_symm_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @pi_eq_sum_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_map.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @linear_map.dom_restrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, f -/ #check @linear_map.cod_restrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @linear_map.comp_cod_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, p, g, f -/ #check @linear_map.subtype_comp_cod_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.restrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hf -/ #check @linear_map.restrict_eq_cod_restrict_dom_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf -/ #check @linear_map.restrict_eq_dom_restrict_cod_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf -/ #check @linear_map.sum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f, t -/ #check @linear_map.coe_smul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @linear_map.smul_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, x, f -/ #check @linear_map.coe_fn_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t -/ #check @linear_map.pow_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n, f -/ #check @linear_map.commute_pow_left_of_commute /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @linear_map.coe_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @linear_map.iterate_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @linear_map.pi_apply_eq_sum_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @linear_map.applyₗ'_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, v -/ #check @linear_map.ring_lmap_equiv_self_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, M, R -/ #check @linear_map.ring_lmap_equiv_self_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, M, R -/ #check @linear_map.applyₗ_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, v -/ #check @linear_map.dom_restrict'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, f -/ #check @linear_map.smul_rightₗ_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, x, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom_lequiv_nat_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom_lequiv_nat_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom_lequiv_int_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom_lequiv_int_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @submodule.coe_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submodule.of_le_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h -/ #check @submodule.subtype_comp_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.map_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @submodule.map_to_add_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @submodule.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, g, f -/ #check @submodule.coe_equiv_map_of_injective_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, f -/ #check @submodule.comap_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @submodule.comap_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.comap_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, g, f -/ #check @submodule.map_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p', p -/ #check @submodule.map_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @submodule.comap_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, q', q -/ #check @submodule.comap_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @submodule.map_comap_eq_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.map_sup_comap_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @submodule.map_supr_comap_of_sujective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submodule.map_inf_comap_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @submodule.map_infi_comap_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submodule.comap_le_comap_iff_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @submodule.comap_map_eq_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.comap_inf_map_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @submodule.comap_infi_map_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submodule.comap_sup_map_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @submodule.comap_supr_map_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submodule.map_le_map_iff_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @submodule.map_comap_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p -/ #check @submodule.span_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.span_coe_eq_restrict_scalars /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.map_span /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @linear_map.map_span /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @submodule.map_span_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, s, f -/ #check @linear_map.map_span_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, s, f -/ #check @submodule.span_nat_eq_add_submonoid_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @submodule.span_nat_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @submodule.span_int_eq_add_subgroup_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @submodule.span_int_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @submodule.span_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @submodule.span_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @submodule.span_attach_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @submodule.span_eq_supr_of_singleton_spans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @submodule.span_smul_eq_of_is_unit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @submodule.coe_supr_of_directed /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submodule.mem_supr_of_directed /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submodule.coe_supr_of_chain /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @submodule.mem_supr_of_chain /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, a -/ #check @submodule.coe_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p -/ #check @submodule.sup_to_add_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p -/ #check @submodule.sup_to_add_subgroup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p -/ #check @submodule.span_singleton_eq_top_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submodule.span_singleton_eq_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @submodule.span_singleton_smul_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submodule.span_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, x -/ #check @submodule.span_span_of_tower /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, S -/ #check @submodule.span_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @submodule.supr_eq_span /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.supr_to_add_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.span_singleton_le_iff_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, m -/ #check @submodule.mem_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.prod_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q₁, p -/ #check @submodule.prod_inf_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q₁', q₁, p', p -/ #check @submodule.prod_sup_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q₁', q₁, p', p -/ #check @submodule.neg_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @submodule.span_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @submodule.comap_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @submodule.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @submodule.comap_smul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, p, f -/ #check @submodule.map_smul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, p, f -/ #check @linear_map.map_finsupp_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.coe_finsupp_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, t -/ #check @linear_map.finsupp_sum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, g, t -/ #check @linear_map.map_dfinsupp_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.coe_dfinsupp_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, t -/ #check @linear_map.dfinsupp_sum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, g, t -/ #check @linear_map.map_dfinsupp_sum_add_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.map_cod_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', f, p -/ #check @linear_map.comap_cod_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', f, p -/ #check @linear_map.range_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.range_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.range_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_map.iterate_range_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @linear_map.to_span_singleton_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, x, M, R -/ #check @linear_map.span_singleton_eq_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, M, R -/ #check @linear_map.to_span_singleton_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_map.comp_ker_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.ker_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_map.ker_cod_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.range_cod_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @submodule.map_comap_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, f -/ #check @linear_map.range_le_bot_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.iterate_ker_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @submodule.comap_map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @linear_map.map_le_map_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.ker_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.ker_smul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @linear_map.range_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.range_smul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @submodule.map_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @submodule.comap_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @submodule.ker_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.range_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.map_subtype_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.comap_subtype_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.ker_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.range_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @submodule.map_subtype_embedding_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p -/ #check @linear_map.range_comp_of_range_eq_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @linear_map.ker_comp_of_ker_eq_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.submodule_image_apply_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, ϕ -/ #check @linear_map.range_range_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_equiv.map_eq_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.submodule_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, e -/ #check @linear_equiv.submodule_map_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, e -/ #check @linear_equiv.map_finsupp_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_equiv.map_dfinsupp_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, t, f -/ #check @linear_equiv.map_dfinsupp_sum_add_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, t, f -/ #check @linear_equiv.coe_curry /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V₂, V, R -/ #check @linear_equiv.coe_curry_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V₂, V, R -/ #check @linear_equiv.coe_of_eq_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_equiv.of_eq_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @linear_equiv.of_submodules_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e -/ #check @linear_equiv.of_submodules_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e -/ #check @linear_equiv.of_submodule'_to_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, f -/ #check @linear_equiv.of_submodule'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, U, f -/ #check @linear_equiv.of_submodule'_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, U, f -/ #check @linear_equiv.of_top_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @linear_equiv.coe_of_top_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_equiv.of_top_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @linear_equiv.of_linear_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @linear_equiv.of_linear_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @linear_equiv.range_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @linear_equiv.ker_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @linear_equiv.of_left_inverse_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_equiv.of_left_inverse_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_equiv.of_injective_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @linear_equiv.of_bijective_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @linear_equiv.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, e -/ #check @linear_equiv.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, e -/ #check @linear_equiv.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_equiv.arrow_congr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @linear_equiv.arrow_congr_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @linear_equiv.arrow_congr_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, e₃, e₁ -/ #check @linear_equiv.arrow_congr_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₄, e₃, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @linear_equiv.conj_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e -/ #check @linear_equiv.symm_conj_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e -/ #check @linear_equiv.conj_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, e -/ #check @linear_equiv.conj_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @linear_equiv.ker_to_span_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @linear_equiv.to_span_nonzero_singleton_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, M, K -/ #check @linear_equiv.coord_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @submodule.equiv_subtype_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submodule.equiv_subtype_map_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submodule.comap_subtype_equiv_of_le_symm_apply_coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submodule.comap_subtype_equiv_of_le_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submodule.mem_map_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.map_equiv_eq_comap_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, e -/ #check @submodule.comap_equiv_eq_map_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, e -/ #check @linear_map.fun_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g, f -/ #check @linear_map.fun_left_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @linear_map.fun_left_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁, M, R -/ #check @linear_equiv.fun_congr_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e, M, R -/ #check @linear_equiv.fun_congr_left_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, R -/ #check @linear_equiv.fun_congr_left_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁, M, R -/ #check @linear_equiv.fun_congr_left_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, M, R -/ #check @linear_map.general_linear_group.general_linear_equiv_to_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, M, R -/ #check @linear_map.general_linear_group.coe_fn_general_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, M, R -/ -- linear_algebra/basis.lean #check @basis.coe_of_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @basis.repr_symm_single_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, b -/ #check @basis.repr_symm_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, i, b -/ #check @basis.repr_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @basis.repr_self_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @basis.repr_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, b -/ #check @basis.coe_repr_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @basis.repr_total /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @basis.total_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @basis.coord_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, i, b -/ #check @basis.coe_sum_coords /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @basis.coe_sum_coords_eq_finsum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @basis.coe_sum_coords_of_fintype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @basis.repr_apply_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x -/ #check @basis.map_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, b -/ #check @basis.map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, b -/ #check @basis.map_coeffs_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, f, b -/ #check @basis.map_coeffs_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, b -/ #check @basis.coe_map_coeffs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @basis.reindex_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i', e, b -/ #check @basis.coe_reindex /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, b -/ #check @basis.coe_reindex_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, x, b -/ #check @basis.reindex_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i', e, x, b -/ #check @basis.range_reindex' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @basis.range_reindex /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @basis.finsupp.single_apply_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, z, x -/ #check @basis.reindex_range_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, b -/ #check @basis.reindex_range_repr_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, b -/ #check @basis.reindex_range_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, b -/ #check @basis.reindex_range_repr' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, b -/ #check @basis.reindex_range_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x, b -/ #check @basis.reindex_finset_range_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, b -/ #check @basis.reindex_finset_range_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, b -/ #check @basis.reindex_finset_range_repr_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, b -/ #check @basis.reindex_finset_range_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x, b -/ #check @basis.constr_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, b -/ #check @basis.constr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, b -/ #check @basis.constr_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @basis.constr_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @basis.constr_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, f, S, b -/ #check @basis.equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, b', i -/ #check @basis.equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, b', b -/ #check @basis.equiv_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e, b'', b -/ #check @basis.map_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, b' -/ #check @basis.prod_repr_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x, b -/ #check @basis.prod_repr_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x, b' -/ #check @basis.prod_apply_inl_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, b -/ #check @basis.prod_apply_inr_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, b' -/ #check @basis.prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, b', b -/ #check @basis.singleton_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @basis.singleton_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @basis.equiv_fun_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, b -/ #check @basis.equiv_fun_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, b -/ #check @basis.sum_equiv_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @basis.sum_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @basis.equiv_fun_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @basis.of_equiv_fun_repr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x, e -/ #check @basis.coe_of_equiv_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @basis.constr_apply_fintype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, b -/ #check @basis.equiv'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, b -/ #check @basis.equiv'_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g, b' -/ #check @basis.sum_repr_mul_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x, b -/ #check @basis.mk_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hsp, hli -/ #check @basis.mk_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @basis.group_smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @basis.units_smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @basis.is_unit_smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @basis.coe_mk_fin_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, y -/ #check @basis.coe_mk_fin_cons_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hNO, b, yO, y -/ #check @basis.extend_apply_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hs -/ #check @basis.coe_extend /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hs -/ #check @basis.range_extend /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hs -/ #check @basis.of_vector_space_apply_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, V, K -/ #check @basis.coe_of_vector_space /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, K -/ #check @basis.range_of_vector_space /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, K -/ -- linear_algebra/bilinear_form.lean #check @bilin_form.coe_fn_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @bilin_form.add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @bilin_form.smul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, a -/ #check @bilin_form.add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @bilin_form.smul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, a -/ #check @bilin_form.neg_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @bilin_form.neg_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @bilin_form.sub_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @bilin_form.sub_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @bilin_form.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @bilin_form.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @bilin_form.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @bilin_form.smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, a, B -/ #check @bilin_form.flip_flip_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @bilin_form.flip_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, A -/ #check @bilin_form.to_lin'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, A -/ #check @bilin_form.sum_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, g, t -/ #check @bilin_form.sum_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, w, t -/ #check @bilin_form.to_lin'_flip_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, A -/ #check @linear_map.to_bilin_aux_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @bilin_form.to_lin_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @bilin_form.comp_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r', l', r, l, B -/ #check @bilin_form.comp_left_comp_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, l, B -/ #check @bilin_form.comp_right_comp_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, l, B -/ #check @bilin_form.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, r, l, B -/ #check @bilin_form.comp_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, f, B -/ #check @bilin_form.comp_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, f, B -/ #check @bilin_form.comp_id_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, B -/ #check @bilin_form.comp_id_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, B -/ #check @bilin_form.comp_left_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ #check @bilin_form.comp_right_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ #check @bilin_form.comp_id_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ #check @bilin_form.comp_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B₂, B₁ -/ #check @bilin_form.congr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, B, e -/ #check @bilin_form.congr_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @bilin_form.congr_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e -/ #check @bilin_form.congr_congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, f, e -/ #check @bilin_form.congr_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, l, B, e -/ #check @bilin_form.comp_congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, l, B, e -/ #check @bilin_form.lin_mul_lin_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @bilin_form.lin_mul_lin_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, l -/ #check @bilin_form.lin_mul_lin_comp_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @bilin_form.lin_mul_lin_comp_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @bilin_form.sum_repr_mul_repr_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @matrix.to_bilin'_aux_std_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, M -/ #check @to_bilin'_aux_to_matrix_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B₃ -/ #check @bilin_form.to_matrix_aux_std_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ #check @matrix.to_bilin'_aux_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.to_bilin'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, M -/ #check @matrix.to_bilin'_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, M -/ #check @matrix.to_bilin'_std_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, M -/ #check @matrix.to_bilin'_to_matrix' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ #check @bilin_form.to_matrix'_to_bilin' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @bilin_form.to_matrix'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, B -/ #check @bilin_form.to_matrix'_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, l, B -/ #check @bilin_form.to_matrix'_comp_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, B -/ #check @bilin_form.to_matrix'_comp_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, B -/ #check @bilin_form.mul_to_matrix'_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, B -/ #check @bilin_form.mul_to_matrix' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, B -/ #check @bilin_form.to_matrix'_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, B -/ #check @matrix.to_bilin'_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P, M -/ #check @basis.equiv_fun_symm_std_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, b -/ #check @bilin_form.to_matrix_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, B, b -/ #check @matrix.to_bilin_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, M, b -/ #check @bilinear_form.to_matrix_aux_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, b -/ #check @bilin_form.to_matrix_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @matrix.to_bilin_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @matrix.to_bilin_to_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ #check @bilin_form.to_matrix_to_bilin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @bilin_form.to_matrix_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, l, B, c -/ #check @bilin_form.to_matrix_comp_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, B, b -/ #check @bilin_form.to_matrix_comp_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, B, b -/ #check @bilin_form.to_matrix_mul_basis_to_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, c -/ #check @bilin_form.mul_to_matrix_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, B, b -/ #check @bilin_form.mul_to_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, B, b -/ #check @bilin_form.to_matrix_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, B, b -/ #check @matrix.to_bilin_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P, M, c -/ #check @bilin_form.is_symm.eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @bilin_form.is_alt.neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @bilin_form.is_adjoint_pair_iff_comp_left_eq_comp_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, F -/ #check @bilin_form.mem_is_pair_self_adjoint_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F₂, B₂ -/ #check @bilin_form.is_pair_self_adjoint_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F₃, B₃ -/ #check @bilin_form.is_skew_adjoint_iff_neg_self_adjoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, B₁ -/ #check @bilin_form.mem_self_adjoint_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, B₂ -/ #check @bilin_form.mem_skew_adjoint_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, B₃ -/ #check @is_adjoint_pair_to_bilin' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A', A, J₃, J -/ #check @is_adjoint_pair_to_bilin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A', A, J₃, J -/ #check @matrix.is_adjoint_pair_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, A', A, J -/ #check @mem_pair_self_adjoint_matrices_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, J₃, J -/ #check @mem_self_adjoint_matrices_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, J -/ #check @mem_skew_adjoint_matrices_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, J -/ #check @bilin_form.orthogonal_span_singleton_eq_to_lin_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @bilin_form.restrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, W, B -/ #check @bilin_form.is_Ortho.nondegenerate_iff_not_is_ortho_basis_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ #check @bilin_form.to_lin_restrict_ker_eq_inf_orthogonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: W, B -/ #check @bilin_form.to_lin_restrict_range_dual_annihilator_comap_eq_orthogonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: W, B -/ #check @bilin_form.dual_basis_repr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x, b, B -/ #check @bilin_form.apply_dual_basis_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @bilin_form.apply_dual_basis_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @bilin_form.comp_symm_comp_of_nondegenerate_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, B₁ -/ #check @bilin_form.symm_comp_of_nondegenerate_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, B₁ -/ #check @bilin_form.is_adjoint_pair_iff_eq_of_nondegenerate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, ψ, B -/ -- linear_algebra/bilinear_map.lean #check @linear_map.mk₂'ₛₗ_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, f -/ #check @linear_map.mk₂'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, f -/ #check @linear_map.flip_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, f -/ #check @linear_map.map_neg₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @linear_map.map_sub₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x, f -/ #check @linear_map.map_add₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x₂, x₁, f -/ #check @linear_map.map_smul₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, r, f -/ #check @linear_map.map_smulₛₗ₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, r, f -/ #check @linear_map.map_sum₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, t, f -/ #check @linear_map.mk₂_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, f -/ #check @linear_map.lflip_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, f -/ #check @linear_map.lcomp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @linear_map.lcompₛₗ_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @linear_map.llcomp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @linear_map.compl₂_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, m, g, f -/ #check @linear_map.compr₂_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, g, f -/ #check @linear_map.lsmul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, r -/ -- linear_algebra/charpoly/basic.lean #check @linear_map.charpoly_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- linear_algebra/charpoly/to_matrix.lean #check @linear_map.charpoly_to_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- linear_algebra/clifford_algebra/basic.lean #check @clifford_algebra.ι_sq_scalar /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, Q -/ #check @clifford_algebra.comp_ι_sq_scalar /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @clifford_algebra.lift_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, Q -/ #check @clifford_algebra.ι_comp_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @clifford_algebra.lift_ι_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @clifford_algebra.lift_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @clifford_algebra.lift_comp_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @clifford_algebra.ι_mul_ι_add_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @clifford_algebra.map_comp_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Q₂ -/ #check @clifford_algebra.map_apply_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f, Q₂ -/ #check @clifford_algebra.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q₁ -/ #check @clifford_algebra.map_comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hg, g, hf, f, Q₃, Q₂, Q₁ -/ #check @clifford_algebra.equiv_of_isometry_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, e -/ #check @clifford_algebra.equiv_of_isometry_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @clifford_algebra.equiv_of_isometry_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂₃, e₁₂ -/ #check @tensor_algebra.to_clifford_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ -- linear_algebra/clifford_algebra/conjugation.lean #check @clifford_algebra.involute_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @clifford_algebra.involute_involute /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @clifford_algebra.reverse_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @clifford_algebra.reverse.commutes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @clifford_algebra.reverse.map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @clifford_algebra.reverse_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @clifford_algebra.reverse_involute /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @clifford_algebra.reverse_prod_map_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @clifford_algebra.involute_prod_map_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ -- linear_algebra/clifford_algebra/equivs.lean #check @clifford_algebra_ring.reverse_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @clifford_algebra_complex.Q_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @clifford_algebra_complex.to_complex_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @clifford_algebra_complex.to_complex_involute /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @clifford_algebra_complex.to_complex_of_complex /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @clifford_algebra_complex.of_complex_to_complex /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @clifford_algebra_complex.equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @clifford_algebra_complex.equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @clifford_algebra_complex.reverse_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @clifford_algebra_complex.of_complex_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @clifford_algebra_quaternion.Q_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, c₂, c₁ -/ #check @clifford_algebra_quaternion.quaternion_basis_k /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c₂, c₁ -/ #check @clifford_algebra_quaternion.quaternion_basis_j /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c₂, c₁ -/ #check @clifford_algebra_quaternion.quaternion_basis_i /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c₂, c₁ -/ #check @clifford_algebra_quaternion.to_quaternion_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @clifford_algebra_quaternion.to_quaternion_involute_reverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @clifford_algebra_quaternion.of_quaternion_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a₄, a₃, a₂, a₁ -/ #check @clifford_algebra_quaternion.of_quaternion_to_quaternion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @clifford_algebra_quaternion.to_quaternion_of_quaternion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @clifford_algebra_quaternion.equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @clifford_algebra_quaternion.equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @clifford_algebra_quaternion.of_quaternion_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @clifford_algebra_dual_number.equiv_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ -- linear_algebra/coevaluation.lean #check @coevaluation_apply_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, K -/ #check @contract_left_assoc_coevaluation /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, K -/ #check @contract_left_assoc_coevaluation' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, K -/ -- linear_algebra/contraction.lean #check @contract_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ #check @contract_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ #check @dual_tensor_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, f -/ -- linear_algebra/cross_product.lean #check @cross_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @cross_anticomm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @neg_cross /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @triple_product_permutation /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, u -/ #check @triple_product_eq_det /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, u -/ #check @cross_dot_cross /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, w, v, u -/ #check @leibniz_cross /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, u -/ #check @cross_cross /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v, u -/ -- linear_algebra/determinant.lean #check @matrix.det_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M -/ #check @linear_map.det_to_matrix_eq_det_to_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.det_aux_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, b -/ #check @linear_map.det_aux_def' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.det_aux_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, b -/ #check @linear_map.det_eq_det_to_matrix_of_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.det_to_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.det_to_matrix' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.det_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_map.det_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @linear_map.det_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_equiv.coe_det /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_equiv.coe_inv_det /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_equiv.det_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_equiv.det_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_equiv.det_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_equiv.det_coe_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_equiv.of_is_unit_det_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @linear_equiv.of_is_unit_det_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @basis.det_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, e -/ #check @alternating_map.eq_smul_basis_det /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alternating_map.map_basis_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @alternating_map.map_basis_ne_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @basis.det_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, f, e -/ #check @basis.det_reindex /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, v, b -/ #check @basis.det_reindex_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, b -/ #check @basis.det_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, f, b -/ #check @basis.det_map' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, b -/ #check @basis.det_smul_mk_coord_eq_det_update /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, e -/ #check @basis.det_units_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w -/ -- linear_algebra/dfinsupp.lean #check @dfinsupp.lmk_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @dfinsupp.lsingle_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i -/ #check @dfinsupp.lapply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, i -/ #check @dfinsupp.lsum_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, F -/ #check @dfinsupp.lsum_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, F -/ #check @dfinsupp.lsum_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, F -/ #check @dfinsupp.map_range_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, r, hf, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.map_range.linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.map_range.linear_map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.map_range.linear_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, e -/ #check @dfinsupp.map_range.linear_equiv_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f -/ #check @dfinsupp.map_range.linear_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @submodule.supr_eq_range_dfinsupp_lsum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.bsupr_eq_range_dfinsupp_lsum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, p -/ #check @submodule.mem_supr_iff_exists_dfinsupp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @submodule.mem_supr_iff_exists_dfinsupp' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @submodule.mem_bsupr_iff_exists_dfinsupp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S, p -/ #check @complete_lattice.independent_iff_forall_dfinsupp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @complete_lattice.independent_iff_dfinsupp_lsum_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @complete_lattice.independent_iff_dfinsupp_sum_add_hom_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- linear_algebra/dimension.lean #check @linear_equiv.dim_map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @dim_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, R -/ #check @dim_fin_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @dim_sup_add_dim_inf_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @dim_submodule_le_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @dim_submodule_le_one_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- linear_algebra/direct_sum/finsupp.lean #check @finsupp_tensor_finsupp_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, k, m, i, κ, ι, N, M, R -/ #check @finsupp_tensor_finsupp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, i, g, f, κ, ι, N, M, R -/ #check @finsupp_tensor_finsupp_symm_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, i, κ, ι, N, M, R -/ #check @finsupp_tensor_finsupp'_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, g, f, β, α, S -/ #check @finsupp_tensor_finsupp'_single_tmul_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r₂, r₁, b, a, β, α, S -/ -- linear_algebra/direct_sum/tensor_product.lean #check @tensor_product.direct_sum_lof_tmul_lof /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m₂, i₂, m₁, i₁, M₂, M₁, ι₂, ι₁, R -/ -- linear_algebra/dual.lean #check @module.dual.eval_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, v, M, R -/ #check @module.dual.transpose_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, u -/ #check @module.dual.transpose_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, u -/ #check @basis.to_dual_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @basis.to_dual_total_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @basis.to_dual_total_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @basis.to_dual_apply_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, m, b -/ #check @basis.to_dual_apply_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, i, b -/ #check @basis.coe_to_dual_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, b -/ #check @basis.to_dual_flip_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m₂, m₁, b -/ #check @basis.to_dual_eq_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, m, b -/ #check @basis.to_dual_eq_equiv_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, m, b -/ #check @basis.to_dual_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, b -/ #check @basis.to_dual_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, b -/ #check @basis.dual_basis_apply_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @basis.total_dual_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @basis.dual_basis_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, l, b -/ #check @basis.dual_basis_equiv_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, l, b -/ #check @basis.dual_basis_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, i, b -/ #check @basis.coe_dual_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @basis.total_coord /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @dual_pair.coeffs_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, m -/ #check @dual_pair.lc_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, e -/ #check @dual_pair.dual_lc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, l -/ #check @dual_pair.coeffs_lc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @dual_pair.lc_coeffs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @dual_pair.basis_repr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, h -/ #check @dual_pair.basis_repr_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @submodule.dual_restrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, φ, W -/ #check @submodule.mem_dual_annihilator /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @submodule.dual_restrict_ker_eq_dual_annihilator /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: W -/ #check @submodule.dual_annihilator_sup_eq_inf_dual_annihilator /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, U -/ #check @submodule.mem_dual_annihilator_comap_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @subspace.dual_lift_of_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w -/ #check @subspace.dual_restrict_comp_dual_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: W -/ #check @subspace.dual_equiv_dual_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: W -/ #check @subspace.dual_equiv_dual_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @linear_map.dual_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @linear_map.dual_map_comp_dual_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_equiv.dual_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @linear_equiv.dual_map_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_map.ker_dual_map_eq_dual_annihilator_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.finrank_range_dual_map_eq_finrank_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.range_dual_map_eq_dual_annihilator_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- linear_algebra/eigenspace.lean #check @module.End.eigenspace_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @module.End.eigenspace_aeval_polynomial_degree_1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, f -/ #check @module.End.mem_generalized_eigenspace /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, k, μ, f -/ #check @module.End.mem_maximal_generalized_eigenspace /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, μ, f -/ #check @module.End.maximal_generalized_eigenspace_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, f -/ #check @module.End.generalized_eigenspace_eq_generalized_eigenspace_finrank_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, f -/ #check @module.End.generalized_eigenspace_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, k, p, f -/ -- linear_algebra/exterior_algebra/basic.lean #check @exterior_algebra.lift_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, R -/ #check @exterior_algebra.ι_comp_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @exterior_algebra.lift_ι_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, R -/ #check @exterior_algebra.lift_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, R -/ #check @exterior_algebra.lift_comp_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @exterior_algebra.algebra_map_inj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @exterior_algebra.algebra_map_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @exterior_algebra.algebra_map_eq_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @exterior_algebra.to_triv_sq_zero_ext_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @exterior_algebra.ι_inj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @exterior_algebra.ι_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @exterior_algebra.ι_eq_algebra_map_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x -/ #check @exterior_algebra.ι_multi_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @tensor_algebra.to_exterior_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ -- linear_algebra/finite_dimensional.lean #check @finite_dimensional.finrank_eq_dim /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, K -/ #check @finite_dimensional.basis_singleton_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @finite_dimensional.range_basis_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @submodule.fg_iff_finite_dimensional /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @submodule.dim_sup_add_dim_inf_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @linear_equiv.finrank_map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @finite_dimensional.finrank_map_subtype_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @linear_equiv.coe_of_injective_endo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.is_unit_iff_ker_eq_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.is_unit_iff_range_eq_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.linear_equiv_of_injective_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @finrank_span_set_eq_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finrank_span_finset_eq_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @coe_basis_of_span_eq_top_of_card_eq_finrank /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @finset_basis_of_span_eq_top_of_card_eq_finrank_repr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, card_eq, span_eq -/ #check @finset_basis_of_span_eq_top_of_card_eq_finrank_repr_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @set_basis_of_span_eq_top_of_card_eq_finrank_repr_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @set_basis_of_span_eq_top_of_card_eq_finrank_repr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, card_eq, span_eq -/ #check @basis_of_linear_independent_of_card_eq_finrank_repr_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @basis_of_linear_independent_of_card_eq_finrank_repr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, card_eq, lin_ind -/ #check @finset_basis_of_linear_independent_of_card_eq_finrank_repr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, card_eq, lin_ind, hs -/ #check @finset_basis_of_linear_independent_of_card_eq_finrank_repr_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @set_basis_of_linear_independent_of_card_eq_finrank_repr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, card_eq, lin_ind -/ #check @set_basis_of_linear_independent_of_card_eq_finrank_repr_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ -- linear_algebra/finsupp.lean #check @finsupp.lsubtype_domain_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finsupp.lsingle_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @finsupp.lapply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @finsupp.span_single_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, s -/ #check @finsupp.mem_supported /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @finsupp.mem_supported' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @finsupp.supported_eq_span_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, R -/ #check @finsupp.restrict_dom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, s -/ #check @finsupp.restrict_dom_comp_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finsupp.range_restrict_dom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finsupp.supported_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finsupp.supported_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finsupp.supported_Inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finsupp.supported_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @finsupp.coe_lsum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.lsum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @finsupp.lsum_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, i, f -/ #check @finsupp.lsum_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @finsupp.lift_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, X, R, M -/ #check @finsupp.lift_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, X, R, M -/ #check @finsupp.lmap_domain_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f, M -/ #check @finsupp.lmap_domain_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, M -/ #check @finsupp.lmap_domain_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, R, M -/ #check @finsupp.lmap_domain_supported /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, R, M -/ #check @finsupp.total_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, R -/ #check @finsupp.total_apply_of_mem_supported /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @finsupp.total_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, c, R -/ #check @finsupp.apply_total /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, v, f, R -/ #check @finsupp.total_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, l, R -/ #check @finsupp.total_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @finsupp.range_total /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @finsupp.lmap_domain_total /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @finsupp.total_emb_domain /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f, R -/ #check @finsupp.total_map_domain /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f, R -/ #check @finsupp.total_equiv_map_domain /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f, R -/ #check @finsupp.span_eq_range_total /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, R -/ #check @finsupp.mem_span_iff_total /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s, R -/ #check @finsupp.span_image_eq_map_total /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, R -/ #check @finsupp.mem_span_image_iff_total /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @finsupp.total_option /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, v, R -/ #check @finsupp.total_total /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, B, A, R -/ #check @finsupp.total_fin_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @finsupp.total_on_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, R -/ #check @finsupp.total_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, R -/ #check @finsupp.total_comap_domain /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf, l, f, R -/ #check @finsupp.total_on_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, R -/ #check @finsupp.dom_lcongr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, e -/ #check @finsupp.dom_lcongr_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f -/ #check @finsupp.dom_lcongr_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.dom_lcongr_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, i, e -/ #check @finsupp.map_range.linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @finsupp.map_range.linear_map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f -/ #check @finsupp.map_range.linear_map_to_add_monoid_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.map_range.linear_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, e -/ #check @finsupp.map_range.linear_equiv_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f -/ #check @finsupp.map_range.linear_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.map_range.linear_equiv_to_add_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.map_range.linear_equiv_to_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finsupp.lcongr_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, i, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @finsupp.lcongr_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, f, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @finsupp.lcongr_symm_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, k, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @finsupp.lcongr_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @finsupp.sum_finsupp_lequiv_prod_finsupp_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @finsupp.sum_finsupp_lequiv_prod_finsupp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @finsupp.fst_sum_finsupp_lequiv_prod_finsupp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @finsupp.snd_sum_finsupp_lequiv_prod_finsupp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, f -/ #check @finsupp.sum_finsupp_lequiv_prod_finsupp_symm_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, fg -/ #check @finsupp.sum_finsupp_lequiv_prod_finsupp_symm_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, fg -/ #check @finsupp.sigma_finsupp_lequiv_pi_finsupp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, j, f -/ #check @finsupp.sigma_finsupp_lequiv_pi_finsupp_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ji, f -/ #check @finsupp.finsupp_prod_lequiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @finsupp.finsupp_prod_lequiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: xy, f -/ #check @span.finsupp_total_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, R -/ #check @linear_map.map_finsupp_total /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @module.subsingleton_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ι, R -/ #check @module.subsingleton_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ -- linear_algebra/finsupp_vector_space.lean #check @finsupp.basis_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ix, g, b -/ #check @finsupp.coe_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @cardinal_mk_eq_cardinal_mk_field_pow_dim /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V -/ -- linear_algebra/free_algebra.lean #check @free_algebra.basis_free_monoid_repr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X, R -/ #check @free_algebra.basis_free_monoid_repr_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, X, R -/ -- linear_algebra/free_module/basic.lean #check @module.free_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, R -/ #check @module.free_iff_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, R -/ -- linear_algebra/free_module/finite/rank.lean #check @module.free.finrank_eq_rank /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, R -/ #check @module.free.finrank_eq_card_choose_basis_index /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, R -/ #check @module.free.finrank_direct_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, R -/ #check @module.free.finrank_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, R -/ #check @module.free.finrank_pi_fintype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @module.free.finrank_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @module.free.finrank_linear_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, R -/ #check @module.free.finrank_tensor_product /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, R -/ -- linear_algebra/free_module/rank.lean #check @module.free.rank_eq_card_choose_basis_index /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, R -/ #check @module.free.rank_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, R -/ #check @module.free.rank_prod' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, R -/ #check @module.free.rank_direct_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, R -/ #check @module.free.rank_pi_fintype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @module.free.rank_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @module.free.rank_matrix' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @module.free.rank_matrix'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @module.free.rank_tensor_product /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, R -/ #check @module.free.rank_tensor_product' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, R -/ -- linear_algebra/general_linear_group.lean #check @matrix.general_linear_group.coe_det_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.general_linear_group.coe_inv_det_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.general_linear_group.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @matrix.general_linear_group.coe_fn_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.general_linear_group.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @matrix.general_linear_group.coe_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.general_linear_group.coe_to_linear /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.general_linear_group.to_linear_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, A -/ #check @matrix.mem_GL_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.GL_pos_coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @matrix.GL_pos_neg_elt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, g -/ #check @matrix.coe_plane_conformal_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- linear_algebra/invariant_basis_number.lean #check @strong_rank_condition_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @strong_rank_condition_iff_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ -- linear_algebra/isomorphisms.lean #check @linear_map.quot_ker_equiv_range_apply_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @linear_map.quot_ker_equiv_range_symm_apply_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @linear_map.coe_quotient_inf_to_sup_quotient /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p -/ #check @linear_map.quotient_inf_equiv_sup_quotient_apply_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p', p -/ #check @linear_map.quotient_inf_equiv_sup_quotient_symm_apply_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p', p -/ #check @linear_map.quotient_inf_equiv_sup_quotient_symm_apply_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p -/ #check @submodule.quotient_quotient_equiv_quotient_aux_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h, T, S -/ #check @submodule.quotient_quotient_equiv_quotient_aux_mk_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, T -/ -- linear_algebra/lagrange.lean #check @lagrange.eval_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @lagrange.nat_degree_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @lagrange.eval_interpolate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, s -/ #check @lagrange.interpolate_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @lagrange.interpolate_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @lagrange.interpolate_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, s -/ #check @lagrange.interpolate_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c, s -/ #check @lagrange.eq_interpolate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- linear_algebra/linear_independent.lean #check @linear_independent.total_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, hv -/ #check @linear_independent.total_equiv_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @linear_independent.total_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_independent.span_repr_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_independent_unique_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ -- linear_algebra/linear_pmap.lean #check @linear_pmap.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @linear_pmap.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @linear_pmap.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @linear_pmap.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @linear_pmap.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, f -/ #check @linear_pmap.mk_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, p -/ #check @linear_pmap.domain_mk_span_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_pmap.mk_span_singleton_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, y -/ #check @linear_pmap.fst_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p', p -/ #check @linear_pmap.snd_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p', p -/ #check @linear_pmap.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @linear_pmap.domain_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_pmap.domain_sup_span_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @linear_pmap.sup_span_singleton_apply_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, hx', x', y, f -/ #check @linear_map.to_pmap_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p, f -/ #check @linear_map.comp_pmap_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g -/ #check @linear_pmap.coprod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ -- linear_algebra/matrix/adjugate.lean #check @matrix.cramer_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, b, A -/ #check @matrix.cramer_transpose_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, b, A -/ #check @matrix.cramer_transpose_row_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, A -/ #check @matrix.cramer_row_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.cramer_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, r -/ #check @matrix.cramer_subsingleton_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, b -/ #check @matrix.sum_cramer /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s, A -/ #check @matrix.sum_cramer_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, s, A -/ #check @matrix.adjugate_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.adjugate_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, A -/ #check @matrix.adjugate_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.cramer_eq_adjugate_mul_vec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, A -/ #check @matrix.mul_adjugate_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, j, i, A -/ #check @matrix.mul_adjugate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.adjugate_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.adjugate_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, r -/ #check @matrix.mul_vec_cramer /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, A -/ #check @ring_hom.map_adjugate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, f -/ #check @alg_hom.map_adjugate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, f -/ #check @matrix.det_adjugate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.adjugate_fin_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.adjugate_fin_two' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, b, a -/ #check @matrix.adjugate_conj_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.adjugate_mul_distrib_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @matrix.adjugate_mul_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @matrix.adjugate_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, A -/ #check @matrix.det_smul_adjugate_adjugate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.adjugate_adjugate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.adjugate_adjugate' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ -- linear_algebra/matrix/basis.lean #check @basis.to_matrix_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, v, e -/ #check @basis.to_matrix_transpose_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, v, e -/ #check @basis.to_matrix_eq_to_matrix_constr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, e -/ #check @basis.to_matrix_update /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, j, v, e -/ #check @basis.to_matrix_units_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w -/ #check @basis.sum_to_matrix_smul_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, v -/ #check @basis_to_matrix_mul_linear_map_to_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c, b' -/ #check @linear_map_to_matrix_mul_basis_to_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c', b -/ #check @basis_to_matrix_mul_linear_map_to_matrix_mul_basis_to_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c, b -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix_id_eq_basis_to_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b', b -/ #check @basis.to_matrix_reindex' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, v, b -/ #check @basis.to_matrix_mul_to_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b'', b -/ #check @basis.to_matrix_reindex /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, v, b -/ #check @basis.to_matrix_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, f, b -/ -- linear_algebra/matrix/block.lean #check @matrix.det_to_block /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.det_to_square_block /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, b, M -/ #check @matrix.det_to_square_block' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, b, M -/ #check @matrix.two_block_triangular_det /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.equiv_block_det /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.to_square_block_det'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, b, M -/ #check @matrix.det_of_block_triangular_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.det_of_block_triangular_matrix'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.det_of_block_triangular_matrix' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.det_of_upper_triangular /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.det_of_lower_triangular /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ -- linear_algebra/matrix/charpoly/basic.lean #check @charmatrix_apply_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, M -/ #check @charmatrix_apply_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, M -/ #check @mat_poly_equiv_charmatrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @charmatrix_reindex /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, e -/ #check @matrix.charpoly_reindex /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ -- linear_algebra/matrix/charpoly/coeff.lean #check @charmatrix_apply_nat_degree /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @matrix.charpoly_coeff_eq_prod_coeff_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.trace_eq_neg_charpoly_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.mat_poly_equiv_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, r, M -/ #check @matrix.eval_det /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, M -/ #check @matrix.det_eq_sign_charpoly_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @mat_poly_equiv_eq_X_pow_sub_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, k -/ #check @finite_field.matrix.charpoly_pow_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @zmod.charpoly_pow_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @finite_field.trace_pow_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @zmod.trace_pow_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @charpoly_left_mul_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ -- linear_algebra/matrix/circulant.lean #check @matrix.circulant_col_zero_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, v -/ #check @matrix.transpose_circulant /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @matrix.conj_transpose_circulant /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @matrix.fin.transpose_circulant /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @matrix.fin.conj_transpose_circulant /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @matrix.map_circulant /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, v -/ #check @matrix.circulant_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @matrix.circulant_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, α -/ #check @matrix.circulant_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @matrix.circulant_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @matrix.circulant_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @matrix.fin.circulant_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @matrix.circulant_mul_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @matrix.fin.circulant_mul_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @matrix.circulant_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, k -/ #check @matrix.circulant_single_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, α -/ #check @matrix.circulant_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n -/ #check @matrix.fin.circulant_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, α -/ #check @matrix.circulant_is_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @matrix.fin.circulant_is_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ -- linear_algebra/matrix/determinant.lean #check @matrix.det_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.det_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.det_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.det_eq_elem_of_subsingleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.det_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M -/ #check @matrix.det_mul_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M -/ #check @matrix.det_mul_left_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, N, M -/ #check @matrix.det_mul_right_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, N, M -/ #check @matrix.det_units_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N -/ #check @matrix.det_units_conj' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N -/ #check @matrix.det_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.det_permute /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, σ -/ #check @matrix.det_minor_equiv_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.det_reindex_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.det_permutation /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σ -/ #check @matrix.det_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, A -/ #check @matrix.det_mul_row /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, v -/ #check @matrix.det_mul_column /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, v -/ #check @matrix.det_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, M -/ #check @ring_hom.map_det /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, f -/ #check @ring_equiv.map_det /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, f -/ #check @alg_hom.map_det /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, f -/ #check @alg_equiv.map_det /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, f -/ #check @matrix.det_conj_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.det_update_row_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, u, j, M -/ #check @matrix.det_update_column_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, u, j, M -/ #check @matrix.det_update_row_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, s, j, M -/ #check @matrix.det_update_column_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, s, j, M -/ #check @matrix.det_update_row_smul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, s, j, M -/ #check @matrix.det_update_column_smul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, s, j, M -/ #check @matrix.det_update_row_add_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.det_update_column_add_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.det_update_row_add_smul_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.det_update_column_add_smul_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.det_block_diagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.upper_two_block_triangular_det /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D, A -/ #check @matrix.det_succ_column_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.det_succ_row_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.det_succ_row /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.det_succ_column /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.det_fin_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.det_fin_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.det_fin_three /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ -- linear_algebra/matrix/diagonal.lean #check @matrix.proj_diagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, i -/ #check @matrix.diagonal_comp_std_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, w -/ #check @matrix.diagonal_to_lin' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w -/ #check @matrix.ker_diagonal_to_lin' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w -/ #check @matrix.range_diagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w -/ #check @matrix.rank_diagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w -/ -- linear_algebra/matrix/dot_product.lean #check @matrix.dot_product_std_basis_eq_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, c, v -/ #check @matrix.dot_product_std_basis_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, v -/ -- linear_algebra/matrix/dual.lean #check @linear_map.to_matrix_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @matrix.to_lin_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ -- linear_algebra/matrix/is_diag.lean #check @matrix.is_diag_iff_exists_diagonal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ -- linear_algebra/matrix/mv_polynomial.lean #check @matrix.mv_polynomial_X_map_eval₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.mv_polynomial_X_map_matrix_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.mv_polynomial_X_map_matrix_aeval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ -- linear_algebra/matrix/nonsingular_inverse.lean #check @matrix.inv_of_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.det_inv_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.invertible_equiv_det_invertible_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.invertible_equiv_det_invertible_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.is_unit_iff_is_unit_det /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.inv_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.nonsing_inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.inv_of_eq_nonsing_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.nonsing_inv_eq_ring_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.transpose_nonsing_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.conj_transpose_nonsing_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.det_nonsing_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.nonsing_inv_nonsing_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.unit_of_det_invertible_eq_nonsing_inv_unit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.inv_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, A -/ #check @matrix.inv_smul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, A -/ #check @matrix.inv_adjugate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.inv_inv_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.mul_inv_rev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @matrix.det_smul_inv_mul_vec_eq_cramer /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, A -/ #check @matrix.det_smul_inv_vec_mul_eq_cramer_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, A -/ -- linear_algebra/matrix/orthogonal.lean #check @matrix.transpose_has_orthogonal_rows_iff_has_orthogonal_cols /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.transpose_has_orthogonal_cols_iff_has_orthogonal_rows /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ -- linear_algebra/matrix/polynomial.lean #check @polynomial.coeff_det_X_add_C_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_det_X_add_C_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ -- linear_algebra/matrix/reindex.lean #check @matrix.reindex_linear_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, eₙ, eₘ, A -/ #check @matrix.reindex_linear_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: eₙ, eₘ, A, R -/ #check @matrix.reindex_linear_equiv_refl_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, R -/ #check @matrix.reindex_linear_equiv_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂', e₁', e₂, e₁, A, R -/ #check @matrix.reindex_linear_equiv_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂', e₁', e₂, e₁, A, R -/ #check @matrix.reindex_linear_equiv_comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, e₂', e₁', e₂, e₁, A, R -/ #check @matrix.reindex_linear_equiv_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.reindex_linear_equiv_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, eₒ, eₘ, A, R -/ #check @matrix.mul_reindex_linear_equiv_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, e₂, e₁, A, R -/ #check @matrix.reindex_alg_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, e, R -/ #check @matrix.reindex_alg_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, R -/ #check @matrix.reindex_alg_equiv_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @matrix.reindex_alg_equiv_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, e, R -/ #check @matrix.det_reindex_linear_equiv_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, R -/ #check @matrix.det_reindex_alg_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, R -/ -- linear_algebra/matrix/symmetric.lean #check @matrix.is_symm.apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ -- linear_algebra/matrix/to_lin.lean #check @matrix.mul_vec_lin_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, M -/ #check @matrix.mul_vec_std_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, M -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix'_to_lin' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.to_lin'_to_matrix' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, f -/ #check @matrix.to_lin'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, M -/ #check @matrix.to_lin'_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M -/ #check @matrix.to_lin'_mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, N, M -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix'_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix'_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix'_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @matrix.to_lin'_of_inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ᾰ -/ #check @matrix.to_lin'_of_inv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ᾰ -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix_alg_equiv'_to_lin_alg_equiv' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix.to_lin_alg_equiv'_to_matrix_alg_equiv' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix_alg_equiv'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, f -/ #check @matrix.to_lin_alg_equiv'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, M -/ #check @matrix.to_lin_alg_equiv'_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix_alg_equiv'_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix_alg_equiv'_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v₂, v₁ -/ #check @matrix.to_lin_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v₂, v₁ -/ #check @matrix.to_lin_to_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix_to_lin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, f, v₂, v₁ -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix_transpose_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, f, v₂, v₁ -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, f, v₂, v₁ -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix_transpose_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, f, v₂, v₁ -/ #check @matrix.to_lin_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, M, v₂, v₁ -/ #check @matrix.to_lin_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, M, v₂ -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix_reindex_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, k, f, v₂, v₁ -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, v₃, v₁ -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, v₁ -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix_mul_vec_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, v₂ -/ #check @matrix.to_lin_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A, v₃, v₁ -/ #check @matrix.to_lin_mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, B, A, v₃, v₁ -/ #check @matrix.to_lin_of_inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, v₂, v₁ -/ #check @matrix.to_lin_of_inv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, v₂, v₁ -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix_alg_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v₁ -/ #check @matrix.to_lin_alg_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v₁ -/ #check @matrix.to_lin_alg_equiv_to_matrix_alg_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix_alg_equiv_to_lin_alg_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix_alg_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, f, v₁ -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix_alg_equiv_transpose_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, f, v₁ -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix_alg_equiv_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, f, v₁ -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix_alg_equiv_transpose_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, f, v₁ -/ #check @matrix.to_lin_alg_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, M, v₁ -/ #check @matrix.to_lin_alg_equiv_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, M, v₁ -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix_alg_equiv_reindex_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, k, f, v₁ -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix_alg_equiv_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, v₁ -/ #check @linear_map.to_matrix_alg_equiv_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, v₁ -/ #check @matrix.to_lin_alg_equiv_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A, v₁ -/ #check @algebra.to_matrix_lmul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, x, b -/ #check @algebra.to_matrix_lsmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, x -/ #check @algebra.left_mul_matrix_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, b -/ #check @algebra.left_mul_matrix_eq_repr_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, x, b -/ #check @algebra.left_mul_matrix_mul_vec_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, b -/ #check @algebra.to_matrix_lmul_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, b -/ #check @algebra.smul_left_mul_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: jk, ik, x, c, b -/ #check @algebra.smul_left_mul_matrix_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, b -/ #check @algebra.smul_left_mul_matrix_algebra_map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, x, b -/ -- linear_algebra/matrix/to_linear_equiv.lean #check @matrix.to_linear_equiv'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @matrix.to_linear_equiv'_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @matrix.to_linear_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, A, b -/ -- linear_algebra/matrix/trace.lean #check @matrix.diag_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, A -/ #check @matrix.diag_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.diag_col_mul_row /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @matrix.trace_diag /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.trace_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.trace_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.trace_transpose_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @matrix.trace_mul_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @matrix.trace_mul_cycle /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C, B, A -/ #check @matrix.trace_mul_cycle' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C, B, A -/ #check @matrix.trace_col_mul_row /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @matrix.trace_fin_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.trace_fin_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.trace_fin_three /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ -- linear_algebra/matrix/transvection.lean #check @matrix.update_row_eq_transvection /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, j, i -/ #check @matrix.transvection_mul_transvection_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, j, i -/ #check @matrix.transvection_mul_apply_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, c, b, j, i -/ #check @matrix.mul_transvection_apply_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, c, a, j, i -/ #check @matrix.transvection_mul_apply_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, b, a -/ #check @matrix.mul_transvection_apply_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, b, a -/ #check @matrix.transvection_struct.to_matrix_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, j, i -/ #check @matrix.transvection_struct.inv_c /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @matrix.transvection_struct.inv_i /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @matrix.transvection_struct.inv_j /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @matrix.transvection_struct.to_matrix_sum_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, p -/ #check @matrix.transvection_struct.sum_inl_to_matrix_prod_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, L, M, p -/ #check @matrix.transvection_struct.mul_sum_inl_to_matrix_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, L, M, p -/ #check @matrix.transvection_struct.to_matrix_reindex_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, e -/ #check @matrix.transvection_struct.to_matrix_reindex_equiv_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, e -/ #check @matrix.pivot.list_transvec_col_mul_last_row_drop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, M -/ #check @matrix.pivot.list_transvec_col_mul_last_row /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, M -/ #check @matrix.pivot.mul_list_transvec_row_last_col_take /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, M -/ #check @matrix.pivot.mul_list_transvec_row_last_col /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, M -/ -- linear_algebra/matrix/zpow.lean #check @matrix.inv_pow' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, A -/ #check @matrix.pow_sub' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.pow_inv_comm' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, A -/ #check @matrix.zero_zpow_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @matrix.inv_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, A -/ #check @matrix.zpow_neg_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.zpow_coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, A -/ #check @matrix.zpow_neg_coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, A -/ #check @matrix.zpow_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @matrix.inv_zpow' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @matrix.zpow_add_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @matrix.zpow_sub_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @matrix.zpow_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @matrix.zpow_one_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @matrix.zpow_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, A -/ #check @matrix.zpow_add_one_of_ne_neg_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @matrix.zpow_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, A -/ #check @matrix.zpow_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, A -/ #check @matrix.zpow_mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, A -/ #check @matrix.units.coe_inv'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @matrix.units.coe_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, u -/ #check @matrix.zpow_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z2, z1 -/ #check @matrix.commute.mul_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @matrix.zpow_bit0' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, A -/ #check @matrix.zpow_bit1' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, A -/ #check @matrix.one_div_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @matrix.one_div_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- linear_algebra/multilinear/basic.lean #check @multilinear_map.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @multilinear_map.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @multilinear_map.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @multilinear_map.congr_arg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @multilinear_map.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @multilinear_map.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, i, m, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, i, m, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f', f -/ #check @multilinear_map.sum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.to_linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, m, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.pi_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, m, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.of_subsingleton_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, i', M₂ -/ #check @multilinear_map.const_of_is_empty_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @multilinear_map.cons_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, m, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.cons_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, m, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.snoc_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, m, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.snoc_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, m, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.comp_linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f, g -/ #check @multilinear_map.comp_linear_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁, g -/ #check @multilinear_map.comp_linear_map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @multilinear_map.comp_linear_map_inj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₂, g₁ -/ #check @multilinear_map.comp_linear_equiv_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @multilinear_map.map_piecewise_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, m', m, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.map_add_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m', m, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.map_sum_finset_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, g, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.map_sum_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, g, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.map_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.map_update_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, g, i, t, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.coe_restrict_scalars /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @multilinear_map.dom_dom_congr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, m, σ -/ #check @multilinear_map.dom_dom_congr_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, σ₂, σ₁ -/ #check @multilinear_map.dom_dom_congr_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, σ₂, σ₁ -/ #check @multilinear_map.dom_dom_congr_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, σ -/ #check @multilinear_map.dom_dom_congr_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, σ -/ #check @multilinear_map.dom_dom_congr_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_map.coe_comp_multilinear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @linear_map.comp_multilinear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f, g -/ #check @linear_map.comp_multilinear_map_dom_dom_congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, σ -/ #check @multilinear_map.map_piecewise_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, m, c, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.map_smul_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, c, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.map_update_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, i, m, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, c, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @multilinear_map.dom_dom_congr_linear_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, σ, A, M₃, M₂ -/ #check @multilinear_map.dom_dom_congr_linear_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, σ, A, M₃, M₂ -/ #check @multilinear_map.dom_dom_congr_linear_equiv'_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, σ, M₂, M₁, R -/ #check @multilinear_map.dom_dom_congr_linear_equiv'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, σ, M₂, M₁, R -/ #check @multilinear_map.const_linear_equiv_of_is_empty_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, M₂, M₁, R -/ #check @multilinear_map.const_linear_equiv_of_is_empty_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, M₂, M₁, R -/ #check @multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra_fin_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @multilinear_map.mk_pi_algebra_fin_apply_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @multilinear_map.smul_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, z, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.mk_pi_ring_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, z -/ #check @multilinear_map.mk_pi_ring_apply_one_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @multilinear_map.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.sub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, g, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, m, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, i, m, f -/ #check @linear_map.uncurry_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.curry_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, x, f -/ #check @linear_map.curry_uncurry_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @multilinear_map.uncurry_curry_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @multilinear_map.uncurry_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.curry_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, m, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.curry_uncurry_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @multilinear_map.uncurry_curry_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @multilinear_map.curry_sum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, u, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.uncurry_sum_aux_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.curry_fin_finset_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ml, mk, f, hl, hk -/ #check @multilinear_map.curry_fin_finset_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f, hl, hk -/ #check @multilinear_map.curry_fin_finset_symm_apply_piecewise_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.curry_fin_finset_symm_apply_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @multilinear_map.curry_fin_finset_apply_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ -- linear_algebra/multilinear/tensor_product.lean #check @multilinear_map.dom_coprod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, b, a -/ #check @multilinear_map.dom_coprod'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @multilinear_map.dom_coprod_dom_dom_congr_sum_congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σb, σa, b, a -/ -- linear_algebra/orientation.lean #check @equiv_iff_same_ray /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v₂, v₁ -/ #check @ray_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @module.ray.map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hv, v, e -/ #check @module.ray.map_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @orientation.map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hv, v, e, ι -/ #check @orientation.map_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ι -/ #check @orientation.map_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, ι -/ #check @module.ray.linear_equiv_smul_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, e -/ #check @smul_ray_of_ne_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hv, v, g -/ #check @module.ray.units_smul_of_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @module.ray.some_ray_vector_ray /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @module.ray.some_vector_ray /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ray_vector.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @ray_vector.neg_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @ray_vector.equiv_neg_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v₂, v₁, R -/ #check @ray_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, v, R -/ #check @module.ray.neg_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @module.ray.units_smul_of_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @basis.orientation_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e -/ #check @basis.map_orientation_eq_det_inv_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, x -/ #check @basis.orientation_units_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, e -/ #check @units_inv_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, u -/ #check @same_ray_smul_right_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @same_ray_smul_left_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @same_ray_neg_smul_right_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @same_ray_neg_smul_left_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @basis.orientation_eq_iff_det_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @basis.orientation_ne_iff_eq_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e -/ #check @basis.orientation_comp_linear_equiv_eq_iff_det_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @basis.orientation_comp_linear_equiv_eq_neg_iff_det_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @basis.orientation_neg_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @basis.orientation_adjust_to_orientation /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @same_ray_iff_mem_orbit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v₂, v₁, R -/ #check @same_ray_setoid_eq_orbit_rel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @orientation.ne_iff_eq_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x₂, x₁ -/ #check @orientation.map_eq_det_inv_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, x -/ #check @orientation.map_eq_iff_det_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @orientation.map_eq_neg_iff_det_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @orientation.some_basis_orientation /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- linear_algebra/pi.lean #check @linear_map.pi_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, c, f -/ #check @linear_map.ker_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.pi_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.pi_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_map.coe_proj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @linear_map.proj_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, i -/ #check @linear_map.proj_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @linear_map.comp_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, h, I, f -/ #check @linear_map.apply_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, j, i, f -/ #check @linear_map.coe_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @linear_map.lsum_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, φ, R -/ #check @linear_map.lsum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, φ, R -/ #check @linear_map.update_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, j, i, c, f -/ #check @linear_equiv.Pi_congr_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, e -/ #check @linear_equiv.Pi_congr_right_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @linear_equiv.Pi_congr_right_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e -/ #check @linear_equiv.Pi_congr_left'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, ᾰ, e -/ #check @linear_equiv.Pi_congr_left'_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, ᾰ, e, φ -/ #check @linear_equiv.pi_ring_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @linear_equiv.pi_ring_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_equiv.sum_arrow_lequiv_prod_arrow_apply_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @linear_equiv.sum_arrow_lequiv_prod_arrow_apply_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f -/ #check @linear_equiv.sum_arrow_lequiv_prod_arrow_symm_apply_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @linear_equiv.sum_arrow_lequiv_prod_arrow_symm_apply_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, g -/ #check @linear_equiv.fun_unique_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, ι -/ #check @linear_equiv.fun_unique_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, ι -/ #check @linear_equiv.pi_fin_two_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @linear_equiv.pi_fin_two_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @linear_equiv.fin_two_arrow_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @linear_equiv.fin_two_arrow_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @function.extend_by_zero.linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f, s, R -/ #check @linear_map.vec_cons_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, g, f -/ #check @linear_map.vec_cons₂_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, g, f -/ -- linear_algebra/pi_tensor_product.lean #check @pi_tensor_product.add_tprod_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m₂, m₁, i, f, z -/ #check @pi_tensor_product.add_tprod_coeff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, z₂, z₁ -/ #check @pi_tensor_product.smul_tprod_coeff_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, f, z -/ #check @pi_tensor_product.smul_tprod_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, f, z -/ #check @pi_tensor_product.smul_tprod_coeff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, z, r -/ #check @pi_tensor_product.smul_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, r -/ #check @pi_tensor_product.tprod_coeff_eq_smul_tprod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, z -/ #check @pi_tensor_product.lift_aux_tprod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, φ -/ #check @pi_tensor_product.lift_aux_tprod_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, z, φ -/ #check @pi_tensor_product.lift_aux.smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ #check @pi_tensor_product.lift.tprod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @pi_tensor_product.lift_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ' -/ #check @pi_tensor_product.reindex_tprod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e -/ #check @pi_tensor_product.reindex_comp_tprod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @pi_tensor_product.lift_comp_reindex /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, e -/ #check @pi_tensor_product.lift_reindex /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, φ, e -/ #check @pi_tensor_product.reindex_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @pi_tensor_product.reindex_reindex /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e', e -/ #check @pi_tensor_product.reindex_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @pi_tensor_product.is_empty_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, ι -/ #check @pi_tensor_product.subsingleton_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @pi_tensor_product.subsingleton_equiv_apply_tprod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, i -/ #check @pi_tensor_product.tmul_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, M, R -/ #check @pi_tensor_product.tmul_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, M, R -/ -- linear_algebra/prod.lean #check @linear_map.fst_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_map.snd_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_map.prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @linear_map.fst_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.snd_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @linear_map.prod_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.prod_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.range_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M₂, M, R -/ #check @linear_map.ker_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M₂, M, R -/ #check @linear_map.range_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M₂, M, R -/ #check @linear_map.ker_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M₂, M, R -/ #check @linear_map.inl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_map.inr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_map.coprod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @linear_map.coprod_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.coprod_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @linear_map.comp_coprod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₂, g₁, f -/ #check @linear_map.coprod_comp_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', f', g, f -/ #check @linear_map.coprod_map_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S', S, g, f -/ #check @linear_map.coprod_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.coprod_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.prod_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @linear_map.prod_map_comap_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S', S, g, f -/ #check @linear_map.ker_prod_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_map.inl_map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a₂, a₁ -/ #check @linear_map.inr_map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b₂, b₁ -/ #check @linear_map.range_coprod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_map.map_coprod_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, g, f -/ #check @linear_map.comap_prod_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, g, f -/ #check @linear_map.prod_eq_inf_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @linear_map.prod_eq_sup_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @linear_map.ker_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_map.ker_coprod_of_disjoint_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @submodule.sup_eq_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @submodule.map_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.map_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @submodule.comap_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.comap_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @submodule.prod_comap_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.prod_comap_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @submodule.prod_map_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.prod_map_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @submodule.fst_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, M₂, M, R -/ #check @submodule.fst_equiv_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, M₂, M -/ #check @submodule.fst_map_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, R -/ #check @submodule.fst_map_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M₂, R -/ #check @submodule.snd_equiv_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, M₂, M -/ #check @submodule.snd_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, M₂, M, R -/ #check @submodule.snd_map_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, R -/ #check @submodule.snd_map_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M₂, R -/ #check @submodule.fst_sup_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M₂, M, R -/ #check @submodule.fst_inf_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M₂, M, R -/ #check @linear_equiv.prod_comm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, N, M -/ #check @linear_equiv.prod_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @linear_equiv.prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @linear_equiv.coe_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @linear_equiv.skew_prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @linear_equiv.skew_prod_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @linear_map.tailings_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @linear_map.tailings_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, i, f -/ -- linear_algebra/projection.lean #check @submodule.quotient_equiv_of_is_compl_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, q, p -/ #check @submodule.quotient_equiv_of_is_compl_apply_mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submodule.mk_quotient_equiv_of_is_compl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submodule.coe_prod_equiv_of_is_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @submodule.coe_prod_equiv_of_is_compl' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, q, p -/ #check @submodule.prod_equiv_of_is_compl_symm_apply_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, q, p -/ #check @submodule.prod_equiv_of_is_compl_symm_apply_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, q, p -/ #check @submodule.prod_equiv_of_is_compl_symm_apply_fst_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @submodule.prod_equiv_of_is_compl_symm_apply_snd_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.prod_comm_trans_prod_equiv_of_is_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, q, p -/ #check @submodule.linear_proj_of_is_compl_apply_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submodule.linear_proj_of_is_compl_idempotent /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h -/ #check @submodule.linear_proj_add_linear_proj_of_is_compl_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linear_map.of_is_compl_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @linear_map.of_is_compl_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @linear_map.of_is_compl_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @linear_map.of_is_compl_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, h -/ #check @linear_map.of_is_compl_prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, h -/ #check @linear_map.linear_proj_of_is_compl_of_proj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.equiv_prod_of_surjective_of_is_compl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submodule.coe_is_compl_equiv_proj_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @submodule.coe_is_compl_equiv_proj_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ -- linear_algebra/quadratic_form/basic.lean #check @quadratic_form.polar_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, g, f -/ #check @quadratic_form.polar_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @quadratic_form.polar_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, s, f -/ #check @quadratic_form.polar_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @quadratic_form.polar_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, g, f -/ #check @quadratic_form.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, a -/ #check @quadratic_form.map_add_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @quadratic_form.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @quadratic_form.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @quadratic_form.polar_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x', x -/ #check @quadratic_form.polar_smul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, a -/ #check @quadratic_form.polar_neg_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @quadratic_form.polar_sub_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x', x -/ #check @quadratic_form.polar_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y', y, x -/ #check @quadratic_form.polar_smul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, a -/ #check @quadratic_form.polar_neg_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @quadratic_form.polar_sub_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y', y, x -/ #check @quadratic_form.polar_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @quadratic_form.map_smul_of_tower /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, a, Q -/ #check @quadratic_form.polar_smul_left_of_tower /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, a, Q -/ #check @quadratic_form.polar_smul_right_of_tower /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, a, Q -/ #check @quadratic_form.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @quadratic_form.coe_fn_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q', Q -/ #check @quadratic_form.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, Q', Q -/ #check @quadratic_form.coe_fn_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q -/ #check @quadratic_form.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, Q -/ #check @quadratic_form.coe_fn_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q', Q -/ #check @quadratic_form.sub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, Q', Q -/ #check @quadratic_form.coe_fn_add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x -/ #check @quadratic_form.eval_add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, m -/ #check @quadratic_form.coe_fn_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, Q -/ #check @quadratic_form.sum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s, Q -/ #check @quadratic_form.coe_fn_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, a -/ #check @quadratic_form.smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, Q, a -/ #check @quadratic_form.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, Q -/ #check @linear_map.comp_quadratic_form_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, Q, f -/ #check @quadratic_form.lin_mul_lin_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @quadratic_form.add_lin_mul_lin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @quadratic_form.lin_mul_lin_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @quadratic_form.lin_mul_lin_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @quadratic_form.sq_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @quadratic_form.proj_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, j, i -/ #check @bilin_form.polar_to_quadratic_form /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @bilin_form.to_quadratic_form_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, B -/ #check @bilin_form.to_quadratic_form_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, R -/ #check @quadratic_form.associated_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, Q -/ #check @quadratic_form.associated_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Q, S -/ #check @quadratic_form.associated_to_quadratic_form /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, B -/ #check @quadratic_form.to_quadratic_form_associated /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q -/ #check @quadratic_form.associated_eq_self_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, Q -/ #check @quadratic_form.associated_lin_mul_lin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @quadratic_form.not_anisotropic_iff_exists /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q -/ #check @quadratic_form.to_matrix'_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, a -/ #check @quadratic_form.to_matrix'_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, Q -/ #check @quadratic_form.discr_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quadratic_form.discr_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @quadratic_form.isometry.to_linear_equiv_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @quadratic_form.isometry.coe_to_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @quadratic_form.isometry.map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @quadratic_form.basis_repr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, Q -/ #check @quadratic_form.weighted_sum_squares_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, w -/ #check @quadratic_form.basis_repr_eq_of_is_Ortho /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, Q -/ -- linear_algebra/quadratic_form/prod.lean #check @quadratic_form.prod_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, Q₂, Q₁ -/ #check @quadratic_form.isometry.prod_to_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @quadratic_form.pi_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, Q -/ #check @quadratic_form.isometry.pi_to_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ -- linear_algebra/quotient.lean #check @submodule.quotient.mk_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submodule.quotient.mk'_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submodule.quotient.quot_mk_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submodule.quotient.eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.quotient.mk_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.quotient.mk_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.quotient.mk_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.quotient.mk_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.quotient.mk_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.quotient.mk_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r, p -/ #check @submodule.quotient.restrict_scalars_equiv_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, P -/ #check @submodule.quotient.restrict_scalars_equiv_symm_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, P, S -/ #check @submodule.mkq_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @submodule.liftq_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @submodule.liftq_mkq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @submodule.range_mkq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.ker_mkq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.mkq_map_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.comap_map_mkq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p -/ #check @submodule.map_mkq_eq_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p -/ #check @submodule.mapq_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, q -/ #check @submodule.mapq_mkq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, q -/ #check @submodule.comap_liftq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, q, p -/ #check @submodule.map_liftq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, f, p -/ #check @submodule.ker_liftq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @submodule.range_liftq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @submodule.ker_liftq_eq_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.comap_mkq_embedding_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p -/ #check @linear_map.range_mkq_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @submodule.quot_equiv_of_eq_bot_apply_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @submodule.quot_equiv_of_eq_bot_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @submodule.coe_quot_equiv_of_eq_bot_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @submodule.quot_equiv_of_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p' -/ -- linear_algebra/sesquilinear_form.lean #check @linear_map.is_symm.eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @linear_map.is_alt.neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ -- linear_algebra/special_linear_group.lean #check @matrix.special_linear_group.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @matrix.special_linear_group.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.special_linear_group.coe_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.special_linear_group.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @matrix.special_linear_group.to_lin'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, A -/ #check @matrix.special_linear_group.to_lin'_to_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.special_linear_group.to_lin'_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, A -/ #check @matrix.special_linear_group.to_lin'_symm_to_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.special_linear_group.coe_to_GL /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.special_linear_group.map_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @matrix.special_linear_group.coe_matrix_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @matrix.special_linear_group.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @matrix.special_linear_group.coe_int_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @matrix.special_linear_group.coe_fn_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- linear_algebra/std_basis.lean #check @linear_map.std_basis_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, i, φ -/ #check @linear_map.coe_std_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, φ -/ #check @linear_map.std_basis_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @linear_map.std_basis_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, φ -/ #check @linear_map.std_basis_eq_pi_diag /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, φ, R -/ #check @linear_map.ker_std_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, φ, R -/ #check @linear_map.proj_comp_std_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, φ, R -/ #check @linear_map.proj_std_basis_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, φ, R -/ #check @linear_map.proj_std_basis_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, φ, R -/ #check @linear_map.supr_range_std_basis_eq_infi_ker_proj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, R -/ #check @linear_map.supr_range_std_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, R -/ #check @linear_map.std_basis_eq_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @pi.basis_repr_std_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, j -/ #check @pi.basis_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ji, s -/ #check @pi.basis_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ji, x, s -/ #check @pi.basis_fun_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, η, R -/ #check @pi.basis_fun_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x -/ #check @matrix.std_basis_eq_std_basis_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, R -/ -- linear_algebra/tensor_algebra/basic.lean #check @tensor_algebra.ring_quot_mk_alg_hom_free_algebra_ι_eq_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, R -/ #check @tensor_algebra.lift_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, R -/ #check @tensor_algebra.ι_comp_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @tensor_algebra.lift_ι_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @tensor_algebra.lift_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @tensor_algebra.lift_comp_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @tensor_algebra.algebra_map_inj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @tensor_algebra.algebra_map_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @tensor_algebra.algebra_map_eq_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @tensor_algebra.to_triv_sq_zero_ext_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @tensor_algebra.ι_inj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @tensor_algebra.ι_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @tensor_algebra.ι_eq_algebra_map_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x -/ #check @free_algebra.to_tensor_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ -- linear_algebra/tensor_product.lean #check @tensor_product.zero_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @tensor_product.add_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m₂, m₁ -/ #check @tensor_product.tmul_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N -/ #check @tensor_product.tmul_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n₂, n₁, m -/ #check @tensor_product.smul_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, r -/ #check @tensor_product.smul.aux_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, r -/ #check @tensor_product.smul_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, r -/ #check @tensor_product.one_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @tensor_product.add_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s, r -/ #check @tensor_product.smul_tmul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, r -/ #check @tensor_product.tmul_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, r -/ #check @tensor_product.mk_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @tensor_product.ite_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, x₂, x₁ -/ #check @tensor_product.tmul_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, x₂, x₁ -/ #check @tensor_product.sum_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, s -/ #check @tensor_product.tmul_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s, m -/ #check @tensor_product.span_tmul_eq_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, R -/ #check @tensor_product.lift_aux_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, f -/ #check @tensor_product.lift_aux.smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ #check @tensor_product.lift.tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @tensor_product.lift.tmul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @tensor_product.lift_compr₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @tensor_product.lift_mk_compr₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @tensor_product.uncurry_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, f -/ #check @tensor_product.lift.equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, f, P, N, M, R -/ #check @tensor_product.lift.equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, f, P, N, M, R -/ #check @tensor_product.lcurry_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, f -/ #check @tensor_product.curry_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, f -/ #check @tensor_product.lid_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, m -/ #check @tensor_product.lid_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @tensor_product.comm_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, N, M, R -/ #check @tensor_product.comm_symm_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, N, M, R -/ #check @tensor_product.rid_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, m -/ #check @tensor_product.rid_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @tensor_product.assoc_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, n, m -/ #check @tensor_product.assoc_symm_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, n, m -/ #check @tensor_product.map_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, g, f -/ #check @tensor_product.map_range_eq_span_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @tensor_product.map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₁, g₂, f₁, f₂ -/ #check @tensor_product.lift_comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, i -/ #check @tensor_product.map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₂, g₁, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @tensor_product.map_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, g, f -/ #check @tensor_product.congr_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, g, f -/ #check @tensor_product.congr_symm_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, g, f -/ #check @tensor_product.left_comm_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, n, m, R -/ #check @tensor_product.left_comm_symm_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, n, m, R -/ #check @tensor_product.tensor_tensor_tensor_comm_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, n, m, R -/ #check @tensor_product.tensor_tensor_tensor_comm_symm_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, n, m, R -/ #check @linear_map.ltensor_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, f, M -/ #check @linear_map.rtensor_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, f, M -/ #check @linear_map.coe_ltensor_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @linear_map.coe_rtensor_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @linear_map.ltensor_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, M -/ #check @linear_map.rtensor_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, M -/ #check @linear_map.ltensor_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @linear_map.rtensor_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @linear_map.ltensor_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r, M -/ #check @linear_map.rtensor_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r, M -/ #check @linear_map.ltensor_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, M -/ #check @linear_map.rtensor_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, M -/ #check @linear_map.ltensor_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, M -/ #check @linear_map.rtensor_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, M -/ #check @linear_map.ltensor_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M -/ #check @linear_map.rtensor_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M -/ #check @linear_map.ltensor_comp_rtensor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, M -/ #check @linear_map.rtensor_comp_ltensor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, M -/ #check @linear_map.map_comp_rtensor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f, M -/ #check @linear_map.map_comp_ltensor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', g, f, M -/ #check @linear_map.rtensor_comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, f', M -/ #check @linear_map.ltensor_comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, g', M -/ #check @linear_map.rtensor_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @linear_map.ltensor_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @tensor_product.neg.aux_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @tensor_product.neg_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @tensor_product.tmul_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @tensor_product.tmul_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n₂, n₁, m -/ #check @tensor_product.sub_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m₂, m₁ -/ #check @linear_map.ltensor_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_map.rtensor_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_map.ltensor_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.rtensor_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- linear_algebra/trace.lean #check @linear_map.trace_aux_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, b, R -/ #check @linear_map.trace_aux_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @linear_map.trace_eq_matrix_trace_of_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, R -/ #check @linear_map.trace_eq_matrix_trace /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, R -/ #check @linear_map.trace_mul_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, R -/ #check @linear_map.trace_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, R -/ #check @linear_map.trace_conj' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, R -/ #check @linear_map.trace_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ -- linear_algebra/unitary_group.lean #check @matrix.unitary_group.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @matrix.unitary_group.inv_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.unitary_group.inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.unitary_group.mul_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @matrix.unitary_group.mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @matrix.unitary_group.to_lin'_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @matrix.unitary_group.coe_to_GL /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @matrix.unitary_group.to_GL_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ -- linear_algebra/vandermonde.lean #check @matrix.vandermonde_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, v -/ #check @matrix.vandermonde_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, v0 -/ #check @matrix.vandermonde_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @matrix.vandermonde_mul_vandermonde_transpose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, w, v -/ #check @matrix.vandermonde_transpose_mul_vandermonde /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, v -/ #check @matrix.det_vandermonde /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ -- logic/basic.lean #check @coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @coe_fn_coe_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @coe_fn_coe_trans' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @coe_fn_coe_base /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @coe_fn_coe_base' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @coe_sort_coe_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @coe_sort_coe_base /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @xor_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @and_and_and_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, b, a -/ #check @iff_mpr_iff_true_intro /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @not_xor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P -/ #check @xor_iff_not_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Q, P -/ #check @eq_rec_constant /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @eq_mp_eq_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @eq_mpr_eq_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @cast_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, hb, ha -/ #check @congr_refl_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, f -/ #check @congr_refl_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, h -/ #check @congr_arg_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @congr_fun_rfl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @congr_fun_congr_arg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, p, f -/ #check @congr_arg2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @exists_true_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @forall_true_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @dite_eq_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, P -/ #check @apply_dite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, P, f -/ #check @apply_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, P, f -/ #check @apply_dite2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, b, a, P, f -/ #check @apply_ite2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, b, a, P, f -/ #check @dite_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f, P -/ #check @ite_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f, P -/ #check @dite_not /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, P -/ #check @ite_not /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, P -/ #check @ite_and /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, Q, P -/ -- logic/embedding.lean #check @equiv.to_embedding_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @equiv.coe_eq_to_embedding /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @equiv.as_embedding_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, e -/ #check @function.embedding.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.embedding.coe_fn_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.embedding.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.embedding.apply_eq_iff_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @function.embedding.refl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @function.embedding.trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g, f -/ #check @function.embedding.congr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @function.embedding.set_value_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @function.embedding.coe_with_top_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @function.embedding.option_elim_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o, x, f -/ #check @function.embedding.coe_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @function.embedding.cod_restrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, H, f, p -/ #check @function.embedding.coe_prod_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @function.embedding.coe_sum_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @function.embedding.inl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: val -/ #check @function.embedding.inr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: val -/ #check @function.embedding.sigma_mk_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: snd, a -/ #check @function.embedding.sigma_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @function.embedding.Pi_congr_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, e -/ #check @function.embedding.arrow_congr_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e -/ #check @function.embedding.image_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @function.embedding.swap_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x, f -/ #check @function.embedding.swap_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @equiv.embedding_congr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, h', h -/ #check @equiv.embedding_congr_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂', e₂, e₁', e₁ -/ #check @equiv.embedding_congr_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @equiv.embedding_congr_apply_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, ec, ea -/ #check @equiv.trans_to_embedding /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e -/ #check @set.embedding_of_subset_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h, t, s -/ #check @subtype_or_left_embedding_apply_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @subtype_or_left_embedding_apply_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @subtype.imp_embedding_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @subtype_or_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, q, p -/ #check @subtype_or_equiv_symm_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, q, p -/ #check @subtype_or_equiv_symm_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, q, p -/ -- logic/function/basic.lean #check @function.eval_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, x -/ #check @function.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @function.injective.of_comp_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @function.injective.of_comp_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.surjective.of_comp_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.surjective.of_comp_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @function.bijective_iff_exists_unique /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.bijective.of_comp_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.bijective.of_comp_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @function.is_partial_inv_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @function.partial_inv_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @function.surj_inv_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @function.update_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, b, a', f -/ #check @function.update_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @function.update_noteq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.forall_update_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @function.exists_update_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @function.update_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.update_comp_eq_of_forall_ne' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @function.update_comp_eq_of_forall_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @function.update_comp_eq_of_injective' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, i, g -/ #check @function.update_comp_eq_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, i, g -/ #check @function.apply_update /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, v, i, g, f -/ #check @function.apply_update₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, w, v, i, h, g, f -/ #check @function.comp_update /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, i, g, f -/ #check @function.update_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, w, v -/ #check @function.update_idem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, w -/ #check @function.extend_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, e', g, f -/ #check @function.extend_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g -/ #check @function.extend_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, e' -/ #check @function.apply_extend /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, e', g, F -/ #check @function.extend_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @function.uncurry_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.uncurry_apply_pair /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @function.curry_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @function.uncurry_bicompr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @function.uncurry_bicompl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @function.involutive.ite_not /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, P -/ #check @function.sometimes_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @eq_rec_inj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @is_symm_op.flip_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: op -/ -- logic/function/conjugate.lean #check @function.semiconj.eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @function.semiconj₂.eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ -- logic/function/iterate.lean #check @function.iterate_zero_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @function.iterate_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @function.iterate_succ_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n, f -/ #check @function.iterate_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, f -/ #check @function.iterate_add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n, m, f -/ #check @function.iterate_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.iterate_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, f -/ #check @function.commute.iterate_eq_of_map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @function.commute.comp_iterate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @function.iterate_succ' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @function.iterate_succ_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n, f -/ #check @function.iterate_pred_comp_of_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.comp_iterate_pred_of_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @function.iterate.rec_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ha -/ #check @function.iterate_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, f -/ -- logic/is_empty.lean #check @function.extend_of_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ -- logic/nontrivial.lean #check @subtype.nontrivial_iff_exists_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- logic/relation.lean #check @symmetric.iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @relation.refl_trans_gen.cases_tail_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, a, r -/ #check @relation.refl_gen_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, a, r -/ #check @relation.trans_gen_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, a, r -/ -- logic/unique.lean #check @unique.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @fin.default_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pi.default_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- measure_theory/category/Meas.lean #check @Meas.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ -- measure_theory/constructions/borel_space.lean #check @borel_eq_generate_from_Iio /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @borel_eq_generate_from_Ioi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @borel_eq_generate_from_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @borel_eq_generate_from_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @homeomorph.to_measurable_equiv_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @homeomorph.to_measurable_equiv_symm_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @measure_eq_measure_preimage_add_measure_tsum_Ico_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ -- measure_theory/constructions/pi.lean #check @measure_theory.measure.tprod_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, l, i -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.tprod_tprod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, μ, l -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.pi'_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.pi_pi_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.pi'_eq_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.pi_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.pi_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.pi_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.pi_closed_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.map_pi_equiv_pi_subtype_prod_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.map_pi_equiv_pi_subtype_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.volume_pi_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.volume_pi_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @measure_theory.volume_pi_closed_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- measure_theory/constructions/prod.lean #check @measure_theory.measure.volume_eq_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.prod_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.prod_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.restrict_prod_eq_prod_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.prod_dirac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.dirac_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.prod_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ν -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.sum_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.prod_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ν' -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.add_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ' -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_prod_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_prod_of_measurable /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_prod_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_prod_symm' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_prod_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_fn_integral_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_fn_integral_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_fn_integral_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_prod_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.set_integral_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- measure_theory/covering/vitali_family.lean #check @vitali_family.mem_filter_at_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @vitali_family.eventually_filter_at_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @vitali_family.frequently_filter_at_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ -- measure_theory/decomposition/jordan.lean #check @measure_theory.jordan_decomposition.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @measure_theory.jordan_decomposition.neg_pos_part /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @measure_theory.jordan_decomposition.neg_neg_part /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @measure_theory.jordan_decomposition.smul_pos_part /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, j -/ #check @measure_theory.jordan_decomposition.smul_neg_part /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, j -/ #check @measure_theory.jordan_decomposition.real_smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, r -/ #check @measure_theory.jordan_decomposition.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, j -/ #check @measure_theory.jordan_decomposition.real_smul_nonneg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, j -/ #check @measure_theory.jordan_decomposition.real_smul_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, j -/ #check @measure_theory.jordan_decomposition.real_smul_pos_part_nonneg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, j -/ #check @measure_theory.jordan_decomposition.real_smul_neg_part_nonneg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, j -/ #check @measure_theory.jordan_decomposition.real_smul_pos_part_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, j -/ #check @measure_theory.jordan_decomposition.real_smul_neg_part_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, j -/ #check @measure_theory.jordan_decomposition.to_signed_measure_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @measure_theory.jordan_decomposition.to_signed_measure_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, j -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.to_signed_measure_to_jordan_decomposition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.jordan_decomposition.to_jordan_decomposition_to_signed_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.to_jordan_decomposition_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, α -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.to_jordan_decomposition_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, α -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.to_jordan_decomposition_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.to_jordan_decomposition_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, s -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.to_jordan_decomposition_smul_real /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, s -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.total_variation_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.absolutely_continuous_ennreal_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, s -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.total_variation_absolutely_continuous_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, s -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.mutually_singular_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.mutually_singular_ennreal_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, s -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.total_variation_mutually_singular_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, s -/ -- measure_theory/decomposition/lebesgue.lean #check @measure_theory.measure.have_lebesgue_decomposition_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.singular_part_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, ν, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.singular_part_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ν, μ₂, μ₁ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.lebesgue_decomposition.supr_succ_eq_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, m, f -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.not_have_lebesgue_decomposition_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, s -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.singular_part_total_variation /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, s -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.singular_part_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, s -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.singular_part_smul_nnreal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, μ, s -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.singular_part_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, μ, s -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.singular_part_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, t, s -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.singular_part_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, t, s -/ -- measure_theory/decomposition/radon_nikodym.lean #check @measure_theory.measure.with_density_rn_deriv_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.with_densityᵥ_rn_deriv_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.absolutely_continuous_iff_with_densityᵥ_rn_deriv_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, s -/ -- measure_theory/function/ae_eq_fun.lean #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.quot_mk_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf, f -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.mk_coe_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.comp_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf, f, hg, g -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.comp_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, hg, g -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.pair_mk_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hg, g, hf, f -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.pair_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.comp₂_mk_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf₂, hf₁, f₂, f₁, hg, g -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.comp₂_eq_pair /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁, hg, g -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.comp₂_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁, hg, g -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.mk_to_germ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.to_germ_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.comp_to_germ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.comp₂_to_germ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁, g -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.mk_add_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hg, hf, g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.mk_mul_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hg, hf, g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.add_to_germ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.mul_to_germ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.inv_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf, f -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.neg_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf, f -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.inv_to_germ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.neg_to_germ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.mk_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hg, hf, g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.mk_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hg, hf, g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.div_to_germ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.sub_to_germ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.smul_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf, f, c -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.smul_to_germ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.lintegral_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.lintegral_coe_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.lintegral_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_eq_fun.pos_part_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf, f -/ -- measure_theory/function/ae_eq_of_integral.lean #check @measure_theory.ae_const_le_iff_forall_lt_measure_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, f -/ -- measure_theory/function/ae_measurable_sequence.lean #check @ae_seq.mk_eq_fun_of_mem_ae_seq_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @ae_seq.ae_seq_eq_mk_of_mem_ae_seq_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, hf -/ #check @ae_seq.ae_seq_eq_fun_of_mem_ae_seq_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ -- measure_theory/function/conditional_expectation.lean #check @measure_theory.Lp_meas_subgroup_to_Lp_trim_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, hm -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp_meas_subgroup_to_Lp_trim_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, hm -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp_meas_subgroup_to_Lp_trim_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, hm -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp_meas_to_Lp_trim_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c, hm -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp_meas_subgroup_to_Lp_trim_norm_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.inner_condexp_L2_left_eq_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hm -/ #check @measure_theory.condexp_L2_indicator_of_measurable /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, hμs, hs, hm -/ #check @measure_theory.inner_condexp_L2_eq_inner_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_condexp_L2_eq_of_fin_meas_real /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_condexp_L2_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.condexp_L2_indicator_eq_to_span_singleton_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hμs, hs, hm, 𝕜 -/ #check @measure_theory.condexp_ind_smul_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, hμs, hs -/ #check @measure_theory.condexp_ind_smul_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, hμs, hs -/ #check @measure_theory.condexp_ind_smul_smul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, hμs, hs -/ #check @measure_theory.set_integral_condexp_ind_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @measure_theory.condexp_ind_L1_fin_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, hμs, hs -/ #check @measure_theory.condexp_ind_L1_fin_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, hμs, hs -/ #check @measure_theory.condexp_ind_L1_fin_smul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, hμs, hs -/ #check @measure_theory.condexp_ind_L1_fin_disjoint_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hμt, hμs, ht, hs -/ #check @measure_theory.condexp_ind_L1_of_measurable_set_of_measure_ne_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @measure_theory.condexp_ind_L1_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @measure_theory.condexp_ind_L1_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c -/ #check @measure_theory.condexp_ind_L1_smul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c -/ #check @measure_theory.condexp_ind_L1_disjoint_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @measure_theory.condexp_ind_smul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c -/ #check @measure_theory.condexp_ind_disjoint_union_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @measure_theory.set_integral_condexp_ind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @measure_theory.condexp_ind_of_measurable /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measure_theory.condexp_L1_clm_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @measure_theory.condexp_L1_clm_indicator_const_Lp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @measure_theory.condexp_L1_clm_indicator_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @measure_theory.set_integral_condexp_L1_clm_of_measure_ne_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.set_integral_condexp_L1_clm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp_meas_to_Lp_trim_lie_symm_indicator /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, hμs, hs -/ #check @measure_theory.condexp_L1_clm_Lp_meas /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.condexp_L1_clm_of_ae_measurable' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.condexp_L1_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.condexp_L1_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @measure_theory.condexp_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ -- measure_theory/function/continuous_map_dense.lean #check @measure_theory.Lp.bounded_continuous_function_dense /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, E -/ -- measure_theory/function/ess_sup.lean #check @ess_sup_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @ess_inf_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @order_iso.ess_sup_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, μ, f -/ #check @order_iso.ess_inf_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, μ, f -/ -- measure_theory/function/l1_space.lean #check @measure_theory.lintegral_nnnorm_eq_lintegral_edist /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_norm_eq_lintegral_edist /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.has_finite_integral_iff_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.has_finite_integral_iff_edist /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.has_finite_integral_norm_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.has_finite_integral_smul_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.integrable_map_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.integrable_smul_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.edist_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.dist_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.norm_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.norm_sub_eq_lintegral /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.of_real_norm_eq_lintegral /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.of_real_norm_sub_eq_lintegral /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.integrable.to_L1_coe_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.integrable.to_L1_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf, f -/ #check @measure_theory.integrable.to_L1_eq_to_L1_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.integrable.to_L1_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hg, hf, g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.integrable.to_L1_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf, f -/ #check @measure_theory.integrable.to_L1_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hg, hf, g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.integrable.norm_to_L1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.integrable.norm_to_L1_eq_lintegral_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.integrable.edist_to_L1_to_L1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.integrable.edist_to_L1_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.integrable.to_L1_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, hf, f -/ #check @measure_theory.integrable.to_L1_smul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, hf, f -/ -- measure_theory/function/l2_space.lean #check @measure_theory.L2.inner_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.L2.integral_inner_eq_sq_snorm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L2.inner_indicator_const_Lp_eq_set_integral_inner /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, f, 𝕜 -/ #check @measure_theory.L2.inner_indicator_const_Lp_eq_inner_set_integral /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c, 𝕜 -/ #check @measure_theory.L2.inner_indicator_const_Lp_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.bounded_continuous_function.inner_to_Lp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.continuous_map.inner_to_Lp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, μ -/ -- measure_theory/function/lp_order.lean #check @measure_theory.Lp.coe_fn_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.coe_fn_nonneg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- measure_theory/function/lp_space.lean #check @measure_theory.snorm'_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measure_theory.snorm'_const' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measure_theory.snorm_ess_sup_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measure_theory.snorm'_const_of_is_probability_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measure_theory.snorm_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measure_theory.snorm_const' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measure_theory.snorm_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.snorm'_norm_rpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, f -/ #check @measure_theory.snorm_norm_rpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.snorm'_smul_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measure_theory.snorm_smul_measure_of_ne_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measure_theory.snorm_one_smul_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measure_theory.snorm'_const_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measure_theory.snorm_ess_sup_const_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measure_theory.snorm_const_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measure_theory.mem_ℒp.to_Lp_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hg, hf -/ #check @measure_theory.mem_ℒp.to_Lp_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf -/ #check @measure_theory.mem_ℒp.to_Lp_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hg, hf -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.to_Lp_coe_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.norm_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.norm_to_Lp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.dist_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.edist_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.edist_to_Lp_to_Lp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.edist_to_Lp_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.norm_const_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @measure_theory.mem_ℒp.to_Lp_const_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf, c -/ #check @measure_theory.snorm_ess_sup_indicator_const_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measure_theory.indicator_const_Lp_disjoint_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, hμt, hμs, ht, hs -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.add_comp_Lp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, L', L -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.smul_comp_Lp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, L, c -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.add_comp_LpL /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L', L -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.smul_comp_LpL /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, c -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.smul_comp_LpL_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, L, c -/ #check @measure_theory.indicator_const_Lp_eq_to_span_singleton_comp_Lp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hμs, hs -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.coe_pos_part /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.tendsto_Lp_iff_tendsto_ℒp' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f_lim, f -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.tendsto_Lp_iff_tendsto_ℒp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f_lim, f -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.tendsto_Lp_iff_tendsto_ℒp'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f_lim, f -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.cauchy_seq_Lp_iff_cauchy_seq_ℒp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.range_to_Lp_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, p -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.range_to_Lp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, p -/ #check @continuous_map.range_to_Lp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, p -/ #check @continuous_map.to_Lp_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, μ -/ #check @continuous_map.to_Lp_comp_to_continuous_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, μ -/ #check @continuous_map.coe_to_Lp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, μ -/ #check @continuous_map.to_Lp_norm_eq_to_Lp_norm_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ -- measure_theory/function/simple_func_dense.lean #check @measure_theory.simple_func.nearest_pt_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.nearest_pt_ind_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, N, e -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.approx_on_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, h₀, hg, hf -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.snorm'_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, f -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.simple_func.coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.simple_func.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.simple_func.to_Lp_eq_to_Lp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf, f -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.simple_func.to_Lp_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.simple_func.to_Lp_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hg, hf, g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.simple_func.to_Lp_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf, f -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.simple_func.to_Lp_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hg, hf, g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.simple_func.to_Lp_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, hf, f -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.simple_func.norm_to_Lp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.simple_func.to_Lp_to_simple_func /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.simple_func.norm_to_simple_func /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.simple_func.coe_indicator_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, hμs, hs -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.simple_func.coe_fn_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp.simple_func.coe_fn_nonneg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.to_Lp_one_eq_to_L1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf, f -/ -- measure_theory/function/strongly_measurable.lean #check @measure_theory.ae_fin_strongly_measurable_iff_ae_measurable /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ -- measure_theory/group/action.lean #check @measure_theory.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.map_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure_preimage_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure_preimage_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure_smul_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure_vadd_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, μ -/ -- measure_theory/group/basic.lean #check @measure_theory.is_add_left_invariant.measure_preimage_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @measure_theory.is_mul_left_invariant.measure_preimage_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.neg_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.inv_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_add_left_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_mul_left_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_mul_right_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_add_right_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.add_haar_preimage_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.haar_preimage_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.add_haar_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.haar_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.add_haar_preimage_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.haar_preimage_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, μ -/ -- measure_theory/group/fundamental_domain.lean #check @measure_theory.is_fundamental_domain.lintegral_eq_tsum_of_ac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.is_add_fundamental_domain.lintegral_eq_tsum_of_ac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.is_add_fundamental_domain.set_lintegral_eq_tsum' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, f -/ #check @measure_theory.is_fundamental_domain.set_lintegral_eq_tsum' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, f -/ #check @measure_theory.is_fundamental_domain.set_lintegral_eq_tsum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, f -/ #check @measure_theory.is_add_fundamental_domain.set_lintegral_eq_tsum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, f -/ #check @measure_theory.is_fundamental_domain.measure_eq_tsum_of_ac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @measure_theory.is_add_fundamental_domain.measure_eq_tsum_of_ac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @measure_theory.is_add_fundamental_domain.measure_eq_tsum' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @measure_theory.is_fundamental_domain.measure_eq_tsum' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @measure_theory.is_fundamental_domain.measure_eq_tsum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @measure_theory.is_add_fundamental_domain.measure_eq_tsum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @measure_theory.is_fundamental_domain.set_lintegral_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.is_add_fundamental_domain.set_lintegral_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- measure_theory/group/measurable_equiv.lean #check @measurable_equiv.vadd_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measurable_equiv.vadd_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measurable_equiv.smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measurable_equiv.smul_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measurable_equiv.symm_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measurable_equiv.symm_vadd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measurable_equiv.symm_smul₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hc -/ #check @measurable_equiv.coe_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @measurable_equiv.coe_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @measurable_equiv.symm_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @measurable_equiv.symm_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @measurable_equiv.to_equiv_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @measurable_equiv.to_equiv_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @measurable_equiv.coe_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @measurable_equiv.coe_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @measurable_equiv.symm_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @measurable_equiv.symm_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @measurable_equiv.to_equiv_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @measurable_equiv.to_equiv_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @measurable_equiv.symm_mul_left₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hg -/ #check @measurable_equiv.to_equiv_mul_left₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hg -/ #check @measurable_equiv.symm_mul_right₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hg -/ #check @measurable_equiv.to_equiv_mul_right₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hg -/ #check @measurable_equiv.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @measurable_equiv.neg_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @measurable_equiv.inv_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @measurable_equiv.inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @measurable_equiv.inv₀_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G₀ -/ #check @measurable_equiv.inv₀_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G₀ -/ -- measure_theory/group/prod.lean #check @measure_theory.lintegral_lintegral_add_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_lintegral_mul_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.measure_lintegral_sub_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.measure_lintegral_div_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- measure_theory/integral/bochner.lean #check @measure_theory.weighted_smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.weighted_smul_add_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ν, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.weighted_smul_smul_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.weighted_smul_union' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @measure_theory.weighted_smul_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @measure_theory.weighted_smul_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s, c -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.pos_part_map_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.neg_part_map_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.pos_part_sub_neg_part /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.integral_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.integral_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.integral_eq_sum_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.integral_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.integral_piecewise_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.map_integral /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.integral_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.integral_add_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.norm_eq_integral /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.coe_pos_part /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.coe_neg_part /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.integral_eq_integral /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.integral_eq_set_to_L1s /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.integral_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.integral_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.integral_eq_norm_pos_part_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.integral_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.integral_eq_set_to_L1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.integral_L1_eq_integral /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.integral_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.integral_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.integral_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.integral_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.integral_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.integral_eq_norm_pos_part_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_eq_set_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.integral_eq_integral /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_zero' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_finset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_neg' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_coe_eq_integral /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.norm_eq_integral_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.integral_eq_integral /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.integral_eq_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_smul_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, f -/ #check @measurable_embedding.integral_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @closed_embedding.integral_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_map_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e -/ #check @measure_theory.measure_preserving.integral_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @measure_theory.set_integral_eq_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_dirac' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_dirac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.coe_to_larger_space_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_simple_func_larger_space /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_trim_simple_func /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- measure_theory/integral/circle_integral.lean #check @circle_map_sub_center /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: θ, R -/ #check @abs_circle_map_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @range_circle_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, c -/ #check @image_circle_map_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, c -/ #check @circle_map_zero_radius /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @deriv_circle_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: θ, R -/ #check @circle_integral.integral_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, c, f, a -/ #check @circle_integral.integral_smul_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, c, a, f -/ #check @circle_integral.integral_const_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, c, f, a -/ #check @cauchy_power_series_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, n, R, c, f -/ -- measure_theory/integral/divergence_theorem.lean #check @measure_theory.integral_divergence_of_has_fderiv_within_at_off_countable_aux₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_divergence_of_has_fderiv_within_at_off_countable_aux₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_divergence_of_has_fderiv_within_at_off_countable /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_divergence_of_has_fderiv_within_at_off_countable' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_divergence_of_has_fderiv_within_at_off_countable_of_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_divergence_prod_Icc_of_has_fderiv_within_at_off_countable_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @measure_theory.integral2_divergence_prod_of_has_fderiv_within_at_off_countable /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b₂, b₁, a₂, a₁ -/ -- measure_theory/integral/integrable_on.lean #check @measure_theory.integrable_on_map_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ -- measure_theory/integral/interval_integral.lean #check @interval_integral.integral_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @interval_integral.interval_integral_eq_integral_interval_oc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, b, a, f -/ #check @interval_integral.norm_integral_min_max /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @interval_integral.norm_integral_eq_norm_integral_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @interval_integral.abs_integral_eq_abs_integral_interval_oc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @interval_integral.integral_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r -/ #check @interval_integral.integral_smul_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, f -/ #check @interval_integral.integral_const_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r -/ #check @interval_integral.integral_mul_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r -/ #check @interval_integral.integral_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r -/ #check @interval_integral.integral_const' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @interval_integral.integral_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @interval_integral.integral_smul_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.interval_integral_comp_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @interval_integral.integral_comp_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @interval_integral.smul_integral_comp_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, f -/ #check @interval_integral.integral_comp_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @interval_integral.smul_integral_comp_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, f -/ #check @interval_integral.integral_comp_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @interval_integral.inv_smul_integral_comp_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, f -/ #check @interval_integral.integral_comp_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, f -/ #check @interval_integral.integral_comp_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, f -/ #check @interval_integral.integral_comp_mul_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, f -/ #check @interval_integral.smul_integral_comp_mul_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, f -/ #check @interval_integral.integral_comp_add_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, f -/ #check @interval_integral.smul_integral_comp_add_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, f -/ #check @interval_integral.integral_comp_div_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, f -/ #check @interval_integral.inv_smul_integral_comp_div_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, f -/ #check @interval_integral.integral_comp_add_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, f -/ #check @interval_integral.inv_smul_integral_comp_add_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, f -/ #check @interval_integral.integral_comp_mul_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, f -/ #check @interval_integral.smul_integral_comp_mul_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, f -/ #check @interval_integral.integral_comp_sub_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, f -/ #check @interval_integral.smul_integral_comp_sub_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, f -/ #check @interval_integral.integral_comp_div_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, f -/ #check @interval_integral.inv_smul_integral_comp_div_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, f -/ #check @interval_integral.integral_comp_sub_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, f -/ #check @interval_integral.inv_smul_integral_comp_sub_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, f -/ #check @interval_integral.integral_comp_sub_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, f -/ #check @interval_integral.integral_comp_sub_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, f -/ #check @interval_integral.integral_comp_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @interval_integral.integral_const_of_cdf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ -- measure_theory/integral/lebesgue.lean #check @measure_theory.simple_func.coe_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.preimage_eq_empty_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.const_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.coe_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.range_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.sum_measure_preimage_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.sum_range_measure_preimage_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.coe_piecewise /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.piecewise_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.piecewise_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, hs -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.piecewise_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.piecewise_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.support_indicator /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.range_indicator /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.bind_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, g -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, h, g -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.coe_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.range_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.map_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, g -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.map_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.map_preimage_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.extend_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f₁ -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.extend_comp_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₁ -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.extend_comp_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₁ -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.seq_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.pair_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.pair_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.pair_preimage_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.bind_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.sup_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.add_eq_map₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.mul_eq_map₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.sup_eq_map₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.const_mul_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁ -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.sub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, k -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.smul_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, k -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.finset_sup_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, s -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.coe_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.restrict_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.map_restrict_of_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.map_coe_ennreal_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.map_coe_nnreal_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.restrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.restrict_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.restrict_preimage_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.approx_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.approx_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.supr_approx_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, i -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.ennreal_rat_embed_encode /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.supr_eapprox_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.sum_eapprox_diff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.tsum_eapprox_diff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.lintegral_eq_of_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.lintegral_eq_of_subset' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.map_lintegral /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.add_lintegral /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.const_mul_lintegral /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.lintegral_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.lintegral_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.lintegral_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.restrict_lintegral /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.lintegral_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, s, f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.restrict_lintegral_eq_lintegral_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.const_lintegral /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.const_lintegral_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, c -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.restrict_const_lintegral /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.lintegral_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.support_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.lintegral_eq_lintegral /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, f -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measure_theory.set_lintegral_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, s -/ #check @measure_theory.set_lintegral_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_eq_nnreal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, f -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_smul_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_sum_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, f -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_add_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ν, μ, f -/ #check @measure_theory.set_lintegral_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_finset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_const_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_const_mul'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_const_mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_mul_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_mul_const'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_mul_const' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_rw₁ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_rw₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_indicator /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.set_lintegral_eq_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_add_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measurable_embedding.lintegral_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_map_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.measure_preserving.lintegral_comp_emb /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.measure_preserving.set_lintegral_comp_preimage_emb /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @measure_theory.measure_preserving.set_lintegral_comp_emb /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_dirac' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_dirac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_encodable /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, f -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_count /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.with_density_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.with_density_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @measure_theory.with_density_smul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r -/ #check @measure_theory.with_density_indicator /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.restrict_with_density /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.lintegral_with_density_eq_lintegral_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.with_density_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.set_lintegral_with_density_eq_set_lintegral_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ -- measure_theory/integral/mean_inequalities.lean #check @ennreal.fun_eq_fun_mul_inv_snorm_mul_snorm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- measure_theory/integral/set_integral.lean #check @measure_theory.integral_finset_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @measure_theory.set_integral_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_indicator_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @measure_theory.set_integral_indicator_const_Lp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @measure_theory.integral_indicator_const_Lp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @measurable_embedding.set_integral_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, g -/ #check @closed_embedding.set_integral_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.measure_preserving.set_integral_preimage_emb /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, g -/ #check @measure_theory.measure_preserving.set_integral_image_emb /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, g -/ #check @measure_theory.set_integral_map_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, e -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp_to_Lp_restrict_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.Lp_to_Lp_restrict_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, c -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.integral_comp_Lp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, L -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.set_integral_comp_Lp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, L -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.integral_comp_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.integral_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.integral_comp_comm' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, L -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.integral_comp_L1_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, L -/ #check @linear_isometry.integral_comp_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, L -/ #check @integral_smul_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, f -/ #check @integral_inner /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ -- measure_theory/integral/set_to_l1.lean #check @measure_theory.fin_meas_additive.map_Union_fin_meas_set_eq_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sι, S, T -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.set_to_simple_func_eq_sum_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, T -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.map_set_to_simple_func /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.set_to_simple_func_congr' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.set_to_simple_func_congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.set_to_simple_func_congr_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.set_to_simple_func_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T', T -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.set_to_simple_func_smul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c, T -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.set_to_simple_func_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.set_to_simple_func_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.set_to_simple_func_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.set_to_simple_func_smul_real /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, T -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.set_to_simple_func_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, T -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.set_to_simple_func_indicator /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, T -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.set_to_simple_func_const' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, T -/ #check @measure_theory.simple_func.set_to_simple_func_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, T -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.norm_eq_sum_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.set_to_L1s_eq_set_to_simple_func /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, T -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.set_to_L1s_congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.set_to_L1s_congr_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.set_to_L1s_congr_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.set_to_L1s_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, T', T -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.set_to_L1s_add_left' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.set_to_L1s_smul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c, T -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.set_to_L1s_smul_left' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.set_to_L1s_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, T -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.set_to_L1s_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.set_to_L1s_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.set_to_L1s_smul_real /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c, T -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.set_to_L1s_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c, T -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.set_to_L1s_indicator_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.set_to_L1s_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.set_to_L1s_clm_congr_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.set_to_L1s_clm_congr_left' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.set_to_L1s_clm_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, hT', hT -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.set_to_L1s_clm_add_left' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.set_to_L1s_clm_smul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, hT, c -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.set_to_L1s_clm_smul_left' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.simple_func.set_to_L1s_clm_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.set_to_L1_eq_set_to_L1s_clm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, hT -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.set_to_L1_eq_set_to_L1' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, hT -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.set_to_L1_congr_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.set_to_L1_congr_left' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.set_to_L1_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, hT', hT -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.set_to_L1_add_left' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.set_to_L1_smul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c, hT -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.set_to_L1_smul_left' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.set_to_L1_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c, hT -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.set_to_L1_simple_func_indicator_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.set_to_L1_indicator_const_Lp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.set_to_L1_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @measure_theory.set_to_fun_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hT -/ #check @measure_theory.L1.set_to_fun_eq_set_to_L1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, hT -/ #check @measure_theory.set_to_fun_congr_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.set_to_fun_congr_left' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.set_to_fun_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, hT', hT -/ #check @measure_theory.set_to_fun_add_left' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.set_to_fun_smul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c, hT -/ #check @measure_theory.set_to_fun_smul_left' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.set_to_fun_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hT -/ #check @measure_theory.set_to_fun_finset_sum' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, hT -/ #check @measure_theory.set_to_fun_finset_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, hT -/ #check @measure_theory.set_to_fun_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, hT -/ #check @measure_theory.set_to_fun_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hT -/ #check @measure_theory.set_to_fun_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c, hT -/ #check @measure_theory.set_to_fun_congr_ae /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hT -/ #check @measure_theory.set_to_fun_to_L1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hT -/ #check @measure_theory.set_to_fun_indicator_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @measure_theory.set_to_fun_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @measure_theory.set_to_fun_congr_measure_of_integrable /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.set_to_fun_congr_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.set_to_fun_congr_measure_of_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.set_to_fun_congr_measure_of_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.set_to_fun_congr_smul_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- measure_theory/measurable_space.lean #check @measurable_equiv.coe_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @measurable_equiv.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @measurable_equiv.coe_to_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @measurable_equiv.symm_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h2, h1, e -/ #check @measurable_equiv.refl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @measurable_equiv.trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, bc, ab -/ #check @measurable_equiv.trans_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: bc, ab -/ #check @measurable_equiv.refl_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @measurable_equiv.symm_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @measurable_equiv.apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @measurable_equiv.symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @measurable_equiv.symm_preimage_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measurable_equiv.image_eq_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @measurable_equiv.pi_measurable_equiv_tprod_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @measurable_equiv.pi_measurable_equiv_tprod_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, hnd -/ #check @measurable_equiv.fun_unique_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @measurable_equiv.fun_unique_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @measurable_equiv.fun_unique_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @measurable_equiv.pi_fin_two_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @measurable_equiv.pi_fin_two_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @measurable_equiv.pi_fin_two_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @measurable_set.mem_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @measurable_set.coe_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @measurable_set.coe_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measurable_set.coe_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @measurable_set.coe_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @measurable_set.coe_sdiff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ -- measure_theory/measurable_space_def.lean #check @measurable_space.generate_from_le_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ -- measure_theory/measure/complex.lean #check @measure_theory.complex_measure.re_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @measure_theory.complex_measure.im_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.to_complex_measure_apply_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, t -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.to_complex_measure_apply_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, s -/ #check @measure_theory.complex_measure.to_complex_measure_to_signed_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.re_to_complex_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.im_to_complex_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @measure_theory.complex_measure.equiv_signed_measure_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: _x -/ #check @measure_theory.complex_measure.equiv_signed_measure_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measure_theory.complex_measure.equiv_signed_measureₗ_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @measure_theory.complex_measure.equiv_signed_measureₗ_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @measure_theory.complex_measure.absolutely_continuous_ennreal_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, c -/ -- measure_theory/measure/content.lean #check @measure_theory.content.apply_eq_coe_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.content.sup_disjoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K₂, K₁, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.content.inner_content_of_is_compact /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.content.inner_content_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.content.is_add_left_invariant_inner_content /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.content.is_mul_left_invariant_inner_content /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.content.outer_measure_opens /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.content.outer_measure_of_is_open /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.content.outer_measure_eq_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.content.outer_measure_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.content.is_add_left_invariant_outer_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.content.is_mul_left_invariant_outer_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.content.outer_measure_caratheodory /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.content.measure_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ -- measure_theory/measure/finite_measure_weak_convergence.lean #check @measure_theory.finite_measure.coe_fn_eq_to_nnreal_coe_fn_to_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ν -/ #check @measure_theory.finite_measure.ennreal_coe_fn_eq_coe_fn_to_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, ν -/ #check @measure_theory.finite_measure.val_eq_to_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ν -/ #check @measure_theory.finite_measure.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ν, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.finite_measure.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, c -/ #check @measure_theory.finite_measure.coe_fn_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ν, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.finite_measure.coe_fn_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, c -/ #check @measure_theory.finite_measure.coe_add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @measure_theory.finite_measure.test_against_nn_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.finite_measure.test_against_nn_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.finite_measure.test_against_nn_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.probability_measure.coe_fn_eq_to_nnreal_coe_fn_to_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ν -/ #check @measure_theory.probability_measure.val_eq_to_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ν -/ #check @measure_theory.probability_measure.coe_comp_to_finite_measure_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ν -/ #check @measure_theory.probability_measure.coe_fn_comp_to_finite_measure_eq_coe_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ν -/ #check @measure_theory.probability_measure.ennreal_coe_fn_eq_coe_fn_to_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, ν -/ #check @measure_theory.probability_measure.test_against_nn_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ -- measure_theory/measure/giry_monad.lean #check @measure_theory.measure.bind_dirac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.join_eq_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.join_map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.join_map_join /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.join_map_dirac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.join_dirac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ -- measure_theory/measure/haar.lean #check @measure_theory.measure.haar.index_union_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K₂, K₁ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.haar.add_index_union_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K₂, K₁ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.haar.is_left_invariant_add_prehaar /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.haar.is_left_invariant_prehaar /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.haar.is_left_invariant_chaar /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.haar.is_left_invariant_add_chaar /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.haar.add_haar_content_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, K₀ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.haar.haar_content_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, K₀ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.haar.is_left_invariant_haar_content /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.haar.is_left_invariant_add_haar_content /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.map_haar_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.map_add_haar_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.haar_preimage_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.add_haar_preimage_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, μ -/ -- measure_theory/measure/haar_lebesgue.lean #check @measure_theory.add_haar_measure_eq_volume_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ι -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.map_linear_map_add_haar_pi_eq_smul_add_haar /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.map_linear_map_add_haar_eq_smul_add_haar /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.add_haar_preimage_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.add_haar_preimage_continuous_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.add_haar_preimage_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.add_haar_preimage_continuous_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.add_haar_image_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.add_haar_image_continuous_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.add_haar_image_continuous_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.map_add_haar_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.add_haar_preimage_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.add_haar_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.add_haar_ball_center /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.add_haar_closed_ball_center /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.add_haar_ball_of_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.add_haar_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.add_haar_closed_ball' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.add_haar_closed_unit_ball_eq_add_haar_unit_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.add_haar_closed_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ -- measure_theory/measure/hausdorff.lean #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.mk_metric'.eq_supr_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.mk_metric'.trim_pre /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.isometry_comap_mk_metric /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.isometry_map_mk_metric /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.isometric_comap_mk_metric /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.isometric_map_mk_metric /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.trim_mk_metric /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.mk_metric'_to_outer_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.mk_metric_to_outer_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.coe_mk_metric /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.mk_metric_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, m -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.hausdorff_measure_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, d -/ #check @isometry.hausdorff_measure_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @isometry.hausdorff_measure_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @isometric.hausdorff_measure_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, d -/ #check @isometric.hausdorff_measure_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, d -/ -- measure_theory/measure/lebesgue.lean #check @real.volume_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @real.volume_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @real.volume_closed_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @real.volume_emetric_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @real.volume_emetric_closed_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @real.volume_preimage_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @real.volume_preimage_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @real.volume_preimage_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @real.volume_preimage_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @real.volume_pi_preimage_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- measure_theory/measure/measure_space.lean #check @measure_theory.measure_inter_add_diff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.measure_diff_add_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.measure_union_add_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.measure_union_add_inter' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @measure_theory.sum_measure_preimage_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.to_measure_to_outer_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.to_measure_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.to_measure_apply₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.bounded_by_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.add_to_outer_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ₂, μ₁ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ₂, μ₁ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, μ₂, μ₁ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.smul_to_outer_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, c -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, c -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, μ, c -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.coe_nnreal_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, c -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.coe_nnreal_smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, μ, c -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.comap_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, f -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.restrictₗ_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, s -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.restrict_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.restrict_apply_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.restrict_apply_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.restrict_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, ν, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.restrict_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, μ, c -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.restrict_union_add_inter₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.restrict_union_add_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.restrict_union_add_inter' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.dirac_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.dirac_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.map_dirac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.restrict_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.sum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.ae_sum_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.sum_bool /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.sum_cond /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ν, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.restrict_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.sum_add_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ν, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.map_eq_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.sum_smul_dirac /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.count_apply_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.count_apply_finite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.sub_ae_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.ae_dirac_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @measure_theory.coe_measure_univ_nnreal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.preimage_spanning_sets_index_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.spanning_sets_index_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.measure_to_measurable_inter_of_sigma_finite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @measure_theory.ext_on_measurable_space_of_generate_finite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m₀ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.finite_spanning_sets_in.disjointed_set_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @measurable_embedding.map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, μ -/ #check @measurable_embedding.map_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measurable_embedding.comap_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, μ -/ #check @measurable_embedding.restrict_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, μ -/ #check @comap_subtype_coe_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, μ -/ #check @map_comap_subtype_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @volume_set_coe_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @volume_image_subtype_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @measurable_equiv.map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @measurable_equiv.map_apply_eq_iff_map_symm_apply_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @measurable_equiv.restrict_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @measure_theory.to_outer_measure_trim_eq_trim_to_outer_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.restrict_trim /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, hm -/ #check @ae_measurable_map_equiv_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ -- measure_theory/measure/measure_space_def.lean #check @measure_theory.measure.of_measurable_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.to_outer_measure_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.measure_eq_trim /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.measure_eq_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.measure_eq_infi' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure_to_measurable /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- measure_theory/measure/null_measurable.lean #check @measure_theory.measure_inter_add_diff₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.measure_union_add_inter₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.measure_union_add_inter₀' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.coe_completion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.completion_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, μ -/ -- measure_theory/measure/outer_measure.lean #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.measure_of_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.Union_null_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.bUnion_null_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.sUnion_null_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.Union_of_tendsto_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.Union_nat_of_monotone_of_tsum_ne_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.diff_null /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m₂, m₁ -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, m₂, m₁ -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, c -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, m, c -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.univ_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.Sup_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, ms -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.supr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.coe_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.sup_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, m₂, m₁ -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.smul_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, f -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, m, f -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, g, f -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.map_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m', m, f -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.map_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.dirac_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.sum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.smul_dirac_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, b, a -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.comap_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, m, f -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.comap_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.restrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, t, s -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.restrict_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.restrict_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, s -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.map_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.map_comap_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.comap_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.top_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.map_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.of_function_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.of_function_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.comap_of_function /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.restrict_of_function /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.bounded_by_eq_of_function /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.bounded_by_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.bounded_by_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.bounded_by_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.comap_bounded_by /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.is_caratheodory_iff_le' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.is_caratheodory_compl_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.measure_inter_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.is_caratheodory_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.f_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.is_caratheodory_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.is_caratheodory_iff_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.Union_eq_of_caratheodory /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.Inf_gen_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.Inf_eq_bounded_by_Inf_gen /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.supr_Inf_gen_nonempty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.infi_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.infi_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.binfi_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.binfi_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, I -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.comap_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.map_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.map_infi_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.map_binfi_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.restrict_infi_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, s -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.restrict_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, s -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.restrict_binfi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, s -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.restrict_Inf_eq_Inf_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.extend_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.induced_outer_measure_eq_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.induced_outer_measure_caratheodory /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.trim_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.trim_eq_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.trim_eq_infi' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.trim_trim /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.trim_binop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.trim_op /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.trim_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m₂, m₁ -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.trim_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, c -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.trim_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m₂, m₁ -/ #check @measure_theory.outer_measure.trim_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ -- measure_theory/measure/regular.lean #check @set.measure_eq_infi_is_open /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ, A -/ #check @is_open.measure_eq_supr_is_compact /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @is_open.measure_eq_supr_is_closed /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ -- measure_theory/measure/stieltjes.lean #check @stieltjes_function.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @stieltjes_function.id_left_lim /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @stieltjes_function.length_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @stieltjes_function.outer_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @stieltjes_function.outer_trim /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @stieltjes_function.measure_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @stieltjes_function.measure_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @stieltjes_function.measure_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @stieltjes_function.measure_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @stieltjes_function.measure_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ -- measure_theory/measure/vector_measure.lean #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.measure_of_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.of_disjoint_Union_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.ext_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, w, v -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.coe_fn_add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, v -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.sub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, w, v -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, r -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, v, r -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.to_signed_measure_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.to_signed_measure_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ν, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.to_signed_measure_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.to_ennreal_vector_measure_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.to_ennreal_vector_measure_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ν, μ -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.equiv_measure_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.equiv_measure_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.map_range_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.map_range_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.map_range_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.restrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.restrict_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.restrict_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, w, v -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.map_gm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, f -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.restrict_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, w, v -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.restrict_gm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, i -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.restrict_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.mapₗ_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, f -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.restrictₗ_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, i -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.restrict_le_restrict_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.le_restrict_univ_iff_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.neg_le_neg_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, v -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.trim_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, v -/ #check @measure_theory.vector_measure.restrict_trim /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hle -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.to_measure_of_zero_le_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hi₁, hi, s -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.to_measure_of_le_zero_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hi₁, hi, s -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.to_measure_of_zero_le_to_signed_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.signed_measure.to_measure_of_le_zero_to_signed_measure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.measure.to_signed_measure_to_measure_of_zero_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ -- measure_theory/measure/with_density_vector_measure.lean #check @measure_theory.with_densityᵥ_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, f -/ #check @measure_theory.with_densityᵥ_smul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, f -/ -- measure_theory/pi_system.lean #check @measurable_space.dynkin_system.has_compl_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d -/ #check @measurable_space.dynkin_system.of_measurable_space_to_measurable_space /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d -/ -- measure_theory/probability_mass_function/basic.lean #check @pmf.mem_support_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, p -/ #check @pmf.apply_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, p -/ #check @pmf.pure_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a', a -/ #check @pmf.support_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pmf.mem_support_pure_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a', a -/ #check @pmf.bind_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f, p -/ #check @pmf.support_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @pmf.mem_support_bind_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f, p -/ #check @pmf.coe_bind_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f, p -/ #check @pmf.pure_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @pmf.bind_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @pmf.bind_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, p -/ #check @pmf.bind_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, q, p -/ #check @pmf.to_outer_measure_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p -/ #check @pmf.to_outer_measure_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p -/ #check @pmf.to_outer_measure_apply_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p -/ #check @pmf.to_outer_measure_apply_fintype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p -/ #check @pmf.to_outer_measure_apply_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p -/ #check @pmf.to_measure_apply_eq_to_outer_measure_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p -/ #check @pmf.to_measure_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p -/ #check @pmf.to_measure_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p -/ #check @pmf.to_measure_apply_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p -/ #check @pmf.to_measure_apply_of_finite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p -/ #check @pmf.to_measure_apply_fintype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p -/ -- measure_theory/probability_mass_function/constructions.lean #check @pmf.map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, p, f -/ #check @pmf.support_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @pmf.mem_support_map_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, p, f -/ #check @pmf.bind_pure_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f -/ #check @pmf.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @pmf.map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, p, f -/ #check @pmf.pure_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @pmf.seq_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, p, q -/ #check @pmf.support_seq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, q -/ #check @pmf.mem_support_seq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, p, q -/ #check @pmf.of_finset_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pmf.mem_support_of_finset_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pmf.of_fintype_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pmf.mem_support_of_fintype_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pmf.of_multiset_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pmf.mem_support_of_multiset_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pmf.uniform_of_finset_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pmf.mem_support_uniform_of_finset_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pmf.support_uniform_of_fintype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @pmf.normalize_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pmf.mem_support_normalize_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pmf.filter_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pmf.mem_support_filter_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pmf.filter_apply_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pmf.filter_apply_ne_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pmf.bernoulli_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @pmf.mem_support_bernoulli_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @pmf.bind_on_support_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f -/ #check @pmf.support_bind_on_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @pmf.mem_support_bind_on_support_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f -/ #check @pmf.bind_on_support_eq_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p -/ #check @pmf.coe_bind_on_support_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f -/ #check @pmf.bind_on_support_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f -/ #check @pmf.pure_bind_on_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @pmf.bind_on_support_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @pmf.bind_on_support_bind_on_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, p -/ #check @pmf.bind_on_support_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, q, p -/ -- model_theory/basic.lean #check @first_order.language.hom.has_coe_to_fun_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, self -/ #check @first_order.language.hom.map_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, φ -/ #check @first_order.language.hom.map_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @first_order.language.hom.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @first_order.language.hom.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g -/ #check @first_order.language.hom.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @first_order.language.embedding.has_coe_to_fun_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @first_order.language.embedding.map_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, φ -/ #check @first_order.language.embedding.map_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @first_order.language.embedding.map_rel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ #check @first_order.language.embedding.of_injective_to_embedding_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @first_order.language.embedding.refl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @first_order.language.embedding.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g -/ #check @first_order.language.embedding.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @first_order.language.equiv.has_coe_to_fun_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @first_order.language.equiv.map_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, φ -/ #check @first_order.language.equiv.map_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @first_order.language.equiv.map_rel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ #check @first_order.language.equiv.to_embedding_to_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @first_order.language.equiv.coe_to_embedding /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @first_order.language.equiv.refl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @first_order.language.equiv.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g -/ #check @first_order.language.equiv.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.coe_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.coe_Inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.closure_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.closure_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.closure_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.comap_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, φ -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.comap_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, S -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.comap_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.map_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, φ -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, S -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.map_comap_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.map_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, T, S -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.map_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.comap_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, T, S -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.comap_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.comap_map_eq_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.comap_inf_map_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.comap_infi_map_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.comap_sup_map_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.comap_supr_map_of_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.map_comap_eq_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.map_inf_comap_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.map_infi_comap_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.map_sup_comap_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.map_supr_comap_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @first_order.language.substructure.coe_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ -- number_theory/ADE_inequality.lean #check @ADE_inequality.sum_inv_pqr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, q, p -/ #check @ADE_inequality.classification /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, q, p -/ -- number_theory/arithmetic_function.lean #check @nat.arithmetic_function.to_fun_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @nat.arithmetic_function.nat_coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @nat.arithmetic_function.int_coe_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @nat.arithmetic_function.mul_smul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @nat.arithmetic_function.one_smul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @nat.arithmetic_function.pmul_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @nat.arithmetic_function.pmul_zeta /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @nat.arithmetic_function.zeta_pmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @nat.arithmetic_function.is_multiplicative.multiplicative_factorization /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- number_theory/bernoulli.lean #check @bernoulli'_def' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @bernoulli'_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @sum_bernoulli' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @bernoulli'_power_series_mul_exp_sub_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @bernoulli'_eq_bernoulli /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @sum_bernoulli /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @bernoulli_spec' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @bernoulli_power_series_mul_exp_sub_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @sum_range_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, n -/ #check @sum_Ico_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, n -/ -- number_theory/bernoulli_polynomials.lean #check @bernoulli_poly_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @bernoulli_poly.bernoulli_poly_eval_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @bernoulli_poly.bernoulli_poly_eval_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @bernoulli_poly.sum_bernoulli_poly /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @bernoulli_poly.exp_bernoulli_poly' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ -- number_theory/class_number/finite.lean #check @class_group.mem_finset_approx /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: adm, bS -/ -- number_theory/class_number/function_field.lean #check @function_field.class_number_eq_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, Fq -/ -- number_theory/cyclotomic/basic.lean #check @is_cyclotomic_extension_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A, S -/ #check @is_cyclotomic_extension.iff_adjoin_eq_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A, S -/ #check @is_cyclotomic_extension.iff_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A, n -/ #check @is_cyclotomic_extension.empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @is_cyclotomic_extension.adjoin_roots_cyclotomic_eq_adjoin_nth_roots /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- number_theory/dioph.lean #check @int.eq_nat_abs_iff_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @list_all_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, x, p -/ #check @list_all_iff_forall /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, p -/ #check @list_all_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @poly.subst_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @poly.proj_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i -/ #check @poly.const_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @poly.sub_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @poly.neg_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @poly.add_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @poly.mul_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @poly.sumsq_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, x -/ #check @poly.remap_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, g, f -/ #check @option.cons_head_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @dioph.inject_dummies_lem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, p -/ #check @dioph.dioph_fn_iff_pfun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @dioph.dioph_fn_vec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @dioph.dioph_pfun_vec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- number_theory/divisors.lean #check @nat.mem_divisors_prime_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @nat.divisors_prime_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @nat.mem_proper_divisors_prime_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @nat.proper_divisors_prime_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @nat.prime_divisors_eq_to_filter_divisors_prime /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- number_theory/function_field.lean #check @function_field_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ -- number_theory/lucas_lehmer.lean #check @succ_mersenne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.s_mod_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, p -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.s_zmod_eq_s /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, p' -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.int.coe_nat_pow_pred /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, b -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.int.coe_nat_two_pow_pred /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.s_zmod_eq_s_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, p -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.residue_eq_zero_iff_s_mod_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.X.add_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.X.add_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.X.neg_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.X.neg_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.X.mul_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.X.mul_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.X.bit0_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.X.bit0_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.X.bit1_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.X.bit1_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.X.left_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.X.right_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.X.nat_coe_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.X.int_coe_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.X.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.X.coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.X.ω_mul_ωb /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.X.ωb_mul_ω /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.X.closed_form /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.mersenne_coe_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.ω_pow_eq_neg_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p' -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.ω_pow_eq_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p' -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.ω_unit_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @lucas_lehmer.order_ω /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p' -/ -- number_theory/modular.lean #check @modular_group.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, g -/ #check @modular_group.re_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, g -/ #check @modular_group.smul_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, g -/ #check @modular_group.neg_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, g -/ #check @modular_group.im_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, g -/ #check @modular_group.im_smul_eq_div_norm_sq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, g -/ #check @modular_group.denom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, g -/ #check @modular_group.lc_row0_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, p -/ #check @modular_group.lc_row0_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, b, a -/ #check @modular_group.lc_row0_extend_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, i, f, hcd -/ #check @modular_group.lc_row0_extend_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, i, f, hcd -/ #check @modular_group.smul_eq_lc_row0_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ -- number_theory/number_field.lean #check @number_field.mem_ring_of_integers /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, K -/ -- number_theory/padics/padic_integers.lean #check @padic_int.val_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @padic_int.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z2, z1 -/ #check @padic_int.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z2, z1 -/ #check @padic_int.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z1 -/ #check @padic_int.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z2, z1 -/ #check @padic_int.coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @padic_int.coe_coe_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @padic_int.coe_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @padic_int.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @padic_int.coe_int_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z2, z1 -/ #check @padic_int.mul_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z2, z1 -/ #check @padic_int.norm_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z2, z1 -/ #check @padic_int.norm_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, z -/ #check @padic_int.padic_norm_e_of_padic_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @padic_int.norm_int_cast_eq_padic_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @padic_int.norm_p_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @padic_int.norm_int_lt_one_iff_dvd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @padic_int.valuation_p_pow_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, n -/ #check @padic_int.norm_le_pow_iff_le_valuation /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @padic_int.mem_span_pow_iff_le_valuation /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @padic_int.norm_le_pow_iff_mem_span_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @padic_int.norm_le_pow_iff_norm_lt_pow_add_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @padic_int.norm_lt_pow_iff_norm_le_pow_sub_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @padic_int.norm_lt_one_iff_dvd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @padic_int.pow_p_dvd_int_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n -/ -- number_theory/padics/padic_norm.lean #check @padic_val_rat_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @padic_val_rat.neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @padic_val_rat.padic_val_rat_of_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @padic_val_rat_of_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @padic_val_rat.defn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @padic_val_rat.mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @padic_val_rat.pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @padic_val_rat.inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @padic_val_rat.div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @padic_val_rat.padic_val_rat_le_padic_val_rat_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @padic_val_nat.mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @padic_val_nat.div_of_dvd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @padic_val_nat.pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, q, p -/ #check @padic_val_nat.prime_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @padic_val_nat_eq_factors_count /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @prod_pow_prime_padic_val_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @padic_norm.eq_zpow_of_nonzero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @padic_norm.padic_norm_p_of_prime /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @padic_norm.neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @padic_norm.mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, q, p -/ #check @padic_norm.div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, q, p -/ #check @padic_norm.add_eq_max_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- number_theory/padics/padic_numbers.lean #check @padic_seq.norm_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @padic_seq.lift_index_left_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf -/ #check @padic_seq.lift_index_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf -/ #check @padic_seq.lift_index_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf -/ #check @padic_seq.norm_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @padic_seq.eq_zero_iff_equiv_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @padic_seq.ne_zero_iff_nequiv_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @padic_seq.norm_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @padic_seq.norm_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @padic.mk_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @padic.of_rat_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, p -/ #check @padic.of_rat_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @padic.of_rat_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, p -/ #check @padic.of_rat_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, p -/ #check @padic.of_rat_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, p -/ #check @padic.of_rat_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @padic.of_rat_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @padic.cast_eq_of_rat_of_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @padic.cast_eq_of_rat_of_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @padic.cast_eq_of_rat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @padic.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @padic.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @padic.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @padic.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @padic.coe_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @padic.coe_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @padic.coe_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @padic_norm_e.zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @padic_norm_e.neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @padic_norm_e.mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, q -/ #check @padic_norm_e.eq_padic_norm' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @padic_norm_e.sub_rev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, q -/ #check @padic_norm_e.mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, q -/ #check @padic_norm_e.is_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @padic_norm_e.eq_padic_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @padic_norm_e.norm_p_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @padic_norm_e.eq_rat_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @padic_norm_e.norm_int_lt_one_iff_dvd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @padic_norm_e.norm_int_le_pow_iff_dvd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, k -/ #check @padic.norm_le_pow_iff_norm_lt_pow_add_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @padic.norm_lt_pow_iff_norm_le_pow_sub_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ -- number_theory/padics/ring_homs.lean #check @padic_int.zmod_congr_of_sub_mem_span_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @padic_int.zmod_congr_of_sub_mem_span /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @padic_int.ker_to_zmod_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @padic_int.zmod_cast_comp_to_zmod_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @padic_int.cast_to_zmod_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, m -/ #check @padic_int.lim_nth_hom_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r, f_compat -/ #check @padic_int.lim_nth_hom_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r, f_compat -/ #check @padic_int.lift_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @padic_int.lift_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ -- number_theory/pell.lean #check @pell.pell_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a1 -/ #check @pell.xn_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a1 -/ #check @pell.yn_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a1 -/ #check @pell.xz_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a1 -/ #check @pell.yz_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a1 -/ #check @pell.pell_zd_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a1 -/ #check @pell.pell_zd_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a1 -/ #check @pell.is_pell_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a1 -/ #check @pell.is_pell_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a1 -/ #check @pell.is_pell_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a1 -/ #check @pell.pell_zd_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a1 -/ #check @pell.pell_zd_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a1 -/ #check @pell.xn_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a1 -/ #check @pell.yn_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a1 -/ #check @pell.pell_zd_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a1 -/ #check @pell.xz_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a1 -/ #check @pell.yz_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a1 -/ #check @pell.y_dvd_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @pell.pell_zd_succ_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a1 -/ #check @pell.xn_succ_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a1 -/ #check @pell.yn_succ_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a1 -/ #check @pell.xz_succ_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a1 -/ #check @pell.yz_succ_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a1 -/ #check @pell.x_sub_y_dvd_pow_lem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a2, ay, xn0, xn1, yn0, yn1, y2 -/ -- number_theory/pythagorean_triples.lean #check @circle_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @circle_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ -- number_theory/quadratic_reciprocity.lean #check @zmod.euler_criterion_units /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @zmod.euler_criterion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @zmod.exists_sq_eq_neg_one_iff_mod_four_ne_three /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @zmod.wilsons_lemma /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @zmod.prod_Ico_one_prime /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @Ico_map_val_min_abs_nat_abs_eq_Ico_map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @zmod.legendre_sym_eq_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, a -/ #check @zmod.legendre_sym_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, a -/ #check @zmod.gauss_lemma /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @zmod.legendre_sym_eq_one_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @zmod.eisenstein_lemma /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @zmod.quadratic_reciprocity /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @zmod.legendre_sym_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @zmod.exists_sq_eq_two_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @zmod.exists_sq_eq_prime_iff_of_mod_four_eq_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @zmod.exists_sq_eq_prime_iff_of_mod_four_eq_three /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ -- number_theory/zsqrtd/basic.lean #check @zsqrtd.of_int_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @zsqrtd.add_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y', x', y, x -/ #check @zsqrtd.add_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @zsqrtd.add_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @zsqrtd.bit0_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @zsqrtd.bit0_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @zsqrtd.bit1_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @zsqrtd.bit1_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @zsqrtd.neg_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @zsqrtd.neg_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @zsqrtd.mul_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @zsqrtd.mul_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: w, z -/ #check @zsqrtd.conj_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @zsqrtd.conj_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @zsqrtd.conj_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @zsqrtd.conj_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @zsqrtd.conj_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @zsqrtd.conj_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @zsqrtd.coe_nat_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @zsqrtd.coe_nat_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @zsqrtd.coe_int_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @zsqrtd.coe_int_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @zsqrtd.of_int_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @zsqrtd.smul_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, n -/ #check @zsqrtd.muld_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @zsqrtd.smuld_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, n -/ #check @zsqrtd.coe_int_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @zsqrtd.coe_int_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @zsqrtd.coe_int_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @zsqrtd.coe_int_dvd_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, z -/ #check @zsqrtd.norm_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @zsqrtd.norm_int_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @zsqrtd.norm_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @zsqrtd.norm_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ #check @zsqrtd.norm_eq_mul_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @zsqrtd.norm_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @zsqrtd.norm_conj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @zsqrtd.is_unit_iff_norm_is_unit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @zsqrtd.norm_eq_one_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @zsqrtd.norm_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @zsqrtd.norm_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @zsqrtd.lift_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, r -/ #check @zsqrtd.lift_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- number_theory/zsqrtd/gaussian_int.lean #check @gaussian_int.to_complex_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @gaussian_int.to_complex_def' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @gaussian_int.to_complex_def₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @gaussian_int.to_real_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @gaussian_int.to_real_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @gaussian_int.to_complex_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @gaussian_int.to_complex_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @gaussian_int.to_complex_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @gaussian_int.to_complex_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @gaussian_int.to_complex_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @gaussian_int.to_complex_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @gaussian_int.nat_cast_real_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @gaussian_int.nat_cast_complex_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @gaussian_int.coe_nat_abs_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @gaussian_int.nat_cast_nat_abs_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @gaussian_int.nat_abs_norm_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @gaussian_int.div_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @gaussian_int.to_complex_div_re /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @gaussian_int.to_complex_div_im /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @gaussian_int.mod_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @gaussian_int.prime_iff_mod_four_eq_three_of_nat_prime /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- number_theory/zsqrtd/to_real.lean #check @zsqrtd.to_real_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- order/atoms.lean #check @Sup_atoms_le_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @is_simple_order.equiv_bool_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_simple_order.equiv_bool_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @order_iso.is_atom_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @order_iso.is_coatom_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- order/basic.lean #check @has_le.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ -- order/boolean_algebra.lean #check @sup_inf_sdiff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @sup_sdiff_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @compl_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @boolean_algebra.core.sdiff_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pi.sdiff_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @pi.sdiff_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, y, x -/ #check @pi.compl_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pi.compl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x -/ -- order/bounded_order.lean #check @pi.bot_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @pi.top_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @with_bot.some_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @with_bot.coe_unbot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @with_bot.unbot_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @with_bot.get_or_else_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @with_bot.coe_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @with_bot.coe_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @with_bot.coe_min /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @with_bot.coe_max /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @with_top.some_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @with_top.coe_untop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @with_top.untop_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @with_top.coe_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @with_top.coe_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @with_top.coe_min /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @with_top.coe_max /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @min_top_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @min_top_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @max_bot_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @max_bot_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- order/bounds.lean #check @upper_bounds_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @lower_bounds_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @is_lub_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @is_glb_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @order_iso.upper_bounds_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @order_iso.lower_bounds_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @order_iso.is_lub_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @order_iso.is_glb_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @order_iso.is_lub_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @order_iso.is_glb_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- order/closure.lean #check @closure_operator.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @closure_operator.mk'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @closure_operator.mk₂_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @closure_operator.mk₃_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @closure_operator.idempotent /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c -/ #check @closure_operator.le_closure_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, c -/ #check @closure_operator.mem_closed_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c -/ #check @closure_operator.mem_closed_iff_closure_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c -/ #check @closure_operator.closed_eq_range_close /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @closure_operator.closure_le_closed_iff_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @closure_operator.eq_mk₃_closed /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @closure_operator.closure_sup_closure_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, c -/ #check @closure_operator.closure_sup_closure_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, c -/ #check @closure_operator.closure_sup_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, c -/ #check @closure_operator.closure_supr_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c -/ #check @closure_operator.closure_bsupr_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, c -/ #check @lower_adjoint.id_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @lower_adjoint.closure_operator_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, l -/ #check @lower_adjoint.idempotent /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, l -/ #check @lower_adjoint.le_closure_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, l -/ #check @lower_adjoint.mem_closed_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, l -/ #check @lower_adjoint.mem_closed_iff_closure_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, l -/ #check @lower_adjoint.closed_eq_range_close /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @lower_adjoint.closure_le_closed_iff_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @lower_adjoint.closure_sup_closure_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, l -/ #check @lower_adjoint.closure_sup_closure_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, l -/ #check @lower_adjoint.closure_sup_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, l -/ #check @lower_adjoint.closure_supr_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, l -/ #check @lower_adjoint.closure_bsupr_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, l -/ #check @lower_adjoint.le_iff_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, s -/ #check @lower_adjoint.mem_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @lower_adjoint.closure_union_closure_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, l -/ #check @lower_adjoint.closure_union_closure_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, l -/ #check @lower_adjoint.closure_union_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, l -/ #check @lower_adjoint.closure_Union_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, l -/ #check @lower_adjoint.closure_bUnion_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, l -/ #check @galois_connection.lower_adjoint_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @galois_connection.closure_operator_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, gc -/ #check @closure_operator_gi_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ -- order/compactly_generated.lean #check @complete_lattice.is_compact_element_iff_le_of_directed_Sup_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, α -/ #check @complete_lattice.is_Sup_finite_compact_iff_all_elements_compact /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @complete_lattice.well_founded_iff_is_Sup_finite_compact /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @complete_lattice.is_Sup_finite_compact_iff_is_sup_closed_compact /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @complete_lattice.is_sup_closed_compact_iff_well_founded /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @Sup_compact_le_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ -- order/compare.lean #check @cmp_le_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @cmp_le_eq_cmp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @ordering.compares_iff_of_compares_impl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o -/ #check @ordering.swap_or_else /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o₂, o₁ -/ #check @ordering.or_else_eq_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o₂, o₁ -/ #check @cmp_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @order_dual.cmp_le_flip /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @cmp_eq_lt_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @cmp_eq_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @cmp_eq_gt_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ -- order/complete_boolean_algebra.lean #check @supr_inf_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @inf_supr_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @infi_sup_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @sup_infi_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @bsupr_inf_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @inf_bsupr_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @binfi_sup_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @sup_binfi_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- order/complete_lattice.lean #check @Sup_eq_supr' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @order_iso.map_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @order_iso.map_Sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @function.surjective.supr_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @Inf_eq_infi' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @order_iso.map_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @order_iso.map_Inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @function.surjective.infi_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @supr_eq_dif /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @supr_eq_if /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @infi_eq_dif /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @infi_eq_if /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @infi_subtype'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @supr_dite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, p -/ #check @supr_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, p -/ #check @infi_dite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, p -/ #check @infi_ite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, p -/ #check @supr_range' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @infi_range' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @infi_split /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @infi_split_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @supr_split /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @supr_split_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @supr_extend_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @sup_eq_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @inf_eq_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @supr_subtype'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @supr_option /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @infi_option /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @supr_option_elim /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @infi_option_elim /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @supr_ne_bot_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @infi_ne_top_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @supr_ge_eq_supr_nat_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @infi_ge_eq_infi_nat_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @supr_infi_ge_nat_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @sup_supr_nat_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @inf_infi_nat_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @supr_eq_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @infi_eq_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @unary_relation_Sup_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @binary_relation_Sup_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @complete_lattice.set_independent_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- order/conditionally_complete_lattice.lean #check @cSup_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @cInf_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @cSup_pair /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @cInf_pair /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @finset.nonempty.sup'_eq_cSup_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @order_iso.map_cSup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @order_iso.map_cSup' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @order_iso.map_csupr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @order_iso.map_csupr_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @order_iso.map_cInf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @order_iso.map_cInf' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @order_iso.map_cinfi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @order_iso.map_cinfi_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @finset.sup'_eq_cSup_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.inf'_eq_cInf_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.sup'_id_eq_cSup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.inf'_id_eq_cInf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subset_Sup_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subset_Sup_of_within /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subset_Inf_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subset_Inf_of_within /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- order/disjointed.lean #check @disjointed_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @disjointed_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @disjointed_rec_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₀ -/ #check @monotone.disjointed_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @partial_sups_disjointed /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @supr_disjointed /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @disjointed_eq_inf_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @disjointed_eq_inter_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @preimage_find_eq_disjointed /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s -/ -- order/filter/at_top_bot.lean #check @filter.order_top.at_top_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @filter.order_bot.at_bot_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @filter.subsingleton.at_top_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @filter.subsingleton.at_bot_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @filter.tendsto_const_mul_pow_at_top_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, c -/ #check @filter.tendsto_neg_const_mul_pow_at_top_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, c -/ #check @filter.prod_map_at_top_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u₂, u₁ -/ #check @filter.prod_map_at_bot_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u₂, u₁ -/ #check @filter.at_top_Ioi_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @filter.at_top_Ici_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @filter.at_bot_Iio_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @filter.at_bot_Iic_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- order/filter/bases.lean #check @filter_basis.mem_filter_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ #check @filter_basis.eq_infi_principal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ #check @filter_basis.generate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ #check @filter.generate_eq_generate_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @filter.of_sets_filter_eq_generate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- order/filter/basic.lean #check @filter.bInter_finset_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: is -/ #check @finset.Inter_mem_sets /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: is -/ #check @filter.infi_eq_generate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @filter.mem_infi_of_fintype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @filter.generate_eq_binfi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @filter.mem_infi_of_directed /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @filter.infi_sets_eq_finite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @filter.infi_sets_eq_finite' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @filter.mem_infi_finite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @filter.mem_infi_finite' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @filter.binfi_sup_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, p -/ #check @filter.binfi_sup_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, p -/ #check @filter.supr_inf_principal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @filter.infi_principal_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @filter.infi_principal_fintype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @filter.infi_principal_finite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @filter.eventually_all_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @finset.eventually_all /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @filter.frequently_true_iff_ne_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @filter.pure_sets /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @filter.principal_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @filter.map_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @filter.join_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @filter.pure_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, a -/ #check @filter.map_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, m -/ #check @filter.bind_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ #check @filter.map_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @filter.comap_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @filter.map_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ #check @filter.map_comap_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @filter.subtype_coe_map_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @filter.subtype_coe_map_comap_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @filter.sInter_comap_sets /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, f -/ #check @filter.push_pull /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F, f -/ #check @filter.push_pull' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F, f -/ #check @filter.pure_seq_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @filter.seq_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @filter.seq_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, x -/ #check @filter.prod_map_seq_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @filter.seq_eq_filter_seq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @filter.mem_traverse_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, fs -/ #check @filter.comap_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, f -/ #check @filter.sup_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @filter.prod_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g₂, g₁, f -/ #check @filter.prod_map_map_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F, g, f -/ #check @filter.map_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, m -/ #check @filter.principal_coprod_principal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @filter.map_const_principal_coprod_map_id_principal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, b -/ #check @filter.map_prod_map_const_id_principal_coprod_principal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ -- order/filter/filter_product.lean #check @filter.germ.const_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @filter.germ.max_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @filter.germ.min_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @filter.germ.abs_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @filter.germ.const_max /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @filter.germ.const_min /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @filter.germ.const_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- order/filter/germ.lean #check @filter.germ.quot_mk_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, l -/ #check @filter.germ.mk'_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, l -/ #check @filter.germ.map'_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @filter.germ.map_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, op -/ #check @filter.germ.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, op₂, op₁ -/ #check @filter.germ.map₂_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, op -/ #check @filter.germ.coe_comp_tendsto' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @filter.germ.coe_comp_tendsto /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @filter.germ.comp_tendsto'_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hg, f -/ #check @filter.germ.map_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a, l -/ #check @filter.germ.map₂_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c, b, l -/ #check @filter.germ.const_comp_tendsto /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @filter.germ.const_comp_tendsto' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @filter.germ.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @filter.germ.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @filter.germ.coe_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @filter.germ.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @filter.germ.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @filter.germ.coe_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @filter.germ.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @filter.germ.coe_smul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @filter.germ.const_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @filter.germ.const_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- order/filter/lift.lean #check @filter.lift_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @filter.lift'_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @filter.lift'_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @filter.lift'_inf_powerset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ -- order/filter/partial.lean #check @filter.rmap_sets /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, r -/ #check @filter.mem_rmap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, l, r -/ #check @filter.rmap_rmap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, s, r -/ #check @filter.rmap_compose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r -/ #check @filter.rtendsto_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁, r -/ #check @filter.rcomap_sets /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r -/ #check @filter.rcomap_rcomap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, s, r -/ #check @filter.rcomap_compose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r -/ #check @filter.rtendsto_iff_le_rcomap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁, r -/ #check @filter.mem_rcomap' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, l, r -/ #check @filter.rcomap'_sets /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r -/ #check @filter.rcomap'_rcomap' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, s, r -/ #check @filter.rcomap'_compose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r -/ #check @filter.rtendsto'_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁, r -/ #check @filter.tendsto_iff_rtendsto /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, l₂, l₁ -/ #check @filter.tendsto_iff_rtendsto' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, l₂, l₁ -/ #check @filter.mem_pmap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, l, f -/ #check @filter.ptendsto_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁, f -/ #check @filter.ptendsto_iff_rtendsto /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, l₂, l₁ -/ #check @filter.pmap_res /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s, l -/ #check @filter.tendsto_iff_ptendsto /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s, l₂, l₁ -/ #check @filter.tendsto_iff_ptendsto_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, l₂, l₁ -/ #check @filter.ptendsto'_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁, f -/ -- order/filter/pointwise.lean #check @filter.mem_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @filter.mem_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @filter.mul_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @filter.add_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @filter.zero_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @filter.one_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @filter.mul_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @filter.add_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @filter.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @filter.map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ -- order/filter/ultrafilter.lean #check @ultrafilter.diff_mem_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ultrafilter.coe_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, m -/ #check @ultrafilter.mem_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @ultrafilter.coe_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @ultrafilter.of_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @filter.supr_ultrafilter_le_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @filter.tendsto_iff_ultrafilter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l₂, l₁, f -/ -- order/fixed_points.lean #check @order_hom.map_lfp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @order_hom.map_gfp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @order_hom.map_lfp_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @order_hom.map_gfp_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @order_hom.lfp_lfp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @order_hom.gfp_gfp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @order_hom.next_fixed_le_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @order_hom.le_prev_fixed_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- order/galois_connection.lean #check @galois_connection.upper_bounds_l_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @galois_connection.lower_bounds_u_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @galois_connection.u_l_u_eq_u /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @galois_connection.exists_eq_u /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @galois_connection.l_u_l_eq_l /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @galois_connection.exists_eq_l /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @galois_insertion.l_u_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @galois_insertion.l_sup_u /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @galois_insertion.l_supr_u /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @galois_insertion.l_bsupr_u /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @galois_insertion.l_Sup_u_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @galois_insertion.l_inf_u /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @galois_insertion.l_infi_u /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @galois_insertion.l_binfi_u /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @galois_insertion.l_Inf_u_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @galois_insertion.l_infi_of_ul_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @galois_insertion.l_binfi_of_ul_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @galois_coinsertion.u_l_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @galois_coinsertion.u_inf_l /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @galois_coinsertion.u_infi_l /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @galois_coinsertion.u_Inf_l_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @galois_coinsertion.u_sup_l /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @galois_coinsertion.u_supr_l /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @galois_coinsertion.u_bsupr_l /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @galois_coinsertion.u_Sup_l_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @galois_coinsertion.u_supr_of_lu_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @galois_coinsertion.u_bsupr_of_lu_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- order/hom/basic.lean #check @order_hom.curry_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @order_hom.curry_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @order_hom.comp_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @order_hom.compₘ_coe_coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x -/ #check @order_hom.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @order_hom.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @order_hom.const_coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, α -/ #check @order_hom.const_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @order_hom.comp_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, f, γ -/ #check @order_hom.prod_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @order_hom.comp_prod_comp_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @order_hom.prodₘ_coe_coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, ᾰ, x -/ #check @order_hom.diag_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @order_hom.on_diag_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @order_hom.fst_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @order_hom.snd_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @order_hom.fst_comp_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @order_hom.snd_comp_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @order_hom.prod_iso_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @order_hom.prod_iso_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @order_hom.prod_map_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @pi.eval_order_hom_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @order_hom.apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @order_hom.pi_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x, f -/ #check @order_hom.pi_iso_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @order_hom.pi_iso_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @order_hom.subtype.val_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @order_hom.dual_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @order_hom.dual_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @order_embedding.lt_embedding_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @order_embedding.subtype_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @order_embedding.to_order_hom_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @rel_hom.to_order_hom_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @order_iso.coe_to_order_embedding /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @order_iso.refl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @order_iso.apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @order_iso.symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @order_iso.symm_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @order_iso.apply_eq_iff_eq_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, e -/ #check @order_iso.symm_apply_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @order_iso.symm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @order_iso.to_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @order_iso.symm_image_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @order_iso.image_symm_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @order_iso.image_eq_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @order_iso.preimage_symm_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @order_iso.symm_preimage_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @order_iso.image_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @order_iso.preimage_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @order_iso.coe_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @order_iso.trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e', e -/ #check @order_iso.refl_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @order_iso.trans_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @order_iso.le_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @order_iso.symm_apply_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @order_iso.fun_unique_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @order_iso.fun_unique_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, α -/ #check @equiv.coe_to_order_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @equiv.to_order_iso_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @order_iso.map_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @order_iso.map_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ -- order/hom/lattice.lean #check @order_hom.has_sup_sup_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @order_hom.has_inf_inf_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @order_hom.Inf_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @order_hom.infi_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @order_hom.coe_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @order_hom.Sup_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @order_hom.supr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @order_hom.coe_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @order_hom.iterate_sup_le_sup_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- order/ideal.lean #check @order.is_ideal_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @order.ideal.is_proper_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @order.ideal.is_maximal_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ -- order/imp.lean #check @lattice.imp_eq_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @lattice.biimp_eq_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @lattice.compl_imp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @lattice.compl_sdiff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @lattice.inf_imp_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @lattice.imp_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice.top_imp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lattice.compl_imp_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @lattice.inf_imp_eq_imp_imp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @lattice.biimp_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @lattice.compl_symm_diff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @lattice.compl_biimp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- order/jordan_holder.lean #check @composition_series.coe_fn_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: series -/ #check @composition_series.inj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @composition_series.length_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @composition_series.length_of_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @composition_series.of_list_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @composition_series.of_list_to_list' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @composition_series.to_list_of_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @composition_series.erase_top_series /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, s -/ #check @composition_series.erase_top_length /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @composition_series.top_erase_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @composition_series.bot_erase_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @composition_series.append_cast_add_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @composition_series.append_succ_cast_add_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @composition_series.append_nat_add_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @composition_series.append_succ_nat_add_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @composition_series.append_length /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s₂, s₁ -/ #check @composition_series.append_cast_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @composition_series.append_succ_cast_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @composition_series.append_nat_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @composition_series.append_succ_nat_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @composition_series.snoc_length /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @composition_series.top_snoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @composition_series.snoc_last /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @composition_series.snoc_cast_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, s -/ #check @composition_series.bot_snoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- order/lattice.lean #check @sup_left_right_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @sup_left_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @sup_right_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @sup_sup_sup_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, b, a -/ #check @semilattice_sup.ext_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @inf_left_right_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @inf_left_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @inf_right_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @inf_inf_inf_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, b, a -/ #check @semilattice_inf.ext_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @pi.sup_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g, f -/ #check @pi.sup_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @pi.inf_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g, f -/ #check @pi.inf_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @monotone.map_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @monotone.map_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @antitone.map_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @antitone.map_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ -- order/lexicographic.lean #check @to_lex_of_lex /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @of_lex_to_lex /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @prod.lex.le_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @prod.lex.lt_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- order/liminf_limsup.lean #check @filter.is_bounded_principal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @filter.is_cobounded_principal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @filter.limsup_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @filter.liminf_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @filter.liminf_nat_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @filter.limsup_nat_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @order_iso.limsup_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @order_iso.liminf_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ -- order/locally_finite.lean #check @finset.coe_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @finset.coe_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @finset.coe_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @finset.coe_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @finset.Ici_eq_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finset.Ioi_eq_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finset.coe_Ici /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finset.coe_Ioi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @finset.coe_Iic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @finset.coe_Iio /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @Icc_to_dual /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @Ico_to_dual /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @Ioc_to_dual /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @Ioo_to_dual /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @with_top.Icc_coe_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, α -/ #check @with_top.Icc_coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, α -/ #check @with_top.Ico_coe_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, α -/ #check @with_top.Ico_coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, α -/ #check @with_top.Ioc_coe_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, α -/ #check @with_top.Ioc_coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, α -/ #check @with_top.Ioo_coe_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, α -/ #check @with_top.Ioo_coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, α -/ #check @with_bot.Icc_bot_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, α -/ #check @with_bot.Icc_coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, α -/ #check @with_bot.Ico_bot_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, α -/ #check @with_bot.Ico_coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, α -/ #check @with_bot.Ioc_bot_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, α -/ #check @with_bot.Ioc_coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, α -/ #check @with_bot.Ioo_bot_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, α -/ #check @with_bot.Ioo_coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, α -/ #check @finset.subtype_Icc_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, p -/ #check @finset.subtype_Ico_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, p -/ #check @finset.subtype_Ioc_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, p -/ #check @finset.subtype_Ioo_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, p -/ #check @finset.map_subtype_embedding_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, p -/ #check @finset.map_subtype_embedding_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, p -/ #check @finset.map_subtype_embedding_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, p -/ #check @finset.map_subtype_embedding_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, p -/ -- order/min_max.lean #check @min_right_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @max.left_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @max.right_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ -- order/minimal.lean #check @maximals_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @minimals_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @maximals_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r -/ #check @minimals_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r -/ #check @maximals_eq_minimals /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r -/ -- order/modular_lattice.lean #check @sup_inf_assoc_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @inf_sup_assoc_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ -- order/omega_complete_partial_order.lean #check @order_hom.bind_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.chain.map_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.chain.mem_map_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.chain.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.chain.map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, c -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.chain.zip_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c₁, c₀ -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.ωSup_le_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c -/ #check @part.mem_ωSup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, x -/ #check @prod.ωSup_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @prod.ωSup_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @prod.omega_complete_partial_order_ωSup_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @prod.omega_complete_partial_order_ωSup_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.order_hom.ωSup_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, c -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.order_hom.omega_complete_partial_order_ωSup_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, c -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.continuous_hom.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.continuous_hom.congr_arg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.continuous_hom.ωSup_bind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, c -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.continuous_hom.continuous /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C, F -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.continuous_hom.of_fun_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.continuous_hom.of_mono_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.continuous_hom.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.continuous_hom.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g, f -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.continuous_hom.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.continuous_hom.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.continuous_hom.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.continuous_hom.coe_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.continuous_hom.const_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.continuous_hom.prod.apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.continuous_hom.to_mono_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.continuous_hom.forall_forall_merge /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, c₁, c₀ -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.continuous_hom.forall_forall_merge' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, c₁, c₀ -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.continuous_hom.ωSup_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, c -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.continuous_hom.omega_complete_partial_order_ωSup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.continuous_hom.ωSup_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.continuous_hom.ωSup_ωSup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c₁, c₀ -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.continuous_hom.flip_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.continuous_hom.bind_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g, f -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.continuous_hom.map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @omega_complete_partial_order.continuous_hom.seq_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ -- order/ord_continuous.lean #check @left_ord_continuous.map_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @left_ord_continuous.map_Sup' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @left_ord_continuous.map_Sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @left_ord_continuous.map_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @right_ord_continuous.map_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @right_ord_continuous.map_Inf' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @right_ord_continuous.map_Inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @right_ord_continuous.map_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ -- order/order_dual.lean #check @order_dual.to_dual_of_dual /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @order_dual.of_dual_to_dual /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- order/order_iso_nat.lean #check @nat.order_embedding_of_set_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @well_founded.monotone_chain_condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @well_founded.supr_eq_monotonic_sequence_limit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- order/partial_sups.lean #check @partial_sups_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @partial_sups_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @partial_sups_eq_sup'_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @partial_sups_eq_sup_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @partial_sups_eq_bsupr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @supr_partial_sups_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- order/pfilter.lean #check @order.pfilter.mem_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ -- order/prime_ideal.lean #check @order.ideal.prime_pair.compl_I_eq_F /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: IF -/ #check @order.ideal.prime_pair.compl_F_eq_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: IF -/ #check @order.ideal.is_prime_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @order.pfilter.is_prime_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ -- order/rel_classes.lean #check @comm_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @not_bounded_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @not_unbounded_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- order/rel_iso.lean #check @rel_hom_class.map_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @rel_hom_class.map_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @rel_hom.coe_fn_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @rel_hom.coe_fn_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @rel_hom.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @rel_hom.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g -/ #check @rel_embedding.to_rel_hom_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @rel_embedding.coe_coe_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @rel_embedding.coe_fn_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @rel_embedding.coe_fn_to_embedding /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @rel_embedding.refl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @rel_embedding.trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @rel_embedding.coe_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @rel_embedding.of_map_rel_iff_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @rel_embedding.of_monotone_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @rel_iso.to_rel_embedding_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @rel_iso.coe_coe_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @rel_iso.coe_fn_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @rel_iso.coe_fn_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @rel_iso.refl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @rel_iso.trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @rel_iso.default_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @rel_iso.coe_fn_symm_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @rel_iso.apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @rel_iso.symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @rel_iso.rel_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @rel_iso.symm_apply_rel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @rel_iso.of_surjective_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @rel_iso.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @rel_iso.mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @rel_iso.inv_apply_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @rel_iso.apply_inv_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @subrel_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, r -/ #check @subrel.rel_embedding_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, p -/ #check @rel_embedding.cod_restrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, H, f, p -/ -- order/succ_pred.lean #check @succ_order.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @succ_order.succ_eq_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pred_order.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @pred_order.pred_eq_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @succ_pred /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pred_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- order/symm_diff.lean #check @symm_diff_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A -/ #check @symm_diff_eq_xor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @symm_diff_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @symm_diff_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @bot_symm_diff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @symm_diff_eq_sup_sdiff_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @sdiff_symm_diff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @sdiff_symm_diff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @symm_diff_sdiff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @symm_diff_sdiff_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @symm_diff_sdiff_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @sdiff_symm_diff_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @symm_diff_eq_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @symm_diff_symm_diff_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @symm_diff_symm_diff_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @symm_diff_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @symm_diff_symm_diff_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @symm_diff_symm_diff_self' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @symm_diff_right_inj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b -/ #check @symm_diff_left_inj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, a -/ #check @symm_diff_eq_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @symm_diff_eq_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @symm_diff_eq_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @symm_diff_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @symm_diff_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @top_symm_diff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @compl_symm_diff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @symm_diff_eq_top_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @symm_diff_symm_diff_right' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ -- order/well_founded.lean #check @well_founded.lt_succ_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ -- order/well_founded_set.lean #check @set.is_wf_min_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @set.is_wf.min_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ht, hsn, hs -/ #check @set.is_wf.min_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: htn, hsn, ht, hs -/ #check @set.is_wf.min_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: htn, hsn, ht, hs -/ #check @set.partially_well_ordered_on.iff_forall_not_is_bad_seq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r -/ #check @finset.mul_antidiagonal_min_mul_min /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hnt, hns, ht, hs -/ #check @finset.add_antidiagonal_min_add_min /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hnt, hns, ht, hs -/ -- probability_theory/density.lean #check @measure_theory.map_eq_with_density_pdf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ℙ, X -/ #check @measure_theory.map_eq_set_lintegral_pdf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ℙ, X -/ -- probability_theory/independence.lean #check @probability_theory.indep_set_iff_indep_sets_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ #check @probability_theory.indep_set_iff_measure_inter_eq_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: μ -/ -- probability_theory/integration.lean #check @probability_theory.lintegral_mul_indicator_eq_lintegral_mul_lintegral_indicator /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ -- probability_theory/stopping.lean #check @measure_theory.is_stopping_time.measurable_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @measure_theory.stopped_process_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- representation_theory/maschke.lean #check @linear_map.conjugate_i /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @linear_map.equivariant_projection_condition /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ -- ring_theory/adjoin/basic.lean #check @algebra.adjoin_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @algebra.adjoin_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @algebra.adjoin_attach_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @algebra.adjoin_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @algebra.adjoin_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, R -/ #check @algebra.adjoin_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, R -/ #check @algebra.adjoin_eq_span /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, R -/ #check @algebra.adjoin_to_submodule_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @algebra.adjoin_eq_span_of_subset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @algebra.adjoin_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f, R -/ #check @algebra.adjoin_insert_adjoin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s, R -/ #check @algebra.adjoin_inl_union_inr_eq_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, R -/ #check @algebra.adjoin_union_eq_adjoin_adjoin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, R -/ #check @algebra.adjoin_singleton_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @algebra.adjoin_union_coe_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, R -/ #check @algebra.adjoin_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @algebra.adjoin_eq_ring_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @alg_hom.map_adjoin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, φ -/ -- ring_theory/adjoin/fg.lean #check @subalgebra.fg_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ -- ring_theory/adjoin_root.lean #check @adjoin_root.algebra_map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @adjoin_root.algebra_map_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, S -/ #check @adjoin_root.mk_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @adjoin_root.aeval_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @adjoin_root.eval₂_root /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @adjoin_root.lift_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @adjoin_root.coe_lift_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hfx, x, f -/ #check @adjoin_root.lift_hom_eq_alg_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ϕ -/ #check @adjoin_root.mul_div_root_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @adjoin_root.mod_by_monic_hom_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @adjoin_root.power_basis_aux'_repr_apply_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ᾰ, hg -/ #check @adjoin_root.power_basis_aux'_repr_apply_support_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, hg -/ #check @adjoin_root.power_basis_aux'_repr_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, hg -/ #check @adjoin_root.equiv'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, pb, g -/ #check @adjoin_root.equiv'_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₁, pb, g -/ #check @adjoin_root.equiv'_to_alg_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, pb, g -/ #check @adjoin_root.equiv'_symm_to_alg_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₁, pb, g -/ -- ring_theory/algebra_tower.lean #check @algebra.adjoin_algebra_map' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @algebra.adjoin_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, A, S, R -/ #check @algebra.adjoin_restrict_scalars /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, E, D, C -/ #check @algebra.adjoin_res_eq_adjoin_res /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, E, D, C -/ #check @basis.algebra_map_coeffs_repr_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, h, b, A -/ #check @basis.algebra_map_coeffs_repr_apply_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, ᾰ, b, A -/ #check @basis.algebra_map_coeffs_repr_apply_support_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, h, b, A -/ #check @basis.algebra_map_coeffs_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, b -/ #check @basis.coe_algebra_map_coeffs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @basis.smul_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ij, x, c, b -/ #check @basis.smul_repr_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, x, c, b -/ #check @basis.smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ij, c, b -/ -- ring_theory/algebraic.lean #check @subalgebra.is_algebraic_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @is_algebraic_iff_is_integral /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @is_algebraic_iff_is_integral' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @polynomial_smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, p, S', R' -/ #check @polynomial_smul_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, p, T', S', R' -/ #check @polynomial.algebra_map_pi_eq_aeval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T', S', R' -/ #check @polynomial.algebra_map_pi_self_eq_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R' -/ -- ring_theory/algebraic_independent.lean #check @algebraic_independent_empty_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, R -/ #check @algebraic_independent.aeval_equiv_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @algebraic_independent.aeval_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, hx -/ #check @algebraic_independent.algebra_map_aeval_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @algebraic_independent.aeval_repr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @algebraic_independent.mv_polynomial_option_equiv_polynomial_adjoin_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, hx -/ #check @algebraic_independent.mv_polynomial_option_equiv_polynomial_adjoin_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @algebraic_independent.mv_polynomial_option_equiv_polynomial_adjoin_X_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, hx -/ #check @algebraic_independent.aeval_comp_mv_polynomial_option_equiv_polynomial_adjoin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @algebraic_independent.option_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- ring_theory/class_group.lean #check @coe_to_principal_ideal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @fractional_ideal.mk0_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, K -/ #check @class_group.mk0_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, K -/ -- ring_theory/coprime/basic.lean #check @is_coprime.neg_left_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @is_coprime.neg_right_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @is_coprime.neg_neg_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ -- ring_theory/dedekind_domain.lean #check @is_dedekind_domain_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @fractional_ideal.inv_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @fractional_ideal.inv_zero' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @fractional_ideal.inv_nonzero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @fractional_ideal.coe_inv_of_nonzero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @fractional_ideal.mul_inv_cancel_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @fractional_ideal.mul_inv_cancel_iff_is_unit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @fractional_ideal.map_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, I, K -/ #check @fractional_ideal.span_singleton_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, K -/ #check @fractional_ideal.mul_generator_self_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @fractional_ideal.invertible_of_principal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @fractional_ideal.invertible_iff_generator_nonzero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, K -/ #check @fractional_ideal.one_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @fractional_ideal.div_eq_mul_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @sup_eq_prod_inf_factors /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ -- ring_theory/derivation.lean #check @derivation.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D -/ #check @derivation.to_linear_map_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D -/ #check @derivation.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @derivation.coe_fn_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @derivation.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @derivation.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, D -/ #check @derivation.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, r, D -/ #check @derivation.leibniz /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, D -/ #check @derivation.map_smul_of_tower /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, r, D -/ #check @derivation.leibniz_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, D -/ #check @derivation.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D2, D1 -/ #check @derivation.coe_add_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D2, D1 -/ #check @derivation.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @derivation.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D, r -/ #check @derivation.coe_smul_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D, r -/ #check @derivation.smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D, r, a -/ #check @derivation.coe_to_linear_map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, D -/ #check @derivation.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, D -/ #check @derivation.coe_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D -/ #check @derivation.coe_mk'_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D -/ #check @derivation.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, D -/ #check @derivation.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, D -/ #check @derivation.leibniz_of_mul_eq_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D -/ #check @derivation.leibniz_inv_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, D -/ #check @derivation.leibniz_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, D -/ #check @derivation.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D -/ #check @derivation.coe_neg_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D -/ #check @derivation.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, D -/ #check @derivation.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D2, D1 -/ #check @derivation.coe_sub_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: D2, D1 -/ #check @derivation.sub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @derivation.commutator_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- ring_theory/discrete_valuation_ring.lean #check @discrete_valuation_ring.irreducible_iff_uniformizer /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ϖ -/ #check @discrete_valuation_ring.iff_pid_with_one_nonzero_prime /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @discrete_valuation_ring.add_val_def' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @discrete_valuation_ring.add_val_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a -/ #check @irreducible.add_val_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- ring_theory/discriminant.lean #check @algebra.discr_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, A -/ #check @algebra.discr_zero_of_not_linear_independent /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @algebra.discr_of_matrix_vec_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, b -/ #check @algebra.discr_of_matrix_mul_vec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, b -/ #check @algebra.discr_eq_det_embeddings_matrix_reindex_pow_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, E, K -/ #check @algebra.discr_power_basis_eq_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pb, E, K -/ #check @algebra.of_power_basis_eq_prod' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pb, E, K -/ #check @algebra.of_power_basis_eq_prod'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pb, E, K -/ #check @algebra.of_power_basis_eq_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pb, K -/ -- ring_theory/euclidean_domain.lean #check @euclidean_domain.span_gcd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ -- ring_theory/finiteness.lean #check @module_polynomial_of_endo_to_distrib_mul_action_to_mul_action_to_has_scalar_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n, f -/ -- ring_theory/fractional_ideal.lean #check @fractional_ideal.val_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @fractional_ideal.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @fractional_ideal.coe_coe_ideal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @fractional_ideal.coe_ideal_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @fractional_ideal.sup_eq_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @fractional_ideal.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @fractional_ideal.coe_ideal_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @fractional_ideal.mul_eq_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @fractional_ideal.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @fractional_ideal.coe_ideal_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @fractional_ideal.coe_ideal_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, P, S -/ #check @fractional_ideal.coe_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, g -/ #check @fractional_ideal.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @fractional_ideal.map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g', g, I -/ #check @fractional_ideal.map_coe_ideal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @fractional_ideal.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, J, I -/ #check @fractional_ideal.map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, J, I -/ #check @fractional_ideal.map_map_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @fractional_ideal.map_symm_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @fractional_ideal.coe_fun_map_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @fractional_ideal.map_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, g -/ #check @fractional_ideal.map_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @fractional_ideal.coe_ideal_fg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @fractional_ideal.mem_canonical_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P', P, S -/ #check @fractional_ideal.canonical_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P', P, S -/ #check @fractional_ideal.canonical_equiv_flip /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @fractional_ideal.map_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, J, I -/ #check @fractional_ideal.map_one_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, I -/ #check @fractional_ideal.coe_span_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @fractional_ideal.eq_span_singleton_of_principal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @fractional_ideal.is_principal_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @fractional_ideal.span_singleton_mul_span_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @fractional_ideal.coe_ideal_span_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @fractional_ideal.canonical_equiv_span_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @fractional_ideal.one_div_span_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @fractional_ideal.div_span_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, J -/ #check @fractional_ideal.adjoin_integral_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- ring_theory/free_comm_ring.lean #check @free_comm_ring.lift_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_comm_ring.lift_comp_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @free_comm_ring.map_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_comm_ring.restriction_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, s -/ #check @free_ring.coe_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @free_ring.coe_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @free_ring.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @free_ring.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @free_ring.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @free_ring.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @free_ring.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @free_ring.coe_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ -- ring_theory/free_ring.lean #check @free_ring.lift_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @free_ring.lift_comp_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @free_ring.map_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ -- ring_theory/graded_algebra/basic.lean #check @graded_algebra.decompose'_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: 𝒜 -/ #check @graded_algebra.decompose_symm_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, 𝒜 -/ #check @graded_algebra.proj_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, i, 𝒜 -/ #check @graded_algebra.proj_recompose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, a, 𝒜 -/ #check @graded_algebra.decompose_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, 𝒜 -/ #check @graded_algebra.decompose_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: 𝒜 -/ #check @graded_algebra.mem_support_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, r, 𝒜 -/ #check @graded_algebra.sum_support_decompose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ -- ring_theory/hahn_series.lean #check @hahn_series.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @hahn_series.mem_support /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, x -/ #check @hahn_series.single_coeff_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @hahn_series.single.add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, a -/ #check @hahn_series.coeff.add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @hahn_series.emb_domain_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @hahn_series.single.linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, a -/ #check @hahn_series.coeff.linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g -/ #check @hahn_series.emb_domain_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r, f -/ #check @hahn_series.emb_domain_linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @hahn_series.mul_coeff_order_add_order /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @hahn_series.order_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @hahn_series.C_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @hahn_series.emb_domain_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @hahn_series.emb_domain_ring_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, hf, hfi, f -/ #check @hahn_series.emb_domain_alg_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, hf, hfi, f -/ #check @hahn_series.to_power_series_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @hahn_series.to_power_series_symm_apply_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @hahn_series.of_power_series_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @hahn_series.of_power_series_apply_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @hahn_series.of_power_series_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @hahn_series.of_power_series_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @hahn_series.to_power_series_alg_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @hahn_series.to_power_series_alg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @hahn_series.of_power_series_alg_apply_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, ᾰ, Γ -/ #check @hahn_series.summable_family.lsum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @hahn_series.summable_family.emb_domain_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @hahn_series.summable_family.emb_domain_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @hahn_series.summable_family.hsum_emb_domain /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @hahn_series.summable_family.emb_domain_succ_smul_powers /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hx -/ -- ring_theory/ideal/basic.lean #check @ideal.eq_top_iff_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.ne_top_iff_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.unit_mul_mem_iff_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.span_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.span_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, x -/ #check @ideal.span_eq_top_iff_finite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @ideal.mem_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, ι, I -/ #check @ideal.mul_unit_mem_iff_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.span_singleton_mul_right_unit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ideal.span_singleton_mul_left_unit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ideal.neg_mem_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.add_mem_iff_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.add_mem_iff_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ -- ring_theory/ideal/local_ring.lean #check @local_ring.mem_maximal_ideal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_unit_map_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- ring_theory/ideal/operations.lean #check @submodule.mem_annihilator_span /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, s -/ #check @submodule.mem_annihilator_span_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, g -/ #check @submodule.annihilator_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, ι -/ #check @submodule.top_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N -/ #check @submodule.smul_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, N, I -/ #check @submodule.sup_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, J, I -/ #check @submodule.smul_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, J, I -/ #check @submodule.span_smul_span /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @submodule.union_eq_smul_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, r -/ #check @submodule.ideal_span_singleton_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, r -/ #check @submodule.span_smul_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r -/ #check @submodule.map_smul'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, N, I -/ #check @submodule.infi_colon_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, ι₂, f, ι₁ -/ #check @ideal.mul_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @ideal.mul_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, J, I -/ #check @ideal.span_mul_span /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @ideal.span_mul_span' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T, S -/ #check @ideal.span_singleton_mul_span_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r -/ #check @ideal.span_singleton_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s -/ #check @ideal.eq_span_singleton_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @ideal.span_singleton_mul_eq_span_singleton_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @ideal.prod_span /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, s -/ #check @ideal.prod_span_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, s -/ #check @ideal.finset_inf_span_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, s -/ #check @ideal.infi_span_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.mul_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.top_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.mul_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, J, I -/ #check @ideal.sup_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, J, I -/ #check @ideal.radical_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @ideal.radical_idem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.radical_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @ideal.radical_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @ideal.radical_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @ideal.radical_eq_Inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.top_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @ideal.radical_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.is_prime.multiset_prod_map_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ideal.comap_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.comap_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @ideal.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @ideal.map_span /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @ideal.map_comap_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, f -/ #check @ideal.comap_map_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, f -/ #check @ideal.map_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I, f -/ #check @ideal.comap_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: L, K, f -/ #check @ideal.map_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, f -/ #check @ideal.comap_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, f -/ #check @ideal.map_Sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @ideal.comap_Inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @ideal.comap_Inf' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @ideal.map_comap_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.map_sup_comap_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @ideal.map_supr_comap_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @ideal.map_inf_comap_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @ideal.map_infi_comap_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @ideal.mem_map_iff_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ideal.comap_map_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, f -/ #check @ideal.map_of_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.comap_of_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.map_comap_of_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, I -/ #check @ideal.comap_le_iff_le_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ideal.map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I, f -/ #check @ideal.comap_radical /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, f -/ #check @ideal.map_quotient_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ring_hom.mem_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.ker_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.ker_eq_comap_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.comap_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @ring_hom.injective_iff_ker_eq_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.ker_eq_bot_iff_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.ker_lift_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, f -/ #check @ring_hom.quotient_ker_equiv_of_right_inverse.apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ring_hom.quotient_ker_equiv_of_right_inverse.symm.apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ideal.map_eq_bot_iff_le_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ideal.ker_quotient_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ideal.map_eq_iff_sup_ker_eq_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ideal.bot_quotient_is_maximal_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.quotient.alg_map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, R₁ -/ #check @ideal.quotient.mkₐ_to_ring_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.quotient.mkₐ_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.quotient.algebra_map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.quotient.mk_comp_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, R₁ -/ #check @ideal.quotient.mk_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, I, R₁ -/ #check @ideal.quotient.mkₐ_ker /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.ker_lift.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r, f -/ #check @ideal.ker_lift_alg_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @ideal.ker_lift_alg_to_ring_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ideal.quotient_ker_alg_equiv_of_right_inverse.apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ideal.quotient_ker_alg_equiv_of_right_inverse_symm.apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ideal.quotient_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, hIJ, f, J, I -/ #check @ideal.quotient_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, hIJ, f, J, I -/ #check @ideal.comp_quotient_map_eq_of_comp_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.quotient_map_mkₐ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, J -/ #check @ideal.quotient_map_comp_mkₐ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, J -/ #check @ring_hom.lift_of_right_inverse_aux_comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g -/ #check @ring_hom.lift_of_right_inverse_comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @ring_hom.lift_of_right_inverse_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @double_quot.ker_quot_left_to_quot_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @double_quot.ker_quot_quot_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @double_quot.quot_quot_equiv_quot_sup_quot_quot_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, J, I -/ #check @double_quot.quot_quot_equiv_quot_sup_symm_quot_quot_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, J, I -/ #check @double_quot.quot_quot_equiv_comm_quot_quot_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, J, I -/ #check @double_quot.quot_quot_equiv_comm_comp_quot_quot_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @double_quot.quot_quot_equiv_comm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ -- ring_theory/ideal/over.lean #check @ideal.quotient_mk_maps_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @ideal.quotient.algebra_map_quotient_map_quotient /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ideal.quotient.mk_smul_mk_quotient_map_quotient /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ -- ring_theory/ideal/prod.lean #check @ideal.mem_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @ideal.ideal_prod_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.map_fst_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.map_snd_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J -/ #check @ideal.map_prod_comm_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @ideal.ideal_prod_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I -/ #check @ideal.ideal_prod_prime /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.prime_ideals_equiv_symm_inl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, I -/ #check @ideal.prime_ideals_equiv_symm_inr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, J -/ -- ring_theory/ideal/quotient.lean #check @ideal.quotient.mk_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ideal.quotient.quotient_ring_saturate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, I -/ #check @ideal.quotient.is_domain_iff_prime /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.quotient.maximal_ideal_iff_is_field_quotient /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.quotient.lift_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ideal.quotient.factor_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, T -/ #check @ideal.quotient.factor_comp_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @ideal.quot_equiv_of_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- ring_theory/int/basic.lean #check @gcd_eq_nat_gcd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @lcm_eq_nat_lcm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @int.normalize_coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @int.coe_nat_abs_eq_normalize /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @int.nonneg_iff_normalize_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @int.coe_gcd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @int.coe_lcm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @int.nat_abs_gcd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @int.nat_abs_lcm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @int.nat_abs_euclidean_domain_gcd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @int.zmultiples_nat_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @int.span_nat_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- ring_theory/integral_closure.lean #check @mem_integral_closure_iff_mem_fg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, R -/ #check @normalize_scale_roots_coeff_mul_leading_coeff_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, p -/ #check @leading_coeff_smul_normalize_scale_roots /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @normalize_scale_roots_degree /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @normalize_scale_roots_eval₂_leading_coeff_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, p -/ #check @is_integral_closure.algebra_map_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_integral_closure.mk'_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @is_integral_closure.mk'_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @is_integral_closure.mk'_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hy, hx, y, x, A -/ #check @is_integral_closure.mk'_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hy, hx, y, x, A -/ #check @is_integral_closure.mk'_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, A -/ #check @is_integral_closure.algebra_map_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, B -/ #check @is_integral_closure.algebra_map_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, B, A -/ #check @is_integral_quotient_map_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- ring_theory/integral_domain.lean #check @card_fiber_eq_of_mem_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @sum_hom_units /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- ring_theory/integrally_closed.lean #check @is_integrally_closed.integral_closure_eq_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, R -/ -- ring_theory/jacobson.lean #check @ideal.radical_eq_jacobson /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @ideal.disjoint_powers_iff_not_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @ideal.is_maximal_iff_is_maximal_disjoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, S -/ -- ring_theory/laurent_series.lean #check @laurent_series.coe_power_series /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @laurent_series.coeff_coe_power_series /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @laurent_series.power_series_part_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @laurent_series.power_series_part_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @laurent_series.single_order_mul_power_series_part /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @laurent_series.of_power_series_power_series_part /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @power_series.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @power_series.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @power_series.coeff_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @power_series.coe_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @power_series.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, r -/ #check @power_series.coe_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @power_series.coe_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @power_series.coe_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ -- ring_theory/local_properties.lean #check @ring_hom.of_localization_span_iff_finite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ -- ring_theory/localization.lean #check @is_localization.to_localization_map_to_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, S -/ #check @is_localization.to_localization_map_to_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @is_localization.to_localization_map_to_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @is_localization.to_localization_map_sec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @is_localization.sec_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, M -/ #check @is_localization.sec_spec' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, M -/ #check @is_localization.map_integer_multiple /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f, s, M -/ #check @is_localization.finset_integer_multiple_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, M -/ #check @is_localization.map_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @is_localization.mk'_sec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_localization.mk'_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y₂, y₁, x₂, x₁, S -/ #check @is_localization.mk'_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @is_localization.mk'_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @is_localization.mk'_spec' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @is_localization.mk'_spec_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @is_localization.mk'_spec'_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @is_localization.mk'_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @is_localization.mk'_self' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @is_localization.mk'_self'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @is_localization.mul_mk'_eq_mk'_of_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @is_localization.mk'_eq_mul_mk'_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @is_localization.mk'_mul_cancel_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_localization.mk'_mul_cancel_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_localization.mk'_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y₂, y₁, x₂, x₁ -/ #check @is_localization.lift_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, hg -/ #check @is_localization.lift_mk'_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, v, x -/ #check @is_localization.lift_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_localization.lift_of_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @is_localization.lift_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_localization.map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_localization.map_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, hy -/ #check @is_localization.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @is_localization.map_comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hl, hy -/ #check @is_localization.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hl, hy -/ #check @is_localization.ring_equiv_of_ring_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, H, h, Q, S -/ #check @is_localization.ring_equiv_of_ring_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, H, h, Q, S -/ #check @is_localization.ring_equiv_of_ring_equiv_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @is_localization.ring_equiv_of_ring_equiv_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_localization.ring_equiv_of_ring_equiv_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, H -/ #check @is_localization.alg_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, Q, S, M -/ #check @is_localization.alg_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, Q, S, M -/ #check @is_localization.alg_equiv_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @is_localization.alg_equiv_symm_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @is_localization.is_localization_iff_of_alg_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @is_localization.is_localization_iff_of_ring_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @is_localization.is_localization_iff_of_base_ring_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, M -/ #check @is_localization.away.away_map.lift_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @is_localization.to_inv_submonoid_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @is_localization.mul_to_inv_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @is_localization.smul_to_inv_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @is_localization.to_inv_submonoid_eq_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, M -/ #check @is_localization.mem_inv_submonoid_iff_exists_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, M -/ #check @is_localization.span_inv_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @localization.add_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, c, b, a -/ #check @localization.add_mk_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @localization.neg_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @localization.monoid_of_eq_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @localization.mk_one_eq_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @localization.mk_eq_mk'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @localization.alg_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, S, M -/ #check @localization.alg_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, S, M -/ #check @localization.alg_equiv_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @localization.alg_equiv_symm_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @localization.alg_equiv_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @localization.alg_equiv_symm_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @is_localization.mem_map_algebra_map_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @is_localization.map_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J -/ #check @is_localization.comap_map_of_is_prime_disjoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @is_localization.is_prime_iff_is_prime_disjoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, S -/ #check @is_localization.localization_localization_eq_iff_exists /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @is_localization.mem_coe_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I, S -/ #check @is_localization.coe_submodule_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @is_localization.coe_submodule_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @is_localization.coe_submodule_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I, S -/ #check @is_localization.coe_submodule_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: J, I, S -/ #check @is_localization.coe_submodule_fg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @is_localization.coe_submodule_span /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, S -/ #check @is_localization.coe_submodule_span_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @is_localization.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, x, hy, S -/ #check @is_localization.integer_normalization_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, p, M -/ #check @is_localization.at_prime.is_unit_to_map_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_localization.at_prime.to_map_mem_maximal_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_localization.at_prime.is_unit_mk'_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, I -/ #check @is_localization.at_prime.mk'_mem_maximal_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, I -/ #check @localization.local_ring_hom_to_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, J -/ #check @localization.local_ring_hom_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, hIJ, f, J, I -/ #check @localization.local_ring_hom_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @localization.local_ring_hom_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hJK, g, hIJ, f, K, J, I -/ #check @is_fraction_ring.coe_submodule_is_principal /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @is_fraction_ring.mk'_eq_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @is_fraction_ring.lift_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_fraction_ring.lift_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @is_fraction_ring.mk'_num_denom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_fraction_ring.is_fraction_ring_iff_of_base_ring_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @algebra_map_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, r -/ -- ring_theory/matrix_algebra.lean #check @matrix_equiv_tensor.to_fun_alg_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, a, n, A, R -/ #check @matrix_equiv_tensor.inv_fun_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, A, R -/ #check @matrix_equiv_tensor.inv_fun_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N, M, n, A, R -/ #check @matrix_equiv_tensor.inv_fun_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, a, n, A, R -/ #check @matrix_equiv_tensor.inv_fun_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, n, A, R -/ #check @matrix_equiv_tensor.right_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix_equiv_tensor.left_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @matrix_equiv_tensor_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, n, A, R -/ #check @matrix_equiv_tensor_apply_std_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, j, i, n, A, R -/ #check @matrix_equiv_tensor_apply_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, a, n, A, R -/ -- ring_theory/multiplicity.lean #check @multiplicity.int.coe_nat_multiplicity /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @multiplicity.neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @multiplicity.mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @multiplicity.finset.prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @multiplicity.pow' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ha -/ #check @multiplicity.multiplicity_pow_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @multiplicity.multiplicity_pow_self_of_prime /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- ring_theory/mv_polynomial/basic.lean #check @mv_polynomial.map_range_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, p, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.mem_restrict_total_degree /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, m, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.mem_restrict_degree /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.mem_restrict_degree_iff_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coe_basis_monomials /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, σ -/ #check @polynomial.coe_basis_monomials /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ -- ring_theory/nilpotent.lean #check @nilradical_eq_Inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @nilradical_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @algebra.is_nilpotent_lmul_left_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @algebra.is_nilpotent_lmul_right_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- ring_theory/noetherian.lean #check @submodule.fg_iff_add_submonoid_fg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @submodule.fg_iff_add_subgroup_fg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @submodule.fg_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: N -/ #check @submodule.fg_iff_compact /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @is_noetherian_ring_iff_ideal_fg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ -- ring_theory/norm.lean #check @algebra.norm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, R -/ #check @algebra.norm_eq_one_of_not_exists_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @algebra.norm_eq_matrix_det /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @algebra.norm_algebra_map_of_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @algebra.norm_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @algebra.power_basis.norm_gen_eq_coeff_zero_minpoly /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pb -/ #check @algebra.power_basis.norm_gen_eq_prod_roots /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pb -/ #check @algebra.norm_eq_norm_adjoin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, K -/ #check @intermediate_field.adjoin_simple.norm_gen_eq_prod_roots /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @algebra.norm_eq_prod_embeddings_gen /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pb, E -/ #check @algebra.prod_embeddings_eq_finrank_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pb, E, F -/ #check @algebra.norm_eq_prod_embeddings /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E, K -/ -- ring_theory/nullstellensatz.lean #check @mv_polynomial.mem_vanishing_ideal_singleton_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, x -/ #check @mv_polynomial.vanishing_ideal_point_to_point /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V -/ #check @mv_polynomial.is_maximal_iff_eq_vanishing_ideal_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @mv_polynomial.vanishing_ideal_zero_locus_eq_radical /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @mv_polynomial.is_prime.vanishing_ideal_zero_locus /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ -- ring_theory/perfection.lean #check @perfection.coeff_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @perfection.coeff_pth_root /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @perfection.coeff_pow_p /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @perfection.coeff_pow_p' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @perfection.coeff_frobenius /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @perfection.coeff_iterate_frobenius /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @perfection.coeff_iterate_frobenius' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n, f -/ #check @perfection.lift_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hmn, S, R, p -/ #check @perfection.lift_apply_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, r, f, S, R, p -/ #check @perfection.map_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f, φ, p -/ #check @perfection.coeff_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f, φ, p -/ #check @perfection_map.equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @perfection_map.comp_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @perfection_map.comp_symm_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @perfection_map.lift_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, π, P, S, R -/ #check @perfection_map.lift_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, m, π, P, S, R, p -/ #check @perfection_map.comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @perfection_map.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, φ -/ #check @perfection_map.map_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, p -/ #check @pre_tilt.val_aux_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ -- ring_theory/polynomial/basic.lean #check @polynomial.support_restriction /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.map_restriction /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_to_subring /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_to_subring' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.support_to_subring /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.degree_to_subring /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.nat_degree_to_subring /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.monic_to_subring /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.to_subring_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @polynomial.to_subring_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: T -/ #check @polynomial.map_to_subring /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_of_subring /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p, T -/ #check @polynomial.ker_map_ring_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ideal.polynomial_quotient_equiv_quotient_polynomial_symm_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, I -/ #check @ideal.polynomial_quotient_equiv_quotient_polynomial_map_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, I -/ #check @ideal.mem_of_polynomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ideal.mem_leading_coeff_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n, I -/ #check @ideal.mem_leading_coeff_nth_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, I -/ #check @ideal.mem_leading_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, I -/ #check @polynomial.linear_independent_powers_iff_aeval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v, f -/ #check @polynomial.sup_ker_aeval_eq_ker_aeval_mul_of_coprime /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @mv_polynomial.map_mv_polynomial_eq_eval₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, ϕ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.ker_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- ring_theory/polynomial/bernstein.lean #check @bernstein_polynomial.eq_zero_of_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @bernstein_polynomial.map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ν, n -/ #check @bernstein_polynomial.flip /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ν, n, R -/ #check @bernstein_polynomial.flip' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ν, n, R -/ #check @bernstein_polynomial.eval_at_0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ν, R -/ #check @bernstein_polynomial.eval_at_1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ν, n, R -/ #check @bernstein_polynomial.derivative_succ_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ν, n, R -/ #check @bernstein_polynomial.derivative_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ν, n, R -/ #check @bernstein_polynomial.derivative_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R -/ #check @bernstein_polynomial.iterate_derivative_at_0_eq_zero_of_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @bernstein_polynomial.iterate_derivative_succ_at_0_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @bernstein_polynomial.iterate_derivative_at_0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ν, n, R -/ #check @bernstein_polynomial.iterate_derivative_at_1_eq_zero_of_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @bernstein_polynomial.iterate_derivative_at_1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ν, n, R -/ #check @bernstein_polynomial.sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @bernstein_polynomial.sum_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R -/ #check @bernstein_polynomial.sum_mul_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R -/ #check @bernstein_polynomial.variance /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R -/ -- ring_theory/polynomial/chebyshev.lean #check @polynomial.chebyshev.T_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @polynomial.chebyshev.T_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @polynomial.chebyshev.T_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @polynomial.chebyshev.T_add_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R -/ #check @polynomial.chebyshev.T_of_two_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R -/ #check @polynomial.chebyshev.map_T /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.chebyshev.U_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @polynomial.chebyshev.U_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @polynomial.chebyshev.U_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @polynomial.chebyshev.U_add_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R -/ #check @polynomial.chebyshev.U_of_two_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R -/ #check @polynomial.chebyshev.U_eq_X_mul_U_add_T /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R -/ #check @polynomial.chebyshev.T_eq_U_sub_X_mul_U /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R -/ #check @polynomial.chebyshev.T_eq_X_mul_T_sub_pol_U /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R -/ #check @polynomial.chebyshev.one_sub_X_sq_mul_U_eq_pol_in_T /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R -/ #check @polynomial.chebyshev.map_U /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.chebyshev.T_derivative_eq_U /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.chebyshev.one_sub_X_sq_mul_derivative_T_eq_poly_in_T /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.chebyshev.add_one_mul_T_eq_poly_in_U /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.chebyshev.mul_T /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, m, R -/ #check @polynomial.chebyshev.T_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, R -/ -- ring_theory/polynomial/content.lean #check @polynomial.content_C_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, r -/ #check @polynomial.content_eq_gcd_range_of_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.content_eq_gcd_range_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.content_eq_gcd_leading_coeff_content_erase_lead /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.eq_C_content_mul_prim_part /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.nat_degree_prim_part /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- ring_theory/polynomial/cyclotomic/basic.lean #check @polynomial.cyclotomic'_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @polynomial.cyclotomic'_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @polynomial.cyclotomic'_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @polynomial.roots_of_cyclotomic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, n -/ #check @polynomial.map_cyclotomic_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, n -/ #check @polynomial.map_cyclotomic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.cyclotomic_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @polynomial.cyclotomic_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @polynomial.cyclotomic_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @polynomial.degree_cyclotomic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.nat_degree_cyclotomic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.prod_cyclotomic_eq_X_pow_sub_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @polynomial.prod_cyclotomic_eq_geom_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @is_root_of_unity_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @polynomial.cyclotomic_eq_prod_X_pow_sub_one_pow_moebius /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @polynomial.eq_cyclotomic_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @polynomial.cyclotomic_prime_mul_X_sub_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, R -/ #check @polynomial.cyclotomic_coeff_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @polynomial.cyclotomic_expand_eq_cyclotomic_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @polynomial.cyclotomic_expand_eq_cyclotomic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @polynomial.cyclotomic_mul_prime_eq_pow_of_not_dvd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @polynomial.cyclotomic_mul_prime_dvd_eq_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @polynomial.cyclotomic_mul_prime_pow_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ -- ring_theory/polynomial/dickson.lean #check @polynomial.dickson_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @polynomial.dickson_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, k -/ #check @polynomial.dickson_add_two /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, k -/ #check @polynomial.dickson_of_two_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, k -/ #check @polynomial.map_dickson /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @polynomial.dickson_two_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @polynomial.dickson_one_one_eval_add_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, y, x -/ #check @polynomial.dickson_one_one_eq_chebyshev_T /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R -/ #check @polynomial.chebyshev_T_eq_dickson_one_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R -/ #check @polynomial.dickson_one_one_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, R -/ #check @polynomial.dickson_one_one_comp_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, R -/ #check @polynomial.dickson_one_one_zmod_p /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.dickson_one_one_char_p /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, R -/ -- ring_theory/polynomial/gauss_lemma.lean #check @polynomial.is_primitive.int.dvd_iff_map_cast_dvd_map_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ -- ring_theory/polynomial/homogeneous.lean #check @mv_polynomial.mem_homogeneous_submodule /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, n -/ #check @mv_polynomial.homogeneous_submodule_eq_finsupp_supported /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coeff_homogeneous_component /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, φ, n -/ #check @mv_polynomial.homogeneous_component_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, n -/ #check @mv_polynomial.homogeneous_component_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.homogeneous_component_C_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, n, φ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.sum_homogeneous_component /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ -- ring_theory/polynomial/pochhammer.lean #check @pochhammer_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @pochhammer_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @pochhammer_succ_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, S -/ #check @pochhammer_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @pochhammer_eval_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, S -/ #check @pochhammer_eval_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @pochhammer_zero_eval_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @pochhammer_ne_zero_eval_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @pochhammer_succ_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, S -/ #check @polynomial.mul_X_add_nat_cast_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @pochhammer_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n, S -/ #check @pochhammer_nat_eq_asc_factorial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n -/ #check @pochhammer_nat_eq_desc_factorial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pochhammer_succ_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n -/ #check @pochhammer_eval_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, S -/ #check @factorial_mul_pochhammer /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, r, S -/ #check @pochhammer_nat_eval_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, r -/ #check @pochhammer_eval_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, r, S -/ -- ring_theory/polynomial/scale_roots.lean #check @coeff_scale_roots /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, s, p -/ #check @coeff_scale_roots_nat_degree /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @support_scale_roots_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @degree_scale_roots /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @nat_degree_scale_roots /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- ring_theory/polynomial/symmetric.lean #check @mv_polynomial.mem_symmetric_subalgebra /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @mv_polynomial.esymm_eq_sum_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.esymm_eq_sum_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.esymm_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.map_esymm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.rename_esymm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R -/ #check @mv_polynomial.support_esymm'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.support_esymm' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.support_esymm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.degrees_esymm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σ -/ -- ring_theory/polynomial/tower.lean #check @is_scalar_tower.aeval_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, x, A, R -/ #check @is_scalar_tower.algebra_map_aeval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, x, B, A, R -/ #check @is_scalar_tower.aeval_eq_zero_of_aeval_algebra_map_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @subalgebra.aeval_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ -- ring_theory/polynomial/vieta.lean #check @mv_polynomial.prod_X_add_C_eq_sum_esymm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.prod_X_add_C_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.esymm_to_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, r, σ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.prod_X_add_C_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, r, σ -/ -- ring_theory/polynomial_algebra.lean #check @poly_equiv_tensor.to_fun_bilinear_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, b, A, R -/ #check @poly_equiv_tensor.to_fun_bilinear_apply_eq_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, a, A, R -/ #check @poly_equiv_tensor.to_fun_linear_tmul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, a, A, R -/ #check @poly_equiv_tensor.to_fun_linear_mul_tmul_mul_aux_1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, k, p, A, R -/ #check @poly_equiv_tensor.to_fun_linear_mul_tmul_mul_aux_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂, p₁, a₂, a₁, k, A, R -/ #check @poly_equiv_tensor.to_fun_linear_mul_tmul_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂, p₁, a₂, a₁, A, R -/ #check @poly_equiv_tensor.to_fun_linear_algebra_map_tmul_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, A, R -/ #check @poly_equiv_tensor.to_fun_alg_hom_apply_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, a, A, R -/ #check @poly_equiv_tensor.inv_fun_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, R -/ #check @poly_equiv_tensor.inv_fun_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n, A, R -/ #check @poly_equiv_tensor.left_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @poly_equiv_tensor.right_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @poly_equiv_tensor_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, A, R -/ #check @poly_equiv_tensor_symm_apply_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, a, A, R -/ #check @mat_poly_equiv_coeff_apply_aux_1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, k, j, i -/ #check @mat_poly_equiv_coeff_apply_aux_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, p, j, i -/ #check @mat_poly_equiv_coeff_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, k, m -/ #check @mat_poly_equiv_symm_apply_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, j, i, p -/ #check @mat_poly_equiv_smul_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- ring_theory/power_basis.lean #check @power_basis.coe_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pb -/ #check @power_basis.degree_minpoly_gen /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pb -/ #check @power_basis.nat_degree_minpoly_gen /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pb -/ #check @power_basis.nat_degree_minpoly /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pb -/ #check @power_basis.minpoly_gen_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pb -/ #check @power_basis.constr_pow_aeval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @power_basis.constr_pow_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @power_basis.constr_pow_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x', x, pb -/ #check @power_basis.lift_gen /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @power_basis.lift_aeval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, y -/ #check @power_basis.lift_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, pb -/ #check @power_basis.lift_equiv_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, pb -/ #check @power_basis.lift_equiv'_symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, pb -/ #check @power_basis.lift_equiv'_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, pb -/ #check @power_basis.equiv_of_root_aeval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, pb' -/ #check @power_basis.equiv_of_root_gen /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pb' -/ #check @power_basis.equiv_of_root_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁, pb', pb -/ #check @power_basis.equiv_of_minpoly_aeval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, pb' -/ #check @power_basis.equiv_of_minpoly_gen /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pb' -/ #check @power_basis.equiv_of_minpoly_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, pb', pb -/ #check @power_basis.map_gen /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, pb -/ #check @power_basis.map_dim /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pb -/ #check @power_basis.map_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, pb -/ #check @power_basis.minpoly_gen_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pb -/ #check @power_basis.equiv_of_root_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @power_basis.equiv_of_minpoly_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ -- ring_theory/power_series/basic.lean #check @mv_power_series.monomial_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @mv_power_series.coeff_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n, m -/ #check @mv_power_series.coeff_monomial_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mv_power_series.coeff_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @mv_power_series.coeff_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ψ, φ, n -/ #check @mv_power_series.coeff_monomial_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, φ, n, m -/ #check @mv_power_series.coeff_mul_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, φ, n, m -/ #check @mv_power_series.coeff_add_monomial_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, φ, n -/ #check @mv_power_series.coeff_add_mul_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, φ, m -/ #check @mv_power_series.one_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @mv_power_series.mul_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @mv_power_series.mul_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ₃, φ₂, φ₁ -/ #check @mv_power_series.add_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ₃, φ₂, φ₁ -/ #check @mv_power_series.mul_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ₃, φ₂, φ₁ -/ #check @mv_power_series.monomial_mul_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, n, m -/ #check @mv_power_series.monomial_zero_eq_C_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mv_power_series.coeff_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n -/ #check @mv_power_series.coeff_zero_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mv_power_series.coeff_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, n -/ #check @mv_power_series.coeff_index_single_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @mv_power_series.X_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @mv_power_series.X_pow_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s -/ #check @mv_power_series.coeff_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, s, m -/ #check @mv_power_series.coeff_mul_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, φ, n -/ #check @mv_power_series.coeff_C_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, φ, n -/ #check @mv_power_series.coeff_zero_eq_constant_coeff_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @mv_power_series.constant_coeff_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mv_power_series.coeff_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n, f -/ #check @mv_power_series.map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @mv_power_series.coeff_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, n, f -/ #check @mv_power_series.constant_coeff_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, f -/ #check @mv_power_series.map_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n, f -/ #check @mv_power_series.map_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @mv_power_series.map_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @mv_power_series.coeff_trunc_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, m, n -/ #check @mv_power_series.coeff_trunc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, m, n -/ #check @mv_power_series.trunc_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mv_power_series.coeff_inv_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, a, n -/ #check @mv_power_series.coeff_inv_of_unit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, φ, n -/ #check @mv_power_series.constant_coeff_inv_of_unit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @mv_power_series.coeff_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, n -/ #check @mv_power_series.constant_coeff_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @mv_power_series.inv_of_unit_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @mv_power_series.inv_of_unit_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coe_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coeff_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, φ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coe_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ψ, φ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ψ, φ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coe_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coe_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coe_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coe_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coe_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coe_to_mv_power_series.ring_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @mv_polynomial.algebra_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, A -/ #check @mv_polynomial.coe_to_mv_power_series.alg_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, φ -/ #check @mv_power_series.algebra_map_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, A -/ #check @mv_power_series.algebra_map_apply'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, A -/ #check @power_series.coeff_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, n -/ #check @power_series.coeff_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n, m -/ #check @power_series.monomial_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n -/ #check @power_series.coeff_monomial_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @power_series.coeff_zero_eq_constant_coeff_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @power_series.monomial_zero_eq_C_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @power_series.coeff_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n -/ #check @power_series.coeff_zero_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @power_series.coeff_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @power_series.X_pow_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @power_series.coeff_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m -/ #check @power_series.coeff_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @power_series.coeff_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ψ, φ, n -/ #check @power_series.coeff_mul_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, φ, n -/ #check @power_series.coeff_C_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, φ, n -/ #check @power_series.coeff_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, φ, n -/ #check @power_series.coeff_succ_mul_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, n -/ #check @power_series.coeff_succ_X_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, n -/ #check @power_series.constant_coeff_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @power_series.coeff_C_mul_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, k, x -/ #check @power_series.coeff_mul_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, p -/ #check @power_series.coeff_X_pow_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, p -/ #check @power_series.coeff_mul_X_pow' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, n, p -/ #check @power_series.coeff_X_pow_mul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: d, n, p -/ #check @power_series.eq_shift_mul_X_add_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @power_series.eq_X_mul_shift_add_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @power_series.map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @power_series.coeff_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, n, f -/ #check @power_series.map_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, f -/ #check @power_series.coeff_rescale /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, a, f -/ #check @power_series.coeff_trunc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, n, m -/ #check @power_series.trunc_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @power_series.trunc_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ψ, φ, n -/ #check @power_series.coeff_inv_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, a, n -/ #check @power_series.coeff_inv_of_unit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, φ, n -/ #check @power_series.constant_coeff_inv_of_unit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @power_series.sub_const_eq_shift_mul_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @power_series.sub_const_eq_X_mul_shift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @power_series.inv_eq_inv_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @power_series.coeff_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, n -/ #check @power_series.constant_coeff_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @power_series.inv_of_unit_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @power_series.inv_of_unit_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @power_series.order_add_of_order_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ψ, φ -/ #check @power_series.order_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n -/ #check @power_series.order_monomial_of_ne_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @power_series.coeff_mul_one_sub_of_lt_order /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @power_series.coeff_mul_prod_one_sub_of_lt_order /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ, k -/ #check @power_series.order_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @power_series.order_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ψ, φ -/ #check @polynomial.coe_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @polynomial.coeff_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, φ -/ #check @polynomial.coe_monomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n -/ #check @polynomial.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ψ, φ -/ #check @polynomial.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ψ, φ -/ #check @polynomial.coe_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @polynomial.coe_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @polynomial.coe_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @polynomial.coe_to_power_series.ring_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: φ -/ #check @polynomial.coe_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, φ -/ #check @polynomial.coe_to_power_series.alg_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, φ -/ #check @power_series.algebra_map_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, A -/ #check @power_series.algebra_map_apply'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, A -/ -- ring_theory/power_series/well_known.lean #check @power_series.coeff_inv_units_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, u -/ #check @power_series.constant_coeff_inv_units_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @power_series.inv_units_sub_mul_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @power_series.map_inv_units_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, f -/ #check @power_series.coeff_exp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @power_series.exp_mul_exp_eq_exp_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @power_series.exp_pow_eq_rescale_exp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @power_series.exp_pow_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- ring_theory/principal_ideal_domain.lean #check @submodule.is_principal.span_singleton_generator /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @ideal.span_singleton_generator /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: I -/ #check @submodule.is_principal.mem_iff_eq_smul_generator /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submodule.is_principal.eq_bot_iff_generator_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @submodule.is_principal.mem_iff_generator_dvd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @span_gcd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @gcd_dvd_iff_exists /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @gcd_is_unit_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ -- ring_theory/ring_invo.lean #check @ring_invo.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_invo.involution /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ring_invo.coe_ring_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ -- ring_theory/roots_of_unity.lean #check @mem_roots_of_unity /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ζ, k -/ #check @roots_of_unity.coe_mk_of_pow_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ζ -/ #check @roots_of_unity.coe_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, ζ -/ #check @ring_hom.restrict_roots_of_unity_coe_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ζ, σ -/ #check @ring_equiv.restrict_roots_of_unity_coe_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ζ, σ -/ #check @ring_equiv.restrict_roots_of_unity_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: σ -/ #check @roots_of_unity_equiv_nth_roots_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @roots_of_unity_equiv_nth_roots_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @is_primitive_root.iff_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, ζ -/ #check @is_primitive_root.pow_eq_one_iff_dvd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @is_primitive_root.pow_iff_coprime /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @is_primitive_root.zpow_eq_one_iff_dvd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @is_primitive_root.coe_subgroup_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @is_primitive_root.zpow_eq_one_iff_dvd₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @is_primitive_root.zmod_equiv_zpowers_apply_coe_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @is_primitive_root.zmod_equiv_zpowers_apply_coe_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @is_primitive_root.zmod_equiv_zpowers_symm_apply_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @is_primitive_root.zmod_equiv_zpowers_symm_apply_zpow' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @is_primitive_root.zmod_equiv_zpowers_symm_apply_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @is_primitive_root.zmod_equiv_zpowers_symm_apply_pow' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ -- ring_theory/subring/basic.lean #check @subring.coe_set_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subring.coe_copy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subring.copy_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subring.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, s -/ #check @subring.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @subring.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, s -/ #check @subring.coe_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, s -/ #check @subring.coe_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subring.coe_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subring.coe_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @subring.coe_int_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @subring.coe_to_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subring.coe_to_add_subgroup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subring.coe_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @subring.comap_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, s -/ #check @subring.coe_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @subring.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subring.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, s -/ #check @subring.coe_equiv_map_of_injective_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, s -/ #check @ring_hom.coe_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.range_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.map_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @subring.coe_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p -/ #check @subring.coe_Inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subring.Inf_to_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subring.Inf_to_add_subgroup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subring.eq_top_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @subring.coe_center /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @subring.center_to_subsemiring /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @subring.center_eq_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @subring.center.coe_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @subring.center.coe_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @subring.closure_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subring.closure_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @subring.closure_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subring.closure_sUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subring.map_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @subring.map_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @subring.comap_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @subring.comap_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @subring.coe_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @subring.prod_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subring.top_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subring.map_equiv_eq_comap_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, f -/ #check @subring.comap_equiv_eq_map_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, f -/ #check @ring_hom.restrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @ring_hom.coe_range_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @ring_hom.map_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @subring.range_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subring.prod_bot_sup_bot_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @ring_equiv.of_left_inverse_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ring_equiv.of_left_inverse_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @subring.smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, g -/ #check @units.mem_pos_subgroup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ -- ring_theory/subring/pointwise.lean #check @subring.pointwise_smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subring.coe_pointwise_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, m -/ #check @subring.pointwise_smul_to_add_subgroup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, m -/ #check @subring.pointwise_smul_to_subsemiring /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, m -/ #check @subring.mem_smul_pointwise_iff_exists /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, r, m -/ #check @subring.smul_mem_pointwise_smul_iff₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @subring.mem_pointwise_smul_iff_inv_smul_mem₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @subring.mem_inv_pointwise_smul_iff₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ -- ring_theory/subsemiring/basic.lean #check @subsemiring.coe_copy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subsemiring.copy_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subsemiring.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, s -/ #check @subsemiring.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, s -/ #check @subsemiring.coe_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, s -/ #check @subsemiring.coe_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subsemiring.coe_to_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subsemiring.coe_to_add_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subsemiring.coe_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @subsemiring.comap_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, s -/ #check @subsemiring.coe_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @subsemiring.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subsemiring.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, s -/ #check @subsemiring.coe_equiv_map_of_injective_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, s -/ #check @ring_hom.coe_srange /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.srange_eq_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ring_hom.map_srange /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @subsemiring.coe_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p', p -/ #check @subsemiring.coe_Inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subsemiring.Inf_to_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subsemiring.Inf_to_add_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subsemiring.eq_top_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @subsemiring.coe_center /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @subsemiring.center_to_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @subsemiring.center_eq_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @subsemiring.map_equiv_eq_comap_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, f -/ #check @subsemiring.comap_equiv_eq_map_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, f -/ #check @submonoid.subsemiring_closure_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @submonoid.subsemiring_closure_to_add_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @submonoid.subsemiring_closure_eq_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @subsemiring.closure_submonoid_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subsemiring.coe_closure_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subsemiring.closure_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subsemiring.closure_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @subsemiring.closure_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subsemiring.closure_sUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subsemiring.map_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @subsemiring.map_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @subsemiring.comap_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t, s -/ #check @subsemiring.comap_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @subsemiring.coe_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @subsemiring.prod_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subsemiring.top_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @ring_hom.srestrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @ring_hom.coe_srange_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @ring_hom.map_sclosure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @subsemiring.srange_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subsemiring.prod_bot_sup_bot_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @ring_equiv.sof_left_inverse_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ring_equiv.sof_left_inverse_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @subsemiring.smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, g -/ #check @mem_pos_monoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ -- ring_theory/subsemiring/pointwise.lean #check @subsemiring.pointwise_smul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @subsemiring.coe_pointwise_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, m -/ #check @subsemiring.pointwise_smul_to_add_submonoid /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, m -/ #check @subsemiring.mem_smul_pointwise_iff_exists /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S, r, m -/ #check @subsemiring.smul_mem_pointwise_smul_iff₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @subsemiring.mem_pointwise_smul_iff_inv_smul_mem₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @subsemiring.mem_inv_pointwise_smul_iff₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ -- ring_theory/tensor_product.lean #check @tensor_product.algebra_tensor_module.smul_eq_lsmul_rtensor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, a -/ #check @tensor_product.algebra_tensor_module.curry_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @tensor_product.algebra_tensor_module.restrict_scalars_curry /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @tensor_product.algebra_tensor_module.lift_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @tensor_product.algebra_tensor_module.lift_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @tensor_product.algebra_tensor_module.uncurry_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, P, N, M, A, R -/ #check @tensor_product.algebra_tensor_module.lcurry_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, P, N, M, A, R -/ #check @tensor_product.algebra_tensor_module.mk_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, N, M, R -/ #check @linear_map.base_change_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, a, f -/ #check @linear_map.base_change_eq_ltensor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map.base_change_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_map.base_change_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r -/ #check @linear_map.base_change_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, N, M, A, R -/ #check @linear_map.base_change_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @linear_map.base_change_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.mul_aux_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b₂, b₁, a₂, a₁ -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b₂, b₁, a₂, a₁ -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.mul_assoc' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x, mul -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.mul_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.one_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.mul_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.tmul_mul_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b₂, b₁, a₂, a₁ -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.tmul_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, b, a -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.algebra_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.include_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.include_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.alg_hom_of_linear_map_tensor_product_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.alg_equiv_of_linear_equiv_tensor_product_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.alg_equiv_of_linear_equiv_triple_tensor_product_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.lid_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, r, A, R -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.rid_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, r, A, R -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.comm_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, B, A, R -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.adjoin_tmul_eq_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B, A, R -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.assoc_aux_1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c₂, c₁, b₂, b₁, a₂, a₁ -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.assoc_aux_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.map_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, a, g, f -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.map_comp_include_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.map_comp_include_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.map_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.congr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.congr_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.lmul'_apply_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.product_map_apply_tmul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, g, f -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.product_map_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.product_map_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.product_map_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, g -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.product_map_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @algebra.tensor_product.product_map_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ -- ring_theory/trace.lean #check @algebra.trace_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, R -/ #check @algebra.trace_eq_zero_of_not_exists_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @algebra.trace_eq_matrix_trace /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @algebra.trace_algebra_map_of_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @algebra.trace_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @algebra.trace_trace_of_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @algebra.trace_trace /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @algebra.trace_form_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, R -/ #check @algebra.trace_form_to_matrix /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, b, R -/ #check @algebra.trace_form_to_matrix_power_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, R -/ #check @power_basis.trace_gen_eq_next_coeff_minpoly /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pb -/ #check @power_basis.trace_gen_eq_sum_roots /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pb -/ #check @intermediate_field.adjoin_simple.trace_gen_eq_sum_roots /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @trace_eq_trace_adjoin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, K -/ #check @trace_eq_sum_embeddings_gen /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pb, E -/ #check @sum_embeddings_eq_finrank_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pb, E, F -/ #check @trace_eq_sum_embeddings /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ #check @algebra.trace_matrix_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, A -/ #check @algebra.trace_matrix_of_matrix_vec_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, b -/ #check @algebra.trace_matrix_of_matrix_mul_vec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, b -/ #check @algebra.trace_matrix_of_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @algebra.trace_matrix_of_basis_mul_vec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, b -/ #check @algebra.embeddings_matrix_reindex_eq_vandermonde /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e, pb, C -/ #check @algebra.trace_matrix_eq_embeddings_matrix_mul_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, E, K -/ #check @algebra.trace_matrix_eq_embeddings_matrix_reindex_mul_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, E, K -/ -- ring_theory/unique_factorization_domain.lean #check @irreducible_iff_prime_of_exists_unique_irreducible_factors /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @unique_factorization_monoid.normalize_normalized_factor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @unique_factorization_monoid.normalized_factors_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @associates.factor_set.sup_add_inf_eq_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @associates.prod_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @associates.factor_set.prod_eq_zero_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @associates.count_some /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @associates.factor_set_mem_eq_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p -/ #check @associates.factors_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @associates.factors_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @associates.prod_factors /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @associates.factors_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @associates.sup_mul_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @associates.factors_prime_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @associates.count_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @associates.quot_out /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- ring_theory/valuation/basic.lean #check @valuation.coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @valuation.map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, v -/ #check @valuation.map_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, v -/ #check @valuation.unit_map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, v -/ #check @valuation.comap_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @valuation.comap_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, v -/ #check @valuation.map_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @valuation.map_zpow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @valuation.map_units_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, v -/ #check @valuation.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, v -/ #check @valuation.map_sub_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, v -/ #check @valuation.map_add_of_distinct_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @valuation.map_eq_of_sub_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @valuation.mem_supp_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, v -/ #check @valuation.map_add_supp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, v -/ #check @valuation.on_quot_comap_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @valuation.comap_supp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, v -/ #check @valuation.comap_on_quot_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @valuation.supp_quot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @valuation.supp_quot_supp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @add_valuation.of_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_valuation.map_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, v -/ #check @add_valuation.map_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, v -/ #check @add_valuation.comap_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @add_valuation.comap_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, v -/ #check @add_valuation.map_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @add_valuation.map_units_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, v -/ #check @add_valuation.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, v -/ #check @add_valuation.map_sub_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, v -/ #check @add_valuation.map_add_of_distinct_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @add_valuation.map_eq_of_lt_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @add_valuation.mem_supp_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, v -/ #check @add_valuation.map_add_supp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, v -/ #check @add_valuation.on_quot_comap_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @add_valuation.comap_supp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, v -/ #check @add_valuation.comap_on_quot_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @add_valuation.supp_quot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ #check @add_valuation.supp_quot_supp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: v -/ -- ring_theory/witt_vector/basic.lean #check @witt_vector.map_fun.add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @witt_vector.map_fun.sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @witt_vector.map_fun.mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @witt_vector.map_fun.neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @witt_vector.matrix_vec_empty_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i -/ #check @witt_vector.map_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, f -/ #check @witt_vector.ghost_component_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @witt_vector.ghost_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @witt_vector.ghost_equiv_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, p -/ #check @witt_vector.constant_coeff_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- ring_theory/witt_vector/compare.lean #check @truncated_witt_vector.card_zmod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @truncated_witt_vector.zmod_equiv_trunc_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @truncated_witt_vector.commutes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hm, n, p -/ #check @truncated_witt_vector.commutes' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hm, n, p -/ #check @truncated_witt_vector.commutes_symm' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hm, n, p -/ #check @truncated_witt_vector.commutes_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hm, n, p -/ #check @witt_vector.to_zmod_pow_compat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, p -/ #check @witt_vector.zmod_equiv_trunc_compat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k₁, p -/ #check @witt_vector.to_padic_int_comp_from_padic_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @witt_vector.to_padic_int_comp_from_padic_int_ext /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @witt_vector.from_padic_int_comp_to_padic_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @witt_vector.from_padic_int_comp_to_padic_int_ext /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ -- ring_theory/witt_vector/defs.lean #check @witt_vector.coeff_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @witt_vector.zero_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @witt_vector.one_coeff_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @witt_vector.one_coeff_eq_of_pos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @witt_vector.v2_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, y, x -/ #check @witt_vector.add_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, y, x -/ #check @witt_vector.sub_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, y, x -/ #check @witt_vector.mul_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, y, x -/ #check @witt_vector.neg_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @witt_vector.add_coeff_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @witt_vector.mul_coeff_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ -- ring_theory/witt_vector/domain.lean #check @witt_vector.shift_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, x -/ #check @witt_vector.verschiebung_shift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, x -/ -- ring_theory/witt_vector/frobenius.lean #check @witt_vector.bind₁_frobenius_poly_rat_witt_polynomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @witt_vector.frobenius_poly_aux_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @witt_vector.map_frobenius_poly.key₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @witt_vector.map_frobenius_poly /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @witt_vector.frobenius_poly_zmod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @witt_vector.bind₁_frobenius_poly_witt_polynomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @witt_vector.coeff_frobenius_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @witt_vector.ghost_component_frobenius_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @witt_vector.coeff_frobenius /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @witt_vector.ghost_component_frobenius /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @witt_vector.coeff_frobenius_char_p /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, p -/ #check @witt_vector.frobenius_eq_map_frobenius /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @witt_vector.frobenius_zmodp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- ring_theory/witt_vector/identities.lean #check @witt_vector.frobenius_verschiebung /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @witt_vector.verschiebung_zmod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @witt_vector.verschiebung_mul_frobenius /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @witt_vector.mul_char_p_coeff_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x -/ #check @witt_vector.verschiebung_frobenius /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @witt_vector.iterate_verschiebung_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, x -/ #check @witt_vector.iterate_verschiebung_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, y, x -/ #check @witt_vector.iterate_verschiebung_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, y, x -/ #check @witt_vector.iterate_frobenius_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, i, x -/ #check @witt_vector.iterate_verschiebung_mul_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, y, x -/ -- ring_theory/witt_vector/init_tail.lean #check @witt_vector.coeff_select /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, P -/ #check @witt_vector.select_add_select_not /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @witt_vector.coeff_add_of_disjoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, n -/ #check @witt_vector.init_add_tail /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @witt_vector.init_init /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @witt_vector.init_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, y, x -/ #check @witt_vector.init_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, y, x -/ #check @witt_vector.init_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @witt_vector.init_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, y, x -/ -- ring_theory/witt_vector/is_poly.lean #check @witt_vector.is_poly.ext /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, R -/ #check @witt_vector.is_poly.map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @witt_vector.is_poly₂.ext /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, R -/ #check @witt_vector.is_poly₂.map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, g -/ -- ring_theory/witt_vector/mul_p.lean #check @witt_vector.mul_n_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, x, n -/ #check @witt_vector.bind₁_witt_mul_n_witt_polynomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, n, p -/ -- ring_theory/witt_vector/structure_polynomial.lean #check @witt_structure_rat_prop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, Φ, p -/ #check @witt_structure_rat_rec_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, Φ, p -/ #check @witt_structure_rat_rec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, Φ, p -/ #check @bind₁_rename_expand_witt_polynomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, Φ -/ #check @map_witt_structure_int /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, Φ, p -/ #check @witt_structure_int_prop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, Φ, p -/ #check @witt_structure_prop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, Φ, p -/ #check @witt_structure_int_rename /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f, Φ, p -/ #check @constant_coeff_witt_structure_rat_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Φ -/ #check @constant_coeff_witt_structure_int_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Φ -/ -- ring_theory/witt_vector/teichmuller.lean #check @witt_vector.teichmuller_coeff_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @witt_vector.teichmuller_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @witt_vector.map_teichmuller /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, f, p -/ #check @witt_vector.ghost_component_teichmuller /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, r, p -/ -- ring_theory/witt_vector/truncated.lean #check @truncated_witt_vector.coeff_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x -/ #check @truncated_witt_vector.mk_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @truncated_witt_vector.coeff_out /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x -/ #check @witt_vector.coeff_truncate_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x -/ #check @witt_vector.out_truncate_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @truncated_witt_vector.truncate_fun_out /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @truncated_witt_vector.coeff_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @witt_vector.truncate_fun_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, n, p -/ #check @witt_vector.truncate_fun_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, n, p -/ #check @witt_vector.truncate_fun_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, n -/ #check @witt_vector.truncate_fun_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, n -/ #check @witt_vector.truncate_fun_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @witt_vector.truncate_fun_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, n -/ #check @witt_vector.coeff_truncate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, x -/ #check @witt_vector.mem_ker_truncate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @witt_vector.truncate_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, n, p -/ #check @truncated_witt_vector.truncate_witt_vector_truncate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @truncated_witt_vector.truncate_truncate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h2, h1 -/ #check @truncated_witt_vector.truncate_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h2, h1 -/ #check @truncated_witt_vector.coeff_truncate /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, hm -/ #check @truncated_witt_vector.card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @witt_vector.truncate_lift_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, n -/ #check @witt_vector.truncate_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, n -/ #check @witt_vector.truncate_comp_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @witt_vector.lift_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @witt_vector.lift_equiv_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, g -/ -- ring_theory/witt_vector/verschiebung.lean #check @witt_vector.verschiebung_fun_coeff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @witt_vector.verschiebung_fun_coeff_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @witt_vector.ghost_component_verschiebung_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @witt_vector.aeval_verschiebung_poly' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @witt_vector.map_verschiebung /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @witt_vector.ghost_component_verschiebung /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @witt_vector.verschiebung_coeff_add_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @witt_vector.verschiebung_coeff_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @witt_vector.aeval_verschiebung_poly /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @witt_vector.bind₁_verschiebung_poly_witt_polynomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- ring_theory/witt_vector/witt_polynomial.lean #check @witt_polynomial_eq_sum_C_mul_X_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R, p -/ #check @map_witt_polynomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @constant_coeff_witt_polynomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @witt_polynomial_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @witt_polynomial_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, p -/ #check @aeval_witt_polynomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f, p -/ #check @witt_polynomial_zmod_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, p -/ #check @witt_polynomial_vars /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @X_in_terms_of_W_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, p -/ #check @constant_coeff_X_in_terms_of_W /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @X_in_terms_of_W_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R -/ #check @X_in_terms_of_W_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R, p -/ #check @bind₁_X_in_terms_of_W_witt_polynomial /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, R -/ #check @bind₁_witt_polynomial_X_in_terms_of_W /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, R -/ -- set_theory/cardinal.lean #check @cardinal.mk_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @cardinal.mk_out /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @cardinal.map_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, f -/ #check @cardinal.mk_ulift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @cardinal.lift_id' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @cardinal.lift_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @cardinal.lift_uzero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @cardinal.lift_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @cardinal.le_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @cardinal.add_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @cardinal.mk_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @cardinal.mk_psum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @cardinal.mk_fintype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @cardinal.mul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @cardinal.mk_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @cardinal.add_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @cardinal.mul_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @cardinal.zero_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @cardinal.one_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @cardinal.left_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @cardinal.power_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @cardinal.mk_arrow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @cardinal.lift_power /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @cardinal.pow_cast_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, κ -/ #check @cardinal.lift_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @cardinal.lift_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @cardinal.lift_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @cardinal.lift_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @cardinal.lift_two_power /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @cardinal.mk_sigma /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @cardinal.sum_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, ι -/ #check @cardinal.sum_const' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, ι -/ #check @cardinal.mk_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @cardinal.prod_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, ι -/ #check @cardinal.prod_const' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, ι -/ #check @cardinal.prod_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @cardinal.prod_ne_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @cardinal.lift_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @cardinal.lift_min /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @cardinal.lift_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @cardinal.lift_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @cardinal.lift_sup_le_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, f -/ #check @cardinal.mk_fin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @cardinal.lift_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @cardinal.lift_mk_fin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @cardinal.nat_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @cardinal.mk_set_le_omega /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @cardinal.to_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @cardinal.to_nat_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @cardinal.to_nat_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @cardinal.to_enat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @cardinal.mk_vector /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, α -/ #check @cardinal.mk_list_eq_sum_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @cardinal.mk_image_eq_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @cardinal.mk_image_eq_of_inj_on_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @cardinal.mk_image_eq_of_inj_on /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @cardinal.mk_subtype_of_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @cardinal.mk_sep /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @cardinal.mk_preimage_of_injective_of_subset_range_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @cardinal.mk_preimage_of_injective_of_subset_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- set_theory/cardinal_ordinal.lean #check @cardinal.aleph'_aleph_idx /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @cardinal.aleph_idx_aleph' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o -/ #check @cardinal.aleph'_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @cardinal.countable_iff_lt_aleph_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @cardinal.mk_list_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @cardinal.mk_finset_eq_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @cardinal.bit0_ne_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @cardinal.zero_lt_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @cardinal.one_le_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @cardinal.one_lt_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- set_theory/cofinality.lean #check @order.le_cof /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @ordinal.cof_type /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @ordinal.lift_cof /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o -/ #check @ordinal.cof_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @ordinal.cof_cof /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o -/ -- set_theory/game.lean #check @game.add_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @game.add_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @game.zero_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @game.add_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @pgame.quot_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @pgame.quot_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pgame.quot_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @pgame.quot_mul_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @pgame.quot_neg_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @pgame.quot_mul_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @pgame.quot_left_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @pgame.quot_left_distrib_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @pgame.quot_right_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @pgame.quot_right_distrib_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ #check @pgame.quot_mul_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pgame.quot_one_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pgame.quot_mul_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x -/ -- set_theory/game/domineering.lean #check @pgame.domineering.shift_up_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pgame.domineering.shift_up_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pgame.domineering.shift_right_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pgame.domineering.shift_right_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pgame.domineering.mem_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pgame.domineering.mem_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- set_theory/game/impartial.lean #check @pgame.impartial.not_first_wins /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @pgame.impartial.not_first_loses /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @pgame.impartial.equiv_iff_sum_first_loses /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, G -/ #check @pgame.impartial.first_loses_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @pgame.impartial.first_wins_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @pgame.impartial.first_loses_symm' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @pgame.impartial.first_wins_symm' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @pgame.impartial.no_good_left_moves_iff_first_loses /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @pgame.impartial.no_good_right_moves_iff_first_loses /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @pgame.impartial.good_left_move_iff_first_wins /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @pgame.impartial.good_right_move_iff_first_wins /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ -- set_theory/game/nim.lean #check @ordinal.type_out' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o -/ #check @pgame.nim.nim_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: O -/ #check @pgame.nim.sum_first_loses_iff_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: O₂, O₁ -/ #check @pgame.nim.sum_first_wins_iff_neq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: O₂, O₁ -/ #check @pgame.nim.equiv_iff_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: O₂, O₁ -/ #check @pgame.grundy_value_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @pgame.equiv_nim_iff_grundy_value_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: O, G -/ #check @pgame.nim.grundy_value /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: O -/ #check @pgame.equiv_iff_grundy_value_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, G -/ #check @pgame.equiv_zero_iff_grundy_value /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @pgame.grundy_value_nim_add_nim /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n -/ -- set_theory/lists.lean #check @lists'.to_list_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ #check @lists'.to_of_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @lists'.of_to_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ #check @lists.to_of_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l -/ -- set_theory/ordinal.lean #check @initial_seg.coe_fn_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @initial_seg.coe_fn_to_rel_embedding /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @initial_seg.coe_coe_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @initial_seg.init_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @initial_seg.refl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @initial_seg.trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @initial_seg.eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @initial_seg.antisymm_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @initial_seg.antisymm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @initial_seg.cod_restrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, H, f, p -/ #check @initial_seg.le_add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @principal_seg.coe_fn_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @principal_seg.coe_fn_to_rel_embedding /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @principal_seg.coe_coe_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @principal_seg.down' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @principal_seg.coe_coe_fn' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @principal_seg.init_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @principal_seg.lt_le_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @principal_seg.lt_le_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @principal_seg.trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @principal_seg.trans_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @principal_seg.equiv_lt_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @principal_seg.equiv_lt_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @principal_seg.of_element_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, r -/ #check @principal_seg.of_element_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @principal_seg.cod_restrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, H, f, p -/ #check @principal_seg.cod_restrict_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H₂, f, p -/ #check @initial_seg.lt_or_eq_apply_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @initial_seg.lt_or_eq_apply_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @initial_seg.le_lt_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @rel_embedding.collapse_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @ordinal.type_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @ordinal.type_def' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @ordinal.type_out /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o -/ #check @ordinal.typein_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ordinal.typein_lt_typein /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @ordinal.enum_typein /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ordinal.rel_iso_enum' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o -/ #check @ordinal.rel_iso_enum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hr, o, f -/ #check @ordinal.typein.principal_seg_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @ordinal.card_typein /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ordinal.lift_id' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ordinal.lift_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ordinal.lift_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ordinal.lift_card /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ordinal.card_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o₂, o₁ -/ #check @ordinal.card_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @ordinal.type_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r -/ #check @ordinal.succ_eq_add_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o -/ #check @ordinal.typein_le_typein /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @ordinal.lift_min /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, I -/ #check @cardinal.ord_eq_min /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @cardinal.card_ord /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @cardinal.ord_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @cardinal.lift_ord /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @cardinal.mk_ord_out /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ -- set_theory/ordinal_arithmetic.lean #check @ordinal.lift_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @ordinal.lift_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ordinal.add_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o₂, o₁ -/ #check @ordinal.card_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o -/ #check @ordinal.nat_cast_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @ordinal.pred_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o -/ #check @ordinal.lift_pred /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o -/ #check @ordinal.lift_is_limit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o -/ #check @ordinal.limit_rec_on_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H₁ -/ #check @ordinal.limit_rec_on_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H₃, H₂, H₁, o -/ #check @ordinal.limit_rec_on_limit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H₃, H₂, H₁, o -/ #check @ordinal.type_subrel_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o -/ #check @ordinal.mk_initial_seg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o -/ #check @ordinal.add_sub_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @ordinal.sub_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ordinal.sub_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @ordinal.add_sub_add_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b -/ #check @ordinal.type_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, r -/ #check @ordinal.lift_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @ordinal.card_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @ordinal.mul_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @ordinal.mul_add_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @ordinal.mul_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @ordinal.div_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ordinal.mul_add_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, a -/ #check @ordinal.mul_div_cancel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ordinal.div_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ordinal.mul_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @ordinal.mod_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @ordinal.mod_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ordinal.div_add_mod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ordinal.bfamily_of_family'_typein /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @ordinal.bfamily_of_family_typein /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @ordinal.family_of_bfamily'_enum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hi, i, f -/ #check @ordinal.family_of_bfamily_enum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hi, i, f -/ #check @ordinal.sup_ord /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ordinal.lt_bsup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ordinal.bsup_eq_sup' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ordinal.sup_eq_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ordinal.bsup_eq_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ordinal.sup_eq_bsup' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ordinal.bsup_eq_bsup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ordinal.sup_eq_bsup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ordinal.is_normal.bsup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @ordinal.sup_succ_le_lsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ordinal.sup_succ_eq_lsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ordinal.sup_eq_lsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ordinal.blsub_eq_lsub' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ordinal.lsub_eq_lsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ordinal.blsub_eq_lsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ordinal.lsub_eq_blsub' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ordinal.blsub_eq_blsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ordinal.lsub_eq_blsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ordinal.bsup_succ_le_blsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ordinal.bsup_succ_eq_blsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ordinal.bsup_eq_blsub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ordinal.blsub_type /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r -/ #check @ordinal.enum_ord_def' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o, hS -/ #check @ordinal.enum_ord_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o, hS -/ #check @ordinal.eq_enum_ord /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ordinal.zero_opow' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ordinal.opow_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @ordinal.opow_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ordinal.opow_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @ordinal.opow_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @ordinal.log_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ordinal.log_opow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ordinal.CNF_rec_ne_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b0 -/ #check @ordinal.CNF_foldr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o -/ #check @ordinal.type_fin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @ordinal.lift_nat_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @ordinal.lift_type_fin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @ordinal.add_mul_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @ordinal.is_normal.nfp_fp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ordinal.deriv_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ordinal.deriv_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o, f -/ #check @ordinal.deriv_limit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ordinal.is_normal.deriv_fp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o -/ -- set_theory/ordinal_notation.lean #check @onote.repr_of_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @onote.zero_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o -/ #check @onote.oadd_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o, a, n, e -/ #check @onote.repr_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o₂, o₁ -/ #check @onote.repr_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o₂, o₁ -/ #check @onote.oadd_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a₂, n₂, e₂, a₁, n₁, e₁ -/ #check @onote.repr_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o₂, o₁ -/ #check @onote.opow_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o₂, o₁ -/ #check @onote.scale_eq_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o, x -/ #check @onote.repr_scale /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o, x -/ #check @onote.mul_nat_eq_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o, n -/ #check @onote.scale_opow_aux /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, k, a, a0, e -/ #check @onote.repr_opow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: o₂, o₁ -/ #check @nonote.repr_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nonote.repr_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nonote.repr_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nonote.repr_opow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- set_theory/pgame.lean #check @pgame.relabel_move_left' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, el -/ #check @pgame.relabel_move_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @pgame.relabel_move_right' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, er -/ #check @pgame.relabel_move_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j -/ #check @pgame.move_right_left_moves_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @pgame.move_left_left_moves_neg_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @pgame.move_left_right_moves_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @pgame.move_right_right_moves_neg_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ -- set_theory/surreal/dyadic.lean #check @pgame.pow_half_move_right' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @surreal.double_pow_half_succ_eq_pow_half /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @surreal.nsmul_pow_two_pow_half' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @surreal.zsmul_pow_two_pow_half /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k, m -/ -- set_theory/zfc.lean #check @pSet.mk_type_func /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @pSet.equiv.ext /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @pSet.definable.eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @Set.mk_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @Set.subset_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @Set.eq_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @Class.to_Set_of_Set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @Class.mem_hom_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, x -/ #check @Class.mem_hom_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @Class.subset_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @Class.sep_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @Class.insert_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @Class.union_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @Class.inter_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @Class.diff_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @Class.powerset_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @Class.Union_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- tactic/abel.lean #check @tactic.abel.const_add_term /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @tactic.abel.const_add_termg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @tactic.abel.term_add_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @tactic.abel.term_add_constg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @tactic.abel.term_add_term /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @tactic.abel.term_add_termg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @tactic.abel.zero_term /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @tactic.abel.zero_termg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @tactic.abel.term_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @tactic.abel.term_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @tactic.abel.term_smulg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @tactic.abel.term_atom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @tactic.abel.term_atomg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- tactic/converter/binders.lean #check @exists_elim_eq_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, a -/ #check @exists_elim_eq_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, a -/ #check @forall_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @forall_elim_eq_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, a -/ #check @forall_elim_eq_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, a -/ -- tactic/core.lean #check @is_lawful_applicative.map_comp_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ -- tactic/ext.lean #check @ulift.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @has_zero.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ -- tactic/finish.lean #check @auto.not_not_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @auto.not_and_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @auto.not_or_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @auto.not_forall_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @auto.not_exists_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @auto.not_implies_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @auto.classical.implies_iff_not_or /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ -- tactic/group.lean #check @tactic.group.zpow_trick /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n, b, a -/ #check @tactic.group.zsmul_trick /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n, b, a -/ #check @tactic.group.zsmul_trick_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, b, a -/ #check @tactic.group.zpow_trick_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, b, a -/ #check @tactic.group.zsmul_trick_zero' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b, a -/ #check @tactic.group.zpow_trick_one' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, b, a -/ #check @tactic.group.zpow_trick_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n, b, a -/ #check @tactic.group.zsmul_trick_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, n, b, a -/ -- tactic/linarith/lemmas.lean #check @linarith.int.coe_nat_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @linarith.int.coe_nat_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @linarith.int.coe_nat_bit0_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @linarith.int.coe_nat_bit1_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @linarith.int.coe_nat_one_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linarith.int.coe_nat_zero_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linarith.int.coe_nat_mul_bit0 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @linarith.int.coe_nat_mul_bit1 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, n -/ #check @linarith.int.coe_nat_mul_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @linarith.int.coe_nat_mul_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- tactic/norm_num.lean #check @norm_num.bit0_succ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @norm_num.inv_one_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @norm_num.inv_div_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @norm_num.inv_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- tactic/omega/coeffs.lean #check @omega.coeffs.val_between_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ #check @omega.coeffs.val_between_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m -/ -- tactic/omega/eq_elim.lean #check @omega.rhs_correct /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ -- tactic/omega/misc.lean #check @omega.update_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @omega.update_eq_of_ne /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ -- tactic/omega/nat/form.lean #check @omega.nat.preform.holds_constant /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- tactic/omega/nat/preterm.lean #check @omega.nat.preterm.val_constant /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ -- tactic/omega/nat/sub_elim.lean #check @omega.nat.sub_subst_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- tactic/push_neg.lean #check @push_neg.not_not_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @push_neg.not_and_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @push_neg.not_or_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @push_neg.not_forall_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @push_neg.not_exists_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @push_neg.not_implies_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @push_neg.classical.implies_iff_not_or /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ #check @push_neg.not_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @push_neg.not_le_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @push_neg.not_lt_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- tactic/ring.lean #check @tactic.ring.zero_horner /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @tactic.ring.horner_horner /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, x, a₁ -/ #check @tactic.ring.const_add_horner /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, a -/ #check @tactic.ring.horner_add_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x, a -/ #check @tactic.ring.horner_add_horner_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n₁, x -/ #check @tactic.ring.horner_add_horner_gt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n₂, x -/ #check @tactic.ring.horner_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @tactic.ring.horner_const_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @tactic.ring.horner_mul_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, x -/ #check @tactic.ring.horner_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @tactic.ring.horner_atom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @tactic.ring.horner_def' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, n, x, a -/ #check @tactic.ring.mul_assoc_rev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, b, a -/ #check @tactic.ring.pow_add_rev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, a -/ #check @tactic.ring.pow_add_rev_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, m, b, a -/ #check @tactic.ring.add_neg_eq_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- tactic/ring2.lean #check @tactic.ring2.correctness /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ -- tactic/ring_exp.lean #check @tactic.ring_exp.atom_to_sum_pf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @tactic.ring_exp.mul_coeff_pf_one_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q -/ #check @tactic.ring_exp.mul_coeff_pf_mul_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @tactic.ring_exp.add_overlap_pf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @tactic.ring_exp.simple_pf_var_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- tactic/zify.lean #check @int.coe_nat_ne_coe_nat_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- testing/slim_check/functions.lean #check @slim_check.injective_function.list.apply_id_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z, y, x, xs -/ #check @slim_check.injective_function.list.apply_id_zip_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @slim_check.injective_function.apply_id_mem_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @slim_check.injective_function.list.apply_id_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- testing/slim_check/sampleable.lean #check @slim_check.rec_shrink_with_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, shrink_a -/ -- topology/alexandroff.lean #check @alexandroff.compl_image_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @alexandroff.nhds_coe_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @alexandroff.nhds_within_coe_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @alexandroff.nhds_within_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @alexandroff.comap_coe_nhds /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- topology/algebra/algebra.lean #check @continuous_algebra_map_iff_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, R -/ #check @subalgebra.topological_closure_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @subalgebra.topological_closure_comap'_homeomorph /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ -- topology/algebra/continuous_affine_map.lean #check @continuous_affine_map.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.to_affine_map_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.to_continuous_map_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.coe_to_affine_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.coe_to_continuous_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.coe_affine_map_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.coe_continuous_map_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.coe_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, P -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, t -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.sub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_affine_map.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_to_continuous_affine_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- topology/algebra/continuous_monoid_hom.lean #check @continuous_monoid_hom.mk'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @continuous_add_monoid_hom.mk'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @continuous_add_monoid_hom.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f, g -/ #check @continuous_monoid_hom.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f, g -/ #check @continuous_add_monoid_hom.sum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g, f -/ #check @continuous_monoid_hom.prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g, f -/ #check @continuous_add_monoid_hom.sum_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g, f -/ #check @continuous_monoid_hom.prod_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g, f -/ #check @continuous_add_monoid_hom.zero_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ #check @continuous_monoid_hom.one_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ #check @continuous_monoid_hom.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @continuous_add_monoid_hom.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @continuous_add_monoid_hom.fst_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, B, A -/ #check @continuous_monoid_hom.fst_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, B, A -/ #check @continuous_monoid_hom.snd_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, B, A -/ #check @continuous_add_monoid_hom.snd_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, B, A -/ #check @continuous_monoid_hom.inl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, B, A -/ #check @continuous_add_monoid_hom.inl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, B, A -/ #check @continuous_monoid_hom.inr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, B, A -/ #check @continuous_add_monoid_hom.inr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, B, A -/ #check @continuous_add_monoid_hom.diag_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, A -/ #check @continuous_monoid_hom.diag_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, A -/ #check @continuous_add_monoid_hom.swap_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, B, A -/ #check @continuous_monoid_hom.swap_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, B, A -/ #check @continuous_monoid_hom.mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, E -/ #check @continuous_add_monoid_hom.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, E -/ #check @continuous_add_monoid_hom.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, E -/ #check @continuous_monoid_hom.inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, E -/ #check @continuous_add_monoid_hom.coprod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g, f -/ #check @continuous_monoid_hom.coprod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g, f -/ -- topology/algebra/field.lean #check @affine_homeomorph_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, b, a -/ #check @affine_homeomorph_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, b, a -/ -- topology/algebra/filter_basis.lean #check @add_group_filter_basis.N_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ #check @group_filter_basis.N_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ #check @group_filter_basis.nhds_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ #check @add_group_filter_basis.nhds_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ #check @add_group_filter_basis.nhds_zero_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ #check @group_filter_basis.nhds_one_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ -- topology/algebra/group.lean #check @homeomorph.coe_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @homeomorph.coe_add_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @homeomorph.mul_left_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @homeomorph.add_left_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @homeomorph.coe_add_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @homeomorph.coe_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @homeomorph.add_right_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @homeomorph.mul_right_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @nhds_zero_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @nhds_one_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @homeomorph.shear_add_right_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @homeomorph.shear_mul_right_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @homeomorph.shear_mul_right_symm_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @homeomorph.shear_add_right_symm_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ #check @inv_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @neg_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @nhds_translation_mul_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nhds_translation_add_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @map_mul_left_nhds /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @map_add_left_nhds /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @map_mul_left_nhds_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @map_add_left_nhds_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nhds_translation_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nhds_translation_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @nhds_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @nhds_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @nhds_add_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @nhds_mul_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @group_topology.to_topological_space_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @add_group_topology.to_topological_space_inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @add_group_topology.to_topological_space_Inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @group_topology.to_topological_space_Inf /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @add_group_topology.to_topological_space_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @group_topology.to_topological_space_infi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- topology/algebra/group_completion.lean #check @uniform_space.completion.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @uniform_space.completion.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @uniform_space.completion.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @uniform_space.completion.to_compl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.extension_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.completion_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.completion_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hg, hf, g, f -/ -- topology/algebra/group_with_zero.lean #check @homeomorph.coe_mul_left₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @homeomorph.mul_left₀_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @homeomorph.coe_mul_right₀ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @homeomorph.mul_right₀_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ -- topology/algebra/infinite_sum.lean #check @tsum_congr_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @tsum_fintype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @tsum_bool /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @finset.tsum_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @finset.tsum_subtype' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @tsum_ite_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @tsum_dite_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, P -/ #check @tsum_dite_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, P -/ #check @equiv.tsum_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @tsum_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @tsum_supr_decode₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, m -/ #check @tsum_Union_decode₂ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, m -/ #check @finset.has_sum_compl_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @has_sum_nat_add_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @summable.tsum_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @summable.tsum_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- topology/algebra/module/basic.lean #check @submodule.closure_smul_self_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @submodule.topological_closure_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @linear_map_of_mem_closure_range_coe_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @linear_map_of_tendsto_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.to_linear_map_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_mk' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.map_smulₛₗ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.map_smul_of_tower /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.map_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, s, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.one_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_add' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_sum' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, t -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.sum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f, t -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_comp' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.comp_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁, g -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.add_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g₂, g₁ -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.comp_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g, h -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.mul_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁ -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.inl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.inr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.ker_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.ker_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.range_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_cod_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, p, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_cod_restrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.ker_cod_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_subtype_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.subtype_val_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.fst_comp_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.snd_comp_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_prod_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁ -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_prod_map' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁ -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_coprod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁ -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coprod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.range_coprod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₂, f₁ -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.image_smul_setₛₗ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, c, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.image_smul_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, c, fₗ -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.preimage_smul_setₛₗ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.preimage_smul_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, fₗ -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.smul_right_one_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_pi' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.pi_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, c, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.pi_eq_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.pi_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.proj_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, i -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.proj_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.sub_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.ker_coprod_of_disjoint_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_neg' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.sub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_sub' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.smul_right_one_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, c -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_proj_ker_of_right_inverse_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.proj_ker_of_right_inverse_apply_idem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.proj_ker_of_right_inverse_comp_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f₁ -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.smul_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, h, c -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, c -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_smul' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.comp_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, fₗ, hₗ -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.comp_smulₛₗ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, f, h -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.prod_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.prodₗ_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_lm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_lmₛₗ_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, σ₁₃ -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_smul_rightₗ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_restrict_scalars /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.coe_restrict_scalars' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.restrict_scalars_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.restrict_scalars_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.restrict_scalars_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.coe_def_rev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.coe_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.coe_to_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.coe_to_homeomorph /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.image_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.preimage_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.map_nhds_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.map_smulₛₗ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.symm_to_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.symm_to_homeomorph /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.symm_map_nhds_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.trans_to_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e', e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.coe_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.symm_trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.symm_image_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.image_symm_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.comp_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.symm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.symm_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.symm_apply_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.eq_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.image_eq_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.image_symm_eq_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.symm_preimage_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.preimage_symm_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.equiv_of_inverse_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f₁ -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.symm_equiv_of_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.image_smul_setₛₗ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, c, e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.preimage_smul_setₛₗ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, c, e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.image_smul_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, c, e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.preimage_smul_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, c, e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.arrow_congr_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e₄₃, e₁₂ -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.arrow_congr_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, e₄₃, e₁₂ -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.skew_prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, e', e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.skew_prod_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, e', e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.map_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.units_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, M, R -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.units_equiv_aut_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, u -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.units_equiv_aut_apply_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, u -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.units_equiv_aut_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.fst_equiv_of_right_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f₁ -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.snd_equiv_of_right_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.equiv_of_right_inverse_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.pi_fin_two_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.pi_fin_two_to_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, R -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.pi_fin_two_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.fin_two_arrow_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.fin_two_arrow_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.fin_two_arrow_to_linear_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: M, R -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.inverse_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.ring_inverse_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.to_ring_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- topology/algebra/module/multilinear.lean #check @continuous_multilinear_map.coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, i, m, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, i, m, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f', f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.to_multilinear_map_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.sum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, g, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.coe_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.pi_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, m, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.comp_continuous_linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f, g -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.comp_continuous_multilinear_map_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.pi_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.pi_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.cons_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, m, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.cons_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, m, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.map_piecewise_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, m', m, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.map_add_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m', m, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.map_sum_finset /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A, g, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.map_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.coe_restrict_scalars /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.map_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, i, m, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.sub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, f', f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.map_piecewise_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, m, c, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.map_smul_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, c, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, c, f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.to_multilinear_map_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.to_multilinear_map_linear_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.pi_linear_equiv_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, ᾰ -/ #check @continuous_multilinear_map.pi_linear_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ -- topology/algebra/module/weak_dual.lean #check @weak_dual.tendsto_iff_forall_eval_tendsto /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E, 𝕜 -/ -- topology/algebra/monoid.lean #check @add_monoid_hom_of_mem_closure_range_coe_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom_of_mem_closure_range_coe_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @monoid_hom_of_tendsto_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom_of_tendsto_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @submonoid.top_closure_mul_self_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @add_submonoid.top_closure_add_self_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- topology/algebra/open_subgroup.lean #check @open_subgroup.coe_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, H -/ #check @open_add_subgroup.coe_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, H -/ #check @open_add_subgroup.comap_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf₁, f₁, hf₂, f₂, K -/ #check @open_subgroup.comap_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf₁, f₁, hf₂, f₂, K -/ -- topology/algebra/ordered/basic.lean #check @closure_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @closure_Iic /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @closure_Ici /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @nhds_eq_order /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @nhds_eq_infi_abs_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @tendsto_zero_iff_abs_tendsto_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @closure_Ioi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @closure_Iio /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @comap_coe_Ioo_nhds_within_Iio /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @comap_coe_Ioo_nhds_within_Ioi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @comap_coe_Ioi_nhds_within_Ioi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @comap_coe_Iio_nhds_within_Iio /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @map_coe_Ioi_at_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @map_coe_Iio_at_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- topology/algebra/ordered/left_right.lean #check @nhds_left_sup_nhds_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @nhds_left'_sup_nhds_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @nhds_left_sup_nhds_right' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- topology/algebra/ordered/liminf_limsup.lean #check @Limsup_nhds /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @Liminf_nhds /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- topology/algebra/ordered/monotone_continuity.lean #check @order_iso.coe_to_homeomorph /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @order_iso.coe_to_homeomorph_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ -- topology/algebra/ring.lean #check @subsemiring.topological_closure_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @ideal.coe_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @ring_topology.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ -- topology/algebra/uniform_field.lean #check @coe_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- topology/algebra/uniform_filter_basis.lean #check @add_group_filter_basis.cauchy_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ -- topology/algebra/uniform_group.lean #check @uniformity_eq_comap_nhds_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @group_separation_rel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @topological_add_group.tendsto_uniformly_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f, F -/ #check @topological_group.tendsto_uniformly_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f, F -/ #check @topological_group.tendsto_uniformly_on_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p, f, F -/ #check @topological_add_group.tendsto_uniformly_on_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p, f, F -/ #check @topological_group.tendsto_locally_uniformly_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f, F -/ #check @topological_add_group.tendsto_locally_uniformly_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, f, F -/ #check @topological_add_group.tendsto_locally_uniformly_on_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p, f, F -/ #check @topological_group.tendsto_locally_uniformly_on_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, p, f, F -/ #check @uniformity_eq_comap_nhds_zero' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G -/ -- topology/algebra/uniform_ring.lean #check @uniform_space.completion.coe_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @uniform_space.completion.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @uniform_space.ring_sep_rel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @uniform_space.ring_sep_quot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ -- topology/algebra/valued_field.lean #check @valued.extension_extends /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- topology/algebra/with_zero_topology.lean #check @linear_ordered_comm_group_with_zero.nhds_coe_units /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ -/ #check @linear_ordered_comm_group_with_zero.nhds_of_ne_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ -/ -- topology/basic.lean #check @finset.interior_Inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @interior_Inter_of_fintype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @closure_empty_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @finset.closure_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @closure_Union_of_fintype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @frontier_compl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @closure_eq_interior_union_frontier /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @closure_eq_self_union_frontier /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @nhds_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @all_mem_nhds /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P, x -/ #check @all_mem_nhds_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f, x -/ #check @map_cluster_pt_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u, F, x -/ #check @is_open_singleton_iff_nhds_eq_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- topology/category/CompHaus/default.lean #check @CompHaus.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @CompHaus_to_Top_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @CompHaus_to_Top_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @StoneCech_obj_to_Top_α /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @StoneCech_obj_to_Top_str_is_open /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, X -/ #check @Top_to_CompHaus_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @CompHaus.epi_iff_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @CompHaus.mono_iff_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- topology/category/Compactum.lean #check @Compactum.str_incl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @Compactum.str_hom_commute /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: xs, f, Y, X -/ #check @Compactum.join_distrib /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: uux, X -/ #check @Compactum.is_closed_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @Compactum.Lim_eq_str /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @Compactum.cl_eq_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ -- topology/category/Profinite/default.lean #check @Profinite.coe_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @Profinite.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @Profinite_to_CompHaus_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @Profinite_to_CompHaus_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self -/ #check @Profinite.to_Top_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @Profinite.to_Top_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @CompHaus.to_Profinite_obj' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @Fintype.to_Profinite_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: A -/ #check @Fintype.to_Profinite_map_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @Profinite.iso_of_homeo_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @Profinite.iso_of_homeo_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @Profinite.homeo_of_iso_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @Profinite.homeo_of_iso_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @Profinite.iso_equiv_homeo_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @Profinite.iso_equiv_homeo_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @Profinite.epi_iff_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @Profinite.mono_iff_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- topology/category/Top/basic.lean #check @Top.id_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @Top.comp_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @Top.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @Top.iso_of_homeo_hom_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @Top.iso_of_homeo_inv_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @Top.homeo_of_iso_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @Top.homeo_of_iso_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @Top.of_iso_of_homeo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @Top.of_homeo_of_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @Top.open_embedding_iff_comp_is_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @Top.open_embedding_iff_is_iso_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ -- topology/category/Top/epi_mono.lean #check @Top.epi_iff_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @Top.mono_iff_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- topology/category/Top/limits.lean #check @Top.pi_fan_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, α -/ #check @Top.pi_fan_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @Top.pi_iso_pi_inv_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, α -/ #check @Top.pi_iso_pi_inv_π_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', i, α -/ #check @Top.pi_iso_pi_inv_π_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i -/ #check @Top.pi_iso_pi_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, α -/ #check @Top.sigma_cofan_ι_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, α -/ #check @Top.sigma_cofan_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @Top.sigma_iso_sigma_hom_ι_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', i, α -/ #check @Top.sigma_iso_sigma_hom_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, α -/ #check @Top.sigma_iso_sigma_hom_ι_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, α -/ #check @Top.sigma_iso_sigma_inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, α -/ #check @Top.induced_of_is_limit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @Top.limit_topology /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @Top.prod_iso_prod_hom_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Y, X -/ #check @Top.prod_iso_prod_hom_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @Top.prod_iso_prod_hom_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Y, X -/ #check @Top.prod_iso_prod_hom_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @Top.prod_iso_prod_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @Top.prod_iso_prod_inv_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @Top.prod_iso_prod_inv_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Y, X -/ #check @Top.prod_iso_prod_inv_fst_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, Y, X -/ #check @Top.prod_iso_prod_inv_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', Y, X -/ #check @Top.prod_iso_prod_inv_snd_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, Y, X -/ #check @Top.prod_iso_prod_inv_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, X -/ #check @Top.range_prod_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @Top.pullback_iso_prod_subtype_inv_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @Top.pullback_iso_prod_subtype_inv_fst_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @Top.pullback_iso_prod_subtype_inv_fst_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @Top.pullback_iso_prod_subtype_inv_snd_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', g, f -/ #check @Top.pullback_iso_prod_subtype_inv_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @Top.pullback_iso_prod_subtype_inv_snd_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @Top.pullback_iso_prod_subtype_hom_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @Top.pullback_iso_prod_subtype_hom_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @Top.pullback_iso_prod_subtype_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @Top.pullback_topology /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @Top.range_pullback_to_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @Top.range_pullback_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i₂, i₁, g₂, g₁ -/ #check @Top.pullback_fst_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @Top.pullback_snd_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @Top.pullback_snd_image_fst_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, g, f -/ #check @Top.pullback_fst_image_snd_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, g, f -/ #check @Top.coinduced_of_is_colimit /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @Top.colimit_topology /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @Top.colimit_is_open_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, F -/ #check @Top.coequalizer_is_open_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, F -/ -- topology/category/Top/open_nhds.lean #check @topological_space.open_nhds.inclusion_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @topological_space.open_nhds.map_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, U, x, f -/ #check @topological_space.open_nhds.map_id_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @topological_space.open_nhds.map_id_obj' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, U, x -/ #check @topological_space.open_nhds.map_id_obj_unop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, x -/ #check @topological_space.open_nhds.op_map_id_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @topological_space.open_nhds.inclusion_map_iso_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @topological_space.open_nhds.inclusion_map_iso_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @is_open_map.functor_nhds_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, V, U, x, h -/ #check @is_open_map.functor_nhds_obj_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, x, h -/ -- topology/category/Top/opens.lean #check @topological_space.opens.inf_le_left_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, V, U -/ #check @topological_space.opens.inf_le_left_apply_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, x, V, U -/ #check @topological_space.opens.le_supr_apply_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: m, x, i, U -/ #check @topological_space.opens.to_Top_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @topological_space.opens.inclusion_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, U -/ #check @topological_space.opens.map_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, U, f -/ #check @topological_space.opens.map_id_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @topological_space.opens.map_id_obj' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, U -/ #check @topological_space.opens.map_id_obj_unop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @topological_space.opens.op_map_id_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @topological_space.opens.map_comp_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, g, f -/ #check @topological_space.opens.map_comp_obj' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, U, g, f -/ #check @topological_space.opens.map_comp_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, g, f -/ #check @topological_space.opens.map_comp_obj_unop /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, g, f -/ #check @topological_space.opens.op_map_comp_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, g, f -/ #check @topological_space.opens.map_supr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, f -/ #check @topological_space.opens.map_id_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, X -/ #check @topological_space.opens.map_id_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, X -/ #check @topological_space.opens.map_id_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @topological_space.opens.map_comp_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, g, f -/ #check @topological_space.opens.map_comp_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, g, f -/ #check @topological_space.opens.map_comp_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @topological_space.opens.map_iso_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @topological_space.opens.map_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, h, g, f -/ #check @topological_space.opens.map_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, h, g, f -/ #check @topological_space.opens.map_map_iso_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @topological_space.opens.map_map_iso_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @topological_space.opens.map_map_iso_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @topological_space.opens.map_map_iso_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H -/ #check @is_open_map.functor_map_down_down /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, V, U -/ #check @is_open_map.functor_obj_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @topological_space.opens.open_embedding_obj_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @topological_space.opens.inclusion_map_eq_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @topological_space.opens.inclusion_top_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ -- topology/category/TopCommRing.lean #check @TopCommRing.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ -- topology/category/UniformSpace.lean #check @UniformSpace.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @UniformSpace.coe_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @UniformSpace.coe_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @UniformSpace.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @CpltSepUniformSpace.coe_of /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @UniformSpace.completion_hom_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, X -/ #check @UniformSpace.extension_hom_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @UniformSpace.extension_comp_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- topology/compact_open.lean #check @continuous_map.nhds_compact_open_eq_Inf_nhds_induced /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_map.tendsto_compact_open_iff_forall /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, F -/ #check @continuous_map.exists_tendsto_compact_open_iff_forall /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @continuous_map.image_coev /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @continuous_map.curry_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a, f -/ #check @homeomorph.continuous_map_of_unique_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @homeomorph.continuous_map_of_unique_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- topology/compacts.lean #check @topological_space.positive_compacts_univ_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @topological_space.compacts.map_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @topological_space.compacts.equiv_to_fun_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K, f -/ -- topology/connected.lean #check @quotient_map.preimage_connected_component /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @quotient_map.image_connected_component /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @continuous.image_connected_component_eq_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @continuous.connected_components_lift_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @connected_components_preimage_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ -- topology/constructions.lean #check @mem_nhds_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, a, s -/ #check @nhds_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, s -/ #check @nhds_cofinite /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @nhds_swap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @prod_induced_induced /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @map_fst_nhds_within /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @map_fst_nhds /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @map_snd_nhds_within /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @map_snd_nhds /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @interior_prod_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @frontier_prod_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @frontier_prod_univ_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @frontier_univ_prod_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @set_pi_mem_nhds_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- topology/continuous_function/algebra.lean #check @continuous_map.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_map.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_map.add_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @continuous_map.mul_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f₂, f₁ -/ #check @continuous_map.coe_fn_add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x -/ #check @continuous_map.coe_fn_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x -/ #check @monoid_hom.comp_left_continuous_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, hg, g, α -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.comp_left_continuous_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, hg, g, α -/ #check @continuous_map.comp_add_monoid_hom'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @continuous_map.comp_monoid_hom'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @continuous_map.coe_pow /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, f -/ #check @continuous_map.pow_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, n, f -/ #check @continuous_map.coe_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @continuous_map.coe_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @continuous_map.prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, s -/ #check @continuous_map.sum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, s -/ #check @continuous_map.coe_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_map.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_map.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_map.coe_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_map.inv_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_map.neg_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_map.div_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @continuous_map.sub_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @ring_hom.comp_left_continuous_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, hg, g, α -/ #check @continuous_map.coe_fn_ring_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x -/ #check @continuous_map.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @continuous_map.smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, c -/ #check @continuous_map.smul_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, r -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.comp_left_continuous_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, g, α, R -/ #check @continuous_map.coe_fn_linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x -/ #check @continuous_map.C_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @alg_hom.comp_left_continuous_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, hg, g, R -/ #check @continuous_map.coe_fn_alg_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x -/ #check @algebra_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @continuous_map.inf_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_map.sup_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ -- topology/continuous_function/basic.lean #check @continuous_map.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @continuous_map.congr_arg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_map.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_map.equiv_fn_of_discrete_symm_apply_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @continuous_map.equiv_fn_of_discrete_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f, β, α -/ #check @continuous_map.id_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @continuous_map.comp_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_map.comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @continuous_map.id_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_map.comp_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_map.const_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @continuous_map.const_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @continuous_map.abs_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @continuous_map.sup_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_map.sup_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @continuous_map.inf_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @continuous_map.inf_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @continuous_map.sup'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f, H -/ #check @continuous_map.sup'_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, H -/ #check @continuous_map.inf'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, f, H -/ #check @continuous_map.inf'_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, H -/ #check @continuous_map.prod_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, g, f -/ #check @continuous_map.pi_eval /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @continuous_map.coe_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @continuous_map.coe_Icc_extend /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, h -/ #check @continuous_map.lift_cover_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @continuous_map.lift_cover_coe' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @homeomorph.to_continuous_map_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, e -/ -- topology/continuous_function/bounded.lean #check @bounded_continuous_function.coe_to_continuous_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.mk_of_compact_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.mk_of_discrete_to_continuous_map_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.mk_of_discrete_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.const_to_continuous_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, α -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.const_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, α -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.const_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.comp_continuous_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.comp_continuous_to_continuous_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.restrict_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.extend_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.extend_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.extend_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.extend_of_empty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.dist_extend_extend /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁, g₂, g₁, f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.forall_coe_zero_iff_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.add_comp_continuous /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, g, f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.coe_fn_add_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.to_continuous_map_add_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self, β, α -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.coe_sum /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, s -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.sum_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f, s -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.norm_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.norm_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.norm_eq_of_nonempty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.norm_const_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.coe_of_normed_group /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.coe_of_normed_group_discrete /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.coe_norm_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.norm_norm_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.norm_eq_supr_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.sub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, c -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.eval_clm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, x -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.to_continuous_map_linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: self, β, α -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.comp_left_continuous_bounded_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g, α -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.algebra_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.coe_star /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.star_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.coe_fn_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.coe_fn_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- topology/continuous_function/compact.lean #check @continuous_map.equiv_bounded_of_compact_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @continuous_map.equiv_bounded_of_compact_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @continuous_map.add_equiv_bounded_of_compact_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @continuous_map.add_equiv_bounded_of_compact_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @continuous_map.isometric_bounded_of_compact_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @continuous_map.isometric_bounded_of_compact_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @continuous_map.isometric_bounded_of_compact_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.dist_mk_of_compact /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.dist_to_continuous_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.norm_mk_of_compact /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @bounded_continuous_function.norm_to_continuous_map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_map.norm_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_map.norm_le_of_nonempty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_map.norm_lt_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_map.norm_lt_iff_of_nonempty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_map.norm_eq_supr_norm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_map.linear_isometry_bounded_of_compact_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_map.linear_isometry_bounded_of_compact_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.to_linear_comp_left_continuous_compact /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, X -/ #check @continuous_linear_map.comp_left_continuous_compact_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g, X -/ #check @continuous_map.comp_right_continuous_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, T -/ #check @continuous_map.comp_right_alg_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, R -/ -- topology/continuous_function/locally_constant.lean #check @locally_constant.to_continuous_map_add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @locally_constant.to_continuous_map_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @locally_constant.to_continuous_map_linear_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @locally_constant.to_continuous_map_alg_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ -- topology/continuous_function/polynomial.lean #check @polynomial.to_continuous_map_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @polynomial.to_continuous_map_on_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, X, p -/ #check @polynomial.aeval_continuous_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, g -/ #check @polynomial.to_continuous_map_alg_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @polynomial.to_continuous_map_on_alg_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, X -/ #check @polynomial_functions_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @polynomial_functions.comap'_comp_right_alg_hom_Icc_homeo_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- topology/continuous_function/stone_weierstrass.lean #check @continuous_map.attach_bound_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @continuous_map.polynomial_comp_attach_bound /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, A -/ -- topology/continuous_function/weierstrass.lean #check @polynomial_functions_closure_eq_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- topology/continuous_on.lean #check @nhds_within_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @nhds_within_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @nhds_within_restrict'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @nhds_within_restrict' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @nhds_within_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @nhds_within_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, a -/ #check @nhds_within_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, a -/ #check @nhds_within_inter' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, a -/ #check @nhds_within_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @nhds_within_insert /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a -/ #check @nhds_within_compl_singleton_sup_pure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @nhds_within_prod_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s, b, a -/ #check @nhds_within_pi_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @nhds_within_pi_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @nhds_within_pi_univ_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @map_nhds_within /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a, f -/ #check @principal_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @closure_pi_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, I -/ #check @nhds_within_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, a, s -/ #check @tendsto_nhds_within_iff_subtype /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, f -/ #check @continuous_within_at_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @continuous_within_at_iff_continuous_at_restrict /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_within_at_iff_ptendsto_res /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @embedding.map_nhds_within_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ #check @open_embedding.map_nhds_within_preimage_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s -/ -- topology/dense_embedding.lean #check @dense_inducing.nhds_eq_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @dense_inducing.extend_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @dense_inducing.extend_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @dense_embedding.subtype_emb_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e, p -/ -- topology/discrete_quotient.lean #check @discrete_quotient.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @discrete_quotient.fiber_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, S -/ #check @discrete_quotient.comap_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @discrete_quotient.comap_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: cont', cont, S -/ #check @discrete_quotient.of_le_refl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @discrete_quotient.of_le_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h2, h1 -/ #check @discrete_quotient.of_le_comp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, h2, h1 -/ #check @discrete_quotient.of_le_proj_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @discrete_quotient.map_proj_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @discrete_quotient.map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h2, h1 -/ #check @discrete_quotient.of_le_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, cond -/ #check @discrete_quotient.of_le_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, h, cond -/ #check @discrete_quotient.map_of_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, cond -/ #check @discrete_quotient.map_of_le_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, h, cond -/ #check @locally_constant.lift_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @locally_constant.factors /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- topology/extend_from.lean #check @extend_from_extends /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- topology/fiber_bundle.lean #check @topological_fiber_bundle.pretrivialization.coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle.pretrivialization.mem_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle.pretrivialization.mk_proj_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle.pretrivialization.mk_proj_snd' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle.pretrivialization.mem_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle.pretrivialization.preimage_symm_proj_base_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle.pretrivialization.preimage_symm_proj_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle.trivialization.coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle.trivialization.mem_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle.trivialization.mk_proj_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle.trivialization.mk_proj_snd' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle.trivialization.source_inter_preimage_target_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle.trivialization.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle.trivialization.mem_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @is_topological_fiber_bundle.map_proj_nhds /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle.trivialization.trans_fiber_homeomorph_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h, e -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle.trivialization.mk_coord_change /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle.trivialization.coord_change_apply_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂ -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle.trivialization.coord_change_same_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle.trivialization.coord_change_coord_change /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e₃, e₁ -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle.trivialization.coord_change_homeomorph_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle.trivialization.frontier_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle_core.mem_triv_change_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, j, i, Z -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle_core.mem_local_triv_as_local_equiv_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, i, Z -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle_core.mem_local_triv_as_local_equiv_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, i, Z -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle_core.local_triv_as_local_equiv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, i, Z -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle_core.local_triv_at_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, Z -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle_core.local_triv_as_local_equiv_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, Z -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle_core.local_triv_as_local_equiv_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, Z -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle_core.local_triv_as_local_equiv_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, Z -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle_core.local_triv_as_local_equiv_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, Z -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle_core.base_set_at /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, Z -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle_core.local_triv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, i, Z -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle_core.mem_local_triv_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, i, Z -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle_core.mem_local_triv_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, i, Z -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle_core.local_triv_symm_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, i, Z -/ #check @topological_fiber_bundle_core.local_triv_at_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, b -/ -- topology/gluing.lean #check @Top.glue_data.is_open_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, D -/ #check @Top.glue_data.ι_eq_iff_rel /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x, j, i, D -/ #check @Top.glue_data.image_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, D -/ #check @Top.glue_data.preimage_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, D -/ #check @Top.glue_data.preimage_image_eq_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, j, i, D -/ #check @Top.glue_data.preimage_image_eq_image' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, j, i, D -/ #check @Top.glue_data.mk_core.t_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @Top.glue_data.of_open_subsets_to_glue_data_f /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, U -/ #check @Top.glue_data.of_open_subsets_to_glue_data_V /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, U -/ #check @Top.glue_data.of_open_subsets_to_glue_data_t /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, U -/ #check @Top.glue_data.of_open_subsets_to_glue_data_U /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, U -/ #check @Top.glue_data.ι_from_open_subsets_glue /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, U -/ #check @Top.glue_data.ι_from_open_subsets_glue_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, U -/ #check @Top.glue_data.range_from_open_subsets_glue /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ -- topology/homeomorph.lean #check @homeomorph.homeomorph_mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @homeomorph.coe_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @homeomorph.refl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @homeomorph.trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, h₂, h₁ -/ #check @homeomorph.homeomorph_mk_coe_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @homeomorph.apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @homeomorph.symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @homeomorph.image_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @homeomorph.preimage_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @homeomorph.image_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @homeomorph.preimage_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @homeomorph.preimage_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, h -/ #check @homeomorph.image_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, h -/ #check @homeomorph.preimage_frontier /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, h -/ #check @homeomorph.map_nhds_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h -/ #check @homeomorph.symm_map_nhds_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @homeomorph.nhds_eq_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @homeomorph.comap_nhds_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, h -/ #check @homeomorph.comp_continuous_on_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, f -/ #check @homeomorph.comp_continuous_at_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @homeomorph.comp_continuous_at_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, h -/ #check @homeomorph.comp_continuous_within_at_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, s, f -/ #check @homeomorph.prod_congr_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁ -/ #check @homeomorph.coe_prod_congr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁ -/ #check @homeomorph.prod_comm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @homeomorph.coe_prod_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: β, α -/ #check @homeomorph.prod_punit_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @homeomorph.coe_punit_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @homeomorph.fun_unique_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, ι -/ #check @homeomorph.fun_unique_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, ι -/ #check @homeomorph.pi_fin_two_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @homeomorph.pi_fin_two_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @continuous.homeo_of_equiv_compact_to_t2_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @continuous.homeo_of_equiv_compact_to_t2_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ -- topology/homotopy/basic.lean #check @continuous_map.homotopy.apply_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy.apply_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy.coe_to_continuous_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy.curry_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, t, F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy.extend_apply_of_le_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy.extend_apply_of_one_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy.extend_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, t, F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy.extend_apply_of_mem_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy.congr_arg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy.refl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy.symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy.symm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy.trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, G, F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy.symm_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy.cast_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy.hcomp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, G, F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_with.apply_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_with.apply_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_with.coe_to_continuous_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_with.coe_to_homotopy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_with.refl_to_homotopy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_with.refl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_with.symm_to_homotopy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_with.symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_with.symm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_with.trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, G, F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_with.symm_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_with.cast_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_with.cast_to_homotopy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₁, h₀, F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_rel.refl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_rel.refl_to_homotopy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_rel.symm_to_homotopy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_rel.symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_rel.symm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_rel.trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, G, F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_rel.symm_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_rel.cast_to_homotopy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₁, h₀, F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_rel.cast_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, F -/ -- topology/homotopy/equiv.lean #check @continuous_map.homotopy_equiv.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_equiv.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @homeomorph.coe_to_homotopy_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_equiv.coe_inv_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_equiv.refl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_equiv.refl_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_equiv.trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, h₂, h₁ -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_equiv.trans_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, h₂, h₁ -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_equiv.symm_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₂, h₁ -/ #check @homeomorph.refl_to_homotopy_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @homeomorph.symm_to_homotopy_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @homeomorph.trans_to_homotopy_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₁, h₀ -/ -- topology/homotopy/fundamental_groupoid.lean #check @path.homotopy.trans_refl_reparam /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @path.homotopy.trans_assoc_reparam /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, q, p -/ #check @fundamental_groupoid.comp_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p, z, y, x -/ -- topology/homotopy/path.lean #check @path.homotopy.refl_to_homotopy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @path.homotopy.refl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, p -/ #check @path.homotopy.symm_to_homotopy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @path.homotopy.symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @path.homotopy.symm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @path.homotopy.trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, G, F -/ #check @path.homotopy.symm_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F -/ #check @path.homotopy.cast_to_homotopy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h₁, h₀, F -/ #check @path.homotopy.cast_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, F -/ #check @path.homotopy.hcomp_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, G, F -/ #check @path.homotopy.symm₂_to_homotopy_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @path.homotopy.symm₂_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, F -/ #check @path.homotopy.map_to_homotopy_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f, F -/ #check @path.homotopy.map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, f, F -/ #check @path.homotopic.comp_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P₁, P₀ -/ #check @path.homotopic.map_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, P₀ -/ -- topology/homotopy/product.lean #check @continuous_map.homotopy.pi_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, t, homotopies -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_rel.pi_to_homotopy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: homotopies -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_rel.pi_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, t, homotopies -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy.prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, G, F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_rel.prod_to_homotopy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: G, F -/ #check @continuous_map.homotopy_rel.prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, G, F -/ #check @path.homotopic.pi_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ -/ #check @path.homotopic.comp_pi_eq_pi_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ₁, γ₀ -/ #check @path.homotopic.proj_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: paths, i -/ #check @path.homotopic.pi_proj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @path.homotopic.prod_lift /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p₂, p₁ -/ #check @path.homotopic.comp_prod_eq_prod_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r₂, r₁, q₂, q₁ -/ #check @path.homotopic.proj_left_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q₁ -/ #check @path.homotopic.proj_right_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q₂ -/ #check @path.homotopic.prod_proj_left_proj_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ -- topology/instances/ennreal.lean #check @ennreal.tsum_sigma /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ennreal.tsum_sigma' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @ennreal.tsum_supr_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @ennreal.has_sum_iff_tendsto_nat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @ennreal.to_nnreal_apply_of_tsum_ne_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @has_sum_iff_tendsto_nat_of_nonneg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ #check @nhds_eq_nhds_emetric_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @emetric.diam_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @metric.diam_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @real.ediam_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @real.ediam_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @real.ediam_Ico /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @real.ediam_Ioc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ -- topology/instances/nnreal.lean #check @nnreal.coe_tsum_of_nonneg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf₁ -/ #check @nnreal.tsum_mul_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @nnreal.tsum_mul_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @nnreal.has_sum_nat_add_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: k -/ -- topology/instances/real.lean #check @rat.dist_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @rat.dist_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @int.dist_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @int.dist_cast_real /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @int.dist_cast_rat /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @int.preimage_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x -/ #check @int.preimage_closed_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x -/ #check @int.ball_eq_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x -/ #check @int.closed_ball_eq_Icc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x -/ -- topology/instances/real_vector_space.lean #check @add_monoid_hom.map_real_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, f -/ #check @add_monoid_hom.coe_to_real_linear_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- topology/is_locally_homeomorph.lean #check @is_locally_homeomorph.map_nhds_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- topology/list.lean #check @nhds_list /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: as -/ #check @nhds_cons /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: l, a -/ -- topology/local_homeomorph.lean #check @local_homeomorph.mk_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.mk_coe_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.inv_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.coe_coe_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.replace_equiv_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.nhds_within_source_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @local_homeomorph.nhds_within_target_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @local_homeomorph.image_eq_target_inter_inv_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.image_source_inter_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.image_source_inter_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.symm_image_eq_source_inter_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.symm_image_target_inter_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.source_inter_preimage_inv_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.target_inter_inv_preimage_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.source_inter_preimage_target_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.symm_to_local_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.symm_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.symm_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.symm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.map_nhds_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.map_nhds_within_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.map_nhds_within_preimage_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.is_image.restr_to_local_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @local_homeomorph.preimage_interior /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.preimage_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.preimage_frontier /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.restr_open_to_local_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.restr_open_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.restr_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.restr_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.restr_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.restr_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.restr_to_local_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.restr_source' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.restr_to_local_equiv' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.restr_source_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.refl_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @local_homeomorph.refl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @local_homeomorph.refl_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @local_homeomorph.of_set_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @local_homeomorph.of_set_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @local_homeomorph.of_set_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @local_homeomorph.of_set_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hs -/ #check @local_homeomorph.trans_to_local_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.coe_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.coe_trans_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.trans_symm_eq_symm_trans_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.trans_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.trans_source' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.trans_source'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.image_trans_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.trans_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.trans_target' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.trans_target'' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.inv_image_trans_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.trans_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e'', e', e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.trans_refl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.refl_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.trans_of_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.trans_of_set' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.of_set_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.of_set_trans' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.of_set_trans_of_set /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hs', hs -/ #check @local_homeomorph.restr_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e', e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.eq_on_source_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.prod_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.prod_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, e', e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.prod_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.prod_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.prod_to_local_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.prod_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.prod_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', e', f, e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.piecewise_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e', e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.piecewise_to_local_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H', H, t, s, e', e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.symm_piecewise /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Heq, Hs, H', H, e', e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.pi_to_local_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ei -/ #check @local_homeomorph.to_homeomorph_of_source_eq_univ_target_eq_univ_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.to_homeomorph_of_source_eq_univ_target_eq_univ_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @homeomorph.to_local_homeomorph_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @homeomorph.to_local_homeomorph_coe_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @homeomorph.symm_to_local_homeomorph /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @homeomorph.trans_to_local_homeomorph /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e', e -/ #check @open_embedding.to_local_homeomorph_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @open_embedding.to_local_homeomorph_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @topological_space.opens.local_homeomorph_subtype_coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @topological_space.opens.local_homeomorph_subtype_coe_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @topological_space.opens.local_homeomorph_subtype_coe_target /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @local_homeomorph.subtype_restr_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.subtype_restr_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ #check @local_homeomorph.subtype_restr_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, e -/ -- topology/locally_constant/algebra.lean #check @locally_constant.coe_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @locally_constant.coe_neg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @locally_constant.neg_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @locally_constant.inv_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @locally_constant.coe_add /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @locally_constant.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @locally_constant.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @locally_constant.mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @locally_constant.coe_fn_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x -/ #check @locally_constant.coe_fn_add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, x -/ #check @locally_constant.const_add_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @locally_constant.const_monoid_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @locally_constant.coe_div /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @locally_constant.coe_sub /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @locally_constant.div_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @locally_constant.sub_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f -/ #check @locally_constant.const_ring_hom_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @locally_constant.coe_smul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, r -/ #check @locally_constant.smul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, r -/ #check @locally_constant.coe_algebra_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r -/ -- topology/locally_constant/basic.lean #check @is_locally_constant.iff_exists_open /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @is_locally_constant.iff_eventually_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @is_locally_constant.iff_continuous /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @is_locally_constant.iff_continuous_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @locally_constant.to_fun_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @locally_constant.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @locally_constant.congr_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @locally_constant.congr_arg /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @locally_constant.to_continuous_map_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @locally_constant.coe_continuous_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @locally_constant.coe_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @locally_constant.apply_eq_of_is_preconnected /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @locally_constant.apply_eq_of_preconnected_space /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @locally_constant.eq_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @locally_constant.map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @locally_constant.map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @locally_constant.unflip_flip /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @locally_constant.flip_unflip /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @locally_constant.coe_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @locally_constant.comap_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @locally_constant.coe_desc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- topology/maps.lean #check @inducing.nhds_eq_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @inducing.map_nhds_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @inducing.map_nhds_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @inducing.closure_eq_preimage_closure_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @embedding.map_nhds_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @embedding.map_nhds_of_mem /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @embedding.closure_eq_preimage_closure_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @is_open_map.preimage_interior_eq_interior_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @is_open_map.preimage_closure_eq_closure_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @is_open_map.preimage_frontier_eq_frontier_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @open_embedding.map_nhds_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @open_embedding_iff_open_embedding_compose /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @closed_embedding.closure_image_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- topology/metric_space/basic.lean #check @dist_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @edist_dist /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @nndist_edist /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @edist_nndist /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @coe_nnreal_ennreal_nndist /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @dist_nndist /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @coe_nndist /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @nndist_dist /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @nndist_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @dist_edist /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @metric.ball_eq_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, ε -/ #check @metric.ball_eq_ball' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, ε -/ #check @real.dist_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real.nndist_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real.nndist_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real.dist_0_eq_abs /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @real.ball_eq_Ioo /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x -/ #check @real.Ioo_eq_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @real.Icc_eq_closed_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @subtype.pseudo_dist_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @nnreal.dist_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nnreal.nndist_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nnreal.nndist_zero_eq_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @nnreal.nndist_zero_eq_val' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: z -/ #check @ball_prod_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, y, x -/ #check @closed_ball_prod_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, y, x -/ #check @nhds_comap_dist /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @nndist_pi_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @dist_pi_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @dist_pi_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @nndist_pi_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @ball_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @ball_pi' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x -/ #check @closed_ball_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @closed_ball_pi' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x -/ #check @fin.nndist_insert_nth_insert_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, y, x, i -/ #check @fin.dist_insert_nth_insert_nth /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, y, x, i -/ #check @subtype.dist_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @pseudo_metric_quot_dist_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ -- topology/metric_space/completion.lean #check @metric.completion.dist_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @metric.completion.dist_comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @metric.completion.mem_uniformity_dist /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ -- topology/metric_space/contracting.lean #check @contracting_with.efixed_point_eq_of_edist_lt_top /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hf -/ -- topology/metric_space/emetric_space.lean #check @subtype.edist_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @prod.edist_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @edist_pi_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f -/ #check @edist_pi_const /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @emetric.ball_prod_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, y, x -/ #check @emetric.closed_ball_prod_same /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, y, x -/ #check @emetric.diam_Union_mem_option /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, o -/ -- topology/metric_space/gluing.lean #check @metric.glue_dist_glued_points /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ε -/ #check @metric.to_glue_commute /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hΨ, hΦ -/ #check @metric.inductive_limit_dist_eq_dist /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @metric.to_inductive_limit_commute /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n, I -/ -- topology/metric_space/gromov_hausdorff.lean #check @Gromov_Hausdorff.GH_space.to_GH_space_rep /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p -/ #check @Gromov_Hausdorff.dist_GH_dist /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: q, p -/ -- topology/metric_space/hausdorff_dimension.lean #check @dimH_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @dimH_Union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @dimH_bUnion /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @dimH_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @bsupr_limsup_dimH /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @supr_limsup_dimH /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @isometry.dimH_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @isometric.dimH_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @isometric.dimH_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.dimH_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @continuous_linear_equiv.dimH_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @real.dimH_univ_pi /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ι -/ #check @real.dimH_univ_pi_fin /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: n -/ #check @real.dimH_univ_eq_finrank /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ -- topology/metric_space/hausdorff_distance.lean #check @emetric.Hausdorff_edist_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @metric.thickening_eq_preimage_inf_edist /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E, δ -/ #check @metric.mem_thickening_iff_exists_edist_lt /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, E -/ #check @metric.mem_thickening_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, E -/ #check @metric.thickening_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, δ -/ #check @metric.cthickening_eq_preimage_inf_edist /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E, δ -/ #check @metric.cthickening_of_nonpos /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ #check @metric.cthickening_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ #check @metric.cthickening_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @metric.cthickening_eq_Inter_cthickening' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ #check @metric.cthickening_eq_Inter_cthickening /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ #check @metric.cthickening_eq_Inter_thickening' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ #check @metric.cthickening_eq_Inter_thickening /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ #check @metric.closure_eq_Inter_cthickening' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ #check @metric.closure_eq_Inter_cthickening /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ #check @metric.closure_eq_Inter_thickening' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ #check @metric.closure_eq_Inter_thickening /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: E -/ -- topology/metric_space/isometry.lean #check @isometry.edist_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @isometry.dist_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @isometry.ediam_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @isometry.diam_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @isometric.coe_eq_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, h -/ #check @isometric.coe_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @isometric.edist_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @isometric.dist_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @isometric.ediam_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @isometric.trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h₂, h₁ -/ #check @isometric.symm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @isometric.apply_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y -/ #check @isometric.symm_apply_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @isometric.symm_apply_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @isometric.eq_symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @isometric.image_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @isometric.preimage_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @isometric.symm_trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h₂, h₁ -/ #check @isometric.ediam_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @isometric.preimage_emetric_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x, h -/ #check @isometric.preimage_emetric_closed_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x, h -/ #check @isometric.image_emetric_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x, h -/ #check @isometric.image_emetric_closed_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x, h -/ #check @isometric.to_homeomorph_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @isometric.coe_to_homeomorph /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @isometric.coe_to_homeomorph_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @isometric.coe_mul /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e₂, e₁ -/ #check @isometric.mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e₂, e₁ -/ #check @isometric.inv_apply_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @isometric.apply_inv_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @isometric.diam_image /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @isometric.diam_preimage /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @isometric.preimage_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x, h -/ #check @isometric.preimage_sphere /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x, h -/ #check @isometric.preimage_closed_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x, h -/ #check @isometric.image_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x, h -/ #check @isometric.image_sphere /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x, h -/ #check @isometric.image_closed_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: r, x, h -/ #check @isometry.isometric_on_range_to_equiv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h -/ #check @isometry.isometric_on_range_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- topology/metric_space/kuratowski.lean #check @Kuratowski_embedding.embedding_of_subset_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, x -/ -- topology/opens.lean #check @topological_space.opens.val_eq_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @topological_space.opens.inter_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, U -/ #check @topological_space.opens.union_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, U -/ #check @topological_space.opens.supr_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @topological_space.opens.supr_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, s -/ #check @topological_space.opens.supr_s /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @topological_space.opens.not_nonempty_iff_eq_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @topological_space.opens.ne_bot_iff_nonempty /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @topological_space.opens.coe_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, f -/ #check @topological_space.opens.comap_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, f -/ #check @topological_space.opens.comap_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, g -/ #check @topological_space.opens.comap_comap /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, f, g -/ -- topology/order.lean #check @topological_space.nhds_mk_of_nhds /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, n -/ #check @topological_space.nhds_mk_of_nhds_filter_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, B -/ #check @generate_from_set_of_is_open /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t -/ #check @nhds_bot /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @nhds_discrete /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @le_iff_nhds /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t', t -/ #check @nhds_adjoint_nhds /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, a -/ #check @le_nhds_adjoint_iff' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, f, a -/ #check @le_nhds_adjoint_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, f, a -/ #check @mem_nhds_induced /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, a, f -/ #check @nhds_induced /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, f -/ #check @induced_iff_nhds_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @map_nhds_induced_of_surjective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @map_nhds_induced_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @generate_from_union /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a₂, a₁ -/ #check @set_of_is_open_sup /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t₂, t₁ -/ #check @generate_from_union_is_open /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @generate_from_Union_is_open /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @generate_from_inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @generate_from_Inter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @generate_from_Inter_of_generate_from_eq_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- topology/partition_of_unity.lean #check @bump_covering.coe_single /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i -/ #check @bump_covering.to_pou_fun_eq_mul_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, f -/ #check @bump_covering.sum_to_pou_fun_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ #check @bump_covering.to_partition_of_unity_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, f -/ #check @bump_covering.to_partition_of_unity_eq_mul_prod /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, f -/ #check @bump_covering.sum_to_partition_of_unity_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f -/ -- topology/path_connected.lean #check @path.coe_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @path.coe_to_continuous_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ -/ #check @path.refl_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @path.symm_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, γ -/ #check @path.symm_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ -/ #check @path.extend_extends /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ -/ #check @path.extend_extends' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, γ -/ #check @path.extend_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ -/ #check @path.trans_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, γ', γ -/ #check @path.trans_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ', γ -/ #check @path.trans_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ₂, γ₁ -/ #check @path.map_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ -/ #check @path.map_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, γ -/ #check @path.map_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, γ', γ -/ #check @path.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ -/ #check @path.map_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hg, hf, γ -/ #check @path.symm_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hb, ha, γ -/ #check @path.trans_cast /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hc, ha, γ', γ -/ #check @path.cast_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ -/ #check @path.prod_coe_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ₂, γ₁ -/ #check @path.trans_prod_eq_prod_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: δ₂, γ₂, δ₁, γ₁ -/ #check @path.pi_coe_fn /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ -/ #check @path.trans_pi_eq_pi_trans /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ₁, γ₀ -/ #check @path.add_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, γ₂, γ₁ -/ #check @path.mul_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, γ₂, γ₁ -/ #check @path.truncate_self /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, γ -/ #check @path.truncate_zero_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ -/ #check @path.truncate_one_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ -/ #check @path.truncate_zero_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ -/ #check @path.coe_to_fun /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ -/ #check @path.reparam_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ -/ #check @path.range_reparam /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: γ -/ #check @path_component_in_univ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- topology/separation.lean #check @separated.comm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, s -/ #check @t0_space_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @t0_space_iff_distinguishable /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @indistinguishable_iff_closed /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @indistinguishable_iff_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @subtype_indistinguishable_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @t0_space_iff_or_not_mem_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @ne.nhds_within_diff_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @is_open_iff_ultrafilter' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @continuous.lim_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @Lim_nhds /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @lim_nhds_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @is_preirreducible_iff_subsingleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @is_irreducible_iff_singleton /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: S -/ #check @connected_component_eq_Inter_clopen /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ -- topology/sheaves/forget.lean #check @Top.presheaf.is_sheaf_iff_is_sheaf_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ -- topology/sheaves/functors.lean #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_pairwise_intersections.map_diagram /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- topology/sheaves/local_predicate.lean #check @Top.continuous_prelocal_pred /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, U, T, X -/ #check @Top.subpresheaf_to_Types_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, P -/ #check @Top.subpresheaf_to_Types_map_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, i, V, U, P -/ #check @Top.subsheaf_to_Types_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: P -/ #check @Top.stalk_to_fiber_germ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, x, U, P -/ -- topology/sheaves/presheaf.lean #check @Top.presheaf.pushforward_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, ℱ, f -/ #check @Top.presheaf.pushforward_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, ℱ, f -/ #check @Top.presheaf.pushforward_eq' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ℱ -/ #check @Top.presheaf.pushforward_eq_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, ℱ, h -/ #check @Top.presheaf.pushforward_eq'_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, ℱ, h -/ #check @Top.presheaf.pushforward_eq_rfl /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, ℱ, f -/ #check @Top.presheaf.pushforward_eq_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ℱ -/ #check @Top.presheaf.pushforward.id_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ℱ -/ #check @Top.presheaf.pushforward.id_hom_app' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, U, ℱ -/ #check @Top.presheaf.pushforward.id_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, ℱ -/ #check @Top.presheaf.pushforward.id_inv_app' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, U, ℱ -/ #check @Top.presheaf.pushforward.comp_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, ℱ -/ #check @Top.presheaf.pushforward.comp_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, g, f, ℱ -/ #check @Top.presheaf.pushforward.comp_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, g, f, ℱ -/ #check @Top.presheaf.pushforward_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, α, f -/ #check @Top.presheaf.pullback_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, y, x, ℱ, f -/ #check @Top.presheaf.pullback_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, ℱ, f -/ #check @Top.presheaf.pullback_obj_obj_of_image_open_inv /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, U, ℱ, f -/ #check @Top.presheaf.pullback_obj_obj_of_image_open_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: H, U, ℱ, f -/ #check @Top.presheaf.pullback.id_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, ℱ -/ #check @Top.presheaf.pushforward_map_app' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α, f, C -/ #check @Top.presheaf.id_pushforward /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: C -/ #check @Top.presheaf.presheaf_equiv_of_iso_counit_iso_inv_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X, H, C -/ #check @Top.presheaf.presheaf_equiv_of_iso_functor_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α, H, G, H, C -/ #check @Top.presheaf.presheaf_equiv_of_iso_inverse_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G, H, C -/ #check @Top.presheaf.presheaf_equiv_of_iso_inverse_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, α, H, G, H, C -/ #check @Top.presheaf.presheaf_equiv_of_iso_inverse_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x, G, H, C -/ #check @Top.presheaf.presheaf_equiv_of_iso_functor_obj_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, G, H, C -/ #check @Top.presheaf.presheaf_equiv_of_iso_counit_iso_hom_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X, H, C -/ #check @Top.presheaf.presheaf_equiv_of_iso_functor_obj_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, _x, _x, G, H, C -/ #check @Top.presheaf.presheaf_equiv_of_iso_unit_iso_inv_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X, H, C -/ #check @Top.presheaf.presheaf_equiv_of_iso_unit_iso_hom_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, X, H, C -/ #check @Top.presheaf.to_pushforward_of_iso_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, H₂, H₁ -/ #check @Top.presheaf.pushforward_to_of_iso_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, H₂, H₁ -/ #check @Top.presheaf.pullback_map_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, X', X, f, C -/ #check @Top.presheaf.pullback_obj_eq_pullback_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ℱ, f -/ #check @Top.presheaf.pushforward_pullback_adjunction_unit_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, X, f, C -/ #check @Top.presheaf.pushforward_pullback_adjunction_counit_app_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, Y, f, C -/ -- topology/sheaves/presheaf_of_functions.lean #check @Top.presheaf_to_Types_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @Top.presheaf_to_Types_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @Top.presheaf_to_Type_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @Top.presheaf_to_Type_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @Top.presheaf_to_Top_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, T, X -/ -- topology/sheaves/sheaf.lean #check @Top.sheaf.id_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, F, X, C -/ #check @Top.sheaf.comp_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: t, g, f, X, C -/ -- topology/sheaves/sheaf_condition/equalizer_products.lean #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_equalizer_products.res_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_equalizer_products.res_π_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_equalizer_products.w /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_equalizer_products.w_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_equalizer_products.fork_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_equalizer_products.fork_ι /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_equalizer_products.fork_π_app_walking_parallel_pair_zero /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_equalizer_products.fork_π_app_walking_parallel_pair_one /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, F -/ -- topology/sheaves/sheaf_condition/opens_le_cover.lean #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition.pairwise_to_opens_le_cover_obj_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: ᾰ, U -/ #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition.pairwise_to_opens_le_cover_map_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, W, V, U -/ #check @Top.presheaf.is_sheaf_opens_le_cover_iff_is_sheaf_pairwise_intersections /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.is_sheaf_iff_is_sheaf_opens_le_cover /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ -- topology/sheaves/sheaf_condition/pairwise_intersections.lean #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_pairwise_intersections.cone_equiv_functor_obj_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Z, c, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_pairwise_intersections.cone_equiv_functor_obj_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_pairwise_intersections.cone_equiv_functor_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c', c, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_pairwise_intersections.cone_equiv_functor_obj_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_pairwise_intersections.cone_equiv_inverse_obj_π_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_pairwise_intersections.cone_equiv_inverse_obj_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_pairwise_intersections.cone_equiv_inverse_obj_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_pairwise_intersections.cone_equiv_inverse_map_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, c', c, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_pairwise_intersections.cone_equiv_unit_iso_app_hom_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_pairwise_intersections.cone_equiv_unit_iso_app_inv_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_pairwise_intersections.cone_equiv_unit_iso_hom_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_pairwise_intersections.cone_equiv_unit_iso_inv_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_pairwise_intersections.cone_equiv_counit_iso_hom_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_pairwise_intersections.cone_equiv_counit_iso_inv_app_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_pairwise_intersections.cone_equiv_inverse_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_pairwise_intersections.cone_equiv_unit_iso_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_pairwise_intersections.cone_equiv_functor_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.sheaf_condition_pairwise_intersections.cone_equiv_counit_iso_2 /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.is_sheaf_iff_is_sheaf_pairwise_intersections /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.is_sheaf_iff_is_sheaf_preserves_limit_pairwise_intersections /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @Top.sheaf.inter_union_pullback_cone_X /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, U, F -/ #check @Top.sheaf.inter_union_pullback_cone_fst /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, U, F -/ #check @Top.sheaf.inter_union_pullback_cone_snd /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: V, U, F -/ #check @Top.sheaf.inter_union_pullback_cone_lift_left /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, V, U, F -/ #check @Top.sheaf.inter_union_pullback_cone_lift_right /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, V, U, F -/ -- topology/sheaves/sheaf_condition/sites.lean #check @Top.presheaf.covering_of_presieve_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, R, U -/ #check @Top.presheaf.covering_of_presieve.supr_eq_of_mem_grothendieck /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U -/ #check @Top.presheaf.covering_of_presieve.first_obj_iso_pi_opens_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, R, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.covering_of_presieve.second_obj_iso_pi_inters_π /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: g, f, R, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.covering_of_presieve.fork_map_comp_first_obj_iso_pi_opens_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.covering_of_presieve.first_obj_iso_comp_left_res_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.covering_of_presieve.first_obj_iso_comp_right_res_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: R, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.covering_of_presieve.diagram_nat_iso_inv_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, R, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.covering_of_presieve.diagram_nat_iso_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, R, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.covering_of_presieve.postcompose_diagram_fork_hom_hom /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hR, R, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.presieve_of_covering.index_of_hom_spec /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, U -/ #check @Top.presheaf.presieve_of_covering.fork_ι_comp_pi_opens_to_first_obj_to_pi_opens_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.presieve_of_covering.pi_opens_to_first_obj_comp_fist_map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.presieve_of_covering.pi_opens_to_first_obj_comp_second_map_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.presieve_of_covering.fork_map_comp_first_map_to_pi_opens_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.presieve_of_covering.res_comp_pi_opens_to_first_obj_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.is_sheaf_sites_iff_is_sheaf_spaces /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.Sheaf_sites_to_sheaf_spaces_obj_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, X, C -/ #check @Top.presheaf.Sheaf_sites_to_sheaf_spaces_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, G, F, X, C -/ #check @Top.presheaf.Sheaf_spaces_to_sheaf_sites_map_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @Top.presheaf.Sheaf_spaces_to_sheaf_sites_obj_val /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F, X, C -/ #check @Top.presheaf.Sheaf_spaces_equiv_sheaf_sites_inverse /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @Top.presheaf.Sheaf_spaces_equiv_sheaf_sites_unit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @Top.presheaf.Sheaf_spaces_equiv_sheaf_sites_functor /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @Top.presheaf.Sheaf_spaces_equiv_sheaf_sites_counit_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X, C -/ #check @Top.opens.cover_dense_iff_is_basis /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: B -/ #check @Top.sheaf.extend_hom_app /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: i, α, F', F -/ -- topology/sheaves/sheaf_condition/unique_gluing.lean #check @Top.presheaf.compatible_iff_left_res_eq_right_res /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: sf, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.is_gluing_iff_eq_res /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s, sf, U, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.is_sheaf_iff_is_sheaf_unique_gluing_types /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.is_sheaf_iff_is_sheaf_unique_gluing /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ -- topology/sheaves/stalks.lean #check @Top.presheaf.stalk_functor_obj /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, ℱ -/ #check @Top.presheaf.germ_res /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, i, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.germ_res_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, x, i, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.stalk_functor_map_germ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, x, U -/ #check @Top.presheaf.stalk_functor_map_germ_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', f, x, U -/ #check @Top.presheaf.stalk_functor_map_germ_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, f, x, U -/ #check @Top.presheaf.stalk_pushforward_germ_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, x, U, F, f, C -/ #check @Top.presheaf.stalk_pushforward_germ_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', x, U, F, f, C -/ #check @Top.presheaf.stalk_pushforward_germ /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, U, F, f, C -/ #check @Top.presheaf.stalk_pushforward.id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, ℱ, C -/ #check @Top.presheaf.stalk_pushforward.comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, g, f, ℱ, C -/ #check @Top.presheaf.germ_stalk_specializes_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.germ_stalk_specializes /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.germ_stalk_specializes_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.germ_stalk_specializes' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: hy, h, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.germ_stalk_specializes'_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', hy, h, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.germ_stalk_specializes'_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, hy, h, F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.stalk_specializes_stalk_functor_map_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h, f -/ #check @Top.presheaf.stalk_specializes_stalk_functor_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, f -/ #check @Top.presheaf.stalk_specializes_stalk_functor_map_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, f -/ #check @Top.presheaf.stalk_specializes_stalk_pushforward_assoc /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f', h, F, f -/ #check @Top.presheaf.stalk_specializes_stalk_pushforward /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: h, F, f -/ #check @Top.presheaf.stalk_specializes_stalk_pushforward_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, h, F, f -/ #check @Top.presheaf.germ_ext /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: F -/ #check @Top.presheaf.app_injective_iff_stalk_functor_map_injective /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @Top.presheaf.is_iso_iff_stalk_functor_map_iso /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- topology/shrinking_lemma.lean #check @shrinking_lemma.partial_refinement.ext_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ -- topology/sober.lean #check @specializes_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @indistinguishable_iff_specializes_and /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, x -/ #check @quasi_sober_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @generic_point_closure /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ -- topology/stone_cech.lean #check @ultrafilter_extend_extends /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- topology/subset_properties.lean #check @Union_compact_covering /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @compact_exhaustion.mem_iff_find_le /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: K -/ #check @compact_exhaustion.find_shiftr /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, K -/ #check @irreducible_space_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ -- topology/uniform_space/absolute_value.lean #check @is_absolute_value.mem_uniformity /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: abv -/ -- topology/uniform_space/abstract_completion.lean #check @abstract_completion.closure_range /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pkg -/ #check @abstract_completion.extend_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pkg -/ #check @abstract_completion.extend_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @abstract_completion.map_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, pkg' -/ #check @abstract_completion.map_id /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pkg -/ #check @abstract_completion.extend_map /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pkg -/ #check @abstract_completion.map_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pkg'', pkg -/ #check @abstract_completion.compare_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, pkg' -/ #check @abstract_completion.inverse_compare /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: pkg' -/ #check @abstract_completion.extension₂_coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @abstract_completion.map₂_coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, b, a, pkg'' -/ -- topology/uniform_space/basic.lean #check @uniform_space.to_core_to_topological_space /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @uniform_space.of_core_eq_to_core /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @uniform_space.replace_topology_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: u -/ #check @closure_eq_uniformity /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @filter.has_basis.bInter_bUnion_ball /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @uniform_continuous₂_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @uniform_continuous₂_curry /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ -- topology/uniform_space/compact_convergence.lean #check @continuous_map.mem_compact_convergence_nhd_filter /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: Y, f -/ #check @continuous_map.nhds_compact_convergence /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_map.tendsto_iff_forall_compact_tendsto_uniformly_on' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f -/ #check @continuous_map.mem_compact_convergence_uniformity /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ #check @continuous_map.mem_compact_convergence_entourage_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: X -/ -- topology/uniform_space/completion.lean #check @Cauchy.extend_pure_cauchy /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @uniform_space.completion.coe_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @uniform_space.completion.comap_coe_eq_uniformity /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @uniform_space.completion.nonempty_completion_iff /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ #check @uniform_space.completion.extension_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @uniform_space.completion.map_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @uniform_space.completion.extension₂_coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @uniform_space.completion.map₂_coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: f, b, a -/ -- topology/uniform_space/pi.lean #check @Pi.uniformity /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: α -/ -- topology/uniform_space/separation.lean #check @is_separated_def /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @is_separated_def' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: s -/ #check @uniform_space.separation_quotient.lift_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ #check @uniform_space.separation_quotient.map_mk /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a -/ -- topology/uniform_space/uniform_embedding.lean #check @uniformly_extend_of_ind /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b -/ -- topology/unit_interval.lean #check @unit_interval.symm_symm /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @unit_interval.coe_symm_eq /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x -/ #check @affine_homeomorph_image_I /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: b, a -/ #check @Icc_homeo_I_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, b, a -/ #check @Icc_homeo_I_symm_apply_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, b, a -/ -- topology/urysohns_lemma.lean #check @urysohns.CU.left_C /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @urysohns.CU.right_U /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: c -/ #check @urysohns.CU.lim_eq_midpoint /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, c -/ -- topology/vector_bundle.lean #check @topological_vector_bundle.trivialization.mem_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @topological_vector_bundle.trivialization.coe_coe /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: e -/ #check @topological_vector_bundle.trivialization.continuous_linear_equiv_at_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: y, b, e -/ #check @topological_vector_bundle.trivialization.continuous_linear_equiv_at_apply' /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, e -/ #check @topological_vector_bundle_core.coord_change_linear_comp /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: x, k, i, Z -/ #check @topological_vector_bundle_core.mem_triv_change_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, j, i, Z -/ #check @topological_vector_bundle_core.coe_cord_change /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: j, i, b, Z -/ #check @topological_vector_bundle_core.mem_local_triv_source /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: p, i, Z -/ #check @topological_vector_bundle_core.local_triv_at_apply /- The following varibles are used on both sides of an equality or iff and should be made implicit: a, b -/